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how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    Beautiful Bernie baby doll, oh nooooo, wtf girl, you need a break from the crud, FURB, damnit to hell, I hate the RB. Prayers to your friends K and L and for Natalie, also sending prayers to their families. I am praying for rounds of miracles, you need an FN break girl. I wish I could do more than to just tell you, or plead with you not to give up. You have been beaten down but please, try not to give up. YOU still have plenty of spunk in you, I jest know it Bernie. And if you gives up, then mese gives up and iffin I gives up then the next one gives up and so on and so on. I gonna grab dat dere UFO and come dere and git soooo dwunk with you on de floor and gib you the biggest meanest huggles you ever had. Chit, I hate de RB so much too, we all do cuz odderwise we would not be HERE.

    Sending prayers for Chrissy too, hopen you git that lump checked out and git an all clear soonliest. Sending rounds of drinks to all my goils. and rounds of hugs too (((( GROUP HUG )))).

    Welcome furfriend, sorry you joined us but wese show you how to partay like a rock star cuz ebbery buddy a rock star here!

    I gonna bisit de inflatable chapel and talk to God about de hatable beast. I ask God to send de beast to hell and neber eber come back and hurt mese goils again. I know He will listen and do all He can. BRL kids, lubs you all so much. One more group hug for de road, send em back now, ya hear? I go now......

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Hi furfriend we always do nice things for ourselves, did u see our pics. Tht's nice.

    And wht the hell did I miss,  CynCyn u going to TX did u tell us and my brain just woofed it away. I just don't remember, sorry--well if u'r going, have a great time. And sit by the fountain somewhere and enjoy.

    OK I'm outta energy, now so mese has to hab a drink again and restly muchly.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    hi fur

    red ENJOY

    cyn- work schedule kind of screwed up but would love to see you soon and I will drive up to see you and buy you the biggest beer ,you need it

    dorty good idea ,lets get the ufo and go see Bernie, and we'll all drink on the floor,

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Red my GS showed me a couple of Pink videos I hadn't seen u've got to be in for a good show.

    Lara r u doing OK?  u've been so quiet

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    I am with you Cam, I do not recall Cyn going anywhere either. I was thinking she is going to a ball game but where? Inquiring minds need to know.

    Is anyone dwinking with me tonight??? Or do I have de tenders ALL to mese damnself?? ~hiccup~~

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Julie.....I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE to have some face time with you!!!!  ThumbsUpSillyHeartHappy.

    Cammi....I mentioned it a long time ago ( you are not expected to remember my schedule) .  I'm going for work.  Meeting with American Airlines to discuss strategies and policies....a bunch of boring chit...but the meeting is only 3 hours on Wednesday..the rest is fun and I get to meet a bunch of people I work with in DA flesh.

    DorKs...I will join you in the chapel....great words of encouragement for Bernie.

    I gotta get up UBER early uno mas cervazia and im outta hairrrrr like a bald man.


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    yippie, Julie and Cyn habing facetime soonliest, mese a bit jailous but more, jest furcited! Jule, hope yer werk night is going well, got chocolate?

    omg Cyn, I spit mese dwink out, you "outta hair like a bald man" bahahahahahaha! unas mas cervazia fir mese dolce! barMeN! I do merember you tailing us bout dis, glad ye not hexpecking for wese to merember. sleep well, luv.

    titZ up! that means YOU too Bernie Biker de Bootiful Babe o'mines. pweeese, report in and say you gonna keep on truckin! (or should me say biking?!?!?!)....

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good foggy morning, Loungettes!Warmer today but very, very foggy.Yesterday was interesting on them ayem commute, even an ambulance went off the road and rolled, with (thank You, Lord) no serious injuries.

    Holy the Cow, Indeed!

    Goldie--Angelic Angel-Ears?Too fun!Oooh, nice looking picnic fare, oh, there's wine and food too!

    Cammy--Sadie loves the snow, and loves to come in all cold and wet and use me for a towel and warmer upperer.It's a good thing she's so adorable!Hope your computer shenanigans get done soon!

    Good Morning, Flirty Twinkle Toes!

    Juliet--LOL!!!!Does the peppermint thing really work?

    ORLA--the PS was screaming at you?????That guy needs a visit from some peeps and a trip to the swamp!Good grief, Charlie Brown!

    BBBBBernie--no need to apologize for jumping in, sometimes that's the only way to manage all of us!Oh, Bernie, what horrible news!It truly never seems to end, does it?

    Red RH--Yeah!Enjoy the show!

    Bubbles Twinkletoes--I've always wanted to visit NYC and see the sights, but the idea of the big crowds intimidates me.DS2 sounds like he needs some xanax or something.We all get mad, but ya gotta learn how to contain it and not get into trouble!And having time off is a good thing! And I am being very careful in this weather, believe me!

    Wecome, Furfriend!I'm guessing by the screen name that you have fur babies, we have a dog park and a kitty castle for the Loungette's pets to play in, bring yours and join the fun!And if you promise not to tell on me, I really do not drink very much in real life, but here in the Lounge I am a drinking fiend!Actually, I think that most of us are drinking more virtually than in reality.But we have fun just the same!

    DorKable--I'll meet you in the Chapel.

    Dookie Sugarplum's DOTD is the Foggy Morning

    3 shots Vodka

    1 dash Vermouth

    1 twist Lemon

    Peach Juice


    Serve on ice - peach juice to taste

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Well Cami, did you wear that boy out that you snatched from Red? My screen gets to jumping too, and I can not see what I am typing. Soooo annoying.

    Lara, I have not added anything to the video, sorry. And I ditto what Cami said about that a$$hole doctor. I would NOT go back to him, wht the hell is wrong with him.

    (((((Bernie))))) I am so sorry for all of this BS that is surrounding you, it is so very sad and I am so so very sorry for all that has hit you lately. I guess that is one of the hard things about making so many good friends that also share the RB. Sending lots of prayers your way, for you, your friends and their families. (((((Bernie)))))

    Well shoot Cyn, now I will have to go back and look at the guy on the golf course, or maybe Cami can tell us what the salad dressing was used for??? I arrive in Tampa on Wednesday, Feb 5th and leave Saturday the 8th. So just 2 full days there. Those boys must be driving you nuts girl, and to have 3 of them there, gheesh! Here are some Natty's foy ya, should last a little while, and NO, the boys can't have any, it's all for you. But kudos to them all for walking to work, I hope they are paying rent. Wait, you are heading out to TX today??? But for work? And aren't you and D hooking up sometime during the holidays?


    Dofey, I join you in de chapel and den on da UFO wif de udder goils to go and dwink wif Bernie on da floor. I can see us all now!!  How is your mom doing? I too laffin at Cyn and her comment about the bald man. Love the TOOTLES too!

    Red, glad you made it to the show, I hope you were able to enjoy it!

    NM, we had fog for 3 days, got to see the sun finally yesterday. I guess it was quite amazing at the Grand Canyon, wish we would have taken a drive out.



    Huggles and Tootles!!!
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning Ladies of the night and day.

    (((BERNIE))) what can I say.

    It's raining here and all nite too, better than snow cuz it's a little warmer, but it will get colder soon-makes these old bones of mine hurt.

    I'm looking forward to hear from Red to see if she could really enjoy the concert.

    It was so cute yesterday, Marty let the cat out on purpose and the dog the cat was roaming very slowly and our dog (border collie)  knew she was going to far and herded her up closer to the door and she let him, then when Marty called them in the dog herded her in so cute to see. How our furbbies make us laugh. Once in a while he lets our cat out (in the snow) and she just stands there with this silly look. hahaha,

    I'm still so tired and I have a lunch to go to--so I'll take my phone not to miss anything--how dedicated I am.


  • gunnergrandma
    gunnergrandma Member Posts: 7
    edited December 2013

    i am new here but I like a glass of wine while i am cooking at night .My daughter says no drinking with Cancer but did the wine give me cancer? so is it ok to drink while doing chemo i am 71 how much longer do i have left anyway

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    GG (gunnergrandma) - Wine give you cancer? OF COURSE NOT! And of course the docs are going to say no the drinking while on chemo or at all. Reason being for why you are on chemo, is cuz the chemo is hard on your liver to begin with. During chemo you might not even want to have any wine, as it may not taste good anyways. But if all you are having is a glass in the evening........I say go for it. Just don't tell your daughter Loopy

    Cami, how cute of your fur babies.

    Cyn, I went back and looked, yep, looks like 1000 island, but NO SALAD! Maybe Cami ate it?

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Hi my Beautiful Babes, I've calmed down now. Just felt that it doesn't matter where I go lately something smacks me in the mouth.

    Anyway. I will catch up with you all.

    I drank on chemo but only on days ending with a Y.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    That a girl Bernie, keep on goin girl, we love you, we need you and we stand beside you! And we have all been there, some more so than others, but we have all been there. (((((BBBB)))))

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    ((((((((((Bernie)))))))) can we all wet skelators head when they arrive?

    gg-if you still like the taste go for it,i wouldn't mix alcamahol with pain pills or Tylenol coz your liver and breathing don't like it

    cammi was seen daintily dabbing her mouth with a napkin!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    Welcome Gunnergrand, come back in, grab a barstool and have a glass of wine. If your daughter objects, remind her that it is YOUR life. We will never tell you not to drink, it is a personal decision. If you'd rather jest join the partay and cyber dwink, that is ok too. Sorry you had to join us FURB! (that means EF U RAT BASTARD aka cancer). I have a hug for ya (((Gunner))).

    Bernie, so glad you are feeling better my lovely, I am beyond happy that you popped in to let us know you are doing alright. We all love you berry berry muchlly, here is anudder DorKy hug for you too ((((BBBB)))).

    So girls, I heard from Kat today and she asked me to update you girls and also ask for prayers. It is with great sadness that I tell you all that her DD had to have another biopsy of her tongue and they found more cancer (excuse me while I throw a bunch of chit around cuz mese having a temper tantrum. Duck girls, duck! Ok then. I am deeply saddened for Kathy (Wahine) and her family. This is what she wrote after her email saying they were taking her into surgery "Not so good, the cancer was back I think they found 1mmx20mm? They hopefully got clear margins this time, she is still there, being observed. Thanks for prayers, love, kathy". To make matters worse for our dear Katwinka, her Molly dog is not doing well either. To remind ye all, Molly was being treated for heart worms. Well she took a turn for the worse and was taken from the kennel where she was boarding, to the vet. The puppy is not eating either. So girls, if you can all follow me into the chapel for some heavy duty prayers for our dear dear Kathy, she would be most grateful.

    So sorry to be de bearer of bad news girls. Jest keep praying and trust in Him that all will turn out well for daughter AND for doggy. I have been holding this news for a few hours, it is not easy sharing bad news but I told Kathy I would let you all know and ask for prayers.

    I am not feeling so good meseself. I thought I kicked my cold to the curb but my throat is on fire today. I went to the pharmacy to pick up a thermometer and I am running a fever, was at 99.8. I will likely call the doctor in the morning and make an appt for Thursday if I do not feel better tomorrow. I have to see Dr. PRick tomorrow. I would cancel that but I need to get my fuc*ing disability striaghtened out. I am currently in DENIED status, I thought I had that all straightened out last Wed as I received confirmation from Dr. PRick's office that the paperwork was faxed AND confirmed received at my disabiltiy company. But when I called yesterday, was advised that my employer CHANGED disability companies and the new company did not have anything. So here we go again, I suspect that I will not get paid this week. I also got a letter from my employer advising me that if the disabiltiy company does not get what they need by friday, they will assume that I am abandoning mese employment. Needless to say, I am not a happy camper right now. Seems I have the same issue with the disability companies each time. So what am I going to do about it? Nothing for now cept to bix mese a strong dwink of Jack Daniels and diet pepsi and it gonna bese a triple!

    Red, hoping you did okay and were able to enjoy Pink last night, I jest love her. Please report.

    I can't remember what the rest of you goils said, I am hurting right now, mostly mentally over Kat's news. It is time for a group hug cuz mese need some sugga from mese goils ((((Group))))).

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    Hey Bernie, I bumped ya right into the arms of Jock, good catch Jock. Thanks always for the great photos and jokes. You and BBB keep me laughing when I feel like crying.

    Where is the rest of the gang today?? Is there a party outside on the golf course that no one telled me about? Where is Cammy? And where oh where is mese Beanie?? Hiya Lori, nice to see you twice in a day, wooo hoo. Come dwink with me, I am sooooo thirstdey and it only twosdey! chEErs!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Hi eberyone, I was out wif my GFs today OOhh confusion galore wid all of us.

    I hab been praying for Kat's DD anf of course her Molly and I don't understand bout her DD, all of a sudden they found more cancer on her tongue, I cn not believe this chit. How awful, and where it is too. Poor Darling, Ithink this all stinks so bad. Chit.

    Dork u'r lucky I'm not with you u would have been in de Dr.s right away and I know how upset u are with disability. OK call the person now in charge of disability tomorrow, find the name and number and ask exactly what is need now for u'rs and then follow it thru their way. Those SOBs this shouldn't even be a speck of a problem but they made it into a stress filled mountain. A$$holes.

    BBBBernie I am glad to see u poop in, I hope u load has lightened a bit--We all love and care about u.

    BTW Julie that was not me with the napkin --I don't do anything daintily,LOL

    GG just pokin' in here and welcome and come back we fine. My sister never lost one day without drinking her wine sometimes 2 depending on her DH and her aggrevation--just to let u know.

    Somehow I missed my Lara, and what we watch, well today nothing I was gone, and my GF and I got lost on the way home it was foggy, she lives about 5 minutes from me--See why I have the friends I do, I am actually the most sane one. Well almost, and we had a buffet that my GF had delivered (the one that has owned a restaurant forover 30 yrs) Now I wish I had the leftovers. Blah

    OK I'll check back lter, my screen is jumping like a Jack so I will close OFF now.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    Camille, I am happy that you were able to git out todey and enjoy de finer tings in life such as true facetime with true friends, yippee! If you are de sane one, I tink I would pay a mint to be a fly on de wall with you and your homies. Sorry yer screen is jumping, what's dat about? And Lori's too, hmm, must have some kind of hidden meaning behind it. Hmmm, jumping screen, gotta tink what that could mean.

    I am really just heart broken for Kathy. And for her to be so far away from her DD and her Molly is tearing her up. And her fayecation is not yet fun eidder. She lost lost in de blizzard and wuz frozen and skeered. Mese fart goes out to her, gonna throw some more prayers out there for her on dis night, o Holy night. Why it holey ye ask? I tail ya but first ye need de sekret code.

    I feel like yak yaking but nobuddy here. Sumbuddy, ennybuddy (cept de moler focker/baby daddy of mese Stella. and nope not eben going dere), so come out and dwink with mese. It is a poor me poor me poor me poor me unudder dwink kindo night. So come on, gather a tender and let's dwink n yak. Beanie? You dere. let's yak. And where de fluck is LaraLee? tehehe, gave her anudder name, I like. kk, gonna wait in de korner next to de percottini fountain, join me sumbuddy PlEEEEEzE!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Dorky don't u seeemese I at de fountain, but not for youth for just hurt nd I taken it all in..

    I know about how bad it is for Kat but den she got lost in a blizzard too. WTF dey mite as well gone to da North Pole and helped Santa.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    I see ya Cammy dear, sawry mese oberlooked ye. I see you dwinking cases of dat HARD Lemoonaide, yep, busted! tanks for coming in to yak. I join ye on de floor. and we tail the tenders to noticefy any udder goils that wese down here with sippy cups filled with fountain percotinis, straight up jest like I like it ~burp~ OoPs!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    ok i'm here, kat prayers for dd and molly and I wish you weren't so far away but how did you get lost in a blizzard?

    the swamp is ready dorty

    computer still kicks me out if type too much, so lots of hugs and prayers tonight,, and cammi i'm glad Bernie poooped and popped inHappy

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    Julie, so glad you have that swang thang going. Are ya working or dwinking? Or both? wanna yak?

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    For K.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013
