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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Lara, Lara, Lara u'r so cute---What r u taking?  I want some, no lots.Loopy Lara when I was younger very younger chocolate cokes were a big thing like green rivers--Those were considered fountain drinks then. There was always a soda fountain in the drugstores then, that's when they used to sometimes put together u'r meds themselves (mixing them) so u really had to have a good pharmacist. Not that u don't today it was just different. Come to think of it we never went to the Dr. but my Uncle was a pharmacist then and he would just bring over what the Dr. would have ordered for us. I forgot about that.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited November 2013

    Good morning my lovely lounge lizards! Gots to be quick, DH wants to go to town today, since we didn't go yesterday, for good reason!
    Red, did you have biopsy or lumpectomy? Hoping you are able to make it to PINK! Do you have drains?
    Beans, coming home and cleaning up poop? Well, gheez thanks! I can't say how good it is to hab you back.
    Cami, love that you can still check in whilst thee is woyking. Cute idea for da St. Bernard to carry Kat's likker. If Joey gets a telly scope, you will have to learn about de sun, moon and stars!
    Lara, the Lyrica isn't working?
    Dort, stank bugs inbaded your garden gloves, ewwwww yuck! I tink mese would buy new ones. HEY, should you even be doing that??? OMG FURB! I gave it a thumbs up!
    Julie, good for you with some quiet shopping, almost hard to believe. Dorothy will LOVE that tree!
    Chevy, I just had a tender put some rum in your chocolate coke, so you're good....LOL!
    Kat, love the Stella advent calendar. Be careful in NY.
    Rut Roh Cyn, not what you need right before Xmas (((((LUCY))))).
    Lara, dat is a coot reindeer wif the bubble gum! Oh dear, and the snowman....LOL!
    Cami, I have some Green River in the fridge! My DH's DD got it for him for his birfday or sumptin.
    Gotta run.........cheers!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    well u see I had a rootbeer float and threw up so chocolate coke makes me think of that

    I am on topomax, feel ok today

    mybe I will go to target we will see

    cam I am on happy pills

    Oh they had taylor swift in Auckland, funny I never heard of Auckland then boom I doNerdy

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited November 2013

    Good SaTURDay morning, loungettes!Going to head to my Mom's for our Thanksgiving Day celebration in a little bit.I worked the actual holiday, not much going on, got a couple hundres more $$ for cruise in 42 days.Made my reservations for the Blue Man Group, a Murder Mystery lunch, and premium seat for a Cirque Dreams and Dinner.Got my reservations confirmed for horseback riding on the beach in St. Maarten,Snorkeling at Turtle Cove and then either Ship Wreck or Christmas Covein St. Thomas,Snorkeling in Nassua (with Rum Punch on the sail back to the ship).I am getting so excited!

    Aly & Chrissy--Hooray for having fun!!!!!!!!

    Cammy-- I did well yesterday, did the out of town patients before the in town ones, managed to stay away from the highway and shopping hot spots, so I didn't have to fight with too much traffic yesterday.I cannot imagine any deals worth all the hassle that I'm seeing on TV.I mean, shootings, muggings, cops getting beat up? Really?Over gifts?What is the problem with people.

    Goldie--2 hours to ketchup on reading?Wow, been there, it's a hoot sometimes!

    Red RH--glad you're doing well!Keep up with the pills and ice packs!

    Juliet--oooh, yum, I need to start a fire!

    Beanie--Like the welcome sign!Yup, I found some bread that is 60 calories per slice, Mom should be happy.

    ORLA--Nothing like lots of turkey!Food coma is GOOD!

    DorKable--I take it Pink is a performer of some sort?Never heard of him/her/them.Any good?Throw those stink bug gloves and get a new pair.Easier that washing all the skin off your hands!FURB is in the dictionary now?We're getting famous!I've given it my thumbs up!

    Juliet--Hee, hee, I'm hoping to hold steady, not gain this holiday season!

    Chevy--a chocolate coke?Sounds yummy!I found some vanilla Pepsi the other day. . . .

    Wahine--there's an Advent calendar that fits the Lounge!

    CynCyn--Good to see you!Come on in and drown your sorrows, sounds like you're having a hard time with DS2!Did he really expect to be able to use your car after the 2nd ticket?Foolish boy.

    Love the cartoons!

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is theShopper's Break

    1/2 tsp Triple Sec

    1 oz Scotch Whisky

    1/2 oz Dry Vermouth

    1 tbsp Orange Juice

    1/4 tsp Powdered Sugar

    1 twist Lemon Peel


    Shake all ingredients (except lemon peel) with ice and strain into a cocktail glass. Add the twist of lemon peel and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    NM u r really getting u'rself all set up for u'r trip. U have so many fun things u'r going to do. U work hard, now play hard. Like the DOTD too.

    Lori u'r going into town--will there be loads of traffic there too, like it is around here.I can't believe they still make Green River, I've never seen it around here, but I did taste it as an adult--OMG it's awful I think and I used to love it.

    My days are all screwed up--I feel like it's Sunday.

    Lara I'm watching The Host, a dubbed Japanese movie, so it's kind of funny--but I really expected more scariness cuz their movies are like horrorfying  usually--I've watched a couple that were not dubbed and had to read it and they were scary creepy.  It's on Chiller--This weekend we have all the premium channels free, and I don't think they put their best movies on.

    Oh I forgot Marty and Les and of course Joey are going to start decorating today probably just the outside, I never know but I've never seen anyone as fast as Marty do or clean up things--haha it's makes Leslie move--she's so like me in doing things slowly--she's better now cuz of Marty but she still can't keep up with him.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    good morning all,just got up.took an ambien last night, 11.5hrs later i'm awake

    cammi-my tree is up and i'm slowly decorating.did they get the telly scope for joey? I won't tell him ,I promise. when we were growing up my parents and the next door neighbours decided to hide each others kids presents! well youknow, it went to you show us ours we"ll show you yoursHappyno surprises that year


    red-have a painfree day

    nm-wish I was coming with you

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Julie LOL and yes they got the telescope it was 1/2 price and it stands on it's own and a couple of other things-I can't remember now--They are back at Walmarts now My GF from CA sent Joey a gift Cert, to be used BEFORE Christmas so he's been thinking like crazy--she's way to generous with him, and I tell her but she says it reminds her of when her boys were little but Joey's much nicer hahaha--He adores her-well she is blonde so when she comes here she makes sure her hair is freshly done for him --He's so spoiled-really. Last year when she was here she and Joey were in the kitchen forever and she taught him how to make pretty soaps so he wrapped each one and gave them as his Christmas presents and u could hear them laughing and having such a good time. I couldn't do that t all, I don't have the patience even with him.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    cammi you don't give yourself enough credit,i think joey is such a wonderful boy because he has been surrounded by people who love him and encourage him

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Julie that is so sweet to say to me, I hope he grows that way. That's what I pray for. for him.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


    cammi, I believe theirs a lot of people praying for himSmile

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Happy Saturdey girls!

    I hope you are all farting well and feeling good. I got all the turks outta me (those stanky turkey farts).

    Julie, loved the tree you picked for me, you rock!

    Kat, enjoy The Big Apple todey, I am glad the weather is nice for you.

    Camille, OMG, I do remember the fountains at the drug store. We used to go and get vanilla cokes, they tasted sooo good. Juliet is right, Joey is the kind young man that he is today because of his surroundings. I remember last year when your beautiful friend came in from Cal and she and Joey made the soap. Give him a hug from me, ok?

    Red, how are you feeling? Please report!

    And welcome to Cat, where'd ya go? Come on back, we have dwinked lined up on the bar for you.

    NM, OMG, you are going to have a freaking blast! I am envious of you too but you deserve this. Enjoy your turkey dinner and don't forget to expel that special gas!

    Lori, have a safe trip into town, I hope the crowds of crazy shoppers do not get in yer way. I did throw away those gloves, I am SO skeeved out by those effing stink bugs and more, so glad I did not jam my fingers in them without first looking. The pinky finger alone had about ten bugs in there. And they were playing dead but when I dropped them on the ground, they started moving. OMG, they are jest so incrediby GROSS.

    Lara, OMG< yer poetry is awesome. You crack me up girl. Whatever it is you are taking, keep taking em. Glad you are feeling fine today, you deserve many pain free days.

    Lucy, sending you hugs. (((CYN))). I hope you can throw back some natties and fuggetabout it all. So sorry that you are stressing. Did you vote on the FURB that I posted? Let me know, I can repost. That was de highlite of mese day yesturdey seeing the word on the site.

    Chrissy and Alyson, I jest know you goils are having the time of your lives. Alyson, I so jeolous that you having face time with Chrissy, the image of her leaving me to git on de airplane to go back to Oz is still embedded in mese memory. I can still picture Chrissy waving at me as the gentleman pushed her in the wheel chair past my view and took her to de plane. It feels like yesterday that she was with me. Bawaaaaaaa, I gonna cry cuz I want some of that Chrissy face time too! PICTURES PLEASE! speaking of....Chrissy, did you make anymore sales of your finess collection at de art gallery?

    Beanie, soooo glad you are back posting here. I have ALWAYS loved your posts, you find the most wonderful photos too. Let's meet at the pool and slam some dwinks down. I have some wodka for ya and de tenders have a whole closet full of JD for mese!

    Where is Bernie? I tink she away somewhere but can't remember. So I jest say hello Bernie, I miss yer funnies and I miss seeing yer face too!

    Thanks all for the thumbs up, I hope everyone voted. Oh, I added thumbs down to all the other meaning of FURB jest because they are WRONG! lol.

    I love you gals, hello to all of you that I might have missed. Dwinks for all. Goils, keep turking and enjoy yer Saturdey!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    DorkyHappyu are so funny u make me laff. BTW it's not jest turks dat gibs u gas I tink but I not sure it eberyting around dat bird dat does it. Whew And aren't those stanky bugs dead yet, don't they die ever? And yes I voted yesterday of course when u say jump I say no, but my fingers are OK.

    Lara I just watched a movie that I just forgot the name already--Oh I think it was Behind these eyes or sumptin  like dat--pretty good and now it's time for WAKE WOOD ___Yes Wood, I like de name of dis movie. OK dis movie is from a diferent country, dey driben on de wrong side of d street agin.

    OOOOh they started decorating--and Joey got Star wars lego set 1,174 pieces he's so excited--he loves lego and building.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited November 2013

    Cammy, ask Joey to build you a replica of the HTL. hehe, is that being a bad influence on the boy? I tink not cuz I do not tink he could be negatively influenced by bad goils or bad boys. And why you ask? Cuz he jest a good ole American boy. Give him a hug, k? Tell him to enjoy the legos. My cousin and I used to stay up all night whenever she would sleep over and what did we do? We made cars out of legos and we competed to see whose car we could bash into our fireplace without wrecking it. I tink we did that until we were 18 years old and I could do it today and have a great time. Legos are FUN. But be careful not to step on them on de floor Cam, no fun at all. My feet cringes jest to tink about it, dey hurt like a mudder fletcher!

    I wish someone could join me for a fire in mese yard. Anyone? I tink it warm enough outside. Cometh goils, come on Cam, jump! White goils CAN jump, ya see? tehehehehe!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    K ebberones I back online. Took a couple hours to read all da well wishes. Tanks so much. Yous made me smile lots!

    Cyn, you Tink maybe missin 2 mammo appts is a subconscious avoidance ting? Mayhaps you should go girl! And quickliest!

    Dork, mese name is Deb and Deb voted for your FURB. Even used it in a post to P!NK. Also, jealous about Alyson's  face time with Chrissy as she was the bery first person to welcome me to on my just diagnosed post. Da likker in my IV was bery welcome at da time, but tink it mighta had sumptin to do wiff dem keepin me an extra 4 hours. I was de bery last person to be wheeled outta day surg. Beanie may hab been quiet in de pockets, but I could hear Cami giggling when she pinched my docs butt. Gotta ask, what's a stink bug? Maybe we don't have em in Canada, eh?

    Catey, I shared ur chillin turkey wit my friends, it made me laugh. Good ting u read the directions.

    Goldie, tanks for your good wishes, and I got a lumpy. BMX, mx or lumpy were all viable cuz mom had BC too. Chose to start small den go bigger if I needs to, like me mom. Good I got seen right away tho cuz it grew bigger in 4 days. 

    Wahine, love ur brewski advent calendar but dats only a starter for da day right? Cuz if dat be it, ise in twouble. Nobody membered a pillow for da car, but we will when we go see P!NK. What's dis about pills and stool softeners. Oh dear. I habbn't gone yet. Oops. Where's my metamucil?

    Beanie, dats a much better UFO, Lub da bar and da naked guys. O, you didn't see dem, look der, just off to da right. See? Why do I have foil balls in mese pockets? What was you goils doin in dere?

    Juliet, started watchin Dr. Who when I was 12 in Scotland but I missed da big one dis week. Mese sad about dat. How'd it go?

    NM, ise feeling pretty good. Weally swollen tho. Get to shower is 1/2 hour. Looking forward to it, mese hair is super grungy. Yay to playin golf. Is how mese and me DH relax in nice weather. Dat and gardening. 

    Cami, tanks for dwinkin for mese on day 1, I appreciate it (I tink). I gots good drugs (I tink) and takin dem now just like doc says. No more chasin da pain. I remember fountain dwinks, but in my world dey were lemonade, OJ, and some pink stuff dat was so sweet it'd curdle ur tummy.

    Gonna go plan my shower now. Get eberytink where I can reach and get me DH to sit on toilet while I go in wit a big towel on hims lap.

    Hugs'n'kisses to all.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Julie I'd knew u would uncober de truff of de chicken finally LOLNerdy

    Dorky It's bootiful here a little chilly but sun is out and we hab a firpit in r Backyard too. Eberyone around here does--I haben't seen dem since I was a girl, now dey back again, but no no not in de towns--we unicorpated so eben more tings are possibull. I member when I was little eberyone burned der leaves in de back yard and de whole neighborhood  smell wonnerful. An udder ting about smell for yrs and yrs-- in Villa Park (where I growed up) de Ovaltine Factory was in de town. and early in de morning til bout noon de whole town smelled of chocolate--Honest more when it was cold ---it was ymmt eben walking to school --to bad it wasn't Willie smellin up de town den eberyone would of been bery bery happy.  BTW I smell cinnaminn and apple thru out dis whole house yummy den I find out dat it' dos melty candles u warm up in a warmer good smellin. Oh and I found a goodlyest treat Chex Mix for the holidays called nutty buddy and anudder is called orea cookie and yet anudder is called peanut butter choc. I thought If u go someplace u can bering dem for a treat in a bowl or sumptin add some power sugar and eberyone wil ting u made dem--oh oh cheating at Christmas, it all right dough cuz we can do one trick on eberyone else if we want to cuz we'b all been sick so maybe we allowed 2 tricks maybe I tink so or as many as we wnt. Yea as many as we wnt--I checked da book on dat.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited November 2013

    red, been watching dr who since the 3rd doctor! missed the anniversary show too.the cinema list said no local showings! then found out 2 cinemas were showing it too late to get a ticket or switch shifts grrrrrr my nieces went to the cinema to buy tickets and they were being told they weren't showing it ,they finally got someone to check with a boss so they could get tickets .have it pre ordered from amazon. dec 10 th its outHappy if you have chance check out the bbc dr who site,they have a great show directed by peter Davidson, its hilarious,its called the fifth dr its about 31 mins long


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    A big shout out from from de BIG Rotten Apple! Nah, but sorta had a bummer day so mese decides to call it rotten! LOL. Ennyway it is colder den it looks, berry berry cold in factual. Cud habs used dose firpepits foah shuah! SO de hotel shuttle takes us to de subway station, only de train we wuz told ta take doesn't run on weekends and weeknights cuz de is doing maintenance. SO after we finally go up and down and all over and THEN believe the cab drivers telling us dat, den we gotz ta catch de subway shuttle to de subway station waaay far away. Den git de subway to de World Trade Center. Well ebberyone is pushing books in yer face to sell to ya, so we ended up not seeing where to get tix to see de memorial, and walked all ober de place in de cold, den went back to where we started, and *voila* dere it wuz. BUT dey had just gibben out de last tix for de day, so wese missed dat., by a few minutes. If ANYONE goes to it, go online first and reserve (free) tix and they are good for all day. Wish we had known dat. SO coming back on de train shuttle to de station, we gets off at a station jest past de one wese needs, (eben doh I asked de driver, he told us wrong!) in de cold, habbing to go back dere, on annudder bus, den mese had a couging fit on crowded bus, cuz dat wuz too much running in de cold for mese. Den dere are NO cabs dere, like dey were earlier. So someone is asking if we need a taxi, and wese follows him to a PRIVATE car in a parking lot, and den wese said "no thank you". So he takes us back to where we were and waves down a friend...same deal, not a real cab but by den we wuz tired and jest got in! Sheesh!!!! Anyway it WAS nice seeing the new towers up, but everything is under construction, so all fenced up. Took all day, but got here in time for DH to see the BIG Alabama game!!! WooHoo. Roll Tide Roll!!!!

    OK, this is going to be a LONG post, so pwease cuse me, but I had time to read yur posts, and want ta comment to mese lubberly loungettes! (mese eben took notes....yay me!).....

    Cyn, Cyn, Cyn, OMG you have the patience of a Saint, foah shuah. Bad enuf he got the violation in you car, but can you 'splain how he accidentally broke your flat screen tv???? Sure hope he is able to replace it for you!!! (((CyndieLouWhoCouldUseABreak))). And yese, please go have your mammo. My BC was found about 4 mo after an uneventful mammo, so ya never know, but ya gotta keep up wid it!

    Lara, You mentioned hearing something about Iceland, might have been the almost bankcrupcy (sp?) they had a couple of yrs ago? I dunno, but heard they had a lot of financial probs. We can get the kronas in an ATM there or at banks, but apparently they can't get that currency in Britain and they have a lot of British visitors, so they have to wait till they get there to get local money. I heard its expensive there, so am glad we have a package deal. Love your poem and your funny Christmas pics, esp the vibrator for a nose for the snowman! Well of course I don't know what that is, had to ask kidding...:)

    Cami, Glad they got that good deal on the telescope for Joey! He will be so fercited!!! My DH had a star named after me before we got married and I have the info and framed document, but have not looked for it. Maybe Joey can find it for me!!!! ANd yes, like everyone said, he IS a sweetie and is growing up great because of YOU!!!!

    OMG Dorkie, Stink Bugs in Gloves!!! Geez you have such an invasion! I think I saw one this year. Hope they don't work their way into Canada, or Deb will not like us if we let de stank bugs go across the border!!! Glad your wound is getting are such a trooper!!!

    Lori, Hope you had a nice day in town! Glad the weather has been good so you can get in/out when you want to.

    Julie, Love the JD tree for our Dorkie!! Purrfection! Such a cute story how your parents and neighbors parents would hide ea others kids gifts at their house, but you kids all showed each other!! Funny. I used to write either numbers on the gifts (and I kept the code hidden). OR I would put different names on them, and change them later. When I was making a doll house for my DD1, I told her it was for my niece in Utah, and she even helped me on it. Then when I gave it to her, it was a big surprise. I knew I couldn't hide it from her, plus I had to build it, so that took a lot of time. She still likes talking about that, and still has it.

    Oh NM, you are going to have such a super duper vacay!!! WOW, you have some amazing things reserved to do!!! We travel so much, so sometimes don't even do any of the extra things on a cruise. It depends on where we are going, and if there is something we really want to do. Plus as you know, it is very expensive, but when its such a big trip, it is wonderful to make it to be the best time possible! I am so very happy for you that you will get to do this!!! Awesome. Hope you have/had a good Thanksgiving celebration today! Thanks for the DOTD!!

    Red, Oh yes, start on the metamucil or whatever, because you CAN really get stopped up. Hope you are feeling really good by the PINK concert on Monday!! I have not seen her in person, but she is such a good entertainer. Glad you are healing well and already get to shower! Wow, those of us that had different surgeries had to wait 2-3 wks to shower sometimes, and had all the drains, etc. Not fun!

    OK, I just caught up with the posts after my last post.....but i might be bumping someone too, so i hope not!!! Will prolly watch a movie while DH watches the game...I just like to watch the exciting parts....but I still hope they win!! An announcer said when you apply for your license or something in Alabama, instead of asking you normal stuff, they ask which team you are for. Its a big rivalry betwn AL and Auburn, but so far AL has been undefeated this year, and has more natl titles, but can't get too cocky....hope they keep up their good record!!!!

    Lubs you all,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Oh Kat I'm glad u got some time to post and I read ebery single word of it.

    Well I sure didn't like all u'r running around in NY with that infection u have--I hope u'r taking all u'r meds and whenever possible rest som--I bet it'll feel nicer in Iceland then NY--that big ole apple--Just keep on have a good time and remember meds and some rest. OK?????

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited November 2013

    Kat, we visited Alabama on a spur of the moment Vaca last February. Decided to go Friday at midnight. Got all arranged Saturday morning and drove outta here are noon. Fabulous trip, great people, lots to see. Wandered around the cemetery in Mobile for hours. Went to a hooters for the first time and watched my DH get hit on big time. That's Ok, they invited me to join in if I wanted. Omg lol. Good wings tho. Golfed and visited Dauphin Island. Had a great time. Loved it!

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited November 2013

    So what I see I need to do is..... Read and write all yuse goils sayins' and den try & figure out just hoooooo you all are! DAT way, I will know who I am talking to, and just not mees-self.

    You say "fire-pit"..... Isn't that like we used to have "Ash-pits?" I mean until my Brother blew ours up by throwing an M-80 in it. Bricks went flying everwhere! Dear Dad just about had a kaniption fit! In fact he DID! It's a wunder DB came through that one alive!

    THEN the time he set the ditch on fire.... Poured gasoline in the water, and threw a match.... Yep! Fire floating down the ditch.... the whole BLOCK .... under the STREET bridge.... Fire in the ditch! Neighbors were plenty scared... not to mention madder than hell. Still Brother lived....

    So DD secretly gave me "Magic Mike".... in a brown paper bag.... so DH wouldn't see it.... Ha, ha! Now I have to set me-self a time to watch it alone.... So shhhhh!

    CAMMI! Did you see that picture of a chicken? And I didn't even DO it! Does my heart good.... Loopy Dem naybors are going to come home today! Drats! No more eggs! Ba$tard$... (can I say that?)

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    LOL, I have lots of computer time while the game is on! Yes MamaCami, I am taking my meds and *trying* ta rest, but ya know bout how good I listen to dat request. J/K! Will be snowing in Iceland, so should be very pretty. And YES I will write to you from Iceland!

    Chevy, OMG your brother could have set the entire neighborhood on fire! If he sneaks in here and does that its OK, because we have such hunks for firemen! Heck, sometimes we set a fire just to get them to come over here!!! lol. Can you share some of those fresh eggs next time your neighbors are away from the hen house???

    Red, awesome that you explored Mobile and Dauphin Island. We are 7 hrs or so away, so I haven't been around Mobile too much...except when we would visit my DD2 when she boarded at the math high school. The Gulf Shore beaches are BEAUTIFUL though, and I miss going there, we seem to travel all over, except in our state! My DD1 went with her gifted class in 5th grade I think, to swamps in Dauphin Island....some kids lost their shoes as it was SO thick with deep Where we live is very hi-tech, and you find more people that live there from other places, than those actually born in AL! Very beautiful too. Funny about your DH getting hit on in Hooters and them inviting you to join in!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited November 2013

    kat u r in NYC jeez u r 2 hours away I'm seeing my sis next week there, she lives there

    I just had my third thanks giving I'm tripped whatever that's called from turkey

    To much turkey tripiphon

    Willie is in the house

    Omg I'm watching freaky scary stories I'm scraeeeeeeeereddddddddddd

    Yes chiller all day cam

    Dork u have those stink bugs still yuck mess can't see u till those r gone ill flip out

    Stink bugs r fugs

    They smell

    And mill

    Damn stink bugs

    Go away go away

    Ill bomb you

    Bad stink bug

    Pew eweeee wee

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited November 2013

    Chevy I saw dat Big Chicken--all ob a suden ders chiks all ober de place---

    Red u lib in CANADA and de last minuuuet u cided to go to Bama--like dat. I like impulsivfied people. I guess u don' hve Hooters in Canada den. Hmmm good ting. U sound prett good---PINK Mon day

    Kat REST too besides runnin all ober Icelandic---hic--oopsy

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited November 2013

    Going Shopping?



    Wahine – hope your trip is going great! Amen to the old days and civilized shopping crowds. I grew up in a smallish town so never had any problems back then, used to love going shopping with my mom too and out to lunch! Great advent calendar!

    Cyndielou – sorry to hear u r stwessed, I’m sorry to laff bout missing mammo apts, I hate them, so can see how it wud slip yer mind. But then wud a hassle to reschedule. Sorry bout DS2 and traffic viol and sheesh smashing the TV too. No wonder you are stressed. Itz good to see ya and hope u will be back soon!

    Cami – So glad Joey got a great deal on de telescope!

    Orange – great weather poem! And such funny pics!

    Goldie – LOL! Goin to town shopping? now you will be gone again?? We always miss our beautiful GoldieBug when she is gone. Hope you have a good twip to town and I’ll make sure Pants cleans up any more poop b4 U get back. Dat wuz bad of him yesterday!


    NM – Hope you have a gweat time atcher Mom’s. Oh boy 42 days to de cruise! Soundez so funnnnnnn!! Tanks for de delishious Shopper’s Break too.

    Juliet – wow, an 11.5 hr ambien twip. Love de pics as usual you are so funny!

    DorK – I will be glad to meetcha for slamming wodka dwinks.

    Bernie – Wud up, where did U go?

    Sue – Wud up, where did U go too??

    Red – Good to hear fwom U. I hope de lump heals quickliest. I had one lump on one side where de RB was and two on de other where dere was no RB found (I always wonder if people wonder bout my lumpx3, it wasn’t due 2 twee boobs) NEway, those all healed pwetty quick so hope de same for you! So funny you found de foil balls!!!

    Catey – wud up?

    Wahine – no bummer day allowed on your twip. So sawwy it’s rotten and cold. Maybe more Brandy??

    Chevy – If U figure out hooooooooooooo eberyone is pweeeese lemme know!

    Hi to everyone I know I missed some but gotta run, gotta lottsa shopping to do!




  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    Haha...Im on a HTL Rolllll.....twice in one she making a comeback??? Maybe if all these nubskulls stop renting space in my head...for all those conserned...I will reschedule my mammo..but think I will go do a different a bit embarassed. Red ..did you say yours grew in 4 months and Kat..did you say you had a mammo and it was fine and then you found it for months later?? That is scary isnt it?? FURB!!

    NM....I am so envious of your have such great, fun things planned..and NCL is awesome! You planned it for a good time too...just when its getting really cold in ME.., dont go scaring me getting rides with strangers. .. I hope you are taking care of that infection too...its cold up there in the apple..I love the additional HTL advent calendar...I want both of them. Oh.....I didnt know that you have to buy a ticket to see the 9/11 memorial...whats up with that?? It should be free..dontcha think?? I thought that same thing in Europe..paying to enter a church. I hope the rest of the time you are there you enjoy. when do you leave for Iceland? Are you going to Reykjavik? What is there to do there? Is it going to be freezing cold?? You better take care of yourself there and no taking candy or cabs from strangers.

    Lorilou..what did you do in town with your DH today? Do you still have snow on the ground?

    Hi Red,Deb..where in Ontario are you from? Whatz this about metemusil?? I take two capsuls at night and two in the AM as well as a probiotic...I have digestive issues I guess..Enjoy Pink..I think Ms. Vino saw Pink this last year if memory serves me.

    DORK!!!! Im up for a fire....stink bugs in your gloves?? What??

    Telescope for Joey?? Thats a great gift for a boy his it something he asked for? I love smelly candles....and Ovaltine..used to drink that stuff all the time as a kid. are things with Sindead and the bump?? Everything else?

    Chrissy and Alyson face time?? When?

    Orla...ok ok going to reschedule it..Whats the newest scary movie that you would recomend?

    Hugz to one and all and too all a good night...BARMEN!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Hahaha, nuther good rhyme, "orange' you smart!!!! lol!

    Wunnerful pics, Beansie

    I think Bernie is still in Belgium, and Sue may be in Idaho. I've been on 3 separate twips in the past 2 wks and can barely keep up with those!

    Okey Dokey, Cami Whammie, I will twy not to overdo....sheesh yu would think you were right about me being sick or sumtin!!! LOL, jest kidding. I am SO THANKFUL for you and others who are concerned when we are sick, and *try* to keep us contained. Love ya!

    I feel like dis guy....had cop porn in de room and de game is still on....tied right now....oops.....get out those rolls of paper and boxes of Tide.... "ROLL TIDE ROLL"


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013

    BANG!!! CRASH!!!! STUMBLE AND SMASH!!!! where did all those shopping carts come from??? ACHOOO!!! Is there a cat in da house???

    JEAN BEAN!!!! I almost didnt see you thru my wattering eyeballs and my swolen black eye......lololo.... BIG HUZ (((( BEANIUS)))!!!