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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Holy Chit--that's my Joey-I'm still not sure how I did it. Kat look what I did an avatar all by myself 1st time ever.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Damn those drugs get my brain going there must be steroids someplace in one of them, LOLWinking

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    I woke up on the floor and smelt someting, PU. Hmmm, is it Camille? nOPe. hmmm. Someone farted and I herd it so I jest decided to take a og into de lounge. I musta been dreaming about farts but wow wow wow, tanks for de fart poems, fart pics and fart stories. but so glad mese could come n join Camille in sailabrating her most awwwsum accumplishment, wooo hoo, dis calls for a round of apaws, I SEE JOEY AVATAR! letS saiLaBrAtE!! hiccup ` bang boom, oh mese head. me fall down. oops, mese head seeing uh uh uh ahhh chewbaba stars? * * *

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * * * * *

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    dern, i had those stars in space but stooopid mods lumped dem all in one place, dey no fun. nighty night and good morning to mese goils on de top of de earth and down under too! ch EE R S!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    well hopefully 3rd time lucky,keep getting kicked out when i'm writing

    good morning all.well done cammi on your avatar,joey looks very handsome

    got to spend Halloween as a patient ,had right sided chest pain which I was blaming on frb but went into my neck so got to go to er. so one workup later ,I don't have ay blood clot in the lung(tamox risk) plus my heart is fine, one doc did mention the rads to my right,so that's getting the blame! got admitted to the floor I work at which was funny but they took good care of of my patients wanted coffee and i'm telling the can no they can't have it from my hospital bedWinking

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Hi Babes have my friend down for the weekend. Too much wine and fell on arse - agony.

    Tonight we're both going to town for another friends surprise 50th party. I do not want to go. Don't mind seeing my friend for her birthday but she drinks all night and expects us to do the same. Plus it will cost a small fortune to get taxis. SULKING

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Did I say my arse hurtsHappya lot

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    YAY to Cami for posting the pic of Joey AND making his pic into her avatar!!!! WOOOHOOOOO, mese knew you cud do it, DrCamiLegal!!!! Good for you!!!! And how sweet to just cuddle with your Joey.

    OMG Bernie, if I have taught you ANYTHING, it is to START dwinking on the floor and stay on the floor...sheesh!!! Just kidding, owie your arse must be sooooo sore. Sounds like a fun drinking party for your friend's 50th....would be neat if you could find a corner of the floor to pass out on (oops I mean to SLEEP on), and then you could drive home the next day and save $$$$ on not having to get a taxi. I gotta say sumtin tho, it is really good they are so strict on drunk driving in Ireland, because you never plan on driving when drinking, and that is GREAT. Here, too many still drive while intoxicated, guess our laws aren't stiff enough, or our policemen don't catch enuf offenders. Glad you have a friend there with you, hope you two are having a great time, just START on the floor, ok? Now remember that!!! lol. Funny about kids and farts!

    OH NO Julie, ouch! So glad you went in to be checked out, must have been sooooo weird to be on your own floor! And telling the pt what she can't have while you are in the bed! Priceless!!! So is this something you just have to expect, and to live with this pain? Stooopid rads, I hate what the after effects can be. I was so lucky my DD1 did not have to have rads to her mouth as we had heard some awful things that can happen from that, having rads to the mouth and tongue. My DD2 has her neck surgery this week, on the 7th so I will surely be asking for prayers then!

    Dorkaroni, you stayed up waaaaay late! I was prolly waking up then. Have been waking up in the middle of the night, and not getting back to sleep, so got totally up at 6 ayem. I kept worrying about my mom, since she would rather be here than in HI. IT was so wonderful to talk to her yesterday, but I also got sad that she is not happy while she is there.And they have several more weeks there! I started doing some clocks yesterday as we have SO many to change it threw my DH off and even though I went to bed after midnight, he thought it was a hr earlier and kept asking me why I was going to bed so early. Men! I did tell him about changing the clocks right when I did it!!!!

    CyndieLouWhoMustBeWorkingHard, How ya doing girlfriend? Are you working OT again? Trying to get caught up with hours before you get to jet off to Austin? I am so glad you have that trip to look forward to!!!

    Lori, are you back at home now? How was your trip? We all missed you here, ya know!

    And we have annudder birfdey to cewebwate in a couple of days.....woohooo.....the one that dressed up as Mama for Halloweenie!!!!! Yippee Skippee another reason to dwink!!! Oh Shoot, I jest realized sumtin....did we foiget your birfdey, Lara??? Wasn't it close to Halloween??? My mind is shot dis eurly in de ayem....did we partay for your birfdey or not? If not, wese gots ta make up for it, big time!!!!!

    Have a great SaTURDey girls!!!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Did you all see this one?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this balmy SaTURDay morning?Everyone remembering to change the clocks this weekend?

    Wahine--right now I'm looking at a pre-cruise package, hotel and transfer,that will get me the benefit of having a rep meet me at the airport.I know I can manage all that stuff myself, but I'll be traveling alone, so I like to build in a little extra help, and it's worth the $$ for me.I was reading some of the fine print stuff, and NCL has what sounds like a lot of the same regs as RCCL.Any likker bought will be held until the last night or morning of debarkation.I can take a bottle of wine or champagne,but they will charge a "corkage fee" to open it.No food can be brought on board.As far as people going missing and other bad things happening on cruise ships, I figure every ship has some history like that.Still got to be careful about some things, even when on a ship!A rouge wave would be VERY scary, but what a vacation story it would make!

    ORLA--You spent some of Halloween in a cemetery?You're braver than me!I grew up on an island, so I have a healthy respect for the ocean.Can't trust her, not one minute.She's stronger than all the rest of us put together.But treat her with respect and you come home again alive!I've been flipped by waves, too, it makes for interesting moments.

    Cammy--There are some cruises that leave from Maine or visit Maine, but mostly in the summer and mostly heading north to Canada.I'm looking for warmer, not colder for my vacay!Funny how so many people think they are immune from the laws of physics, isn't it.I get a kick out of seeing idiots pass me in bad weather and then seeing them again in a ditch a ways down the road.

    I've heard of Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg, never been there that I know of.

    Wahine--can you post a link to the article on Darby?Or to the newspaper's site?I'd love to see that article.


    Have a pleasant Shabbat, Karen!

    DorKable--Good morning!I trust you aren't too hung over this ayem?Sounds like you got some good news, Hooray!

    Juliet--spending Halloween as a patient canNOT be fun!I think I would die of embarrassmentif I ended up on the same unit I worked on.Sounds like rads did the same kind of damage to the muscles that it did to me.If I don't keep up with the stretches I get numbness in my left arm and hand.Rads, the gift that keep on giving!

    BBBBBernie--I don't blame you for sulking.Visiting with friends is one thing, over drinking is another thing entirely.And it will be a true Pain in the A$$ for you!

    Wahine--I'm starting the prayers for DD's surgery now, going to try to build up a bank of positive with God before hand!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Cruiser Cocktail (OK, I'm a bit obsessed right now)

    1 1/4 oz Coconut Rum

    3 oz Orange Juice

    2 oz Pineapple Juice

    Pour all ingredients into a cocktail shaker half-filled with ice cubes. Shake well, strain into a highball glass filled with ice cubes, and serve

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    NM, Good thing to be obsessed with an upcoming vacay!!!! And the Cruiser Cocktail sounds purrrrfect for a warm beach vacay! Good idea to arrange for a package where you know someone will meet you and help with transport to the hotel and the ship. Smart thinking!!! I think I would do the same thing if I were a solo traveler, gotta be safe! Thanks for starting prayers ahead of time for my DD2, scary surgery for sure. And I searched for an article on Darby, and since so much is online now, this looks close to what was in the paper. The viewing was last night, and service is today. (Be prepared for tears when you read this)....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Good morning girls, I am home. Just spent the last hour and a half reading and catching up. Would have taken longer had I responded to everyone. We had a great time, not all of it spent gambling. Did some when we got there, and then the next day we did a little in the morning and then went to the movies, Arnold and Stallone movie, was good. Then that evening, the waitress we know and like invited us to her house for a get together with her and some of her Polish friends, she too is Polish. It was lots of fun, and we felt so honored that such a youngin (35) would want to invite us. The following day we went to Lake Havasu, a little gambling when we got back and headed for home in the morning.

    So sorry to hear of all the sad things going on, my thoughts and prayers to all of you and their families. I need to get mese EWWA moving, going to be nice today and tomorrow, then it's going to cool off. Lilian will be here Tuesday.

    Happy Turd Day Goilies.................cHEeRs!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    NM I' love how u gals all know way ahead of time what to do for traveling and Duh silly me, of course u would go someplace warm LOL

    Dork go to bed uz I know I'm going back to sleep I'm so tired my brain was working Ot like Cyn last night. Now it hurts.

    BBBernie Oh I hope u didn't fall on u'r tailbone.however u fell I'm sorry. I think Kat's right we should all start on the floor. I hope u;r better for tonite.

    Ju;ie how strange u'd be on ur floor but lucky I think--do u feel better or what did they do for u. Or did I forget already. It's funny cuz this week I had a pain that kept getting worse in one spot on my right side and the opposite side on my back in one spot --I didn't tell my DD cuz Er it would have been, but I was thinking of going and it hurt when my one arm lifted into my pit. I really thought about a clot too then I noticed it was where my rads where thru one side and thru my back and after like 3 days it started going away and I thought, could this be from rads and I figured it was, it was like a pen knife was in me and my back--how strange--I think everything we got in treatment just hangs on. It's kind of funny weboth had it this week, well it sounds like the same thing, I couldn't take a deep breath, so my answer to that was I won't breath deeply. LOL Julie I hope it's gone for u, it's very dull for me now.

    Lara where are u? I'm still watching scary movies but I know I'll be sleeping thru them, I'm falling asleep now chit.

    Kat I couldn't read about Darby now really, so I'll pick it up later---I just hurt for all of them. Nothing should ever happen to our kids and yet they do. That has to be the most horrible thing for parents.

    I remember when I had my hysterectomy and I had cancer--but it was minute and they took everything out and they said they got it all--no chemo but every time my mom looked at me she cried and walk away. And I was fine mentally too, but she never told my dad cuz he would fall apart but it took her along time to stop crying with me. And I thought comeon Ma u'r very depressing LOL and I had older kids but I realy didn't understand and she had BC and didn't cry like that. So any time are kids are going thru chit it's so difficult for us. Kat u'r family is going thru so much and lately everyone is, it's just so sad. Now I understand it all.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    nm,i'm envious ,how many days until you go? I know you have counted. and I bet Sadie is counting down until she goes to auntie's

    Bernie-you may have a pain in the arse but you will never be a pain in the arse.takes kats advice,drink on the floor

    the floor treated me like a queen,got a private room as wellHappyi knew I would be treated my docs I work with and I know the caliber of my colleagues.have had scar pain but never pain that went into my neck which is why I went to the er because if it stayed on the right I would have popped some motrin and then ignored it.

    mutley has made a complete recovery from his hangover

    have a good weekend everybody

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    NM can I come toooooooooooooo


    Hi cam

    Kat I do not want pics on photo bucket I am weird I know

    I can send them to goldie she posts them here

    going lunch for b day

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Hi Lori!! Glad you are back home and can play with us here!!! Sounds like it was a fun trip, and now you have to catch up and get ready for company again. Wow!

    Lara, Doesn't Lori do them through photobucket? I dunno. One prob with photobucket is if you delete it there, then I think it deletes it where you posted it too. Mese not a puter expert I just try to find a way that works for me, and sometimes it takes MORE work!!! lol. But yeah please send them to Lori as she prolly knows how to do it, and we DO want to see them!!!!

    Yummmm, my DH made his whole wheat banana pancakes today....sooooo ono. I'm going thru recipes trying to pare them down. The amount of recipes that is.

    Cheers Dears! Tables! Chairs!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!

    Wahine--yup, I'm obsessed.Booked one shore exccusion, going horseback riding (including in the ocean)!Paid up the service fee, too.Got the next shore excursion picked out for next paycheck.The link is taking it's time connecting, I'll read it in a bit when it finally connects.

    Goldie--So happy you had a good time!Glad you're home safe!

    Cammy--mostly my prior planning is a result of my obsession with an upcoming trip.That, I just like the experience of being taken care of and treated like a VIP.Even if I'm paying for it!

    Juliet--7 0 days to go, it says so when I sign into the website!Right now I can book shore excursions, later I'll be able to book spa stuff and special eating stuff.Hooray for Mutley recovering!

    ORLA--sure!Come on, but I get first dibs on the shower!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Ok what did I miss Lori's home? Oh YYYAAAYYY

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Happy Saturedey girls. I peed my pants gitting out of bed then unplugging Zach, it gitting to be a daily ting.

    Wahine, OMG, loved that beautiful story of the now angle Darby. I loved best when she said "Blue skies in." (Breathe deeply) "Gray skies out." She was indeed the most special little girl ever. I also enjoyed looking at the photos of her performing and jest living life. And OMG, her girls, too dern cute. I hope that some day I hear her name in these parts of the country to honor special children like her or to somehow promote support for her cause. Do not have the right words for what mese trying to say, sorta like Alex's Lemonaide Stand to support childhood cancer. Do all of you goils have them near you? Alex was a local goil and I think her cause has gone national. These tiny children with so much grief in their lives are freaking amazing wiht their mind sets. It must be God working inside of them making them think so beautifully despite going through so much.

    Julie, geez, sorry you in de hospital. But good you being pampered. I hope you feel better soonliest and are able to get back home and git dwinking. I am glad that the good doctors did not find anything wrong cept for issues to do with the FNRB. dern it, I want you to feel better. ((((Julie))))

    Lori, welcome back! So nice to see your purdy face poop into the lounge. I hope you are happy to be home again. Always nice to git away but nice to get home too. cheers!

    Lara, LMAO over you creeping de most haunted cemetary on Halloween. You have balls girl, omg, I could not walk a cemetery on any night whilst dark. You crack me up that yu dont want your stuff on photo bucket, you want Lori to post. You are a true blond lololol. I love ya girl!

    BERNIE, Bernie Bernie - omg, you so funny with dwinking n falling to de floor. I glad you ok and hope your arse gits all better. did you see stars when you hit de floor? I hope you are alright. I wanna come and partay with you soon.

    Cam, I jest so proud of you for making yer own Joey avatar. I hope de smarts you found continue and stay with you. i really tink you are much smarter than you tink, I do. I hope you feeling good todey.

    NM, thanks for the reminder on the clocks, chit. Hate the dark at night so early. I guess me and mese Dad no more watching sunsets for awhile. i furcited for you and for Sadie too, counting down the days with you for vacation. Did you get your yard all ready for the winter? I keep having more memories of Maine come back to me as I read your posts, love it. You are so right about de ocean being so dangerous. I remember the coast of Maine, where there are jest huge rocks between the land and the water and it is one of God's most bootiful yet most skeery creations. It is amazing to me.

    I missing me Beckers. If ye all can say a prayer for her and her DH, they berry sad over losing her BIL so suddently. And she having issues with posting.

    I gotta run, time to hit de pooper, yippee! almost de next best ting to dwinking mesemelf dwunkliest! sORRY IF i miss someone, cant tink too good. have a great day ya'll! cheers


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    Happy Turd Day!

    Lowee - tank u fer posting da Mama pic. It is a bit blurry but ya'll get the idea. Had a GR8 time at DS big bash. He and gf went allll out with decos and scary jumping spiders n chit like dat. I won prize for silliest costume. My DD and sil won for most original, will try to post pic of them later. Dwank and dwank waaaayyy tooo much, brandy, killa, wodka and jello shots. Didn't get to bed til 3ayem...up at 8:30 ugghh. And my wonderful gs AM slept wif me and he likes to turn sideways in da bed, so he was kicking mese half da time. DH went out and slept in our van...LOL. Anyway, fun fun. Those were some scary looking zombie treats u posted. DS had lots of them out too.

    Glad you had a good time on your vacay...oh and we change time tonight. Fall back 1 I get an extra hour of sleep...woohoo.

    Bernie - I read back a widdle bout ur sis the changeling. I have heard of that b4...too scary and good for Sinead getting to you when she did. That chits n giggles post was tooo funny...all ur posts, well most, are jes tooo phuckin phunny! How is your arse today? Falling down is never a good thing, even if we looped'd'looped, we still feel it next day, hope u iz bettah!

    Kat - 1st, I read story about Darby...u were right, at least a 4 tissue story. (((Darby and her family))). Thanks for posting Alli's pics...she did nail her character. I don't watch the show either but apparently is very popular as that is what my dd n sil came as...the dead. LOL. Thanks fer da kudos on Mama. I saved that shrimp recipe too...will have to try it soon.

    Karen - hope your spirits are up today ((Karen))

    Cami - Love love love da pic of Joey and the other one in costume. Handsome young man! So cool that u figured out the avatar too...tis ferciting when we figure it out!

    Dory - WTF....whats going on wif u? U been cwacking me up wif ur posts but sumpin sumpin going on...spill it girl!

    Cyn - woohoo....countdown to Austin! It jes warms my fart that D' dd is excited for your visit as well. But den agin...I kno u a very spashall lady...and sooo easy to love. I kno the rest of D's family will lubslubslubs you too!!

    (((Beckers))) so sad, sending BIG HUGZ!!

    Aly - Same to you and your great nephew, plus prayers abound.

    D - tanks fer getting da chapel ready...lots in need here lately. U cwacking mese up wif ur comment bout taping ur wrinkles to ur ears. Not a bad idea really...LOL. Hope you had a nice lunch anyway.

    Hey hey hey Chrissy! Wassup?? I'm yelling...HEEELLLLOOO. J/K, has the hearing gotten any better?

    NM - thanks for da tissues and dwinky...need em today too after reading the article. I jes love that Sadie is a big foot warmer, and life balancer. Some peeps jes don't get it. But it's like having kids...gotta left sitter go, gotta take to pediatric doc, dentist, school etc. Well our pooches need most of those things for me. Soooo exciting about your vacay. Sadie will be fine with Aunty spoiling her too. Sooo glad you are doing will love it!!

    Julie - had to lmao with your Mutley story, sad for ur sis and all her hard work tho. Cwack me up! Just read da Fart Poem....ROTF!!! Hope you are home now and feeling better. Sounds like Cammi knows what u been going thru a bit.

    Kat - makes me sad about your mom and dad. Hard to watch the decline, I kno, tis good they are in HI now, might b last time for them. idk...jes (((Kat))).

    Wow...finally caught up. Did we miss Orla's Bday??? OOO I see now...Lara HAPPY B-DAY!! Enjoy your lunch and the rest of the day too!!


    LUBSLUBSLUBS...ChEars dEars!!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    My DD and her baby.

    DS gf, DD bff, Mama, DD, and DD other bff.

    Still trying to find SIL.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Awesome, Awesome Pics Sue!!! Looks like you all had such fun, and the costumes are amazing!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    Not a very good one, but u get the idea.

    Latah Ladies...have a good weekend!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    love the pics sue,looks like you had a great halloween

    cammi-please keep breathing

    dorty-how long are you and zac going to be dating?

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Mema you looked so good! Wow!

    Juliet we need done tenders

    Mema thank u for my cake it's tues

    Dork u know it! You know I had some stings I'm still screedddd

    Photo bucket people can look at all your pics, but delete I never got photo bucket yes I'm ill always b blonde and big boobs lol

    Dork I hate u have the vac. I hope it's almost over

    Lunch was ok

    Bernie r u ok? U fell I missed something

    Nm you will have a blast it sounds! I'm so glad you are getting rest and relaxation

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    taco cat Kat!

    Ok looked back Juliet I'm glad your ok'

    Now u have pain

    Someone wanted your coffee lol

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    Happy Sat Turd dey!!

    Just pooping in to sey hey how are ya!!!!

    Excellent pics mema...looks like a goot time as well. Yes, count down to Austin is on . Its jest a week from tomorree.

    Lara...did I miss your birthday?? Happy Birthday!! How young are you??, you know you should heed Wahine's advice so youse don't get hurt. Have fun with your friend and at the party.

    Cami, great job on the avatar's. Joey is such a cutie patootie.

    NM....Im essited for your will have such a great time. Cruises are one of my favorites but havent been in years. There used to be the Scotia Prince that left from ME..Prince of Fundy cruise lines. Do you remember them? It was only an over night cruise to Nova Scotia. There are a few cruise lines who offer New England cruises...too cold for me...but would love to some day go on one to Alaska.

    Julie., so sawy to hear you are in da hospital and hope you get out soonliest .

    NIce to see Goldie back! Now you have more company coming?

    Wahine, Is Molly all finished with her heartworm treatment? When do you leave for TX? and Zach still getting along?

    Nutin much but woik woik woik here.

    Cheers ma dears!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    CyndieWhoPoppedInTueDay!!! YAY!!! I'll be in TX on the 14th....will you still be there? Too bad we will be miles and miles away though, but neat if we are in the same state at least!! My DD2's surgery is this week, on the 7th, and she wanted to be feeling better before we get there. Molly just finished her 2xday we wait a month for the first of her lumbar injections...right before Turkey Day. Then another one near the end of December. She may need to stay a night or two, they will watch her closely and decide. This vet has daily "doggie day camp", and its SO cute as they post several pics each day. I can't let my furbabies even see it on the computer or they would want to go there too! I love looking at the pics of the dogs playing with ea other, lying in the kiddie pools, etc. Bet Reese would like that too! I doubt I could afford that, the heart worm tx is costing a ton. I would love to see Nova Scotia some time, awesome they did 1 night cruises there. I thought I missed Lara's bday, but I think she said its Tuesday? Awesome, as Mema's is Monday. Partay, Partay, Partay!!!!
