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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Oh that drink sounds purrrfect.
    How are u guys making paragraphs> Mine is all smooshed together and I'm starting each paragraph, oh well there are bigger problems to worry about, althomy DD1 always attacks my spelling and how I type and I don't use paragraphs, I should know better I do here and it doesn't bode well with me, so she's full of crap. I can't help it.
    And Karen that sounded cute to me about the window. He'll be fine tomorrow.
    OK I took my pain meds and u all know I blabber when I take them.
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOL at the room service pics, Becks! Sure hope Dorkie is habbing fun with Dr. McSteamy.....just sounds like she is being treated so much better there.

    Well I finished up the bottle of wine, and it was GOOOD! Dorkie, ya wants mese ta dwink fer ya? Twist my arm and I'll do it....well yeah you don't even need to twist my arm, what was I thinking? WIll start with a GJ and Diet....

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited October 2013

    Chug, chug, chug, chug!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Oh Kat this is a nite where I really wish I could stay at the hospital with Dork and make her feel better. Not that I really could but I'd try.
    I have never been allowed to visit my sister or cousins in the hospital--but I have cheated on that and one of the times my cousins stitches were coming apart cuz she couldn't stop laughing not that I'm funny, I just laugh in hospitals cuz I'm nerveous so no one really wants me to go--I used to freak out in them and laugh and pee my pants so they hurt bad when I came- I was glad they all banned me. Now I'm not nerveous but I was a wreck a few years back. My one brother used to be very nerveous so one time we went together and he fainted, they thought he had a heart attack and rushed him to ER and I stood their peeing my pants laughing--so together we were really banned. Another uninteresting story--but my whole family is crazy, maybe that's why we get along???
  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    LMAO are sumtin...I love love love your humor. You have my stitches bustin all the time.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Cyn u'r so funny I was just telling a story.
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    OK I'm a little dopey right now--but I was thinking about my mom and how she would go with me to the dentist and come in and hold my hand and it always made me feel better and she said after a visit she was going to stop doing that and I felt so sad and I thought how could she do that u need u'r mom certain times and I did. But she did say since u've passed 50, it's time I'm not holding u'r hand cuz The Dr. looks at me (her) like she's crazy so she actually stopped. I was abandoned and I never let her forget that. Now Dentists don't bother me, but I can't afford them.
  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    I have a root canal Wednesday. Wish I had a hand to hold.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    See what I mean???
  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    yep. My DS1 will be there only because his appt is just before mine but he will be outside smoking anyway.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    I'm using internet explorer 10. Can't figure out why I can no longer copy and paste on here.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Good Morning all===Bernie I don't even know what I use in order to figure out how to post, I've tried several ways so far nothing
    Thinking and praying for Dork--hope we hear something today early of course.
    And Kat wanting to hear about u'r DH also.
    Still trying to remember any channels, they give u a booklet of course but the writing is about as big as the Our Father is in that cross. So as soon as I figure what channels I'll do the most--I'll fav them--I just thought of that this very second--Oh I;m so cleverly late.
    Well heres hoping today brings some good news here and yes it's still dark outside.
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes! Sadie and I had a lovely day yesterday. Sadie got a nice long ride. We got to the chicken pick up place and hour early so we explored a bit and found a riverside park where we walked a bit and Sadie got lots of attention. I now have 40 pounds of hormone free, additive free, never frozen (until I froze them), freshly processed boneless, skinless chicken breast in my freezer. Most of them are BIG, too1 Had to trim some fat off some of them. I threw one in a pot and made chicken and dumpling soup, which was VERY yummy! All in all a very good day.

    Great recipes, wonder how well the Flirtini goes with the chicken taco soup? That may have to be my next crock pot recipe!

    Mema--hope you had a good time with your neighbor!

    Wahine--thanks for the Dorty update and the recipe. I've got some piggy in the freezer that I'm going to use for that recipe. It wasn't a full grown piggy, so I may have to cut the recipe down, but that's no problem.

    Cammy--I made sure I had all of yesterday off, but if the clinical manager gets overloaded I told her to call me and I would help on Sunday. When I left the office on Friday both days of the weekend were not busy, so it should be ok. But I am disappointed in my colleagues. Our weekend nurse is on vacation, a well deserved one. If all of us stepped up and took a day of weekend time it would all be covered and no one would be doing very much extra, but I'm the only one who took a day, last weekend. So the clinical manager is taking all the weekend time, which isn't fair to her. I'll probably pick up next Sunday too, if no one else does, just so she gets a day off and doesn't work 3 weeks without a day off. Ah, now I'm rambling on!

    Wahine--Yeah! Another crock pot recipe for me to try this winter! Thanks! And personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with sharing a recipe or few, it's our Lounge, we can do what we want, right??

    Becs--how come you can't post from your iPad? I thought that was the whole point of the iPad was to be able to do things like that without a big computer?

    ORLA--your mom backed into the HOUSE? With the CAR? Should she be driving at all????? Good Lord, what stress!

    Ohh, Tender, thanks for the great dwinky recipes! Can I have one of each? I've got to compare and report to the Loungettes. . . .

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Oh, My, I WANT that String of Pearls! It sounds decadent!

    Karen--I'll join you in a glass of wine.

    Well, time to strip the bed and throw the linens in the washer, probably should pick up the back yard a bit, too. Looks like it's going to be a beautiful day!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Sue, I meant I wanted to post the picture. You can't make the avatar bigger. I did crop it and change the color, use this one.

    Kathy, so glad you are able to keep us updated on Dorothy and I'm SO GLAD she is in the hospital where she can get the proper care and REST! Praying for your BIL as well.

    Yes Cami, I still have tomatoes! I can honestly say for the first time, I am tired of them! We grew way too many! I don't think I will have to can or freeze anything next year. Just grow some to eat off the vine.OMG, you are the reason the govt. shut down???

    Becks, we missed you too and thanks for all of your advice to Dork, and getting her to go to the hospital. Glad we can all fit on that couch AND we can party at Kat's house, since her DH is away. I wonder why the iPad won't work? That is strange. I guess you will be MIA again come Wednesday? ENJOY your DH's visit, we shall leave you alone!

    OH NO Lara, how badly was the house damaged? I hope she didn't injure herself. Sorry your brother is not stepping up to the plate to help out.

    Hello Dutch! And thanks foy de drink, it is a might purdy one too (A day at the Beach).

    Cami, you would be using Internet Explorer, Chrome, or Firefox. Not sure if there are more or not. Like Dutch said, click on the "Help" at the top left of your screen and you will get a drop down, at the bottome it will say something like "About Internet Explorer (IE)", meaning IE is your browser. Oops, I see you tried and it didn't work? Up at the top left, where is has File, Edit, View, Favorites, Tools and Help. That is where you clicked on "Help"?

    Kat, that is good news on Dork, glad she at least got some rest and feels a bit better.

    Sorry Karen, but you kinda made me chuckle over your rant and being in a pissy mood cuz DH is in one. Hope the wine helped!

    Becks, glad you got Dork some room service and that Dr. McSteamy, wowsay! Mucho better than Dr. P. Rick.

    Bernie, I have IE 10 too. I wonder why it won't work for you???

    NM, hope you and Sadie are enjoying your weekend.

    Julie???? You must be having just too good of a time!

    NO TOMATOES for this girl today, just cleaning and working out in the yard. Need to start cutting things back. Hmmmmmmm, what to drink??? Maybe those String of Pearls. Happy Sunday Girls, Tenders and Wenches!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    NM, how sweet of you to step up to the plate, but I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Can you say something ever so subtle to drop a hint to your co-workers, to help pick up those Sundays? I saw a recipe on FB for a Chicken N Dumplings recipe for the crock pot.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Hi Lori---I'm not good with being told how to do things someone has to show me usually--I keep trying, I'll get there Thank You. and NM like Lori said that sounds totally like u to want to help anyway u can- maybe u can drop a hint somehow to u'r co=workers? U'r so kindhearted.
  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    good Sunday morning....going to the Broncos game....its Survivor appreciation day....on the field at half time with the cheerleaders....should be fun!? game isn't till 2:05 but we have to be there at 10!!! DD is going with me.....Broncos are playing Jacksonville Jacquars......The new NFL bag policy says the only bags you can take in are a clear plastic tote bag or gallon "Ziploc" and a 4.5 x 6.5 clutch/wallet. Don't have any purses that small its my wallet and a "Ziploc" bag to put my chapstick, camera, tissues etc in it. Will let you know how the day/game is. Not sure if I'll stay till the game is over....guess depends if its a good game...

    Have a great day!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Hey Girls,

    I thought I posted yesterday but guess I didn't. I have been struggling to stay awake after missing a full night of sleep. I hate to admit it but I tink my Camille hit de nail on de head. I AM in de best place for me cuz all I have to do is sleep. I can be on the computer and play games when not sleeping but crud, having a hard time even staying awake.

    Lara, yikes! I hope the damage to your moms house is not too extensive, crud. I hate that she ran the care IN to the house. I would also agree that your bro assumes you have eberyting under control. HUGS TO YOU dear child. ((Lara))

    Well I am sooooo stinky and gross. Between sweating and the darn would, I am disgusting. My nurse wants to come at lunch time to repack my wound and she tailed me to have myself cleaned up by then. Of course someone can help me clean up but no tank ye! I do it myself. I was going to wash up when I was awake at 5 aye em and glad I didn't cuz that is when I went back to sleep and got more stanky from sweating. When the sweet nurse was changing my dressing, I used my night gown to put over my nose to keep from smelling the horid wound and OMG, mese night gown was stanky from the wound leaking through. SO ICK and gross. So I be a good goil and git outta bed now and git in mese cute slipper sox, you all know de ones - den I git in de purdy bathroom and clean up. I bet I will feel a million par cent bigger.

    One ting that made me laugh - and Karen git de prize, Dork Impressed! and it not abbout her DH listening to music. It was calling my PS a Rat Basturd. ding ding ding, Karen wuz funnnnneeeeee todey!!!!

    I will be back, assuming I do not fall back to sleep. CheerS lovlies!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    PS tanks to my bootiful spokesperson, Kat.

    you all notice that I do not say how I feel? ugh.

    and Suz, love the pic of you, booooootifullest.

    lol at tender helping Camille. and about Cam's mom holding her hand at 50 yrs young.

    I keep forgetting it is sundeyfundey, time for some fun!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2013

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    So glad Dory is in the hospital. I hope she stays there until this infection totally cleared up. I will try to reach her later today.

    Lowee - Thanks for cleaning mese up...heehee...kin u git da red dirt off mese butt too? LOL!

    Cyn - I wud hold ur hand if I was there..(((Cyn))).

    Cami - u cwack me up. I pissed mese pants once when I was young and laughing sooo hard, but that another story...sad thing it happens all da time, even when sneezing or coughing...ugh!!

    NM - y wud we think anything other than u stepping up. You are always there for us and others around you...You ROCK!! I did enjoy time with Pat C. I've mentioned her before, 83, lives behind me, widowed a year ago. She tries to be so independent, hates to ask for help. I had to set her straight.

    Becks - Very nice for our Dory!

    Lara - scary...I assume she wasn't hurt, hope hope?

    Kat - I have been praying hard for Steve. Glad Glenn is there too. Keep us posted as to Steve progress K? And I don't drink wine much either...but dat red did sound delish.

    Bernie and Cami - I hope u can figure out that IE 10. I think I am 10 too...will have to investigate.

    Karen - have fun at the game today.

    Lynne - thanks for letting ur Tender set us up with that delish DOTD....looks marvelous!

    Off to yoga ...Later Ladies!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Sue u'r avatar is great--u look georgous Darliiink
    Karen u will have so much fun roday--good for u and the marathon is today in /chigo and they all have to have see thru bags too. My great niece is running for it.
    Oh Dork wht can I say, I'm so glad when u post and continue tp rest whenever u feel like it and I'm so glad the nurses are taking good care of u. So rest, rest, rest so u can heal.
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Sooooo good to read your post this ayem, DorkAroni!!!! We know those nurses and doctors are taking weally, weally, gud care of youse....


  • did_nothing_wrong
    did_nothing_wrong Member Posts: 33
    edited October 2013

    Posted with IE 10

    Hi Bernie - I have verified that IE 10 does NOT let you cut/copy/paste into the "post a reply" box anymore. Google Chrome Version 30.0.1599.69 m will let you cut/copy/paste into the "post a reply" box as that is what I did to post the Saturday Drinks.

    I know it is a pain but if you type you message in MS Word or other word processor program you can do cool things with your test too.J

    Like getting your smileys back... always more than one way to skin a post.

    You may get some font things but I will work on getting rid of those too.

  • did_nothing_wrong
    did_nothing_wrong Member Posts: 33
    edited October 2013

    Posting with Google Chrome since the last one was IE 10.

    Hi Bernie - I have verified that IE 10 does NOT let you cut/copy/paste into the "post a reply" box anymore. Google Chrome Version 30.0.1599.69 m will let you cut/copy/paste into the "post a reply" box as that is what I did to post the Saturday Drinks.

    I know it is a pain but if you type you message in MS Word or other word processor program you can do cool things with your test too.

    Like getting your smileys back... always more than one way to skin a post.

    You may get some font things but I will work on getting rid of those too.

  • did_nothing_wrong
    did_nothing_wrong Member Posts: 33
    edited October 2013

    As you can see from the 2 posts above, the browser you are using to post will give you different results. I think at the moment Google Chrome is working better than Internet Explorer 10.

  • did_nothing_wrong
    did_nothing_wrong Member Posts: 33
    edited October 2013

    Using Google Chrome, I cut/copied/pasted this nice "Sunday Afternoon" cocktail for your consumption...


    Sunday Afternoon


    2 oz. Peach Schnapps

    3 oz. Pink Lemonade (Sweetened)

    dash(es) Grenadine


    Stir in a highball glass. Ice is optional.

  • did_nothing_wrong
    did_nothing_wrong Member Posts: 33
    edited October 2013

    Hi Cami - vGrabber is an add on tool bar that is loaded into your internet browser by some sites. It is an add-on that is sometimes considered "Malware" by certain companies because of some of it's creators practices (they share information they should not). I you decide you want vGrabber to go away, then I suggest downloading an using "Malware Antibytes". If you want to take this offline, please send me a PM and I will be glad to talk you through all of this and get you posting like you want again.

    For those of you using IE 10... it does not look good for getting back to cut/copy/paste. Google Chrome and Firefox both seem to be allowing it to work. I will keep working on IE 10 though. Have a great Sunday Everyone... I am back to the bar now. ;^)

  • did_nothing_wrong
    did_nothing_wrong Member Posts: 33
    edited October 2013

    How about a Mimosa for your next Sunday afternoon thirst quencher...



    3/4 Cup Chilled Champagne

    1/4 Cup OJ

    Pour over ice and add Orange Wedge

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013
    Tender thos drinks are ymmy, I aways iked the champagne one, shows u how od I am years ago we'd put a cube of sugar into a flute of champagne and call it a champagne cocktail. LOL
    Thank u so much for trying to help me, but it isof no use--my brain just fogs up and I don't understand by reading things we not like I used to my DD wi have to show me this week, hopefully--Cuz I just don't get it and of it. believe me.
    Lara I'm watching leprechaun with Jennifer Aniston--I was talking to my sister on the phone and the movie just started so I must have read the name and said to her---Remember when Mom was a Leprechaun and continued talking, I hear laughing and said what's so funny and she repeated what I said and I said Why would I say that--then realized the movie had just started and I must have just read it. See Tender that's my brain on drugs and it's not much different off drugs either.