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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    aww, Lara good for you! I am happy that you found us girl, you are right where you need to be. Dis is an awesome partay, I even drinking a little early (I am not kidding either). I jest made a drink, it is not strong. I bought some JD Tennessee Cider and it is yummy. And I had already had about six Lara's Russian Qualude dwinks for brunch!

    Lori, I too like it when you are home. It gets quiet around here when you are away. And same goes when Kat is away. I am praying for Danielle, great that her spirits are high.

    Cam, sorry to not respond to you. I am still sore but getting a little better each day. Some of mese goils here have been helping me. I got real skeered over the weekend when I was having bad pain. But our NM essplained it and made me feel much better. I have to have some skin grafting done. I see my PS tomorrow, Dr. PRick for a consult on that but I am pretty sure that I will not let him cut me again. I have to get my disability extended and since the new group of surgeon's have referred me back to him, I have to go. Thanks for caring, goes for all of mese goils.

    Lara, I almost foygot to mention that we have yet another ting in common - you n yer mommy were born a day apart, same for me and my Jessica! how cool, eh? I will dwink to that, oh hell yeah! Sorry about de Barney cake, I was really dwunk when I ordered that.

    Karen, sorry about your Mom, she is in my prayers. Do you like Lori's partay shoes? Cuz I bought you a pair to wear to the partay. I have a pair too! Hope to see you with yer partay shoes on!

    Bernie, hope your rump continues to feel better. I am happy to partay on de floor with you as long as some one can help me up to git to the bathroom, Geez, I only own 12 pairs of panties and been going through 2-3 a day with peeing mese pants. Can you or someone remind me of Sinead's due date?

    Julie dahling, how are you feeling? I hope you can join us goils on de floor and partay for Lara's big 40 bday bash.

    Hello to the other girls, I hope eberybuddy pops in for Lara partay week! wooo hooooo. I telled de tenders to whip up a delishious dinner and I hear dem husling n busling in de HTL kitchen! i am so furcited!




    (a little strange but cute)

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    imagethe batman minion cake ,my niece made, its her partner in the photo

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Whew, I am suddenly feeling hot after seeing that guy you posted, Julie! Wow!! And that cake your niece made for her partner is awesome!!

    How is our birthday girl??? HOPE your night goes purrfectly and you just enjoy every second of "your" day!!

    Tomorrow we celebrate Sue's birthday!!! WooHoo!!! We are Partay Animals!!!

    Hey did anyone see SNL on Sat night? They did such a cute parody (with Kerry Washington) of the song about What Does The Fox Say...I will search for it on youtube if you missed it...

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Lara....hope your birthday was wonderful and everything you wanted it to be.....

    Happy early birthday to Sue.

    Mom called me mid day today to say she was doing great that she woke up feeling "normal" today was the first good day in about 10 days (of course some days last week she said were "good")...she lives very much in the moment...Since today was good, needless to say Mom did not call the neurologist. I've been going to all my Mom's doctor appointments since she got to Denver and even before she moved, I tried to go to major appointments in Florida. I was at all her neurologist appointments in Florida for the 3 to 4 months before moving....The reason I wanted her to call the neurologist is because she expressed the desire to call (usually she has me do it) and I thought that if she didn't get the information I could follow up....So for now she's happy...

    Kathy....I remember doll cakes like you posted...never had one personally, but I do remember then. the partay shoes....but I'll have to stay seated wearing them.....otherwise, I fall off of them!!!!

    MemaSue, Cami, Cyndie, Lori, Julie, Alyson, Chrissy.....hope everyone is doing well.....Going to go pour a glass of cabernet to toast our dear Lara as she turns 40..

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    WWhoa I was in de kitchin wid da tenders mixin up all da food an mixin up lots of drinks--had to taste dem and just mixen it up wid da boys and now crawled ober to de flore to rest my achy body but it's a gooood ache Bwhahahaha--dose ttenders are good.

    Lara Lara did u hab a good day? U better have one all week too.

    Tanks Dorky for splainin' how u feel cuz I don't knlow bout dese tings at all---And I'm so glad we have NM and Julie to alwahys help us--cuz sum tines we reely need dem. I no dey make me feel not so sceeered.

    Karen I'm happy u'r mom seems better today hope it lasts. It's so hard I know.

    Oh my mudder used to make cakes in a 9/12 pan so they went furdder and cut real small pieces- Dat why my dad was my faborit and I'd tell my mom dat. OOOHHH I'm glad she can't see me now. OOHHH

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Karen hugs for you and your mum.

    Lara the birthday Babe

    Cami - with my bi-polar I keep a diary. There is a definite pattern to the way it works with me and yes, regardless to popular opinion, I am affected by the cycle of the moon.

    Bump is due first week in February. Sinead is carrying all out front. You wouldn't know she was pregnant from behind.

    Good one Juliet.

    Hugs and kisses to you all.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Darling D. lots of hugs.

    Prayers for Lovely Lori.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    i'm with you Bernie on that one.

    good morning all

    Karen glad to hear your mum had a good day,hope she has many more

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    imagehappy birthday sue,

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Wow!!!! Go away for a couple of days and it takes an hour to catchup!!!

    Lara, Happy Belated Birthday!!!! Wowza! what a party!!!!

    Sue Happy Birthday to you as well!

    Had a friend that I have known for fifty years come and stay a few! talk about a chat a thon!!! We talked for hours and swapped stories and giggled over our antics when we were young!.......such fun!!!

    Kathy hoping your friends DD recovers well.......she is one very lucky girl by the sounds oof things.

    Hi to every one else!!!

    TITTIES UP!!!!!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!How is everyone this ayem?

    ORLA--glad you enjoyed the partay!

    Juliet--LOL!!!!!Nice cakes, too!

    Goldie--Sure you can have some of the soup, not one of my better results but very tasty none-the-less!DH doesn't eat ham?Any particular reason, or just doesn't like it?Sounds like the friend's DD is doing well, all things considered.Complaining about the food is a good sign!

    Juliet--I thought it was a full moon or a new moon, things are just crazy enough for that!0 Drove 40 minutes to do an admission yesterday am that was cancelled by the family the night before, the message didn't get passed on.Blew my whole day, planning wise.Got to play ketchup today.

    Wahine--I remember those doll cakes, one of my Aunts used to make them frequently.I especially remember one done up as a Candy Striper for my pinning ceremony.It was adorable!

    BBBBBernie--there is a whole generation out there that will not understand that cartoon.Tee Hee.

    Juliet--good point that new GP made!

    Cammy--The beginning of this week was a little hectic, it will settle down now, so no big issue.Your DD has a lot of challenge to deal with, glad she's gotten to know herself so well and can notice and respond to subtle changes in time to head of more horrible things.

    Wahine--I bet that family was thrilled to have you express your appreciation of the doll cake!Everyone likes it when others like their traditions.And Uphill walking is good exercise, I know I need to do more.

    DorKable--You need to play the game, but remember you are in control.Don't sign any consents for Dr. Prick to do anything more to you.DO NOT LET HIM CUT YOU AGAIN!Especially for a skin graft, there are TWO places that can get fouled up--the donor site and the area that gets grafted.Go with someone else.And Panty Liners are a Godsend for the uncontrollable peeing!

    Karen--I'm glad your Mom hada good day, praying it continues!

    BBBBBernie--Praying for a healthy bump for DD.And so true about trusting the dog's opinion of a person!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is The Bumpo

    2 oz Gold Rum Rum

    1 oz Lime Juice Juice

    2 oz (hot) Water Mixer

    1 tsp Superfine Sugar

    Add to heatproof cup and allow the sugar to dissolve. Dust with nutmeg.

    Pasted from <>

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    BBBernie I know u r B/Polar and keeping track of it is a great idea, my DD doesn't do that. But I think too the full moon does something and so does her period=-we all hide in her ladie days--LOL OOHH and the Bump still has a couple of months yet, I thought it was sooner---Oh can't even laugh about our furbaby picture it is so so so true--they know loads of things that we don't have a clue.Bernie I'm sorry u have to go thru that terrible disease--it sucks so bad.


    NM another winner for the DOTD and warm yet--nice for winter. And I hope u'r day is much better than yesterday. Good thing driving doesn't bother you.

    It's really raining here and an all day thing, but it's not snow yet. so ........

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Late in posting this morning, Lilian and I were up til about 11, so I didn't get up until almost 6. That is sleeping in!

    Lara, I hope that bubbly made ya feel all bubbly inside!

    Julie, loved that joke about living to 100. But where the hail were you, that you were working with a full moon??? I want some of what you are having! OMG, that cake is just too cute! Jes like de boyfday girl in da pic. Happy Birfday to her too.

    Such cute doll cakes Kat, I never had one. Too funny (well not really) about you not being rich cuz your dad spent his money on other women. Your poor mom! I hope they are doing well in HI.

    NM, my DH is a terrible eater. Does not eat ham, turkey, chicken, or pork roast. He will eat just about anything from a cow and a pig (except the pork roast). Vegetalbes are pretty much corn and beans. Does not like Ranch dressing, cream cheese or sour cream.

    Cami, it wasn't me that asked about your DD. I already knew, or had an idea, as I believe you had mentioned it before. But that is great that she can tell what is going on and can get help.

    Dorothy, I CAN NOT BELIEVE YOU HAVE TO ENDURE YET ANOTHER SURGERY! Where is this grafting going? And I hate that you get so skeered, but certainly understandable! I so wish we could be there to take turns in taking care of you. It's so hard being so far away. Glad that NM was there to ease your mind. On the card you posted for Lara, indeed strange but cute!

    Karen, glad to hear your mom had a "good" day........may they continue!

    Tanka ewe my bootifulest babe Bernie! It nice to know that keeping a diary helps you out, I just can't imagine what it's like to have those kinds of conditions to live with. But glad there are meds for it, and I hope they help you and Cami's DD. Do we know if "Bump" is a boy or a girl?

    Chrissy, I can only imagine the fun you and your GF had, it must have felt SO GOOD in your heart. It is my friends DD that had the accident, not Kat's. At least I don't think she has a friend who's DD was hurt.....hmmmm. Kat?

    NM, see above on what my DH doesn't eat. so I usually cook 2 meals. Or I cook one (for me) and he takes something out the freezer. He eats a lot of frozen dinners, boxed stuff and stuff out of can. ICK! I think Danielle will be ok, but sounds like the surgery could be a bit scary. I don't know anymore as of this morning. I hope you still got paid for that mess up yesterday. Interesting DOTD! I'll have some after I finish mese coffee! Temps in the teens here this ayem, so will help to keep me warm!

    Suzi Poo............Happy Boyfday GF!!!!



    Mese knows you like a da blue!


    A girl can't have too much cake, can she?


    And my gift to you!


    Happy birthday Lil Doity Butt, make it a good you won't! And a big ole Happy Birfday to mese mommy too!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Ooo Goldie, my bad.....told ya meese brain just refuses to woik In all seriousness, I do hope the young woman heals well and quickly. I know she will have some mountains to climb during her recovery.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    OH WOW, LOVE all the Birthday goodies for our Sue!!!! Lori, you went all out, looks amazing all the stuff for Sue! And Julie got the guy for Sue...yay!!! Hope your birfdey is absolutely WUNNERFUL!!!! Happy Birthday Sue!!!!!

    Lori,I did have a friend's DD that was injured badly last year, horse related too.but she recovered so well, so I am hoping Danielle will recover well too!!!!! I didn't realize your DH was so particular about what he limits things a lot. My DH eats EVERYTHING, so it is impossible to try to lose weight around him. I will have to try again later, as right now we are too busy for the next few weeks.

    Oh Chrissy, what fun with your long time friend!!!!

    NM, Love the bump dwink for Sinead!!!

    My back is killing me...could hardly move last night before going to bed, without extreme pain. Been in and out of the attic a lot with heavy totes, and you have to bend as its a small door. SO DH tells me not to do so much, BUT he won't do that leaves me to do it! Gotta try some strong meds before flying as I would hate to freeze and not be able to get in my seat! LOL, funny to think of but wouldn't be funny in reality.

    Dorkroni, when do you see Dr. PRick??? I forget, but love the advice here. Please DO go somewhere else for the skin graft like NM said...cuz that being double trouble having 2 sites to worry about. Good advice here!!!!

    Tomorrow is my DD2's surgery, she will stay overnight. Also a dear friend had her surgery moved up to tomorrow (those on FB saw her first g'baby I posted the pic of), she has so many problems so needs prayers too. THANK YOU for all the prayers you all do, it means so much. Still praying for Danielle, for Bernie and her DH and his friends family, and for Bernie's FIL Terry. Also praying for Cami's DD, and for Beckers and her DH on the loss of his brother. I think Chris (Bernies friend) and Paul (Becks BIL) are both having services around the 15th or 16th of this month. Lots of prayers going out for all, and I know I missed some, please let us know, ok.

    NOW on to the birthday celebwashun....woohoo....who is your favorite Tender, Sue??? We didn't have the tender jump out of the cake yesterday, so that big cake is still waiting for a hunk to get in it for ya! What you going to do today, specially for you??? Have fun, fun, fun!!!!!




  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning DahhhLinKs!!

    Thank you all for the B-day wishes, cakes, dwinkies, and alla hot hot men...I will have a gr8 day with all of it/them. Tanks ewe awl!! Kat...mese fav is Mr. Big...heehee!

    Lara - OOppps...I was a bit early ehhh...and now I've missed your Bday completely...dangit! Happy B-late B-Day!! And to your mom too!!

    Lori - OMG...that does not sound good... I will keep Danielle in my prayers too. I remember trying one recipe, wait, think it was 2 while visiting you. Your dh was not impressed with either one if I recall. I am blessed that my dh will eat just about anything I put in front of him (feedbag)...makes my life easier. And u are sooo right...mese lubs mese blue!! Lubs all da killa too...tank ewe! Happy Bday to your mommy too!! Muah!!

    Kat - love the Doll Cakes. I don't recall seeing them as a kid. My mom made B-days a big thing for all 5 of us. Always made a sheet cake...cuz my db's were such oinkers. j/k they jes growing boys. I take the anti-b work for DD...will be saying lots of prayers. Thanks too for reminding us of all the loss/illness our girls have been dealing with. All you girls are in my prayers always! LOL that you not on the diet this week...but u r right...those are healthy recipes so go for it! Did have to LOL tho on ur comment bout Cyn keeping ur straight...heehee! Thanks again, and I do have a busy day planned. The Ribbon campaign is over, today we will b presenting the check, media will b there. If pic turns out good will try and post next week. Our widdle paper only publishes on Tues and Fri, so won't c it til end of week.

    Cami - 'til da cows come home' cwackin mese up! Am glad you are there for your Les. Her in-laws need to educate themselves about her condition and learn to help her not pressure her dangit!!

    Dory - U sure know how to partay. Jes lubs all da stuff you posted for Lara...sweet and phunny too! I have to agree with NM...don't sign nuffin...n don't let him cut you again. I'm still praying that u git thru dis.

    NM - wow, sounds like you are going to b bizy for awhile. You are just sooo on top of your will have the new system down in no time. I love the DOTD for Lara, the Russian Qualude...sounds right up my alley.

    Julie - glad you are feeling better. Had to LOL when I read ur skunk story...2 phuckin phunny!! Gr8 looking minion cake....I watched 1 or 2 of those movies when I had gs here in August. I really enjoyed them and laughed alot. GS wud look at me like 'really, u think thats funny' and then laugh with me. Good times!

    Karen - glad your mom had a better day, she is in my prayers too. I'm thinking a call to doc anyway wudn't hurt. ((Karen))

    Bernie - good idea for Cami's DD to keep a diary. I actually think we are alll affected by da moon...serious. I can't remember but is Bump a boy or girl or do they kno? I carried allll out front my DD, cud not tell from behind either. Wud get lots of whistles til I turned around...LOL! u b? Only takes u an hour to catchup...chit...takes me 3x dat. I have a gf in Cali that I've known for 45 years. We go long periods w/out communication, then when we do...look out. Glad you had such a good time!

    A HUGE Thank You to all my bwesties for the Bday wishes. I wud like to say that I will be around tonite to ParTay, but...dh is taking me to dinner, then if not tooo blotto...will check in later!

    Lubslubslubslubslubs and lots of prayers to all!! MUAH MUAH MUAH and WEBK's too. (haven't had dem in awhile heehee)

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    happy b day sue! Omg lots of b day babes

    Ok I'm Cking in it was the hangover part 4 I made last night

    I barely can move my head up

    I'm going back to bed

    I really love ya all

    U made it the best 40 ever

    Dork when we meet shot to shot I can put then down

    But thinking about it I want to Puke

    I'm in pain but it was worth it

    K night


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013









    YAY FOR SUE!!!


    hope you have an awesome day!!!

    To all, I miss you lovely ladies and think of you all the time with the bestest of weeshes in my heart.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    WOWSA it took Sue's birfdey to get our JeanBeans back to de HTL!!! Yippeeee Skippeeee!!!! Love all the UFO stuff you have for Sue! You are such a sweetie and so spechual, mese hopes youse comes back here MORE often! SO nice *seeing* you, Beannie!!!!

    Having a dwink and toasting our Sue on her birthday!!! Hope its going great. Mr. Big is here twiddling his.....ummmm....his thumbs, yeah thats it....waiting to see if SusieCutie will have some time to spend with him. Awwww.w.....poor Mr. Big....SUE! Calling SUE!!!!!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    I see knees--not a lot of dem==bit I'm already on de flore sailagratin birfdays here in de HTL one rite affer de odder 1--I just stayed here and slept on and on an off--Bwahhaa mostly on--somebody I no oops so or some 1 new--doesn't mtter to me--Chit I can't moooobe. OOHHH

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    ROFLMAO....Yupppers dat is "rolling on de floor".....youse soooo funneee Camieeeee.....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    O M G ! ! ! ! Lookie who I see here! wooooo phucking hooooooo baaaby! J E A N I E, you cometh for Sue's spayshall sailabration, I could not be more happy to see you!! We is having a big phucking partay in honor of mese own Mema Sue, partay on!

    SuzieQTapplePIE, Happy Birfdey and wishing you many many more. Today is de day we all sailabrate you. De partay has begun!


    Mr Big said he is sorry he was late, he was bizzy but came as soon as de HTL management paged him. He always in de ocean dat boy, neglecting his doooties in de HTL.


    Oh mese oh mise, I see a *tent* and it a big one. He sez dat why dey call him Br. Migg! ~burp~ oops

    Mr Big has agreed to sing Happy Birthdey to Sue then he said he wants her alone for some time. I so envious!



    and LOOK at what he brought for de birfdey goil, nom nom nom ~ burp~ oops, he brought enuff for all of us! woooop woooop!


    !Let's partay! Sue, I hope yer birfdey is de best one ever, I love ya!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013


    There were soooo many cakes to chose from, over a hundred. I picked dis one as dis one Sez it alls. Bottoms down, titties up! Let's partay!

    Lara, how was yer birthday? oops, I guess I should read before asking eh?

    Quick update on mese PS appt todey. De great news is that I will have nearly anudder monf off work, Dec 2 is new return date. As for Dr. PRick, he was berry respectful towards me, what a change. He said how great eberyting looked. He had to bwing a nurse in jest to see. About de continuation of Zach, dude can not make up his mind, nothing new. At first he say I no longer need it den he ponders and sez that it can't hurt, go ahead and use it. Ughhhh. As fer skin grafting, Dr. Teeny Tiny Prick said, nope, not needed. WDF? I jest gonna sit tight and see what de other PS sez when I see him on November 18th. He is de PS that referred me to Dr. PRick but I like the guy and will likely have him do stage 2 of de reconstruction. I do hope de PS also sez no to skin grafting. I gotszta luv the woman's rights act which sez we can keep plugging til wese happy. I not looking for perfection, oh hail no, ain't possible. I just looking to have a normal looking body, with clothes ON. dat not asking for much. I gots dis bulge on mese left hip so I will not be able to wear anyting tight. Mese sister said when she had her flap, she could not wear pantyhose for 6 months then used xxxxxxxl size for comfort. I will git there, oh hail yeah. Pain level still at 6-7 and that with narcotics. Oh mese so grateful for de percotini fountain here. I sit here and watch all de festivies. I can always be found on de floor or at de fountain. Ok, that mese update of de week. So goils, do not say I not updating ye all. I sorry I do not update you all enuff, alot of times I jest dont wanna talk about it, ya know? I jest come here to have FUN FUN FUN!


  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    DorK....sorry that you are still having so much pain.....sounds like the appt. with the PS went okay......

    Sue....hope your birthday has been everything you was dinner with your DH? do tell!!! oh yeah....girls don't kiss and tell!!!

    Lori.....even tough your DH is "picky", its sounds like he is easy to please....luckily, my DH and I eat mostly the same way....even my DS doesn't like tofu, so I make that when he isn't home, but lately he's been home most week night dinners so we haven't had tofu in a few weeks....might just have to make it one night next week

    Kathy....will be thinking of your DD tomorrow....

    Orange....good to hear that your birthday was nice

    Thanks for all the kinds thoughts for Mom.....talked to her tonight....she said she wasn't happy today....forgot to ask her how her day went...but she was busy most of the day.....she was going to a support group (grief) first she liked it....but last week was the 3rd one and she didn't like the activitiy so she's not going back....second grief group she's quit here in Denver!!! She just doesn't like groups...always something wrong one way or another....She likes the chit chat and chance to vent, but doesn't like activities in groups.....I so worry about her....She invited herself for Shabbat dinner....I'm learning when she asks to come for a meal she is not happy....I was going to invite her anyways but she beat me to it My brother emailed me yesterday saying he bought mom a Kindle HD.....great gift!!! (not) goes his wife has one and just loves it....nice...but Mom won't use it....she has a laptop that she never uses....I love my Kindle Fire...its great for travel and I'm beginning to use it reading at home....most of my books on it are free!!! My brother never thinks about the person he is buying a gift for, just if he likes it!!!!

    My work week is over and I have nothing on the calendar...tried to meet a friend for lunch tomorrow but it didn't work out....might ask Mom to go to lunch...or might just putter in the house all day....there is sooooo much that I need to do.....Friday is house cleaning and cooking for Shabbat.....with the return of standard time, candle lighting is around 4:30 or 4:40 so it makes for a short day.....

    Anxious tonight and don't know why....eating mini M & M's.....should I pour a glass of wine to go with it!!!! off to go take the laundry out of the machine and put in the dryer.....then sweep all the leaves off the floor that the dogs dragged in.....will try to bbl.....NM, Chrissy, Alyson, Cali, Bernie, Cyndie.....

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Hope all the birthday celebrations went off well. I don't drop by for a drink for a couple of days and find there has been a real party going on.

    Will find a drink soon it might just help. Have a chest infection which is a pain.On antibs but not feeling any better yet.

    Karen I would love to take you off for a drink so you could calm down and relax.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013
