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how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Mother and baby camel are talking one day when the baby camel asks, "Mom why have I got these huge three toed feet?"

    The mother replies, "Well son, when we trek across the desert your toes will help you to stay on top of the soft sand".

    "OK" said the son.A few minutes later the son asks, "Mom, why have I got these great long eyelashes?"

    "They are there to keep the sand out of your eyes on the trips through the desert"

    "Thanks Mom," replies the son.

    After a short while, the son returns and asks, "Mom, why have I got these great big humps on my back??"

    The mother, now a little impatient with the boy replies, "They are there to help us store water for our long treks across the desert so we can go without drinking for long periods."

    "That's great mom, so we have huge feet to stop us sinking and long eyelashes to keep the sand from our eyes and these humps to store water, but... Mom?"

    "Yes son?"

    "Why the heck are we in the San Diego Zoo?"

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    still not right

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    BBB in de lounge, sweeeeet. Come gambling. loved your joke, i was able to easily read it through the crazy font crud. I thought de ending would be sumting like "mom why do I have dis stick and two tennis balls', great ending. how are tings, Bernie?

    Kat, I found ya, you jest hit big cuz I heared de bells and I saw you jumping on de slot machines. I jest gotta git to you,, don't move now, ya hear? OOOOh, is that HUNK I see over dere wtih you? hmm, maybe I should jest sit back with mese 18 nickels that I got from Pants and play. hmmm. play what I wonder, Pants what have you in mind? Bernie? Whaaaat. you trader, you cheat. I go find Jock. Bye Pants, mese used to lub you soo muchliest but it ober, k?

    Paging all goils dere a partay at de casino and HUNK is here. Let's see if ennyone can git him away from earphones!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    DorK....DH really wasn't pulling a stunt....I told him off when he got home...told him I was annoyed that he didn't listen to what I wanted,..and all was okay,...couldn't stay angry....he really is a great guy...and I didn't have to go get him. I told him next year its the light rail,..we drop them off and pick them up at the light rail stop and he agreed.....He got me a tank top (he called it a cami, since that is what I wear) that says beer 4 boobs...also a pink silicone bracelet that says the same thing.. I don't wear tank tops except under clothes and wear it like a cami....I'll wear this under sweaters....will try to figure out how to post a picture of it here...don't want to post it on fb......

    DorK....I never really had any nick names and I'm so NOT creative that I can't come up with work I've always been Dr. Karen I love to back so how about cookie baker...or you come up with a name for long as is polite I won't mind....

    Deciding whether to have another glass of wine or wipe down the kitchen and go to bed....want to put up a pot of squash soup in the morning for dinner and do some other cooking as well. I'm doing another Komen table, this time at Dilliards for the Wacol fit for the cure (or whatever its called)...then have to run a couple errands and won't get home till about 2:30 so want to get a head start on my cooking......have till 9:30 when I have to leave....all I know is that I'm making the soup and chicken thighs and legs....not sure what else.....

    Well, its time to get off the computer....sweet dreams....see everyone in the morning...

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOL Dora, you found me! Yeah I couldn't help jumping up and down and screaming....oh wait that was cuz of what Hunk was doing to me...oh yeah, the slot machine hit...oh well *back to Hunk*...! Hmmmm....ya got me thinking...when Cyn wrote headphones, it was on my g'dau's bday and she wrote "headphone gd" I think...maybe it was supposed to be happy birthday but the headphone word came up???/ mese dunno. I don't mind...I've been called I love your funneee back to Dotty now....yeah!!!!!

    Bernie, that is funny....couldn't guess the punchline! How is skeletor? I was trying to plan a trip to the Emerald Isle, on the way to Madeira next spring (like we did last time), but flights won't cooperate. I knew you'd be busy then,but thought maybe I could visit with you for a day anyway...but now it doesn't look like its gonna work out. SO right now I have a condo booked in Madeira, but don't know how in h3ll we are going to get there! It is the hardest place to get to, from here. Maybe you will get to come to the good old broke USA one of these days!!!

    Karen, hmmmm......K-cook? Hmmmmm....bakerK? I dunno....surely Dotty will come up wid sumtin!!!

    NIght night girls......and guys....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Kat, yer excitement always gits ya caught! You a bad bad goil. I wanna go to Madeira, such a gorgeous place.

    Karen, how bout Betty as in Betty Crocker? I will have to keep tinking den tink more. And sorry, I used the term stunt meaning something that made you unhappy. We say dat in dese parts of de country. Or at least our family uses the term that way. Glad you talked and all is well.

    I gots jest one eye open and still have wound care to do, can't wait for this to be over but it gonna be awhile. Oh well, life goes on, puka or no puka.

    Goodnight goils, sleep well.

    and good morning to our Chrissy and Bernie, have a great day goils!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Shoot I am so trying to get to bed....then I gotta keep reading Dotty's night Dorkie! We use "stunt" that way too. And you know ME dotty, I WILL get to Madeira even if I have to swim Just love it there so much. WIsh we could be away from our furbabies and my parents longer, as it sure would be better to stay 2 wks....takes sooooo long to get there from here. Can I borrow the UFO??? Ya think???

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! TGIF!

    Cammy--I had a very nice day at work yesterday, thank you! Should be another one today.

    Karen--quarter after 6 here and still dark, just starting to see signs of sunrise. Much prefer getting up in the light!

    ORLA--good way to reuse dressing gauze!!!!!

    Mornin', 4sew!

    Cammy--I've learned I have to double space between paragraphs to keep them from running together.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Cammy---Love the Halloween costume idea!!!!!!! Dare you!!!!!

    Wahine--sounds like your Mom and Dad make quite a pair!

    Karen--Wow, that is horrible traffic!

    DorKable-- YIKES!!!!!!! No getting squished on the highway!


    Have a good Friday!

  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Happy Friday All!


  • 4sewwhat
    4sewwhat Member Posts: 1,895
    edited October 2013

    Or if it is after 5 and above the "yard arm" where you are!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Good Friday morning....I love staying in bed till almost decadent!!! I don't like getting up when its dark, but once we change the clocks next month, it will be dark so early.....prefer the longer days!!!!

    DorK....don't like Betty.....but lets see how creative everyone can be with a name (or names)...

    Kathy.....kcook....that might come out kookey!!! but I am kind of kookey!!! but better than betty....keep coming up with ideas.....

    Got some squash in the oven baking to soften up for squash soup...need to figure out the rest of the Shabbat dinner menu....making chicken thighs and legs but not sure what side dishes....tired of the same old thing.....maybe I should open up a cookbook!!!

    Have a great Friday!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Edited to remove my post here, leaving the DOTD as it is SOOOO purdy. Notepad worked, but you have to click on the "format" tab (in notepad) and choose "word wrap".

    best winter cocktails

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Well, copy and pasting from emails doesn't work! I wonder if notepad works?

    Ok, we got home and had a most wonderful time! I just can’t explain how beautiful Moab is. The first night was a bit cold (if we were camping), but the other 2 nights would have been fine. Couldn’t check in yesterday, had to leave early ayem as DH had doctors appt. I did do some reading and then finished up this morning, so going pretty much by memory as it would take me too long to read and reply as I go along. I sure hope I didn’t leave anyone out! Forgive me if I did! I love you ALL. Thank you everyone for the party and the anniversary wishes. Although we have only been married for 4 years, we have been together (living together) for 13.

    Dorothy, I really wish you would try to sue SOMEBODY! What you have had to endure is just not humane. I really wish your dad was not there for you to care for, I think it is too much. I love you so much and just hate this. I know you are not up to it right now, but what if you just went and talked to a lawyer? Of course they will tell you that you have a case, as they would want the moola. I don’t know, I just think you desoyve it.

    Kathy, I am very sorry to hear about your BIL Steve. Safe travels for your DH when he heads out there. Happy Birthday to your G’dau. Also sorry to hear about your mom, I hope it’s a temporary thing. Are they going back to HI soon? I worry most about her then, as no one takes as good of care for her than you. Are your girls doing ok?

    Lara, you are another one having so many issues, but you ARE looking at filing a law suit? I think you are still on the east coast with your mom.

    Karen, Happy Birthday to your mom. I think she was MIA on her b-day, hope she had a nice time. I like the name Betty for you, that Dork came up wif. Do you need any info from me, ie; phone, address? I know you have my email and the other info can be found on our website.

    Bernie, I had the same thing happen with “Word” and the funky HTML codes that showed up. So now I have an email up (as if I am sending an email to someone) and I will copy and paste from here to see what happens. You skeered me when you said your DH was in a coma!

    Chrissy, I hope you are resting up after that most beautiful wedding. I know some of the things you did, but did you make your DD’s dress as well?

    Cyn, that mold issue is uncalled for. Can a person call the police, at least to make a report? Can you spray it with bleach or vinegar? I too think it could be what is causing your headaches. Is anyone else getting them?

    Lynne, thank you for the hunk and the flowers. OH MY, you should have seen what I saw, when I went to put them in a vase! Wow, you have some little ones, 4 and 5? And then 9 and 10. I always thought that 8,9, 10 and 11 were “easy” ages. Old enough to care for them selves, but not quite to that snotty teen or tween stage, that is when it can get ugly! Especially (IMO) wif de girls. How are those rads treating you?

    NM, did you get pics from Dork? Do you think you can help her. Maybe we should fly her to Maine, Sadie could take care of her while you are at work.

    Suzie Q, good to see you drop in and glad you had some Maddy time, but you need to stop by MORE. Same wif dat Mrs Vino.

    Cami, that Joey is such a special young man. I am so glad you have each other. And you go how de hail you want for Halloween. Gheesh, tis the only day of the year you could get away with it. Too funny that your DD wouldn’t let you teach Joey about the government. Maybe you can teach him (your version) after his test?

    Dutch, I see you over there in the corner hiding. How about a morning massage to start my day?

    Well, I set more tomatoes on the counter before we left, so I guess I am doing tomatoes again!!!! I don’t even need them, but I can’t let them go! But woo hoo, it’s FRIED day! Let’s all get fried.

    Today’s DOTD, cuz it’s pretty, and pink! The French Kiss


    1 oz Chambord

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Dark creme de cacao

    1.5 oz Half and Half

    In order to create this cocktails you have to mix all the ingredients, then add some ice.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    YAY Loweeeee is baaaaack in de lounge! Glad your trip was so amazing! And that pink dwink IS so verrrrry purdy...many tanx. I haven't been making fancy dwinks lately, but for some reason I have been doing a lot of cooking. Weird, but my DH is enjoying that. Trying to use the crockpot which I hadn't used in forever, and found a couple of good recipes. If anyone has a YUMMY, E-Z crockpot recipe, feel free to share! Yes, my parents go back to HI for 7 wks. The beyotch ex-sis lives right next to their unit, so lets hope she takes care of them. She always just wants to take, take, take, but maybe her BF cares more, and will look after them.

    Morning NM, Sew, and Karen! Any other eurly birds up? Beeeeuteeful day today. Dorkie, puleez let us know asap when you get those results, ok? My DH still has not seen her path report, but I sure want her to get it as I want to see it!



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Wow Kathy, I didn't know they were going to be gone THAT long. I hope you are able to relax and NOT worry TOO MUCH about them. I made some stuffed green peppers recently (from the garden of course) in the crock pot, they were good.

    Becks, pleeze foygive, I see I left you out. But I tinks cuz you wuz gone too, habbing fun wif you GF's at da cabin, and den you had dat bootiful little princess wif you. How is the new job going?

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2013

    Morning DahhhhLinKs!!

    Pweez 'cuse me for not pooping in very often. Am still working on some personal issues, plus the Ribbon campaign is eating up much of my days.

    Sounds like I missed a goot parTay in da casino last night...u goils cwackin mese da hail up!!!

    Dory - so glad you felt up to telling us all about your visit to the diq...I'm mad as hell when I think about all he's put you thru, as I'm sure u are. Am glad u didn't git squished to def by dat semi yesterday...jeez...and they sit so hi, dey can c da signs b4 we do, a-holes. Today u git a widdle pampering yes? u jes sit back and relax K!

    Kat - sad news about BIL Steve. I did c it yest so I prayed for him last night. Still no paperwork on her results yet? I don't understand why peeps don't want to see the results on paper...mayb for me is cuz I don't have too much faith in what the docs tell me, I wanna see it...idk...jes me I guess. Hey...I been looking at Emerald Isl too...but I don't think it will happen for me. Would love to stow away for your Maderia trip tho..heehee! I have a good Chicken Tortilla soup crockpot recipe...let me kno if you want it, I'll send to u K? Jes lubbed da Mt Rushmore pic too...LOL!

    Bernie - dat font is weird, but lubbed da joke. Again reminds me of da Hump Day commercial...I cwack meself up jes thinking bout it...LOL.

    Cam - I too am going to a Halloweeny Party in 2 weeks. I dunno what I'll put together....but I am really liking your idea...I can picture it in mese head. Can I steal it, huh huh huh...can I? Sigh...I don't think mese son (the host) wud appreciate it tho. Maybe I'll go as a bag lady or a bum man...idk.

    Hey hey hey Chrissy B!! Glad the wedding was a smash and that u are back in da HTL. Sounds like you suffer from vertigo. Me too. There is some simple exercise you can do I will try and find the link and send to you K.

    Lara - How are you feeling these days? Still praying for you to heal and for a goot job to come your way. U cwack me up wif ur comment 'stuck that gauze up his butt'...LOL!

    Karen - how bout ShaBet? Short for Shabbat and Betty. That is cuz u always cooking/baking for Shabbat...I'm not very creative either am I...heehee!

    Lynne - you r sew phunny....I don't kno how u manage with the little ones and your tx's. All I can say is...u Rock!

    Cyn - U too are amazing...dont ever 4get K? I praying u git the mold sitsheashun squared away too. MUAH!

    NM - Sounds like u been bizy bizy too but glad to hear you are having some good days at work. I'm with u about getting up b4 sun-up. When the time changes on 11-4, gonna b dark tooo many hours a day...ugh!

    Lowee - WOWZA, sounds like u had a fantastico time in Moab. Speaking of maters, got more given to I was making salsa yesterday. Mese tinks I better git ur skitti recipe for next time someone drops a load a maters on mese porch. I jes love love love that DOTD. It is soooo pretty and the ingredients sound yum yum yummy!!

    Gotta git moobing...very bizy day today!! Mebe I'll git back for Pau Hana!

    Lubslubslubslubs to all!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2013

    Ooops...where is my avatar???

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Lori and Sue, YES, if you can send me the recipes I would appreciate it! DId a good chicken breast recipe, but it did call for 1/2c of butter....verrrrrrry tasty and verrrrry tender though!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2013

    Yay!!! I did it all by meself...LOL!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    I can see your avatar Sue, can you see it on your page now? I hate the new format, and yahoo mail did the same thing....aaaarrrggggghhhh!!!!

    Note: I see you bixed it! yay!!!!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    back to not working

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    gooDen morNin girls! I jest waking up, it after noon but that is bcuz I stayed up late last night procrastinating changing mese diaper mess. well it a would but one chitty job. ughh.

    Mema, lub lub lub de avatar, such a purdy pic of you.

    Welcome back Lori, woo hoo.

    still gotta git pics to NM, mese apologeze for slacking on ya, NM. bin biddy doing nutting, dat takes time ya know?

    Happy friedey to the rest of you, who said let's git fried, oh hail yeah! and greetings to all me goils!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    I just called over to the hospital for results and getting such a freaking run around. I got to the lab and a lazy person told me I would have to come in for results. Well that ain't happening cuz they instructed me to call. I am going to dig out my paper work OR try going through the ER to get something. That gal I talked to said they could not give me info due to hippa laws. well hell, if that was the case, the doctor would not have told me to call. I gonna try the ER next. I been holding for a half hour, getting cut off and such. I get no respect!

    here is a very short clip of how I feel:

    Peace girls, wish me well in getting the results without coming in.....I LACK patience....I will start dwinking soon if I do not get anywhere with this.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Good Luck Dorkie.....hoping they give the results to ya over de fone, and dat dey are GUD results!!!! (That link showed an entire pg of clips of Dangerfield, but I git de jist of it....Ya Don't Get No Respect!!!!)....Did I spell dat right.... R-E-S-P-E-C-T...oh yeah, mese singing it now!!!! Aretha Frankln, she da bomb....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Oh I'm so behid (well id am befront too, big time) but anyway I missed eberytin

    Welcome home Lori u were so missed

    Dork I don't unnstand why u just can't call the Dr.s'office, why do u have to do much more--like u haven't been thru enuff. I so pray today a a little better for u. (I stutter)
    Kat u r sooo funny---it's good to hear cuz right now u need distraction , I think

    Oh Sue sure u can use my idea and I thought too my DD would give me the LOOK but of course hers isn't as good as mine, but he thought that was a good idea-so If we go that's what I'm doin. I can't keep on going as a stripper so I have to try something new.

    Lara how r u doing today? Oh Lara we changed out TV to AT&T and I have so much to learn now, I already goofed it up with no signal thingy but my DD fixed it, But it's so much and I lost evberything I DVR's that was scary and now I have to start all over. Ebery single channel is different, I'm just to old for new chit.

    Linda I always like to hear what u cook and bake u do so much of it and everything sounds sooo good. U should be called Coobaker -kinda like the character in Star Wars.

    My head is spinning from this damn TV thing.

    Bernie that really was funny, I read it too. See cuz I taught Dorky how to do nothing we can do lots of tings easily.
    OOOHHH Dork u'r pukas--I stil remember the other one but these sound worse.

    Hi NM I'm glad This is Fried dy and u don't have to work for a couple of days I hope.
    LUBs to all
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Becs and 4 I didn't mean to forget u, dat's for sure.

    NM I doubled space my whole post and that's what came out GGRRRRR
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
    Dork let us know the results
    karen men are idiots
    that is true
    cam they changed all the channels here its annoying.

    Goldie sounds like u had fun
    kat what reciepe?
    I will have to think of a name for you Karen
    The cooking sounds amazing I love squash.
    Dork what are you doing about work? you okk you will be out for a bit
    I have primary now he is sending me to a different doc. Yesterday I did not take one pain pill and I was in pain. So I have no idea how this will be fixed. We went over how the pills are addicting blah.
    Im going to make some tea I have a cold
    Hugs all around
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013
    Good afternoon, Loungettes! Having a slow day today, but it's going to go long. Still, not too bad. Lovely warm, sunny day here.

    Love the happy Friday cup of Joe!

    4sew--sun's definately over the yardarm, can'twait until I get home for glass of Rum Chatta!

    Goldie--purty partay dwinky!

    Wahine--I love my crockpots. Yup, I've got 4 of them. One is a big 3 quart? 4 quart? Big one, anyway. One is a 1 quart. The I've got 2 minis, pretty much only good for dips. My fav recipe for the 1 quart is to put in a chicken breast or leg and thigh, skin and bones or boneless, dump in 1 cup of brown rice, 1 can of cream of chicken or cream of mushroom soup, enough water to cover it all. Cook this one on low, ohterwise the rice can over cook and start to scortch. When I get home I take the chicken out, take the meat off the bones and take the skin off and mix the meat back in. If using boneless/skinless I just take it out and cut it up, then mix it back in. Salt and pepper to taste, can also put in diced onion and veggies for variety. You could probably multiply this by 3 or 4 for a big crock pot.

    Goldie--I never thought about making stuffed green peppers in the crock pot, sounds good!

    Mema--I am NOT looking forward to the time change, but then I never do any! What earthly good does it do anyeone? Do all the farmers in all the 3rd world nations change their clocks? Would cows stop prducing milk if we didn't do the time change thing? Would corn stop growing? Com'on world, enough already!

    Wahine--I notice the new Yahoo mail today, too. YUCK!!!!!!! Took me forever to figure out how to sort the mail by sender. Why can't "they" just leave stuff alone?????

    BBBBBernie--what do you mean back to not working? You or your DH? Or something else entirely?

    DorKable--you certainly are getting the run around. The ER doc on duty should be able to give you the results. You can also call and ask to speak to a hospital supervisor...

    Cammy--change is never fun, well, almost never, sometimes changing tenders for a night is fun. . . . .All the TV stuff is crazy. Why do I have to have 20 some odd sport channels that I will never watch jsut ot get 1 or 2 channels that I will?????? What I'm doing is single spacing, but hitting enter 3 times between paragraphs, that seems to help, some.

    OPRLA--good Lord, we all know pain meds are addicting, but when you ave pain that's what you need! Addiction is a psych diagnosis, not a medical one, and as long as you are taking the pain pills for pain relief you are not addicted, by definition, so there to you Mr. Dr!!!!!!!!
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013
    Well, triple spacing between paragraphs didn't help me this time!