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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Oh my god, so much sadness, and so much love here and support for everyone!

    All the lovely prayers....NM you write so beautifully to God, and Dorkie for making sure the Chapel was up and ready for all of us.

    Julie, I am glad "mutley" (is that his name, its so cute!) did not perish from all that likker in those cakes. Amazing he ate 2 of them, and was STILL ready to eat his meal. Are you well now, or still sick from that flu shot?

    Alyson, Prayers for your great nephew, that the chemo will work and erradicate all cancer, and that he can tolerate the treatments. Prayers of comfort for his family too, they will be there supporting him through this, and will need their strength. Are you well now, seems like I remember you being sick too?

    Beckers, prayers for your BIL's family, and especially his immediate family, your DH and you. Girls, Becks DH was very close to his brother, and he and Becks are very close, but far apart in miles right now, so it is very hard on them.

    Cami, I had a thought (dangerous, I know), but if you aren't comfortable putting your own picture as your avatar, could you have someone crop Joey's face from that picture and use HIM as your avatar? That way we can see his sweet face everyday, like you do. You can't hog him now, we are too attached to him, lol, jest kidding. But he IS such a sweetheart, and I love how you both mean the world to each other. Did you say you DO have a pic of the 2 of you? Would love to see it, if you do!

    Continued prayers for BBBernie and her DH, and Chris' family. The service isn't till the middle of next month, and Bernie and her DH will both be there. I know this is so hard for them as Chris was their best friend.

    Chrissy, are you feeling better?I think you said the vertigo had left, or had lessened, but you were left with some hearing loss? Sure hate that. Hope it can somehow return to you.

    NM, planning a cruise, how awesome! Are you going to look for a sunny place for the beach and swimming, or a place to just relax, or a place to explore? Of course you will be comfortable on the cruise ship, but one time we went to Mexico on a cruise in Jan or Feb and had booked a snorkeling trip, well the darn water was ICE COLD!! Hadn't thought of that! Prolly was near Cozumel or Cancun. And another time in Mexico, we did a snorkel swim through some caves, and omg that water was ice cold too. Ha, speaking of cold, we will be in Iceland this winter....and my DH hates cold weather!!! But I hope I can convince him to go into the Blue Lagoon, that is heated with thermal springs, so would be like a hot tub outside in the cold. I hope you do find something awesome!!!! There are a lot of cruises leaving from the NE area. When we cruise, we have to fly a long distance, since we are so inland.

    Well, trying to wake up with coffee. Just so sad for everyone, so many losses. That was cute Dorkie how you said we might know those gals in the chapel, and then Cyndie's response!

    Didn't mention all, but love you all, and praying everyone is able to find comfort and peace through all this sadness.



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    hi goils


    Ha lol

    I'm in the chapel k

    I love my blue wig lll do some role play ooopssss what did I say near so drunk

    First day of my new class uggg education law

    Cam Joey is a doll I want to squeeze his cheeks

    Ok ill stop scarying everyone

    Kat u tricked me on that video with the drunks I mean ducks

    Omg I jumped near so scared k another shot back to the chapel

    Fart scueeze

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    NM I love u'r prayers, I read them like a prayer cuz I couldn't say anything better. Things have been sad around here lately and prayer is our best place to be for all of us.

    NM a cruise? Oh that sounds wonderful for u--What about Sadie? Wherever u do go I'm sure relaxation will be great for u--some good news here. I'm floating on this news for a while. Thank you.

    Storms are a-comin' here--I hope not to bad, love rain, but hate and now fear storms.

    Kat u and u'r DH are going to a cold place. Well good luck with that.--I know it wouldn't bother me, cuz I would just sit by a fire place somewhere.

    Oh lara I'm watching Tales from the Darkside---I'm sinking that low--well actually some were kind of fun.

    BBL Lubs to everyone of u

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Cam I am disappointed with the movies calm on tomm is the holiday

    I will still watch scary movies

    NM a cruise where? wow how fun

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013




  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Bernie and Chrissy and Alyson: Do they also have trick-or-treating where you are? For Bernie, I wouldn't think you would get many kids though, since neighbors are far away. But I was just wondering if everyone goes all out like they do here....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Kat good thinking??? but I thought originally it was based on a Holy Day so I guess I thought everyone had it, but u'r right I forget people in other countries don't have all of our times we sailabrate.

    Lara I found 2 scary movies today, not that good, lots of darkness LOL

    And dark it's been so dark for a while now and next week it will be dark earlier--rats. Oh but good for the morning peeps NM.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Wish you all could see this house down the street. OMG they had everything....a graveyard in front with so many tombstones and fog, creepy animated monsters, bloody handprints at the front door, etc. BUT the neatest thing was something I guess was projected from inside....there was a white sheet over a large picture window. Then you would see lifesize shadows of different scenes....a woman sitting down then a bat flies in and turns into dracula and bites her, then flies off. A man accosted by a skeleton and he finally slices it apart...a woman and man hugging then killing ea other by stabbing ea other at the same time. IT looked like real silouettes(sp?) of people and things. We wouldn't have seen it, but are part of a "Nextdoor" website and someone posted about this house. Went tonight, since we may have storms tomorrow evening. Sad for the kiddies if they can't go trick-or-treating, but I imagine some will, with umbrellas!

    Wanna hear sumtin funneee? Ya know how I helped my mom pack and we picked out ALL her clothes and I made her try them on, etc., just a few days before they left? And then I had to repack for her a couple of times cuz she would unpack or add too many things? Well I just found out when she got there she had TEN pairs of slippers (flipflops) in her suitcase!!!! LOL. And her excuse was she had started packing weeks ahead and then didn't remember what she had packed....ummmmm.....NOT!! Sadly though, they are both declining now, and I am not sure how long they can live alone, or even travel anymore.

    Anyone else watch "Super Fun NIght?"...its silly but I like Rebel Wilson's humor! Who is here dwinking????? Lori, Hope you are having fun in Laughlin, and hope you WIN, WIN, WIN!!!!!



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Hi kiddies! hicc~ i dwinking, duh. if you axking me who dqinking at 11 o'clock o night, ye can safely assume it is I. eye I yaye! hiccup~

    omg, tomorree Halloween? tanks for remindering me Kat, mese gotta get some candy for de punks in de hood. and I gonna make mese daddy open de door to de candy hunting goons cuz I git tired of dem in one hour and one minute. cuz dey ring me bell, make de doggie bark and I say TRICK when dey sey treat. ya see, I have a trick fer dem and looking for a treat for me, dagnamit. tehehe!

    glad de lounge ligtening up some,k been a lotsa sadness these past few deys.

    NM, love your prayers, always. I also pryaing for Alyson great nephew, painful to tink about a widdle boy having chemo. and for becks, I still pray for her to be able to join her DH at this awful time for their family. oh waaay too much bad news but de good news is we have either each other to lean on. I done trying to be funny tonight. but watcha fer tomorree goils.

    where is our Karen? I hope all her eberyting okey dokie going goodliest but i consoyned. i see Kat, hugs to you, I know it hurts to see the p's decline. been dere done that oh yeah. I keep praying for de little goil n her family n friends who grieving. And for my BBBErNie, I pray too for her DH and de family of de bff that he lost. (((Bernie))). N mese goodness, who else am I foygetting? me alopojeezus cuz i started dqinking at 5:turdeen pee em on dis night. why so early? did ye ask? ok not but I tail ya why, k? cuz mese all done de anti b's and time to weally git a buzz from de alcamahol. I been hasing dqinks but not dwunk.

    Mi queen camSMILE, how you be, ye a doobie? oops, foyget that. I like Kat idear of making widdle sweet Joseph Joey yer widdle big man pic as yer avatar. how SWEET it wood be for all us goils to see his sweetest face. I too jest wanna pinch his sweet cheek but of course not hurt him but tail him he tooo too cute n sweet n kind. hope de real scarry movies r playing for you and for mese Lara tomorree. I would watch but has to monitor de derned widdle kids trying to moootch fn candy that I want to eat. I did not buy de candy cuz I would tail it right now, I GONNA EAT YOU. den I wood eat it. yum yum yum,, like de cookie muster I am, mese a closet candy munstart too. don't tail now, k? I talking to all of ye goils bdw.

    I wanna join NM on de cruz too, will she have me and a few other goils in her suit case? and why do peeple call de ting a freaking suit case? who in de hail packs suits for fayecations?? dern stooooopid people.

    Missing Lori, I tink she a gambling, yes? I join her. well really me foyst number one, hit de htl free atm and I sed free baby, oh heail yes. den mese ttake a million bucks n double it. den I go and visit de other goils billllion aires for a partay. funny word bullionears is, reminds me of bullion, de stuff old peepals like mese dwink n eat when wese poor. I have a tastse for a salty bulliion cube now, tenders, can ya help? And one for de next guest to report to de lounge, bullion and beer and some jack n some thimbles of wine and I call it a partay! OOPS, jest sharted, brb. ugh, hate WHEN DIS HAPPEN. I blame de miralaxitive tingy, bad bad bad tingy, jest when mese gitting a good buzz on me chit mese pants. dont hate me, brb kk? cuz I not done talking and I will nebber ebber

    oh chit n a sigh n oh chit agen. I will retract dese words soon, sawry to gross ye goils out, me dont neber mean ta' be raw,k? I have kooooth, mese do. and whateber ye do, dont pull my freaking finger. or me thumb, k?

    fading aweeeee we go, pu sumting smells bad.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    jest had a thought - omg, it IS mistiff night! who here has been a mistrive? or victim of mistrief? cant spell de word but if you know, you know about using a roll of toiler paper on de trees or on de towns police cars. yep, and soap de car windows of ebery car in de street. n have water balloons to throw at old peeple who git mad at dere car being soaped? yesp, jest remembered. and I got a scar on mese thigh.. singing barbara steisand song mamories, etched tween corners of mese eyes.

    happy mistriff night! and happy spooky happy skeeeeery Halloween. As Orange would say,,,


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    I see sum buddy dwinking cocoa, hot cocoa. nope, nebermind, it cold cocoa wine, who wants some? some appeehappeetizing to me. ch ch ch chia cheers! B URp, oops, dat wuz NOT me. nope, mese has koooooooth sez mese DD who sez mese does nt but she tailing stories again ~HICC oops, KAT?? ye burping again? dern, how humbarrasing for mese to hears dat. hehe, it was mese but lub blaming you. teheheheheburp!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    ROFLMAO Dorkie!!!! OOOPS ebben fallin off mese barstool cuz youse soooo funneeeeee!!! But yeah it does stink around here...whatcha up to??? Jest kiddin. Glad you can dwink again....wooooohooooo yippeeeeeee! Mese gonna stay on de floor like I asked Bernie to do last time....don't wanna fall again....ohhhhhh and remember those mattresses we brought in to put on the floor by the barstools?? You do? Well, lemme be de foist ta tail ya, dey is comfyfortable!!! Yup dey are. Mese gonna stay here...gittin tired.... Zzzzzzzzzzzz.......

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Hahaha, look what Alli jest posted on FB, cuz she has dat spray tan booth....but reminded me of our very own Orange...

    Heed this sage advice shared by Caribbean Tan:

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2013

    Halloween here already, waiting on small visitors. I am about to join you dorK as I am all by myself tonight so need drink or three.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    yippee, twick er tweat in OZ!

    ding dong? TWICK hic oops TweeK, who got candeeee? oh I tink I go to de matrarest too cuz meze feeling widdle wobbliestest! and skeered of ghosts n gobins n goats, de skeer me ! ~ hic

    and wow, a dey to sailabrate orange, I git it but in revoyse teheheburp oOOOpsies, i tink I sleep cuz mese dwunk n obnauxious it it aint gitting no better kids. i a kid too. what ya givving out Alyson? and you Kat? and what u wearling Katwink?? oh mese, dat sound poyvoyted like a skeeeery movie " i know who ye are n me no whatcher wearing" chit, hopen i dont skeer ya all into bad dweams~~~~~~



    and for youse skeeeery movie fans of de lounge, a spayshall prezintashion jest for you! woooop wooooop!


    okey, that a little mean. I offer you sumting kindler n more gentlar


    Wishing all of the wonderful woman here a Spooktackular Day! Thanks for letting mese bese goofy. I go sleep now, TGFMODF dat is for matresses on de floor, OoOps, jest fell on one now. Cheers and sweet dreams my precious fwends!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited October 2013

    Its been a long, long week....thankfully, my work week is over, that is except for all the reports I still have to write for least 8 - 10 hours of reports.....tomorrow I'm doing a health fair in the morning....then its me time in the afternoon....not sure what I'll do...probably run errands and clean the manicure isn't lasting well....used the salons the color, but prefer using mine so then I can touch it up...oh well....

    took Mom to the neurologist today...he up her meds and we go back in 3 months.....Mom is very depressed about the whole situation....and she doesn't like talking about it so that is hard on me.....

    didn't get a walk in today....had to be at work too early to walk before time for a lunch (but yes I ate) so no walk then and then got busy tonight and now its too late to walk....maybe I'll go up and down to the basement several times....or just take an extra long walk before I leave in the morning.....

    Time to get my jammies on and get comfy....maybe pour another glass of wine.....had one at happy hour!!

    Sweet dreams

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2013

    Had pre-dinner drink, will have to make dinner soon then have one with that then might settle down for post dinner. By then all the little ghosts and goulies might have been.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited October 2013


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited October 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Well, it's confirmed, I've booked a cruise for Jan and got the time off work approved.Just need to get the flights booked and I'll be done spending the big money!Now to book time with Aunty'sBed, Breakfast and Kennel for Silly Sadie.Can't wait already!

    Poor Mutley!I can't imagine how sick he got!

    Wahine--I'm going to the Caribbean,going to look and see what there is for snorkeling and swimming, but mostly it's going to be relaxing and getting waited on like a princess.I've already decided that I will probably hang out at the piano bar a lot, I love that kind of music and singing with it.Going to book some spa time, too.And a little roulette wheel time.

    ORLA--lol!That video wasn't fair, was it?

    Cammy--when I go away Sadie goes to Aunty's.She gets a whole lot of pampering and special attention and loves it there, and Aunty loves having the puppy love. Aunty lets Sadie up on all the furniture, keeps special treats for her, takes her for rides almost every day, and generally spoils her rotten.I can't imagine why Sadie loves it so much!


    This pic was taken at Aunty's--she has her own blanket and pillow on the coffee table in front of the window.

    Wahine--wow, what a scary house!The folks across the street have a grave yard, a spider web up on the wall with strobe lights at night, and all kinds of other stuff, it's really creepy!

    DorKable--sure, if you can fit in my carry on, I don’t usually pack a suitcase!I booked what they call a Studio room, it has just enough room for a bed, bathroom, shower, designed for "solo" travelers.Your room key also lets you into a private lounge with 2 big screen TVs, a mini bar, and some other amenitiesjust for Studio guests.So, the sleeping quarters will be pretty cramped, but I've been known to sleep on deck at times. . . .


    Karen--that's too bad about your Mom, so hard to hear about our parents' declining.And then a long day at work, always wears you down.Hope you get an extra long walk this ayem!

    Alyson--Happy Halloween, the day after for you, right?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle'sDOTD is Halloween Punch

    Grape Juice

    Lime Sherbet

    Orange Sherbet

    1 3/4 liters Soda Water

    1 shot of your favorite hard likker

    Mix first 4 ingredients in a punch bowl.Pour 1 shot of your favorite hard likker in a beer mug, fill with punch.Omit the likker for the little ghosties and ghoulies!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Good Morning Goblins---I like that punch, and add u'r own likker, cept drunks and kids ALWAYS spill grape juice, not apple but grape. So it's gotta be white grape.

    NM when u think about something u really get it all done. U'll have such a nice time and Sadie will be happy, so u can really enjoy, which u so deserve.

    Karen glad u finish up today, and don't think about reports til Monday when u get there. Relax too u need it. Taking care of parents is a full time job whether u realize it or not, u'r always worried about smething and u hate to see them not the they were when u'vr grown up. I took care of my parents a few years, now I'm living with my DD--so I see both sides of this one--the difference is I might forget a lot but I'm OK.

    This is taking me forever to write--I had t stop for a while, but I made it to the bathroom. So that's a good sign. (just made it) LOL

    Kat that house sounds great what a spooky fun thing for the neighborhood==Lara and I would like it. LOL Well I guess I'll be in charge for candy cuz they go with Joey and the dog--there are a lot of kids here but u also see a lot of parents walking around so it's always good and now they know a lot of the neighbors--it's been raining since last night so I hope it stops.

    Dorky I like to see u in de lounge, but I wasn't, so I missed u and Kat, and see how comfortable it is on the floor now Kat--that we protected ourselved from the fallers. Me too well all f us


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    • The current Halloween holiday comes from an old Celtic celebration called All Hallows Eve (translated to All Saints Day). During the festival they would bless and convert Pagans. We call it "Halloween" because "Hallow" means saints, and "-een" (originally e'en) means Evening. All Hallows Eve.
    • We dress up honoring the Celtics, who would wear masks to scare away evil spirits and prevent demons from identifying them as humans.
    • We even bob for apples simply to honor a fruit god that the Celtics honored. Trick-or-treating represents how the spirits would visit Celtics' homes disguised as people in hopes of claiming a new soul. The treat part is for the feast after the whole fiasco was over. More input from our contributors:
    • The word Halloween is derived from All Hallow's Eve. November 1 is All Hallows' Day, or All Saints' Day.
    • The festival has its roots in Pagan festivals surrounding the Autumn season as well.
    • Various traditions of singing, lighting candles, and rituals to ward off evil spirits or put the dead at peace evolved in several different cultures.
    • The commercialization of Halloween originated in North America.
    • It has something to do with All Hallows Day. They would dress up as scary things to scare away the evil monsters and spirits. Halloween is the evening before All Saints' Day. For me it's just a day for me to wear costumes and trick or treat for free candy.
    • Well to celebrate Halloween you need a couple of friends around the house, some kids... get ready with the spookiest trick o treats and amazing Halloween games... and yes not to forget the scary Halloween costume.
    • Another reason is because in the earlier times they had gatherings and would dress up in a costume. That was out of the country at that time, but when the immigrants came to this country they brought their culture. So that's how Halloween came about.
    • Halloween comes from a celebration long ago that the Celtics would celebrate, called All Hallows Eve, translated to All Saints Day, the festival where they'd bless & convert pagans. We call it 'Halloween' because 'Hallow' means saints, and '-een' (originally e'en) means Evening. All Hallows Eve, get it?
    • We dress up honoring the Celtics, who would wear masks to scare away evil spirits & not have the demons identify them as humans. Almost everything has to do with this whole celebration.
    • We even bob for apples simply to honor a fruit god that the Celtics honored. As for trick-or-treating, that dignifies how the spirits would visit Celtics homes disguised as people, in hopes of claiming a new soul. E.g. Trick, and treat is for the feast after the whole fiasco was over.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Thanks Lara, oops I mean ORANGE, cuz today is your orange day! Good to know how it all started. So, it sounds like it basically might be celebrated all over? Are you dressing up tonight? You could be a nurse, and your DH could still be the patient....

    NM.....yippppeeeeeeee you have your cruise booked, I am sooooo happy for you!!!! Do you sail out of FL? Don't forget to check airfares at all times day/night and esp after noon on Tues, thru Wed, as sometimes the best fares show up them. I am still looking for a good fare (not to be found though) to get to Madeira in March. I booked 2 weeks there, but need to figure out how to get there again. AND with my parents, we may lose what we paid, if we can't go. Love that pic of Sadie...she is the most fortunate furbaby!!!! Awesome that your Aunt spoils her like that.

    Dorkie, Love the movie posters! DId you notice that Hugh Beaumont (Leave it to Beaver's Dad) was in that MOLE PEOPLE movie? You were a buncha fun last night, hope your head won't be hurting this ayem!

    Karen, Glad you popped (pooped?) back into de lounge! I feel badly for you, trying to do so much for your mom, but she is so depressed over all the changes. Hope she does get started on some antid's. Also, this is what I do for my mom and it works for her most of the time, but might not work for your mom, who is younger. BUT I really stress to her how much better she is doing than others her age, and that it is NORMAL for our memory and other functions to decrease. Can't be like it was when they were at their prime. AND I try to make it fun, like when we go shopping and she forgets what she bought, I always tell her it will be like Christmas when she gets home and opens her bags. I am prolly lucky that she is so receptive to what I say, might not work with everyone. I don't think it will work with my dad, and not sure how to deal with his decline, where he will be nicer about it.

    On another note, apparently the "ex-sis" cannot get my mom to do ANYTHING, not even walk on the beach. SO I gave her a bunch of ideas, of what mom enjoys doing, and hope she can get her to be interested in some things. BUT my mom and I were always very close and also have always liked the same things, so it was second nature to me to be able to think of things she would enjoy doing. She has already noticed a big decline in both of them since they were there in July, so I am afraid it will be even worse when they return here in December. Esp if my mom is not interested in doing anything there. I have had to stress to the ex-sis to check their b/p and make sure they take their meds too, as she never did any of those things. She couldn't even get my dad into his email, even though she knew his user name and password, so I had to detail all of that, but when I wrote to my dad, he didn't even respond. *sigh*......

    Dorkie, How are your mom and dad doing? I am glad you have been able to have your dad live there with you! HE is very fortunate you offered to let him stay with you, and I hope he appreciates it. That really gives up a lot of your privacy and you are a wonderful daughter, to do that!

    Cami, I hope there are a bunch of great scary movies on today, for you and Lara!!! ANd like you, I hope the rain here won't deter the ghosts and goblins from coming out, too. I do hope you might consider using Joey's pic as your avatar, unless we can convince you to use a pic of yoursel! But I use my furbaby, so I'm not one to convince anyone to use their own pic! I love it when they do though, as its nice to picture that person when you read their post.

    Nice glittery pic, Alyson! Glad you are still in the lounge with us dwunks!!!!

    Chrissy, How are you doing???

    Hope you ALL have a good day....also hoping our Beckers can pop in and let us know how she is doing. So sad for everyone grieving at this time. I do wake up and pray for all of you.



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Good morning girls! I tink I have a weee bit of a hang over,yo? Tenders, can you please pamper me?

    Karen, good to see you. I hope you enjoy your time off work and manage to get a walk in.

    Camille, good to see you too. I like your costume hehehehehe! Oh, that is an old one!

    Orange, it's yer day! And I shall call you Orange all day long tehehehe!

    oops, I have to run, jest like Queen Cam, I drank mese miralax drink last night and it a working quite well.....whoa!

    Happy Halloween girls!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Oh Orange I just told that story to Joey the other night, that's so funny--maybe cuz we watch all the Skeeeery movies we know that, well I did learn it in Catholic school too, cuz we had Nov. 1st off--which a kid always likes

    Hi Dork--hope u made it, and have a very pampered day.

    Kat u'r mom no doubt responds to u much better being so close, just hope they stay on their meds,

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    Hey Kathy, sorry I bumped ya girl, I had to run fast to make it to de potty. but whoa, does it feel good to finally be "on de move" again. I say no more cuz I being a good goil this Halloween. Thanks for asking about my parents, I have not update for awhile. They are doing great considering. My Dad was very down during the period he was not allowed to feed my Mom. And he was around here way to much then. Things have smoothed out nicely. He has not mentioned her "getting raped or screwed" for awhile either. That was so disturbing for me and my two sisters. Mom is hanging in there. She had yet another UTI last week but seems she is calmed down. It is sad when she gets the infucktion as she is VERY restless, she was taken from the main room where she spends most of her time to her bed where she was throwing pillows and blankets off her bed. They had to put her in bed so that she did not fall. I have only visited her one time his my last hospital discharge and she was very sleepy and did not greet me (sad face). She did however light up in seeing my sister yesterday. I just caught her on a bad day. One lady there told me that her new favorite word is bullshit. I think she learned it from mese Dad as she never cursed. She is so precious to me and I hope to get over there today. I only make one trip a day, if that. And usually to get drugs or something boring. Today I am having lunch with my high school bff. She lives down the shore but coming up to meet me. I hope she is not upset in seeing the wound vac attached to my body. I sort of hate seeing her as she really looks great and me, I jest showing my age these days. My face has aged quite a bit over the past year and I hate it. But I have to accept it or git some plastic! and oh hail no to more plastics! I will jest wear a hat and scotch tape mese wrinkles to mese ears!

    I had not finished what I was writing before cuz de torlet called mese name. So on I go....

    Allyson, if I am not mistaken, you are 12.5 hours ahead of me in the eastern time zone? I guess you are all done giving out treats. Or did you do tricks? My trick is going to see a bottle of JD nessappear hehe. I hope you are doing well. I am still praying for your (I think you saiid) your grand nephew. So very sad, hoping to hear a miraculous ending to the story so that he can move on and live a long and happy life (((((ALYSON)))))

    I am missing my Bernie baby, saying prayers for her and Dave too (((BBB and DH))))).

    NM, you don't mess around do you? I hope you can find a great flight deal. If you end up somehow in NY, let me know and I will make a point to see you. But likely Florida is where you board de big boat? I am so happy for you, you work so hard and really deserve some time away from it all. It better than a Calgon bath oh hail yeah. And I too love the pic of Silly Sadie in de picture window in de sunshine. She is such a sweet baby goil. I jest love her like I love our Queen Cam's Joey. She a part of all of us, ya know? I recall her having your Aunt's place and making it her own from another time you went away. You are lucky that you have a B&B/Kennel to send her too. I been tinking of doing some traveling meseself and taking advantage of having a live in doggy sitter. My Bella jest loves her Pop Pop! And he loves her. Funny story for ya....I never EVER feed my Belly Boo from de kitchen table. On the rare occasion that I give her table food, I park it on the counter top so that she does not associate it with the actual sit down meal. Well the past few nights, she been badliest goil and sitting under Pop Pop's chair and begging for food. He hollars at her to do lay down but she does not listen to him, oh hail no. And ya know why? Cuz I catch him more than one dropping food on de floor and saying "oops". Well she remember those oops's cuz she not that stewpid. So I call him on in and tell him to go lay down. then me and Bella laugh at him in de corner on the dog bed! well not really, I made that part up ~boring~ zzzzzz, sorry not bedtime story time yet. Mese fingers jest going wild n crazy. Ya see, I do enyting to not have to put mese head under de spigot to wash mese hairs (which are 8 deys dirty again, ick PU me). I would DIE for a shower right now, last one was night before last hospital visit. Ok, boring ye all to stitches I am, guess I will get my hair washed. My lunch date is less than two hours. And I refuse to stress over seeing my friend. But chit, been since freaking four years ago in november when we had our class reunion.

    Hello to Julie, Cyn, Chrissy B, Lori, Mema Sue and oh hail, can't tink right now cuz I dwank twelve or turdteen of those yummy dwinks that NM brought in dis aye em.

    oh Kat, forgot to answer, me never heard of the mole movie before, jest found it whilst searching for pics of de moler focker. No one say anyting about de pic I chose of him, I laffed mese EWWA off (if any new goils wanna know what I talking about re: moler focker/John Boy, jest hollar and I esplain, k? And for de record, ewwa is ebber widdening whiteass! dat our lingo, right Kathy? And barmen and chairs and big ears and all dat good lingo we has going on here. Ok, gotta git mese hairs wet. THEN do my bath/shower tingy without having a bath or shower, hate it!

    I hope I did not do any more burping, errrr I mean buMPing. I see that Kat was caught by her own Mr. big and I tink she in de cabana room with him, I hear giggles!

    Wishing you all a boo-t-ful day! cheerS!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited October 2013

    oh Camille, I bumped ya love, sorry about that. Here is a drink for ya, it will make your pooper stop leaking. I love you more than I can say, mi' beautiful queen. Did Joey dress up for school today?

    Kat, forgot to comment on your Mom, i shirley hope that your XS can get her to enjoy her stay. I HATE that she is feeling down and that the xs has noticed a decline, chit, here a hug for ya ((((Kathy))) and some added prayers that your parents do well without you looking over them. They are indeed blessed to have you. I pray for them too, k?

    Makes me tink of NM's bootiful prayers, jest love how she prays. And I imagine that God does too. Cuz he loves all of us but frankly, I tink I prolly irritate him some with my ADD/prayer/ADD ting going on. Oh mese oh mise ~ big sigh, have to move this ewwa fast or I will fuzz out mese hair with a dryer.

    more wishes of peace, love, happiness and good health to each and ebery one of mese goils! chEErs!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOL Dorkie, I didn't even notice your pic of Moler Focker Boy!!! Glad you pointed dat out. Mese wuz focussed on de movie posters! Yeah ya caught and Mr. Big in de cabana....hmmmm seems like he is becoming "MR. Bigger" weally quickliest! *wink* He and me habbing sum of NM's Halloween Punch...and wese punched it up wid some strong likker, oh yeah.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited October 2013

    Dork u better not go with that attitude---u just feel glumpy now u've been so sick but u r beautiful and will enjoy seeing u'r GFF. And didn't I teach u anything about washing u'r hair----the product is rinse off it totally soapens up u'r hair a lot and just rub it around then dry it off with a towel that's it and it really cleans, even when u don't have full control of u'r arms as long as one can get there or some one else can and u never have to bend over or a shower I've used this so much even now when I'm having a bad day and know my hair needs cleaning it works wonders and don't use any water. Just like the whore bath it's the same makers u just foam up u'r body and wipe it off--it sure came in handy loads of time--Rinse off Shampoo and rinse off body wash---nothin's as good as a shower but it's the next best thing. And I really nderstand why Bella's at the table hahaha--she u'r other own personal vacuum. Ad come home right after lunch and relax and have a great time.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited October 2013

    Yes its orange.................

    Trick or treat?

    doimg homework and watching halloween micheal myers

    I wonder if they trick or treat in Ireland

    Joey is so cute cam. What was he again for Halloween?

    Dork you will have fun with your BF from school

    Im glad you go out out with the vac my mom did not..but at the end she did.

    How much longer ?


    Kat hope your sis stays on top of things

    I have been on a million cruises I like them but like staying somewhere now or all inexlusive NM u r going to have such fun. You are never in your room so if its tiny who cares. I love the paino bar. k Ill tell a story. When I was in my late 20-s I was on the cruise and mese get drubk I got to go down under with the staff and we drank and they play music they really party hard,but very small quarters. That is just so unfair for them. Your waiter is always from another country,they say its good money and they send money to their families.I would exercise on the boat. You feel weird on the tread mills. DH and I went on one for our honeymoon we had a balcony,thats was nice I was drunk again and was trying to see a shark so I threw food over for them ooopsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

    k ill b back



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    LOL about your cruise stories, Orange!! I have never been below deck except when we had to go to the "brig" lol to sign off on our illegal prune juice bourbon. How awesome that you were able to party with them!!! One time we made the mistake of getting an inside cabin on an Alaskan cruise, for TWO weeks....cuz it was so cheap we went on the cruise northbound then reboarded for the cruise southbound, they were ea one way cruises. BUT for that type of cruise when its all scenery and cold outside, it would have been much better to have an outside cabin at least. We got spoiled once by doing a balcony cabin, now try to do that whenever we can (IF we can afford it, sometimes the difference is tooooo much). BUT I am like you too, in that I prefer going to one place and staying there and really exploring or relaxing. My DH and my mom were the real cruise lovers. And it IS fun, but I eat waaaay too much on a cruise.

    Remember to look at what is illegal for you to bring on board, NM! They have changed, and RCCL at least, is very picky and catch things. They don't allow likker, wine, etc or even electrical appliances like curling irons, hair dryers, etc. Even when you dock, if you buy likker they keep it till the last night. We found out if we BOUGHT likker in the shop on the ship, we could get it before dinner on the last night, so at least we didn't have to pay their big prices for drinks on that night. But if you buy it earlier, they still keep it till the last day. Which line will you be on? I am so glad to hear they have those smaller solo cabins!!! Much better than having to pay an exorbitant price when you sail alone. Awesome!!!! Where in the Bahamas will you stop at?
