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how about drinking?



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Dork sounds lovely

    U were on the bar doing shots

    With the red boots

    Quiet in the lounge

    Dork u have the same b day as my friend we r going to party tnite

    Cam I'm watching chiller

    Ck back in

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Glad you had a fun nite and are having a fun day, Dorkie! And Lara and her friend will be celebwating a bday too...awesome. I looked up that sewage spill and found a drawing of it. Nuttin like chit falling from above....


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Hello HTL Hotties!!

    I started this post yesterday and never got around to sending it...I hope I rember everything.

    NM...BURRRR....Snow?? Really?? Every year im amaized at how quickly fall turns into winter up north...did you even have a fall?

    Bernie and much sadness...I've been praying for both of you and your families and loved ones. You both keep up such great

    spirite in the time of crisis...I dont know how you do it but you inspire me to be better. I love you two. ((( Bernie,Kathy))). And Kathy on

    top of worries for DH and your parents you have back spasms?? What an ordeal getting to the airport also. Now Bernie..stop staring! Its

    funny how you call Sineads belly as the bump. G/L with her mom...or I should say I wish her luck and you are right about the crock of chiete


    I want everyone to know that the ceiling in my kitchen is fixed. I'll be happy when I dont have to deal with that guy anymore. What an

    effing A hole he is.

    I did wish Ms. Vino a Happy birthday..I just didnt get to here is all..I dont think there are any other WD fans here but Ms. Vino's

    Halloween costume is right on. could you not say anything when they said your apendix was ok??? I would have had to say something wise ass but thats just me.

    You are probably much more polite...and MemaSue..with the uterus??? Really?? I sooo wish I could have blankets to snuggle under

    Cami, I am envious of that. I have this fixation on bath robes and have about 8 or 9 of them...but Im so darned hot all the time .

    Whats this movie about dionsaurs?? On an it was Japan...and is the movie about scientists trying to figure out

    how to defete the dinosaurs and people running and screaming down the streets of Tokoyo?? were kicked off the Tammy train too?? What are you taking now? Thats a really huge pinata btw....wonder if there are big

    kid treats in bottles of likker???? Oh yeah..the bounce house with all of our could be interesting.

    Glad you had such an awesome time with your fam. did the assessment go after the phone interview?? How do you feel about it? I will cross my fingers and toes for you deserve

    a break today...and not McD's kind of break either..thats for Goldie's DH the Mcburger Big mac man...I love a good McD's burger once in a while

    but I always walk away feeling like I ate a ton of bricks..but it tastes damn good.

    Julie, whats my fairy pic doing here?? Nice cake for DorK...perfect actually. I loved your pics of your trip looks like you had a ton

    of fun..and thanks for always remembering me when you post the pics of the hotties.

    Karen, how scary about your mom falling. It must scare you to death with her stairs and all.

    Lori...happy to hear your visit with Lillian and her family went well and you had a good time at the Grand Canyon...I can bet there were some

    laughs with the communication gap...Have fun in Laughlin..I dont have to tell you that tho..of course you will.

    I have a hiney scope scheduled for November 8..its the down the throat and up the know..dont you all have something you call that? I met

    with the gastrologist last week..he is an odd one..he went on about how he married an Irish woman and that he bet I was Irish..and he

    showed me pics of all of his kids on a calandar he had on his wall of his exam room...I got a strange vibe from him.

    Dorothy...what is the birthday girl up to??? I wanna hear about all the pampering you had today.

    Best get this posted before its tomorrow.

    Love you all so much...MUAH!!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    See..took me so long to post that ......hope I didnt hurt anyone stumbling on my way out.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    DorK....glad that you had a good sweet of Steve with your presents....have fun tomorrow with DD....make your b'day last as long as you can.....

    cami....I like the glitter costume pics of whatever you decide....

    Having a rough night...feeling sad...need a big cry.....sure hope it comes....not up to writing....but nothing to worry about...will write more later or tomorrow..... Going to pour a glass of wine and make something to eat...thinking a grilled cheese quesadia (sp)......

  • Jianchi
    Jianchi Member Posts: 237
    edited October 2013

    Julie, what was your syndrome from flu shot? I had one yesterdY and was achy all over today. :-(

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Wish you could cry and get all that out, Karen. Hope the sadness is short-lived and will get kicked to da curb.

    Cyn, At least the a-hole landlord fixed your ceiling....about time, isn't it! Hate that he isn't so nice, hoping the new owners will be great, and also that they don't raise the rent! Awww, such compliments....TRUE about Bernie, but not sure about me. Sometimes I totally lose it, depends on the situachun. Since we didn't go to the services, I think we escaped a lot of the grief...had wanted to go, but DH decided he wanted to remember him as he saw him a few days ago. BUT although his SIL always tells my DH that he is the only one that stays in touch and his full brothers and sister never see them, etc.....well she left his name out of the obit. Really hurt my DH, so I made a comment on the guest page online that "Gail, his brother (my DH's name) really misses Steve a lot." I also mentioned we had them in our thoughts and prayers,etc., but she DID get the hint, and called to apologize plus immediately put his name in the list of survivors with the other brothers. So we paid the funeral home to take care of sending an arrangement, but since my back was acting up, it is good we didn't have to do that long drive.

    Welcome Jianchi! Stay awhile and drink with us! We have a birthday girl lots of celebrating going on! When I got my flu shot I asked the pharmacist (got it at drug store) if I would have any symptoms, and he said my arm would prolly be sore the next day. But it wasn't, so I guess I got the lucky lottery on that one. Hoping your achiness will be gone tomorrow!

    Hope you are still enjoying your birthday, Dorkie!!!!!

    Hug and Chugs of Beer,


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    jianchi, started aching on tuesday, then progressed to aching all over with my knees, hip and funnily enough ,my breast scar really hurting, hot and cold , occasional nausea,spent most of wednesday,thursday and fri day in bed, will need to speak with employee health mon,

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    So sawy your sad Karen...hope tomoree is a better dey for youse.


    imageThere a go

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Julie, Do you think that dose was contaminated? You were so very sick, that is awful. (((Julie)))

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    OMG Cyn, that had me laffing so hard! Hope it helps Karen, too....

    How in heck does he eat????

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    (((((((((((karen))))))))))))),hope today is a better day,

    in work so poppping in and out of the htl

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    I can only imagine what he eat...can't be anything we consider good but he seems happy none the less...

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    cammi ,want to see a photo of you all dressed up

    good evening cyn, glad your ceiling is fixed

    dorty ,hope you enjoyed your birthday

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Lovely, dreary, chilly Sunday.Gonna be a lot of cuddle with Sadie day today!

    Juliet--losing a post is such a pain in the anatomy, isn't it?I can tell you what employee health with say, you can't get sick from the flu shot, you must have been coming down with something coincidentally.That's the company line on that stuff.I'm still not sure If I'm going to get the nasal one again this year or not.Didn't seem to make much difference last year.

    Wahine--Yes, I think I am over the cold, actually feel like I have some energy most of the time.

    Goldie--THREE Big Macs???? 'm not sure I can even eat one!

    Wahine--brining in the frogs with the plants, huh?I wonder if the frogs would eat the fruit flies I'm currently trying to evict?

    Cammy--I like the idea of Dame Elton June!And I like distressing with Sadie, too!

    BBBBBernie--Sounds like Sinead and the bump are coming along as expected!Too bad about the set to with her Mom, though.You really know how to fill up the time!

    Mema--yeah, the copy and paste stuff isn't working really well, but I am managing to get along.Not sure if it's something with my desktop or the formatting change on BCO, but whatever.

    ORLA--Good to see you!

    DorKable--I guess they did have some big turdage, indeed!Glad you had a good birthday celebration.

    CynCyn--there was a possibility of a snow shower yesterday, but it didn't happen.Could anytime, now, and there have been blizzards in October before.So I try to get all the outside stuff done before the middle of October.We did have a nice fall, actually, very nice foliage, it just doesn't last long.Hooray for the ceiling being fixed!

    Karen--thinking of you.

    Welcome, Jianchi!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is theParaflu Cocktail

    3/4 oz vodka

    1/2 oz Blue Curacao

    1 oz Lemon juice

    Pour the vodka and lemon juice (to taste) into a cocktail glass filled with ice. Slowly pour the blue curacao to the bottom of the glass, and serve

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    Yes CG (camille gal), I am leaving again on Tuesday, part of it for business. Be back here in the lounge on Friday morn.

    Bernie, glad things are looking good for your FIL. And I assume that a "row", is a fight? Sorry that Sinead has to go through that as such a high point in her life. Is her mum your sister?

    Sue, he had the 3 big macs on Friday, then 3 burgers, 2 baked taters and pumpkin pie yesterday for dinner!!!

    Sounds like a very nice boyfday Dort, and it's not even done yet. Party on girl!

    Great cartoon Kat of dat bus

    Cyn, so glad you got your ceiling bixed and had to laugh at the "big kid treats". Of course that is what was in that huge pinata. Right on about McD's once in awhile, like 2 times a year..........MAYBE! What kind of strange vibes are you getting from the heiny doc? Maybe you should get a second opinion, or just look into someone else doing it. Check out the ratings of that doc online.

    Karen, hope the wine helped to cheer you up a bit.

    Wow Julie, that flu shot really got you! Hope you are feeling better. Do you think you might have picked up a bug on your vay cay?

    NM, I've had the fruit flies all summer. Not terribly bad, but they are there. I think I have most of them gone now since I'm not bringing in so many maters now.

    Lara, did you get that cream to help with the pain?

    I guess we should start our Halloween Party. I don't have much of an imagination for things like that, however I did get a peak at Jocks...........costume, I saw his comtume!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited October 2013

    I spotted sumbuddy else!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013 that who I think it is? If so, awesome costume!!!! (and no its not Lori...she just posted it so we could all see it)

    Good Morning Ladies!! Gonna have some of the ParaFlu Cocktails and Pizza....yummmmmm!!!! Trying to organize and go thru tons of papers, etc. Not fun, but needs to be done!!! Looks like a gawgeous day at the HTL pool....anyone wanna jump in? Then we can swim up to the bar where our HTL Tenders have made a bar full of those DOTD's! Hope it turns out to be a good day for everyone! Love you all, read the posts, but been bizzy, so won't try to resond or I will accidentally foiget someone.....

    Big Hugsssssssssssssssssss,


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Hi Lori, correct. Sister from hell. Personally I think she is a changeling. That is why Sinead fled over to me ten years ago, when she was only 16. Now my girl.

    Belief in changelings endured in parts of Ireland until as late as 1895, when Bridget Cleary was killed by her husband who believed her to be a changeling

    Cami you have to use the links in the above boxes to post now.

    Ok, the sun is over the dog. WINE time.

    What twat came up with the great idea of clovk changing times - animals all confused.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Went to the Savour Kilkenny food festival today. WHY - can't eat with theses effing teeth.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Lmao..Bernie....I thought that was the typo....

    Good morning gals....quick stop in so say hi...need coffee!!!

    Be back later.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Bernie lmao

    Hi cyn, NM

    Kat how's the back?

    Goldie was is DH eating so much?

    I missed something

    I'm not sure why I can't post pics weird

    Love that custome

    K what is everyone going to b for Halloween on the thread?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOL at your funnies Bernie!! A changeling....scary!!!

    Lara, I think Lori's DH eats like that a lot. And she hardly eats anything!

    Hmmmm...I can still post pics, but I have to get the ones that are already on the internet, click to highlight then "copy", then "paste" it here. Sometimes I have to try more than one to see which one will work. I guess it hasn't changed much for me, cuz that's how I used to do it anyway. I guess I do thinks backasswards!!! lol.

    Hi Cyn! Git dat coffee going, girl! Pronto....OR just ask the Wenches to make some fresh coffee and bring it to ya! yeah, that's a plan.

    Still working here, so can check emails and lounge when I get tired of going thru chit.....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Look at our beautiful Allison (MrsVino) dressed as  Michonne from the Walking Dead (she has her own spray tan booth, so was able to go darkest). One of her friends posted it on Instagram and the CAST saw it and liked it!!!! (she gave us permission to post it!).....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013


    OMG! I do not watch The Walking Dead so had to go into google to see who this Michonne person is and OMG, the resemblance is amazing. And more amazing is that Allison is a very beautiful gal ... enough said.

    DorkY still sailabrating and have read up through Friday then only scanned pics. But will be back to update you all and show you all some dorTieStyleLub! For now, dwink up and get yer tits up in you got em!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Some of the witches in Allisons collection (and one is our DOROTHY!!!!)

