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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Thank GAWD Chrissy, you gots nuttin hanging!!!

    Foygot a DOTD............Heppa youself ladies!


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Julie, how'd you know I wuz headin foy de shower?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    *yawn*....Hi girls! Still trabeling Detroit airport right now after redeye from Vegas. On the go all day yest, and went from show to airport, so yeah I had a dang awful coughing fit in the gate area. Took forever to get it stopped. So been on non-stop meds. Thought we would sleep on de plane but *cough*, oops, no way cud we sleep. Still over 2 hrs till we land at de home airport.

    Hope that med works for ya, Lara! And yeah, the girls are right, if even one person out of a hundred (or more) complains of an SE, they have to list it. Hoping you will find the right one for you!

    LOL @ Chrissy, I also was laffing at you saying "I'm hung" like Lori noticed too! Can't

    wait to see a pic of your pictures on the wall!!!

    Aly, glad you will have face time with Chrissy and others soon, that is AWESOME!!!!

    Yeah Lara, Lori 'splained who our dearest Jean Beans is....she is a sweet gal foah shuah!!!!

    OMG its cold....we are right by the door and they just opened it.....feels like a blizzard. And the last day/nite in Vegas it was STILL raining, and windy and in 50's, so we got wet and were soooo cold as some of the elevators/escalators that go from casino to casino above the strip were out of service cuz of the rain. Not good for my cold. Hope to be able to sleep when we get home!

    You all have fun, get dwunk, be cwazy, be silly, oh heck jest be normal!!!!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Lovely sunny day here, with lots of wind, so the clothes on the line are drying in record time.49 days and counting to cruise time!

    Goldie--Glad you are staying safe from the weather!Not happy you couldn't go out, though.I was crying at the meeting out of frustration.I'm finally getting the orientation I was supposed to get a year ago, and so much has changed since then that everything I'm doing is the wrong way.After half a day of being treated like a particularly dense child I finally snapped, started crying.Fortunately the instructor was someone who knows how to listen, and the other people in class backed me up with the frustration of being expected to know stuff without ever being told and it got straightened out.I am just really baffled how an office with the best stats in the region can be full of staff doing everything wrong.Add to that losing our entire management team over the last 6 months and it's a wonder we're even functional, let alone getting bonuses for good finances and quality stats .I'm not the only one whose frustrated, and now the people who need to know that are getting an earful.So I'm looking for things to start getting better, I am not expecting an overnight fix, but I really could use some vacay time!Oh, yeah, 49 more days till cruise day!

    HAPPYBIRTHDAY, BEANIE!! In your honor I am soaking a batch of beans right now!

    Will SOMEONE please explain the Toss Off faux pas I have made???????

    Update on my co-worker's daughter:The medical examiner took her body and has donean autopsy.Toxicology testing will be done as a matter of routine, but drug related problems are not suspected.Law enforcement is labeling it an Unattended Death, which means that there was nothing at the scene or in her history to indicate any foul play or suicide.Because she went to lie down with a headache there is speculation that she had a brain aneurysm that let go, but so far that really is just speculation.My co-worker is devastated.Her boyfriend apparently slept beside her body for several hours.When he woke up he couldn't wake her up, went and got my co-worker, told her she was cold to the touch and he couldn't wake her up.It was my co-worker who realized she was dead.I cannot imagine what they are going through.The funeral is this weekend.Thank you for all the prayers and thoughts.

    BBBBBernie-- I wish I could get some of that cough syrup, I bet it works super good!

    Mema--hmm, I can imagine how humbarrassing having your account closed would be, I better add a note to my list to call the credit union before I go just to be safe!

    Wahine--frustration and fatigue are not friends of mine, by any stretch of the imagination!By Xanax sure is!A bunch of us at work are donating earned time hours so my co-worker won't lose any money during this.We just all wish there was more we could do.

    Beanie-Love the 2 nickles and a penny!

    Mema--thanks for the Beanie update!

    Cammy--Joey may not grow up normal, but he will grow up to be good!

    ORLA--sometimes ignorance is better for us!(Says the person who researches EVERYTHING!)

    Cammy--your Dad was a genious, and a real peach to do that for you!

    Alyson--you had to come in out of the heat?Want to send some my way?

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Jelly Bean

    1 oz Blackberry Brandy Brandy

    1 oz Anisette


    Pour ingredients into a stainless steel shaker over ice, and shake until completely cold. Strain into an old-fashioned glass, and serve

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    NM soory u cryed I get like that to its also a build up of stress we r not thinking about as well. I always feel better after a good cry. Actually just did over a movie

    I can not even fathom what that man is going through.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Good morning girls (and good evening my Aussie Friends)!

    Lori, I thought for a minute that you got snow last night but very purdy pics of your shady lady.

    Kat, oh mese Gawd, don't know how you do it, I feel so bad for you having such a bad cough and still being en route home. Was you on de plane all night? Dern, we shoulda gotten the HTL UFO to git you home at lightening speed.

    Chrissy, congrats to you girl. I always knew that you would git famous fer yer fotography skills. Well I knew from de minute you took pictures whilst in de USA cuz that is when I saw yer pictures for realsies. Am I spainin' that correctly? Prolly not but dat because mese not dwunk. tehehe, still working on mese first cup of java dis morning. I still have de photos in mese facebook that you took of de empty sky memorial here in NJ that you let me share with friends.

    Aly, shucks, sorry your car was in a wreck, shucks, that was NOT what you needed. Still praying for you to git good news over yer tests soonliest so you can relax yer purdy self.

    Mema Suz, you so cutliest - I not a math wiz but can tail ya that de percentage is easy. If you trying to figure out de NZ money and what it would be here, use 80%. I did that without mese quakulator cuz mese not dwunk. Tanks for spaining bout yer treatments. I shirley respect de hail outta ya for doing the needful with so much grace. You hardly complain and I know it aint easy for ya. I jest lub you goil.

    Lara Lara Lara, WTF, lymphidemia now? You has dis? Please say no! I hope ye seeing de LE spayshallist for other tings to get bixed and not have the wicked LE. I wuz feeling sick reading what ye went through with de ER visits and gitting de wrong dwugs. You get your WA in to a doctor and tail them what you want. Or I jest mail them to ye but not sure what works. I changed mese mind about taking 2 dilaudids after yesterdey/last night. I went out to dinner with mese Dad who jest got home from SC. Ya see, I wuz in not shape to go out cuz mese back has been on fire. But i took a dilaudid, went out to eat, had me a JD n diet, came home and vomited. For real. So den I tinking I lost all de pain meds in mese belly and took a percocet and had me some wild dreams/hallucinations in mese sleep last night. so berry disturbing. Back to you, I feel so bad for you and know what it is like running running running to de ER multiple times. For me, it was so frustrating as no one else in de medical field seemed to care about me cept for our HTL experts and mese home nurse. I hope you can stop chasing yer tail and find yerself a doctor that will and does help ya (((Lara))).

    Beanie, hopen you had a lovely birthday. I also loved all de Beanie birfdey wishes de goils came up with and you cracked me up with the pics you posted. I laffed at de cereal to make farts (going from memory and foyget de name). You find de funniest pics and so unique to you. I never forget de salminello's you used to post when you was having yer chemo. Geez, you were really jest a baby back den. I love seeing you back in de lounge and said a prayer to God that you stay connected. Hear me hear me missy, NO MORE RABBIT home, k? you wuz around here when I first came here and I keep saying that we wuz babies den. Hail, I wuz only in mese 40's and ye, in yer turdie's? lol.

    I tail ye goils, it so unfair, all I do is dream about work. I is always working in mese dreams. Funny ting, Kat's DH showed up in mese dream. He was in my office and he hacked mese computer (being nice he was) dis dream, he write from MY work email "Happy Bday Dorky" and it showed up on an overhead projector and I had to portend that I wrote it cuz I git in trouble for leaving mese computer unlocked. Ya see goils, I can't git a break from dat job and have not been dere in 3 months and 3 deys. Well I dere ebery night in mese sleep n dat jest stinks.

    I have big news for ye goils. And I tank BBB for making me tink of dis. Ya see, I go to urban dicktionary to check out de meaning of de term she used, darn, me drawing a blank right now on de word but shirly remember de meaning of it! so I got de idea to submit de word FURB to de dictionary. People has to review it but mese hoping to see de word in dere. There was a time when I tried to spread the word using facebook but heck, mese only one person. I keep checking to see if it gits published and let ye goils know. I had a hard time figuring out a "psuednym" for de author of de word. Does ennyone remember who came up with it? I seem to think it might have been an old loungette Scuby Doo that started it? And was going to use the author as ASIL which is her real name backwards but am not really sure. Would like to take credit for it but nope, wuz not me. But it wuz me that submitted it.

    I gots bigger news but will has to tell ye all later. And nope, it not about Stella and de MolerFockerBambino. It about Zach. Ya see, I tink he be taking a one way trip to Texas next week, wooo hooo.

    I wanted to address ye all but chit, I so slow in de aye em and have to git mese hairs and nails did in one hour. And I not feeling well, got a phuckin cold and bin hack hack hacking mese lungs up. cant eben partake with Willie ya know? I tink de cough made me puke last night, it was horrid cuz I did not make it to de torlet. I jest cleaned up den went to bed. Well enuff bout me grossossities, I gonna git cleaned up and dressed for mese hair pointment and hopefully can come back in and finish up. I sorry if I missed ya girls, I know I have not seen my dahling and mese hero NM here dis morning yet? Or does me need to open mese eyes? And chit speaking of, mese had to use a washcloth to see dis morning cuz mese left eye is goopy and wuz all crusty and stuck closed. dern dern dern, hope not an infucktion of de eye. Hello winter, I hate ya! going into de 20's tonight here and I not ready. Aussie goils, send me some heat please and I send ya de cool crips NJ air? (don't laugh at mese suggestion pleeze).

    chit, gonna fly I yacck yack yack bout nothing in de bottom half of dis. To talk reality though, I jest love you goils and will be hanging aorund today and hoping to talk more to all of mese breasties that I lub lub lub lub lub x infinity. cheerS!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Goldie Thanks so much for the pics--It's so amazing to look at and looks actually beautiful all so sparkly. And u didn't get any now yet? Hmmm And love the DOTD of the day--that what Kat should be drinking I have to get some fun liquor in this house. Oh did u see the new (I think) it's bud light mixed with cranberry juice selling in cans now--??? They make it look so good. I told you I have mixed Diet Dr. pepper with Beer--loads of ice--and it's good. soo....

    NM I'm sorry u felt that way, I hope that feeling is all gone and u and Sadie can have a nice week-end hahaha U've got the countdown going and I don't blame u.

    Kat u still don't sound good--WTF This is a long one.

    Lara I hope this med helps u with no SE's to speak of. I'm PM U.

    OK have to check the likker cabinet LOL


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013


    OMG thankgod u puked that up

    I dont think I can drink on the topomax

    Its fart day

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    just took a dopomax feeling it if I am weird writing  its the med

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Mornin' Dollinks,

    Here is a pill that will hopefully make everybody feel better:




    Cami – wow, what a story bout de noise in yer tummy and Joey listening to de mini-con-crew! hope you are feeling okay! What an awesome story about your dad taking de pill so you would feel safer with it and going for a walk, so sweet.

    Orange – I have not eber taken Lyrica, also don’t know what is topomax…I hope you find de right ones for you.

    Juliet – Tank u so much for de tink bd cake!! Love it! And de UFO wif gween aliens – yahooooooo! I saw dem fly by even thru the snow and wind yesturdey. And wow a wet dude!

    MemaSuzieQ – Tanks again so much for de aloyt u sent. It dwives me cwazy to be here but not be able to say NE ting and worry dat de weather will knock out de sateelite. So tank U tank U Dear sweet Sue. I lub dat you sed when u was young u had many prollems and I hope u know u were not alone and you still aint cuz we just have to let de farts fly when dey want out. I take Ativan 2x a week to hep wif sleep. When I was doing chemo I took one ebery nite. I tink dey kinda like Xanax. I still bweathin too and so glad u r toooooooooooooooo! YAY!!! I will haba wodka wif you in honor of Chrissy tooooo!

    Chevy – good to see ya and tanks for de bd weeshes.

    Alyson – How nice it’s warm dere! We are habin an awful storm here, cold n snowy. But not like The Ice Planet, Hoth, where I usta lib. It was bout 22 deg dis am. At Hoth it would be more like 0 or below. I can’t do much dwugs eider. Everything has too many SE’s, I am a delicate thing. Love yer summer cider. I hate winter so I love tinking bout summer.

    Bernie – Love de age gets better wif wine!! And de memory cupcake!! Taanks for de happy bd!! Hope you are doing great.

    Chrissy – I’m so glad to hear de opening went swimmingly, dat is great and I can’t wait to see de next pics! I dwink wodka to yer swimming success!! Cheers!

    Goldie – Tanks agin for de beanz cake and de fart-eee dwess. Dat wus awesome! We are at about 6500 ft. and got only an inch or so of snow but it is still falling. De woyst is the wind, it has been wild, not usually like dis. An now I’m blushing so hard bout all de nice ting you sed bout Bean-O. Speaking of SE’s, definitely when you read de long listesses of SE’s it makes you not wanna take anyting. I’m still gathering info on de Femara and will decide wudda do. Last night I was so achy agin all over de bod, but I din’t get any exercise cuzza de weather. I tink dat mite hep. I have all these supplements ordered too, but de are not deliberying mail due to snow on de pass so maybe I’ll gettem next wEEk. Also, gotta say dat turkey din-din looks mighty-yum-yum! And are those pics of your place last year wif snow? Looks so pwetty!!

    Chrissy – is hung like a dingleberry? j/k so glad u got hung. I will stop there.

    Juliet – can’t tell if dat guy is hung…

    Goldie – love the rattlers!!!

    Wahine – Wow, you are still traveling and still wif de cough, I sure hope that clears up soon and I’m glad you have good meds for it. Tanks for sayin I’m a sweet goyl, I’m blushin agin!

    NM – How nice to get sun even if it’s windy. That is one huge benefit of living in Area 52 we get so much sun and I lub it!! It’s also bery dry so eberyting dries fast. I have to use a lotta body lotion too. What an awful meeting, I’m so sorry you felt treated like a dense child, that is so awful and would make me cry too. I sure hope things will get better and YAY to only 49 days to de cruise. Thank you for the happy bd and what a honor to know you are soaking beans and if you eat them you will be farty-ing all night! Tee hee!

    I am so sorry to about your co-workers daughter, that is just a heart-wrenching story and it’s hard to imagine what they are going through. That is so nice that you and others are donating earned hours for your co-worker. So hard to know what else to do. I send many prayers.

    Thank you too for the Jelly Bean DOTD, dat is fun and looks delishious!!!

    AdorKable – I am so sorry dat U puked up from dilaudedd (I hab not taken dat b4) and dat you habbed weird dreams n stuff. And chit, so sorry u got a dang hacking cold and gooey crusty eyes, dat sux. I hope dat u feel better quickliest. I tink dat is great woyds to Lara to keep looking for a doc who will take de time and care about her. I went and got quite a few opinions and it helped to know wudda do. Tanks agin so much too for de wunnerful BD weeshes and for sayin nice tings and wishing for no more Waskely Wabbit Hole. I foygot about de salminellos cuz my memory is fudked up but now dat I tink about it dey were awesome hep to git thru chemo. Maybe you need some Salminello’s to get dat stinkin woyk outta yer bwain??? What a great idea to get FURB as a weal woyd in de dickshunery!! I don’t tink enuf people know wud it means and it’s a good woyd and I tink it was Scuby who started it but heck if I ‘member. Oh haileluyah too dat Zach gunna split. Yay for dat!!!

    Okay, now I quit blah blah blahing and jest wanna say thank you for the super fun fart-ey yesterday. Hi to eberyone and I hope you hab a great day!!

    Love you all so much!! Cheeers!!


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Children's Christmas party today - so now relaxing.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!I've got bread rising, coffee syrup for Kahlua cooling, and beans for baked beans soaking.Got 2nd load of laundry on the line, flapping in the wind.I am 'bout ready to sit down for a while!

    ORLA--I can cry at the drop of a hat, and the problem is that once I start crying I have a hard time talking, and in this busy world no one has time to wait.But I do feel better after a good cry, thinking about what to watch this evening to see if I can get a good cry going, and get it out of my system.Any suggestions?

    DorKable--HOORAY!We need to start planning a bon voyage partay for Zach!!!!!!!!!!!And I was a bit late getting into the lounge today, got side tracked with some other stuff on the puter.

    Cammy--Sadie is having a blast today, every time she comes near me I steal her toy, take it out the deck and throw it for her chase!She is a tired puppy now!

    Beanie--where can I get an automatic refillable supply of Happy Pills??????

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    *coughing, hacking, clearing throat*.....and this is both me AND Dorkie.....sheesh hope no one else gets it. Are you well now Julie? Hated that we didn't sleep on the redeye flight, then had 3 hr layover in Detroit, then FINALLY home! And usually I get into the mail and watch my recorded shows etc, but I SLEPT!!! Yuppers, all afternoonie. Today was my youngest g'sons 12th bday, but of course we couldn't see him with me being sick. Was nice talking to him though. Hope I get over this crappola soonliest and that my DH didn't catch it, but he did start coughing today. Dorkie, you better get well too!!! Don't go out in the cold and wind and rain like I did....stay inside, stay warm, get lots of rest. OK?

    Nice Happy Pills, Beansie!!! I always love all your posts!!! Hope you are staying warm.

    Good for you all remembering it was ScoobyDoo that coined "FURB".....I would not have remembered who came up with it. Awesome description, foah shuah.

    Oh I do hope you do well without Zach, Dork. And how awful to dream about work every night...normal though. You have such a stressful job, and its harder when you are off for awhile, so I am not surprised you even think of it in your dreams. Funny my DH was in your dream too! Oh and how awful you got so sick. How are you feeling tonight? I need to take more meds, but it was nice being med-free today, as I was so tired of constant throat lozenges and constant dayqul/nyquil. Just so I could try to keep the coughing at bay as much as possible, since we were out. Now I can cough as much as I want to....bwaaaaaaahahahaha....not that I want to, but it can't be suppressed all the time.

    NM, SO good that now the higherups will realize that no one was getting the right training and I am hoping things will start going more smoothly for you. And WOW you got a lot done today!!!!

    Lara, How are you feeling today??? SO much going on, you need to get well, just not fair!!!

    Bernie, Such funny pictures. Love the big wine glass!!! How is your DH doing??? And his dad?? And Sinead?? And her mom??? And YOU???

    Karen, are you ok? Been too quiet! Sue, Lori, Julie, Chrissy, Cami, Aly, Chevy, Beckers, Cyndie, (and anyone I forgot to mention) hope you are all having a good Sat-TURD-dey night!!!



  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    Hi there, Loungettes. Got room for one more? I brought my own beer. 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Hi Red! Of course we have room for you here in the HTL! But you don't need to BYOB...just let the Tattie Tenders or the Wenches know what beer you like and they will keep it stocked for you! Pull up a barstool and have some fun!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    I like your aka saying. Wanting to p on it and walk away alot. My mom had BC 10 yrs ago and chose to keep very quiet about it. I didn't even know till her mx was over.

    I am a different type and chose to let a small number (call it 20) know what was happening with me. And now I definitely need a drink! 

    Some use it as a prod. Like if I ate better, exercised more it wouldn't have occurred.

    Everyone has someone they know who beat it or didnt, with or without bad side effects and they need to tell me all of the details. And I'm honestly not sure what they expect me to say. Thanks I feel so much better for hearing your story? 

    A couple want to use it to exonerate themselves. I don't smoke or drink and I eat well therefore I am exempt. 

    2 have all kinds of natural cures they have heard will eliminate all types of cancers. And I'm supposed to start taking them immediately!

    Then there are a few who have used my dx as a reason they need time off work. To process it, you know.

    So, where are those Wenches, cuz I may need something a wee bit more potent than beer, my dears.

    I want to smile and I want to laugh again. So I'm gonna belly up to the bar and enjoy. Hope a couple understanding folk will join me.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Good place to vent here, Red. The Wenches (Candy, Skates, and Sugar....hope I remembered their names right!) will take care of you. They are gorgeous, and our Tenders are very handsome, we have several of them...Pants, Jock, Hunk, Mr. Big, Mr. Bigger, Eric, and Chile Boy, to name a few. We also have lampshade partays here and UFO's to pick us all up, all over the world to be there when a loungette needs us. Dwink up!!!! IF you like to gamble, we have a casino here with ATM that dispenses free money, a total utopia!!! Swim up bar, fire pit, beach, everything! OH and when someone has a fire, our firemen are hot, hot, hot!!!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Hello chicadees and happy saturdey night!

    A big welcome to Red, grab a stool, a dwink and have fun! We always welcome new goils and I hope ye come back agen soonliest. Wese a berry funny group of goils. Looks like you are newly diagnosed, so sorry to hear that. FURB! Do hang with us, we all have been where you are todey and we are here for you. What kind a beer will you have? Kat (Wahine) is right, de boyz will bix you up with ennyting you want, likker and more.

    Chrissy, I wish I had thought to grab the UFO, have Beanie help me pack it up then come and sailabrate yer big debut with you. Dern, ya see de UFO is not JEST for hospital/doctor bisits. I can't wait to see you post de photos of yer exhibits.

    Kat, glad you checked in, wuz gitting worried bout ya girl. I try not to be too serious around here but has to tail ya and I tink our nurses will agree that you should see a doctor bout that cough. I hope making an appt is on yer busy agenda. If you need your poysonal assistant aka DorKy to schedule appt, jest email me with the # and availability cuz mese here for ye.

    NM, I sorry that I did not mention de loss of yer co workers daughter. Dat hit home here, I been weepy dis weekend, not sure what up with that but todey I wuz talking to mese hair dresser bout tings in mese life and she tink I have had the worst year a person could have. But I tailed her bout yer co-worker and got all weepy tailing her. Not only because my only DD is 21 years old but because it is jest one of the worst things that I could imagine happening to anyone, in losing a child so young. I still tink about Kat's DD's church friend who was so young. Death is a very difficult part of life to accept and there is nothing anyone can do cept pray to God to ease the pain of the person grieving. I am sending more prayers to the family. Uh, do you tink ya can ship me some of yer home made baked beans? I'd love to fart-test them, oops, I mean taste test hehehe! And I jest kidding ya. Glad you had such an awesome and VERY productive day. You deserve every break that you get. I hope the chit at de office stops. If someone pick on you again, let us know cuz we have de louisbille slugga to smack some knees, wese gots Juliet's swamp land and wese got mese people. Wese all here for ya.

    I have a question NM or for those of you who have taken arimidex, any of you? So I been having horrible back pain which I have attributed to my posture, I have been hunched over since my DIEP on 8/22. After figuring out that many of my new ailments are AI related, I am now wondering if the back pain I am having might be from the SE's too. Ughhhh! I switched from Tamox to the AI jest a few weeks b4 de surgery.

    I am without dwink tonight, shhh don't tail de HTL managment as it is against policy and procedure around here. I did make a drink jest before dinner but could not stomach it. Mese belly is still very sour and very sad. I only had a bowl of chicken nOOdle soup for dinner and feel like I could ralph right now. I have only taken two half doses of percocet as mese belly can not handle more todey. So sawry to be a complainer, specially on a saturdey night but I tank ye all jest the same for de never ending love and support.

    Lara, I too was glad that I got sick last night. I know that it is alright to take dilaudid and percs (the latter for breakthrough pain) but I tink the JD and the coughing put me over de edge. And i starting to tink that it is the dilaudid along wtih valium that causes the wacked out dreams and hallucinations. I knew it wuz gonna be a rough night when I did not fall right to sleep AND those funky random noises started in mese head. Sounds like a rubber band snapping in mese brain. Have not had that happen for quite some time but now I know that the two drugs together do not work for me. And gawsh, I sound like a total druggie. Oops, I tink I am. Mese name is DorKy and mese an alcomaholic and a dwuggie. Ennyone gotta problem with that, see above post to NM bout de people of de lounge. tehehehe!

    Cam, you had your scope this week didn't ya? I bin reading but forgetting so much. Oh, I too liked yer story bout Joey listening to your belly rumble. And too funny dat you thought you were hearing sounds of construction. Did you happen to eat once of those hotties that Juliet posted? hehe. oops, mese not making funny happen tonight, sawry!

    Juliet dahling, how are ya? You back to work yet? And not sure who said they like dere mens a widdle more mature but I second dat motion....not that the boyz you post are NOT eye candy, oh no no. But for mese, I like em at leave over 29 years old.

    K, I tink I should stop writing cuz I not cracking up one iota over what I saying. Sumone stole mese funny bones and it not funnneee at all.

    One more ting, I did look up "toss off" and will tail anyone that wants to know privately. or jest google it and find out fer yerselves. Winking

    Cheers mi' dears!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    OMG!! I laughed out loud. I say all of the words instead of lol cuz it was just so cool to laugh. My surgery is Thursday, and I am second guessing my decision all over the place. I needed a good chuckle. 

    I totally need a UFO to pick me up, and deliver me to a place with a lovely sunset, warm sand, cold drinks and hot cabana boys. 

    I think the Wenches should take the night off to be waited on hand and foot by those same hot cabana boys! Massages all around, on me! 

    And I like blackjack, which way to the ATM?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Oh yeah, I like BJ too (minds outta de guttah, girls!). Jest got back from Vegas todey and just did some slots, no bj as the casinos were in only had high$$ double deck games. My DH did well on a $50 bj table, though. Thanks for gibbing us all massages!!

    Dorkie, ya gotta watch yer coff too! MIne jest started last Sat, in TX, so I don't think its unusual to still be hanging around, esp since I have been on the go too much and in the cold and rain. Hoping to stay in tomorrow and get more rest. Will be leaving for Iceland soon, and its gonna be coldliest there! Why is your tummy still doin flipflops? Dang it girl. I haven't dwunk much eidder dis week, but dats cuz of mese cold....but for YOU to not feel like dwinking....welll dats a big ting! Youse can usually dwink no matter whut. Ya gonna ask de dr about de upchucking? Are you doin ok without Zachie? Ya better not get so sick, ya hear me??? Mese don't like me DorkaRoni to be feelin badliest. Hope you kin sleep tanite and NOT have work-related dweams!!! (((Dorkie)))

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Red, what surgery did you decide on? Wese will all come to ya, de UFO will start gathering de goils a few hours before. Wese all git teeny tiny and jump in de doctors pockets and watch them to make sure they taking de best care of ya. But I will join ya in de meantime in that warm place with white sand. Wait, we can order that for here! Boyz, git the sand, make us a beach please, pronto!

    Wahine, ok but if the cough percysts by end of dey twosdey, call dr on humpdey will ya? And I dunno what up with mese belly. It is diffilent than the naseau I wuz habing. And so twue, not like me to not dwink. trust me, I want to but tummy sez no. Life is SO awesome without Zach. I did mese own wound care agen todey for the first time in about six weeks. It not fun but it beats being hooked up. Mese faborite ting wuz gitting up in de aye em and not habing to unplug him to take a pee. Well nah, de best part is really being able to get up and move around freely. It sux that I am not feeling well but I am surplised that mese puka is not more traumatized from de coughing. ugh, I do not get sick much, I do not recall being sick all year...well cept for de infucktion issues and so on and so on and soooooooo on...well tank God for Willie, he werking for me 2night, jest had a teeeeny tiny bit. last night, no can do. maybe dat mean me gitting better? (Red, we call canabis Willie, short for Willie Nelson, Willie de code word so no one know what we tailing about! ).

    oops dere it is! (tanks boys that wuz quickly)


    ohhhh, loving de super sized beds. Dere enuff for all of us. I tink wese all at de casino dis night eh? I playing de slots.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Hi ya goils! Jest got back from de Galleria an now I kin shows youse all dat my pics are on de walls! Dey is a little bit outa focus coz I had to take em quickly like but youse can see dey is definitely on de wall.!


    image I am so chuffed! Just after I got there the lady in charge of the Gallery bought another lady over to introduce me to her. Nice I thought.........oh yes, very nice!!! She wanted me to sign the picture she had just bought!! It's the top one in the photo above and it's called 'The Hill'. I can't believe it!! Needless to say, that's drinks all round for ebberybuddy an Jock, keep em coming till we all fall down!!!

    It's definitely time to celebrate!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Awesome Chrissy!!!!!! You iz famous now, hey, kin wese hang your pictures on de wall in de HTL?? Dey wud habs de best place of honor! How neat she wanted you to sign it too!! I hope you sell more.....way to go! Thanks for showing us how they look on the walls, too!

    Dorkie, Gwad dat Willie iz still yur fwiend, and he didn't go "on the road again". HE is dere rite wid Ohhh you added a nice beach, and yeah, thoz big wide beds are super duper!!! Tink mese gonna grab Pants and take him to one of dose beds and let him massage me allll obber. I don't need willie tanite, jest pants widout his pants....hehehe.....

    *hic*....dats me portending ta dwink tanite....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Yay, Chrissy - a big congratulations to you~ wowza! Now only 9 limited eddishions remain...I had Meester Big bix up rounds of yer faborite, Wasberry wodka n lemmonaide for all. and oh hail, why not add some chots of whateber ye'd like? ((((CHRISSY)))))!! I am so proud of ya doll!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013




  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    wowza Kat, tanks for giving me great idea for tats! willie leaves bese poyfectO!

    you have fun with pantless Pants, iffen wese don't see ya, wese knows ye in de cabana house with him. keep de noise down tehehehe. great idea to decorate de lounge with Chrissy's prized pics!