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how about drinking?



  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


    Sorry to hear things are not improving for Steve. We will continue our prayers for him and his family and also for your family and your DH while he travels.

    HI Sue! My little girl used to go by Maddie, but now she say she doesn't like that and that her name is Madolyn. She is 9. Heaven help Cami Say they get moody!

    Hi Cami and everyone else!

    Hi Dork, You sound better. Your PS is a !@#@$@#%$%#@$@#! I am glad they are doing cultures though because then they can get the right Auntie B for what grows where it not supposed to. Waiting stinks, but it will be worth it.

    I spent all day chasing me moths and trowing all our food away. I on a roll, I come after your stank bugz next. Speekin of, I have a friend from CT and she say the bugs she sees here are the same stinkin bugz they had there. She tell me that if she fills a bucket with hot water and Clorox Clean-up stuff they dive in and commit suicide. Don't know if dat halp you or not.

    Have a good night all.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013 sound good...hope you are feeling good...when will you get the pathology words to describe the PS!!!! it you with the mold problems? hope things get resolved soon.....

    Tired tonight.....falling asleep at the computer.....should go to bed early!!.. well, early is relative as its 10:20......but if I go to bed now, I'll be up at 4am!!!

    Going to go back and read.....Sweet dreams...and before then....cheers!!!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Oh dang Dorkable! That PS should be banned from working on women! I bet he is feeling real guilty about what he has caused you to suffer and that is why he seems so uppity. But I understand how you feel's all so wrong!

    Oh Kathy I'm so sorry to hear that your BIL is not doing so well.......prayers being sent for sure.

    Cyn what's happening with your ceiling leaks and the mold problem? Sure hope you can get some joy from your landlord on getting it sorted and quick smart.

    My ears are all stuffed up and there is pressure on my inner ear so I've got the do just fine when sitting but moving is another like I've spent a wee bit too much time at the bar and doing the elbow bend exercise!

    Take care all!

    Love n hugs. Chrissy

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Wahine...I am praying for Steve . Im sorry (yeah I said it) that you have so much to deal with . All of you women impress me with the amount of shit you take and keep on going with your great sense of humor and great attitudes.

    I love you all so much.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! How is everyone this ayem? I think I went to bed at 7 peem last night, actually woke up a few minutes before the alarms started (yes, I have 2), and actually feel like I have some energy today. This is a very good thing!

    Wahine--I am so glad you cancelled with the first PS and found a good one. It is so important to feel comfortable with and confident in the docs we hire. I like the "6-squared" age, very cute! And thanks for the Becs update.

    ORLA--docs have to find something to test, they don't know how to handle people who are essentially healthy. Just humor him. If you're drinking a lot of beer, of course you're peeing a lot!

    DorKable--good advice for ORLA! And sweet of you to share your knowledge. Good luck at Dr TinyDick PS appointment!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Wahine--praying for DH's brother.

    DorKable--ok, your PS is an idiot, and stupid to boot.

    Woops, time for work. Gotta go!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Good Morning gals.
    Well Dork U had a full app't buy why did that "bandaid" fall off. WTF Now u change dem 2 x a day--Oh isn't it hard to do by u'rself> Oh I wish I could help u and more importantly I wish NM lived by u--u'd be fine by now. I know cultures take longer but they shoukd be about ready tomorree--Oh u'r pukas I'm so sorry--Yes I said it too,
    Chrissy u stay still today u've been so busy for so long now it's u;r turn to stay relax to get the dizzy out of u.
    Karen it's Cyn wid the mold, altho I personally probably have it--dis body is old.
    Kat I didn't read about u'r BIL, I will pray for him too and safe travels for u'r DH.
    NM I hope u have a good day.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    NM..if I went to bed at 7,I'd be up by 1 or 2 am......glad that you were able to sleep through the night and feel rested....I set my alarm but almost always am awake before it goes off... are you feeling today

    Kathy....glad that your DH is going to his brother's...what a hard time....

    Chrissy.....time to put your feet up and some R and R for you girl!!! are you doing this morning....can you get a home health nurse to come in and help to the dressing changes? hope you get the results of the cultures today.. are you doing? how is school? how are you feeling? the drain out yet?

    Cyndie....any update on the mold and what they are going to do?

    Mema.....nice to see you....

    Lori...are you still travelling?

    Okay...who am I missing? can go back to the last page or I'll lose this post.......don't mean to leave anyone out......

    Stayed in bed till love not getting up sooo early....but its almost 6:30 and its dark out!!!! Going to do some things in the house before I clean the bathrooms and sweep the need to get going.....have the morning to myself....YEAH!!!...and then this afternoon, I'm doing a Komen education table t Macys for a Wacol event.....

    Have a great day and bbl

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
    Ok dork you are home this PS poof I just ran him over with my bike
    Cam whats on today
    Hi Karen school is good. A average but a lot of work.
    I was just debating with a professor about ciations on papers
    I might teach as an adjunct not sure looking now. It pays zero
    Im having a hard time adjusting to everything 4 months is still not enough time to wrap it all in my head
    Ok I am in the chapel again prayers for kat
    Cyn that leak looks bad keep us posted
    mema jjeez how r u
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
    I also stuck that guaze up his butt the one that was on the floor
  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Good Morning Loungettes!

    Hope everyone has a fabulous day!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Karen I'm doing all right--my electrolytes still low but better, and I'm always fooling around with Drs.they keep passing me off to more specialists and I just go and meet new people--so another one comes Monday, ugh.

    Lara nothing much is on today, but I have to watch as much as I can that I have taped today--tomorrow we're getting AT&T--supoosedly cheaper--so I have to start my DVRing all over again--so I need to watch what I really want today. LOL

    OH Joey has a testtoday that Leslie wouldn't let me help him (bitch) it's obout government and constitution I said this is something I know and she said he's not learning u'r way in school, but I'm right u know--Then I felt like my dad cz he wasn't allowed to help (only on the sly) cuz my mom would have a fit. Cuz we tell it like it is and the books haven't really caught up with everything. So I had to keep my mouth shut.LOL
  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013


    I know it was so hard to keep your mouth shut!! LOL I have kids in 4,5,9, & 10th grades. My 5th grader has been doing a lot about gov't and the constitution. No they don't learn our way in school now. Unfortunately they learn stupid ways in school now! Don't get me started on the math! So yes, YOU are RIGHT!!!!!

    Good luck watching all your shows! We tried ATT and ended up going back to Dish. ATT sucked for us. Hope it works better for you. Something new for you to learn too! I know how much you like that :-)

    Good Morning Lara!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    4--u are so right the math is insane it's so convoluted to get to a simple answer I don't think it has to be so complicated, I realize they have to "stretch" their thinking but why make a mountain out of a molehill at this age--concentrate on reading skills which would help spelling and then so much more is understood. And u ALL know how I feel about the government so u understand my reluctance not to help--I wanted to spill the beans. hahaha See here I go, I can't help myself. Keeps my mind sharp--Oh is that a joke, my mind is like a dull razor, it even hurts sometimes.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Why can't I make paragraphs, I make them when I'm writing and it all comes all bunched together.?
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    News Flash---about Halloween, I'm planning to go to a Halloween party next week. and with a lot of forethought I figured out a costume. A caftan, find a couple of rollers for my hair, no makeup and comfy slippers and go as myself on a day to day basis--I will be themost comfortable. I know that's not really a news flash cuz it's dumb but I thought I'd share.
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOVE your idea, Cami! Ya gonna add some white face cream too? Maybe hold an open, empty likker bottle???

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Mount Rushmore is closed, but you can see it from the Canadien side

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Kat, LOL but it's true.
    Oh Kat I'm going to have a can of beer open with real beer, but I'm so glad I thought of that and no one can stay (my DD's) u can't go out like that.
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    YOU can go out however you want to....tell them the doctors said so. Remember we all can be dr's with just adding it to our names, so Dr.Kat says its ok!!! lol

    Well, good thing I found a nice tracfone yest for my dad, as ALREADY everything is missing....the receipt with the 2 yr warranty info he purchased, instructions, etc. Would be horrid if it was an expensive phone! I think I can find instructions for him online, or just explain it all to him. HE is frustrated though as my mom has gotten much worse, can't remember anything just a few seconds later.

    Time for a dwink....or two....or ten... Bottoms Up Girls!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Cami, how long is your hair? You should use the beer cans as the hair rollers for your costume!!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Oops. Bumped you Kat, hope I didn't make you spill your cocktail!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    4--I kept my hair short--I used to use those giant rolers now I can only use teen tiny one, I spike it sometimes and streak it with blue, green, purple, fushia to add some zap to it. Altho if I put rollers in I can still have different color hair all over the place.
    U know I didn't realize, we're getting AT&T tomorrow, all my stuff will change--my passwords, my email right I didn't think about all this chit. And the crawl space is in my room so I have stuff to move--I have a area carpet over the opening, I really don't like to be disturbed in my island of my room--REALLY so I'll be crabby tomorrow I have to get all my Island stuff moved chit--Well I'm up early so I'll do it little by little not heavy stuff just what surrounds me.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    OK now what's going on with Dork? Has anyone heard from her? Kat??I know u've been busy like crazy--I hope things are going OK. I worry about the 1,000 pukas she has.
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Cami, Yes I heard from Dora tonight....she was bizzy today, plus is trying to fit a nap in when she can. Supposed to have the results from the cultures tomorrow. I have a feeling she might pop (poop?) in here later... Hate it that your "island" will be invaded...I feel that way sometimes too when strangers are all over our house, like the cable installers, etc. Will be hard changing everything, and I do hope you got all your recorded shows watched. I have been trying to watch chit too, as we have the dish and hate it and I think DH wants to go back to the cable guys.

    Cheerio Deerios!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Dora reporting for dwinking doody. But only have a minute cuz I got tings to do, oh hell yeah, mese got a life (not).

    Tank ye headphones for updating mese goils, you de best! Now don'tcha all run away cuz I came in, seems to be a ting of lately. hmmmm, is dere a conspiritsee I am not aware of?

    promise to be back in de next hour, who's partaying de hardest here?

    Camille, love your idea for Halloween, you go jest the way you are cuz eberybuddy loves you no matter what you wear. Maybe use an old beat up night gown to beef up de frompy look, trust mese, you are so loved, it does not matter.

    Mese island being invaded tomorree too, hate it.

    knock knock?

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    DorK.....I'm here and I'm ready to partay with you!!!

    Annoyed with my DH....he went to the GABF (great American beer festival) with a couple seems that the same 2 families always and one wife....cuz I wasn't home yet, my DS drove the guys downtown.....DH asked me if I would pick him up if he didn't want to stay to the end....I asked if he would take the light rail and I would get him at the stop...less time driving....well he didn't want to take the light he starts walking home....downtown is 5 or 6 miles.....he said he would call me when he was tired to pick home up that he wanted the fresh now he has me worried too!!!! annoyed that he didn't care what I wanted....well luckily, a guy from the local liquor shop who knows DH saw him walking and is giving him a ride not worried but still annoyed that he didn't care what I wanted!!!!! DS said traffic was awful and waiting for the guys who weren't ready and the traffic it took DS 2 hours round trip that should have taken an hour or maybe a little longer......And me...I was at a Macy's store doing a Komen table at a Wacol event and its 20 minutes from my 5pm rush hour it took me 70 minutes!!!! there were times on the freeway that I was going no more than 5 mph!!!! I don't know how people deal with this traffic every day!!!! Not me!!!If I had a job with that type of traffic I would quit!!!

    Going to go make popcorn and pour a glass of wine......DorK ...holler when you get to the HTL!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    WooHoo Cop Porn and WIne!!!!

    Glad you pooped in, Dora!

    Soooooo quietest here, mese gonna do a pub crawl right into de HTL Casino Real (pronounciated az "ree-al") and win some money! I better hit the free ATM first....den dere will be lotsa moola to play with. ANyone feel like gambling?????

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Cami, Lara, and Cyn, did you ,watch "Coven" last night? I foigot bout it totally, but they are airing the 1st episode again next Wednesday (after episode 2), so now I have it set to record. Hope its as good as the past 2 seasons of American Horror Story!!! I am glad Jessica Lange is in it every season...she is sooooo good! (Well, she is good at being BAD!).

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    I am gamblin with you Kat and dwinking with Karen too. I can't crawl, boo hoo. *light* I CAN crawl, at least in the HTL, yippee.

    I still have not read all of today's posts. Once my Dad goes to bed at night, I play my game, I email, I do a teeny tint bit of housework then I play my game, then dwink then play....I hope you all understand. I am hating that I am so about me lately. But I am DE most important goil I know. And ye all should treat yerselves me same.

    Kat , I mean headphones, I wonder what word Cyn was typing to turn it into headphones. I tink that is your funniest name yet as it is meaningless but so silly. Have you ever googled auto spelling errors? Nah, you ain't got time for dat. But I do. I am gitting as good as Camille in doing not much of anyting productive. And it keeps me biddy.

    Karen, I can't believe that your DH pulled such a stunt. I am glad de likker store guy found him and came to his rescue. I feel your pain with de highway, I deal with that in going back and forth to Philadelphia to see my doctor. Did I tell you all that I was nearly squished to death by an 18 wheeler Tar-ghay truck yesterday? I was pretty relaxed driving until that happened. The dude clearly did not see me. Two lanes merged into one from a traffic light. It was his lane that nessappeared but his biga$$ truck started from de stop and musta floored iit cuz he was faster than me starting. My lane disappeared in front of mese eyes and all that was to my left was a stone wall. I had to slow to a stop after realizing in that split second that I did not care if I was rear ended, it beats being squished like a bug into a freaking wall. And when I am getting home later in the day, like you, I jest sit and it takes an hour to go three miles on i-95.

    dayem, went off on a rant and it partay time. Karen, you gonna has to join us at de casino. omg, de free ATM ain't taking mese card, I tink it all worn out. HAILP, where do I git a new card? Kat or Kay (for Karen or how bout Kayren, u like any of de names I jest gave ya? YOU need a nick name or as I sometimes call it, a play name. How bout yer play name when you were little or IF you could jest pick a name for yourself that you like? My play name is Ariana (tinking about changing de spelling to Aryanna, like? other play name is Dara. shoot I digressed again. Kat where are you, dis casino is huge. Are dese people I see non loungettes or am mese dwunked and dont recognize dem?

    any copporn left? and no leftover kernals, dey make a mess of mese teeth. dayem again, gotta git in partay mode and come right back. DorK out, will be right back in as a partay goil! hope that wahiney de machiney raquelle katwinka de dwinka and Kar (KAY or Kayren still here) plus many more. I swear, you loungettes run when I come in. tanks for coming back Katwinka and Kayren, you goils de best. de others, ahhh, not so shirley sure for shertain.