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how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Julie u crack me up. LOL

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    good evening ladies.back in work tonight, so no drinkingBawling

    red hope your pain free and pooping

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Julie all this nite stuff. Ugh

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013


    I hab bean weading and LMAO and hab a lotta say but will hab to wait til tamari cuz I go back sweep now. Bean wuz up all nite wif tummy cwamps, who know why...too much fartying prolly...than at 3 ayem...


    Goldie, thooooo glad U R back!

    NM, thanks four thayin I'm regular!!! Daz de nicest ting NE1 eber said 2 me - he he he ha ha ha!

    Love you all!!


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013

    Wow, NM, that's dang good rundown of de HTL hottie names. Just soz u no too de Beanius is cuz my udder name is "Jean" but I am not a Genius I'm a Beanius...Beanglish is fwom watching way too much Bugs Bunny and Twee Stooges when I wuz a widdle bean. Daz also why I spend so much tyme in de waskley wabbit hole.

    I gotta sey too det I almost spit my coffee dat day Wahiney announced she was Katrinka de Drinka wheneber dat wuz. You goilies are so funny. Just gotta say again I love you all so much and now...


    That's all folks!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Lori, thanks for da tour of da HTL. Bery bery nice and I think they put the golf course in for me last week. I bin tryin it out, in me dreams, and whosoever designed hole #9 should get 10 lashes with a wet noodle. Saucer shaped green wit a drop off into Fescue, hows I supposed to fin mese ball now?

    Orla - P!NK!!!!!!!!!!!! Ise so fercited!

    Me bottom is behaving now - we pooped! And de pain is okay. Can handle it. Had to stop the pills tho, they maked me head swim and don't go wit brewskis. Finds it easier to sit on hurts and wrestle em into submission if I clear headed kinda. Give or take.

    Umm Julie - holy cow girl! Where do you get these pictures -- especially that one! Hope he servin at de bar tonight.Winking I'll be drinking my beers realllllll slow.

    My DH took me on an outing today. First time out since surgery. Went to a bed & bath store, then wings and a beer, then Walmart, cuz I caved and wanted to buy me goils (I gots 5) de Bullet to makes drinks and smoothies wit. And dey were on sale dere. $27 for dere Black Friday sale on Sunday. Like dey say, only in Canada, eh?

    Gonna go hab anudder shower now - stupid hot flashes. Have a nice night all.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Hello Loungettes,

    Very good roster of names NM..I remember being so funcused when I first stumbled into the HTL . Your cruise sounds great...I like how you can do as much or as little as you want to. I like the days at sea the best ...Its just not as rushed as being in port..Even tho its not on your birthday I am fairly certain that you will I just had a tought....Mebee we can join you in the UFO??? UFO doesnt always have to be for hopsitals and Dr's bisits..right????

    Cami...I tought of you today when I was at the grocery store..I stopped and eyeballed the Ovalitne for a second and almost bought a jar of it but it was berry esspensive so I passed...I can imagine how your town must have smelled with chocolate in the air...I lived in a town where there was a bread factory and it always smelled so good ...that would have been Lewiston ME NM....and you prolly know how those paper mills stink up the air..but thats not a good smell..thats a really icky smell.

    Goldie...Im not so sure dwinking and internet shopping are a good idea...just mebee not at the same time?? Wally world not busy??? I cant fathom that. ...Where are you going to be in FL lady???? Have a great time in the VI with DD and DS...sounds like a great surprise and Im sure she will be thrilled to see you both. How long has it been? A washer in a vehicle?? Maybe one of those big RV's with the sliding sides that are like 125K. Weirdo's...The TV screen was shattered when DS threw a hard sided water bottle on the floor (they are ceramic tile) and it bounced up and hit the screen. I ended a conversation with Donese the other day with your closing.."Huggles"..she loved the word and I gave you credit for it.

    ChrissyB...cant wait to see pics of your gathering..face time is indescribable..a serious sisterhood....Also good luck with the ENT.

    Congrats for being able to take your bandages off Red....arent the Christmas lights/tree and all just so warming..and cozy cumfy? I just love the feeling I get when I look at Christmas lights...when you said you were buying your girls bullets..for a second..I thought of the other kind of bullet and wondered what girls you were speaking of....I need to get my mind outta the gutter.

    Jeanbeanz....always love to see you lovely lady.

    NEVER turn down a free dwink Kat..even if DH has to dwink it for ya....You sure are here and there and everywhere...are you home or are you leaving NY within the next couple days?? Whats your adjenda?? can buy the pine/balsam smell at Walmart in a can you can get a fake tree and save money every year on getting a new real one.

    I do like Storage wars sometimes..all those reality shows..I get stuck watching them just channel background tho sometimes I like Golden Girls and Friends...the Nanny..for Fran Dreschers voice is like fingernails on a chalk board.

    Ok..better finish this badboy up before the gremlin comes and eats it on me.



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2013
    Well something has gone really weird with the formating for BCO on my computer! No color, no insertion format line at the top of the posting nothing!! Just a very basic look! I think I'm going to have to do some playing to get my pics posted and if there is no improvement over the next day or two I think I'm going to have to notify the mods.

    Well, now the ENT.......apparently I have nerve damage from a virus....yuk! I have to go back and see her in three months and she's hoping that it will improve by that time......if not, then she is going to send me to have a diagnostic ultra sound of the inner ear. I have no idea how this is done but she says what ever those results show will give her a direction.
    Anyways, for now, still deaf......but she did discover a large lump in my neck that also needs to be looked at by my surgeon and perhaps biopsied to rule out FURB........sigh, it seems it never ends.
    Take it easy all and I will be back when I sort out this formating.
  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good snowy morning, Loungettes!I'm sitting here listening to the list of school delays and cancellations, and thinking I should have gotten my studded tires on last month.Sigh.

    Goldie--I think I'm having as much planning this vacay as I will while I'm on vacay!!!And thanks for the additional info, I've updated my score card, and FINALLY I know who Pwoud Mary is!!!Thank you, Thank you!

    Red RH--good sleep is a wonderful thing, isn't it?Sleep without nightmares or weird, unamusing dreams is even better!

    Wahine--Don't abstain from the free dwinkies on the plane, alcamahol I a great cough suppressant!OK, I've corrected the score cards.I've currently got 2 going, need to merge them sometime.I knew you gals would help me out!Good thing I don't like cigars, huh?;)Just saw a little bit about the train derailment, looks horrific.

    DorKable--I love the smell of a real tree, but hate the hassle of wrangling it up the stairs, so I'm going to get some wreathes instead.Much easier, and Sadie can't knock them over!


    Red RH--go talk to the Lounge golf course designer and get Hole #9 changed to your liking!That's what we do here!Sounds like you had a great outing, good for your DH!

    CynCyn--I don't see any reason whatsoever that the UFO can't come with me on my vacay, I think it would be GREAT!!!!!!Yup, I know the paper mill towns, Stinkin Lincoln,Old Town Brown air,yuck.Bread baking smell is MUCH better!I like the idea of internet shopping, works for me!Only without the drinking part, that's for after for celebrating!

    Cookie Sugarplum's DOTD is the Sugar Cookie

    1/2 oz Butterscotch Schnapps

    1/2 oz Grand Marnier

    1/2 oz Irish Cream


    Pour ingredients into a stainless steel shaker over ice, and shake until completely cold. Strain into an old-fashioned glass, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Wowsa and Holy the Cow....tis quiet in here. Ebery buddy out shopping foya me?


    Lara, my daughter is beautiful, but of course I would say that!

    Kat, DH and I are going to Phoenix on January 28th to see Dolly and I will leave the following morning, staying until February 5th. I am STOKED! Stay warm and safe travels!

    Beans, love dose marshmallow peeps and poop!

    Red, glad all is going well and you pooped! Yippee!!! Mine eyes got as big as saucers when you sayed you went into Wal Mart to git your girls bullets!!! Was tinking sumpting else! Singing Do you have any boys? How old are your kids? Have fun tonight at PINK!

    Lucy, I think dat a great idea to Join NM for her boyfday. It's been over 3 years since I saw my DD, and I am flying into Tampa, my dad lives in Zephyrhills, so a little ways from you and Julie. And why was your son throwing a water bottle? A little hot headed? Das cute you sayed HUGGLES to D Nerdy. I see you taught da same ting wif da bullet, lol.

    NM, I be Angelic Angel-Ears, not bad. And you din't know who Pwoud Mary was...

    lol! And you are so right about the fun in planning your trip. My countdown is at 58 days, I think.

    Aww Chrissy, when will you get that lump looked at? Praying it is nothing. But you are so right, it is never ending. One of the SUCKY things about the RB. Also praying that your hearing will return in the next 3 months.

    Red, the Tenders got the golf course bixed, and in sailabrashun, One of dem wants to hab a picnic on the da new course wif ya!


    Tis Monkey Day, and back to the grind stone, but having some Sugar Cookies help!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Goood Morning Ladies---

    Oh Chrissy get that looked at right away, not that it is anything just get it ruled out.

    Oh CynCyn it's nice to see u in the morning and the smell of bread Ohh how warming and comfy. Cnu get a new TV on u'r homowners policy or do u have to pay for it? I really don't know, if it was an accident right? And I sure like the UFO idea, NM wouldn't mind I bet.

    Oh Lori it nice to see u'r usual GM---Now u going away, to see u'r DD and DS right and u can all be together, is how I got it. Now if I got it right OMG u'd better start the countdown, this sounds wonderful, U can go anywhere and it'll be good.

    NM snother countdown, It's so good to get u'r itinerary all set up and then do what u want, I cn't imagine all of this traveling, and u've got a low countdown now, U've got quite a bit of snow if they are calling for delays, be careful driving, hat would always bother me, but I was not a long distance driver by that I meat I stayed within a mile of my home for everything. Is Sadie having fun with the snow.?

    Lori I like the cow pic and love the other one--?Red is getting ready for PINK so I'll take him for the day or week.

    Well Kat is probably on her way to Iceland soon at least. I had to ask where Iceland is, it's not a big touring place from what I understand and I never knew anyone going there, so now I know. She's better be taking her meds . like she promised.

    Better get my day set up and get some coffee. My screen is acting crazy. It's jumping and I can't see what I'm typing, maybe better that way for me. Have a wonnnerful Day all.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    good morning all from flirty twinkle toes

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Julie LOL we all need it especially on Monday

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    Hi Chrissy

    cam whats on today

    kat I know freaky ill be there thi sweekend we r going iceskating seeing the tree in rocckerfeller center

    see my sisters new dog

    goldie I watched that longe video once did u add me, cam and every body else

    I am mcsprinckle something my brain

    MY primary was not there I saw a dumb PS he started screaming at me I left crying

    Im sick and my arms is fking swelled gave me the fifth about pain pills

    I talked to my primary he knows whats going on

    he yelled said otloud who I got pain pills from my pyschratist nevr never he gives me th eanxiety stff

    I go what do you think im a drg seeker I started screaming

    he goes let me look at yor arm, he does he goes well you have big arms

    wtf I have big arms like how?

    oh we are off to a good start he says

    I go oh like the last time I heard you in the backgrond saying I shold go to ER not  that flipped him I left cring

    Im going to chew his ass to the doctorhe does not even talk right he says seem like whos

    its who are  some boxer off the street idiot so sick of it

    enough ok

    fart is art

    so to love fart u need to love art



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Oh Lara I'm absolutely sick about any /Dr. yelling at u. That A$$hole Mfer--how dare he get u upset. WTF is he thinking about talking to u so disrespectful. I would have gotten up and walked out saying I really don't like u, I'll see someone else---oooo I'm upset for u. U'r so gentle all the time---rember Dork got some people. Be relaxed little one.  I've been a little busy this morning with work and I have to cancel my Dr. app't still and call the ITS those BA$tards are taking 250,00 out of my SS with money I didn't make--What the hell is going on--Oh I know take from the poor and give to whoever u want. kinda like Robin Hood only backwards.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Ok my beloved Babes, I apologise for jumping right in. Please forgive me, just got back from Belgium, spent the weekend with all my good friends.

    Caught up on the TN Ladies site, K has 3 weeks. L has gone Stage4.

    Right now, I would fight the world.

    In Belgium, Natalie, I have known for twenty years (her baby is 18) I remember when she was pregnant with him. She has just been given until January. She is 41. From breast to brain I FINALLY give up my beautiful babes. I just do not want to be any *ucking part of it any more.

    I am too tired to keep it all going, fighting a losing battle me thinks

    The *ucking joke is on us - it never fcucking ends.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Bernie I'm so sorry for all the sadness that surrounds you now.. This FURB is so ruthless and goes wherever it wants in no time at all. OMG way way to young. This is sickening- Oh God I'm not saying other horrendous disease are better because they are not, but they follow a pattern so unfortunately u suffer but they can help along the way----cancer has no rules or patterns and comes with force anytime it wants, and sometines when u think things are going well it destroys and no one know why let's face it. I apologize if I said to much because no disease is welcome that's for sure I'm just sorry this takes so many people.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    oh Bernie you have had so much loss and heartbreak recently but cammi is right because in the middle of this blackness is a tiny flame of the future and that this furb becomes just another word from history . I pray that you can find some comfort my friend. .hope you can feel all those long distance hugs your getting right now.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    lara, do you have a referral to a lymphedema specialist? what about the acs ,can they suggest anybody whose good locally for managing your pain? is there furb navigators in your area ,I know in this area you don't need a referral ,you can just contact them for any questions? and some long distance hugs for you ,sorry my profession gave you such a horrible time this morning

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Quick update - this morning I felt so I'll, I was looking for someone to take our tickets but my DH looked after me all day and guess what? I'm at the Air Canada Centre wearing a P!NK t-shirt waiting for her to come on stage. YAY P!NK!!!!!!!! Lights just went out. Here we go!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    OHH Red YYYAAAYYY for u'r sweet DH for doing such a good job--ENJOY nd report back.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Bubbles Twinkletoes checking in at the HTL!! Really, who comes up with these things?

    ChrissyB...hope your formatting is worked out soonliest and hoping that your earballs start doing their job too and that the bump they found is nothing serious. When does it ever end...and Bernie...(((((Bernie))))...FURB!

    Love the "Holy Cow" , Goldilocks....your going to be so close in Tampa...wish you had more time here and wish I didnt have a irrational phobia to highway long will you bee in Zephryhills? You always say the anticipation is almost better than what you are anticiating or as good as. Hmmmm about the picnic guy......well not the guy but the picnic...what do you suppose he has on that cutting board and what do you think the bottle of salad dressing is for?? I dont see a salad...hmmm..thoughts to ponder.

    RED enjoy PINK!!! Glad to hear you are feeling better and could go.

    Love love love NYC....I used to like to spend hours in FAO Schwartz...its not there anymore but mannnnn that toy store was hugemungus and had every toy you could imagine (eeehhh heeemmm....not that kind of toy) Love Sak's 5th avenue and lunch at Tavern On the that even still there? Orla..have fun! I hate also to hear how that DR treated you...You should do what Cami said and go elsewhere...eff him and the horse he rode in on...Mthreffer. you tell em.

    Lorilou....When DS2 got home with that traffic violation for not wearing his seat belt he was so angry he slammed the water bottle on the floor..he has an anger management problem. He does have some legit beefs but he needs to learn to controll his emotions and he needs to consider how he responds to things. All 3 of these boys got jobs that are about 6 miles from where I live..they all walk to work...and DS1 and DS2 just picked up second jobs. Their friend Matt..went out today to apply for a second job. After that episode I was just DONE...Im still furious. Cami...I dont have renters insurance..tho I should get some...however, I dont think that would be covered...he is going to buy me a new TV he said before the mean time...I was pissed to have to watch the Mid Season Finale of Walking dead on a old clunker tv and all my dvr'd shows...My blood boils when I think of it...grrrr.

    Tomorree is Dallas....Im furcited that this is my last real work day this week....they gave me Friedey off because I'll still be away on my day off Wednesday and they are paying me for that..I get in about 11ish in the AM and the first scheduled activity is Meeting for Cocktails and sliders , then we walk next door to the American Airlines Center where I hope they keep the cocktails just wouldnt be right to give you one or two drinks and think thats going to be enough. Im not a big basketball fan but hanging in an exec suite is fun and different..

    NM...You be careful in that chitty weather...ya hear??

    Latah Ladies,

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    PS....Huggles to everyone!! and Where in the HAIL is Beckers??????????


  • Furfriend2
    Furfriend2 Member Posts: 168
    edited December 2013

    Hi gang,

    My Mom & girfriends like a glass of wine now and then. Well, forget about it during chemo for me. My taste buds say" pass for now" taste is awful for me.

    Take care ladies & do something nice for yourselves.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Hi Fur!!! Welcome to the can drink virtually here..some of our ladies do ....Im not one of them. ;) .