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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    OH BBBBernie Thanks for the smile.

    And Julie that's what my comp. does when I type to much

    Oh and I didn't know Fortune cookies originated in America. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!Foggy and slippery this morning, the weather yakkers are saying.Sigh.Was hoping all the snow would go away one last time before staying.Doesn't look like it's going to happen.

    Big furor in the news right now.A guy with aconcealed carry permit put his hand gun in his 4 yr old son's back pack while unloading the car, forgot to take it out of the back pack before the little boy went to day care.Now, a loaded gun at a day care is not good, is scary, that was a very stupid oversight on the part of that man.But the day care spokes woman saying"we were one trigger away from catastrophe" seems a bit of an over reaction.The safety was on, the gun was found by an adult, not a child.Was the adult that found the gun so untrustworthy that the day care was "a trigger pull away from catastrophe"?What is an adult like that doing taking care of children?I'm not saying the incident shouldn't have been reported, I'm not saying the incident was good in any way, but that seems like a bit of an over the top reaction to me.

    Goldie--I can imagine how incredible fog at the Grand Canyon must be!That's one place I want to see someday.Amazing pics!

    Cammy--so funny about the dog herding the cat!Isn't there a saying about something being harder than herding cats?

    Welcome gunnerdrandma!Most of us here in the lounge have the attitude that life is for living, and if a glass of wine makes life better, go for it!Alcohol is hard on the liver during chemo, which is already very hard on the liver, so caution is reasonable during that time.No, wine did NOT give you cancer, medicine still really doesn't know squat about how it happens to most people.Ask your daughter to give up something she likes a lot, for the rest of her life, then tell her that's what she's telling you to do.Why survive cancer if you can't enjoy life?

    BBBBBernie--you certainly have been smacked every time you turn around lately.This part of life sucks out loud, and it's really sucking hard on you!So not fair.FURB!!!!!


    DorKable--Oh, no, what horrible news for Wahine and her DD!So not fair!!!!!!!And it sounds like your work place is screwing you over, didn't they give you advanced notice of the change in disability companies?Can you show up at work shuffling and moaning and looking like death warmed over and show them all you are NOT HEALTHY right now?Kinda wish you still had Zach to carry around and gross out people with the drainage in the tubing and cassette!

    Good Morning, Lord, it's me again.I know this is a busy time of year for You but I think You are falling down on the job a bit, so to speak. Or maybe You've delegated some work to Your angels and one of them is not keeping up.First, Wahine's DD.It sounds like the cancer is back, or maybe they didn't get it all the first time around, but whatever, can You please do something about the effen RB in her case?She is too young to be dealing with this.She has a family who needs her.Second, Wahine's Molly.You know how important our furbabies are to us.You made us that way, after all.Isn't what Wahine's DD is going through enough upset, fear and sadness for right now?Can't You arrange for her Molly to be ok and with her a long time to come?Please?Third--DorKable is having more than her fair share of problems, too.I mean, changing the disability insurance company in the middle of everything is just rude, especially since she' s got to deal with Dr. Prick, who, by the way, we would all appreciate if You did something about him and his office so no other women have to go through what she has been through.And she's not feeling good.Enough, already, please?

    Cammy--so you're the sane one of your group?Sounds like you all have some good fun!


    Cookie Sugarplum's DOTD is theFURB

    1/2 oz Southern Comfort

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Amaretto

    1/2 oz Raspberry Liqueur

    oz 7 Up

    1/2 oz Sweet and Sour Mix


    Combine vodka, southern comfort, amaretto, razzmatazz and sour mix in a mixing glass half-filled with ice. Shake, and pour into a collins glass. Top with 7-up, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Dorothy, thank you so much for letting us know about Kathy's DD and DM (dear Molly). Kathy, I'm so sorry, and to have had to hear this news while away on vacation. I just can't imagine what you must be feeling. Sending all kinds of love, hugs and prayers your way. Praying that they DID get it all this time and that her pain will be minimal and that she can heal very fast.
    Dort, I have some shugga for you sweetheart, as you have a LOT going on as well, having to jump through hoops, not feeling well and being in pain. I wish there was something I could do to help.

    Cami, I'm with you "A$$HOLES"! (one of my favorite terms to use). Sounds like you had a wonderful time with your friends, hopefully it was without too much pain. Did you ever get your results from your "procedure" you had? Glad you were able to join our aDORKable at the fountain.

    I found some sippy cups Dort, Bernie gets one too.


    NM, sounds like the day care story was made to be much bigger than needed. Indeed very scary, but why blow it up? The Grand Canyon is amazing to begin with, I can only imagine what it looked like with all of that fog. Beautiful prayer, as always. Amen, Barmen and FurB!

    Well, a short post from me means a quiet lounge! Where are all of my lovelies???

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    GOOD MORNING Good Morning goils! Oooooh! funny little red lines.... Okay, I'm going back, page by page, and getting to know y'all! Such a kick you all are! It's like living in Alice in Wonderland here, right? We can do anything, and ALmost say anything! And you have your own what-cha-callits? Cabana boys & Tenders, and "things!" Who KNEW one thread could be this much fun!

    Remember this?

    And I thank you soooooooooos much for splainin' me to who you'se all are.... almost! I have to study this.... Be back lader.... for more fun!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    ED, you will get to know us in time, don't worry about it, just drink! And you hit the nail on the head.


    We have everything we want, do what we want, when we want, etc. I tink we all Ding A Lings! My DH calls me "Scarecrow".


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    NM U'r prayer is always so soothing and I believe it is heard. And be careful ice is lethal, I hate ice--just take it easy with everything u do. And that story sounds strange to me, but it actually made me laugh as u sid what kind of people work there, OMG that's scarier.

    Lori, Lori, Lori U DH calls u scarecrow cuz u are so beautifully thin, u silly.Oh my tests came back no cancer that's all I listen to, but he's got me on some drug he said something wasn't right and I have to see him in Jan for further stuff. I knew he wasn't going to find out why I have my D. I think it's all the meds I'm on 15, now 16 diff. types of meds--don't u think that's it--so easy. I really don't know what he found cuz I don't listen.

    Did or is Kats DD getting surgery now? Oh what a mess this is. Dork I hope this all gets straightened out now.

    And I found out I have to fill out some crazy for since I'm retired for health ins. which I never did before or I'm not covered. Damn why do they do this to older people it's just, it use to be if u don't want to change just leave it alone now everyone has pages to fill out and has to have it in in 10 days. WTF

    U can see how I woke up this morning---I don't sleep in a bed, in a chair, so I didn't get up on the wrong side, I just got up all agrevated with all this stuff. I'm sure as the dmp dreary day goes on and I have to talk to customers, some of which I can't understand one word they say, my mood will get worse So I'd better make my way to the HTL very early this morning for shoah, Yep that's a good idea and I'll get a massage too, Oh the tendahs will take care of me and I will be more mellow. YEA

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    OK I'm better now, I realized I was lucky to have good use of my thumbs and they are very important, I know I could still peel a banana, but putting on underwear would be really difficult so I'm OK again.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    cammi Happy

    lori, I want one of those cups

    nm-beautiful prayer

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Julie I love those cookies now I'll have that planted into my head. hahaha

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    I just love you girls, reading the posts in the morning always makes me smile. My heart is still so heavy for Kathy. She is not able to get her but thanks you all for the prayers. She is upset that she can not get home to her daughter and her doggy as she did not fly Delta. NM, I will copy the prayer and email it to her, beautiful words as always. I am with you on how the news tends to make mountains outta mole hills. But for the life of me, I can't figure out why any one would hide a gun in a kids pack pack (that is what my daughter called a back pack). Off subject, another cute word my DD used was her word for her play pen, it was a pay plen hehe, so cute to reflect back.

    Camille, I tink you talking about docs you need to fill out for Obamacare? I hate that man with a passion (Mom would scold me for using the word hate but it does apply here). He is such a goof ball and is much too inexperienced to be leading our country. Back to you sweetie, so glad that your scan showed no cancer, I will dwink to that.

    Lori, tanks for de sugga and the sippy cups for me and Cammy. You so good to all of us. And I love to see your monring posts, both you and NM are like clock work. I jest love you girls.

    Juliet and Bernie, tanks for de laughs, always enjoy your funnies.

    Elizabeth/ED, as the others said, jest keep coming in to dwink, the names of all of us will eventually stick. And if you mess up or mix one of us up, that is ok too. I used to get the goils bixed up all de time when I was widdle and just stumbling in here.

    RED/Lara and who else MIA, please report to de lounge, de Furb dwinks that NM posted are yum yum yummy. Hail, I dwunk and it only 11 aye em.

    My throat is still hurting so bad. But I have a full day, I have the PS appt at 1:30 then I am having an energy efficiency insepction from 3:30-5pm. For those that remember, my heating/AC bills are through the roof as much of the air is going into my crawl space. Well I was solicited by a company that does these inspections and the state of NJ will pay up to 60% of the cost to make mese energy use more efficient. I have been putting them off for months due to my surgery then complications. I tink I call doctor tomorree. I feel funny calling for an appt as I was jest there yesterday to pick up a script for pain meds. I've also been stressing over de sale of my parents home in Myrtle Beach, not sure if I mentioned that it finally sold. Mese dad is berry emotional over the sale, he also sad cuz this his first Christmas without his wife at his side. So sad here lately. I have been sneaking into my office to use the fax machine, I went last night and the night before. Oh boy was it weird being there. I did not go until after 8 pee em so that not many people are there. I did see a handful of working folks but they paid no attention to me. I jest act like I belong there and keep my head down. NM, thanks for the suggestion of showing up looking ragged. But that would not help anything. I work for a large corporation and eberything has to be in writing or mese claim will stay denied. I guess i gotta make anudder round of phone calls, I left a message yesturdey for my case worker. The company DID give me notice about the change in companies, I jest overlooked de fact that it was eff 12/1, thought it was 1/1. I tink I need a brain too cuz all I can say is WTF and FURB, mese vocab is berry limited.

    I will pass all of your kind words and prayers to Kathy. Last I heard, the cancer was referred to as a "runner" type of cancer. I am jest fart broken over this. FURB FURB FURB FURB, tenders, bwing me 180 FURB dwinks, I gulp em down ~ slug slug burp, oh dat better! cheeRs girls.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    amazon has those cups!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    It's hard not to think about Kat's DD and this awful FURB, I never heard of anything like this--terrible

    Dork u rascal u don't listen to me about the Dr. please tomorrow do it.

    Oh this paperwork is stupid--Obama came from IL and believe me he never showed up for anything, he'd send in his vote and just did what he wanted so I know all all about him. He was a train wreck in IL and now he's President and it just goes to show u the old adage Anyone can become President--he's proof. Sorry if u like him but I know of him.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Dag Nabbit!!! So okay! Bah Habbba.... Hah! You thought I forgot! I printed off that list of you gals on this thread! Like that is supposed to help me remember you guys!

    And I get it that you all live in this Paradise place with other loungettes... And you have handsome guys and cute little women bringing you every drink you could ever imagine! And you swim... and have a forest, or swamp, or something for the bodies you throw out! I TOLD you I have a ditch, but you didn't think that had enough "cover" or something...

    And BBBBernies baby is almost here? (aka bump)...

    Goldie.... You don't throw UP a chocolate coke! I am drinking a frosty chocolate Pepsi.... right this minute! You are just jealous....!

    So Goldie.... my neighbors... Tweedle dee and Tweedle dumb! No, I don't get the damn eggs when they are home! Tight-wads those people are! Besides, they only lay maybe 1 or 2 eggs a day now! ( the chickens...) Maybe not light long enough, or too cold? They have a warming lamp in their nesting area.... BUT.... My Husband TOLD them they still sell eggs in the stores... he thinks...

    And I LOVE Elizabeth Dahling! That is me... or Ed... but that isn't as lovely.... and I want to be lovely!

    And I'm glad you are going to .... where is it? The Virgin Islands??? Any significance there? So me too... I am prolly going to Orlando next Spring, if so's I can drag DH along too... He is so sceerd of flying, like off the ground. But our Daughter is there, and the 2 boys ... (my boys)... And they want us to come... while we are still alive...image

    I like that Hot Tatties Lounge! Ha! Ooooh I get it..."HTL".... I'm really slow, but eventually it sinks in... No golf! I tried hitting a ball once, with my GS club... He is still laughing... little $hit!

    Redridinghood! Hah, I got it! Nightmares? Tamoxifen is the Queen of nightmares.... not to mention sleepless nights! Just thought I would mention that...

    Orange...ORLA! Is that you? I mean that picture? I think that makes us all jealous, or something...

    And Chrissy can't hear.... We are partners in that same boat! But I wear hearing aids... Tamoxifen caused a small infarct.... not like a fart... and it was in my brain stem, near the 8th cranial nerve, affecting my hearing.. So Bam.... It was gone! Done..... but I can hear with my aids.... mostly.

    Dork! We also have stink-bugs.... don't mess with them.... they do not like that! But I think when I had mice, that was worse.... Dam little meeces! Maybe they ate the stink bugs. They have ALL taken up residence elsewhere.

    BEANZ! So you did this ENglish??? I just love it! You were a "little bean!" Ha, ha! I love beans.... ", beans, beans a tropical fruit.... the more you eat, the more you toot, the more you toot, the better you let's have beans for every meal!"

    When I was in grade-school, that was funny..... maybe not so much now. however.

    Ohhhhh Juliet! You done did it again! I also love honey.... I guess I can't say anything more about that picture, elstwise the picture police might take me to re-hab.... Naughty thoughts re-hab. CynCyn... No.... we can't drink nothin' when we are shopping on the Internet! I love "Huggies" too.... But isn't that a diaper? Oh wait.... you said Huggles.... meese problem...

    Yes, the Nanny..... her voice just DOES it! I mean I can't hear, but that voice makes my hearing aids have fits!

    Oh Chrissy! 3 months? Sounds like my PC! She told me wait one month, treat it like allergies, and see if that helps! Nope.... nothing. THEN she sent me to an ENT.... Permanent nerve damage... Just mention to the ENT about what I told you about.... They can't DO anything, but at least it's nice to find out what it is.

    Cammi! Little tinker-toy! The chickens were looking for you! And what are you doing with Robin-hood?

    BernieEllen! I'm so sorry about your friend.... But what is furb you guys? I'll send you hugs too...(((hugs)))....

    Oh! "Holy Cow"..... NOW I get it! Ha, ha! CynCyn, you made me see the light...

    I got a ticket last month! So get this.... It was for because I had a little "crystal" hanging from my R.view mirror! That Bat Fastard! He WANTED to give me a ticket for failing to yield right of way to an emergency vehicle...(namely him)! He was pucking farked! But had his lights on! He must have just given someone else a ticket .... I slowed down, but I DIDN'T MOVE OVER INTO THE OTHER LANE!!! He said that is a law.... I told him he was kucking fidding.... But nope! Said that law was passed maybe 2 years ago.... So instead, being the nice guy that he was, I only got a $32 ticket for my crystal, instead of the failure to yield $230 ticket! Not one of my best days! I could have run right over him!

    There is a "Fur" on here.... ! and you told her to drink..... You will most surely corrupt her.

    Oh! I ferget to mention I watched Magic Mike! Yes, yummy.... Those boys certainly know how to dance... I watched it on my 23" monitor.. so DH would not know.... He was gone.... and I was alone with my drink.... and my imagination.... image and the boys.

    Baa Habaa! You sent someone in the swamp? They don't like that right? Swamp of no return? I catch on fast.....

    Dork.... hope you are feeling better by now... You have a Dr. PRick? Isn't that related to Dr. Hick Dead? Maybe we should all come out there, and show him what is what! Just keep fighting for what you think is right.... damnit! How frustrating!

    Still don't know what FURB is! Can you tell me?

    Or will they close this party down?


    Is this the longest post EVER???

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    Lost my whole post

    Kat love u hugs I am in the chapel

    Juliet lmao Ill b a pet oh good

    dork those moler fuckers better not F with u. I hate employeers. THE LAW people god.Disability will come in

    Chevy what pic?

    Cammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Hows work

    I have been busy school, tree, etc

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Gee Chevy can't u at least say a little somptin when u post. FU Rat Bastard --Cancer. II say it so often I think that's exactly what it means. Altho it's not popular around anywhere it's what's brought us together so we have to have a lounge to spill our drinks in. I created nothing I came in late, but the other girls are very creative and mostly don't have chickens. No one encourages drinkin, we maybe a little but it's welcome here so u can do u'r best unwindingluest eber.

    Oh I actually got a phone call with a huge accent and I got every word of the message to the email and file--well I got a message I forgot the phone #--which I did have just so furcited I did all that letter by letter. I tink I gonna get fired soonlyest. Dis damn phone rings all de time fr trying to sell this business stuf and I have to answer it, cuz I don't no nothing and I'm reddy to frow dis dammit fone away. whey 2 drinks dat was meant for me TY bery much Tenders, oh yea my feets rubbing too. OK I be at the fountain after mese feets be rubbed cuz I need sumptin quicklyest. Really


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    Images may be subject to copyright.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Der u r my little one--Oh that look on de elf. Whoa is mese.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Hi Dorky, I am here. Toonie McJingles (tanks for the new name MN) hab a brewski in hand, so mese gud. . Couple tough days is all. BUT.... I went to the P!NK concert!!!!! OMG she is unbelievably phenomenal! If she ever comes to your area, she is worth the money. Ask for tickets for bday or Christmas.

    Lots bin goin on since I bin outta commission. Dork - that is bullsh*t about your disability. So sorry you goin thru that. So not fair. And Dr. PRick! Wish you could dump that guy. I likes ur inflatable chapel. May join you if its ok. Figure since its inflatable, its non-denom. so I won't get struck by lightning or nuttin. NM, you heps protect me K? You makes nice prayers. Mese needs to say some prayers too. My daughters were fast tracked onto the high risk program as soon as I was diagnosed. 2 generations - maternal line. Mammos & US every six months and genotyping as well. DD2 got a call on Monday - got your mammo U/S results, please come in for a consult. No, can't say anything on phone, please come in Thursday.

    Oh Kat, there truly is something worse than being diagnosed with the bc. When your daughter says, mom, I got some news... My heart is weeping for you. I hope this is the last of the RB for your DD. I pray she recovers well and never has to face this again. I pray for strength for you, and I send my love. And to your beloved Molly too girl.

    Bernie, so sad to hear about Natalie and your other 2 friends. {{{Hugs'n'kisses}}} for all of you. I just don't know what else to say except FURB FURB FURB!!

    ED, furb is eff you rat ba$tard (breast cancer) but really any kind of cancer applies. We haven't talked before but hi!

    Lori, off to the Virgin Islands - nice girl. Give your DD hugs from us. Nice that your DS will be able to join you. By the by, loved the sippy cups. Need em!

    Chrissy, what you bin doin girl? Deaf? Lump? Good Lord! What can I say? Ok how about lump is swollen lymph glands caused by temporary deafness. Both to go away in 2 weeks. Poooffff. Namaste. Glad you got face time with Alyson and the girls. Can't wait to see pics. Always wanted to go to Oz. Gimme an excuse goil! Just gimme an excuse! O and tanks for getting me de advice for getting #9 fixed for me. Its right comfy now! lol (see Goldie, below)

    Goldie, I gots 4 goils and 1 boy (he da youngest) Da girls are 43, 41, 37, 35 and da boy is 33. I is part of a reconstituted family (just add OJ) so first two are me hubby's and last 3 are mine, and they are all ours. I also has 11 grandkids and 2 great grandkids, 7 girls and 6 boys. However, I did not inbite any of dem to my picnic. Dat was just for mese. An ladies, it wasn't thousand island, it was bacon ranch - trust me.

    Cyn, I could only wish for such a sweet smell in my window on a spring morning, but I was raised in a steel town. On a good day, you could smell a flower if you stood over it. Real close.

    Laura what kind of Doctor yells at you? An effing qwack! that's what kind! You tell him to treat you right or the Canucks are goin to come on down there and give him a super wedgie. Leave him hangin on the school fence by hims jock shorts! Idjit doc. You a good girl to not kick hims shin at the very least.

    Furfriend, I have a very dumb 2 year old blonde lab and 2 cats - 1 is 20 the other is 2. Lost our Shepherd/Wolf cross last year. Still sad about it. What kind of furry friends do you have?

    GG welcome. Sorry you needed to but happy you found the right place. We like our drinks - hic - whether real or virtual, and I know we don't like to disappoint our kids, but you are the mom. She's scared and that's valid too, but a glass of wine did not cause the RB and won't fix it either, its just a nicety of life. The nurses on this site have already said all that is necessary on that subject so belly up to the bar... BARMAN!

    Julie yous cartoons slay me. And make mese laff ebery time. Tanks, I'll buy you a drink at the HTL - it's being serviced with honey. O did I say serviced? I meant served of course.

    Cami, Glad you feeling better. Thumbs are good. Sorry you gotta go thru all that chit fillin out forms and such. Don't know much about Obamacare in our neck of de woods cuz we've had universal healthcare forever, but it sure sounds like a pain in the patushka. I have dis image in mese head where you is wearing a ski mask an sneakin into your workplace to use da fax machine. quick little steps on tippy toes from one office to the next, head flippin back and forth to see if you bin caught. Finally, da gold at de end ob da rainbow! A fax machine, muahahaha.

    NM - I adore your 5 rules of life. Sent em to all my friends. ok 3 friends. fine. I posted it on facebook as my status. How do you see thru me so quickly? lol. Need another frontal lobotomy - no, bottle-in-front-of-me. Yes, that's better.

    Hab fun goils.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    PS - Elizabeth Dahling - I think mine was longer but only cuz I bin offline for 2 days so mese thinks yous wins. lol

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    oh red,prayers for your dd.glad you enjoyed the concert tho

    lara-hope your having a better day.

    ed-just offer people a drink and after while it does not matter if you can't remember namesHappy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Juliet, is that a picture of you? Very nice eyes! hic

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    I wish red!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


    I have some very twisted fb friendsHappy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


    for dr cammi

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    lol - I love your posts Juliet. They always make me laugh.