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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    Since its supposed to start storming anytime, mese tinking de munchkins may start eurly, so all I did was put scary makeup on and lots of dark circles, wrinkles, etc. Don't wanna pull out the costumes in case no one shows up! I did scare my DH BOO!!!!!!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited October 2013

    How about some Witches Brew......bah hah hah....


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Kat, check out google today, the above made me think of it. very similar photo but in google, you can click to animate!

    I hope you all having a spooktacular night!

    • image

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Dorkylvania! I saw the cute pic on google today and didn't even think of clicking on cute, you can play games!!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    I had clicked into the google but just thought that the witch would keep stirring, did not think to click on the things for her brew lol. oh boy, that was fun. lol. not really, I am jest so tired and bored right now. So I gonna hang here. You in Kat?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Yuppers mese here in de corner wid de candy....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    I is here too, gonna pass out from too many twizzlers. dayem, de sugar high ends so abruptionally. i gonna find de mattress. but I have one more dwink or six before mese passes out.

    berry tired cheers from mese to yese!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    *burp*.....*hic*....nighty nightmares from mese....ummmmm nooooo....NO NIGHTMARES....just nice night!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Kathy.....I can't talk to my mother about how well she is doing for her age!!! She is one of the younger people where she lives...I think that is part of the problem...she looks at many of her new friends and they are in their late 80's and into the mid 90's and they are doing as well (or better) than she is!!!

    I forget who asked...Mom is on Zoloft......last month she wanted to d/c the meds but decided not to....the depression really fluctuates with how she is doing physically...when she is doing "well" her mood is better....when she is having more trouble walking, she is angry, sad and depressed....I've mentioned finding a new therapist, but she is reluctant...she's been going to a grief group but there is only 2 more sessions....Its very hard.....I'm learning to keep my mouth is very hard to be part of the "sandwich" generation....That as well as to see a woman who was sooo physically active not be able to do the things she used to....then I wonder what is in store for this something that I have to worry about for me!!! Is sure don't loose sleep over it for me, the beast returning is more of a reality than the neurological stuff that mom is dealing with for me....

    Trick or treat was disappointing for me...I miss the loads and loads of kids....We didn't get any till 6:20.....I don't think I even had 30 kids....I had two groups, then one group and then smaller groups....just had someone at the door at 9....I only bought one bag of candy plus had candy at home and didn't use it all up....

    DD and I are invited out for Shabbat dinner, so I don't have much cooking to do tomorrow...Need to take DD and friend to the bus in the morning and then I will go to the mall and walk (at 7 am).....not sure what I'll do next, but then going to Mom's for 9 as the nurse from Humana is coming....I want to get a handle on what she is doing.....Need to run some errands and then maybe do some baking......My manicure from last week is not looking good....bummed cuz I keep thinking of the manicure that I had this summer that lasted a good 2 weeks...oh well....and my nails are still peeling!!!

    Its been a long, long week....I have 7 reports to write before Monday so you know what I have to do the next couple days...Sunday morning I'm doing my last health fair.....

    Sweet dreams

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Karen I know all this reports have to be a PITA for u so u really won't relax much. But one thing u won't have to cook dinner tomorrow night. This way u can really catch up with u'r mom. Sorry about u'r mom having trouble.

    Dork how was u'r lunch, did u feel all right when u got home? I hope good.

    Well it really rained but those kids weathered the rain--no storms---si I got the grand pleasure of giving out the candy-and KAT I put no makeup on and scared the hell out of the kids-it was worth it. And Joey had so much fun---he was my knight, but no armor then he settled down with me and wanted to sleep with me si I just woke him up and he went to bed,

    Lara I had chiller on most of the day today, some I've never seen--Oh I did watch Battleship and Cowboys and Aliens--different choices. but not to bad.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Wild winds and rain this ayem, gonna be a fun one today!

    Cammy--I had some help getting motivated to get vacay plans going, the Clinical Manager promised me she'd approve the time off if I put in the request by the end of this week.I still need to book the flight, but I need this week's paycheck to land in the bank account first!It does make it a lot easier that Sadie and Aunty love spending time together.White grape juice for the punch sound right to me!

    ORLA--Nice summary of the history of Halloween!

    Wahine--Thanks for the tip , I'm still working on getting the flight booked.The cruise leaves from Miami, I may go down the day before since the only flight leaving Bangor that gets into Miami before sailing time gets in at 1 pm, only 3 hours of leeway, too easy for a problem to delay things too long.I'm still looking, though.It will all work out!It must be so hard to have your parents so far away and not being able to take care of them like you want.

    DorKable--a hang over AND drinking Miralax?You poor girl! Yeah, I am leaving from Florida this time.I am so looking forward to a whole week of pampering and recharging!And dogs DO remember things, Sadie remembers where Aunty stores the special treats, and that she is allowed on the furniture there.What happens at Aunty's stays at Aunty's, or so Aunty says!

    ORLA--sounds like you've had a great time on your cruises!Did you ever see a shark?I took my Mom on a cruise once, and she was out exploring and wound up in the crew's quarters.She can always find someplace she shouldn't be!I'm sailing on Norwegian Cruise Lines this time, I've been on Royal Caribbean and really got shafted the last time with them.I will check out the rules and regs.NCL has a couple of drink packages that I am looking at, for a certain $$ per day all drinks $5.50 and under are covered, I've got to check out the details.Going to Eastern Caribbean, don't remember where it's stopping off hand, got to look that up.I like that I can book stuff on board and book shore excursions ahead of time, that will make it a lot more fun knowing I've got stuff lined up to do!

    Karen--too bad you had so few trick or treaters.It is a lot of fun when there's lots of kids around!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Eerie Witch's Brew

    4 cups Water

    4 cups Cranberry Juice

    3 cups Oranges

    12 oz (Concentrated) Apple Juice

    1/2 gal Ginger Ale

    6 oz (frozen) Limeade

    2 cups Grapes

    1 cup (chopped) Candied Ginger

    1 bottle of your favorite flavored Vodka

    Mix in a punch bowl.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Ooooooooh that Witches Brew sounds so ono, NM! I love candied ginger, so that sounds like a good addition. I am SO glad you are thinking of flying down the day before the cruise leaves. Esp at that time of year, the weather can be bad in any other states and it can delay or cancel your flight. AND in Maine of course, the weather can be bad then too. We usually do that too, and then find a hotel with free shuttle service either to/from airport or to/from ship, or both. I hope NCL has looser regulations that RCCL has! We've cruised on several lines, but since we have several under our belts with RCCL, we only stick with them for more perks. FUNNY about your mom going to where she shouldn't have been!!! I haven't seen sharks, but have seen whales spouting off in the distance, and LOTS of flying fish. We had a couple of scary times. Like right after we went thru the Bermuda Triangle area, a ship that was 1 day behind us, same itinerary, had that 70' rogue wave that smashed into the ship. Just came up out of nowhere. No one died, and I don't even know if there were any injuries, but had to be scary for them. SO whenever I was awake in our cabin, I kept looking for another rogue wave on that trip! THEN another time we only found out a wk before our cruise that we were on the same ship that a fellow went missing on, just a month or so earlier. They did a tv movie about him...was on his honeymoon, and I think flashed too much money around and partied with some questionable people. So they think he was tossed overboard and robbed (at least I think that was what the movie conveyed!). And sometimes the weather would cause us to miss stopping in ports we were looking forward to. BUT the captains have your best interests at heart and are good at going around bad weather.

    Cami, NO! You are so funny, but I know the kids wouldn't be scared with you wearing no makeup! Funny though. And when I put all this makeup on and drew dark wrinkles, creases, etc....I thought....hmmmm....I am trying to look like an old lady, but I AM an old lady so maybe they won't know its makeup! We bought several bags of candy, and this year we had most kids as it got later, because of the rain on/off.

    I do hope everyone is having a good day today!!!!

    Lori, having fun in Laughlin???? Hope so!!!!

    Hugs to all,


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Kat holy crap you wre on that cruise, that was a big news story

    Did you see them?

    Well there is a huanted cemetery here its in a book top 10 huanted cemerteries iwe went there last night just by the gate I took pics and orbs showed up. That is ghosts but DH said oh it was raining IDK but you could not see and I felt very creepy I took a couple pics and ran back to the car.Pine wood cemetary troy, NY If you want to look it up. So when I did people post pics snd they had orbs as well. So I got my scare for Halloween. whoosh so scary

    When I was in bermuda I was standing in the water about knee deeo and got a cross wave that flipped me four times it was so scary. My dad grabbed me up. I am a very good swimmer I was not deep at all. I had no idea what happened it was so quick. I was so embrassed when my dad grabbed me my bikibi was all turned around. We all laugh about it now


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    No lara (I must have sounded funcusing), it was a month later, but same ship! But it was an eerie feeling, as at that time they didn't know what had happened to him, since it was so close to when it happened. OH NO< how scary when you were in Bermuda! They can get awful waves and currents!!! Last time we were there, they had lifeguards making people stay out of the water as it looked not tooo bad, but the undercurrents were really churning. It was that pinksand beach that is famous, but I can't think of that one. I know a lot of pink sand there, but most people go to this one. GLAD your dad was there to grab you!!!! But yeah, i would be embarrased too if my top got turned around, esp with my dad!

    Ohhh that cemetary sounds scary. How awesome you got some pics....can you post one here??? Eerieeeeeeeeee. I will look it up....

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning all----NM for some reason I just thought u'r leave from maine-??? Not to good with georgraphy, I'm still trying to figure out where Austria is===I don't know why. I like that DOTDI assume it's punch---well for most people. Sounds like fun all the way around.

    Kat u sound awake this morning, I'm still struggling here--Joey brought me coffee bit it doesn't kick in like it used to. Kat I know u'r thoughts are so with u'r mom and dad and I'm praying they will adjust OK--It's probably frustrating to them too.

    Lara a bunch of collisions today, I don't mind a few, but will go hopping around for something better later.It looks all gloomy out like rain any minute??? I don't really watch the weather like I used to, but I can pretty much see it from my window. Just as good. My dad used to teach me about weather and all the clouds u all know he was a nature and wine lover so we'd go outside whenever the weather was changing and tell me what direction and what was coming I of course thought he knew everything but he did know about the weather so when there are conversations about it I can talk about it--I really didn't care but it was always nice when we would talk no one else was interested in learning anything then, Now they're sorry--of course I can't do all the things I used to but I can paint, wallpaper, fix some plumbing, water heater=lay carpeting, not as much fun as the hunks, tile floors and walls and more I hated it but it was the only time my dad would swear in front of my mom so I liked that. and if my mom wasn't around I could smoke with him--chit I was even in my late 30's and we girls never smoked in front of my mom but my brothers could--go figure. Another walk down memory lane, I have them about mammories to but that's a different story and NOT with my dad ooooo

    Well I hope everyone has a decent day today and TGIF-- for some of u.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Neat memories with your Dad, Cami. And you learned so much from him!!!! I really don't know much about weather and clouds though. Growing up in HI, it was either sunny or much bad weather there. I watch the meterologists whenever we have bad weather here, and just trust them to guide us as to what to do, but I'm sorta ignorant about clouds, etc. I do know to take cover if the "T" word is mentioned (tornado). LOL. OH, Austria is near Germany, we have driven through Salzburg a couple of times, I just love it, so beautiful, nestled between mountains, all the old bldgs, quaint shops and streets, and the river, beautiful bridges, gardens, etc.I think we drove thru another city escapes me, but Salzburg was my favorite.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    I can't post pics ! I can to u kat

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Anyone know of this place in MA? A friend posted it on FB, what an unusually long name!!! (Almost like the humuhumunukunukuapuaa in HI, which is a small trigger fish)...

    Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg located in Massachusetts. Also known as Webster Lake, but that just doesn't have the same ring to it.

    Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg located in Massachusetts. Also known as Webster Lake, but that just doesn't have the same ring to it.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    kat I can send pics to u I would send them to goldie

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Lara, if you send them to me I will see if I can put them on my photobucket page, and that is the only way I would know how to post them. When I search for random pics, I sometimes have to click on several before one will post. But if I can help, I would be happy to! de dah.....this is de dwinking thread and by golly I am finally gonna have seagrams/diet coke!!! Haven't had any for 2 and a half wks or so, and I did miss it! So....down the hatch!! I sorta went off the diet, so might as well enjoy it...can always go back on it tomorrow. Right? Cheers Dears!!!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Oh, remember when I told you Darby passed away and had touched so many people in her short life? Well, todays paper features her on almost the entire front page (and pics) as well as entire page inside. What an amazing little girl! Bless you Darby, May you rest in peace, and may your family and loved ones be comforted in this sad time.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Anyone feel like this cat???

    Candy hangover! LOL

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    you know who this is for!

    A fart is a pleasant thing,

    It gives the belly ease,

    It warms the bed in winter,

    And suffocates the fleas.

    A fart can be quiet,

    A fart can be loud,

    Some leave a powerful,

    Poisonous cloud

    A fart can be short,

    Or a fart can be long,

    Some farts have been known

    To sound like a song......

    A fart can create

    A most curious medley,

    A fart can be harmless,

    Or silent, and deadly.

    A fart might not smell,

    While others are vile,

    A fart may pass quickly,

    Or linger a while......

    A fart can occur

    In a number of places,

    And leave everyone there,

    With strange looks on their faces .

    From wide-open prairie,

    To a small elevator,

    A fart will find all of

    Us sooner or later.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Oh thats so cute, Julie. Hmmmmm.....wonder who its for??????


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Its candle time to read...just wanted to stop in and say HI.....

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Hi Karen!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    sweet dreams Kathy. anybody else chillaxing in de lounge? whilest I like having it to mesedernself, me'de rather have company. i dwink more when amongst fella dwinkas. me dwink keeps gitting watery and watery is against de law in mese town. Well it would be if mese was in charge. speaking of, wuz nearly a year ago where I got involved with helping de town people get an ordinance to bwing likker into de town. I live in a Quaker town where likker was banned for over a hundred years. I was SO proud to do my part in helping to change that. I showed up at a town meeting and I volunteered to kick the ban on Jack in town to de curb! Wooo hoooo!


    con't because I wrote the above last night, too interesting to not hit send, darn A.D.D.. Have not yet read todey's news on our thread and will likely not be back until much later. In de meantime, hoping all of you are doing well. And let's pray that the insanity around her causing mese goils so much grief, jest stops NOW. I praying that there is nothing I have missed that might be sad news, uh oh hail no, jest can't be.

    bdw, a widdle birdie told me that Kat had Pau Hana with Segrams n a diet tonight cuz she worked hard and deserved it. How do I know ye ask? Did I talk to her today? Hail no. dere is a birdie that talks and I not talking about our becker's adorable Walter de bird, uh uhhh, no way Jose. I prolly talking nonsense to most of you so will cut it now and get to the fact dat IT IS FRIEDeY night, wooo hooo! I am partaying cuz I saw mese doctor and he said to partay farty. yep, off subject but mese farts been tooting away and I gonna be off de chit helpers. So enough about mese, I love ye all and hope to God I can catch up before a new day begins. Hi~ time to light de fire. Come one, come all, if ye not having a partay already, come on ober! I jest love you all muchly!

    cheers loves! AND......wishing you all.....


    and one more ting goils, don't worry be HAPPY!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Hi everyone, I know it's late--but for some reason I spent the (almost) the whole day with Joey, he just went to bed a little bit ago--I figured out why I enjoy him so much. I don't have to play silly games or entertain him--we can just watch TV and cuddle and talk about interesting things to me. So it's still all about me--SillyHeart

    I see Dork didn't see the hilarious poem yet, but I saw it.

    Kat u went to long without a drink=it's time. And what a beautiful tribute Darby had--it's still so sad.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    All right I have no idea what I just did, but I copies a pic ow to figure it out.