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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    Yay Yay Yay.....Cyn is in de HTL....Cyn is in de HTL....wait, did you really show up x2???? Yippeeeee Skipppeeeee! Yah I had a mammo and they said it was fine, but I had dense breasts and so they were used to seeing some stuff....what is it called? microcalcifications? Doesn't sound right...but ya know when you have tissue that is harder to see the real bad stuff? I really can't think of it, sorry. BUT when I had a pain under ea arm, no lump or anything, and my dr suggested to redo the mammo, then came the ultrasound, the biopsy, the "Oh you probably don't have cancer, it will most likely be negative" (This by the nurse at the woman's clinic for biopsy). Who can EVER forget when they are called or told they have cancer. Not fun, is it? But glad you will get checked cuz they do sometimes catch it that way, and we don't want it to get you ever again!!!! OK, I mustve sounded funcusing (nothing new there, lol!), you have to get tickets to go to the memorial, but you don't have to pay for them. They only let so many people a day go to it. And with this holiday weekend, it is swamped. But its also free too to get them reserved online, and then you know you will get to see it. I mean it took us 2 hrs to get there, and then of course, had to come back, so it was a bummer that it was cold and we didn't get in. The tallest bldg is very impressive though. Last time we were in that area was when we went up on the tower....prolly 15 yrs ago. I look thin and young in the picture, it was that long ago!!!

    Didn't mean to bump into you Cyn, but soooooo glad you are hanging out here more often again!!! Hugs and Love!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited November 2013

    OMG three times is a charm......we have Cyndie pooping in 3 times....Yipppee Skippee Yippeee Skippee Yipppee Skippeee!!!


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited November 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    .As a trucker stops for a red light, a blonde catches up. She jumps out of her car, runs up to his truck, and knocks on the door. The trucker lowers the window, and she says "Hi, my name is Heather and you are losing some of your load." The trucker ignores her and proceeds down the street. When the truck stops for another red light, the girl catches up again. She jumps out of her car, runs up and knocks on the door. Again, the trucker lowers the window. As if they've never spoken, the blonde says brightly, "Hi my name is Heather, and you are losing some of your load!" Shaking his head, the trucker ignores her again and continues down the street. At the third red light, the same thing happens again. All out of breath, the blonde gets out of her car, runs up, knocks on the truck door. The trucker lowers the window. Again she says "Hi, my name is Heather, and you are losing some of your load!" When the light turns green the trucker revs up and races to the next light. When he stops this time, he hurriedly gets out of the truck, and runs back to the blonde. He knocks on her window, and as she lowers it, he says " Hi, my name is Kevin, it's winter in Canada and I'm driving the SALT TRUCK!"

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    cyn in the house woo hoo.

    how do you get the thumbs symbol?

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Julie, they changed the emoticons, its there now!

    BUT now I need to use this one ThumbsDown

    CANNOT BELIEVE THIS! AL was #1, and had them at 28-21, then they tied, so was 28-28 and about to go into overtime. WELL Alabama decided to use the last second, really the LAST second, just one second left, to try for a field goal, and Auburn got the ball, RAN it to their side for a THEY won....omg if only AL had let the time run out and gone into "fifth" quarter.Would have had a better chance, and our Heisman trophy contender did a 99 yard pass and would have almost been a shoe-in for the trophy, but not now! Might need a drink now.....

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    I know what you mean kat, wales lost to Australia today Bawlingat rugby

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Oh Cyn u'rve really been her lots--YAY for Cyn--u need some sanity--Oh well maybe not here but somewhere.

    Julie nice pics Julie--that was said mellow like.

    Kat 1 beer remember ONE (1) and Oh yes I remember the day well when I was told about my cancer--there was voice raising, so upset, yelling what the hell are we going to do--well after I calmed down the Dr., we continued our sane conversation and told him I don't want to know anything just do what u have to do. That's actually true poor Dr. I've known him like 30 yrs and when I had a bad pap smear yrs ago he did about the same thing and I had to calm him down and had a hysterectomy and they got all the cancer (like one cell) he was so relieved. Poor man he told me he didn't sleep when he found out. I'm loosin sleep now, not then.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Awwww what a sweet dr you have Cami! Funny how you had to calm HIM

    Oh Julie, sawrry your team lost too....maybe we can both drown our sorrows in the ONE (ha! we'll make it a quart one) beer that Cami is allowing me! The whole championship was resting on this game, and if AL had won they would have set a record at the number of championships in a row. OH WELL..... hope your team rises up and wins the next big game, if there is one!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Kat I'm watching u---1 regular size beer, hat's it, I knew u would try to sneak more no no no.

    Our tree is up and outside is done and a little more inside and then done. YYYAAYYY I ove that.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    I'm wearing camoflauge (sp) so you can't see me right now, Cami! lol. Might get away with more drinking if you can't see me, ya think? Glad they got so much up today....great!! I did get up our tree and got it 95% decorated by the time we left...lots more left to do, but that is always the biggie. Usually get a lot up outside, but not sure if we'll get to do that this year. I have tooooo many decorations I like, lucky you have your SIL and DD that get that done!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Wow Julie.....a Texas hottie!!!!  

    Cami..I laughed out loud about needing sanity from somewhere...not here..somewhere....I'm still laughing actually.

    OMG...the things I will watch while winding down at night..Jerry Springer... Damn..miss my big tv...

    Julie...doesn't surprise me about the ambien....I only take half..I blame that chit on my car wreck last year.

    Good morning Bbbbernie.....ELLO Chrissy and Alyson..

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Cyn u'r back--and wht's wrong with Jerry Springer?? I bet most if not all of us could have been on that show sometime in our lives. LOL I watch Nick at nite during the nite (like now) cuz I like to hear laffing. That makes me unwind when I'm wound, well not to often, I get wound sometimes,

    Kat U'r to much--U put u'r tree up too and u've been sick , home only a few days, packed and went to the Dr. Cn't u ever rest?

    U know I think it was or is Chrissy's BD today or yesterday.

    CHRISSY, STOP DINKIN---HAPPY BIRTHDAY---I hope she heard me.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2013

    Lol, Cami........I heard woke me up!!!!! Thanks for the birthday wish babe but you are just a few days's not until next Thursday but I have no problem celebrating twice!

    Yup, Aly and I got to have FaceTime and it was awesome!!!! We have just spent from Friday through to this morning in Sydney with six other girls from Aus at our annual get together..........I so wish that you all could have been there with us! We walked, shopped, rode the ferry to Manly Beach, ate drank and laughed and laughed some more!........just awesome !!!!!

    Dork, I remember you peaking out through your window in the car watching me disappear into the's always sad when we have to say goodbye. I can't believe that that was two years ago!! Where has the time gone!

    I'm still in Adelaide after arriving here this afternoon. I'm staying with my DD until after I have seen the ENT tomorrow afternoon Re my hearing loss.......then I will be heading home where I can go through my pics and see if there are some that you would like to see.......I'm sure there will be.

    Catch you later!

    Love n hugs all! Chrissy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Oh Chrissy I'm sorry I screwed up on u'r BD, well now I f I forget it won't be a big deal. It's so nice to hear u had such a great time, I love it. And I hope things go well at the ENT?. U bet we want to see pictures that's for shoah.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!I am now full of gobble gobble and pumpkin pie and family chatter.Tired today, and so is Silly Sadie, from getting all kinds of extra attention yesterday.She even let me sleep in until almost 7 ayem!

    Cammy--Yup, I plan to play VERY hard while on vacay!Are you going to sit back and watch the decorating going on, sort of an arm chair supervisor?Sounds like fun!

    Juliet---wish you could come, too!Fair warning, I look atlot like that little guy when I first get up in the morning!

    Cammy--Joey does have a charmed life, doesn't he?You for snuggles, GF fro CA for making soap, he's just a lucky boy!

    DorKable--I did enjoy Turkey, but didn't expel special gas, Mom's partner's daughter was there with us, so I had to be (sorta) good.Sadie, on the other hand, or rather, the other end. . . . Ooh, are you having a bon fire?I loves bon fires, especially with marshmallows!

    Red RH--enjoy that first shower, it's a wonderful experience after surgery!Stand with your back to the water spray, it won't hurt so much on the sore booby.

    Cammy--I saw those Chex mixes in the store the other day when I was grabbing a sammich for lunch, almost bought some for dessert!Now I HAVE to try some, especially the oreo cookie one.And it's not cheating to "doctor up" something you buy, it's still called cooking!

    Wahine--Wow, sounds like lots of work for not much to see, no wonder you are calling it rotten!And you took notes while reading, wow you really are getting organized!Yup, I am going to have a great vacay.Got one thing lined up to do each day, either entertainment or a shore excursion, but will have lots and lots of time to do nothing but work on my tan or play in a pool, there are 3 whole days at sea!

    Chevy--hang in there, everyone here has at least 2 names, and some of us (Wahine) have even more!It takes some time to work out.I actually keep a score card so I don't get so funcused.And your brother lived through all those shenanigans?Amazing!

    CynCyn--If I'd really been planning I'd have gone in Feb on my birthday and REALLY celebrated!!!!!


    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Beach Sunday

    1 oz Raspberry Liqueur

    2 oz Peach Vodka

    1/2 (Juice of) Lime

    3 oz Cranberry Juice


    Pour vodka and raspberry liqueur over ice. Add cranberry juice, and the freshly squeezed lime juice. Stir and serve.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    I know this is not totally complete, but my score card needs updating, so let me know what I'm missing!

    NM's Scorecard

    Goldie0 827, Goldie is Lori

    Wahine, Kat, KatrinkaDinka,is Kathy

    DorK, DorKable, DorKy,is Dorothy, Dotty

    Karen is Karen (the exception that proves the rule)

    Mrs. Vino is Allison

    Beanius, Beanie, JeanBean, bEANz is Jean (the author of Beanglish, the official HTL language)

    Scuba Duchess, Scuby, Skooby is Lisa

    Chrissyb is Chrissy (the other exception that doubly proves the rule)

    Juliet62, Juliet, Juliet is Juliet

    RedReading, Red Riding Hood, Red RH, Red is Deb

    Camillegal. Cammy, Cammi, Cami, Dr. Cam is

    Orange73. ORLA, Orange, LARA is Laura

    Cyndielou, CynCyn,is

    BernieEllen, BBBBernie (Beautiful Biker Babe Bernie), BBBBBernie(Bewildered BBBBernieis

    NativeMainer, NM is Kim

    Alyson, Aly is Alyson

    MemaSue56, Mema, Sue is Sue

    Chevyboy, Chevy is new and I'm still figuring her out

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    I was there right after 911 they were still bringing the bodies out. Iwill never forgrt the calmness the air

    we did not pay they let people look over a cage, Ihad pics but cannot find them just awful

    My brother was right their when it happened woeked tehre he kwft a voicemail im being evacuatated im ok


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    ORLA--That must have been freaky. I cannot imagine being so close to something like that.

    I found an older copy of my score card, throwing it out here for additional info:

    Goldie is Lori

    Wahine is Kathy and about 100 other variations on the names. Kawtwinkadinka

    AStorm is Gail. Haven't heard from her in some time, come to think of it.

    Karen1956 is Karen. She's our spiritual anchor.

    Mrs. Vino is Allison, AKA Allieoop, Alleioopsie.

    Beanie is Jean. Beanie is the author of Beanglish, and visits once in a great while.

    Scuba Duchess is Lisa. She hasn't posted here for some time, but I see her on some other threads. She's a scuba diver.

    Hunky Dory is still a mystery to me as far as her real name. Haven't seen her in a while, either.

    Chrissy is Chrissy. She's in New Zealand, made a US visit last year, met lots of the Loungettes. She pops in once in a while. She's currently busy with her daughter's wedding plans.

    Undercover is Shannon, AKA Undy

    Juliet62 is Juliet. She's one of the Lounge nurses.

    Cyndielou is Cindy, AKA CynCyn, Cyndylou, CindyLooWho

    Beckers AKA Becs, still figuring out her real first name

    Cammillegal is Camille, AKA Cammy, Cami

    DorK is Dorothy, AKA DorKable, DorKy, DorKster. DorKarooni. DorKy speaks a blend of Beanglish and HTL Drunkeneese.

    MemaSue56 is , I think, Sue. AKA Mema

    BernieEllen is, well, BernieEllen. AKA BBBBernie, for Beautiful Biker Babe Bernie, 'cause she's a hot biker babe over there in Ireland. She tells really good jokes. Some of the traveling loungettes have visited her, and her neice is newly pregnant, hooray!

    NativeMainer, that's me, Kim, AKA NM. I'm the other Lounge nurse. AKA Princess Glitter Sizzle (from a What's your hooker name? game).

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Since that time Chrissy's DD's wedding has happened, BBBBernie's DD's baby (AKA alien, AKA bump) is due soon. Beanie is visiting more regularly again.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Lara, I thought you were on Lyrica. But the Topomax seems to help? That is good! Throwing up chocolate coke, YUCK! You are too funny with your poems. I got chills reading about your brother calling you on 9/11. Glad he is ok.

    NM you GO GIRL, you defenately have lots planned for you trip. That's the way to do it, not wait until you get there. Then you waste too much time trying to figure out what you want to do. 41 days now!

    Cami, there wasn't much traffic and actually pretty quiet in Wal Mart. Check out gal said Black Friday was even slow and that it was more busy on Thanksgiving. I said they are all prolly waiting for their checks to come to in. I did not have any of the Green River, not even a taste, so can't comment on it. And Julie hit the nail on the head about Joey and why he is such the young man that he is. Oh my that's a lot of legos! How cool to go outside and have your town smell of chocolate.

    Julie, was that 11.5 hours uninterupted? I hope so. Love those good sleeps, just don't get enough of them. The best ones are with a little help, such as the Ambien and a cocktail or two! Had to chuckle, cuz when I first saw your Tweety Bird that talked about looking at Santa's naughty list, I thought is was going to say Naughty BITS!

    Mese turkless Dork, I foygot to taled you dat I voted on the FURB. I so pwoud of you. Stella is too. I would love to join you in your backyard for a fire.

    Red, you posted to PINK? How'd you do dat goil? I think you will be feeling fine to go see her, it's tomorrow right? And do I recall you saying that next you will do rads? That is scary that you could see growth in just 4 days, very scary. I don't golf, but I do garden. And as for the foil, I don't quite remember how it all got started, but anyways, one of our angels (Junie) is a part of it, and many times whilst going for surgery, if a goil sees any foil, it is a sign from Junie that she is watching over you and all will be just fine.

    Wow Kat, what a day you had with all that running around, and in the cold. I hope you don't get any sicker. How close are you to Dork, and Lara, aren't you in NY? Cute story about the doll house, and she still has it.

    HaHa Elezabeth Darling (aka ED, aka ChevyBoy) das so Red knows who I talking bout. You can talk to you self, we won't laff (fingers crossed behind my back). I hope that ashpit your brother blew up, was outside and not in. Never thought about the chicken picture and that you didn't do it, now I'm really laffing. You mean your neighbors don't give you eggs when they are home? And you can say whatever you want around here, we don't care. The mods might, but we don't!

    My sweet lil Bean, I am home, not going anywhere for a bit. Have onc appointement in a couple of weeks, so need to schedule mamo and bone dexa. I wanna dwink and shop on da internet, you wanna dwink and shop wif me?

    Lucy, you have me LMAO at your comment "Maybe if all these nubskulls stop renting space in my head"! Makes me think we all have renters!!! No snow here, it's all gone and town day was just our typical once a week trip for groceries. And we all want to know how your son broke your tv. The only thing I can think of is playing something on a Wii.

    Good one Julie, with the salt truck! Reminds me of what happened while we were in Laughlin. We were getting gas, had my lil Toyoter FJ and waiting for DH with the window down. This young couple walked up to me, she was pregnant, and she says "excuse me, do you mind if I ask you something?" I thought they were going to ask for money. Anyways she says "do you have a washer back there?" I am dumb founded, I said "excuse me!" She repeated herself and I am like huh? a washwer? Back where? In my car? Ummmm.......NO. Her BF says "she thought this was a vehicle for like camping." I'm thinking, who takes a washer camping with them???

    Chrissy, I just know you had a camera wif you and your breasties. Can you share any photos? I know you prolly would want permission from the others to do so. Wow, was it really 2 years ago. I thought maybe last year. Oops, should have read ahead, re posting pics. Good luck with the ENT.

    NM, that Beach Sunday really sounds yummy and fruity. OMG, I love the score board. May I help? Ok, thanks! Me Goldie, also The Innocent One, Cyn calls me LoriLou, Beans calls me Goldie Luv Bug, or sumptin like dat. Mrs_Vino (if she ever git her pretty lil butt back in here) is also Tanya. Wahine, fuggetaboutit, she has too many. Dork, Dofey, Dorty, Dort, Dorkathy. Cyn, I call her Lucy. MemaSue is also Pwoud Mary. And I call Chevy ED for Elizabeth Dahling. Nice of you to mention some of our girls that haven't been around in a while. HunkyDory didn't want her real name mentioned on a public forum. I know what it is and still keep in touch with her.

    And speaking of Undie, where are you girl??? Lara, have you talked to her?

    My happiness yesterday was booking a flight to the Virgin Islands so I can see my daughter!!!! YIPPEE, I can't wait! I will get to spend a full 6 days with her, I haven't seen her in over 3 years. The other great thing, I might have my son talked into going as well. Ticket for him is about $500, I told him I would pay $200. He is sooper stoked too and really wants to go BAD. He has not had many vay cays in his life. We will not tell my DD that he is coming so it will be a surplise. Then when I leave her, I will go spend a couple days in FL visiting my dad. Haven't seen him in prolly 8 years or so. Sad thing is, when I leave, the next day he won't even remember me being there.

    My you girls take a long time to respond to!!! ONly an hour and a half today! Maybe I shouldn't be so wordy?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Dang, I wrote a friggin book!

    For the new goilies, here is a video of our lounge, The Hot Tattles Lounge, aka The HTL. It's rather old, and we have since added things, such as our new golf course, but you get the jist of it. BTW, no one else has ever mentioned golfing, not sure if we have any golfers here.........not me, girls?

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

     Good morning everyone who's up. I slept a bit better last night. No pills = less nightmares. Yay me. Bandages came off this morning. My DH says it looks really good. I guess it does under the circumstances but waaaa. Okay enuf feelin sorry for mese self! 

    Kat were you a good goil last nite? I saw you even in your camo, but couldn't stick around to count. I have faith you stopped at 1. Lol. You sure have been putting on the miles in the last few weeks! I'm amazed you even have the time to enjoy 1 beer.

    My DH put up our tree and some other decorations this week for me. I love the twinkling lights and joyful colours.

    Julie, that man is having troubles with hims trousers. You think him needs help? And Kevin from Canada made me laugh.

    Cyn, I found myself watching a Storage Wars marathon, so I get it. Sorry about your big TV. And it was 4 weeks, not months. RB.

    Cami, your doctor sounds like a sweetheart. Sorry you're losing sleep right now, hope it gets better for you. I can't wait to get my lights up outside like you have, then it will look like Christmas for sure.

    Hope everybody has a happy day. 

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    O wow!!! While I was writing and drinking my coffee, everyone got up! Now I need to go back and start reading again. More coffee!!!!!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    goldie that is amazing your daghter must b a hottie like u

    cam nothing on today

    I did some shopping yesterday, I think I will stick to on-line fo rthe most part


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Mornin Girlies!!!!

    Takin it ez today...they gave us a 2peeyemm checkout so will head to airport early even tho flt is not till 8 peeyem....jest don't feel like runnin around today....had annudder coughing fit at breakfast....and all the stares from people, eben tho I was koffing in mese nappykin. Yikes. Yeah, maybe had a weeeee bit toooo much likker last night....not too much for NORMAL, but for being on antib's....and mese gots ta let dem work. Well if they gibs us free dwinks on de plane, how can I turn dat down???? Easier to abstain at home, harder while trabbeling. See why I twy to twabble all de time??? Mese built-in excuse, hahaha. They keep playing that last second of the AL-Auburn game and how Auburn scored and won after the time had run out (cause play was already started). Makes me sick to see it. They were the smart ones and deserved to win with how they pulled that off, so kudos to them, but sadness for the AL fans, because AL was in line for annudder national championship, but now Auburn will not even be in line for it. shame on them! Plus our shoe- in for the Heisman Trophy got knocked out of that since they lost. Too bad for all the senior players who had a winning year, this was the first loss, and their last yr to play college football.

    REALLY GOOD scorecard NM, both of them, plus Lori's add'l info. Only NM, it is Alyson who lives in NZ, and our Chrissy lives in OZ (Australia). Close, but no cigar. You did good though!

    Oh Lara, how scary with your bro right there at WTC, when it happened. Sheesh. And you were there when they were still getting bodies out. OMG, it was scary for the rest of us, but unbelievably scary for those of you who were directly affected by it! Glad your bro was ok!

    Wow, a commuter train derailed here in NY this ayem....4 dead, lots injured. So sad. I think 5 or 7 cars derailed. They said it would have been worse if it had happened on Monday morn, with more passengers. I guess it will also affect their morning commute for awhile. Glad we are staying in. Would have liked to have seen the Christmas décor in the city, but seems like too much of a hassle to try to get there from here.

    Oh Lori, I am SO happy for you! So amazing you will get to go to the VI to visit your DD!!!! Such a lovely place, and to get to see her after all this time, will be heavenly for you both. I am stoked. What month will you be there? We have been there 3 times I think, and love it there. Also, the likker is cheaper, so make sure you have room to bring some home with you. Also hoping your son will get to join you! Super!!! And being there with someone that LIVES there will be the best, because she will know which places to show you, where to eat, swim, etc.

    Good luck with the ENT, Chrissy.....sure hope he can help your hearing problem!!! We sure loved Adelaide....stayed in the hotel that was the old Treasury Bldg. Have you been in there? You can go down below and walk thru the tunnels and rooms, and see parts of the track, where they used to transport the money, etc. SO historic and beautiful. Upstairs they have retained the décor of the important meeting rooms, etc. And the big farmers type market right nearby....would love to go there again!!! When we were there, someone was celebrating graduating from law school and was wearing that long white curled wig like they show in the colonial times(?), so my dad took a pic with her, since he is a retired banker, it was really cute. Hope to see pics of you and Aly and the other gals you met up with!!!!

    So glad you posted the video for the newbies, Lori. New girls, Lori put together that video and did such a good job! Some of us are really in there too...won't say who! But the one with the mask is our elusive "HunkyDory"....wish she would come back to the HTL, but yeah, Lori and I try to keep in touch with her.  Lori also has some amazing videos of her "Shady Lady" and wild west "town" she and her DH built on their property, as well as the gazillion hummingbirds that come to her feeders! Awesome stuff.

    Well, can't comment to all or I will bore you all with my wordie post. BUT love you all, and hope it will be a good SunDey FunDey for all!!! Dorkie I hope you are NOT coughing and are almost or totally well by now!!!!


    Wahiney de Machiney  (aka Katwinka, etc.)

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    HAPpy sUnDey fuNDEY girls! You girls been busy dwinking all morning, eh?

    NM, awesome job on your score card.

    Red, so glad that all looks well and glad you are embracing the Christmas spirit. I am hoping to get a tree tomorrow, I love having a real tree, never have had an artificial one. I jest love the pine smell in the house, can't wait. and tomorree you seeing Pink, I still green with envy (beats being green as in sick as a dog hehe). You asked about de stink bugs, they came into America about ten years ago from Asia into Pennsylvania and they are moving up and down the east coast. They are jest disgusting.

    Lara, no stink bugs in de house, jest in mese outdoor cottage, they hibernated but I waked dem up and made em stink. ugh. and wow girl, you also gave me shivers down the spine talking about your brother being in the WTC on 9/11.

    Chrissy, we wanna see pics of your visit with the Aussie goils. Glad you all had a great time but I knew you would.

    Hello to the rest of you, can't finish mese post cuz Dad wants lunch. When Dad hollars, Dorky jumps! Love you girls! cHEERs!