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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    good morning all from spills drinkerton aka pudding angel pants aka bettylou the candycane welfare mama

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Sloshy Teetotaler


    Cookie Floppy Feet

    image id="irc_mi" height="512" width="539">

    Noelle the sparkly beer guzzler


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Hi ya from Drinky Hammeredtime! Bubbles Pointy-toes is soon to be heading for bed as it's very late but Trixie the Naughty Inbreeder say there's still time for a dwinky or three!!!!

    Just love it!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Hey, the cookie feet pic didn't show!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    love these nm, don't tell Bernie I don't think she's ready for the Christmas season judging by the comments she gives me on the countdown. hope your enjoying your Sadie time. sleepwell bubbles pointy toes

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Ooooh SHOOT Bernie, I do not have a dog!

    And my bad. Happy Anniversary to Ms Katrinka and her DH. Is it the real one, or the monthly one?

    Dorothy, thanks for 'splainin. I still can not believe what all you have been through, and still have yet to go. Jes shaking mese head. And YES, love seeing our Beans back in de lounge, just not wif a migraine. Ohhhh looky looky, she come back again! Where did you and your date go for dinner?

    Ok, mese has de permission of de smart, beautiful woyking goily Cami to put her picture up. WHO WANTS TO SEE???? If ye hasn't already seen it on FB.

    Sue, it was Captain Philips, and yes it was good. Did anyone else go see Gravity?

    Beans, you kwakin me up, being so sweet to you coffee cups. Wus wong wif you DH, he no wanna talk to dem? Dat Femara is not being beary nice to ye. But is it better den da Tammy Twain? I did my 5 years of Arimidex, and is done!!!! Make a you self a spot on da fwoor wif Cami and Dork, I certain dey will make a spot fo a you. Isn't dat font stuff da poops? If I use notepad, it no do dat.

    Hiya Chev and a big warm welcome. You are a follower of the great and wise Cami???

    LMAO "shut up Chevy". Do she always talk to you like dat?

    Cami, can you tell us what the new business is? And what your role on the phone is?

    Karen, I'm feelin ya on the pills and the SE's and the pills for the SE's! I did it, now I am waiting. I don't see any changes yet.

    Pwoud Mary, I used mese Bwitish accent when I read you post, that you had a "spot of tea".

    Oh shoot Kat, go git your $150 back, dat was not nice of dat machine. But glad you at least got some yummy drinks and food. I will be more than happy to take the pistachio's.............tanka ewe.

    Alyson, continued prayers for Jack that chemo is not too cruel to him. FURB!

    Haha Chrissy and all her splanations on BOOTIE. You forgot the obvious! Butt, Arse, A$$ (I see Cami shared that one).

    Lara, that fall with your Uggs sounds scary, glad all was ok. Do you think you really might move?

    Ok NM, I think you win de prize for the most names of da BUTT! And love the DOTD!!!! Too phunny (as Mema wood say).

    Les see, I Woozy DrinkSpiller (das bad) and Tinker SugarSocks (kind of goes along with my other name, it has sugar in it too, but I can't see it right now), and Jimbo the Sugarplum Hoarder.

    Julie, I like your Pudding Angel Pants!

    This will be fun to see everyone's names NM.

    Lilian will be leaving today, enjoyed her visit and wish she could have stayed longer. Danielle is emailing her family and still in good spirits. She is in a lot of pain but says she can feel her legs now. I did not know she could not feel her legs before, so this is GOOD news.

    Happy TURD day goils!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    Morning DahhhlinKs! I was gonna use everyone's new 'elf' names but I'm still laughing soo hard and sides, I'll neber member dem.

    On dat note...Schnockered Strongpour, aka Elvis Monkey-Buns (shud b bootie lol) aka Betty Lou the jingling welfare mama, (dat has part of mine name too like Lori). Jes too phuckin phunny.

    NM - thanks for sharing! And yes yes....that is the song. The 1st year I had my mom living with me, my Aunties sent me a plastic turtle, flip the switch and it mosies along singing that song. A message all of us caregivers should heed. (I almost spelled it And the DOTD....POYFECT!!

    Bernie - yep, what da goils say...dat what da bootie is. Which one is most used in ur neck of the woods?

    Lara - u have u mind in da gutter Scary chit those ice covered steps and sidewalks, glad it wasn't serious injuries. OMG...what is that???? A dog, a cat, whaaa??? ROTFLMAO

    Julie - Love beautiful! Phunny u a welfare mama too lol.

    Chrissy - LOL....get some rest ya naughty inbreeder!

    Lowee - I want to see both those movies and White House Down, but we never go to the theatre so will have to catch them on NetFlix. I heard mixed reviews on Gravity, so how was Captain Philips? I had 2 of dem 'spot 'o tea'...lub da accent Lowee. DH told me I was coughing during night I started on Musinex, chest feels so tight, thinking I need to loosen chit up. Am feeling better today, but still gonna take it easy. LOL 2 of ur elf names have 'sugar' in em.

    OOO good news about Danielle...but dang, sounds alot more serious then we first thot.

    Hab a gwate Turd-day...lubslubs!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Drinky Partyfowl is checking in a/k/a/Bubbles peppermint/A/k/a/Judd the Mistletoad Deer hunter--YIKES that Rudolph, oh great--he's gonna burn my flawless face with his nose and his antlers will be sticking thru my flat chest=Oh mese oh mice--Rudolph I lobs all de reindeer, Dasher, Dancer Prancer , Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Bltzen and I recall the most famous reindeer of all--u so don't hurt me---I'm on u'r side.

    Lori my job is so so so funny all I'm doing now is answering his call and messaging his calls directly to them cuz he wants a people person for the phones so it sounds more organized hahahaME 2x I said the name of the Co. wrong---I just tryin' to help He's my cousin Joanne's grandson about 28, just got married and he is gorgeous and so nice She's the one who had this brilliant idea for me--Good thing I have my SIL here cuz nothing makes sense to me--the Co. is construction, redecorating all that stuff,----my SIL did that for yeas so when I read something that I wrote he tells me how to say it like I know what I'm talking about-then I send it to Dan-and he calls them back as soon as he can---He had an answering service but the calls didn't get to him that fast and people just call someone else But if they hear a nice friendly voice (that's supposed to be me) they tend to wait a bit and if it's an emergency he calls them right away.Well if I work out he wants me to keep track of the books on the computer of course and I did these things many yrs ago wwithout a computer so I don't know if that'll ever happen, if I can do it anymore.

    I'm sure u can tell I just took some meds. LOL I tink dey make me silliest---Oh and Yes Lori--I always tell Chevy to shut up, but she does with me too---she's a lot of fun and very nice and a lot of old fashion remedies and they all have likker in dem--so she's good.

    Lara I a watchin' some crazy movie in B/W but made just a couple of yrs. ago-Whisperer in the Darkness--don't know if it's good or not. And Lara I think we all thought BJ tourn. but no one said it for some reason hahaha Sue like u didn't think that too.

    The sun is out but very windy here, We're posed to get snow maybe next week. Not lots???? Veteran's day is Monday and no one here is off, even school I always thought that was respect for Veterans and peeps were off?

    NM I sang the whole song while I was reading da wurds.

    OK Lubs to all me likker, lovin', ladies

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Lara BTW that cat is so ugly it looks inside out. OMG and they are expensive like royalty. Ugh

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Hi There!

    Well, it happened again. WTF?? Woke up with a migraine again this am so will have to take a lotta advil yuck!. I don’t know what causes these awful things, sometimes I get em and sometimes I don’t. So I will just say how nice it is to see so many awesome fwiends here and I will grab a DOTD and head for someplace dark.

    CHEVYBOY!!! - Awesome to see you…don’t know if you remember me from the nightmare of starting tamoxifen in Jan 2011. You are such a fun lady so I hope you will come back here often!

    Orange – thanks for the totally kewl compliment that Beans is Bernie, if it could only be true I be a lucky goyl!!! Bernie is way kewl!!!

    NM - thanks for de idea bout twying a dif AI, I will talk to me MO n see wud she sez. I was there in Sept and they aksd about fat-igue and I thought they were saying I was fat…tee hee…j/k…I really was kinda in denial I think. It started last summer where I would just suddenly have to go lie down or I'd fall asleep standing up. So weird. So, thanks again for a great idea about AI’s and for how to get the FONT outta me postessess!

    Goldie – I am so so so so happy for you dat u got your “get outa AI jail pass.” I membered it was in October!!! YAY for you!!! Good going!!! Hurray! I have still got 2 years, 1 month, 21 days 11 hours and 23 minutes to go. My lovely niece sended me articles bout how I should prolly stay on estrogen blockers for 10 years instead of 5 and rully she is sweet, but when I hit 5 yrs, thaz it! Karen’s idea to just stop is vewy tempting! I tink I will twy tawking to me MO only I skeert to try a new demon when I alredy know dis one. Maybe I could just sleep thru the next 2 yrs!!

    Juliet, DorKie, Cami, Karen, SuzieQ, Katrinka, Alyson, Bernie, Chrissy, and all lovely loungettes, I hope I did not miss anyone, I will just say heylooo dollinks for now as I’m in a lotta pain again and now I’m gunna crawl back down to the basement with a Princess Glitter Sizzle DOTD Bernie’s Bootie – YAY!! I hope it will kick the schnapps outta dis migraine.

    Keep yer titz up!!!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Tinker monkey buns is my elf name

    Oh I see glad u r helping out the family

    Mema I know

    The dog id fuggly

    where do all the fuggly dogs go

    I was just at the mall omg so many peop           tis the season

    people were pushing and all over my que to leave

    Barnes and noble have the cutiest little gifts to

    If you talk to the people at macys you get skin samples


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Quick helllloooooooooo...

    Beansie, whus up wid dose migranies? Awful, awful, awful, not sireeeee cannot git dem anymore. Youse needs to be pain free! *oops...will whisper dat*...and jest kick dose migraines to da curb...want you to feel better, ok?

    Lara, not in Vegas, in Tunica. I KNEW IT.....knew someone's mind wud be in de guttah and tink the "bj" was funnneeeeee. LOL. Can't wait till our filet and scallops tonight and then see KennyG. They gave us really good tix.

    Love all thos funneee names...dis teeny netbook is having twouble working right...mebbe cuz mese spilled hot coffee in it dis ayem? Nah...its jest old. ANYWAY will get mine latah....just wanted to pop in and say hello and make sure you all are having a good weekend! Oh Lara, that is awful that you feel so hard down those icy stairs. Yikes! And you were sore for such a long time. You be careful this winter, ok????

    Lori, Glad Danielle is doing better...scary that she couldn't move her legs after the accident! And YES, this is the REAL anniversary....16 years today!!!!

    Have fun everyone, and hope those that aren't feeling well will get well quickly!



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    You guys, I'm just TRYing to underSTAND you all! It's just so fun to READ how mischievous you are! I KNOW Cammi is..... from the STFU thread...Ha!

    Beanius, yes, I remember your Avatar! I took that damn pill for 14 months, then I lost my hearing! So I don't post there very often.... don't want to scare any of the other gals.

    Did you gals ever hear this one? "I'm not under the alcofluence of Incohol, thinkle just peep I am" That's what my Dad used to say when he was sober....

    Okay.... guess the only thing left for me to do, is go fix myself a drink...... when I DO drink, I like orange juice, vodka and a shot of Amaretto..... Or a chocolate coke!

    Depends if I want to fall asleep, or keep going....Ha! Loopy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    sounds good chevy

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    Thank you Juliet! I fixed a drink with my punch mix, and a little vodka.... Is that acceptable? Now if I can just stay awake, and chy the fricken! Am I getting better? Loopy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Morning from Crunky Kegmaster hehe I think I like Perky Plum Pants better.

    I is not too hung over from last night . Something funny has happened with the keyboard so will get nptebpok

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    must be the season for puter problems, if I type too much ,it kicks me out.also bummed wales when down to the boks

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    Hello Ladies...Idk if its the season for puter problems Julie but it sure is the season for allergies for me..been feeling pretty much like CHIT with irritated eyeballs and sneezy itchy..ick...hence the reason for being MIA...Just havent felt very goot.

    Happy Anniversary Wahine !!!!!!!

    Welcome Chevy!!!

    Its awesome to see Beanie baby back in the HTL!!!

    Hugz to all my girlz..I've missed you all....Will write from Austin.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    Hey der eber1, jes checkin in fer a second...dat means mese 2nd dwinky..heehee

    Chevyboy - u tooo phuckin phunny! My dh and I always say 'having chake and sticken for dinner', thing is...wese sober when said.

    Kat - Yea, mese mind went to da guttah too...heehee. But really....congrates on 16th...and mese tinks one of u shud win $16K. Wudn't dat b sumpin. I tried to win 20 on my 20th, nuttin...den tried to win 59 on mese b-day...nuttin...but don't go by me...u and ur dh can bese berry lucky so go get'em girl!

    Cyndielou - Bubbles Angel-pants...heehee, Have a ton a fun in Austin baby!! Hope da ickies nessappear whilst u der.

    Morning Aly - I will try to believe u not hung'd over K?

    Hi Julie

    JeanBean - Don't bese skeerd...pweez call her...dey will hailp u. U can't sleep fer da next 2 years or however long...cuz we'd miss u too muchly round dees parts...u kno...da lounge, da bar, da pewl, da hammocks, da ufo, dees thread!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Hello it's me lalalalalala--I tink a song sonds like dat...I been on de floor agin wid a new hubk whooooo is he, I like him=-=he's gibing me a massggge now wonnerful.

    Kat u gonna see Kenny G??? I still love that guy he sounds so tender and quiet. and enjoy all of u'r honeymoon again.

    Beans can't u take sumptin stronger, I never had dem so I don't know but I hateto hear migraines they are awful .

    Chevy I knew u'd talk about chickens ins some way ThumbsUp Look we hab thumbs, now for de finger, but dat's bad I guess.

    Where's Dork? R U OK?????

    I hope everyone is feeling OK.

    Lara I'm watching 9 miles below??? Never heard of it.

    BTW I lub Chevy but she will talk about de chickens she babysits for all de time--real live chics--bery unusual lady we've known each udder for a while now--quite a while.Happyand it's been my pleasure.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Sloshy Partyfoul

    Cookie Peppermint

    Betty Lou the Mistletoed Baby Daddy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Happy Anniversary Kat!!!! Hope your luck at the slots changes and you win BIG!!!! Oh wait a minute, Big is here a da HTL......wunner what else youse could win? mmm?!

    Howdy to all da goyls!!!

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited November 2013

    Nothing on TV tonight....well nothing but college football and the Miss Universe pageant....I used to love these when I was a little girl but as a middle age lady, they do nothing for me....

    DH got home about 7:30....he's exhausted....but he had to make an appearance at good friend's DD bat mitzvah....I can't attend so home by DD is babysitting....

    Gorgeous weather today...after lunch sat outside relaxing...

    Mom came for dinner last night....I'm worried about her...she is not walking well.....don't think she is doing well at all....she says she is not sleeping so that makes it worse....I get annoyed with Mom, but its ME...I think its ME having trouble really accepting all that is going on....too much to explain...but if you didn't know my Mom before, you wouldn't understand.....Tomorrow I'm taking her to DSW to get shoes.....

    I'm taking an online course for work and haven't done anything this week...will have to do some work is a class on twice exceptional learners...gifted with a learning disability....

    Just pigged out on a "fake" crab salad and baked potatoe and a couple girl scout cookies...yes I still have girl scout cookies...I buy enough to last the year!!! Second glass of wine waiting for guess where I'm heading!!!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Tipsie crooked partAyman here n oh does de name fit mese. Oh tank ye NM aka (blah blah blah, mese too dwunk to restate her ali'asses tehehe. Mese gotza lot of new names to teach mesedernself, how ya export mese to knowz ye all new names? daham, you goils makin it hard. oops speaking of....who said about Big? Cammy ti ink sed so. Cammi, dahling, Meester Big IS a tender but he also a real guy at de casino whereeeeee h!cuup. oopszies. i wuz saying....oops forgot. dahEM mese dwunk n high n stuff. but who snucked de stuff in, oh i wont tail, nuh uhhh no sirreee bobbiann whose a man. so what are me names? i not possitibely shirley of what me name is todey cuz I has new ones. OH OOPS< dernit, mese peesed me pants agen. brb. Pants, honey can ya hailp me? oH buRp farT and all de above and mese peeses in mese pants, it gitting outta conwol since ye asked. i need a doctor, right now. one who can bix mese leaks tehehehehe. but really , wet I am, dry ye are so I go now. I come back I will . oh but first, mese name, I foygot agen. it bese Happy Sparkley Toes Tipsie pARTYwoman klein or sumting. oops, dat not it, it bese JUDD DE RED NOSED <cuz mese dwank n spit out mese nose> de hoarder. yep, dat mese cuz I whor(d)ing. oh mese funcused as can be, I need a phucking dwink tenders, rounds for all de trailer trash on de other side of de door. HAHA, jest kidding, we not letting in enymore moler fockers, nope nada no way jose, Pedro, julio or HeyZusJesus, k?

    okay, for seriouslystuff. mese gots a big big secret. it bout Stella. but she tails me not to tail, oh mese oh mise, dat de questionaror feliciano navadads n moms. oHHHH, dat a big big dwink I sipping. oh mese stars, I sawry, mese sucked de peroctoini fountain dry and it take furteen min to refuel, mese in big big twouble. but i blame dat goil cuz she making me nuts. Ye all know de one, dat pain in de arse, bum, buttox, uh rump rumpa rump, tush, dum dum hieney, chit reminds me dey looking to scopre mese derYaYe. chit, i gottza hide now, i need de hair of de dog. ya see, mese bin reading n reaading and saying so much to mesedern self but mese foygot and jest hate it cuz mese doesnot have mese an admin to hailp me. so I quit, dat it. dat enuff. ok, i go now. but dont tink mese dont have a morey to sayey. cuz i ken talk ya know but if me start taling bout u all, me git an email from the admist barking at mese page hogging again. well screw dem n dere pimp daddies to! oh ohh oh, gota git new sweat pants, mese felld de fountain and i dwank it all and so sorry but peed mese pants in dere. TENDERS, do yer tink, we need a hatmat team here. oh chit, SO SORRRRRRRRY. dont be hating.

    so if yese has unanswered questions bout mese mental state, jest say so cuz I hear for ye. and for ye, ye and ye x all mese goils. lubs lubs hiccup lubs burp, oops, oh i see de stars, where am i howd me git her, sumbuddy got me dwunk n i in trouble cuz mese under de age. i really turdy years young and not a teen yet cuz i really 12. chip pup, oops. omg, dat hairless dog at mese house, mese skeered. ok i go now.

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited November 2013

    Howz me goils? Long time no dwunkard! I had a death in the family of my BIL. My poor DH lost 5 immed family members in less than 3 years and it sorta knocked our sox off this go round. That doesn't even count my Dad dying or me having FRBPACFH (F'n rat b@$turd pc a chit from he!!). It was right on the heels of our fabulous reunion in Palm Springs and week together so we had our guard down. Heavy sigh!! I also cannot post using my iPad any more for reasons unknown and it makes it sooooo less convenient. Not to mention I'm still workin my tail off. No....I don't exactly know why. I will sit down and explore that one of these dayz! Well...Imma read on and see whachu all been up to. Love ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chest bump!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited November 2013

    tried to bump Dorfy in da pewl but my timing is off!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Thanks for all the anniversary wishes!!! And OMG KennyG was awesome! He is so nice and real (not conceited), and he started out playing in the audience, by all of us, and its not a huge venue, so we all were pretty close to him, as he played in different areas. Also he was signing his cd's before the show, so everyone could get very close to him. One of the guys in his band has been with him since they were in high school and another one has been in his band for 27 yrs....I think the others were all with him for over 20 yrs. He also gave away a sax he designed (and sells), and serenaded her with the sax she won. Really awesome concert! And had all the food in the steak house, then the vip room had huge cold shrimp and crab we are quite full!!! I did try a new drink tonight....called Apple Dumpling Martini....just Crown Royal, Sour Apple, and splash of cranberry juice....was quite good. Helped ease the pain of losing $400 tonight!!! Dang machines!!!!

    Karen it was funny to read you say "nothing but college football, and....", because we caught part of the LSU-ALabama game and Bama tromped on them!!! They have not lost a game yet this season and might win another national championship...ROLL TIDE!!! IT was fun in the vip room near the end of the game, cuz everyone was rooting for Bama. Very sad about your mom though. Is her potassium level good? When my late stepdad had trouble with balance and walking, it turned out he was on too much potassium, and when the dr adjusted it down, he did so much better. I know this is so hard for you.

    Chevy, your drink sounds good....OJ, wodka, and amaretto...will have to try it!

    Sue, darn, I thought I should win tonight too....but didn't happen. I don't usually throw so much money in the machines in just a few minutes...guess the Long Islands and Apple Dumplings affected mese thinkin....ya think??? lol.

     WooHoo, CyndiLou will be "leaving on a jet plane....", and getting to be with her honey!!! So happy for ya, and hope the allergies ease up. My eyes have been really burning lately...and feel like sandpaper...didn't think of allergies being the cause, but prolly is. I hope you have such a wonderful trip!

    Cami, Lori, Chrissy, Dorkie, Beanie, Lara, Beckers, Lori, NM, Julie, and ebberyone else.....have a wunnerful weekend!!!


  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited November 2013

    Comeer D and sit on stewl by the pewl whil ur pants dryin okay. Oh boy Iz caint fallow a dang wurd ya say but no problemo matey! Hardy har har!!!!