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how about drinking?



  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    Hey yall. I figured it out! Mese so pwoud. Turn off de spell check when tailin use stuff. Yay me!

    Guess what!!! Found de bras! Mese hopes. Searched da city over for em. Was losin hope, but... I finds at Walmart. came home and opened a brewski to sailabrate. Not feelin much hungry so DH makin a plate of cheez, cwackers, gwapes and piklez. Goes goid wit brewskis. 

    So many goils wit so menny nice comments. Can't keep em all stwate. Kant go back to sum cuz on anither page and i feelin too laz to fire up computer. 36 hrs. Sigh. Meny ask what's up. So...

    Thirstday I get lumpy, right, at 10 o'clock on dee tata. Along wit nodes. Sayrgon say mx bMX or lumpy all viable cuz o fambly histry. Needles (aarrgggghh) in nipple. Fam Doc gabe me anti-anxiety meds but he paranoid bout addiction so 5 pills. Nurse navigator said Emla cream dat morn so numbs up de tata. Mese cum home same day. In mese world, back to work Monday. Den radiation all Jan. Not so bad.

    I ignorin all de idiots gibing advice cept my DD (she an RPN) and my DH (cuz he lubs mese) and you goils, cuz u know whatcha talkin bout.

    Ise defnately in control mode. Mus dot all eyes and cwoss all tees. Tees - K now I wanna go golfin. Sumbody needs to put a golf course nex to da beech. Pooh. Am I gonna be able to golf next spring? Hope so. One ting atta time, wight?

    a cupple heys dat I tink I do member. Hic

    Alyson, dat advent calendar? My DH wantsta no if it can be big enuf to fit cases of beer?

    NM I sowwy, I don't member watchu said but at da time I read it, I felt real good. Ty

    Chissy, we met before but diffrent place. I so pwoud of ur pictures. Dey is boootifil. I Tink da htl shood hang em in ebery room. I'd hang one in mese house fo sure.

    Beanie, Cammi, Wahine - Dat UFO needs be stocked wif Molson Export, xtra spicy ceasars and meebe some 12 year old single malt scotch. A BJ table, some slots, a pool table, jacuzzi, big fireplace wit cozy chairs around it an a gourmet chef that caters to us! Add ur own liker, etc. And udder suggestions r welcum.

    Mema, I gonna come off dat table dancin. No worries enymo. I jus so cold all de time. Waz up wit dat. Still can't sleep. Boo erns.

    Sowwy to da goils I left out. I don't know who did da song or da poems but day made me giggle. 

    Maybe when all dun I will be funny agin. Not so funny now. Sowwy

    So very happy to know you are coming with me thirstday eben tho you be sailabratin ur tanksgibing. Hab lots O ham an turkey if u can.  Mese will wear a smock wit tons O pockets, so you and da teeny bottles has lots o room. Jump into de drs. Pockets firstliest chance u get. No lookin at cwacks!

    (((((hugs to all)))))

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    oh geez, Kat, how de hell did they miss tailing you that Molly would need confined? That jest sucks. And yer poor Mav will tink she is gone foreber. Do tail him that she coming back, k? I hope you do go to de clinic tomorree. If I cough hard again tonight, I will call mese doctor. Maybe he jest call in sumting for cough. I bought mese some sudafed todey, dey help me muchliest. I had to gib dem mese drivers license cuz dey wanna make sure mese not making meth with dem. I would if mese had de recipe tehehe. I hope your mold is easily remedied. Sawry for you and yer DH.

    NM, berry interesting stat on the cold duration. Mine hit me like a ton of bricks on fridey night so that means I should be better now. I am prone to bronchitis, used to git it ebery winter but have not in several years. Knocking on wood, well mese head, dat should count.

    Ruby Red, I am tinking about you. Wese got de tenders working very hard on likkering up de UFO, it'll start picking up de goils tomorree night. Wait, it can't be dis week you habing soygery on thirstdey cuz dat Thanksgiving. Hmmm, gonna have to go back and see where de breakdown in communicapation is. Please report to de lounge ASAP, wese missing yer smile around here.

    Bernie, you don't say much but when you post, always good for a laugh. For dat, I tank ye. Whatcha doing for turkey dey? Cooking are ya?

    Beanie, well I sure hope yer SIL gits to come home healthy for Tanksgiving. Are ya cooking turkey? And don't foyget what I tail ye goils ebery Tanksgiving - it mese faborite dey of the year next to Christmas. Why ye ask? Well I tail ya. Cuz when wese eat turkey, we git spayshall farts which have dere own unique name on TankGiving, dose farts are called turks. I look forward to tooting turks all dey long.

    Cam, hope yer daughter is not sick and dere no germs in yer house. Ye cracked me up with saying no to germs, ye phun phun phunnie goil. I got a hug for ya (((Cammy)). And a new name, how bout Mommy Cam? Cuz ye always looking after us youngens and keeping us on our tootsies. Speaking of...

    NM, why on earth you outside with no shoes on in dis frigid weather? I gonna tail yer doctor on ya. Funny that Sadie is Houdini with escaping the crate. Glad that all she did was make herself comfy. Hey goils need pampered once in awhile and todey was her sort of spa dey in laying in mommy's big comfy bed all dey while Mommy works Happy.

    Mese gonna watch dancing wif de stars tonight with mese Dad. He down cuz his place jest sold. He has to pack up all de many memories he has. He git teary eyed in talking bout tanksgiving n christmas first year without Mom by his side. Mese remind him that dis time last year, Mom kept falling outta bed and he bese sleeping with her on de floor til morning when he would call him neighbor to pick him up. I know dat it happened on TG and it was de beginning of planning de big intervention. So enny way, i buy some choc chip cookie dough ice cream as a surplize and whip it out during commercial of de dancing stars. and I just hadda thought, wood be berry berry funny if star fall tonight. I can't help but laughing mese tail off when people fall down. while mese feel sawry for dem, I still laugh. and at dere expense, I wishing for it. I wuz sad bout de man that went home yesturdey, I tink Mike sumting? I dunno de people cept for de ozborne kid who is berry impressive dancer. de show is relaxing to watch and anticipation of a fall make it super dooooper pooooooPer furciting!

    Oops, missed some of de reading todey cuz saw reference to our mema sue but did not see post. so mese go bassackwards to read and wala, dere she bese, yippee. Always nice to see yer purdey face sueBhoney (like dat name Beanie). You going to Boise for TG? What? Why mese not know dat. Sue, I will take NM advise and eat de willie, yum yum yum. cant believe mese did not tink of dat one, duh x a katrillion.

    and jest saw Mommy Cam point out dat tankgsiving in Canada is on anudder dey so dat spains dat widdle mystary to mese. good, no have to read bassackwards agen. kk, gonna run now, go ober and make some TG dwinkies, tank ye NM, delish!

    git yer willie n dwink up now goils, it turkey dey eve dey eve! wooo hooo, a reason to dwink extra. rounds for all, and pass de joint...chEErS!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    LOL Dorkie, they don't have Thanksgiving on another day in Canada, they don't have it at all!!! Youse so much fun!! Mese will watch de Dancing Stars wid you and your daddy, k? Will you share dat yummy ice cream??? Maybe if I SCREAM for ICE CREAM??? I'm screaming, can you hear me??? I know your dad is so sad, hope he feels better wid de ice cream. (((Dorkie and Dorkie's Dad)))

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    oops, bumped ya Red, right into de arms of Jock. Tank ye Jock, great catch! Glad ye found de bra and glad ye did not have to cook for yer DH. you a lot of fun, glad to have you. we make ye comfy cuz wese been where ye are now and it not easy. (((RED))). May I ask yer real name? you wil get lots o names here as ye can see. I'll have de tenders supply Molson Export, xtra spicy ceasars and some 12 year old single malt scotch for ya. And I ask Pants to build ya a golf course. Wese hab a BJ table, some slots, a pool table, jacuzzi, big fireplace wit cozy chairs around it and many gourmet chefs and tenders that cater to us!


    ohhh wow, boy don't mess around, tank ye Pants de Builder. wonder if he is related to Bob. tehehehe! You like? If ye want changes, jest let Pants know. He is good in so many ways Loopy

    Toke up, dwink up cheers!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    Silly goils {hic} we gits tanksgibing in da great white nort, is just in October. We finished wit harvesting by den cuz we gots dat cold wedder up here. Riddly tell em! Wese had our turkey lass month.

    Omg - a golf course. Tank u tank u -burp - tank u. Sevral brewskis tank u.

    Tanks also to Jock for catchin mese. Bump mese a littlest gentler when mese bin dwinkin Dork. I finded a bra! Three bras. Yay. 

    Mese name is Deb, but me moniker is real good too cuz till I was 35 mese hair was copper red, den mese turned golden grey. Me mama took pics at Christmas den agin in June on de same roll (yeah we had film back den) and was shocked how quicklyest I turned gwey. Ise still a pwetty gwey tho. Also, mese LOVES to read so...redreading. lol

    How's ebberones colds doin? I be hoping dat dose wit colds more dan a week be seein da Dr. Sowwy but immune system down, gots to keep on top O it. K? 

    Dork gib ur dad a huge hug for me. Mese mama packed it all up in April. I moved her from her 4 bdrm to a retirement home after she broke her back. Such a sad time for all. Dad gone 2 yrs. Sigh -pass me a beer pls. Mese udder dad turns 80 in 2 weeks. Habnt tode him yet. Maybe should.

    Anyhoo, brewski I hand I join DH for person of interest. 34 hours. Sigh

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    OOPS!!!! Mese bad....weally didn't think you wud habs Thanksgibbing since ours started wid de Pilgrims and de Injuns. We learn a lot here from ea udder tho, of which mese is gwad! Tanx foah settin mese straight and narrow. Sad about your mom, Red. And your dad. Is your other dad a step dad or father in law? You will do great on Thursday and wunnerful that you get to go home the same day! WooHoo!!!!!!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    Tanks wahine. Mese daddy who gone was step. My blood dad is turning 80. Was sad. Mese step knew mese ebery time I visit, but mese mama, not so much. Thought she was his sister. When he signed the papers for commitment he thought she was divorcing him. He cried. Can't even begin to joke bout that. Alzheimers is poop on a stick. True that. 

    Anyways down to 31 hrs - time fo mo brewskis. Lol

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    OMG what the hail hab I missed eberyone is what I missed. U goils are silly tonite.  BUT NM told ye goils what I'b been naggin about--this is de rule 3 days acomin', 3 days astayin' and 3 days agoin'--so it's 3 days for a cold. Thank u NM. I don't know about Bernie tho do they have TG there? Sometime? IDK I forgot TG in Canada was in Oct. Well maybe I didn't eben know--it's cold here and our snow is stickin on the ground still.

    NM I'm crackin up at Sadie--she probly does dat ebery day and remakes da bed and goes back in her crate and u surprised her today. LOL

    Mese eyes are burnin' up I gotta close down for now.. mese LUBS U ALL BERY MUCHLYEST

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013

    Babes, we don't have thanksgiving here.

    Bernie is going to Belgium tomorrow, with the lads (lads here mean men and women). DH away Bernie goes play.

    Will have quick pocket stop for Red when I'm on my way.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    enjoy BernieWinking

    beans,hope the news on sil remains good, and she's home soon , will cont to pray

    listed to dr,mam cammi,this resp virus is nasty . I had it for 5 days fist not too bad,then ended up with acute bronchitis,infection and 10days of antib's ,a girl I work with has pneumonia and is still sick today! so get to a doctor! and nm is right wash your hands and door knobs!

    red-packed and ready to go for thurs. are you having a snb? I had one and with the emla, didn't feel a thing,had a slight burning sensation when injected the 3rd time but it only lasted long enough to register with me and was gone. have had 3 lumpectomys and been back in work within 72hrs without problem. ps hope the ufo is stocked up with plenty of chocolate

    have a good thanksgiving, back in work tonight. turkey dinner all cooked and packed ready for work.hope my puter problems finally over

    HELLO BECKS, missed you

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Late here folks but first time I has to read. We no have thanksgiving.We just not thankful for nothing. we has special day in Feb - holiday but not special meal well maybe hangi or bbq depends. Den each place has anniversary day we actually gets lots of holidays.

    You gal will like di. DSiL ask kids what their Mummy(DD2) wants for Christmas.DGD aged 5 says new jeans jersey and books.DGS aged 2.5 jumps up and down saying ' I knows i knows Mummy wants wine (and bread and sugar and a piano) Dats my darlink boy who knows his mudder well and maybe she taught by her Mummy.

    Ise exhausted cause i sewed all day now bad pain all over,never minds I get tings done to take to aus as pressies.

    Slainte and will ceratinly has good wine tomorrow. Need bottle at present Dh snoring-

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Hi Alyson wear is Auckland?

    Bernie have fun

    I said Red riding hood I think, We are with u Red. I love to read.

    Hi cammmmm

    everones needs to get some cough meds I got my flu shot in  sept, I know but I did not want it.

    Funny what sadie did, NM I think he needs a friend

    Another moochie poochie

    ill poop in latah

    tomm is sweat pants and eating day , sleep, eat

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Orange I live in New Zealand a very beautiful little country at the bottom of world. It's just Thursday here right now and really time i was asleep.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good frosty morning, Loungettes!Happy Turkey Day Eve!

    DorKable--what did you make for dinner?

    Wahine--Yeah, I was surprised, too, about the 3 day cold thing.Poor Molly!And why do we not get told this important stuff ahead of time?Much easier to get an area ready BEFORE picking her up than after!And poor Maverick, not understanding what's going on.Hope they can at least visit a little bit!Hooray for a not broken elbow!And mold problems, what a bummer!

    Red Riding Hood--practice deep breathing and keep thinking about the partay after you wake up!Don't see why you won't be able to golf next summer, but ask your docs, they can tell you.Good for you for wearing lots of pockets tomorrow!

    DorKable--I actually have had real colds, just thought I was coming down with one and then fended it off, 'cause it only lasted a few days.A doc gave my Mom a cough syrup recipe--equal parts honey, lemon juice and brandy, take by spoonsful until you don't care about the cough any more!He actually said that!I went outside barefoot 'cause that's what I do when I can't find my slippers 'cause Sadie's been playing hide-n-seek with them.And she wad definitely comfy, the bed was still warm when I got home!

    Red RH--Does your Thanksgiving fall around our Columbus Day?I'm thinking that Canadian Thanksgiving falls around the time of some American holiday or other. . .

    Cammy--you may be right about Sadie, that would explain the mysterious warm spots on the bed when I sit down to change clothes!

    BBBBBernie--Enjoy Belgium!Take pics!

    Juliet--issues, indeed!L:OL!!!

    Alyson--Feels good to get stuff done, doesn't it?Makes the aching worth it!

    ORLA--If I get another Sadie I'll never be in charge of my own house again!

    Gotta run for work,DOTD is anything with coffee and likker in it that I can hide in a travel mug!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    nm-sadieHappydid she get up when you came home?-

    aly hope you and chrissy have a fab time together

    kat ,lara and dorty hope you feel better and have a fantastic thanksgiving

    working tonight, do you get thurs and fri off this week cammi?

    red-are you a dr who fan to?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    LOL nice snow dog, Lara!! Auckland is a big city in New Zealand, on the North Island. Most flights fly into Auckland, although Christchurch has a nice airport too. We flew into Auckland, drove down North Island, caught ferry to Christchurch on South Island, drove down South Island, and back to Christchurch where we flew home. BEAUTIFUL country, just gorgeous!!!! We missed going into the alps and seeing the fjords as the weather started getting bad on the very day we planned to go there. But seeing alps from the BEACH is an awesome sight, and all the waterfalls, mountains, sheep, shorelines, and very friendly people. Did I get that right Alyson???? We really want to go back there someday. We had my parents with us and for the entire trip my poor DH was expected to get up at the crack of dawn and drive till 5 pm (happy hour) dad never wanted to stop long to explore. So we were not happy campers....why we didn't put our foot down I don't know...we paid our own way, but ya know how it is when you are with your parents! When my dad fell in a cave, the medical care was FREE....the xray people were on strike, but the dr could tell my dad had broken some ribs, so was able to help. Just love that country!!!

    OK< OK>>>>>>> *holding my head down in shame* all are RIGHT....I will go to the Doc In A Box (clinic) dr is off today, but cough is worse and hurts my chest and throat. Dang it, thought it would go away. Now am hoping Dorkie will go in too.

    WooHoo, Love that Bernie gets to go and play!!!!!

    Julie, Funnies!!!!! Glad you got over this crap, hope the anti b's or whatever they give me work QUICKLY so I can leave on Friday and not be coughing so much.

    Aly, Funny about your g'son....very smart...mommy wants WINE!!!!! And ya know, when mommy is not happy, no one is happy!!!

    *cough*, hugsssssssssssssssssssssssss,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning

    Aly dat's so cute about u'r GS, I love when they tell it like it is. And I've heard for years how beautiful NZ is, one of the most beautiful countries that there is--that's what I heard.

    NM I hope u'r off TG, how about Friday? oh maybe not. I'm sure it's hard to get days off.

    Kat I'm not the kind of person to say I told u so----------BUT I told u so. Geeze if u would have listened, but noooo. Take a lesson here Dorky don't let things get out of hand. Kat u've got to feel good right away or flying will be worse, u know that--I'm glad u'r going to the clinic tell us what's going on with that.

    Lara I love the way u think --alot

    I have no idea when I have off I get calls at 8PM sometimes--this stupid phone is always by me and actually I don't like phones anymore, talking to me is a PITA to someone I don't know anymore, but it's little money coming in and I can get some presents. Tht's all I think about --I love giving presents.

    OK I'll check what's on today and hope I find some scary movies then when the phone rings I pause it. LOL

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


    Wine does that you know.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    cam tell him its a holiday and u need a vacation

    alyson that sounds amazing, I am working on my welll eventually PHD in higher education. After that I can live anywhere, you are a retired teacher right? Sounds amazing I love different places

    Kat u have been everywhere love it, you should have your own travel agency. You would make a million

    Yes NM sadie needs a friend

    Hi Juliet




  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Bernie as usual LOL

    Ohhhhh I've been a little busy but I'm OK with that. Lara this is a crazy job--It's my cousin, and His grandmother is my first cousin and we are very close and she's the one who thru us together, but when I saw her Sunday I told her to tell him if he doesn't like my work or how I do it he can let me go anytime with absolutely no problems, I don't want him to think he's stuck with me especially if his business grows, cuz I'm limited in my computer work--so as long as it lasts it last, and I hope it does for the Holidays so I have some Christmas money--that's why I'm doing it. I get paid very little but it tkes me longer for organization and different files in the computer, as long as I get a little extra money for Christmas I'm happy, I just love buying presents so much. LOL--I've already started. YAY But I notice the difference in my eyes a lot (tired) and my back hurts worse. I never realized the power of Angies List and now Yelp a lot of people call, whether they get the job or not ???? cuz people compare prices too.

    OMG I went to scratch my chest and I have a hair on it--more hair where I shouldn't have it, none under my arms and now on my chest--These MFen meds are making testosterone in me, sucking any estrogen I had left. ChitShocked

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Cami is chanting "I told you so, I told you so".... Well, you probably want to YELL it, so Cami is saying...."I TOLD YOU SO! I TOLD YOU SO!"

    Okey Dokey, I do have a bacterial infection. Was told by this dr that after 7 days of a cold/cough, to get it checked out....might not have turned into this. Anyway, I also asked him if I was contagious, so then he added a strep test and flu test, but they were negative. So was the chest xray (oops I must have no chest! lol...jest kidding), so no pneumonia. Gave me a steroid injection and an antibiotic injection, so both cheeks are sore. ALSO have 4 prescs to pick up...geez.

    So Dorkie, now I gotta push you to go in, at least by 7 days ok? Ya know we are both too stubborn to go by the 3 days that the nurses mentioned!!! LOL. But when I asked this dr about that, he said he goes by 7, so I guess they all have diff opinions?

    Thanks Cami, and NM, and Julie, and ebberyone else who fussed at me to go in and get checked. If I hadn't been sooooo tired when I had ONE DAY between getting home from Texas and leaving for Vegas, I might have taken time to see a dr. Was so busy and so tired. Now DH is out trying to get my scripts, the dog food, etc. Very cold and windy, but no precip here.

    Hope those of you getting hit by the bad weather are staying safe and warm!!!!

    Oh yeah, Cami, sorta like men who get bald and then get hair on their backs!!! WHY does that happen??? Strange, huh. Glad you have some Christmas spending money!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    For some reason I know colds I TOLD U SO--hahaha I'm glad u went--wow a lot of meds for this thing--pay attention Dorky. Good thing it was bacteria and not a virus. Now u can relax more cuz u know u'r taking meds for it. SEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    *covering my ears*....."Cami, I can't hear you, are you saying something??? I see your mouth moving!" Ya, you have rights to say that!!!! LOL

    Well no meds yet...first place didn't have the one thats $$$, so he had a coupon for part of it, supposed to be once a day. Ya see, I told him we would be in Iceland and I know I can't have alcamahol with antib's, and I wanted to try some local Icelandic beer! LOL. (Duh!). So, although he advised against it, he said with taking it in the morning, *maybe* it won't hurt if I have a beer at night. Notice he said "a" beer, as in singular. I just might have to bring some home to try later! Darn it!!!! So DH had to call around and find a pharmacy that had this med.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    I told you so, I told you so, I told you so I told you so .posted on behalf of cammi and the rest of us that told you to go to the doc!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Kat hahaha I remember when my DD1 would have to get anti-b's and she would tell the Dr.U know I'm not going to start til after the weekend or give me something I could drink with. LOL She still says that.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    LOL @ Julie and Cami!!!! You have bragging rights, so go ahead! Oh shoot Cami, I wish I could wait a few days....but that would not work. Your DD1 has her priorities right!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    feel better soon kat

    aly love your dgs