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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  How is everyone this Black Friday?  Still stuffed with gobble gobble meat?  I get my big family gobble meat tomorrow.  My assignment is to bring the wine (sparkling cider, actually, but we play pretend well) and a loaf of white bread with 70 calories or less per slice.  Yup, that specific.  That's my Mom for you! 

    Wahine--Yikes, what a pill schedule!  I'd go crazy trying to keep all that straight.  If peoeple only knew the issues with hair we have courtesy of the rat ba$tard! 

    Beanie--Still praying for your SIL, does she at least know what is wrong with her?  So sad that she is hurting.  Love the stuffed Turkey Cocktail!  LOL at the monkey! 

    Juliet--hope your T-day was warmer than mine! 

    Cateyz2--LOL, that is one chillin' Turkey!  Welcome to the Lounge. 

    DorKable--wonderful sentiments!  I agree and second! 

    Alyson--So excited for you and Chrissy being able to meet!  Yeah!  Enjoy! 

    Wahine--looking forward to hearing about your trip, especially Iceland, can't wait to see some pics!

    Juliet--LOL!  I did that yesterday, probably going to do it again today!

    Cammy--yup, I'm working today.  Worked yesterday, too.  One phone call, one planned visit, one unplanned visit, back home with pizza by 12:30.  Not a bad way to earn an extra coule hundred dollars.  I am dreading all the traffic I'm going to have to drive through today, though.  Those Black Friday shoppers are CRAZY drivers lots of times! 

    Red RH--She's awake!  How you feeling???

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Black Friday

    1 shot Vodka
    1 shot Coffee Liqueur
    1 dash Guinness Stout
    1 dash Coca Cola

    Pour vodka in glass followed by the Kahlua. Add the dash of coke (to taste) and stir. Top up the glass with guinness and serve

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited November 2013

    Chrissy andAly has been having fun with several others. Wes went out for dinner had little drinkies then we comes back and hads some more.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Oh Yea Chevy----

    Aly and Chrissy--I'm so glad u 2 are together.

    Well NM good luck with the traffic--my kids went last night to get particular things on sale for an hr. They got 2 of them but the 3rd forget it, they said the line was around the whole store in that area and the parking lot was filled. OOOO

    Kat I hope u'r feeling better.....

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Good Black Friday Morning ladieZ! I am all caught up on reading, 2 hours later! I was not responding as I went along, as I knew it would take me forever, so please forgib! But I always enjoy reading what my breasties have to write, it just makes me feel like we are all in the same room having a big ole party, oh wait.......we are!!!!

    Wishing everyone who is sick to be well, safe travels for Aly and Kat. Healing prayers for Red. LOTS o fun for Chrissy and Aly and lots o dwinking wif no hang obers.

    Oh Cami, I working today too :(

    But gonna do it with some of those Black Friday cocktails.

    Here Here...I raise my glass to the best group of friends a girl can have. Huggles to eberyone!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    Thanks so much for all the good wishes. Still a bit shaky, but otherwise pain about a 4 and ice packs are my new breast friend. O and good drugs helped me sleep for about an hour at a time last night.

    Told the doctors and nurses I was going to see P!NK on Monday so they had to do a really good job. My doc says 'Monday huh, well we'll see what we can do'. Feels like he did okay.

    Cutting this short cuz my bed is calling - Deb come to me Deb. Not feeling too funny yet, but I'll be better after a nap.


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Thanks Julie SillyHeart

    Lori Lot goin on here, but we can drink for all of dem.

    Red relax totally. Are u planning on seeing PINK Monday, really? Wow

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Wahine – glad u like de monkey pilgrim! Hope you are getting all packed up and make sure to take a lotta warm stuff, like Bailey’s and Peppermint Schnaps! You will need Brandy too in Iceland. Have a safe and wonderful twip!!

    Juliet – lubbed yer florida tanksgiving msg! and de snowflake fart! And oh wow, de dudes!

    Catey – Wow! Love de turkey beer pic!!! Nice to meetcha! I lub beer dog beer, turkey beer, wine and wodka, all good!


    Dofey – wud a sweet msg and it is fun to UFO over to Canada, sure makes de twip go fast! How are u feeling? Hope u r better!

    Alyson – So kewl U will git to meet Chrissy…have a safe twip! Hugs to you bof and big cheers!

    Red – good to hear fwom u. glad de pain is not too bad and de nurse pockets were so big and comfy, wondering if you found any foil balls (de foil balls often show up when weze goils have to go to a hospital)…pweese take care of yersef and I toast you wif a nice big turkey beer!

    Cami – how nice u hada gweat family day, oooooh Joey will love a telescope.

    NM – LOL bout yer mom’s 70 cal bread! Tanks for de prayers for my SIL. When she was a lil girl she was run over by a cart of some kind and it squished her, almost killed her, so I believe this is from an old intestinal wound. Hope yer day at work goes smoothy and tanks for de Black Friday DOTD! Looks delishious! I don’t go anywhere near town dis time of year, specially malls. Hope no one gets trampled this year.

    Chevy – I will toast to de Wodka pic!! LOL!

    Goldie – That is so nice you always read and catch up after U been gone. It is hard to respond to all the fun chatting and farting that goes on here! Glad u are back! Cheers!


    Hi to everyone and hope you have a great day!

    Keep yer titz up!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Beanz I love dat pic.  I not goin' neer any of da stores today I tink I'b been imbibing tooo long for walkin' but I am workin on de phones and doin' my job sitting nywaysss--so I finelyest.

    Kat do not eber forget rentin' a St. Bernrdi's (dat's Italian) doggy in Iceland cary all u likker in one place so it's easy to get to--I know u will drink supmtin eben dough u not possed to maybe a little.

    OK I workin here now--hardly but still workin. LOL

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    Omg more turkey today and tomm three turkey dinners I am in a coma

    My one sister in law made apple carmeal cookies omg they were so good

    no shopping for me today, to many people

    yesterday was my dads , tomm moms DH got a free turkey so thats are left overs

    kat feel better

    juliet lmao a snowflake

    this nerve med not sure of yet


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Lara! Nice to see your face. What time is dinner? lol.

    I hope you all had a fantastic thanksgiving.

    Red, I so jailous you seeing Pink. She will be in Philthadelphia on the following Friday. I wish I could afford to go see her, love her. Glad you recovering well and hope that you are feeling wunderful by monday so ye enjoy Pink concert. hey, did I ax you yer real name yet? I usually do ask. Or is it red? hehe. gentle hugs to ya!

    Beanie, my Dad and my ex DH/BD (baby daddy) was here when I opened our thread and saw the daschund pic and lol'd, tanks for making mese people laff. fyi, I did not invite dem to look at my thread but did leave it open and dey jest looked. but sincen I am a wiener goil, uh I mean wiener dog goil, wese got a kick out of it cuz de dog look like mese little Mandi who wint to heaven in August. wese down to jest one wiener dog, from three two years ago.

    I had a greatest time sharing mese Tanksgiving with de goils on de UFO, den in Canada (aye) overlooking Red's soygins. Dey really did good. And can you believe our Beanie was quiet de whole time? yep... it was CAMILLE that got us all kicked out. Yep, she grabbed a hold of de boctors duttox and ~hic yep, wese all back in de ufo and de rest mese fwends is history.

    Okey, mese gotta git back to what I wuz doing before de stink bug invasion. damn it, wuz getting perpared to plant mese mums and found mese garden gloves fully loaded with freaking stink bugs, I washes mese fingers six times and dey still stank.

    HAPPY TURK Dey Goils (def. of Turk is dem spayshall farts that come as a result of eating turkey, ppppp uuuuuuu!! CheerS!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Hear ye year he, it a spayshall dey goils. Dis de dey mese announce that FURB, as we define it, is now listed in wooo hoooo!! And Lori reminded me of dis todey, I looked to see if de word FURB updated in Urbandictionary dot com and it did. wooo hooo, our word is now on record!!! let's sailabrate, dwink and chant "fluck you rat bastard fark ye rab tasturd fark ye bat rasturd and yer brother too", come on, do de chant with mese, horray and yippy!

    *** PLEASE READ *******If ye all do mese a fabor and go in and gib it a thumbs up for me and mese goils?? I hope ye like de examples I submitted. de last one dere, I tawking about mese!

    and here is what it sez, although I authored on urban dicktionary, de word was infented by a fella loungette, Lisa aka Scuby Doo, de linkabove and I copied de definition too:

    ****esczuze de langwich mods and ennybuddy who may be offended, mese jest copied from it is !!!!! mese wuz dwunk when I submitted but had all of ye in mind. I changed a SHE to a HE sincen RB is a general term for cancer, NOT specifically BC. me so so so so so fircited foah shoah!!!! here it bese:

    3. FURB

    FURB - FUCK U RAT BASTARD (meaning fuck you cancer). Word is written or spoken to express hatred for cancer.

    She was diagnosed with breast cancer, FURB"

    "He died so young, FURB"

    "the chemo is making her so ill, FURB"

    "she just keeps on fighting. I do believe she will win this fight of her life. FURB baby FURB"

    "she's had over a dozen surgeries. the cancer is gone but she is very scarred. FURB FURB FURB"

    mark as favorite buy furb mugs & shirts

    by D o r K November 22, 2013 add a video

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    just voted dortyHappy

    red-hope the rest of your is restful and pain free

    kat safe and warm travels

    cammi-your working today! cancelled going out shopping through the night coz of the rescheduled mo apt, got the see you in 6 months Happy but coming back went into bealls and it was quieter than usual ! so went there and hallmark shop and back home for a leftover turkey dinner. i'm with you lara enough turkey now until Christmas


    have a good afternoon ladies

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    I found your tree dorty

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    GEEZ you goils! I feel a fire coming on.... I mean a hot-flash..... Oh wait..... I don't even get THEM anymore!

    So I made a casserole. It is dressing, that I didn't bake in the Turkey, and I put mashed potatoes on top, and those crispy onion bits, and a little cheese, and I'm baking it.

    I think if I do it RIGHT, the oven will get too hot, and those little hotties will be ringin' at my door.....

    I am drinking a chocolate coke! Will I still be eligible for this thread? Can I still come out and play?

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Julie ThumbsUp as usual LOL

    Dork I voted with the thumb--I can't believe it--hahaha Leave it to you   u did it.

    Chevy u know how much I drink and I'm here.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    You goylies are on a roll! Love it!! Juliet - Yay, so funny, thank you!!!! Chevy - U2 LOL!!!

    DORK - GOOD JOB! I voted thumbs up!!! Yay!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Awesome pictures and cartoons girls!!! Yipppppeeeeeee!!!

    Dorkie, I voted *thumbs up* too, and from not tooooooo far from you tonight! Your post was the best, there were some weird other definitions though! Ours is the best, thanks to ScoobyDoo, and for you to enter it there.

    Got to NYC safely, gawd am glad we didn't even consider renting a car....horrid traffic! Might even try the subway tomorrow though.

    Glad you are doing well Red!

    Neat you got to do some shopping Julie. I was able to snag some things last night online and again this morning before leaving. I miss the days my DD2 and I used to go out around midnight at the computer stores and we would be first or third or fourth in line, and would always get everything we were after...computers, monitors, games, etc. We had such fun talking and freezing all would usually be in the 20's or so, sometimes rainy too. Drinking coffee and hot chocolate all night, but not having time to *go* because you'd have to drive to find somewhere open, and then when the doors would open the adrenaline would rush in and you would forget you had to *go* so badly, and it would end up being 9 or 10 am till you had time for a bathroom break! A news crew would bring donuts, and it was a fun, civilized crowd. NOT at all like Walmart and the malls!

    Camy, good you stayed in, its too rough out there! And I am loving that you are a "working girl"!!!

    Nice sentiments from Lori, and all of you! Sounds like a lot of turkey you get to have Lara! A pilot was sitting across the aisle from us and he had a huge insulated bag full of turkey and trimmings, that he ate on the plane! We were lucky, cause I got put in 1st on first flight, so DH had 3 exit row seats to himself in coach. Then on the next flight, we had a 3 seat exit row for the 2 of much leg room, it was wonderful! I think we'll be jammed in like sardines on the Icelandic flights though....and no more free food in coach, even on that long flight.

    Hugssssssss to you all!!! Aly and Chrissy, how long will you get to visit? Hope you post some pics for us to see!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Another advent calendar!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    Hey There , How are my girls? I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.

    Wahine..are you feeling any better? How is Molly doing?

    Hugz to everyone and my apologies for not being around much. I am major stressed ..missed two mammo appts...simply forgot all about them. DS2 got another traffic violation in my car and he accidentally smashed the screen on my livingroom TV..guess who cant drive my car and has to shell it out for another flat screen TV before Christmas??? I do think about you girls all the time and I miss you all so much.

    Kisses and love to everyone!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Cyn u have to much going on now--Wow u have patience--good for u.

    Kat I hope u are feeling better now cuz u've got lottsa travelin to do--I don't know how u do it all and do u really think the plane will be crowded to go to Iceland, I would think it would be empty--LOL  I've only seen Iceland on the map and in some scary movies (maybe) Safe travels and if u can let us know when u can--then I can say I got a message from Iceland--which I've never said before..

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    CYN Im mad at u go get a mamo now

    FURB fizz shizz

    Iceland is a very nice place something about the govt. I forgot

    I cant drink blahhhhBawling

    chocolate cokeSick

    Juilet lol

    The weather out their is frieghtful

    we r so delightful

    let it snow snow snow

    let us drink drink drink

    lets us fart fart fart

    let us..........................

    take pills pills pills

    willie oh willie willie

    bah humbugggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013
