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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    good morning all ((((((((((Karen and lara)))))))))))))),

    cammi, I want to see a picture of you in your costume.

    nm have a good day and stay well, re the flu shot ,you know how they say a rare chance of guillien barre syndrome,well a colleague has been diagnosed with it and they saying its from the flu shotSad, think the rate of vaccination will be down this year

    having my own personel Halloween today ,its the annual gyn visitShocked bbl

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Julie hahahahaha I didn't know what that was right away LOL--u'r so funny. I told my DD1 to take a picture of me so it could be posted, but I had to be ready, well likker got her quicker to forget and we all forgot about it. Cuz she could have posted it and I could have copied, Oh well I can't even post here anymore I still have to learn.

    NM I hope u week started good==that DOTD sounds like a real whopper, not the same as Julie's but still, I'm sorry but u always seem happy talking about Sadie so I assume uLoopy'r all right--oops I used the S word. I didn't mean to put that there but they're cuter than the other ones.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    cam whats your coustome

    where is

     dork ???????????????????????????????????????????????

    Karen heres is a hug

    keep drinking

    kat I had a funny pic and it would not post. See my pain doc today whopeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    drinking my iced cafe with fat free french vanialla yum I am trying to wake up

    Juliet good pic

    BOO BOO!

    did I scare you guys loll

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Oh Lara u really sceered me with u'r explosive BOO twice yet. ShockedOK I've settled dpwn.

    Lara my DD1 was supposed to take a picture, but never did. I was smart assed Maxine, so I could really act obnoxious---Lara no one noticed the difference. Oh well--tell us how today goes for u.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    HUH??? Did Lara post a scary BOO??? And mese missed it??? Chit! I did click on the "fanpop" link, but that was just a webpage. Lara, can you post the scary ones again??? Oh wait, was it just when you TYPED "BOO BOO!"?? Cami you got me, I thought it was something else, like when the face pops up on the screen and scares ya. LOL.

    Cami, Chit, Chit, Chit, I would have loved to see your costume too!!! I still don't know what I will be when I greet (I mean SCARE) the kids....however they think we may have storms Halloween afternoon and evening, so now I wonder if anyone will show up. Glad to know the emoticons are BAAAACK! Can I try some out here???HeadphonesSnoozeDevil Awwww they are cute, but not enough of a selection. Maybe they will add more??? Ok, ok, mese won't complain, I AM glad to have some, at least!!! lol

    Oh Julie, what a large GHOST you have! Are you gonna share? Looks like plenty to go around, lol. That is awesome! Also funny about having your own Halloween cuz you hav to have your gyno exam! When I go, I ask him if he sees cobwebs!

    Yummy DOTD, NM! Love the name too, very appropriate!!!! And it sounds yummy till I got to the "tomato juice" it also sounds nice and strong, can use it about now! And I do love all the dwinks you come up with! And the other gals too! Remember when we used to try to "designate" someone to take over if you or Lori or whoever was posting DOTD's the most, would be gone for a few days? We can't go without our DOTD, no sirreeee bobarella. We have such history here, makes it fun and special!

    What happened to Eve???? Eve, where are you? Are you hiding? Trying to see whats under that ghost costume???? Jest kiddin. But come on back and let us get to know you!

    Alyson, Hope things are better today. My paper mess is what I have made and I have been digging through it since Fri or Sat....looking better. But when you go through stuff that is in boxes or filing cabinets, it takes awhile to make a dent, and to make it look like you really are doing a lot. But I know I am accomplishing something, and I know you are getting a lot done too!

    Karen, (((Karen))), Hope you are feeling better. Did the wine help? We need to get you to have a good cry, girlfriend. Long overdue. Wish you were able to let it all out, but if not, just am hoping that things will settle down and you can feel happy again.

    I am trying to wake up, not even 1 cuppa joe yet. SO I prolly am bumping people. Lori, safe travels today to Laughlin!! AND may the Gambling Gods be with you and multiply your money!!!! We will be going to Tunica sometime soon...haven't been for ages.

    Sue, I still love your "Mama" did a great job.

    And Dorkie, Hope you keep healing more and more till you can separate yourself from Zach the Vac!

    CyndieLouWhoLivesByABeautifulBeach, Hope things are going well for you! My DD2 and family were in Austin for a race, and they did a side trip to San Antonio for a couple of days (they live above Dallas), so I thought of your special "D" since she lives in Austin. I forget when you get to see her again, but isn't it for Turkey Day???

    Bernie, How was your roast last night? YOU are an amazing cook, and you and your DH cooked so much food for us! It was so neat having some traditional Irish food. My DH still talks about it. Praying that Terry's health will stabilize so he can have the bypass surgery.

    Becks, are you working Double Time this week? I know you were sad to say goodbye yet again, to your DH, but now you need to come to the HTL more! We can get the Tenders to help you forget your sorrows!!! How about peeking under the ghost costume that Julie posted??? Come on Back!

    Hugs to ALL, even those I didn't mention....have a good TwosDey....remember a dwink in ea hand!!!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Remember I mention all the snakes in our lake here and how we have to look around when we are on the water in a kayak? Well, look at this poor duck on this lake....

    (can I add a Dorkie style disclaimer here?) Devil

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    There's my Joey

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Ohhhhhhh he is sooooooooo cute!!!! And knowing what a sweetie he is INSIDE too, makes him even more special. I want to pinch his cheek and give him a BIG hug!!! Well, I wouldn't really pinch his cheek, but he is just that darn cute. Thanks for sharing, Cami!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    I have a prayer request, please. My DD1 just called, and a young girl from church just passed away. She was 12 or 13, and the RB got her. She had cancer really bad for a long time, been in the hospital more than out of the hospital, and got pneumonia, etc. Was waiting to get on a drug trial, but she couldn't get well enough to start it. She has been in Birmingham at the hospital for months, and my DD and g'kids have visited her there, and this is the 2nd young person from church, that my gkids have lost this year. I really appreciate your prayers for Darby's family, as well as for my DD and g'kids, and others that knew her and loved her.

    Rest in Peace Darby, you are a bright star in the sky now, love and prayers going out to your family and loved ones.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    handsome chap, kat your right he's gorgeous inside and out

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Hello girls! Sorry I missed you all yesterday, was a busy day.

    Julie, thanks for the laugh, when I saw the little ghost then scrolled down, why I about spit my drink out laffing. Hope the appt is an easy one and know you will be glad when it is over. Wese gotta keep our girly parts in check right?

    NM, awesome that you figured out how to get rid of the stoopid tings that show up when posting pics or copying, you de HTL genius of the day.

    Kat, oh darn, I hate the your DD and kids have lost another child to the FNRB. FURB FURB FURB! The family has my prayers. It is such a wake up to hear of small children dying but when they go through so much and lose their young battles, it hurts. I do not know the family but it hurt me to read it. I gonna hit the lounge chapel and say some more prayers.

    Lara, have you watched any of the coverage of last year's superstorm Sandy? I was glued all morning. It scarier than any scary movie, true dat. It was the most devastating storm ever in these parts of the country and there are still many destroyed homes that have not been demolished. I remember well the fear I had as the storm passed here. Any good leads in your job hunt? I heard you call me so I came a running (reminds me of our sweet Chrissy when she would run when i would call her in here), mese fart is full of love for all of you girls. How is your Mom doing Lara?

    Queen Cammie, omg, Joey is jest as cute and sweet as I had pictured him. And the picture in my mind was very close to the real Joey. Does he know just how much we all love him? I love that you went to that partay as Maxine, great choice. I am so sad that you have no photos. But I can also picture you shooting your mouth off the way you do. And good for you in not making that young person feel bad in telling her why you are treated so well. I really feel for you and give you so much credit for putting on yer brave face and going out. I jest love you to bits and pieces, Camille.

    Would I be naughty to put a shout out to our HTL sweet heart Julie? Cuz she send me de most wonderful gift. Ya see girls, she sent me a gift of likker n chocolate. I have received so many cards and gifts from you girls and I am always so touched to the point it brings tears to mese eyes at the love I get. So thank you so much Julie, you so generous. I remember way back when, when we were all little, you asking me for Cyn's address to send her flowers to de hospital when her doctor nearly killed her. From dat moment on, I knew you are a very generous person and I jest love de hail outta you. It is not my intent to make others feel bad that have not sent anyting. A PM or jest a "I am tinking or I am praying for Dork" makes mese fart smile big. And I know that many of us do not have the means to send gifts and cards. But jest makes me tink of how berry lucky I am to be so loved by each and every one of you girls. I want to give more shouts out to others who have helped with finances or cleaning services and such. But do not want anyone to feel bad. So I give you each a big shout out, you KNOW who you are.


    To all of you that have supported me through this very difficult journey, I love each of you so very much. There are not words to properly express how much I love EVERY ONE OF YOU. I am sorry that I do not get on here as often as I used to, especially at night when I used to partay lke a cock star, oops, mean rock star. tehehehe. I gotta make a funny else mese would cry. Now that I am feeling so much better, I am an emotional mess. I did not allow myself to feel many emotions when I was feeling so FN bad and was feeling so skeered for mese life. I can't really explain de emotion so I will jest shut up and head to de chapel to pray. I pray for each of you, sometimes as a group with a few extra prayers to those who need em. Like todey, pray extra for Wahine DD and de little goil Derby and her family, church family and jest anybuddy affected by this insane happening. I pray for Karen who is working fulltime, dealing with her Mom falling and dealing with fear of the future for her Mommy. I pray for our Lara who having hard times with finding the right job, having a recovering man in her house (I need not say more, MEN!!). And for Chrissy B and Sue who are at RBSIV, always git extra prayers. And for our MIA Beckers who facing difficult decisions and OMG, I go on and on. I just love you all so much but will add a prayer for mese, mese family, for world peace, for peace of de farts of de goils at de HTL and then I tail God he know de rest.

    Hello to Cyndie, Chrissy, new goils who have not reported in (bad goils), Alyson, Mama aka Mema Sue (bdw loved loved love her as Mama), Bernie Babe, Karen and old goils like our Kitty Kat, Honkey Dory, Janice, Unde'Cove', Scuby doo and shucks, my muddy brain is farting, can't think of the rest of you lovelies. Point being that I love everyone for how they have touched my life whether past or present.

    Do you tink God tired of my prayers turned to rants turned to totally ADD talk? I say no cuz he loves all of us and understands our defects (well those who have defects). Where is that DOTD? Gosh, I need one or turdteen! Mese fart overfloweth with Lub.

    uh ohhhh, mese wuz praying and now I am on de go. DRIVER, hear me hear me now, take me back to de lounge, dis de wrong chapel. oh mese oh mise


    Cheers, peace and love!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    dear god please hold darby's family and friends close tonight.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    prayers go out to Darby's family sad and how devistating to loose a child. i will join Dorty in the chapel.

    Love to see your Joey, Cami....he is a cutie for sure.

    Not a lot of time busy at woik.....Kat..I go to Austin on Nov 10-15...I cant wait...the goal now is to familiarize myself with D's family more and to build a relationship with them. D's DD is excited I am it looks like I have made progress in the past year and 1/2.

    Dorty....glad you continue to heal and feel better.

    TGIT Girls....I love this time of week.

    Kisses and hugz

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited October 2013

    I am dwunk as da skunk....but tears are flowing for Darby's Family...oh Kat...I jes hate dis RB.....FURB!!! A GADZILLION MILLION TIMES OVER!!!!

    D - tank u soo much fer da spashall mention of mese n Chrissy...but u kno...mese met 2 mores peeps today during many are soooo much worse off den us. Of course...all of you goils kno dis...when our personal CHIIT gits in da way...we can always find a blessing or already said...I can't imagine losing a child to ANYTHING! So please let them kno prayers are abound are as HUGE GROUP HUGZ!! Not that it will make it OK...nothing will make it OK! I can't say no cring mese eyrs out. Lubslusbsllubshe u all sooo mcahly!!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2013

    Sending prayers from this side of the world. I also don't know how I would cope with the los of a child. Friends lost grandchild aged six 18months ago - it was terrible.

    Hard to say much except that I will need a drink very soon.

    Big hugs

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Not trying to be a "downer", but I just noticed Darby's obituary, and she was 14, not 13 as I had thought, and it mentioned how she had touched the lives of THOUSANDS of people. She had leukemia for over 12 yrs, but such an exuberant spirit. One thing I thought was so nice was that they asked everyone to only wear bright colors, especially blue, to the services.

    Alyson, its so sad that your friends lost their granddaughter, and just 6 years old. How very sad. I hope they are doing alright.

    Just heard from Beckers and she just lost her BIL, so prayers please for their family too. Cannot believe all this heartbreak. (((Becks)))

    Glad Dorkie added that nice inflatable chapel to the HTL a long time ago, we surely need it.

    Hope you are all doing well,


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    I just hate hearing more sad news. It reminds me to cherish each day and each interaction with one another. Life is too short and full of surprises. I am heading in to pray for Beckers, more prayers for the family and friends of sweet Darby. I am hoping that tomorrow brings nothing but happy moments for all! For now, join me in prayer.


    AND for drinks. I love this chapel.


    The girl with the big boobies is hitting on de other girl. Do we know these goils?

    Have a good night all! And good day to Alyson, Bernie and mese goil ChrissyB.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2013

    Asking for more prayers - my 18 year old great nephew has lymphoma. He started chemo last week poor lad. It has really hit the family very hard.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited October 2013

    Awe Kat, so sad and yes, of course there are prayers for her family and friends and all who grieve for her.......way too young!

    Prayers for Beckers as well......a loss is a loss and is always hard to get through.......but there is a light at the end of the tunnel and life goes on.

    Aly, sure hope your grand nephew has a reasonable time with the chemo.......poor lad is in for a very difficult few months but the resilience of the young is so surprising.

    Dork my lovely, you are so sweet. Do we know those girls in the chapel? Mmm, me thinks that maybe we at least some like them!

    Cami girl that little Joey is such a sweet boy and that pic has confirmed that.....what a cutie! No wonder you love him like you do!

    Hiya Mema! Hope you are doing well girl!

    Cyn sure hope your visit goes well for you all.

    NM, glad your cold turned into a fizzer and it didn't cause the asthma to rear it's ugly head.

    Lori loved your video on FB, those rock formations are incredible! I can just see in times past, the water rushing through that gorge and causing all the erosion.......just amazing!

    Hi to all the girl old and new that I haven't spoken to personally!!!

    Hope you all have a good night and a better day!

    Love n hugs, TITTIES UP!!!! Chrissy

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited October 2013

    Prayers for Darby and her family.

    Prayers for Alyson and her great nephew.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited October 2013

    Ahhhh Dorty....hmmmm who could you be refering to??

    Alyson....of course sending prayers your way.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    OMG Kat I am so sorry to hear about such a young child and the family that lost her, my prayers go to all of the family and u'r DD.

    Alyson More prayers for u;r great nephew--What the hell is going on with all this sad news and everyone just having it so bad. Well life is so sad for so many at different times, but loosing a child has to be the worst---Prayers that's all we can do. Becs for u'r BIL too.

    Dork u said so many nice things to everyone, and everyone was skeered for u, and just so happy u'r better but u were really bad for a long time so still watch u'rself.

    Thanks for looking at Joey for me, of course I think he's great, but I thought I had taken a pic. with him along the way--but I didn't see any. Sorry I wasn't on much today just a goofy day for me. But I see it was quiet today wait, wait, OH it's Humpy Day now. I did take that pic. off of FB and I couldn't do that before so maybe I can print again. But I'm glad we have our faces back again.

    It's 3 ayem so this is my first wake up so I'll be back later and catch up. Good Morning all and try to have a wonderful day.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes.Sitting at the computer waiting for the sun to come up, it's not due for almost half an hour, though!Do not like getting up in the dark.

    Juliet--I'm surprised anyone is actually saying the flu shot is the cause of the guillien barre syndrome, usually you only hear that they are perfectly safe, no chance of getting sick from them.Praying for your colleague.

    Oh, my, what a big ghostie!

    Cammy--yes I am doing well, and Sadie is a big part of it.I have discovered that I can use Sadie as an excuse to get out of stuff--can't stay late, gotta let Sadie out.Can't go to that thing on the weekend, that'smy time with Sadie.Why did I never think to use her to help balance my life before?????Oh, my, Joey is so handsome!

    ORLA--good morning, and please stop scaring me!

    Wahine--I do remember assigning people to cover the DOTD, we will need to do that again soon.I am going to take a vacay in Jan or Feb, and part of the vacay mindset will be no cell phone and no internet, or at least very little.Right now I'm looking at some cruises.But I can't leave the Loungettes without a DOTD!!!!

    Good morning, Lord, it's me again.I'm sitting here at the computer watching for a sign of the sun coming up this ayem and just read about Wahine's DD1's news about Darby.She is so young to never be seeing a sunrise again, and so hard for her family to see the sun rise knowing that they won't see Darby today.Please welcome Darby to Your care, give her a special place in Your kingdom.Please give her family Your grace and peace.And please help the rest of us understand why You allow such things to happen, to understand how such a sad thing can be part of a greater plan.Amen.

    DorKable--I'll join you in the chapel for a while.And I know the emotional upheaval you are feeling, it is quite a ride, but you will come out OK.I've got extra crying towels and a shoulder with your name on it (Karen's name is on the other one) for whenever you need it.

    Mema--(NM handing over a box of tissues and a big dwinky)

    Alyson--(NM hailing the Tenders to mix up a dwinky for Alyson)

    Good morning, again, Lord, it's me again.I just read that Alyson's great nephew has cancer.He's only 18. Not a baby, but he's got his whole life ahead of him, or so I would like to think.Can You please, please, please stop the madness?Can You just cure this young man and make all childhood cancer just go away?We mere mortals could use a lot of Your help with understanding and coping with this. Please be with this family, too, and give them You kindness and comfort.

    Chrissy--Good to see you, and I am glad the cold went away quickly, too!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Breath of God

    1 1/2 oz Southern Comfort

    1 oz Vodka

    1 1/2 oz Wild Turkey 101

    3/4 oz Grenadine

    Combine all ingredients together in a cocktail glass, stir, and serve

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013

    nm amen

    nm,spoke with my sister and they have given out several thousand flu shots and unusally have had no reports of people being sick from it, they used the pziser one

    hugs andprayers for your great nephew alyson

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited October 2013


    my sister had been keeping her Christmas cakes in the back bedroom and marinating them frequently with alcohol,well mutley got into the room and ate the 2 largest! sick as a dog! at 3am he was lying outside on the cold concrete with as much point of contact as he could. still didn't miss a meal thoughSmile