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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Kat yes my DD1 is much like her mom. LOL

    Lara I just watched Area 401--Pretty good for something I never heard of.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    A girl is on an airplane with her mom and asks her, "If big dogs have baby dogs, and big cats have baby cats, then why don’t big planes have baby planes?" The mom smiles and tells her daughter to ask the stewardess.

    The stewardess comes over and the the little girl asks her the same question she asked her mother.

    The stewardess asks the girl if her mom told her to ask her and the little girl replied "Yes."

    Then the stewardess says "Well that’s because Southwest Airlines always pull out on time!"

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    Heys dere eberrone. No packing for mese Juliet62, is day surgery in my world. Is dat our UFO? Cuz I gotta admit to sum reservations - I don tink dey wood like brewskis or likker or eben wine.

    I gots mese big pocket smock all ready for yuse goils. I eben had me DH lay us in a bunch o bottles - liddle ones, like at de hairport. 

    Not scared at all enymo. Kinda calm. Probly willy. Plannun a hot bubbly baff, an some quality time wit me DH. 

    Tanks to eberrone for de support - oh hey did I tell yous I finded mese a bra? Probly. Still hopin to go see Pink on mundy, keeps us fingers x 4 me.

    OK time for brewskis and mese bath. DH where be thee?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013




    Love to you all and a very Happy Thanksgiving!!!


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited November 2013

    Happy Thanksgiving all!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Good Morning everyone.

    I want to wish u a very Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hanukka  to everyone--I think u all know how much u mean to me, I'm so glad I pooped in one day and u took me in immediately I felt so welcome and comfy here with no questions asked just to be me--u make me laugh all the time and show so much caring and I'm thankful to have u all in my life.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    HAPPY THANKSGIVING you wild and crazy goils! I just love, luv, LUB reading this thread EVERY day! You always make me smile.... SOMEtimes even laugh out loud... much to the consternation of my sleeping Husband... Winking You gals are the best... !!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Happy turkey everyone

    love u all


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends. Now....get in da UFO

     We heads for da hospital!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    I'm wif u Red it be fine.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Popping in for just a bit, as we will be heading home shortly. But I had a few minutes to chime in, but will do so from where I left off.

    Beans, with the elevation, I'm not so sure you ever get "acclimated" to it, it is what it is. The air is just thinner and you can't change that! For everyday normal things, I don't notice anything, however...walking up hill I can REALLY tell, and we get winded quite fast. And YES, I bremember you puttiing baby oil in your hair....LOL. Well, it wasn't funny then. Oh wait, yes it was! Glad to hear your SIL is doing better, and that was on the 25th, so hoping to read of even better news.

    Cami, we DID get snow, but only about an inch. It was the pictures that were from 2011. Glad you had such a nice time out, and NO accidents.

    Lara, wishing you and your DH the best, if that is what YOU want.

    LOVE the drunk poem Julie, that one is good.

    NM, what are carboys? I don't know much about making wine. Only seen a TON fermenting when visiting our MrsVino.

    Becks, it's good to have you back girl! Chest Bump!

    Dorky, so sorry your nurse came over when she was sick, that is JUST what you needed! NOT. Hope you too are feeling better, since I am replying to everyone from page 1299.

    RED, wishing you all the best today. Was going to say, WTF about surgery on Thanksgivng, but den bremembered you are in Canada, and already had your Thanksgiving. Check in ASAP.

    Ok, got to git! Happy Thanksgiving to the best group of friends a girl can have. I am SO THANKFUL for ALL of you! LOVE YOU GIRLS! Will see you on page 1300!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Happy Turkey Day, Loungettes!  Happy Turkey Day, Tenders!  Happy Turkey Day, Wenches!  Happy Turkey Day, Moderators!  Happy Turkey Day, Everyone Else!

    Juilet--Yup, Sadie got up when I got home, I heard her thumping onto the floor from the bed when I got out of the car! 

    Wahine--let us know what the doc-in-a-box says, ok?  And try to get some rest! 

    Cammy--I'm on call today, got one visit to make, going to do that shortly.  Working tomorrow, not a holiday for us.  All extra $$ for vacay! 

    BBBBBernie--LOL!!! I know WAY to many people with Idiotitis! Personally, I think wine is a solution, not a cause!

    ORLA--I'm not sure I could cope with 2 Sadies!  she's all ready smarter than me! 

    Cammy--I have to pluck an occasional pubic hair off my chest, but that's because I've got low belly skin where my boobs used to be now!  Still, it's a bit odd, this hair thing, isn't it? 

    Whanie--good meds will help a lot, and make travelling a lot more comfortable.  Rainy and windy yesterday, sunny and not quite so windy here today, less liklihood of power failures today, which is a good thing all the way around! 

    Juliet--I've always wondered what our pets think about some of the things we do to them, know I know!


    Red RH--Relax, by now you are probably at the hospital getting ready for your procedure, and hopefully they have given you some good drugs and you are relaxed and happy, or at least calm.  Praying for good results.

    Alyson--Happy Gobble Gobble day to you, too!


    Hey, Chevy!

    OK, UFO arriving, see you all in a flash!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Thanksgiving Cocktail

    1 1/2 oz Bourbon
    1/2 oz Apple Brandy
    1 tsp Lime Juice
     4 oz Cranberry Juice

    Fill Collins glass one-half full of ice, add ingredients and stir. Garnish with a lime wedge, if desired

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Oooohhhhhh that Thanksgiving Cocktail sounds soooooo good, thanks for the DOTTD (Drink of the Turkey Dey), NM! I think we brought enough likker on the UFO dat de Tenders can make this for us while we are awaiting Red's soigury. Sounds like a winner!!!

    Red you will do SO well...we jest know it!!! And you have some cute doctors too....we will look at them for you *sigh* whilst making sure they do de purrfect job for you!!! Then you can sleep and rest and get well. I hope your DH or someone thought to put a pillow in the car to put between you and the seat belt. Take it easy at home, but check in when you can! (((Red)))

    Such nice Thanksgiving wishes from everyone!!! Nice to see you pop in too, Chevy! Hope everyone will have a superduper day! I am actually feeling better, but had to add SIX pills to my morning regimen which was already 12-14 pills. With the 4 meds I got yest, 1 is daily, 2 are 3x day, and 1 is 4x day. And my DH bought some strong probiotics, which are also 2 every morning. Sheesh. Will be wicked hard to figure that out while traveling, esp with the long flights!!


    Anyway, do not read the following if you are squeemish or don't want to read anything strange. Well shoot, that got EVERYONE'S attention....but really this is very personal,but since a couple of gals have mentioned the stray hair, and one is from the belly that went to become part of the boob, I will mention this. Some of you may remember this from 5 yrs ago, and I may have said it to some others, but.... well ya know how sometimes you get stray hairs every now and then around the aerola, while you still had it? Well I wish I had mentioned that to my PS before my bilat mast/recon. My PS does the awesome incisions like an upside down T, from the aerola area, down, so you don't even see a scar except the bottom of the boob and it disappears pretty much. I just thought he would be cutting out more around the aerolas than he did. SO, after recovering from surgery, a month or two later, I see some "eyelashes"!!! LOL. He cut out the aerola but not AROUND it, which then became part of the incision from the aerola area, straight down to the bottom of my boob. Get it? So on both sides of the incisions, I had some stray hairs!!! So I had to have them lasered out which took about 3-4 months! And $$$, I should have seen if insurance would cover it, but I didn't think of that. Anyway, they are all gone, but it was so funny to have them there~~~! Also, I had to wait to get my 3D Tattoo nips till after I was all healed from the laser treatments. I think I gave Earleen a laugh with that one too. Who would have thunk???

    OK, you had your turkey belly laffs, now go and have a great Thanksgiving Day!! And a great surgery day for Red!!!!

    Love, Kath (not koughing as much)

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Mornin' Dollinks,

    Happy Thanksgiving!





    Tanks for de prayers, my SIL is home wifout surg, but still has a bit of fever and pain. You ladies have the bestest prayers and I thank you so much for all of dem as I love dis lady and she is so sweet I hate to see her suffer. So thanks again from the bottom of my heart.

    Juliet – LOL at the kitty with the band aid and scissors! Thanks for the Southwest jokes too and the TSA turkey!!!

    Wahine – Thanks for the Happy Thanksgiving, such beautiful pics and words. I second dem all! Love your “eyelash” story too, that is something you wudn’t tink of and so glad you got dem all gone but sawwy bout the time and $$$. You are sucha good story teller too, I was hooked with the foyst line, “do not read…” Hope you are feeling better and have a great day!

    Red – De UFO is all ready for you today…and we will all be dere all small and making sure all goes smooth for you and that you hab plenty of beer when you wake up. Here’s de UFO zooming to pick us all up and you up to get to de hospital…


    And here’s the UFO bar all ready for us to celebwate you being dun wif de surgery! Pweeese keep us posted on how U R doing!!!


    Alyson – Love de Snoopy Thanksgiving!

    Juliet – Oooooo nice Thanksgiving greeting from u 2!!

    Chevy – Datz a kewl blinky Thanksgiving pic!

    Goldie – So glad U R back, we missed U muchly…tanks for your take on the altitude, I sure notice going uphill too. Tanks for de baby oil idea, I have been using instead of body lotion and it is better in this dry climate. Have a safe trip home and Happy Thanksgiving.

    NM – love de Thanksgiving Coctail. Tank u dat soundez soooooo good!

    Bernie, Karen, Chrissy, Cami, Orange, Sue, Cyn, Dofey and hope I din't miss NE 1 – Happy Thanksgiving to you all and hope you have a super wonderful day!!




    Happy Hanukkah too!




  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    lMAO @ your pics Beans! My absolute favorite though is the Monkey Pilgrim!!! Our own monkey for Turkey appropriate since we always have our Mon-Key Mondays, and now our Monkey for Turkey Dey!!!!

    Lubs you all!!!! And lubs all de pictures and posts today!!!!! You all rock....well not like Plymouth Rock, but like "awesome rock stars!!!!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    happy thankgiving from cold florida, i'm am so thankful for all the love ,support and laughs from you all xxxxxxx

  • cateyz2
    cateyz2 Member Posts: 253
    edited November 2013

    Ladies been an active reader for awhile but haven't posted, however here's one for the girls


    I am no cook. But I can follow the directions. Which said to let the bird chill in the sink for a few hours.

    Happy Thanksgiving

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Happy Thanksgiving my beautiful breasted and breastless friends, I love you all so much. My words will echo what Camille said, I thank you all for loving me, keeping your eyes on me and simply for all being here with me through thick n thin. I have never met a better bunch of girls in my life and suspect that I won't.

    Red, I am with you, I see de doctors taking weally good care of you. And I have some likker that I am going to slip into yer IV when de doctors are not looking!

    Look at me fwends, I am in Canada aye!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    wlcome cate to the lounge, I like your sense of humourHappy

    red-hope your home now and resting

    dorty-aye back at you

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    morning I do hopes you not drinks too too mich today.

    Ise here waiting on a plane. Will be drinking with that Chrissy tonight and we'll no doubt toast you all.

    Dis darn phone corrects all mys bootiful spelling trying to make me looks sober.

    Will have drink for you on plane - and to.calm my nerves.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    slainte and safe travels aly

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Awesome Aly...didn't realize you would get to see Chrissy tonight!!! Please dwink for us, I can't even drink for 9 more days, so the dr says, that is if I follow orders! So I hope you dwink double de dwinks!!! AND will you and Chrissy BOTH give each other hugs from all the loungettes of the HTL???? So happy for you, it will be amazing to meet up!~~~

    Julie, Love the sand Happy Thanksgiving~~~!!!! We are starting our turkey breast right now, so prolly eating around 7 or 7:30. Had to run errands and see the kids.

    YES, a big Welcome to Cate! Love your sense of humor too, you fit right in. Now quit jest lurking and start letting us get ta know you, ok???

    Aye is right Dorkie, wese in Canuck country! I hope you are feeling better, otherwise remember you promised me you would go to the DR tomorrow~~~~!!! I am doing better, but when I talk too much I keep coughing, so I gots ta be quietest. I will let mese fingers do mese talking, ok???

    Red, we left after we knew the drs did such a good job on you, and you were resting soooooo peacefully. BUT how are you now that you are home? Hope you are jest resting still and not doing anything!!!!! Take your meds too, so you won't feel da pain. Hoping someone mentioned to you about the stool softeners, and if you haven't started any, ya might want ta get some. Drugs can really stop ya up!!!! Don't want dat, no sirreeeeee bobarella.

    Okey Dokey, more packing to do....I am DONE, but DH has to give me his stuff. We are taking LOTS of warm stuff, for all the snowing it is supposed to be doing in Iceland....60%, yikes. Should have internet, so will keep in touch. Sometimes I have more time when we travel as DH takes naps. PLUS he will be watching the AL game in NYC on Saturday, so I'm taking cop porn, etc.

    BIG Turkey Hugsssssssssssssssssss,


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Oh Kat I so so gladlyest u not cofin' so much--SEE, SEE (I can't help myself) Dorky u betta listen to Kat den u won't get to sick--STOP DIS INSANITY

    Lori's back-YYAAAYYY I never tink about de high altitude stuff, cuz I don't leab my house, and we're low.

    Love de pics ladies and the chill'n turkey--Hi Catey come on back now ya'hear???

    Had a great day wid my family and dey are shopping right now cuz of the sales--getting Joey a telescope 1/2 off and a couple udder tings 1/2 for 2 hrs. or suptin like dat. My DD will go at midnite for a sale. Mese??? no sirree--I'be never been in Walmart in mese life actually most stores cept  de grocery store dat has meds nd likker. Dt's enuff for mese.  Does eberbody who works hab to wor tomorreee>? I do LOL

    Red I hope u doin good now--take pain stuff if u need to--Don't say no to drugs now.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    Tanks cami. Tought I heard a giggle. Musta been youse. I asked all nursing staff if dey hab big pockets. Dey did! Hope der was room for all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    OH RED IS TALKING YYYAAAYYY--I hope u'r feelin not to bad--I know u can't dink tonite but I volunteered for u, I forget who's dinking for Kat and Dork--yes Dork no Dinkn--but I keep u good Red.