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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Forget the coffee Alyson, just drink what u'd put in.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2013

    Happy Birfday Alli!! Love all da cakes Kat made fer ya...dey do look yum yummy. Hope you have a Fab Blowout weekend...Muah!

    Karen - horrible about your mom. Hope they can find the right meds to assist with the Parkinsons. Must b so scary for you...will b sending positive healing energy your way.

    NM - yum yum...yep, coffee/brandy and anything else is OK, righty-mighty fer mese.

    Lori - keep us posted on dh n his caboose K?

    Cami - in 09 had 'pelvic mass' show up in CT. Went to gyno onco doc...he did US wand and said it was my uteris. It had been removed in 1983!! Really makes ya trust dese dang docs huh?!?!

    Kat - can't speak for heat or ice, but my back went out yest. I used heat. Then took Lortab and layed down for 90 mins. I at least was able to get up. My SiL sed her pt says 'moist heat packs' that u can get at the drug store. Will have to look into that myself. Hoping you have a more relaxing day after the horrid start this morning getting your parents to the airport.

    DorKy - I second what Kat sed...we were all skeered to def for you. Sooo glad you are on the mend.

    Bernie - what a beautiful prose. (((Bernie)))

    Julie - u r killing me here wif da sexy men....guess I better go find Jocks or Pants and get mese some relief!!

    Lubslubslubs to all!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Hi Mema

    Kat dont worry im doing better you all know I have horrid panic attacks

    I found an old MRI they did for my back I have degeneretive disc diease and all this bulging disks etc

    I faxed it to new primary care doc they denied my MRI well know they wont

    Cam I rented redbox some scary ones todat

    had to get DH a liquid enema he feels better

    just quiet and laying down

    just got back from doing a million things

    dork sssssssshhhhhhhhh we love u

    Ive been busy in teh chapel

    Karen scary about Monm

    Hi NM how much snow u getting we r getting flurries

    I had to take an assesment test after the phone interview

    waiting to hear

    happy b day allison

    Alyson heres a hug feel better

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Shoot, well maybe we SHOULD shoot something in our backs....strong numbing med? Sue, your back is prolly worse than mine, don't know how you endure it at times. ANd Cami, you too, glad you don't have a regular bed, it would be impossible to get up, with your bad back. And Lara too....OMG....let me know if your dr suggests anything to help you. I don't have the bulging discs though. ANYWAY, my prev spine dr at my last visit after I had the caudal epidural that didn't work (I think because I took DD2 to Europe right after that, and it needed me to rest more for it to work), well he suggested something I thought was weird so I didn't get it. Its a cream that someone would call me from the company and send it directly to me. The co couldn't (or wouldn't) tell me what was in it so I didn't order it. That was last year (and I thought he was weird to suggest a cream), so I saw a diff spine surgeon a few wks ago, but think I will go back to that first one! Well, when I saw my PCP yest, and told him about that, he said it DOES work for some people, and he gave me an info sheet on they type he would order, which might be the same. SO now I think I should try that. Have any of you heard about it? It has an anti-inflammatory, and other stuff, but he said some of it CAN get in your system, so if taking that, to stop oral anti-inflammatories. ITs too late for me to get a caudal epidural before December, so I'm thinking of maybe trying that cream, or calling about accupuncture. DO ANY OF YOU have other suggestions from your drs? Since so many of us have these back problems, maybe we can learn something from ea other.

    OH, something else I learned yest. I take Dexilant daily, and some others do too, and some may take Nexium. Well, the nurse told me that Dexilant can cause harder stools, and Nexium can cause runny stools. So wanted to make sure that you are not on Nexium, Cami!

    Hey is this a drinking thread or a medical thread??? Maybe we should medically treat our back pain with LIKKER!!!!! Yah, thats it!! Didn't mean to write so much about medical chite, but sometimes we have learned things from ea other that are very helpful.

    OK now, DWINK UP!!!!! Gonna have that yummy "Candle in the Window" dwink.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Oh Kat yes I know about the nexium but thanks anyway. OK let start the yummy drinking and forget about our backs for a while anyway, LOL

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Horse liniment - rub it in twice a day - for back pain. Stinks a bit but it works. Straight from the horses mouth.

    Julie beautiful words.

    Cami stop with having two of everything and put your bits back where they belong

    Karen - your poor mum.

    I lit candles for you all and your families - nearly set alight to the church

    Happy birthday to Ally and her kayak

    Alyson - try Irish coffee or add Baileys

    ok the sun is now over something in the garden so tha't ok then

    FIL surgery next Friday.

    Letter from Bank. DH's credit card just been suspended due to some unusual foreign transactions - LMFAO

    Darling D - how's your mate

    Manic - Me - No

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    For darling D


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    good afternoon Bernie:)

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013


    first drink at the airport at 5am

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    hey chickies,

    I just read through the posts from where i left off but did not yet read before that. Sending prayers to all of you, especially to those suffering with pain, loss of loved ones and ones that are in de rabbit hole. I dangling a carrot over the hole and demand that you all come out now.

    Happy birthday to our own mrs_vino aka Allison. It is my DD birthday today too.

    It after 2pm which is my assigned nap time. mese shrink tail me to schedule nap when I wake up in de aye em as if it was a job. oops, I a wee bit late. I am having Steve over tonight to sailabrate mese birthday tomorree so will not be until tomorree that I catch up. I love you all and you ALL in my prayers. Peace out and dwink up girls. cheerS!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Awesome Julie, you know how to start the partay early!!!! Five ayem, wow! You look SO NICE in the picture too!!!

    Happy Early Birthday to Dorkie.....(geez, gotta milk it, huh! lol). AND Happy Birthday to your sweet DD, and another Happy Birthday to Allioopsie.

    Love the funnies Bernie! And really??/ Horse liniment??? You've used it? Oh chite about your DH's CC being suspended. That happens to my DH so much. On our last trip to HI, also. But someone always seems to get his info and uses it somewhere else, so they stop it, and then the job of notifying ALL the automatic payments that are set up. He forgot to give the newspaper the new CC#, and they had to call yesterday....oops. Always have to wait for a new card too. Happened in Prague too, so we tried it at another restaurant and still didn't work, so we tried my diff CC, and it didn't work either, so we thought they BOTH got suspended. Then I was able to use mine later, so I guess they just had a bad connection there and couldn't get mine approved. Good thing to have extra cash when traveling!!! Your DH isn't in danger of pirates is he? Saw that about the 2 US citizens kidnapped by pirates, and want to make sure your DH is ok. OF COURSE he would be safer anyway, since he is not from the US, we seem to be the targets lately. But I do hope he stays safe.

    OK, got to get some chit done.....toodles noodles, and ramen, and whatever......


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    dork we r scorpions knew u were one

    Bernie maniac - no - me - mybe

    Kat u can do cream hot and cold on and off

    U need An MRI

    Here's a round if drinks

    Cam those movies were dumb watching omen channel 29 here

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Juliet love the beer at 5 am

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Julie u look gorgeous especially with a beer and at 5ayem wow. Our hair is about the same color.

    Dork u'r already off schedule but at least u'r trying.

    Bernie funny as usual and horse liniment ??? I bet it does work too just sounds funny. I like that especially if u'r Dr. asks what u'r using

    Lara I didn't say the movies were good, I said I was watching them, they were stupid so a nap comes in handy.

    Oh when Joey went to his first Halloween party (family) he dressed up as a Hawaiian with the lei and all ad no one knew what he was so he said now he has to make a statement and be something else??? He looked so good too.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited October 2013

    Hi there,

    DH is napping so I thought I'd pop into the HTL to see what mischief you are all into! He goes home tomorrow and I am sad. I already booked a flight for Thanksgiving so I could counter the sadness. I want to move back with him. Hard with my Mom and Annie being here. So... have concluded I need to win lotto so I can travel often to see everyone I love so much. Sound like a plan.

    NM, cheers back at ya. What's new?

    Cami, you appendix story sounds funny. I was looking for orig story but gather they found it. You sure they ever took it out? Someone is pulling your leg girl.

    Mema, they found your uterus too? Haha. Talk about phantom two have phantom organs showing up!

    Lara, sorry your DH had surgery but he should be feeling better now. Hope so. Any news on job front? It will come when the time is right. Are you able to get short term disability in the meantime? Did the panic attacks happen with the FRB?

    Wahiney, hope back is better by now. Wondering Bernie, is DMSO the horse linament? I also use Biofreeze or Perform( by makers of Biofreeze, which you can buy at Walmart).

    We all seem to have degenerative discs..... we need a chiopractic wizard in the HTL. Just go hang upsidedown by the perc fountain to get pressure off discs. Speaking of the perc fountain....I think I will park my barstool over there for 2.5 weeks while I am in mourning. I am so very sad that my week with my DH and kids is coming to end. Hate reality! It bites! It sux a$$! What else??

    Dorfy, hope you have fun early birthday tonight. Happy birthday tomorrow!!! Wanted to tell you now because I will be traveling tomorrow. Will be back in time for work Tuesday. Yuck!

    Happy birthday Ali. I don't feel I know you, other than that you smash knees with da slugger but I've heard good things about you.

    Juliet, loving the pics of you. Drinking at 5 ayem/peeyem....same thing! Your trip was to Wales or you are from Wales? I'm funcused. My ancestors are from Wales.

    Cyndilouwhowheredahailareyou?? Poke!!!

    Lori, hope all is well. Are you going to Laughlin to gamble? Lori is Goldie ya? You all funcused da hail outta me when I came here with all da names!!

    Kaykay chef Boyardee!!! chest bump!

    okay, I am hot. flashes so much less since going off tami.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    cam found ones on AMC

    Hi becks glad u r going back to Dh

    I've had servers panic since I was 20

    Got worse over time to on meds

    Where's the party tonight

    Totally forgot it was friday

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited October 2013

    Orange, I want to go back with DH but I have to plan. He lost big paying job last Dec. Was like "WTF?" After year I had it was more like, "Whatever! Just take it!" So...he will get promotion in Feb to Senior Buyer and along with that a raise. Meanwhile I will make money here because my job market sucks there. Tentative plan will be for me to join him next summer. That will put me half way to all of your!!! Woohoo!!

    Lets have a birthday piñata par tay for Alli and Dork and hope they show up for it!! Drinks on me!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited October 2013

    I brought a bounce house!



  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited October 2013

    I'm ready!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited October 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOL Becks....I guess along with no hangovers in the HTL, our backs will not hurt in the bouncy house, right??? It IS weird so many of us have that affliction. Going skydiving was pieca cake, but when I think of bungee jumping...NO WAY, because of the hard movements after you jump. SPeaking of all dat, Mema didn't you get, or your friend got, one of those upside-down thingies? I forgot about that. NO GIRLS, it is not a s3x toy, lol, but stretches out your back. Is it working (for you or your friend)??? Does anyone see a chiropractor for their back? I saw one last year and of course he found tons of things wrong with EVERYTHING, top to bottom of spine, but when he jerked my neck it sceered de chit outta me and I never went back! Maybe we can put in a real massage table, where your head has an opening for it, might not hurt our backs....then we can hog the Tenders for back massages! Does BioFreeze help your spine, Becks?

    And WHY IN DE WOILD is Becks lying down on de floor, and dere are dwinks sitting all on top of her???? Anyone??? Well....duh....its cuz Becks said the drinks are on her! Hiss, Boo....yeah I know, puny attempt at

    Lara, my DD1 gets horrid panic attacks too, so I know a little bit about them. NOT fun at all, and can be really serious at times. I am so glad she agreed to fly to Dallas with me...if she does ok, that is a BIG step as its been over 10 yrs since she has flown anywhere, and that was a real bad experience. I hope you are a lot more relaxed now. AND your DH is doing ok, right?

    You are RIGHT BEcks, Goldie is Lori, she is also The Innocent One...hey Lori you need some more names!!!!!

    And NM doesn't have a nickname, or Julie....Lara had some, but then most of us went back to calling you Lara. Hmmmmmm.......

    Cami, so sweet that Joey went as a Hawaiian! Did he wear a hawaiian shirt and a lei? Then it would be more like a Tourist in Hawaii, and he could add a camera around his neck, and redden his face like he has a suntan! He is such a sweetie!!!!

    Really didn't do much today....was nice not to feel guilty that I wasn't at my parents house doing something. Haven't even taken their car back! Just chillaxin....

    OH I foigot....time for my thimblefull of vino....woohooo!!!!!

    Cheers! Chairs! Tables!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good evening, Loungette!  I've got  a new toy to play with, a bluetooth keyboard that I paired up with my kindle.  Kinda fun but the desktop computer is still easier 'cause I can have OneNote open at the same time.   So this is from memory, so forgive me for what gets messed up! 

    Juliet--I am drooling all over my new keyboard!  Nice leaf pile, there!  

    Wahine--the general rule about heat and cold is to start with cold than use heat.  For back pain and other pain that's been around for a while try both and see what helps.  Alternating heat and cold is popular, too.  20 minutes of one followed by 20 minutes of the other, follwed by at least 20 minutes of neither.  

    Well, I've drawn a blank on everything else I read, and I've lost a couple of posts already so I'm going to post and then play fetch with Sadie.  

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Happy b'day to DorK's beautiful DD and happy b'day tomorrow to DorK.....I'll have a glass off wine or 2 tonight and then more tomorrow night to celebrate...and Mrs. Wino happy b'day to you..

    PCP didn't have any words of wisdom other than to call neurologist so I did...need to make an appt. to bring mom in next week... She was much better today.....PCP is following her monthly.

    I got done cooking early enough to get my hair cut and then get a any dishes not done before I went will have to wait for DH!!

    Wishing everyone a feel good night....Candle lighting is in 15 minutes so need to get a few things done....see you tomorrow night....Hugs and love!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Hey Becs we know u had a beautiful week this week, but Thanksgiving wilk be here before u know it--and I'm sure u feel sad cuz u'r DH is leaving, but we'll be here--Oh not nearly so good but we're better than nothing I hope.

    NM U've learned it that fast--OMG I'm still working on the new phone--I can't stand these new things. and I usually use cold only cuz it feels better to me--but when I used to do hot I could never get it hot enough and my back would be all burned and blistered but it just didn't feel hot enough--crazy I know.

    Karen I always admire how u practice u'r religion, Im Catholic and I don't even know the Pope' s name. Well in all fairness he doesn't know mine.

    Lara I watched chiller movies today not to bad.

    I hooe u'r DH is doing well too.

    Kat it must feel strange to u not taking care of u;r parents everyday, u'r so used to it, I'm sure u'll find 5 other things to do. And I thought u'r joke was funnuy---And u'r DD gets panic attacks too--Holy Geeze Lar I started getting them when they call them nerves and then it went to anxiety attacks, now panic and I know how horrible each one is sometimes I go for a little while and not have any then for no reason at all it would start and I always thought I was dieing =They were so bad and at that time they didn't really know much about them so I took a regular tranquilizer and it helped but not completely and I'd be beside myself and pace all the time, my mom and dad would come over and no one had this then so they were baffled what to do so my mom would make me warm milk and my dad would make me drink wine--the wine helped but a lot of it.

    then I got Xanax and that helped a lot, then one of Leslie's dr. --shrink-- gave me paxil and said in a couple of day u won't need the Xanax as bad as u do now and I told him forget it I will. I was at work and he called me like 3 days later and I told him I didn't take any Xanax today I couldn't believe it and he said I told u that's exactly what paxel is for---I still take 60mg daily and Xanax at night or if I do need it but what a difference with both meds together I go for so long with no attacks even thru all these yrs, that's probably why I went thru it without getting upset. So I'm telling u this just to let u know what I take for mine and it really wrks, but it has to be together---just 2 nieces have this too and they asked for what I'm on and what a difference for them both.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Hi goils!

    Love the leaf pile!!! The body holding them up isn't too bad

    Dork, sorry I missed your DD's bithday so Happy Birthday belatedly to her and WoooHoooo!!!! Happy Birthday to youse Dorkypoo!!!!! Yes, it's already your birthday here in Aus and I'm salibrating!!! Yippeeee! Set 'em up Joe and keep 'em coming! It's da Dorks Birfdey!!!!! an she needs to hab a happy one!!!!!

    Karen it's always a worry when aged parents fall as they can do so much damage to themselves very easily. Glad she is doing better today.

    Kat while the parents are away try to get a bit of R & R for yourself.

    Julie, love the pic and a beer at 5am? Girl, all I can say is you have a very strong constitution!

    Well I now have a graduated GS........and in two weeks he will officially be an adult as he turns that makes me feel old! He did very well in his last year of school and achieved two Merits and two High Achievements. Now the wait begins till January when we hear if he has gotten into University.

    Hi to all the gals I didn't address personally.

    Love n Hugs n TITTIES UP!!!!! Chrissy

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    hi girls,

    popped in to tail ye all that I have merembered de name of de band whose tour bus dumped all dere chit into the river and de chit hit de boat which was loaded with real people who got chit on lmao rightabout now tehehehe!

    so yep, mese de dwunketh as I had been for a wong wong time. n i wuz jest under attack of de stink bug, omg, dey STILL slalking mese. but gtg and git back to mese DH#2bertwo. wese having a nice time n i only jest sitting by de fire and henjoying mesefelt but tinking bout you all cuz I had to tail you who de chitters from de bus to de boat bese. tanks fer bday greeting for mese DD and fer mese. LOVE YOU MORE DEN I CAN SAY (dat a song by I tink Leo Sayer??) oh hail, mese reeeeeeely dwunk but promise mese relexing to de mexemum. LOVE LOVE LOVE in mese fart. and hiya Chrissy, oh i lub ye so i culd cry. but radder burp o fart in ye honor and dat mese lub is a HIGH honnor. bee back tonight or tomorree, sawy about mese,but i tink ye comprehend cuz ye dwunks like mese. so lift my glass and sey __________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (PHIL IN NDE BLANK>>> TE HEHEHE) ~booooyP!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    oops, forget to tell ye all that the pool bus belonged to the Dave Mathews Band. Cammie, I poysonnally apologizes for what they did to yer fellow boys n goils ChicagoTonioans, tisk tist tisk to de people on de bus. But I so sorry to say that mese is laughging so much about de infestiagation of said chit.


    What happens on a rock star's tour bus generally stays there, but the Dave Matthews Band's dirt made a public appearance earlier this month in Chicago.

    The band is being sued by the state of Illinois for allegedly dumping up to 800 pounds of liquid human waste from its bus into the Chicago River on August 8, according to The Associated Press.

    The suit, filed Tuesday, claims that a boat with more than 100 people on an architecture tour was soaked with sewage when the driver emptied the bus' septic tank through the Kinzie Street bridge's metal grating into the river. According to the AP, the attorney general's office said no one was seriously injured by the falling waste, and the boat's captain quickly took the ship back to shore and handed out refunds to passengers before disinfecting the boat.

    Dave Matthews Band spokesperson John Vlautin said of the incident, "Our driver has stated that he was not involved in this incident," and added that the band "will continue to be cooperative in this investigation."

    The lawsuit seeks $70,000 in civil penalties and charges the band and one of its drivers with violating state water-pollution and public-nuisance laws.


    While I tink farts n poop are berry funny, dere r times when I not tink so funny. And I feel total guilt for laughing at this horrible event on de river. If I WAS A VICTIM OF DE RIVER BOAT, I WOULD BE PISSED OFF TO DE MAX. Ok, feel better after gitting dat off mese chest. who dwinking now? it almost fooooor freaking peee emmm. and I gots a beeeee freaking emmm but shall refrain from dumpting on odder peoples heads. and why u ax? cuz I got CUTH baby, oh hail yeah.

    love you girls, sawry too drunketh to speak to each of ya but pleeeeze know I love ye all and appresheate ye hearing my silly n distasteful rant a'bbput de sewer river in Chicago....reminds me of anudder song called CHICAGO......

    peace lub n chEARs to all mese goils, chhhhBurpHiccup n tons n tons of chit n love! jk bout de chit lmao, oooooops. which bdw, chit talk compliements of STELLA! she bad n I know it so I clap me hands.

    ---------------or sumting like dat. doRK de boythdey goil is oBBBer n oUt. ~ burp fart, oops, dat wuz adern fn shart. gtg, dern sharts....