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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013


    happy birthday dorty

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Darling D.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!It's SaTURDay!I got to sleep in for almost an hour until Sadie decided it was time to get up and piddle.Ah, luxury!

    Happy Birthday, Mrs. Vino!!

    Happy Birthday, DorKable!

    Cammy--I like techy toys, especially when they make life easier for me, and being able to use the Kindle as a tablet from time to time falls into that category.The onscreen keyboard takes up too much reading space and has buttons too small for my fat finners!I've had a couple of panic attacks, not fun, not fun a all!I am so glad that you found a med that helps, that makes a world of difference!

    Chrissy--congrats to GS!

    DorKable--OK, so are you going to tell the rest of us what band did that dirty deed?Aha, there's that info!Oh, my I cannot imagine having something like that happen, and I would be hopping mad, too.That kind of thing can ruin a vacation, or at least that day of it.

    Juliet--Nice cake!

    BBBBBernie--LOL!!!Ooh, and there's a promise that would be fun to keep.

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Pussywillow Dotty

    1 shot Whiskey

    1 shot Dry Sherry

    4 cubes Ice

    oz (Fill to Top) Sprite

    1 splash Grenadine

    2 shots Sweet and Sour Mix

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    aaaaaaaaaaah just lost a post, so here's a quick summary

    to a certain person , amazon said it was deleivered yesterday ,I congratulated my self on catching I had sent it o myself befor e placing the order but totally missed I had forgetten the gift wrap and the message, so hope your enjoying them.

    anybody else got sick after the flu jab, had mine Monday morning ,sick for the last few day,called in to work for 2 nights from it, the questionare ,had a lot of questions about frb, but decided after talking with the nurse,had no problems last year so would have it. so need to call employee health on Monday and see if I was just unlucky

    enjoyed my holiday, more to follow

    everybody have a good weekend, bbl

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Oh Julie, they FORGOT to deliver that to my house!!!!!! LOL, so sweet of you to send something to annudderr loungette (tink I know who!), and glad you had the right address before ordering it. I felt badly about the earlier faux pas when I left a number out! You are so thoughtful, as are all the other gals here! Dang it, hate that you got so sick from the flu shot. I had mine on Monday and no problems with it. Just noticed we had ours on the same day, how random is that! WHAT A PURRFECT CAKE FOR DORKY!  You found the best cake possible~~~!

    NM, glad you got to sleep in jest a little bit, at least! Hope your weekend will be a good one, and are you totally well now?

    BBBernie, OMG, those are soooo funneeeee! Think I will copy the shitty one to show my DH. HE loves it when I copy something funny and send it in an email to him. How are YOU and Dave doing today??? Hope he will be back soon, or will he still be gone till sometime in Nov? How is Chris' family doing? And your neighbors who lost their niece? Did you get your door handle fixed??

    Love the DOTD NM....our Dotty will jest lub all dis attenchun....dat is, WHEN SHE GETS UP!!! LOL. Dotty, glad you had such a nice dwunken nite. You needed some fun time. Also so glad you are healing so well now, finally!

    Becks, Will be thinking of you today, sad to see your DH go back home. At least you have Turkey Dey to think of....and as busy as you are with your job, time may pass quickly. Do you want your own Tender until that time? Take your pick, plenty to go around and I doubt anyone would mind.

    CynCyn, Did you find out anything about tenants rights? I really think you should be able to withhold rent, but I know you don't want to risk eviction, so am hoping you found info about all this.  Are you enjoying your beeeeeeutiful beach??? Love walking on the beach, and you are so, so close!

    Hope you are having a GRAND time at the canyon Lori (I jest lubs how NM said that!!!). And at Laughlin....I just am not sure when you will be where. Glad you enjoyed Lillian's family!

    To those gals watching g'dau (15) posted a pic, well her daddy took the pic and posted it, but it was of her wearing a bulls head or a buffalo head. AND omg, it reminded me of that awful man/beast in Coven!!!!  I told her she better not scare me, but I think they were in a costume shoppe, just being silly.

    Sue, Lara, Adey, Eve, Chrissy, Alyson, Allison, and ebberyone else, have a wunnerful SatTURDdey....its a turd dey in honor of our Dorkie!

    Okay, my next post will be dedicated to our DORKaronis Birtharama......


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Since Dotty has a fantabulous cake from Julie, I will try to add some other tings she lubs....






    Dotty, Hoping you have Fun, Fun, Fun, on YOUR day today!!!! If you drop into the HTL, we can have a partay tonight, but mese tinks youse will be bizzy wid your own partay too! All the best to you, girlfriend! Thinking of you today, and wishing everything good  for you!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    Lots of Love, Kath  (mean dorKATHY)

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Everything went fine for DH, expected it too. Left the hospital and hit Mickey D's, he ate 3 Big Macs!!!!

    So sorry to read of all the sadness here in our HTL, hugs for everyone in pain, whether it be physical or emotional.

    Dork, when I got that infection in my stomach, after histarectomy, I thought for sure I was going to die, as it just didn't seem like I was getting better.

    Julie, loved all of the pictures you shared from your trip. And woot woot for the 5 am cocktail. It's 5 o'clock somewhere, doesn't say it has to be pm!

    Kathy, I hope your parents made it ok without any problems. As for names, I do have a few others that DH calls me, scarecrow and blondie.

    Beckers, sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family. I can relate to everyone being so far away, although I do have my DH. Most of my family in MI and my DD is in the Virgin Islands. I have not seen her in over 3 years.

    Too much to try and catch up on, when missing a day. And then when we leave on Tuesday for 4 days!!!!

    Sending big huge birfday wishes to Alli, Dork and Dork's DD.

    My chuckle for the morning, that the pope doesn't know Cami's are a riot!



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Kat, Dork will be wearing her JD dress today too.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Hiya Blondie!!! OOPS I foigot your DH had the heiny scope yesterday, but am soooo glad everything was fine! And now I know when you are leaving...Tuesday....mese jest cudn't keep it all straight. Cute things for Dorkie!!!!

    My parents got to HI just fine, and I wrote to the ex-sis, asking her to make sure they take their meds. I know they will take them places, but just hope they monitor them also. They need to check their b/p often,and even though we bought another one for them, they rarely use it. They keep the bed pillows up in a high cupboard (its a SMALL studio unit on the beach), and I was trying to get my mom to agree to just leave them out. That's why she fell backwards off the chair onto the ceramic tile floor (over concrete), she was putting the pillows away. Sheesh.....much safer to leave them out. Anyway, I can't worry too much while they are there, I worry enough while they are here! I'll just pray they will be okay.

    Grass was covered with frost this ayem, thought I had brought all the critical plants inside, but just saw my beloved bouganvilla in a totally unprotected place. Hope it will be ok. Did I tell you I nearly brought in 2 small green tree frogs the other day? One was on a plant and the other one was in the bottom of another plant (between the planter it is in and the one that planter sits in). Whew....glad I time I didn't see it till it was in the house. They are masters at blending in to the foliage and very hard to find!

    Hugs again!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    AWESOME, Blondie!!!! Doesn't our Dorkie look HOT, HOT, HOT!!!! Purrrrfect dress for her! You rock.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Good Morning everyone.

    Lori I'm glad u'r DH is good---3 big Macs, didn't he get sick OMG--Oh don't get me wrong I like Mickey D's actually most things --but when u;r DH got cleaned out he really went all in for filling up-I'm glad cuz that meant he was feeling good.

    NM I ove to hear u on the weekends u sound so distressed and u'r lovin' Sadie so much. I know it's getting chilly here my kids are cleaning up the summer yard getting ready for winter.

    Kat I'm glad u'r parents are where they want to be---and I'm sure u'r family will watch over them and see that they might need extra help. U have nuff stuff happening to just try to take care of what's going on here.

    Julie I'm sorry u must have gotten a reaction to the shot, u know more than anyone that that happens, but I'm sorry it happened to you. Let me tell u if I could print u'r 5ayem picture and blow it up, Honestly I would put a frame on it--I love it--u look so wonderful and the beer adds the attitude.

    OK I might have a change in plans for my costume--My DD bought a crazy glittery huge round pink color lenses sun glasses---now I could be with all my glittery stuff and waxy sparkly hair Dame Elton June--so my planning for the day.

    And I hope everyone has a good day.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOL Cami,, can't wait to see what you REALLY dress up as for goblin day! OH, its my dad that wants to stay in HI, my mom prefers to be here. So he just moved last year to make HER happy, and to have someone look after them (me). But since my mom's memory is declining and she isn't as active as she used to be, she might be very content sitting on the lanai and looking at the ocean. Hoping she remembers when she sees the dolphins....we used to see them around 1-2pm, right in front, not too far from the shore. Can I do a little correction though? I think you meant de-stressed, but it came out as "distressed", but I am sure NM knew what you meant!!!! OMG, puleez don't check which words I type though, ok? Deal or no deal???? LOL, I lubs ya, hope you know that! Katiewumpus

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA---Dork did u think I forgot u'r birfday? no no I dinnn't but I can't do pictures like I used to so I have to just say things like Happy Birthday and belated happy birthday to u'r DD and u couldn't hole her in for one more day so u could share u'r days together. I am so thankful that u'r mommy had u even tho u don't live by me--we somehow met and I get to wish u a Happy Birthday. Cuz mese fart overflows wid de love for u. And I want u to be happy and healthy and feel good for u'r big day but don't overdo anything, cuz u'll have many many more birfdays to overdo everything as I know u will. So have a blessed day and enjoy u;r day and sailabrat another year of being happy and feeling better this year--u are a special lady to us all--so be well.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Bernie u always make me laugh but I know u've really been hit by some bad stuff this week and I hope it just gets better for u. My BIL sent me an Irish good luck poem but I don't know how to copy it--but I thought of u the whole time reading it. So in my thoughts I'm sending it to u.

    It's been a ruff week here and so many are sad, but it's our life and to many things we can't control and getting older doesn't mean more control that's for sure, but I hope this week oens up some good dorrs for all.

    Oh No Lori I'm going to miss u, u'll be gone AGAIN for a while. I'm happy for u, but not for me.

    And Lara if I'm not home I'll be taping a movie tonight to cuddle up tomorrow and do nothing and watch TV.

    Well tonight I may be Junny and the Jets, and it's Saturday, Saturday. Saturday and I can always watch Rocketman. I crack me up

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Thanks Cami, that is lovely.

    K asked me questions - so quick summary - I am all calm now.

    Chris died very peacefully, I spoke to his wife last night. Brain haemorrhage, he would have felt nothing. Just waiting on the funeral arrangements and then I will book flights over.

    Neighbours niece is being buried tomorrow - only takes three days here.

    FIL has op scheduled for 1st Nov, spoke to him last night. Doctors are very pleased with his progress.

    DH fine and very busy. That's good - doesn't give him time to sit and thind.

    Sinead had a huge row with her mum yesterday. Will that bloody women ever ever ever learn. Stop being so bossy and just sit and shut up for once. The 6 weeks she is coming over for when BUMP arrives is going to be very interesting.

    Bump has tripled in size in three days. Sinead told me to stop staring!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Oh look, the sun is over the front gate - Let Darling D's BD party begin

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Oh Bernie I like that and I'm glad u'r settled a little bit and u'r DH is busy===And stop staring

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Darling D


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOL Bernie at ALL those funnees! Will Sinead's mom be staying with her or with you? OMG you will need an entire wine cellar to handle your sanity for all those weeks. SO funny about Sinead telling you to stop staring at the "bump"....hilarious. Glad your FIL is doing well, and that Chris' widow said he died peacefully. SO hard on her and his family and friends though, but nicer knowing he did not suffer. Also glad your DH is keeping so busy. THANKS for answering all my questions!!!!! Poor Sinead though, having another row with her mom. She needs to be stress-free at this time. ((((Sinead))))

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2013


    Happy BirfDay DorKy!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    LOL BBBernie Love u'r pics.

    can't quite do them yet.

    I bet Dorky's still sleeping she was up late last nite, I think.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2013

    Happy birfday to D's DD too!! That was an aweful chitty tale u tailed us bout dat bus and dos peeps on da boat. I wud b screaming mese block off too. Sounds like you had a berry spashall dwunkiness night by da fire lasterdaynight. Wish I cudda been der wif ya!

    Bernie - I ditto question Kat asked about Sinead's mom. Also 2nd that if true, u need full wine cellar eh? I spit me joe outta jes one nostril, cuz other one clogged up, when I saw that farting unicorn...toooo f'n cool!! Still want to gib u I will (((Bernie)))!

    Beckers - Where is your DH and kids living? I tink u've sed b4 but mese brain can't find it anywhere in d'file. I am sad for you in anycase, being away from them has to be hard so mese praying u hit da Lotto and DH can quit and you all can travel...Now dats a plan!!

    Cami - LOL about Joey as a hawaiian...poor thing. Does he have any other ideas? u said it well...I too hope this week is better for all our breasties! I lol on those glasses...I'm liking da Dame Elton June...LMAO!!

    Kat - Yes I do have the hanging thingy...Inversion Table. It was working for me for awhile and for my walking partners. But lately been giving me more pain for some reason. I'm with you about chiro's tho. Dont want to be cracked like dat, and now with the RB I definately don't want them crackin my back. DH still pushes it tho, now pushing Phy Therapy. I dunno...he gitting on my last nerve. I'll say some prayers that you xsis does right by your parents while they are there. You need to do more Chillaxin girl!

    NM - Glad u got the bluetooth keyboard. I see that your copy/paste working like mine lately...stinking windows or whatever. Triple spacing chit...I jes don't get it.

    Lori - Woohoo for goot news for DH...not good 3 big macs...tsktsk. But I kno u can't stop him. Jes lublubslubs what Dork will be wearing for her BDay Bash today...ooolala!

    Karen - good for you for getting a mani and leaving the dishes for DH...mine wud still b sitting in da sink. Nah...that not dh has been doing better.

    Julie - I got flu jab on Tues. Feel like a head cold coming on since. On the Zicam tho. Hope you not getting sick girl!

    Gotta run Goils....HAPPY BIRTHDAY DORK AND ALLI TOO! I will b in LV tonite so will miss the BIG BDAY BASH...but will b dwinking in honor K!!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Hi wveryone

    Poop Ing in!

    Dorkkkkkkkkkk happy b day tried to post a cake didnt work

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Hiya girls! My bday has been wonderful, I did not get to bed until my Dad was getting up, from what I remember, Sorry Camille, I know I kept ya up late cuz I know you care about me and watch me. But I did have a very evening, went to a bar for dinner and dwinks with mese daddy and mese Steve (weird calling him XDH2 so won't). We are friends and getting along great. And of course I am with him so that I collect mese bday gifts hehe. He got me a lovely necklace, it is an Infinity symbol (not de car, that would be tacky lol). He also got me a cute bracelet and a pack of three candles. Wese gonna finiish de sailabration into tomorrow with my Jessica coming home and we sailabrate together. I wuz partaying like it wuz 1979! Thank you all for the lovely and funneee bday greetings, de cakes and de love.

    NM, the band name was The Dave Matthews Band. I hear they have some big turdage!