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how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    I didn't go out tonight, came home from town and did not feel so good. All of my animals were playing up and I had to spend time with my horse to get her calm.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Awwww Bernie, whats up? I hate that you have to miss the party, but most of all I hate it that you are not feeling well. Hope you can rest and be better tomorrow! Get some nice Calva hugs!!! Oops now I forgot your other sweet furbaby's name...but you can get hugs there too, ok? Glad you were there to calm down your horse. Wonder what agitated the animals??? (((((Bernie)))

    OH, that Progressive ad is on and now all I can picture is Aubrey's friend dressed as Flo from the commercial (at Allison's house).

    Alyson, How are you doing? How is your nephew?

    And Chrissy, are you ok?

    Worrying about our Dorkie too....she wasn't feeling so great...



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Haha, a guy I dated before I met my current DH was just on tv. He has a dance studio and is doing a charity event. He is a nice guy and handsome....I broke up with him because of being insecure when he was dancing with all those young girls! (I was a bit older than him). He tried to reassure me, and I did look good back then, but I just didn't want to deal with seeing 20 somethings get all sexy dancing with him for competitions when I was in mid 40's! But omg dancing with him was soooo easy....I was doing all the ballroom dances and doing them well, after I broke up with him I couldn't dance a step! Shows how important it is to have a good dancer lead you......

    Anyone here dwinking?????

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    Hi Girls,

    Bernies other furbaby is Gunner and her horse is I right Bernie?

    Hope everyone is having a good night . Nope..not dwinking yet Wahine..I have 7 minutes

    before I am allowed to endulge...hehe...I know to the minute.

    Sorry your not feeling well Bernie.

    Wahine, I have Sue's BD as the 6th..Wednesday. oops.

    K...back to woik

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Gorgeous day in Denver....after lunch I sat outside reading....the sun was great and it wasn't hot at nice to sit out on a wonderful fall day!!! Enjoying a glass of wine, but think that's all I'll sinuses are bothering me.....feel it in my eyes.....Plus need to write some reports for Monday and need to have some clarity of mind!!!

    Had a nice time last night at my friends for Shabbat dinner.....we are friends with the dad and his wife as well as the son and his wife and kids....the son has a DD my DD's age....hope this makes we were at the father's house and his son and family were there....his mom too as well as my mom...

    Mom is still having difficulty.....sure hope these new meds kick in soon....last night she keep leaning sideways in her seat and today she told me she had trouble walking.....I stopped by but she wasn't home....Its so very hard...Mom is only 79!!

    Kathy....I can't watch the video on Darby but from the comments it sounds like she was an amazing young lady


    DorK....when do you get rid of Zack? as your trip? MemaSue, Orange, Cami, NM (your trip sounds wonderful), Cyndie, Julie sweet dreams and have a good Sunday :)

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Oh YES Cyndie, Gunnar (Gunner?)....thanks for helping mese feeble bwain! I remembered Ash, but could not think of the furbaby. Oops I will have to look at my list again....thought I had it as the 4th, but don't wanna go upstairs just yet...was working from memory and you know how dangerous that can be for mese! lol. Thanks! Hey, you ARE dwinking now, right? Cuz you are pau with work for todey!!! Yippeeeee!!!!

    Cheery Cheery!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Oops didn't mean ta bump ya, Karen! Here *handing you another glass of vino*.... OH, that wasn't a video it was the article that was in the paper, but online. Hope you can relax and not think about all that paperwork just yet! I'll prolly get this wrong, but something Darby would say if someone was upset about something....Take a deep breath, *blue skies in*, exhale *gray skies out*. And Dorkie posted the link on FB too, if you want to see it maybe that link will work better for you. Hugs!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    I have one hour left of work..poop

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    cyn now its 40 mins,you will be with d soon

    Bernie feel better soon

    happy birthday lara,i apologize for being late,hope you enjoyed it

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    happy birthday lara

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Lol Julie, that just sent mine skyrocketing!!!

    Kat, you are such a darling........I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. I'm still deaf and walking into walls on occasion but I will now venture to the shop with my little buggy and no stick. I sometimes get a bit wobbly but on the whole if I walk slowly I do just fine. I have a friend coming to stay overnight tomorrow........I have known her for fifty years but lost contact for many of those years. She was at my mum's funeral and that's where we caught up again. I'm so looking forward to spending some time together to catch up and reminisce.

    Dork, sounds like Zac is definitely doing his job and you are finally on the you have a date scheduled for the PS visit yet?

    Happy Birthday Lara!

    Goldie it's good to see you back!

    Karen it's just awful to watch as our parents seem to age before our eyes and even harder to think that we will lose them in the future. I know 79 sounds not very old but it's beginning to get up there especially if there are health issues. Hoping your mom shows improvement with her new meds.

    NM your cruise sounds amazing! Hope you enjoy every minute of it and Sadie her sojourn at Aunty's.

    Think I'll head to the bar and see what the tenders are offering.

    TITTIES UP ALL!!!!!!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    NM, your vay cay sounds wonderful and Sadie gets one too! You are much derserving of this as well. Never been on a cruise myself. And you ARE a VIP!

    Julie, glad nothing serious was wrong, but I had to chuckle when you said you were treated like a queen on the floor, as I was picturing you "on the floor" literally!

    Cami, look at you, you computer whiz! Now we want to see your best Sophia Loren picture. And are you ok with posting your sweet Joey on a public website? Yes, I home now. And feel so loved when ize missed so muchly.

    Lara yes, you can send me pictures and photo bucket pictures can be set at private as well, meaning only the person with the account can see them. OH CHIT, when was your birfday??? Ya know, it's never too late to have a party and sailabrate girl. And I believe you turned 40? Oops, not yet....still 39? Tuesday is the day? We should start the sailabration mananna, your last day of being 39.

    Kathy, I will use photobucket or FB. You can put pictures in FB and make them so "private", so only you can see them. And yes, if you remove a pic from either place, or move it, it will disappear from here, as you are changing the URL of the picture. I couldn't read about Darby, just can't do it, especially after seeing that she was a downs child. Heartfelt sympathies to her family. Thinking of your DD this week too and sending prayers. Please remind us so we can keep her in our prayers. Will she have a hospital stay? YAY for Molly and being done with her pills, but funny how you can't let her look at FB....LOL. And now we can add professional dancer to your list of professionalisms!

    Hello our Dorkiness! No lemonade stands out here where I live, but what a wonderful thing for the kids to do. And you and dad can still watch the sunsets silly, they will just be an hour earlier. And yeah, what's up?? What's going on girl?? I can't even believe it.

    Bernie, you fell again??? I'm with Kat, in the fact that you need to start on the floor. I got you these padded undies, they will pad the fall a bit, plus give you a nice looking butt! Might even git mese some!


    Becks, somehow I missed your post (or a post) about your BIL. I am so sorry girl, prayers for you and your family (((((BECKERS)))))

    Sue, sounds like the party was a hit and hoot! I knew you would win something, and girl you sure partied down. Hope to see more photos. OMG, their costumes are awesome!

    Cyn, glad to hear that D's DD is excited for your visit, but you are too sweet NOT to love! Remember, part of the excitement of a trip is the excitement before it! You too NM. I think DH and I might do cruise for our 5th anniversary, and I think to Alaska. And yes, I have Lilian coming to stay with us for about 4 or 5 days.

    Karen, sounds like you had a nice dinner with your friends and got a little "ME" time in. Also sorry about your mom. Mine is slowly declining too, and mine is only 74.

    Speaking of my mom, she now HAS to use her o2 24/7, but her little portable tanks only last like 2 hours. Julie/NM, do they have tanks that last longer?

    LOL Chrissy and Julie sending your temperature sky rocketing! Good one. Gonna have to get you something padded for when you walk into the walls. How wonderful that you met up with your long time friend and now get to spend some time together, have fun.



    1/2 oz Fireball Whiskey

    1/2 oz Absinthe

    1/2 oz Blanco Tequila

    1/2 oz Gin

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Scotch

    1/2 oz Bacardi 151

    1/4 oz Spiced Rum

    1/4 oz Lime Juice

    Splash Jack Daniels

    Splash Amaretto

    Top with Monster Energy




  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Sunny and brisk this ayem, got nice and warm yesterday, had windows open to air out the house.Should get warm again today, too, I think!

    DorKable--Do we need to send you some depends to keep your bed dry in the ayems?We could make Zach pay for them.I finally saw the article about Darby, what a heart breaking story.There is a boy who does a Lemonade stand locally, uses it to raise money for ovarian cancer in honor of his grandmother.There was a big stink about this summer, or maybe it was last summer, the town tried to shut it down 'cause he didn't have a business permit or some such thing.Created such a ruckus the town ended up making a donation to smooth things over (and let him run it without a permit).And, no, I still have yard work to get done, and if I don’t get it done soon I'm gonnabe sorry.

    Mema--I don't know what I'd do without Sadie, or without any of the doggies I've had.Snookie and Alex got me through bc surgeries and rads.Sadie's gotten me through life since.Just love her!Please tell met isn't a REAL baby!!!!!!

    ORLA--I am so hoping to have a blast on vacay, that's the whole point of taking a vacay!I cannot wait to be waited on and pampered and generally treated like a queen!Or at least a princess. . .

    CynCyn--Prince of Fundy cruise line used to run the Blue Nose from Bar Harbor to Nova Scotia, was a local institution for years and years, a couple of years ago they retired the Blue Nose and mostly run a boat out of Portland now.Used to be able to go over the Blue Nose, leave in the ayem, spend a few hours in Nova Scotia, then come back and dock around 11 peeyem.They've replaced the Blue Nose with a high speed catamaran and cut down on the number of trips.Too bad, really, there's a whole collection of hotels and motels right at the terminal that grew up to cater to that crowd.

    BBBBBernie--what's got your animals all worked up?Hope it's nothing serious.Sadie gets worked up at night sometimes, I never see what she sees out in the field, but I trust it's something.Fortunately she calms quickly, I hope your animals calm quickly too.

    Karen--Sounds like you had a great Shabbat dinner, that is so good!So hard seeing our parents failing, isn't it.At least she is still getting out of the house.

    Wahine--I finally got that article to load, it was quite the story.Thanks for sharing!

    Take a deep breath, *blue skies in*, exhale *gray skies out* that's a great way to remember to take deep breaths!

    Juliet--cool birthday cake!

    Chrissy--So glad you reconnected with your old friend, such friends are valuable indeed.

    Goldie--You'd love going on a cruise, so much to do, so much fun to be had.Good point about the anticipation of a vacay being as much fun as the vacay itself.Ooohh, I lover that Hit the Floor Cocktail!!!!!!!!!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle says "Hit the Floor, Cocktail!"

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    OMG awesome cocktail, Lori! Maybe we REALLY should start ON the floor though, with that strong one! Love the pics too. Nah, I am def not a prof dancer. I never did ballroom dancing till I took lessons after I lost my DH. Called a guy I barely knew and he took lessons with me and it was fun, he caught on quickly. My fav is the Swing and the ChaCha. In fact, we did go out once, but I realized we were better as good friends. So later when I dated the dance professional, omg I could do all the fancy moves without even knowing what I was was all in how he moved me and had his hand on my back and just got me into the right moves. After that we (girls) went to some weekly dances and there were so many guys there that could dance well, you would dance the entire time. BUT then I forget as soon as I learn a move. SO my DH and I tried taking dance lessons about 3-4 diff times, and he is not a good dancer, and neither of us can remember the steps. I would LOVE to be able to dance well, its such fun!!! SO we just "slow dance" I hate it that your mom is now on O2 24/7. Surely there are larger tanks....HOPE SO! Also, I imagine she has backups all ready to go in case of power outtages? Esp since she lives where winters can get rough. I think she is sooooo young, and just hate how her health has gotten. Ya know, I need to ask DD2 how long she will be in the hospital! I foigot...she is so on top of things and so busy and has everything covered, that its hard to even remember she has this big surgery coming up. We'll also celebrate my g'daus bday when there, as it was last month and I FINALLY found out what she really wanted, and got it ordered, hoping it arrives b4 we leave.

    Can I DITTO what Lori and NM wrote??/ Such good words to EVERYONE from both of you!!!! And NM, you are right about anticipation being such fun before a trip, but I rarely give myself time for that, I plan too many trips. BUT when I am on the first flight, then I start getting furcited! Just this month I have FOUR trips to go on, last one will be to Iceland. So there is so much prep with home, dogs, and getting all the travel things reserved and checked, that I just do all of that, and THEN can exhale once we start on the trip. My neighbors asked me a few days ago (was still Oct) where we went last, and it took me a long time to remember it was HI just the month before! lol. They are starting to travel a lot now, as he just retired, but he is a million miler with DL and also has good status with AA, so they will get to use miles to travel for a LONG time! So I shared with him my the places I find the best deals at. His DH is from Germany, so they do go there a lot, too. But SO many people here travel on business and rack up the status, that really, when they announce at DL that medallion members can board, almost EVERYONE gets up to board. So funny, but hard to get an upgrade from here!

    Cyn, ya got me on spin (tried to rhyme)! Foist you said you had 17 min, so when I posted way after that I thought you were off work, then much later, you still had an hr to go??? Mese is funcused big time! LOL. OR do you get to have your foist dwink an hr before you finish woik? Ennyway, hope you finally got to get a buzz after the buzz of de phone finally stopped! OR is it all on de computer, that you mainly do your job??? I dunno....but *cheers*!!!! Love ya!

    Chrissy, how nice that your friend will be there, and stay over! I know you will have such a good time. Awful about being a bit off-kilter though and running into walls. Nice of Lori to think of a solution! lol

    Yes Dorkie, I have heard of "Alex's Lemonade" stands too....think my g'kids that are now in TX have done that before. Really sweet of so many kids to raise money, with something she started! And for such a good cause. HOW ARE YOU DOING my friend????? Do we need to send BOTH Pants and Jock there to take care of youse?? I just want you all healed up, girlfriend. Hang in there...remember... "Blue skies in, Gray skies out.....".

    Hope Beckers and family are doing okay. (((((Becks, DH, and family)))). SO sad losing someone esp so suddenly, and when they are still young.

    Karen, yes I think your mom is too young too, to be having those problems. BUT it is also our point of reference. My dad is almost 20 yrs older than her (he will be 97 next month and his sister is 98 and still lives alone with her DH). BUT years ago when my MIL died at 74 or so, because she looked old and acted old, I thought she WAS old and didn't think at the time that she died too young. As I get older, and as my parents have been so lucky to age so well, yes I too think that anyone that passes or has bad health issues under age of 90, is too young. What is also sad, is all of my moms friends have passed, and my dad just has one old friend left, but he has a lot of young friends in HI, so he enjoys being with them. I hope your moms meds will start being of some help. Also, she lost your dad, her love of her life, just a few months ago, so it could also be sadness from grieving for ALL she has lost. I hate it when she takes it out on you (BOY do I know how that feels!!!!), but you are the closest one to her, and she prolly feels "safe" when she acts rude to you, as she knows you will be there for her, no matter what. I hope you can let all that stress out, when you need to. Guess today will be all paperwork, huh?

    Julie, OH MY GOD!!!! WooHoo!!!! You sure know how to find the hotties!! Hope you are feeling better, and taking it easy! How far do you live from the beach, and do you go there often? I love walks on the beach, esp if not many people are there, so relaxing and rejuvenating.

    OK, just responded to the most recent posters....can't recall tooooo far back! LOL. BUT hoping ALL you wunnerful loungettes will have a great SunDey FunDey...I mean heck, we gained an hour with no calories added....woohoo!!!!!

    Love and Hugs, and Chugs of Lori's DOTD,


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    This image was caught from New Jersey this ayem, Dorkie I'm posting it here cuz I hope you were sleeping soundly when this occured! This was part of the rare hybrid solar eclipse this ayem and this picture was taken from West Orange, NJ, of a partial solar eclipse at sunrise rising over New York City just before the sun rose into clouds during the rare hybrid solar eclipse of Nov. 3, 2013. He took all the pics from an eclipse chasing airplane chartered from Bermuda. There are some neat pics here... (I got bored watching the recap from the live broadcast, but the pics are awesome).


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    OMG I've missed so much----eee gads.

    Lori good drink and yes we'd better start on the floor. And I love u'r posts so I miss u and glad u'r home--(for me) SmileAnd yes I am learning the picture thing.--I never thought about the pics of Joey, but his head is all covered and some features are too.Geeze such a shame we have to think about that.

    Becs I hope u'r family is doing better and helping each other.

    Julie how are u doing----I started laughing when u said keep on breathing.

    What's going on with Dork--she sounded so much better, how do I miss things.?

    Karen u sound like u had a good time with u'r friends--that's always good.

    Lara how are u doing?

    Kat I read some of the article on Darby--I just can't make it thru.???

    Sue I love u'r pics. and that can't be a real baby right? OOOOHHHH

    Cyn u'r working like crazy, but u vacay soon right?

    Bernie I hope u'r body is feeling better from that fall.

    Kat that pic was awesome, I forgot about it as usual and I was awake too.

    As usual I have to find a ride for my Dr, app't, I do this all the time, but I thought it was next week--Chit so I'd better get started. This is so me--if it was a party I'd be fine.

    Lubs u all

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    wow this place is QUIET! is ebberybuddy passed out on de floor? edited again to add that de lighbulb lit up and mese now nose why ye all passed out on de floor! It is "de innocent ones fault uh huh! de dotd called deHIT THE FLOOR COCKTAIL!!!!I am just pooping in to say a quick hello. I guess wese all suffering with SDD which is Sudden Dark Syndrome. ** opps, edited to say that it is SDS symdrome, mese dwunk, sawry bout that! I believe Chrissy has a time change in OZ and would guess that Bernie and Allyson do too. I just think it was not the same day that their time changes. I miss de deys were I got to have a 25 hour birthday since time used to change on the last sundey of october.

    Lara, did you realize that now when your bday falls on a sunday, you will also git a 25 hour birthday?? I used to tink mese was so special with that. It has been a few years since time changed in October.

    I has to go and make mese Dad his faborite dinner, spaghetti and meatballs, My sister made the sause n balls a few weeks ago and they were frozen. All I has to do it heat tings up and cook de noodles and de bread, n whip up a few salads. shh, mese secretly having the end of my first dwink of de day.

    I comment on later but have to say that I love todey's DOTD. I LOVE me some fireball whiskey w/ JD! tanks Goldie. *edited to add wtf, Lori, I can't have a dwink with "Splash Jack Daniels" as de recipe called me for, tehehehe, dat crzzzzzzy!!. So glad to have ya back here!


    **NO MORE EDDY. oPPs~burp~hicc, mean edititties! hehehe. TITS UP ya'll!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    **calling ye goils calliNg MeSe GoiLs, note edit above.

    *** dwink 2-4turdy dotd's, mese had SIX and oh mole oh boy oh boy, dey is gOOdliest HICCUP~fart, oooops. dat one for mese birthDEY goil Lara, chEErs! CLICK*

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    DorK....will be joining you in a couple hours....Mom wants to go out for dinner so guess what I'm doing!!! taking Mom out to dinner....I think she is bored on the when we get home, I'll pour a glass or two and then get busy working for work!!! I don't like doing work at home, but its seems to be the nature of the beast this year!!!! DD is on his way home from Atlanta...should be home by 8....poor boy won't know what time zone he's on....was on EST, then time change and now MST!!

    My poor dogs are messed up by the time 4:30ish they are whining and pacing for dinner!!!! didn't want to feed them too early so waited till about 10 minutes ago (5:15) lets see how early they are up in the morning!!!! sound good....when do you get rid of Zack? So glad that you are on the mend...hope you have some feel good days to yourself before you have to go back to work!!!

    Kathy....gorgeous are your folks doing in HI? When do you leave on your next trip? and where? my DH travels, but he never gets as may miles as you have for travel...lucky you....part of the problem is that he can't just fly one he's on Delta...but when he goes to CA and Canada and UTah its Frontier or SW or United......

    Cami, mema, Julie, Orange, Lori, NM, Chrissy, Cnydie Alyson (hope I didn't leave anyone out.....hope you are all doing well today.....bbl

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    OMG==I'm so mix edd up, down and sideways dis time thingy screws me up. why u say? I should hab gotttten the hang of it by nowsa but noooo I don't hang.

    Dork why r u edittting, are wo posssed to?

    Joey was in early now so we watched a movie together an I had Katie-Kat curled like a donut on one side and Joey on de odder side and he made a bunces of bracelts today and went out and sold dem cuz I don't hab any money--I told him to keep the money 16.00 chit-I told him not to do dat anymore--he's so goofy.

    I had a bery bery quiet day today-I didn't eben take a shower so I don't smell so good can u tell??? I can phew

    Karen sounds like u had a nice dinner with u'r mom, but now u have work to do ---I hate that for u.

    Oh I still have dat job, he just has to get it all set up--I hope so bad it goes well for him and he makes a big company for himself.

    I'' probably be here in de middle of de night.

    Lubs u all

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    Hi Cammi...your day sounds relaxing. I dont ever feel like I have a day for just that. I would love to curl up in bed with Reese sitting next to me and watch a movie. ..never happen...always something to do..or I should say always someone to pick up after .

    Karen, nice that you went out to eat with your mom.

    Kat..the other night when I said 17 more mins I was refering to when I can have a beverage...2 hours before the end..I am late tonight tho...I did endulge earlier when I was out tho...

    Im shocked that I have only 50 minutes left of work tonight ...I made it!!! whooo hoooWinking

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    got 4 1/2 out of 6 reports done.....the two remaining (or should I say 1 1/2 are the longs a couple more hours to do, but too tired....going to go make my lunch and go to to get up in 6 hours....will just have to work well tomorrow to get them done along with everything else I need to get done during the day...will be a long day as one of the sfaffings will be after school....I'm sure I'll be there till 5:30 and I have a 7:15 am meeting!!!!

    Sweet dreams

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    I go away for a few days and the things you lot get up to, I just don't know and I wasn't around to join in.

    Have a cough so need something for it - probably brandy.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Hi Babes.

    Very weird on Saturday, All Souls Day. We believe here, that is when the souls of the living and the dead are the closest..

    Animals feel it too.

    My friend did go into the party but she said the evening just didn't seem right.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Another frosty ayem, literally frosty here!Got my oatmeal and coffee going.

    Wahine--I bet DD2 is keeping busy as a way of coping, I do the same thing.Lots of planning so I'm not really thinking about the afterwards!I really do like to enjoy the pre-vacation time, all the fun and anticipation.And getting to tease my co-workers (and getting teased by them, too! )

    Cammy--Sounds like you need to schedule a partay after every doc's appointment, just so you can remember the doc appointments!I know how hard it can be to keep track of everything, though.

    DorKable--25 hour birthday?You ARE special!Or you WERE special?Well, you ARE VERY special here!Wow, the world looks good from the floor, especially after the second On The Floor Cocktail!

    Karen--Your comment about your dogs reminded me of my twice yearly question of how do cows tell time?All this time changing is supposed to be for the farmers, right?Since there are mostly dairy farms around here, that means it's for the cows, right?And do cows really tell time????

    Cammy--your Joey is a treasure, that's for sure!

    CynCyn--Hooray for the work day (night) being almost done!!

    Karen--makes for a long, long day, those early and late meetings, doesn't it?

    Alyson--Mix 1 part whiskey with 1 part honey and add a squirt of lemon juice, take by spoonful'suntil the cough either goes away or you don't care any more. . . .

    BBBBBernie--Morning, Bernie!Animals are way more sensitive to things unseen than we mere humans are, aren't they?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Frosty Dawn

    4 oz White Rum

    1 oz Maraschino Liqueur

    1 oz White Wine

    4 oz Orange Juice


    Mix all ingredients together in a highball glass, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Kat, I would love to be a dancer too! It just looks so fun. That is just great that your DD is so on top of things for her surgery. How is she feeling about it? Did your other daughter get her path report? As far as the anticipation before a trip, you take so many that you barely have enough time to enjoy that "ah, it's good to be home" feeling!!! Beautiful pic of the eclipse.

    Cami, the picture in your avatar is fine I think, it's small enough that you really can't see him. But you also posted that pic of him with some other kids, that is the picture I was referring to.

    Yep, you right Dofey........Hit the Floor!!! And make dat a BIG SPLASH of JD for your drink, k? And why are you avoiding questions??? How are you feeling?

    Karen, your DH should check into how the free flights work. SW used to be that you just had to fly so many times, I think 8. Didn't matter where you went. Not sure how the others work. Hope you got your work done and you and mom had a nice dinner out. Please cherish those times, my mom's health is not good and what I wouldn't give to see her at least once a week.

    No time change here, we change time

    Cami? Joey made bracelets to sell, to give YOU money??? OMG, that young man is a Saint and YOUR little angel. Just love that kid, amazing! Did you find a ride to your doctor appt.?

    Cyn, how much longer are you on that schedule, and who is living with you now? Both boys and one of thier friends? How is your friend doing that was living with you? I hope the kids don't trash your place while you are gone. I know you leave in a about a week or less, how long do you get to stay there?

    Alyson, that Brandy sounds like a winner for that cough. Chug it and kick that cough to the curb.

    Bernie, that is so wierd and spooky about Saturday, I think that is the day your animals all acted out. Certainly understandable about your friend and the party. How's your arse doing?

    Ooooh, that Frosty Dawn actually sounds pretty nice NM! Have things calmed down at work for you?

    Made a new recipe with some butternut squash from the garden last night, oh my gosh, was it good! Still cleaning and working, getting ready for our company. Also, some very good friends of our were suppose to come over yesterday but couldn't, as they had just heard that their DD was in a very serious accident, she was thrown from a horse and had to be air vacced to a hospital in El Paso. Not sure where from though. I know one of their DD's is pregnant, I hope it is not this one. Her name is Danielle, so if you could keep her in your prayers, along with all of the others we are praying for, it would be appreciated.


    Just ignore the date it's wrong!