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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Sorry for not getting on yesterday, the power kept going out and I just shut down the TV and computer, nuked coffee and stuff while the power was on, enjoyed the quiet while it was out.And cuddling with Sadie when it got chilly.Power's been on all night, and the wind is supposed to be slowing down now.

    Wahine--start feeding your DH zinc lozenges, Airborne and EmergenC, Zicam and everything else you can think of!Dose that cold right outta him! Good think I got a lot done Saturday, didn't get squat done Sunday.Except for lots of rest and Sadie cuddles.Which was lovely, even if the power kept going off!And things should start going better at work now, or very soon.Our new Director walked into a real mess, and he's only been in the job 2 weeks.I'm feeling a bit sorry for him!

    Welcome, Red Riding Hood,oops, RedReading!Just tell the Tenders what your fav beer or likker is and they'll keep it stocked up!Oh, my, you are in the middle of it all, aren't you?You may want to check out the "You Know You'er A Cancer Patient When" thread, and "The dumbest things people have said to you/about you" thread.Lots of stuff like what you've experienced with some really neat comebacks and one liners just to make it easier on us.A co-worker needed time off work to process what YOU are going through?Really?Maybe they'd offer to take one of the treatments for you?Idiots.

    DorKable--no need to apologize, and I didn't mean to upset you!If there was a way to safely ship baked beans I would send you some, but you'd be dissapointed--I soak and rinse several timebefore cooking so they aren't very farty beans. . . And no one is really picking on me at the office, there's just so much confusion and inconsistency that I had a minor melt down whilst with the one person (the educator) who I knew could do something about the situation.As to the back pain, I had back pain after the DIEP and for sometime after that.That pain did go away after a while (like several months) and I was still taking Arimidex at the time.The hunched posture is the big culprit right now, it will get better as you gradually straighten up and can walk more.And yes, drug combo can affect people in odd ways, you may be onto something with the valium and dilaudid thing!

    Chrissy--Congratulations, I can't imagine how good it feels to see your pics up on the walls like that!Oh, wow, a signature too?You are on a role, woman!

    Cammy--have another dwinky, dear, and then we'll get the giggles together!

    BBBBBernie--Hey, there, Bernie got any more of them there wine bottle glasses?

    Aly--sounds like a rejuvenating Sunday, good for you!

    ORLA--Hooray for date for nips!And I think we all have pharmacies in our houses now.If only we were brave enough to sell on the black market!

    Juliet--Love the stool chart!Neat cake!!!!!

    Goldie--I've got some wine bulk aging, I've got to clear and bottle it and start some new.I'm drawing up plans for shelves in the laundry room that will accommodate the carboys and fermenting buckets to make it easier.

    Oh, my, social faux pas indeed!Tee Hee

    Bernie--you naughty sister!Good for you!

    Cammy--maybe getting out for lunch will help you feel better!

    Wahine--can't wait to hear about the ice house in Iceland!There's an Ice Bar on the cruise ship I'm taking, can't wait to see that, too!Now got take a nap!

    ORLA--I haven't had blueberry tea in ages, now I've got to go find some!

    Beanie--I was experimenting with a new recipe, not thrilled with it but got an idea about tweaking it to make it better.

    Juliet--was the Indian ( or is it Native American) on fb?I haven't been on fb since Sat.AND I LOVE THE DRUNK POEM!!!!!!!!

    Beanie--prayers indeed for your SIL.I'll be in the inflatable chapel for a while, gots lots of peeps to talk to God about.

    Red Riding Hood--We'll be with you, what surgery are you having?And I can relate about the needles, I have to have sedation just to get blood drawn now.

    OK, gotta get off to work!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Oh yes do get blueberry tea so yummy NM

    Well farting away with all my stuffed cabbage yesterday , and soqurkrawert

    shoot a dart to fart

    fart to be named bart

    fart is an art

    that is caled fart art


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning Girlz!

    LOL @ Lara and your fart poem!!!

    Cami, OMG that is so darn scary to be going the WRONG way with all those cars coming at you!!! Thank God there was a way to go into the other lanes, even though over a high median. Yikes!!!! And yeah, I can jest picture you laffing when it happened!!!! LOL. Glad you had such a good time with lunch, etc.

    Julie, Yuppers, "I feel old, I feel old, I feel old!". Still coughing, but so much better, and I am hoping it is on its last legs. I just realized I lost 5 lbs this week....and had buffets, etc....then I thought what I had not been having that I normally have. Guess what...its LIKKER!!! dang it, ya mean it has calories in it??? hehehe. SO jest not habbing mese likker can allow mese to lose sum weight. Now to "weigh" the options....pros and know likker will win out though.

    NM, Glad you enjoyed the quiet when your power was out, and had warm Sadie to cuddle up to! We won't really be going to an ice house in Iceland, I was jest telling my DH that we would be staying in one.....he HATES cold weather, so I was habbing a bit 'o fun. Looks like both NYC (we have 2 nights one way and 1 night on return) and Iceland will be quite nippy while we are there! Gotta feel bettah so I can get my warmest clothes out and find my warmest coat, gloves, etc. My DH asked me yest why we aren't going to a warm place during winter, and I said that the best deals are not there right now! lol. So many times we go somewhere cause I find a good deal. OH and that is so nice that all you co-workers are donating your hours to your co-worker that lost her daughter. I love hearing when people do that, to help out someone. Let us know if they find out the cause.

    How is your SIL, Beanie? Hope you are still keeping warm!

    Red, we are all there with you today....can you hear us? Hope not....we are trying to keep quiet, but have lots of little teeny bottles of likker with us too, so dat's hard to be quiet. Dorkie keeps cwacking jokes as she looks at de drs cwacks! Dey need to keep dere pants pulled up a bit higher so wese don't see dere cwacks. You will do FINE...we will make sure of dat, ok??? Did I get de date right, is it today??? If not, wese will jest partay in de drs pockets till its de right day, okay???

    Hugssssssssssssss to all youse sweet ladies!!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Oh Kat u'r probably rite, but I thought it was tomarry. but I never member tings anymore--I's in de lounge--it's quiet here. I laugh everytime I tink about u going to Iceland hahaha.It's cold outside.

    Julie I lubs u'r son--I was singin it.

    And now I know Lara u always want to be a poetess and now u'r published on here so u can add dat to u'r resume.

    My oldest DD just picked up Lesliie and Joey and they're going to spend the nite there and Jodie will bring them home tomorry and bisit with me den take Les to work-- at noon so Les will get a full day in. finally.LOL

    It's snowing out--well not in--- dat's why I went to de lounge to get warmliest with a drink and a tender. Oh ye

    Red let us know as soon as u can how u'r doin.--I wanted to say to music let us know, let us know , let us know. Bump Bump--dat's me singin'

    I'm a little busy today soooooo off I go to work. OH no I won't sing again.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Hello Beautifuls,

    Thanks so much for the prayers for my SIL, she is doing better so we’re still waiting to see if surg is needed or if she can go home. Your prayers mean so much. Thank you!

    I have worked most of the day and been in touch wif family a lot so I’ve only had a chance to skim the posts since yesterday. Seems like a lot of our goilies are missing…Sue, Goldie, Cyn, Karen, Chrissy, Bernie, who else…hope you are okay and will be back soon!

    To Red, Wahine, Alyson, Cami, NM, Orange, and Juliet I say heylooo and thanks again.

    Hi to everyone and much love,



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Julie I love it hahahaha

    I miss Lori, she's in Loughlin I think today they were going.

    Lara no scary movies today, I've been a little busy, but watching NCIS-Los Angeles which I just started liking some cute and hunky ones and it's kind of funny the banter that goes on---Actchionnn going on.

    I was going to go with my DD and joey but I'm a working womn now, I could have done this at my DD's but the would be goofin around so much trying to make me laff, that's easy I know I'd screw up really bad. I'm not making that much so they think I'm so funny cuz I'm motionless and working, and they've said only me--those brats.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    Oh hey. Wese feeling pretty mellow - had a bery unexpected visit from willie. Mese DH imbited him ober. Which ones o yous made that suggestion?

    Not worryin bout much right now. Putting lights on the Christmas tree. Yay, da twee is up!! Lights up.

    No ladies, I go in on Thursday. But I totally felt use in mese pocket already.  And I needed youse taday. Damn. Why's does it feel like all about me right now? I'm not that person. How can I sit like a lump and do nothing when there is so much to do. 

    K wese goin back to da fun stuff. Alison I wants mese dat advent calendar.  

    Juliet62 I sang dat tune to my DH and my DD. Youse has no idee just how bad mese voice is. Dey is bery patient. And 7 baked dwarfs made me laff. 

    Had a thought but it escapes mese now. O well, times for a brewski or mebes a ceasar!!!

  • Beckers
    Beckers Member Posts: 979
    edited November 2013

    HI GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF? Its me, it's really iz. hic! Wine and willie does the trick. I missed youz all so much! Even tho I see you on the FB. Hahaha I still miss you's. See problem is my ipad won't post here no mo and I so lazy. You all know I haz job number 1 and 2. Number 1 is not so chipper cause habing issue with boss man. Julie can I send him to swamp? I want to go back to job 2 which used to be 1 befre new 1 came along and I got this hair brained ideer to becvuim a brazzilionairre n chit! Now mese so tired from working to boner, oops! no boner here but gonna see one Thurssday. Not wish bone either or maybe wish bone depends. hucchiccupupand awayu!!!!!! woo hoo flying to frozen zone of the USA. Can I get an AMEN?!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Hahahaha......"Barmen" Beckers!!!! (And so glad you pooped in here!!!)

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    BECKhicERS!! Yippee, ye in de lounge, how long as it has bean! I so glad to see ye and more so jailous of you and red red partaking in de willie.

    I bin not talking a hail of a lot cuz I miserable. Now both mese eyeBALLS are infuckted, mese own fault for wearing contact lenses to bed for tree nights in a row without cleaning dem. Got some good eye drops dat melting de crispy chit in mese eyelashes. and dis dern cold is jest nasty. mese nurse came todey and I say to her I got a cold. she say nutting but I wuz mighten suspectful so I sed to her "you have a cold too"? well she said yes and i sayed BINGO, dat where I got de germans, oops means germs. wells mese part german so no offences k? waaaa waaa, I wanna schmoka de willie and I shamed to say mese tried. Has ennyone twied to snort it? dere has to bese a waaay. oh mese oh mise, mese eyes, mese trote, mese ears eben effed up. first de left den de right den all kinds of chit coming outta mese lungs. so dis why mese not tawking cuz mese jest complane whine n beetsh.

    I did read truw where mese lifted off. but mese head to conyested to read back so I jest gonna blurtdefluck out what I wanna too, so dere mese lobely beetshes!

    Kat, glad yer cold wining down. and chit, losin weight not dwinking, i'd rather weight more dan de grand canyons walls or sumeting like dat mese trying to say. oh hail no, mese rarely not dwinketh, it like a sabboth of sorts, gotsta bese done daily. mese on nember two but makin dem strong de boys are cuz I said boys makem swrong. and mese sipping brandy tween chots of dack yaniels tehehehe. hic~ burp, ooopz.

    Lara oh Lara, mese jest lub lub lub ye poem. Such talend in de lounge.

    Beanius, glad to hear SIL reports are tentativ-aly good, mese say prawyers too. I feel yo pain so much cuz I hate de meds mese has to take. Glad not anudder five years for ya, i have anuuder five i tink what mese onc sayed to mese. but i say ef him jest because he gibs me dwugs that are not good. onc/dwugs = unfun, dorKie no liKie. Tanks for hailping to pack de UFO for de Red's soyjaree on thirsdey, can't wait to see mese goils dere, wooop wooop! and can I have a poop poop>hehehe, jest joshing with ya'lls! tehehehehe, oops, mese farted, who pulleth mese fingar? I twing to be lady like and how ken I with you bad bad goils?

    Red, wese all be bere on thirstdey aye em to git ye tarough yer soyjary. I feel for ya cuz mese wuz widdle like ye once and oh so scared. and mese n'did'n find dese goils til after de ps hacking took place so mese wuz so alone in it all. and trust mese, peeples sey stooopid stooopit tings to us. de dey before mese mx's, mese coworker tail me his sister had breast cancer den tails me she die leaving behind two kiddies, a kitty and a hubby. That hailped me so much, FN NOT! ugh, peeple sooo stewpit. no worries cuz weze gonna watch ober dat PS's ebery move and make sureth he do ye right, k? gentle hugs to ya (((Red))).

    Cam, I nearly fainted agen when ye say GTG and git to work. I mean really goil, ebery time I read dat, i git all kinds o dizzy n tinking mese hummagining tings again. and oh mese, on de wrong side of de road and ye laff? shucks goil, glad ye not a driver cuz ye'de be laffing at eberyting and crashing into tings like me used to do when mese wuz a widdler goil. yep, some of de goils remember mese tree crashes in tree monfts of which I testify wuz none mese fault. cuz mese no dwink n dwive, i git a dwiver, i jest say dwiver take me to ...... yep, Meester Bigly dwives me wheredephuck I wanna go to. I sawry ye not feeling better, luvlee.

    NM, tanks for essplaining yer pain in de back after DIEP. oh how mese wish I knew how bad it wood bese cuz mese mighten have tried implants jest one more time. Glad ye had great snuggle me time with Silly Sadie.

    Alyson, lub de advent calendar but need bigger slots fer biggar bottles tehehe. When ye expect to git news on yer tests? me still praying for ya goil, hugs to ye too (((Aly)))

    Juliet, I need a jackinator dispensar, where'd ya git de wine dipensarnator? me lubs yer indian poem, tanks for posting great stuff for us goils. hope y feeling better too, lots of chit going around eh?

    ok, going to de htl medicine cabinest till mese find sumting to numb mese head and mese eyes so mese ken partay hearty AND farty too, well duhhh!

    cheerS goils, dwink up now!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    First Good Morning

    Bernie it's so nice to see u make me smile in de morning--Thanks

    I'm all alone oooeeeooooeeeooo---Leslie and Joey should be home around 10ayem I guess--

    Becs is in de lounge, oh so glad u'r here to say Hi, but I tink u'r workin too hard. Well eberbody works to hard as far as I'm concerned. Why do I hate work so much---oh wait I know cuz I  never liked what I did, maybe dat's why. Well anyway I'm glad u pooped in for us.

    Kat I'm glad u'r feeling better, u'd better be--u have to leave soonlyest.

    OH Dorky u caught de cold--dis one sound vicious like Kat's--what goin on wid dis cold thing--is eberyo ne getting this strain? Well dis doesn't sound like a cold--it sounds like sometype of viral thingy or respertory thingy? U sure as hell don't need thid can or are u taking something special---no Willie here, hurts to much. It's strange cuz Kt was exposed to loads of germs and u really weren't but der is one germ dat's traveling all ober de place and u welcomed it in, cuz u tooo nice I tell ya. Say No Dorky, Just say no to germs. U know what u'r brain is like on germs, it's li--------Oh wait dat's drugs--no no no, say no to germs but drugs are nudder ting. We need r drugs.

    Red why did we all tink it was Tuesday???? Oh just sit back and let u'r Dear husband take care of u with some willie. Bwahahahaha.

    OK I hab to get more sleep or I ju be to tired to do all my work today--cuz I be busy.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Still windy here, so far the power is staying on.Which is a good thing when it's 20 degrees WITHOUT the wind factored in!Gonna change over to a real coat today, the fleece jacket ain't cuttin' it no more!And it's spitting snow this morning.No real accumulation, kinda pretty, but still, not summer any more. . . .

    ORLA--Love the Fart Art!

    Juliet--Now I'm going to have that song stuck in my head, but with different words!

    Wahine--Gloves, that's what I need!I knew there was something wintery that I needed, now I remember what!There really is an ice bar on the cruise ship, the pics look interesting, gotta check it out and get pics, see if we want to add an ice lounge to the HTL!It is nice to be able to really help someone else out at a time like this.I'm glad the company has a policy allowing PTO donations.

    My kind of dwarves!

    Beanie--Glad to hear your SIL is doing better!

    Cammy--nice to be a working woman and not moving, nice gig!

    Red Riding Hood--it feels like it's all about you right now because it IS all about you right now.You are going through a lot, it takes a lot of energy, If you need to sit and do nothing, then do that.

    Beckers--wonder why your iPad won't post here?Wine and willie sound like a great combo!I would love to know a brazzilionairre, how long before you are one?BARMEN!!

    DorKable-- yikes,you sounds so miserable.I've heard that willie is also good to eat, just takes a bit longer to feel the effects.One patient I used to have used to get willie granola from the dispensary.Said it worked better than smoking it!I know you feel pretty miserable right now, but in 6 months you will feel very different, and at a year out you will be even happier.Trust Nurse NM, now, you hear?????


    Cammy--you sound so lonely without Joey, hope he gets there fastliest!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Thanksgiving Special

    3/4 oz Apricot Brandy

    3/4 oz Gin

    3/4 oz Dry Vermouth

    1/4 tsp Lemon Juice

    1 tsp Cherry


    Shake all ingredients (except cherry) with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Top with the cherry and serve

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Oh Cami, I like that...."Say No To Germs"! Wish we all had thought of that My throat is still sore (shhhh.....I'm whispering dat cuz mese not wanna go to de dr)....and am still coughing. Chit! Enneyway, found a sign for us...



    And dang it Dotty, your nurse came to YOU sick???? Shame on her!!!! Thats awful. She should have washed her hands and made sure she didn't cough at ALL, even in the car. It is so much worse for you to be sick, as you have that big wound that still needs to heal. Ya gonna call the dr and see if they want you to take sumtin??

    Oh yeah, here it takes a VILLAGE too....why didn't we thunk of dis? NM, that is SO right....Dorkie can eat de willie. Well not de real Willie, he looks too scary. BUT de maryjane willie. My gf made brownies once since dat was before I tried to smoke and she wanted me to twy it. BUT it had been so long since she made brownies (she was a pot-head smoker)...dat she made dem waaaaaaay toooooo strongliest. We cudn't ebben move. lol. Glad you thot of dat. Oh yeah, gloves....berry important!!! We drug out our warmest clothes but mese hadn't decided which coat I want yet. AND....drumroll....I found some shoes that will work so I won't have to be barefoot in de ice and snow! I still wear my open sandals on de planes though so I can wear the toeless kneehi support hose I arrive in cold areas looking a bit odd. LOL.. But it keeps me from having all those toe problems I wuz habbing on dose long twips.

    Oooooh dat DOTD sounds purrfect NM!! Mucho tanx. We walked by an ice bar in Prague....looked like it was inside a regular bldg, but I guess the room was all ice. Glad you might check out the ice bar on the ship!

    Well I need to get Molly ready for my DH to take her in to the vets. I was gonna go too, but glad he thought I should still stay home, as I still do not feel so great. Its berry coldliest outside too....gonna start singing (cover yer ears)...."Oh the weather outside is frightful......"

    Warm Hugsssssssssssssss,


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Dork start wearing mask and gloves when u go out

    Red willi wonka visit u?????????????????????????

    yes cam I am a poet and I do not even no it

    lets see

    I am a bee

    who can see

    that a fart

    is art

    is that willie

    or is that dillie

    what did I smoke

    I want to choke

    I must drink some coke

    and make some pork


    Hi beckssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    hahahaha Lara u so funny--hahaha how are u feeling.????

    NM Good Drink and it has to be cold der cuz it's bery cold here. We didn't have much but we had r first official snow fall yesterday and it's still out there. I skeeered to go out--I don't wanna fall---I'm not really scared.

    What were we thinkin' of course u can bake brownies, I forgot too Kat--that was cute, but now this is my stern voice Please Kat get something for that infection it is no longer a cold--and u might get sicker being away Please u and Dork take something to get rid of this. Whatever it is it is not a cold, OK unstern my voice.

    Lori and her DH went away to help someone I think so I don't know when they will be back,

    Lara I'm watching Killer Mountain now. No actors that I know, but I don't care, as usual. Rest little one. And Dork u can't rest cuz u have to call the Dr.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Oh of course I was just thinkin' Red is getting an operation Thurs,and I thought how can that be but she's from Canada so no Thanksgiving there. I was tinkin before she must have the dat mixed up--It's like the old joke do they celebrate July 4th in France--Yes they do. I so silly.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited November 2013

    Morning DahhhLinKs,

    Been bizy bizy, but have been reading when I can.

    Beanz - so glad your sil is doing better. Jes lubslubs your posts.

    Hi Red - I had a few peeps try that with me and it is not fun. I ignored them as they were not part of my support group, i.e. true friends and family. So try not to carry it with u, let it go, u have enuf to worry about. Lean on us girlfriend...u'll get plenty of support around here. Glad you had a nice, mellow bisit wif willie...he can be the bestly fwend. Beanz is gittin da UFO ready so we can b wif u on thurs. Well hail...mese tinks it mite b a sign...that when u wake up u be soo good u wanna gib tanks like wese do. I'll say mese prayers and send positive will b all goot, yessiree (((Red)))

    Beckers!!! So good to see you again. U cwacking me up talkin bout da jes hab safe travels so u kin enjoy it...I'm jealous...BARMEN!!

    DorKa - NOOO u can't snort willie...don't eben try it. Am too sad u been so sickly...r u takin some meds to kick it to da curb? Tail ur nurse to wear a f'n mask next time she sick dangit!!

    BBBernie - u makin me LOL as usual...dis is always a goot ting.

    Cami - funny story bout ur funtime wif ur bf's. In mese youger dayz we'd drive around sillywilly...mese gf 's gotta p, so we jes pull up in stranger driveway and wiz in der bushes...I bad. I honk horn one time...pissed one gf so bad didn't talk to me er a week.

    NM - threw mese carhart in da washer, dh's too, not that he'll need it. Den I checked weather for Boise area...won't be bad at prolly won't take it. But at least it clean LOL. Love your advice to our DorK...hope she listens to u...cuz I hear ya!

    WaWa - What's wrong wif Molly? or is jes a ck up make sure worms gone? Wishin u felt better and u leaving soon right? And I lubslubs xmas songs...already listening to dem on my car radio. I try to sing...tankgoodness no one in car wif me to hear...LOL.

    Lara - cwackin up...u jes too f'n phunny!

    I'm missing some of youse...but gotta git EWWA moobing...lots to do b4 Thurs.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    ROFLMAO @ your poems!!! Dey iz silly jest like you, dats why you fit in here so purrrfectly!

    Mema, Good ting if youse don't need yer heaby coat for Boise....mese checked de weather foah NYC as well as Iceland, and wese gonna be coldliest foah shuah! I'ze hoping de bad weather dat is cancelling flights for Turkey Dey is outta heah by Fried Dey, and dat all dose peeps get outta de airports. Hate it when its soooo overcrowded. Coming back from Vegas both airports were soooooo overcrowded and so many delayed/cancelled flts cuz of rain and storms elsewhere. Wuz lucky ours was jest delayed 1 hr...worked out better for us cuz udderwise wese just hab a 3 hr instead of 4 hr layobber in Detroit.

    Cami, Cami, Cami, don't be mad at mese, otay??? Weally, weally don't wanna see de dr....jest been 10 days....hopin its jest a cold dat will finally leave me alone..... De bad ting is, if mese still sickliest on Turkey Dey, we won't get to cewebwate.

    How ya doing Dorkie??? Your eyes infucted too??? Geez. Louise, you weally go all out, doncha? YOU need to get well, especially YOU with all that is going on with your healing. Hoping and praying you do get ober dis quickliest. Also hoping your dad does not get sick, and it doesn't get passed to your mom. (((Dorkie)))

    Julie, You find such funny tings, and such sexy tings (de boyz and de goils)!

    Oh Mema, you asked, yes this is still for the heartworms, its a very long process. Besides the monthly pills they always get, she had 30 days of other pills, 30 days off, then now the lumbar injection, which is very strong. Sometimes it makes them so drowsy they keep them there to observe. Then she needs another one in late Dec. Over $1k for treatment. Maverick is going NUTS. He has never been without her more than an hour. He just sits by the door, brought him inside for awhile but he keeps looking for her. Poor dear. Hoping he gets tired soon and will sleep! Its very rainy and cold outside, but we have the big covered deck and doghouses, beds, etc.

    I just made those pumpkin cupcakes that someone posted on FB...pretty good...just yellow cake mix and can of pumpkin. E-Z Peazy. I added some spices and I think it might be even better with a streusel type topping, like with oats, sugar, etc, just on top before baking.

    Cheers Dears!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    we need to cheer dorkie uppppppppp

    I know how                     I’ll always decide
    To eat beans refried
    I put ‘em away by the pound

    After a plate
    I just sit back and wait
    For that beautiful sputtery sound

    If I bend over just right
    And use just enough might
    I propel myself right off the ground

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    ROFLMFAO LARA!!!! Dorkie, Hope you are well enough to read her poem for you!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    They will not let me post pics

    amityvillles in camBawling

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Lara hahahaha--u so funny. And i'll watch for dat.

    DORKY read here ^^^^^^^^^^ pointing up. Dt's for u.

    Kat I'm GRRRRRRR ing right now--De nurses will tell u--OK tell her nurses 10 days is not a cold--How many times do I have to tell u. But I not mad--no Nebber, Nebber, nebber be mad--just worried u and Dork are like mules--Stubborn---

    My DD1 was here dis morning and she said she didn't feel well, it started last nite when Les and Joey were there--OH mese like a cold she said. So Les better not get it so the house has germs now. Drat it came to Illinois--when we just sit and talk  we usually cuddle but today we didn't so much just  little, but I see the Dr. next week anyway so I can get some meds and I can always get Willy with mese.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Juliet – loved yer Dwarf post yesturdey!

    Cami – I miss Lori too when she is gone, hope she will be back soon.

    Red – We got de UFO all “reddy” for Thurs!

    Beckers – Welcome back!

    Wahine – Good to see ya tooo and I hope you and your DH are feeling better.

    Dorkie – My SIL still in hosp, but still no surg, so still waiting…I wunna tail u too dat I got all dese supplements in de mail yesterday, glucosmine, chondroiting, etc… so foyst day of dem was yesterday and I dunno but I tink it felt better and no so achy at nite, at least I had dweams dat I was de tin man and dere was sumptin oiling me joints. I hab also been waddling more around outside to get more esserssises in and maybe dat heps or just dat the weather warmer. I sure hope yer hed gets unkungestit and you feel betta too.

    Bernie – love yer chicken toon and de snoring bum – LOL!

    NM – Ah I hate havin to go to de real coat, dat means it’s winter, oh well. I’m glad yer power is still on! LOL sppitting snow. Ours has mostly melted off again but I know dere’s more to come. Tanks for de Tanksgib DOTD.

    Katrinka – I love yer germ pics!

    Orange – ha ha ha, love doze gweat poems!

    SueBHoney – Missed u and glad u are back. I was hopin U feeling okay.

    Tanks again for all de prayers. Seems so many goils are missing so I jest say HI to eberyone and hope you will join me by de pool for a Thanksgiving Dwink…ah, yum it is gooooooood!



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!  I got home from work today and Sadie had let herself out of her crate, not sure how that happened yet.  Thinking I might not have latched the door.  She unmade the bed and turned the duvet and pillows into a nest, so she must have been pretty comfy today! 

    Wahine--Love the sign!  Too true!  NOt barefoot in ice and snow is a good thing, I knows this from personal experience with one right foot, one left foot and 10 individual toes, all of which has reported to me that going outside this ayem in the snow was NOT GOOD.  VERY MUCH NOT GOOD.  Thought the toes would never stop complaining!

    ORLA--Way crazy poem, love it!!!

    Cammy--I had to think twice about Red's surgery on Thursday, too! 

    Oh, joy, tomorrow is supposed to be miserable weather wise.  High wind warnings, winter storm advisory, flood warnings all for tomorrow in various parts of the state.  Just lovely. 

    Mema--Well, at least the carharts are clean and ready for the season when it does get here! 

    Wahine--When I had my consult with the pulmonologist I learneded something.  A cold actually only lasts 3 days.  Beyond 3 days means there is something else going on, like asthma or COPD or a secondary infection.  I always thought a cold was for a week or 10 days, I never had a cold last less than that and usually 3 ro 4 weeks, turns out that's actually asthma, and I should have been diagnosed with asthma as a child.  So do check with your doc before you leave on your next trip, please! 


    Cammy--one of the things we can do to help during cold season is to disinfect door knobs.  I read that somewhere and it's true, everyone touchs door knobs, we almost never clean them!  Them and telephones.  I regularly take an alcohol wipe to my cell phone and my house phone.  Also, washing pillows.  We should wash all our pillows after having a cold to help clear the viruses out of them.  Most pillows can be machine washed and dried in a dryer. 

    Beanie--yup, no more summer for me! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Lara, you are on a roll girl, I love you!

    Kat, just heard yer city name as a question in jeopardy!

    Cooking dinner, bbl. Dwink up for now, cheeRs and faRts!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Awesome Dorkie!!! Hope you got the answer right!

    NM, yikes....really??? Just 3 days is a cold? Jeez, my dr is off on Wednesdays...will have to go to a clinic if I go somewhere. I will consider it.

    Bummer night for us. Picked up Molly from her $$$ lumbar injection for the heartworms (#1 of 2)....well they forgot to tell us something important....we have to keep her in a SMALL confined area for over 2 months!!! WTF???? Great. First of all, Maverick has been going nuts all day with her away as they have never been apart. SO now we have to keep her in the house, away from him as she can't get excited, or jump, etc., as when the heartworms die, they go from the right ventricle into the blood stream, and they do not want some to break off and go into the lungs. AND we have to board her for the first time when we leave. And so Maverick will be here alone. Poor baby. I asked about boarding them both, but they thought that would not be good as she might get too excited. CHIT! Plus, now our tenant has mold, and we had the a'c guy there who found out something was stopped up, and now have to have a mold expert over, plus redo the carpet, etc. Just a small area apparently, but sheesh. Fun. NOT!

    Oh, and my g'son in TX is at the ER right now...may have a broken elbow from basketball. Prayers, please. Thank you!! (edit: NOT Broken, yay!)

    I need a strong dwink, or some strong willie, or sumtin!!!!!!