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how about drinking?



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    oh Bernie! I am so saddened by all the loss you are experiencing right now........sending love, hugs and condolences to you in your time of need. There are no words.........


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Bernie I copy that!

    And u can't even open the god damn door

    Just trying to make u smile

    Damn it I hate this news I have a lot of prayers to night

    Ill b in the chapel

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    cam your not alone! That made me sad

    You have me! I'm right with u watching movies

    Ill make popcorn tonight k?


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Hello my bwesties! I just caught up in reading and thought of so many things to say to each of you. But upon reading Bernie's post, I jest stopped in my finger steps to pray. I am joining Orange in the chapel and will try to pop in a little later when I have more time.

    Bernie, I am sending you all de love I have and it is a lot. I am so sad for you, there is just too much very sad news and I prayed that you are coping alright. I hate that you are alone and that Dave is away and not able to give you a big hug. And I feel so helpless, I wish there was something that I could do to help ease the pain. It is SO unfair that you have been given too tooooo much grief to handle. It is my hope and wish that you will hang with us when you feel lonely, sad or depressed. If you need to talk, I am here for you. I could call you and let you cry on my cyber shoulder. I feel so useless right now and wish so much that there was more I could do to help you through this very difficult time. Oh Bernie, I jest love you so much and HATE that you have been dealt with blow after blow. If you think of ANYTING that I can do, I will do it. Cuz my heart aches knowing how you must feel. I need to digest all of your sorrow then come back. Like Chrissy, I can't find the right words to say so will jest be quiet and pray. (((Bernie))).

    Apologies to mese other bwesties, having a hard time right now after hearing that our BBBBernie has been hit so hard. I jesst have one more word to say and it is FURB. oops, make that two LIKKER, dwink up, it de only way for me to cope. I tail ye how I feel later but it is all good goils, trust me. And I being a berry good goil since NM has me tied up. Cuz I oly has mese fingers and de only trouble I could find would be to go shopping. Or post bad tings on BCO. And sincen mese not hitting a morphine button, those bad tings will not happen.

    God Bless each of you, wishing everyone peace and happiness, todey and always. I go now.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    OMG Bernie what words can be said to comfort u now and being alone too... I'm so sorry for all the sadness u are having My prayers right now are coming to u.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Don't remember if I got here this morning....left early to get my car emissions done....while I was in line waiting, I get a phone call from where Mom lives...of course this isn't good news....Mom fell this morning and couldn't get up...she called her friend and he couldn't get her up they called downstairs....they got mom up, took her B/P and gave her apparent injuries.....when I was done I went to check on Mom...she had a black eye and her glasses were broken...think the black eye is from her glasses banging into her.....Evidentally that wasn't the first time she fell this morning (it was 8 when they called me).....when I got there, she could barely walk...I had to help hold her up so she could pull up her pants after going to the bathroom cuz she was so unsteady....made Mom some breakfast and then left when a friend came by.......When I went over around 3:30 or 4, she had just fallen again!!! She told me she fell atleast 4 times today....her ankle was hurting her but no other apparent injuries....she can barely walk even with the walker and she has terrible balance....I stayed till she went downstairs for dinner....her friend said to bring dinner to her apt but she refused.....Mom has a doctor appt. with her PCP tomorrow, but I doubt he will have any words of wisdom.......Mom hasn't had a bad day like this since Florida when she fell 6 times in one evening.....I'm hoping tomorrow will be better....I think this "neurological" problem (as Mom calls it) is just waxing and waning!!! Needless to say, today I've been stressed to the max and worried about Mom....

    So sorry to hear about all the losses that Bernie has been experiencing these past couple days...sending big hugs across the pond....

    Much more to write and loungettes to address but DH wants to go for a walk...and I didn't get one this morning or afternoon cuz I was with Mom.....Hope to be back later....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    So much sadness and grief, it just breaks my heart. And now your mom fell several times today, Karen? Thats awful, and she has the black eye and sore ankles now. Poor dear. I hope the dr can help when she sees him tomorrow.. Wonder what is causing it?

    My back messed up when I was at the drs. As I started to raise up from the exam table, those awful, painful spasms just froze me in pain. He offered his hand, but no way could I move up or down, just had to endure the spasms till they stopped. SO, then my back was killing me after that, and I have been sitting here leaning against a heating pad all night. On the plus side, my blood work was fine, nothing bad.

    Wish we could have a big group hug! So much grief, too many lives stopped too early. As soon as we are feeling better, lets have that big partay we have been putting off!

    Luvs, Kat

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Karen, crud, hate that you are going through such a difficult time with your Mom. She is diabetic right? The HTL chapel gonna be biddy tonight with all of us praying for you and for Bernie. And for Cammy and for Lara and for Wahine and hail. all of you. shhh, I sometimes cheat and just add to my prayer that God look over all of you and all of my people and their people and so on. I hate when hard times are upon any of us goils. The good thing is that you wonderful chicks can stop praying for me cuz God listened and I am healeth by de prayers and by de miracles that found me and touched uponeth mese with Sir Zach being de best miracle. I really wuz starting to tink that the infection would be de end of the Dorkie Era, no kidding. mese was skeered chitless. I can't thank you all enough for your words, support and kind gestures. And I hope that ye who is suffering now are noticed by God and that he helps yese as He did mese. He is great and He is good but had to tell Himeth that you all should have a miracle in yer lives. Hail yeah, we all deserveth somting spayshall from above after what we have been through. We all have had or are having different journeys but at de same time, we all have suffered from de consequences of de rat bastard in our teeties but at de same time, wese all haveth EACH OTHER. and I hope ye all embrace that as I do. barMEN!

    Pants, be a gent and taketh me. oops, mean take me to bese bed. Good night girls and g' morning to those of you that are "over de pond". cheeRs!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Karen u'r poor mom, she's so week after the Dr. sees her tomorrow and hears all the falling he might want her in the hospital for a bit, as bad as it is she could have been hurt so much worse. And getting up from a fall is so hard, my mom was a tiny thing and getting her up was so difficult but falling that much he might want her in a wheelchair now??? I know we got one for my mom, well that lasted a week-she kept going into the furniture scratching it and that was not going to happen for her, never mind she used to run over my feet--her furn. was more important. But it's so difficult for our moms to admit that maybe a walker isn't enough--I don't know I'll just pray for her that God helps her.

    Oh Kat and now u'r back, WTF did the Dr. say or do anything special for u.Those spasms are very painful and heat helps u, too and do u rib anything on it" Do u have muscle relaxers? If u do take and do everything and of course if u can sleep, sleep any way u can. I hope it's better quickly.

    Dork I'm glad u feel better--so glad--- but still take it easy, don't be overdoing cuz u'r starting to feel better.

    OK ours news flash the % of people went up from 2011 to legalize pot for all states, not just medical. Interesting I thought it was almost 100% a while ago, that's how much I know.Alot of members in my family already think it's legal, I don't want to let them know t's not cuz they are enjoying themselves.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Thank you for all the beautiful prayers, word and thoughts.

    Darling D just made me laugh - The other day Kat put the word barmen after something I posted on FB, I didn't get it. Now reading Dortys post and prayers she finished with barMEN.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    This was the post.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Yes, it is a sad time for so many people. Life has a nasty habit of reminding us of our mortality. I don't go to mass (nasty catholic places) but my local church is so old and peaceful I will go there today and light candles.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Bernie, It may have been Junie that wrote that drunken Lords Prayer...which ended with "Barmen". SO we used to use that a lot, but prolly haven't now for awhile. Didn't mean to funcuse you! That was a nice sentiment you posted above. Very moving. I hope you are doing ok, I can just picture you in that old church lighting candles, and feeling at peace. How is Dave doing? My SIL seems to be doing ok, and said she is going to HI next week...she has never been there. I hope all the grief won't hit her all at once, but sometimes it does help to get away from all the sadness. I don't know...I couldn't do anything for months.

    Yes Dorkie, we were ALL worried for your life! DIdn't want to let YOU Know that though, as you needed all your strength to go into healing, and not into more worry. You scared us ALL chitless, I think! So relieved you are healing now, and doing so much better!!!

    Night night girls, gotta get up really early to take parents to the airport. Hope everyone can sleep tonight....



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Not quite the same vesion, but this is similar....

    Our beer,

    Which art in barrels,

    Hallowed be thy drink.

    Thy will be drunk,

    At home as it is in the local.

    Forgive us this day our daily spillage

    As we forgive those who spillest

    against us.

    And lead us not into the practice of

    poncy wine tasting,

    And deliver us from alcopops,

    For mine is the bitter,

    The ale and the lager,

    Forever and ever;


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this Frieday?I, for one, am TGIFing!There is snow in the forcast over the weekend, so last chance to get some stuff brought inside and put up for the winter.Gotta quit procrastinating, for sure!

    Wahine--Have your Dad get his Blood pressure pill prescription filled at a national chain pharmacy, like Rite Aide or Wal-Mart.Usually you can get a refill at any pharmacy anywhere in the country 'cause they have the prescription on file in their system, so there is no need to transfer prescriptions.When I was going on lots of vacations and traveling a lot I did that with my key prescriptions, then just needed to pop into the local Rite Aide to get a refill.Did need the Rx number, though.You can check with the pharmacies and see if they still do that, I'm sure they do to cater to the traveling population.

    Goldie--good luck to DH on the heiney scope!Enjoy the trip to Laughlin!And the Ballerina sounds super yummy!

    BBBBBernie--I'm glad Dave can be home for the funeral, sad he has that to come home to.At least he passed peacefully, that is something to keep in mind.And you are so right about it being a crock of shite, death and cancer are not our fault, they're going to happen anyway!

    Wahine--Here in the northeast the funeral is usually 2 to 4 days after the death, occasionally longer.Funny how things are different in different regions and areas.I can't imagine how hard it is to get out to make arrangements right after a loved one dies.Not sure I'd be able to.

    Cammy--I'm not really familiar with Nuns and things Catholic, just the basics I need to know for my work, like people want a priest to give Last Rites, but it isn't called Last Rites anymore, and the local Priest will only go out to give Last Rites during business hours and calls and complains to our boss if one of us calls him after hours.Look at the tests that show your appendix and look and see who did the report, if it’s the same person (I'm betting it is) he or she probably didn't look so hard the second time, but reviewed the first scan results and just looked at the key places and copied the rest.But if you have had an appendectomy and you still have an appendix SOMETHING is off kilter!Either the appendectomy took the wrong thing or you are a medical oddity with more than one appendix!Which can happen but is very, very rare. . . .I have times when I want to be by myself, too, know what you mean.BUT, it can also be a sign of depression, are you taking anything for depression?Being responsible for someone's livelihood is a scary thing.Treat it like any other job and resign if you can't manage it without damaging your health.

    Becs--(raising a glass to Becs)

    ORLA--I'm so glad DH is home, and shaking my head at you drinking and puking, sounds like something I would do!I'm betting the phone interview went great!

    Oh, Bernie, so much sadness!Praying for you, your family, your neighbor and his family, the TNB ladies.Too much sadness.

    DorKable--I wish there was more we could do for Bernie, too.And I second the FURB sentiment.

    Karen--I can imagine how worried you are about your Mom. That is a lot of falling for one day!Hoping the PCP can shed some light on the problem.

    DorKable--so good to hear you sounding so much better!But still DO NOT OVERDO!

    Cammy--the city of Portland here in Maine is either in the process of legalizing small amounts of pot or has just passed the ordinance.Lots of discussion in the media about how it's still federally illegal, who will enforce what rules, how much trouble law enforcement folks get put in, blah, blah, blah.One head of some law enforcement agency came out and said they had bigger fish to fry than looking for people behaving normally who might have some pot on them.I think he has a point. . .

    I love that Do not stand at my grave and weep poem.

    BARMEN, indeed!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is theCandle in the Window

    2 tsp Bourbon

    2 oz Light Rum

    1 tsp Cherry Brandy

    1 tsp Dark Creme de Cacao

    4 oz (hot) Coffee

    2 oz Heavy Cream

    Pour the rum, bourbon whiskey, creme de cacao, cherry brandy and coffee into an Irish coffee cup or glass. Pour the cream carefully over the back of a teaspoon so that it floats on top, and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    May the peace of the Spirit be mine this night; may the peace of the Son be mine this night; may the peace of the Father be mine this night. Amen.

    for those hurting

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Good Morning Ladies--I hope everyone had a piecefull night and rested well. I loved that poem, in fact that's what I had out on my dad's card, cuz he's always say don't cry, it'll just be my body and I don't want anyone to wear black, I've had a good life. So we didn't.

    See Julie how u always make me smile and downright horny as hell and that's a good feeling at my age.

    Kat safe travels today and whether u'r sister is in tune with u'r parents or not, this time she'll have to be--so u don't worry--and it's good she's there.

    Dork we all have been so worried that's why everyone is still yelling at u to take it easy.

    NM TGIF, u are off for the weekend I hope. And I don't think the priests nowadays are the same anyway--I used to get communion in the hospital all the time--I never saw a priest, they were all the ladies of the church, kind of took the special out of it-they could have just dropped off a Tupperware bunch of them and let the nurses bring them with breakfast. And right the priests have hrs too u know--so I guess if u'r an off hr dier u'r out of luck==lots of changes. Snow? I hope not much and maybe it IS time to get everything in. It's chilly here and we did have some flurries first time this year. So we'll see.

    Lara I hope alls well with u';r DH, I'm already watching Warbirds. There is always a Dinasaur on some strange Island in the Pacific during World War II and no blondes in this one but a really cute brunette s she'll be gone right away.

    Karen it's Friday so u have some planning to do..

    I do hope we have an uneventful good day---That's why I would always say Boring is good.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Good morning Girls!

    Julie, good eye candy pics! Although I wish he needed more leaves to cover his family jewels, ya know? MIght be a small package under kidding!

    Too much excitement already. When I called to wake up my parents, they were still asleep but as soon as my mom picked up the phone, their alarm went off. SO she thought it was the alarm and didn't say anything to me but left the phone off the hook, thinking it wasn't the phone. Since they were going to pick US up, I had no way of making sure they remembered that. Stress, stress, stress....turned out ok, they picked us up. BUT my mom was wearing a diff outfit, so did not have the tote bag and purse that I had packed for her with ALL her meds in it. Sheesh. Had a smaller purse without the meds, and wasn't sure if it was now in her unlocked suitcase. SO we had to go back to their house and make sure no meds were on the table. So then my DH was driving to the airport, on the backroads, shortcut. Well we were almost there and there was a horrid accident. EVerything blocked off, several police cars, and more came past us.All the news crews had trucks there, and a newsman came to tell us we needed to turn around, there had been a fatality and 2 in critical condition (did quick prayer)....AND it happened at 4 am (was almost 6:30 now. SO had to go back past our homes, and go a totally different way. The bad thing is, this is the FIRST time I have not checked them in online and printed boarding passes, since i couldn't go upstairs last night, with my back. FInally get there, and I get my pass to help them go thru security and to the gate and they are already boarding FIRST CLASS...which luckily that is the class of tix they bought. maybe I can relax for a few weeks.....NOT. Just hope it doesn't sit on the tarmac as our recent flights have done, as they just have 1 hr to change in Atlanta. BUT I have wheelchairs for them, so they can get them to the RIGHT gate, an faster than they could walk there.

    I love the DOTD NM! Love the name, AND the ingredients!!! Bet Sue would like it too, as she does enjoy her coffee and brandy, but this recipe is even stronger...woohooooooo we can get Fried on Friedey! Pants, Jock, fill us up!!! Thanks for the pharmacy hints too, but we have theirs at a grocery store pharmacy, and if needed, he can just go to the drug store in HI, and they can call them and transfer. We HAD their scripts at Rite Aid for 2-3 yrs, but they kept making mistakes on their scripts so we changed. OURS too....RiteAid here once filled the WRONG med in a container marked for someone else,but they gave it to me....didn't notice till I got home since they stapled it shut. Sheesh! SO I started counting the pills, and making sure it was the right pill, etc. AND half the time they didn't have my moms meds, it was a mess. We do have CVS, which bought LONGS DRUGS in HI, but still has the Longs name. Thank you for thinking of hints!

    I have a question for you health care workers....when my back flares up and is in pain (prolly inflammed) should I use heat or ice on it? My problem is degenerative discs, and arthritis there too. I have been using heat, but prolly cuz the house is cold right now, so I didn't even think of ice. Input?????

    I will prolly bump someone as I am wriiting slowly, trying to catch the news to see what they say about the bad accident (I should say "wreck" again, for Dorkies amusement....LOL). Bernie, how are things today? I sure hope you felt some peace, lighting those candles. Lots of prayers going out for family and friends of all those that have passed. We aren't going to the services (today and tomorrow) for my DH's brother, such a long drive, and he was worried about my back. I would go, if he thought he really wanted to be there, as he could see other family members he hasn't seen in yrs, but he wanted to remember him as he saw him a few days ago, and not in a coffin. SO I'll just keep praying for the rest of his family and his friends, as I imagine that they will have a hard time the next few days. One positive thing about having a quick funeral, is it seems its easier to start moving forward, after the funeral.

    Hope it will be a better day for all of youse!



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    OOPS I knew it.....bumped into 2 of youse. Well, both Pants and Jock were waiting with open are in GOOD HANDS NOW (no, not Allstate!). Julie, is that fairy the reason we have had so much chite going on lately???? So funny!

    Cami, yes, boring can be a good thing!!! OH I forgot to comment on something you said earlier about how you aren't bored. OR maybe I did comment???? IDK. I don't get bored either, and I LOVE being at home. A couple of reasons I like to travel are: 1) I love seeing new places, or places that I love, again, and 2) we escape a lot of the everyday chit and problems while we are gone. OF COURSE it takes alot of work before the trips, and after them, and the bad chit is always waiting for us here, but we get a few days of just having fun, seeing new things, eating new food, or just relaxing. WIth our rentals, our parents, kids, and grandkids, there is always something going on. AND when we are overseas, no one can reach us by phone with problems, which is quite nice.

    Lara, I hope your DH is still doing well, at home. BUT it sounds like we need to worry more about YOU now! Hope you are feeling better, and less stressed, and I sure wish your pain would go away. How did the interview go? OR did I miss an update on it?

    Karen, Hope they find out your mom is ok! AND that she won't be falling anymore.

    Hugsssssssssss Againnnnnnnnn,


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Don't know how we can get MrsVino (Allison) back into the lounge today, but today is HER Birthday!!!! Happy, Happy Birthday to our dear Allison!!!! Hope you get to try out your kayak soon, if it warms up!!


    (I know it needs 2 L's, but I ran out of decorating frosting!)



    Time for another Birthday Partay!!!!!

    Love, Kat

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Good Friday morning.....been relaxing for the past hour, so now its time to get busy....want to clean the kitchen and vacuum before I pick Mom up for the doctor appt...someone asked, but she is not diabetic....Mom's takes meds for high cholesterol and thyroid....She has been diagnosed with "Parkinsonism"...I'm sure that is what is going on...Mom is still in denial about it and will only say she has a "gait problem" or its neurological....she does get PT/OT but things aren't going to get better....Its hard because the docs have said there is no rhyme or reason why she can be walking good one moment and then change on a dime......ITs been very hard on MOM as she has always been healthy and very physically active......the PCP sees here monthly or every 6 weeks to monitor her thyroid and the swelling she was having in her legs...oh yeah, she is also on Lasix.......

    DD gets hope this afternoon from school trip....nice narrow band of time...1:15 and 2 and they will post on twitter!!! I don't do twitter, so I best be home and not running errands during that time...I was planning on 2 but I guess I'll now plan for I best I better get busy....will try to bbl

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Can never have enough Cake!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Oh Kat I could eat everyone of those cakes completely.

    What a horrid time u had this morning--U must have given yourselves plenty of time to get to the airport tho, which by now u have to know. Kat u and I have the same thing--I have the 2 lower degenerative discs and lower vertebrae same thing with all arthritis too and scoliosis Hmmm That's kind of weird I never had anything wrong with my back until BC so u have to wonder and my floating organs I just enjoy so much--I use ice most of the time tho??? Oh NM 2 separate people read my 2 tests and 2 people said my appendix was good--so I bet something moved into that little area to make a home for itself--u know --location, location, location--must be a good spot. Kat I don't know what hurts worse my back or my side, it's pretty much at the same time so it's hard to tell cuz it just wraps around--Oh well it could be so much worse and if I had a DH I think I would do more too, but being alone with no money limits even my shopping so I'm fine staying home.

    Oh I talked with my DD1 about her party and she said why don't I wear something really sparkly with my jewelry and go as a princess---ha I told her I had my own costume picked out--I didn't tell her tho.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Cami, I prolly should be using ice too....Becks mentioned that to me last night, but I had used heat all night and using heat now. I'm prolly making it worse! lol. HOW IN HECK do you lie in bed with your bad back? I can't lie down long on my back cuz then its very painful to get out of bed. Have to lie on my side to sleep, like fetal position almost. I MISS the good masages my DH used to give me, cuz lying on my tummy is the worst thing to do....getting up makes it even more painful. YOU trooper you!!!! Still hope you can ask someone about your "appendix" that shows up. LOL about your costume, and not telling your DD.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Kat I don't even have a bed I sleep in an upright position all the time so a bed is just a waste of space and it's much mor comfortable, but as soon as I get up I feel it, then If I clean out the liter box it just gets worse as I do some things, then when my eyeballs start hurting I stop. LOL Some days my eyeballs hurt early and that's it.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2013

    Morning all.

    i should be tucked up in my bed. it's about 3.30 Saturday morning. Bad joints. Probably need something in my coffee.

    Big hugs to those who need then to day. will pop in for a longer drink later.