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  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Bernie, I jest poured mese dwink and den it came outta me nose. That WAS funny! I really laughed hard when I stumbled on yer post. I pray for you mese dear sista, I do. And it is wrong to pray for money to rain down on me so that I can git to see you in person? oh halleyLOUya amen barmen, what on earf am mese eben talking about. It yer fualt for cyberly gitting mese dwunk. Ya see, for ebery dwink you had, I had three. why you ask? well damn if I know!!!!

    Chrissy B, when wuz yer brain ever working right enny way? bahahahaha. but really, no sinsen we met all dose years ago. I love yer bwoken brain cuz it part of you, dear lady. I jest love you!

    PAGING CYNdiE LouWho I aint seen?? Where ya be goil? I can't keep up with you aldough you always tail me where I should find ya but mese pea pod brain never remember. I am such a chit, nutting but. I gonna partay with you soonliest ok? winka wink!!!! woooo a hooooo toooo! Yep. So hope ye well and hope de bed n breakfasters are hebaving. I mean behaving. or dwinking. oh dat mese, dwinknig dwinking dwinking and foyget to tinking tink tink tinking too, hiccup~ cheers to ya~! I hope ye all done work for todey and ken partay heartly farty, I jest trued in de farty party, ha, party not to be funcused with PArTaY!!! yeeee hawwwwww! meowwwww!

    Hiya Allyson, nice to see your purdy face. I hope you start to feel better soonliest. I hate when mese goils get whoooped by virus', bugs n annyting that makes me goils feel bad. You feel better quickly now, okey? ~burp, oh escuuuuze mese. I bin hicuupping n burping all night, it de beer, not used to it. teheheheehehe. have anyone seen my bed? I got stars circling me brain which is mush mushy as it gets. More mushy den eben ChrissyB brain. can it bese??? O M G !!!

    NM, me still salavating ober de quaalude cockatail. yep, I remember "ludes" oh too well. Me and Mema go waaaay back with them. If ye neber touched a lude, ye be lucky cuz dey too dern goodliest of all dwugs. I tank Ye GOd that they not around. I wanted to tail ya that I hope Sillie goil Sadie does not see you packing and if she do, I hope she not stressing over knowing her Mommy packing up to leave. Dogs know dese tings, ya know? HICcuP, oops, not AGAIN!!! sawry, where mse mannoristms dese days? I tink dey lost. I will check de lost n found but in de meantime, I so sawrie (note not saying SORRY since dat is cause for jail time ya know?? PS oops, I forget. I tink I gotta pee pee. Oh yeah, I remember I recall. You mentioned mini pads. Yep, I wear them around de clock cuz I always have clean panties. oh SO I THOUGHT. I bin pi$$ing right through them in de aye em, it stinks. well not really stanky stink cuz I has a washing machine that turn it all around and make em smell like roses in de meadow!

    Karen, so sorry that you are dealing with so much. Your Mom is in my prayers. Pls try to relax and not work so hard, ok? You really have a full plate now, I want you to find time for Karen aka Kay Kay, kk? MEANING.... find time to have yerdarnself pampered, KayKay, okay K Kay kay ok? oops, mese loopy n looping, sawREEEEEEEst all goils burp~~~ hic, oh mise!! me has one eye closed and ready to uhhh flatuate, sorry it gonna be you, I mean no stank atcha, kk Kay Kay? oops, sawry agen, mese cracking de hail up. but laughing at mesedernself, not you. SIGH..... soooooooo

    My Jeanie Beanie just cracks me up. I am so glad that she dropped in and joined us earthlings for de SuzSailabration. I asked God to bestow us goils with more of de Beanie presence cuz I MISS MESE BEAN and could soytainly use a good dose of Beanglish. Come back, pleeeeese BEanie, hear me pleas, kk? OK yes right so I see you tomorrow. Yep, i a counting on it ~~ burp oops, scuze me agen, no intentions of rudeness, jest some gass. Hey NOW, we all git gas so many cant admit its but I not skeered to say I has it. oops, mese digresseded again and again, make me stop NoW~~ omg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Lara and Sue, I hope you ready for manny more partays in yer honors cuz dis is a big birfdey week and de sailabrations are never over here at de HTL, woooop woooooooop!

    Kat, tinking of yer DD tomorrow, I am glad she is still able to have her surgery. Do you need us to come tomorree via HTL YOU-EFF-OoHHHHoooo?? mese gtg, de UFO on me roof now, I hopping in. Dern de UFP pilot be fast, I jest said I wuz ready and bada boom bada bing, it here. Come one come all, it a pocket partay in honor of Katwinka Doo Da's DD. wese gotata make shore that all de surgeons are at dere best tomorree. I praying that de doctors wake up full of spunk n ready to give it dere ALL for a berry spayshall goil. ((((KAT's DD))), wese all bese praying.

    Julia, did ye forget to send a hunky hunk-oh-hunk-o-burning love for Sue? Chit, will have to go back and check on you dear. I still praying for you to be well and no mo hosiptal stays days, okey? OK! yes, tank ye. And I stay far far away from hospital too. cept you are allowed to work if ye feeeling good but not allowed to be a sick patient, okey OK!, yippe, mese answered for ye cuz I know ye biddy right nowzies!

    Camille, you crack me de hail up with yer eber so short posts, lmao atcha.I bese here on de floor with ya, mi' fwend, me and mese goils are here to portect ye from gitting stepped upon. ya see, if enny of ye step on mese Cammie, I mighten accardentally start bitch slapping ya'll. forgive me, I can't hailp it. eber sincen I fisically abused de male nurse in de hospital, mese been a wee bit more vioLENt than I would like. welll, truth is......mese hate violents. I so sorry bout de ass whooping I gave that poor boy nurse. I will talk to mese shrink about it, k? I jest love mese Dr. Cammie, her Honor, her magesty and her coolness dern self...yep, love eberyting about her.

    Suz, hoping yer birthday sailabration was fun. Shirley, it was fun for mese. can ya foygive me for using u and orange for an esscuse for partaying all night long????

    Sorry for book of silly posts, I cant help meseself. Gorfive de long post of non-sensical info and all de burping hiccuping and suc.h. I jest love me goils. I go on de floor now, see ya bye I love ye.

    ps b4 me pass out, berry sorry if I missed anyone, I goinig by memory and dat my friends is self explainitory glory, oh heall yeahay~

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    good morning bernieSmile

    dorty, glad you had a "reasonable " visit wiht your favourite md(not). wish your pain was better though

    kat prayers for your dd

    well pcp visitwent well, you rate 30 mins if you have been in hospital! think pain was post treatment with gastric reflux superimposed on top.. but concerned about pain along scar so have mammogram on monday, it was negative 3 months ago, so not expecting anything. see mo next week so will ask about pain control.

    have a good day everybody

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning,. Loungettes!Thirsty Thursday is here!

    Cammy--yesterday was much better, I got pretty much caught up on the stuff that Mon and Tues made me move to later in the week, so the week should end pretty normally.Of course, now that I have said that there will be yet another crisis to upset my plans!Ah, well.

    Goldie--your DH must have a very boring diet!He won't eat ham or pork roast, what's left from a pig?Oh yes, bacon!Not liking ranch dressing, sour cream or cream cheese is OK, they're all bad for you anyway, but boy it makes him kinda weird!Yes, I will get paid mileage for the driving the other day, and I'm on salary so I get paid for the day anyway.

    Morning, Chrissy!

    Wahine--when you are flying don't forget to get up and walk around a little bit every couple of hours or so.I reemember on one flight I was on there was a family with a toddler, just barely walking.The Mom was visibly exhausted, baby was wide awake, a bunch of us sitting around them took turns walking the little one up and down the aisle.I had more energy when I got off that flight than any other one I've ever been on, so much for trying to sleep through flights!

    Good morning, Lord, it's me again.We got's lots of people for You to pay special attention to, if You please:

    "Tomorrow is my DD2's surgery, she will stay overnight. Also a dear friend had her surgery moved up to tomorrow (those on FB saw her first g'baby I posted the pic of), she has so many problems so needs prayers too. THANK YOU for all the prayers you all do, it means so much. Still praying for Danielle, for Bernie and her DH and his friends family, and for Bernie's FIL Terry. Also praying for Cami's DD, and for Beckers and her DH on the loss of his brother. I think Chris (Bernies friend) and Paul (Becks BIL) are both having services around the 15th or 16th of this month."

    And that's not the whole list, as You already know.Please take care of all these people, and all their families.I know You can do it!Thank you, Lord.


    Mema--yup. Gonna be busy for a bit, then things will settle down again.Very cyclical work. I just try to roll with it.

    ORLA--"Enjoy" the pain!Sleep well!


    DorKable--Hooray for getting more disability time, not that it should have been any issue at all.And not all VAC wounds are finished off with skin grafting, although some are.Skin grafting will give a better look, sometimes.At any rate, according to the pic you sent me, that decision is still a little ways off.Now to keep RESTING, and NOT OVERDOING!And it does take some time for the body to heal past the point of needing to use pain as a message to tell you to slow down.Hang in there!

    Karen--I love my Kindle Fire HD, but my Mom wouldn't use it for any amount of money.She wants to hold the physical book and turn real pages, so she's sticking with the library, since it's free.Mom doesn't understand that many books for Kindle are free, too, but I've learn to let that go!It's hard to find a good support group without accepting that there will be times when they do things you don't like.

    Alyson--Yuck that you don't feel good, hoping you feel better fastliest!


    DorKable--I never tried a "lude" but I've heard lots about them!Sadie will see me start packing, for a trip like this I get out the carry on and start packing way ahead, the things I don't need to use before I leave anyway.She actually gets a bit excited 'cause she knows she will get a ride in the car and some spoiling from Aunty.Not that she isn't happy to come home with when I get back!

    Juliet--there ought to be a law against having more than one medical issue at a time, it gets too complicated!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Fancy Tequila Cocktail

    1 oz Tequila

    1 oz Grand Marnier

    1/4 oz (fresh) Lime Juice

    1 1/2 oz (fresh) Orange Juice

    Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with flamed orange peel, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Chrissy, no worries. It's the thought that counts, and I knew who you were referring to.

    Kat, I remember that accident of your friends DD. Sending prayers your way for your DD today and her surgery. Danielle is suppose to have hers today as well, and it's her birthday. And your back AGAIN? Girl, I feel for you! That is just awful, and to have it happen when trying to board a plane? Well, let's not even think about it! Hoping you are feeling better soon. Wish you could get some help with those totes.

    Sue, YES 2 recipes. The other one was a sausage casserole type dish. I thought they were both awesome, so thank you. Hoping you and DH had a wunnerful evening.

    Lara, glad you had such a nice birthday and no puking!

    Yippee Skippee indeed Kathy. BEANIE BABY in the house, oh how mese misses you Beans. Sure hope to see a little more of you. And what awesome cakes you bring to de party.

    Awwww Dork, who can blame you for NOT wanting to talk about it, but we do need to know once in awhile how you are doing, so THANK YOU foy dat update. Can I ax one more question? You mentioned something about stage 2 of recon. Stage 2? What dust thow mean? And what's this buldge on your hip? Oops, dat 2 questions. I will roll them into one. Gentle hugs for you my friend, you have had to endure more than anything I have ever known for anyone to endure.

    Cami, at least you have Dork wif you on de floor. You 2 look so cuteliest togedder.

    Karen, I just think of all the crap that is in those frozen dinners, boxed and canned.............ewwwwww! My brother got my mom an iPad, and I said he was wasting his money, that she won't use it. Won't be able to figure it out. WRONG!!!! Once she figured it out, she LOVES it. So maybe your mom will like it. I hope so.

    Alyson, there is always a party going on here, for some reason or another! Hope you get that infuction cleared up real quickly.

    Oh my Bernie, dat poor bunny!

    Julie, seems as tho you have a lot o chit on you plate too. Hoping it get cleaned up soonliest my friend. Hugs foy you too.

    NM, from the pig he eats, pork chops, bacon and babyback ribs. Good to know you get paid for all the time wasted. I kinda figured Sadie would be getting essited too, cuz she gets a vacation as well.

    Praying for those having surgery today and that all goes well for both girls.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Morning......think I'm going to putter in the house....can't decide if I want to got o lunch by myself and enjoy and read.....if I do, I'll combine it with a a funk so best get off the computer and start doing something....the basement storage room is a disaster....should only take an hour or so to tidy up...well maybe 2 or 3.....don't like being in the dreary basement, but when ever I go there it annoys me....its the room the extra frig and freezer is in...have a great day

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Mornin Dollinks!!!

    Thanks for de nice nice woyds my beautiful HTL hotties!. I wuz gunna say more but just got hit wif a migraine and feel like I was thrown thru a soda machine hed first. So I can't see too well wif all de starz going by me eyes. But it's so good to be among fwiendzz even if I feel like I'm gunna puke. Last night was fukitol nite, I try to make it mon, tues, then fukitol wed, then thurs, fri, sat, then fukitol sun. today is only thurs but may need more fukitol. but wait! princess glitter sizzle's FANCY TEQUILA COCTAIL may do the trick. thanks for the dwink, I needed that. now I will go crawl back to my space shuttle and wait for de booze to take effect an wipe out the pain in de hed.


    I hope youze are having abetter day den meese.


    Oh my, yikes, de hed gunna burst!!!

    Hope you all have a wunnerful day!!! Love n hugs, Beanz

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    WOOOOHOOOO BeanieBaby in da house. And she was here last night and I missed da green fwends and all da cakes and dwinks wif my bestest sistas. Dat includes all of youse K.

    I am hunged ober big time, but has appts dis ayem so gotta roll. Sumone jes sed dat in a post...I stole it ararar.

    Had a gr8 day, thanks to all of youse and my fwends here in mese widdle town. Went to present Pink Ribbon funds to our local RB help center. We raised $1580 last month. Everyone was so berry fercited. OK..nuf bout dat.

    Wunnerful dindin wif dh, but he got tooo dwunk and I had to take him home. I sneaked back out and was roundevouiing, sumpin like dat, wif Mr. Big...Tank youse goils for rounding him up for me. Kat I heard ya calling, I jes had to git dh bixed up. OOOlaalaaa...what a wunnerful nite. Nuf bout dat too.

    I am praying for NM, Cammi, & Kat's DDs, for Danielle - big bday wish that all goes well today, NM's gf, Bernie & her dh. Still sending (((Beckers))) way. And for Beanz head too. And Julie for good reports and pain management. And for Aly dat da anti-bs kick u infection to da curb. NM tank u for da prayers!

    Dorky - Glad u gotz a widdle more r'speck from diq dr. But so glad u not letting this get outta hand again...right?!?!? Do like da nice nurse NM tail u and slow down and rest dngit!! Hoping you dad still helping u around da house too and praying u mom uti clears up soon.

    Karen - don't go to da will still b there when u rise up from ur funk K? (((K)))

    Lowee - keep us posted on Danielle K? It's getting down to da 40's at night here...still 70ish in'on winter. LOL. DH bought a new TV console wif an elec fireplace. I tail him it's booTful, but I won't b able to deal with the heat...tank goodness dis one u can turn on jes for ambiance, don't have to have heat on...woohoo.

    Bernie - LMAO...dat a cup a joe thru da nose PHUNNY!!! Tank ewe fer mese blue boquet too!

    Lara - Hope ur hanged ober feeling bettah....I kin relate!

    OK...ewwa in gear time. Latah Ladies!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Ooh lah lah,....Julie sure knows how to find the hunks!

    Just a quick DD2 had her neck surgery today and is doing well. She hopes to go home tomorrow, and I got to talk to her a few minutes ago. That made my night! Can't wait to see her next week. Well, going to be busy tonight getting ready for a trip. Will catchup later on....just want to thank you all for your prayers! Hoping everyone else will have prayers answered many with big needs right now.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Kat I'm so happy u talked to u'r DD, it makes u'r heart feel relieved, An/d she's going home tommorow.

    And Bienies have I met u? I never remember things anymore so in my mind it's nice to meet you. But I'm sorry u have migraines.

    Julie as usual u'r doing a wonderful service for us all. And how are u feeling.?

    I've actually been busy with my new "job" haha--I'm having a hell of a time with taking messages of all things--These new effin phones are a nightmare to me and I can't hear them real well and hold it in my ear to write or type and if I do put it on speaker it's harder to understand. This is a joke--oh and I get calls at 8 in the morning and 8 at nite so I have to bring thr phone with me andpaper when I go into another room and if someone waks in my room I'm yelling I'm working as I hear loud laughter at the other side of the door. The simplest job in the world and I'm struggling with it. Chit I'm not used to being responsible And I never asked do I get a day off/ LOL

    Oh the guy that knocks u out for prodecures (I can't spell that word) called me today and I said why are u calling me, Usually I meet the Drs/ the day I'm having something done. He's freakin' me out. Well he wanted to talk to me about my surgeries, he did have my history and the last one was the biggest disaster, of course he's not usung anything that heavy son me but he want to decide what to use and he did say he would use it lightly watching every second--so it sounds like he's really acting responsible right Julie, NM everyone--U know how I am about being put out. So just agree with me. Oh and when I went to the gastro yesterday he felt my stomach for like 3 seconds and my DD said she has hernias too-brat but he did say he could feel them--all in my stomach--How the hell are they there. hahaha Oh and when I went in the office I told the receptionis I needed the bathroom and she pointed to the door out and said down the hall pass the elevator and I said I'm sorry I won't make it and she said oh it's not that far---well I stood there and went hey I told her I couldn't make it and they had a bathroom right behind the door when u walk into the Drs. areas, I said this is a gastro office u have to let people use the closest bathroom. Chit literally. Then the Dr. was done and organizing a schedule and I looked at my DD and said bathroom so we got up and it was right there and when I walked out the dr.yelled are u all right and I said I'm going right now and he said OK do whatever u have to hahaha Chit again---And again he said this is amazing I've never met anyone who has Diarrhes for almost 6 yrs now--I can't wait to figure it out. And I missed 2 calls for my job---so I had to call my boss and he did get them Oh geeze RESPONSIBILITY is not my expertise--ever--I was so sick last nite and today so I've been not on here much, but I just took some meds so of course I'm all blabbery something I take must have some kind of steroid thing in it and when I take it for about 1/2 hr. I either do some housework or talk like crazy here and u guys get stuck with me all the time.

    Dork how are u doing> My whole entire life I have never heard anyone having all the problems u have--u should be in some medical book and I hate that u have all these problems.

    Lara are u back from u'r partying? I hope u'r feeling better--I haven't been watching to many movies, none that good, but I've been watching my true crime stories and I did mention to the Dr. prpanahol (sp) can be lethat if used to much cuz I just saw a woman that was killed with an overdose on my crime shows. And he did say he knew that so I figured well he know something or he watches the same programs I do.

    I'm so way off important things now my mind is rolling all over so I apologize really.

    Lori that pic of me is like 20 yrs ago, Oh God she didn't get my OK brat but she wanted my mom and dad on there.

    ubs u all so so so much What the hell just happened to my print.???

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Cami....when is your surgery? and what type? nice to see you pop in

    Kathy......thanks for the update on your DD#2...glad that you got to talk to her....will keep her in my thoughts....Where is this trip to?

    Lori...are you travellin?

    Sue and Lara.....are you still celebrating your b'days?

    Got some stuff done in the looked like more this morning than it does now....need to either go do more tonight or clean...with the time change, candle lighting is now around 4:30, so I need to be really good and focused getting all my cleaning and cooking done early...Mom is coming for dinner tomorrow night....

    Have a glass of wine on the table that need to finish.....cheers....

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Hi ya goils!

    Cami sounds like you anesthesiologist is a good one and is definitely looking to make this whole thing easier on you than ever before. Over here they do the contact thing a week before then before you go down to theatre and then again while you are being prepped so he knows and you know that everything will be okay and he is fully aware of your foibles.

    Karen good on you for getting your basement room a bit's always hard to get those things started but once on a roll it's good to see it finished.

    Kat yay on your DD getting through her surgery ok........i know you will be breathing a little easier now that you have spoken to her but I also now that you can't wait to wrap your arms around her and give her a big ole hug.

    Dork what area are they talking about when they were mentioning a skin graft? Girl you have been through so much!!! I can't believe that this has happened to you........I sure hope it is coming to an end and you can finally start doing normal things.

    Beanius!!!! Long time no see!!!!! It was such a chuff to open the thread and read that you had visited.......girl you need to do that more often!

    NM that trip of yours is getting closer everyday and I guess the excitement is building as well. I'm sure I will hear the sigh from here when you are finally on board and you can

    Aly, you take care of that infection as we don't want it turning to pneumonia again!!

    I have been asked to exhibit some of my photos in the local Art Gallery so I am b. u. s. y. getting them organized and printed and matted......I'm really happy about it and hopefully I will sell one or two to cover the cost of putting them in.

    Hi to all those I missed!

    TITTIES UP!!!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Sitting watching netball. Had a nice tipple with my dinner actually finished off the brandy. You can't leave a nip in the bottle, it might have been lonely.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Good morning my silly ladies.

    Chrissy I'm embarrassed to say all it is is the down the throat and up the ass procedure but of course the stuff that puts u out scares me, but it's not for another 2 weeks so I'll forget about it, I just thought it was nice that he called so soon to tell me he didn't want me to worry about this. So now I won't.

    I woke up way to early and my SIL in getting ready to leave and he says u have a job now u'd better rest--Smart Ass.

    Karen it keeps on getting dark earlier and earlier now for Fridays, well any days but u know what I mean.and good luck with all that cleaning.

    OK I should be back later but after all I'm a working lady now and I can bring down a business as quick as an wink. OMG I hope I do well. LOL

    And DORK check in.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    good morning all

    cammi-will book a seat on the ufo,hope you have a good day in workWinkingcan you drink?

    chrissy-well done you,chuffed for you

    kat hope your dd had a good and pain free night

    dorty behave and rest

    nm have a good day

    beans hello beloved leader

    sue -well done you for raising all that money

    aly like the way you think

    lori,hows your friends dd doing?

    off shopping todayHappy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Julie so true---and why can't I drink==I don't have to drive just type and talk. LOL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Fabulous Friday to everyone!

    Goldie--Yup, Sadie will get her royal treatment, too.But I need to stop thinking about vacay and starting thinnking about Thanksgiving (working) and Christmas!

    Karen--I'm like you, some clutter just lives until it annoys me too much, then I finally do something about it!

    Beanie--YIKES!Migraines are NOT fun!Get better fastliest!


    Mema--Lotsa praying goin' on, meet you in the inflatable Chapel for more.

    Juliet--Love the white Christmas reference!

    Oooh, firemen!

    Wahine--Hooray for DD2's surgery being over with, praying she goes home on time, and no complications!

    Cammy--you're answering the phone 12 hours a day?You need to set some limits!No taking the phone home, he can setup an answering machine for after hours calls, and make sure you turn the phone OFF on the weekends, starting at 5 pm on Friday!Glad the anesthesiologist is taking real care with you this time around.You deserve special care!And what exactly are you taking?I think I want some!

    Chrissy--No doubt the whole world will hear me sigh when I get there!I can't wait!

    Alyson--ah, yes, one must never leave a lonely nip in the bottle!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Cowgirl's Prayer

    2 oz Tequila

    1 oz (fresh) Lime Juice

    5 oz Lemonade


    Pour the tequila and lime juice into a collins glass filled with ice cubes. Fill with lemonade, and stir well. Garnish with slices of lemon and lime, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    NM Yummy on the DOTD and u have to work on TG this year? Well u'r patients will be happy. With u'r type of career u and Julie both have to work at all times I'm sure.

    Oh we can now call the sigh----The Sigh heard round the world and it's 6ayem and starting to get light now.

    Have a great day and TGIF.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Kathy, glad you got to talk with your daughter and all went well. I'm sure you were on pins and needles. For some reason, I kind of figured she would just fly right through this. And she gets to go home tomorrow??? WOW! Certainly she mush have restrictions? Is your next trip to TX?

    Sue, hopefully you feeling bettah today after that awesome birthday sailabrashun. And a big WOOT WOOT for work/donations for the rat basTURD cure. You rock.

    Sweet Beansie baby, I hope that migraine went away, what a pain they are (no pun intended). Please come back soonliest my love.

    Cami, calls at 8 am and pm? Nuh uh, no way Jose'. Who's phone is it? I would just have the caller leave a message. What type of business, can you tell? Perhaps you did, but if so, I foygot. OMG, I can't believe they told you to go down the hall to use the restroom and then you had an accident? Were you wearing any protection. Oh, how humiliating, I'm so sorry. I am going to get Tanya's louiebille slugger and go for dat girls knees. And we love being stuck with you, it's a blessing you know. You DD was SUPPOSED to get your ok, I told her I didn't want to get in trouble. Meaning, I didn't care if SHE got in trouble, but I didn't want I also wondered if that was your parents. Loved seeing the photo. You look like I pictured.WHAT ARE YOU GOING IN TO THE HOSPITAL FOR?

    Bernie, I hope the days are getting a little easier. And certainly your arse if feeling better by now. We will have to keep you on the floor with Cami and Dork.

    Karen, no I am not traveling. Well no where exciting, town today, DH has dentist appt. then we are taking Lilian to the movies (Tom Hanks movie) and tomorrow we take her to our local little airport to fly back to CA.

    Chrissy, that is so neat that the art gallery wants you to exhibit some of your photos! You are famous! You will have to share with us, the ones you exhibit. That makes you an exibitionist now!

    LOL Alyson, getting that last nip, good for you.

    Julie, no word yet on our friends DD, will share any news when I get it. But I have a feeling she will pull through like Kat's DD. Have fun shopping. Are you going with anyone? I think maybe nieces? Love the bad eyesight funny.

    NM, that DOTD looks like it's right up "Mama's" alley! NOOOOOO, think about vacation, work will fall into place.

    Dofey, where are you darling?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning Ladiez! Just a quick hello and goodbye..."hitting the road" shortly. Our anniversary is tomorrow so we plan to celebrate from now till Monday....hope the gambling gods are good to us too. After this, then the next trip is to TX. I didn't get in bed till 3 ayem, so now have to hustle.

    Beans, did that meanie meanie beanie migraine go away? How awful, those are just miserable, and nothing seems to work. Hope you hang out here more often, wese sureliest misses youse a ton!!!!

    WHAT PIC OF CAMILLE DID I MISS??? On here, or on FB? I didn't see I am cwying...well not weally cwying, but someone tell me where it is so I can see it too, puleez!

    I think my DD gets to go home today. Hope Danielle does really well too Lori. My friend that had surgery yest is recovering ok, too. Thank God for internet....get updates so quickly

    Wanna say HI to you all, Happy FriedDey, dwink up, suck em up, down de hatch! Read all the posts, love you all, carry on! Oh yeah Cami, I like everyone's ideas to have an ans machine for after hours, you shouldn't be on call, even for 12 hrs straight, that's a long time. I know you will do so great at this, though. You rock!!!



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Have fun Kat, and win big. Maybe Cami will let me share the picture here. But it's totally up to her, as "The Innocent One" doesn't want to get in trouble!!! Cami be de boss.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013
