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how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    image unselectable="on">

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    ps kat,the photo is on fb,just found it, Camille you and your daughter and mother are beautiful.good genes

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Behind schedule already!!! that's what happens when I read the paper and come to the computer!!!! Time to get moving....will try to be back later...

    Kathy have a wonderful week-end and happy anniversary

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Happy Friedey girls!!

    To all of you Mon - Fri working girls, you are almost to the weekend, yippee!

    To the rest of you, come and sailabrate the weekend, I tink we should continue the parties and now we can have an anniversary partay for Kat too! Never a dull moment in the lounge.

    Lori, you asked me a question, a two part question that is (and there is no limit to questions for the Dorkster, k? The stage 2 is to tweak the breasts (in my case, the right one split and dropped so needs lifted), remove what feels like a cable that runs from hip to hip and fix the bulge of fat on my left hip.I will try to send you a picture of it via PM, it is hard to explain. My PS never mentioned a stage 2 which is why you had not heard me mention it before. But all the girls who have the DIEP surgery have a second surgery. Wasn't it awesome to see our Beanie in the lounge?

    Kat, did you find Cammy's pics on facebook? I was stalking her page in the wee hours of dawn this morning. I was up late too but in my usual night time coma. Happy Anniversary, I hope you and your DH win a ton of big bills to come home with. How is your DD today?

    Karen, have a nice day and a great weekend. I am praying for your Mom. As you know, I really relate to all that you are going through. It hurts and I wish I could make it better.

    NM, great suggestions for Cam and her new job. I tink you one of de smartest goils here, you always have great tips for eberyting! Happy weekend to ya girl!

    Cammy dahling, please stop worrying your purdy face about me, I really am doing alright. You crack me up when writing about your new job, you poor ting. You know we all enjoy your writing. And tell me, what again is this surgery you have to have? I am sorry that you have a fear of the anesthesia. Our NM has the same fear, you are not alone. Isn't it funny what you learn watching TV? We should watch one of those true crime stories together and see which one of us figures out who done it! hehe. I know you will win cuz mese always dwunk. I have a hug for you my sweet lady ((((Camille).

    Allyson, how ya feeling?

    Chrissy, yipppeee, so happy that your photos will be at an art gallery, it is about time someone recognizes yer talent. how ya feeling dear? I miss ya, here is a big hug for ya ((((CHrissY)

    Juliet, you too, are you feeling better? I jest love the hotties that you find girl. Hey, I am still enjoying the likker/choc gift you sent to me, I'll eat/dwink more tonight and toast ya!

    Lara, where ya been? I hope you not still hung over on de floor from your bday bash. Please report to the lounge, pronto!!

    Beanius, you here? Our Camille wants to get to know you. Please come back! Having you around reminds me of when we was babies, wese was just starting on the tammy train at the same time. And look at us now, all growed up and on arimidex.

    Bernie, how are you feeling? Is your rump feeling better? We really need to get you buckled into a seat belt when you dwink as it seems you will never learn to jest start off on de floor. I hope you are having a nice night.

    Cyndie, SuzeQ and all de other goils I missed, come on in and partay! Cuz it is friedey!! woop wooop!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Oh Lori of course u can put it here, besides u can do no wrong, none of u can.

    Chrissy I apologize I don't think I congratulated u--u'r work is in a show that is awesome, please if u can send us at least a sample picture. How exciting for you.

    Kat saiabrait as log as u want and let the luck shine on you as it should.

    Julie and BBBernie u guys make me laugh all the time and u don't even feel well.

    So far this job isn't to bad--it's construction I just take he problems down, but if someone calls and has an emergency I can't let them stay in a panic. My DD wants me to give it a little time but she's not lovin' this for me only cuz I get to involved in problems--don't ask me why--But it's OK we'll see. And he's young trying to get his business going soI'm just trying to help him somewhat--

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    Happy Fried-dey goils!

    Kat....wooohooo...GR8 news about DD2 and your friend. I'm gonna root jes like the other gals dat u win win win BIG ANNIVERSARY wins!! Have a very Happy Anniversary weekend. So glad you won't have to worry too much about ur DD while ur away.

    Cami - I found ur pic on FB..Awesome!! Thank you sooo much for sharing, u look mauvelous dear and your family is beautiful!! 2 weeks til the throat and hiney scope and ur drug doc calling you. That is cool... I've never had that much attention before. Sounds like he is very consciencious(sp) tho. And 12 hours a day tooo much. I kno they have wireless headsets, but u have to make sure they are compatible with the phone u are using, heck, they may even have a universal one now like the remotes for your tv. Anyway, at least u wud b mobile and not have to carry phn around with u. But den...if ya had to poo...well...put pad and pencil in da bafrooms, hell, put em all over da house...I'm not helping am I? I jes tink u da sweetest for helping the biz get off da ground.

    Dory - I jes LOVED seeing da Beanzie here too...and I wish she'd pop in more, she jes soo phunny. Thanks fer splainin to Lori bout ur Stage 2 surgery, I was kinda funkassed too. I wuz gonna run some errands today...but decided...NO way jose....gonna stay home so I can check in later with mese ParTay goils...woohoo...lets hab a morning, well noon for u, dwinky K?

    Chrissy - f'n ferciting girl! I ECHO...can u hear it, heehee, the other goils....please share pics when you decide on ur prints. O jes warms mese fart!

    Karen - there is this song...if I cud sing I'd do for u...but the words are...sumpin like, 'slow down, u move to fast, ya gotta make the morning last'. Reminds me of you and how much you have going on all the time. So hard to find some down time for yourself, jes worrying for u is all, hope you have a good day.

    Julie - tanks for da hunks....lookin at em makes me wanna go find, Pants or Jock or Mr Big again...oopps...better quit while I can...heehee.

    Bernie - tanks for da funnies....u always make me laugh. Sometimes tho...and I shud kno better, not to sip da dwink or joe when I'm reading ur posts. Are you all rested up? How's da bootie?

    Aly - love it, glad u didn't leave the lonely nip in da bottle. Hope u are taking ur anti-b's and feeling better.

    Lori - tank ewe for the kudos. It was fun and God willing we'll do even better next year. Is that Tom Hanks movie, Captain or sumpin like dat? I've seen some interviews with the lead pirate actor...looked pretty good. Let us kno if it is K?

    NM - Yup...Lori is right, that DOTD izzzz right up my alley! Good news today huh, our meeting in da chapel musta helped.

    I kno am missing someone...but like I sed...will be lazy bee-otch today, so will check in later.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Wow, that was fun! I knew I felt a lil strange in de am, but sheesh then I was kinda in a lotta pain and even more spaced than usual but it wasn’t a fun twip. Better today, but I realize there’s something wrong. I just have been so out of it, so looked up symptoms of femara again and dang if I think it is just plain old fatigue. I think the pill just makes me feel so tired all the time. I’ve been on it for going on a year and it’s okay, but I am so draggy and tired and I get dizzy when I drive (even without the vodka-j/k). Really I can’t even enjoy a glass of wine in the eve without getting too tired. And it would be fine if I was tired and could sleep, but I get tired and then toss and turn all night. I don’t like it at all. I always had so much energy and now I’m just kinda zapped and achy all the time and don’t feel like doin nuttin. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Okay I will quite complaining cuz it don’t do much good. But I think I lost my sense of humor, just too tired, and last night my DH got all worried cuz foyst he finds me crashed on de carpet in de attic, den later talking to myself in the kitchen. I was just talking to the coffee and the coffee cups and telling them they all needed to get outta the cupboard so I could find em in the morning. You tell me, is there anything wrong with that? I wasn’t yellin or nothing, fact it was a sweet lil chat and I gave em all pats on their pretty little heds and said we could all play in the sink together in the morning after coffee and scrumpets. They smiled and I smiled and we all went to bed happy.

    Bernie – Love de cartoons! So funny! So good to see ya, dollink, how u been?

    Sue – glad u liked de gween fwends and hadda gr8 day! I will jump in on yer prayers for NM’s gf, Bernie & her dh, Beckers, Julie, Aly, me hed and everybody! Awesome job on collecting all the ca-ca-ca-ca-ching-cash!

    Juliet – love yer cartoons too, giggle giggle! Love the mirror one, yes, so glad it’s all a blurrrrrrr! Made me laff bout de leader but I thot Mork was our leader!

    Wahine – so glad to hear your DD2 is doing well after surgery. Sending you and her and your family big hugs too! Muah!

    Cami – hi there, I think we’ve met bfore but likewise my memory is shot. De migraines are far less than they used to be. I made a buncha bread and for some reason fresh yeast bread can trigger…also walnuts so I neber eat them, tho I love ‘em. I wish you de best wif that job and de phone…dat sounds funcusing and so does the dr stuff! I will be hoping all de bestest and I’m so glad Juliet is getting a seat booked on the UFO!

    Howdy Karen – dang glad to see you here too! Do tell more bout de basement! Sounds like a good place to crash?…are you taking femara? I am, and I think focus is a lost concept for me now, but crashing, like, anywhere is good.

    YAY Chrissy!! So chuffed to see you too, I saw you a day or so ago but then my hed exploded so I couldn’t say anything for a while ath my tung wus twisthty. I have missed you muchly!!!

    Hello Alyson, I’m nut sure if I mut you before… I am beanies formerly from Hoth but now from The Nanu Nanu Oasis. I drive a 1993 UFO Runner that has almost 300 million miles on her. Her paint is falling off but she rocks and I totally agree bout leaving no nip in the bottle! LOL!!

    NM – tanks 4 de weel weeshes on de hed and for the COWGIRL’S PRAYER. More tequila is a huge help

    Goldie – Thanks for wishin me back….POOF! Here I am again older but no wiser, plus fatter, and with a lot less hair. Femara has made it thin, esp in the back so I hadda cut it quite a bit and it still looks GOOOOOOFY!

    Dork from Ork (he he he ha ha ha!) Happy Frieday to you and all de goyls! I did not know about stage 2 so thanks for splainin. When is de stage 2? I hope dey bix you all up right! You make me smile bout when we were babies…that was fun…the fun keeps on going and going and going! Now we are big babies waaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! Well I am anyway, still whinning and wining about every darn thing. But now I have to stop and rest more. Oh, who am I kidding, I have to stop and just CRASH more often...and wherever...on a dirt road while my car while driving....while talking on the the middle of a senten






  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    hey, what the FONT is up with my post?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    YOU guys are soooooo FUN! I just crack up reading what you have to say! CAMMI! I found you here! xoxoxoxo

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Cam u have a job?

    I am done celebrating too much my lymph node site got really swollen.

    I need to ketchup

    Ok kat the surgery went ok

    Hi karen how r u ? feeling ok?

    Juliet nice pics

    Will it grow

    cam bernie is beanius

    ill pop back latah

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    funny pictures

    the bottom is annoying,but  funny pic

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    lara Happy

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Hi Lara - I spit out my drink, funny pic! Bernie and Beanius are not the same person, silly goil. Beanie has been around forever, she wuz jest hiding in de rabbit hole for a few too many months. So glad to have her back!

    Beans, some genious changed everything as far as posting pics and stuff. It will take awhile for you to figure the font ting out, ask NM, she knows! I am sorry you are dealing with the fatigue. I did not realize you were taking femara, I thought you were on the arimidex.

    Hi Juliet, how ya feeling?

    I gonna lay down for a bit then get ready to go out for dinner with my date, Dad. Ugh, I would rather stay home but I know he loves going out to eat more than anything so I will go to make him happy.

    Dwink up goils, it is friedey! woooo hoooooooo!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    LaraSingingU;r so funny---I'm watching Friday the 13th--the series. It's OK

    Yep Chevy this is another of my fav hangouts-these woman are fantastic/

    Beanius U have to call u'r Dr. crashing and talking to cups are a little over the edge, bit enjoying the hunks that's fine--Please call/

    And Lara I might singlehandedly take down a business with a bright future, who knows. And I don't even have to leave my house or take a shower. (shut up Chevy)

    Mese drinkin' has started a little whike ago--like dis morning maybe in my coffee--Kalua--easy to take.

    It's Fried=day and I dunno if I work on Sats yet, I'll never help dis kid-I forgeetted de name 2x alrddy an said de wrong name. Ohh mese It's DFC AND I've said CDF sunds better to me.

    Wehe is Dorky==what's doin on DDOORRKK cum out cum out where eber u r/-

    Kat's on er way to big wins, I no dat for shoah.

    OK back to some work

    Lubs Lubs Lubs u

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Hi Beans....I endured AI's for 3 1/2 years and finally quit...finally said enough is enough...QOL was suffering sooooo much.....side effect after side effect....insomnia, ADD, anxiety, depression, memory, CTS, deQuervanes tendonitis, lack of libido and the list goes on and on....I was taking Rx after Rx to combat the side is better off those darn little I who I was before all this started....absolutely NOT, but I'm better than on those pills.....I've made peace with my decision....3 1/2 years have to had some benefit.....Its now 3 1/2 years since I quit them....onc always tells me that I can start back if I want, but it would be another 5 years (or 10)...NOT...thank you very much!!!! need to let us know when phase 2 is.....

    Cami....your DD doesn't like your job, but do you? are you feeling?

    Chrissy....awesome about your photos!!!

    Chevy....nice to see another Denver girl here.....

    Finished cooking dinner except for a hot veggie and salad by 12:30 then had a coupe errands to just need to clean the floors and then its me time!!!! DD is overwhelmed with school and homework so she asked if she could skip helping...and of course the nice Mom that I am rather her doing her homework...DS is home tonight for dinner...he just emptied the dishwasher....He will get my Mom and bring her to dinner and take her home, so can't complain....DH is out of town at a show...fortunately, he's just up in the mountains so will be home tomorrow night....

    Off to do the floors and then pour a glass of cabernet.....See you tomorrow night...

    Orange, Mema, Lori, Kathy, Cyndie, Julie, Berni sending hugs.....Cheers!!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Hi girls, reporting for dwinky dooooty! It is 5'oclock here so that means we can all start dwinking!

    Welcome Chevy. Lemme buy you a dwink, what will it be?

    Camille, you sooo funnie. I hope you have the weekends off. And silly goil, you will not hurt this business, I am sure that the peeps on de other side of the phone are happy to hear a voice vs a stupid recording or worse yet, a push this number and that number loop. Let's dwink!

    Beanie, I tink your conversation was poyfectly normal. Cammie does not know ya like some of us do. tehehehe. Really though, I hope you do see your onc to talk about the issues with fatigue.

    cheerS girls, happy friedey, I am gitting fried already!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    I'mmm baaaaack!! heehee

    BeanieBaby....woohoo, but poopoo u in da chitter wif da meds. Mese tinks u don't c onco for few months...u can call and Cindy will call you really...might take a day or 2...but never more den dat. Call K?

    DorKy - u back from dindin wif daddy already?? I been feeling funky today, so had a spot of tea...of course, wif brandy. Feel a bit better but tinks I need anudder.

    Hi Chevy...pull up a barstool...well if u fall a lot, jes sit on da floor...I'll bese back ta join ya in a bit!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Hi goils.... *hic*....been dwinkin, it eases the pain...I put $150 in a $5 machine and got nuttin, so decided to come up to the room for awhile. My DH has a BJ tournament later tonight....hope his luck is better than mine is! VIP room had coconut chicken tenders, fish skewers, lots of other goodies, already had 2 Long Island Ice Teas, 1 champagne, and 1 White Russian....better not try to gamble anymore tonight!

    SO nice to see our JeanBeans in de lounge, she is such fun! AND it will be nice to have some real Beanglish again!!! WooHoo!!!

    Hi Chevy! Nice to see you! Pull up a barstool and let the Tenders know your fav drink, and jest hang and have fun wid us!

    Chrissy, How awesome that your pictures will be displayed!!! So cool! Would love to see which ones you pick. My DD2, the one that just had neck surgery yest, well she won at the County Fair for the pics she took when I took her to Madeira, Portugal last year. I enjoyed seeing what she chose to display. Are you getting together in Sydney with the Aussie gals?When will that be?

    Alyson, How are you doing? And how is your Great Nephew doing with his chemo? I sure hope he is able to tolerate all the tx, and he can kick the RB to da curb!

    OK, Someone get these pistachios away from me...I keep digging into the bag!

    Karen, hang in there...just so glad you DID move your mom near you. I cannot even imagine what she would be doing all on her own if she didn't move.

    So weird to see all the CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS here already. The lovely trees, scenes of ice skaters, and other things, beautiful, but seems so early!

    OK Cami, I am going to search FB for those pics! Hope everyone is doing well tonight. Those of you still having to go through the funeral services, my heart goes out to you.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Not sure wine and antibs go well together hehehe.

    Jack has second round coming up this weekend. Did OK last time but as we know it is cumulative ( had problems spelling that)

    Must get some things on for dinner - have casserole cooked but now neighbours are coming over have to play stretch the meal - actually I love spontaneous thing like that and they are brinignig more wine, Love the spelling and that's just one glass.

    Big big hugs.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Morning/Evening Babes.

    Sue what is my bootie? Happy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Lol Bernie, your 'bootie' is your deriere, behind, sitting cushion, love buds, bum......ahhhh, can't think of any other names for it right I know there are a few! Winking

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning===I slept from 7PM til 4ayem==Joey is still sleeping we fell asleep as the same time. Never have done that.

    Chrissy another name is ASS--I think that's universal too. ???'

    Kat u left just in time last nite. now today it's brand new so luck is coming u'r way.

    Karen I think it's because she hears me say things like OMG I didn't hear this right or OMG what am I doing? and she's always worried about me that's all. I'm really not sure yet--I don't have the feel for it so I have to get used to it.

    I have to take a shower today, u know how I always share that with you. And I don't know why I do that either.

    Chit I'm still tired. silly me.

    BBL Lubs to all of u

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Cam you really have a job. What do you do?

    Im so confused

    Hi Chrissy

    Kat u r in vegas?

    BJ tournement lol

    What sthe scoend round dork

    Hi Karen I would love to liv ein colorado, a lot of stars go that way

    Denver Alyson sound samaxing to

    I need to move not enough postions here

    bernie its your arse its good for many things

    The other year I had my uggs on went down my moms front steps they were ice covered and actually slid down them right on my back.I heard a crack I was so scared DH took me to ER I was so bruised could not even move from the couch for weeks.

    NM did you get snow? they keep saying snow nothing yet



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    I said a trim

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    One bite

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungette!Been a busy week, was very nice to sleep in this ayem.Got to do a couple visits this weekend, got some "paper"workto catch up on, things should settle down a bit now.

    Cammy--Yeah, I'm working Turkey Day this year.The holidays are generally not too busy, people only want us around if there is a big problem and we try to set things up so there aren't any problems on a holiday.Doesn't always work, but mostly.

    Goldie--OK, I'll concentrate on vacay plans!Much more fun!

    Wahine--Happy anniversary and have a fun trip!

    BBBBBernie--Yet another good reason to have a dog!

    Juliet--those turkeys look worried, wonder why?

    Karen--computers and papers can take up a lot of time, can't they?

    DorKable--Good description of Stage 2 surgery.

    Cammy---we females tend to want to fix thing and take care of people, just remember to set some limits so you can take care of yourself, too.Let calls to go an answering machine after hours.Screen the calls, only return the true emergencies that evening, call the rest back first thing in the ayem.I know he's trying to get a business up and running, but if he doesn't sleep and rest he'll burn himself out and defeat himself.So be a good role model for him!

    Mema--Simon and Garfunkel, 59th Street Bridge Song:

    Slow down, you move too fast

    You got to make the morning last

    Just kicking down the cobblestones

    Looking for fun and feeling groovy

    Ba da da da da da da, feeling groovy

    Hello lamppost, what'cha knowing

    I've come to watch your flowers growin'

    Ain't cha got no rhymes for me?

    Doo-it in doo doo, feeling groovy

    Ba da da da da da da, feeling groovy

    I got no deeds to do

    No promises to keep

    I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep

    Let the morning time drop all its petals on me

    Life I love you, all is groovy

    Pasted from <>

    Beanie--Have you talked with your MO about trying one of the other AI drugs?Many times the side effects like fatigue and bone pain are better on another one of them.Or they get better after taking a break, again talk to your MO.LOLing at the pics!Beanie, when you cut and paste into BCO, try using "paste options" and pasting "text only" .I use that technique to get rid of the table formatting crap that I get sometimes.

    Welcome Chevyboy!


    Karen--Happy Shabbat!

    Wahine-- Long Island Ice Teas, 1 champagne, and 1 White Russian, I'm surprised you can type, let alone gamble!But glad you are having fun!

    Chrissy--Congrats on the showing, wish I was close enough to visit and seefor myself!

    Alyson--Casseroles are good for stretching, just add bread, a side salad, whatever's in the fridge!Or throw another can of soup into the pot, that's my fav!

    Bootie:derriere, behind, buttocks, butt, backside, behind, bum, fanny, gluteus maximus, haunches, posterier, rear, rump, seat, tush, caboose, duff, hams, heinie, keister, tail, beam, stern--that was fun!

    ORLA--it did snow briefly yesterday, I am pretending I didn't see it!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD isBernie's Bootie

    2 oz Amaretto

    1 oz Raspberry Liqueur

    1 oz Strawberry Schnapps

    Soda Water


    Combine all ingredients in a hurricane glass, and shake.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013
