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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Hi eberyone I's here==Welcome Red sorry u'r here--well that u hab de Furb and are here but eberone has to be somewhere and I prefer here. Wow lots goin on.

    Chrissy we all so proudliest of u way on de udder side of de world and someone wanted u'r autograph. OMG I would have been screamin and yelling and they wud hab walked away. Cheers (I dinkin wid my glas up now)

    Kat I told ye to cal de DR. as soon as u got home---7 days is not a cold--it's an infection now===I no nurse, it jst makes sense to me. Please Call Monday.

    And Dorky u too cuz u  to open for infecshione wid all u'r pukas stuff. And I hab absolute know for a no shadow of a doubt????? I forgot what I was going to say--whew right over me. Effin chit. BTW I was laffen at u tonite eben do u said u not funny, u be silly tho--I was laffin out loud--not high pitched laff, jus a lower level pitch--so OK u' weren't hysterical but finny and I'm really sory u'r tommy feels strange, can u take something with ginger (the professor maybe) or is that just to much to take with all u'r meds--oh oh gingerale with real ginger??? Just feel better, u've been so sick for so long.

    Lara I'm tinkin of u too, I feel so bad for u.

    Oh mese oh mice I startin to get saddliest on here--I need anudder drink just one tendah--ooo like dat delibereee--see him on de sand  later. Ahem


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Love the gallery. I would like a picture for my cottage.

    Koughing Kat - welcome back home.

    Can't keep up with you all.

    Rebellious Red - welcome. Don't you just love the support from friends and family. Their comments are a wonderful source of humorous inspiration. My beloved sister (she borne of the devil) told me I was scrawny, was going through chemo at the time.

    Babes don't forget to tell Red(love that name) about the Swamp and the Irish Curses.

    Big Bottle of Red for Red.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Evning all. No drinkies tonight cause had drinkies with yummy lunch sitting looking out at the harbour. Real good day - Its Sunday here so like the good girl I is went off to curch. Then drove over to neat little place across the harbour and eated and drinked nice pinot gris. After dat wandered along waterfront watching boats and big ships before going to watch DS play cricket. Really good day for the soul.

    Hi Red, that was my name because of my hair but not red these days just very faded but I do like a good red to drink. And you will always find a friend at this bar.

    Hope your Sundays go as well as mine.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Dork we need the drugs and booze we r addicts for now damn I have a freaking pharmacy in my house that I am sure people would love to have

    I wa staking 8 dilualid a day when I had my surgery

    perco never had

    Hi red red riding hood welcome

    The topomax seems ok we will see.

    Chrissy very nice

    wahine u need cough meds

    I remember when I was changing my open wounds, I look back now and think wtf

    omg that pic kat is how my boobs look round and big but the scars

    nips in march yeahhhhhhhhhhhh

    poop in latah

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013


    Bitch Please

    <:nav id=sticky-bar class="hotkeys-meta sticky-bar">PreviousNext </:NAV>



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    good morning all

    welcome red

    kat and dorty,listen to dr cammi,this virus is nasty,just finished my 10 days of antib's

    chrissy- congratulations on you being a hung artist. you know next Saturday what the result needs to be!

    nm((((((((hugs)))))))) enjoy your Sadie time,enjoying all the dr who stuff on

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    beans here's another cake! hope your still celebrating

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Kat, hope you were able to get some good rest when you got home and start to feel better. 3 hour layober in the Big D, you almost had time to bisit wif mese family.

    NM, it sounds like that cry at the meeting was a relieving one, so to speak. Glad things are looking up at work. Hmmmm, "toss off", I'll have to see if anyone else told, if not, I will at the end of mese post.

    Dort, that really sucks about dreaming of work all the time, and it's been 3 months???? I also sawry dat de drugs made you sick, you poor girl. I sure wish you could feel well. Why is your back on fire? And Zach is going bye bye??? I hope you feel better soonliest. You can get aches from the Arimidex, but I don't think that is why your back hurts, I think you are right about it being your posture from surgery.

    Lara, you are another one having so much trouble. Are you and your DH back together now?

    Cami, I have not seen the new beer you speak of, but have seen the Strawberita and there is a Limerita, have tried both, but really didn't care for them. Funny bout you telling Dork to have something with ginger, like the professor.


    Beans, I'm wif you on hating de winter. But you are so right about it being much worse in Hoth. Thank goodness we have LOTS of sunshine here, that helps a lot. Oh, we have that wind here, specially in the spring. I have just been using baby oil, after a shower instead of lotion, and I like how it smells too. Snow pics were 2 years ago.

    NM, you are making Kahlua? How about your wine, you haven't made any of that in a while, have ya. When we were gone in Oct. on our trip, I picked up some Red Ass Rhubarb wine. It was so so yummy!

    Hey Red, and welcome. I am brewski dwinker too, so is Cyn Cyn. Actually I'll drink any ting!!! For thost that think you got the RB (rat basTURD) because you ate wrong, didn't exercise enough, blah blah blah, I gots sumptin for you to PROD them with.........A**HOLES! I think people share "their" stories of cancer, as it may make them feel better when comunicating with us, I don't know. I got tired of hearing about all the things I needed to do to cure it! What kind of surgery are you having on Thirstday, and why are you second guessing it?

    LOVE the beach set up Dork, doze boyz did a fantabulous job. I gonna lay by you, k?

    Ohhhhhh Chrissy, you are famous now, wow. And even being asked for autographs! Please don't foyget us. Naaaah, I know yese, dat won't happen. Congrats on your first sale friend. Did you have to sneak to take the pics? Wuz you a bad goil?

    Bernie, you mean you didn't look your best while going through chemo??

    Alyson, sounds like you had a super enjoyable day, it sounded subperb.

    Julie, are you feeling better now? You too Sue, I hope you are feeling better. And Kat and DorK, good grief, who else is sick?

    Heading out tomorrow morning for Laughlin, to help Basia. Also gonna try and get her to go file to get her money back, from those idiots. They told her that they would after Xmas....WTF? To the swamp with them.

    Ok, todays DOTD will explain "Toss Off"


    1 shot Jack Daniel's® Tennessee whiskey

    1/2 can Coca-Cola®

    2 shots iced tea


    Pour in one shot of jack daniel's on ice, more if you like your drinks strong. Then pour about a half of a can of coca-cola on top, leaving room for the iced tea. Finally, fill to the top with very strong iced tea (try three times the amount of powder).


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Hi Lori showed the sis from hell the pic lines hanging out of arm. She nearly passed out. Not my fault I forget she was squeamish, that damn chemo brain. Forgot again when I showed her my radiation burns, silly me.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Well my beautiful Babes the sun is over something somewhere so it's WINE O'clock. Roast beef to follow, hopefully. Last time DH was working I couldn't find the cooker. Chemo brain lasts a long time you know.

    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    I love winter - mulled wine

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning eberyone

    Sun is out and it's cold today but no snow.

    Oh Toss off  ahahaha I like the name of the DOTD--Lori u'r one of the few that really get my sarcasm. I LOLin right now---Wait u didn't get snow???

    Kat listen to Julie she's de nurse. Julie u must be feeling better by now>I hope

    Dork I hope u stop coughing, and we all want u bestest feeling.

    Lara I'm not familiar with the meds u'r on but I hope they go well with you and help u.

    BBBernie (((HUGS))) always

    I'm going out to lunch today with my sister, cousin and our GF so that's always nice. And I've been working this morning---it started at 7:30 Ayem--I didn't figure people today --so far it's about furnaces--It's time I guess and it's been men so They're doing their job this morning. Chit makes me do a job too.

    I hope everyone has a decent day--I'm trying to, but I honestly feel like curling up and staying in my nitegown cuz not feeling well, so I'll give it  a little time hoping I do feel better and can go Dammit, I get tired of all this pain and weakk feeling--I know I'm complaining but not reason. LOL Oh Dorky mese farts are so stinky bad, it's going to ruin all the ambiance in de restaurant--I like dat, I'd ust stair at my sister like I always do.

    Have a good day all and I might not go so I'll be back before u know it

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    LOL Lori...the "Jack Off" dwink of de day....yuppers that 'splains it for enneyone who didn't look it up!! Hahaha. Hope the weather is good for your travels tamarra! Yeah, wese slept late, jest got up a widdle while ago. I have 5 full days to get ready for my next trip, and hoping DH didn't catch this from me. And of course, Turkey Dey is in there, as well as Molly's day to get her lumbar injections, and cewebwating my g'sons bday which was yest. Ya know how my DH hates the cold, and we will be in ICELAND....well on the flights home I told him we were staying one night in an "ice house" and he is freaking out!!! I think he *hopes* I am kidding him, but he's not sure. LOL

    Oh Bernie, Yeah Girl, you start dwinking for us too, ok? Funny how you showed your sister your burns and your lines. I was lucky I guess, as no one tried to tell me what to do, what to eat, or what I may have done wrong. I just didn't talk about it much, and since I didn't go thru chemo, it wasn't as obvious. I hated everyone looking at me later, and asking "are you ok? I mean, are you REALLY ok?". Like they knew the cancer would come back or sumtin.

    Aly, Sounds like a good way to spend a Sunday!!! Slainte! Cheers!

    Julie, Glad that said Bristol Stool Chart and not Bar Stool Chart! lol. You finally got rid of that virus??? Hope so!

    Yeah Beansie, you should be cewebwatin all weekend, or heck yeah, all WEEK LONG!!!!

    Ok, Dr. Cami Legal, I will see how I feel tamarra. I jest hate going to de drs, so am hoping it will jest git sick of me and leave. I think when I first felt it coming on if I could have rested that next day and NOT had to drive for hours and have 2 flts home (from Dallas) that I might not have gotten it so bad. I was so worn out, like an old rag. Haha. How are YOU feeling??? I love hearing about your job! You are so funny!!!!

    Going to crawl over to de lounge chair and have Pants bwing me some mimosas and some of dat yummy food de wenches prepared for us! Yummmm.....and its so nice and warm and sunny here at de HTL..... Bottoms Up! Titz Up!!!

    Koughing Kat (I like that one Bernie)

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    OOPSIE bumped ya, Cami, right into the arms of Hunk!!!! Hey, you are smiling now! Hoping you feel bettah and can enjoy de day wif your sister and gf and cousin. Jest fart it how you will stare at your sister! Priceless!!! I had a boss once when I sold furniture in IN and we would go to the furniture market in ChiTown. Well, if we were in a crowded elevator, he always would jump and say "Don't do that!" like I had just goosed him or sumtin. Humbarrassed me all de time. We got him back once though and it was priceless!!! Hope your day will be better than you think....(((Cami)))

    And Lara, shoot, I hope your day will be pain free today!!!! AND hoping you find a dr that listens, and cares, and will get you better!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    tryed all the docs kat

    I made stuffed cabbage today then went to a European deli yummy stuff

    Goldie we have been back for awhile we will c got my big ole diamond band back on

    Where's Karen

    Cam lunch sounds fun

    Woke up to snow here yuck

    Mulled wine yum

    I just had blueberry tea yummy

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Mornin Dollinks!

    Let's PartEEEE!



    Bernie – The Children’s Cristmas party looks fun. Love your cartoons – so funny!

    NM – I love home baked bread, hope yours was great and det de baked beans got fart-tested. he he he he he! Sending lub and hugs to u n Sadie! I will look for de fountain of happy pills and will def share when I find it!!

    Katrinka – Glad you got home safely and so sawwy u r still coughing and dat is awful yer DH is now coughing too. Hope you both rest and get well soon. I agwee wif Dofey to see de doc for de coff. What a bootiful welcome to Red too. You are so wunnerful and nice and funny and I am so gwateful I found dis lounge too.

    Red – Hayloooo Red, nice to meet you…they just let me back in after an extended trip to outer space and anudder alien abduction, sheesh de aliens do not leeb me alone. We have free flowing beer so you don’t eben need to bring any but if you did bring some can I have some too? I hate that some peeps say chit like if you ate better and exercised more it wudnt hab happened. That is crapola. I shud tell U some of de tings peeeple have sed to me. When I first told a few back in 2010 I started getting all dese health food books in the mail and itz been an endless stream of food advice since. I was healthy, ate goodly and have been a runner since high skool. NE way, I welcome U bigliest and hope you will stay to dwink many dog beers wif these kewl goyles. Dese ladies heped me so much when I foyst landed in de Hot Tatties Lounge. I was a weeel mess, I better now, but I went cwazy. he he he he he ha ha ha ha! j/k (I was not a smoker needer…)


    DorKie – I am on it, got de UFO all loaded up wif 10,000,000,000 tons of likker…weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…we gunna go see Chrissy in OZ and her debut of getting hung! I cannot wiat to see her photos too! About u crying and de bad dweems, sweet Dottie, u have had a heck of a year and de year b4 dat too and de thought of losing a child is so awful. I am glad you let a bit out wif tears. As for de AI’s I wead dat Femara and Arimidex are similar. My doc sez part of de aches is jest from getting older and possibly fart is from the med. I am way more achy jest in de last cuple moths. Doc sez dat is weird, but I read on de BCO thread det other women got achy later on too. And one of de tings I love about you goilies is dat when we tail each other wud is going on we believe each other. That is so nice. My sis wus on de phone tailing me she hurd on de radio about how f’d up the med tx for bc is and she starts tailing me dey way over kill de meds and how bad tammy is for you…of couse, dis after I took it for 2 yrs. Den on to more about how I shud eat n stuff. Well it kinda dwives me cwazy cuz I do wud de docs tail me and dey do what the standard protocol based on research, etc. tails dem. I’m sicka people telling me wudda do. I eat healthY and exercise when I can and I have a lotta anger bout dis. And I know I can tell you ladies and you understand and are kewl. Oh dear, I’m on a rant. I will stop. I am so sawwy your tummy been sour and I hope u feel better soonerliest. I will have to look up “toss off” – tanks for de tip.

    Wahine – LOL BJ LOL! I like black jack too! So glad your DH did goot!

    Chrissy – Yay! Love de Galleria pics!! Your pics are de prettiest of dem all!! Big congrats on your sale and wif your famous signature!!! Cheers! I am celibwating wif you!!

    Wahine – love de “Willie Girl” pic!!

    Cami – I tink you are right, DorKie shud go seee doc too for de pukes. Hope you have a great lunch but shoot sounds like you are not feeling well, hope you are not getting sick.

    Bernie – Your sis soundez like mine. Love de bottle of Red for Red!!

    Alyson – Soundez like a lovely boozy day!

    Orange – So glad de topomax seems okay so far. Hope dis keeps up for you.

    Juliet – glad u done wif antiB’s and I hope u r feeling goob agin. Tanks 4 de stool chart – LOL!!! And tanks for more celebration cakes!! Yay!!! Love it!!!

    Goldie – I love Gilligan’s Ile!! Nice pic!! Thank you! Daz a goob idea to use baby oil. I will twy dat. Do you member when my DH tode me to put it in my hair instead of conditioner. Dat wuzn’t goob. But on de skin soundez nice! I bean mean aks u if you had any twubble adjusting to de altitude of 6K ft. My DH and I bof feel it still after a year and 4 moths. I wud like to jog wif an oxygen tank – ha ha ha ha!! Ooooo Red Ass Rhubarb wine, dat dounds goob. And tanks 4 ‘splainin’ de Toss off! Goob Dwink of de dey!!


    Missin Sue and Karen...hope all is okay. Hi to everyone and hop e I dint miss U at de fart-y



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    rhubarb wine sounds good , back in work tonight so no drinkingBawling

    lara,had a thought any docs in your area that do a mixture of medicine and complementary therapy? and they are referring you to a lymphedema specialist right! hoping for some relief for you

    cammi-lol we need a fart chart! ,loved the story of joey listening to your belly

    lori-thanks for the rattlers,i do have one bottle in the fridge of the pearHappy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    The Drunk Poem

    Starkle, starkle little twink,

    Who the hell you are I think.

    I'm not under what you'd call,

    The alcofluence of incohol.

    I'm just a little slort of sheep,

    I'm not drink like thinkle peep.

    I'm not sure who me is yet,

    But the drunker I stand here,

    The longer I get!

    So give me one more fink to drill my cup

    Cuz I've got all day sober to Sunday up!

    should be on the wall in the hlt

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Juliet - great posts, where do I find de wine-o dispenser? great woyds on healing too & love de poem!

    Cami - fart chart good idea.

    Good grief, just got news my beautiful SIL is in hospital with stomach probs...they will take pics to see if surg needed. I will prolly hed back over to Cali. Aksing for prayers for my lovely bro's wife, she is a truly wonderful person. I love her and I'm crying that she is having a problem.

    Love you all, please take care of yourselves my goyliefwiends and pweeese go to de doc if you are sick.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    Well, wese could use a dwink right now. But,once again, wese has done it to weself. Lol. Gots 2 wee gkids for da night. Sigh. Why do I say yes? Gotta work in da mornin but me boy gots hisself a job outta town and needed to get dere on real short notice. Wife takin him, I gets da kids. 2 widdle goils so ise supervising da battub now. DH watchin golf.

    Tanks for all da support from ebberones. I felt right at home. Da UFO should pick use up in time for an 815 check in. Sowwy, dats am goils. Ops not till 12 but dey hab plans to stick me wiff needles first. Mese hates needles!!! Like a lot a lot. So I needs all da support I can ged.

    Needs to buy a new bra too. Silly tings. Feels like I wanna free da tatas till da day. Go free tatas go free!!

    Da goils are playing beluga whales now. Arguin bout who's da mama. Gonna get mese a bruski soon as I gets dem in bed.

    Lub da beach boyz! Somebodies save me a nice spot pls.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Red - hope u have fun wif de gkids! N hab a great day a woyk 2marri. De UFO will be dere right on time to take U and U will be in gweat hands...needles sux so sawwy you got hab dat. We can have de tenders gitchu de bras U need tooo just say so and POOF it be dere for you! Dey can sing U to sleep wif de beach boyz! Yay! So glad you are here and we wish you the bery bestest!


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    Tanks tons Beanius. Guess what? My DIL made super good time so she just left wit da gkids! I gots me a brewski and a chair. Life is boootifil. Mese house is quiet agin. 

    Tink I learned more from readin yous goils posts dan from de dr. My DD says I hab "physician confidence" issues. But mese in da great white north and we can't pick our own, so... dey say he da best, but he pretty sketchy to me. Sure wouldn't imbite him for a brewski.

    Anyways gonna put up my feets now, reads me a cheap romance and dwink me brewski. Ebberone has a guid nite.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Yippee Red! Beer all around.....


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Evning all

    Beani so sad hope SiL is fine.

    Red nkeep warm DD in Ontario is finding it cold bbrrrr first Canak winter for her. Youse need good hot toddy me tinks while Ise need cold cider. Just got apple but likes perry dats cider from paers no pears.

    I needs to put feet up before dinner, have been out shopping with bf today and we have been all over the place and it was hot.

    Juliets I loves the wine bar. Has you seen dis Advent calendar -


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Please update us on your SIL when you can, Beans. Prayers going out for her!

    Great advent calendar, Alyson!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    First good morning my sweet ladies.

    Red good day for u yesterday, I ;ve to hear u see g'kids and then they go home--wear the hell out of u.

    Kat I hope if u do not feel 50% better today it's the DR. that hears from u--I know I hate Drs, on so many levels but grateful to them on one level.

    And Dork u too--DO U GIRLS HEAR ME---HELLO

    I was to tired last nite and had some calls for business I had to email and file so by that time I had to take my pain meds and just relax, that never goes away --all  of a suuden this happens to my typing.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    OK it's fine now--Geeze and I still have the balls to type.

    Going out was fun we giggle the whole time, changed tables 4 times for different reasons, my GF had the bartender come to the table to explain exactly how to make her drink and sent back 3 separate glasses with each thing in them so she made it herself.-My sister just had her red wine after that.--When we left my GF took a left hand turn out and we realized u'r not supposed to so we were facing a super busy oncoming traffic (after the lite changing) so I first reaction was total laughter and said silly things, so she ended up going over the median (a little high) but we did it and cars are still coming--no accident at least .

    Anyway al in all was fun and now I'm home and slept pretty well so that was good. Back to work today.
