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how about drinking?



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Oh Julie u've got some funny and sexy ones there.

    Red I'm so glad u got to go to the concert, as I said before GOOD FOR YOU,

    and hope things are going well for u. I' a sittin at the fountain again--my mouth is open -Yeppers it is soooo

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Hi Cami, I'm by the pool, had a good round of golf on that course the boyz built me. Now I'm just winding down by laughing at some of Julie's pics and drooling over others. Come on down, I'll buy you a drink!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    I usually have the DOTD, just tell a tender and he'll have it ready, whatever it is. I forgot.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    Dr. Cammy, PHD, I am here at the fountain, join me please! I jest lub lub lub partaying with you. I love yer work stories, you are a good writer and a good Mom. And an excellent doctor. You crack me up talking about your doctor getting upset in giving you negative news then tailing you eberyting is gonna be alright, jest shows how spayshall of a goil you is. ITi amo alla luna e ritorno! Ma naturalmente io amo tutte le mie ragazze! I am gitting choked up again, gonna get one of Lori's big twirly sippie straws and inhale de percotini fountain for a fewteen minutes.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Done! SmileHe said he'd bring it right over. I had a pretty good day. Did you get all your clandestine faxing done? I'm still giggling over that mental pic. Hope you have a better day tomorrow and can get all those mix ups straightened out.

  • Furfriend2
    Furfriend2 Member Posts: 168
    edited December 2013

    LOL- Oh that photo of Natural beer makes me laugh- its the worse stuff everrrr!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    de fountain is wunderful tonight. Pants brought me a sippy straw kit and I made a straw that fits in all y orafaces of mese face ~ hiccup~

    imageDid anyone answer de question what is FURB? ~I read but can't brerember. FURB is an ackrynym meaing FU*K U RAT BASTARD, with the with bastard meaning CANCER. De term wuz made up by a goil who used to post here. For those of you dat missed de chance to give de word a thumbs up, here is the link from ... I see that it has moved up to second position, woo hooo! Please all goils, click in and put a thumbs up if ye did not already. Geez, I hab so much to say but de words are all kinds o scrambled, like eggs, in mese head. Speaking of eggs, Elizabeth, I tinken you ougga go n grab eggs from dat dere chicken, can you go dere in de middle of de night and steal him? Well not stealing cuz dey rightfally belongs to ye, right? kk, brb.

    ****Please click link, refer to item 2 and give a thumbs up,

    Red and Elizabeth Dahling, berry much henjoyed yer long posts todey. and it is spayshall to mese cuz I do long posts some times and usually is wen mese has a lot to say. gosh, i sound like einstein brained, mese jest so smart. if I recall, mese wuz a straight F student. I tink F means freaking fantastically intailigents level, right???

    Thank ye goils for cheering mese up. I bored n lonely. You too Julie, I tink I gonna copy that stupid elf on a shelf ting to mese facebook. And to de news goils aforehenshioned, if either of ye have facebook, send me PM cuz meze lubs seeing mese bwesties bwest pics n stuff.

    For Cammy, dis gonna bese our newest addition to de HTL and was brought in in your honor. Tanks for being ye.


    I am tinking wese need a fancyar looking coop, not sure if dis meets de HTL code cuz eberyting in de lounge must bese bootiful. Den agen, booty is in de eye of de bootyholder. time to put de straws in mese facial pukas and suck de fountain up mese nostralls, mese eyes and mese big mouth! sllllllllluuuuuurp ~burp~ oooh, wasn't me, dat wuz a chicken fart. a stanky one at dat! cheers! as de arnold wood sey, I'll be bock....

  • Furfriend2
    Furfriend2 Member Posts: 168
    edited December 2013

    Juliet, Hilarious- Love the Heat Mizer and what ever his name is!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    me lubs Juliet's posts too, and she finds some steamy HOT boys.

    Lara, OMG, dat stoooopid Elf, I wanna gag ebery time I see it. WDF is the deal with it anyway?I thought de elf on a shelf wuz to tail kiddies dat de Elf is watching dem when Santa is busy, you know, it about being good boys n good goils. But I been seeing facebook pics of de Elf's being bad. Agen, WDF? What is dis world coming too? Can sumbuddy pls tail me about dis Elf and what it sposed to be doing? How ya feeling todey Lara? Did you git yerself a bigga$$ bottle of pills for pain? Like fukitols, mese like dem second best cuz de do what mese wants them too.

    Red, Pink gonna be in town I tink on fwiedey, I wish she could a packed you up in her UFO and brought you to Philthadelphia Peee Aye so wese can see her together, you agen and mese de first time. and wese could has facetime too. and wese be bad influhence on de crowd cuz mese bwing de good willie fer us to schmoke. Hey, I am praying for you and your DD too, dat is horrible de doctor keeping her hanging for so long (((((Red))))), I so hoping it nutting but sum edumacation de doctor wants to tail her, ya know, check de boobies monfly and all dat. I gibbed ye a BIG doRKy hug. I hope it helps some. FURB! and oopsies, I see now that I reread todey's posts dat it wuz ye who splained FURB to Elizabeth Dolling. Gwate job well did. If ya want some fancy straws for de sippy cups Lori gived you (Goldie), I can tail ye de website. Dey has lots of extensions and ye can make one to fit from de fountain to yer mouth in de casino or to fit from yer fridge at home to yer bedroom over 100's of ft away. And ya can has one going into yer right ear and anudder going to yer left eye ball, I git dwunk quickliestest dat way ~ burp, oops, dat wuz stella, with her preggers and all, she do a lot of burping and farting. anywho, great thoughts to our dear Chrissy B on de lump tings. yep, dey temporay cuz of ears and whens her ears jest go "poof" and she hear again really really good, dose tings jest nessapear. More prayers to mese Chrissy. Tings has to git better with all of us cuz de chapel time cuts into mese dwinking time which is why mese needs to ingest at a rate of six strawfuls of 2 ozs per split second! You has a TWENTY year old cat? I tink Chrissy B has one that old too. I jest luv mese furbaby. Sadly, I am down to one. I had three widdle daschunds three years ago, lost my Mocha at age 14 in I tink Aug 2011 den mese widdle Mandi died ON MY KITCHEN FLOOR this past Aug 13th, jest a wek before my DIEP flap soyjary gone bad. It been hard for mese to deal with eberyting so muchly going on here and den I add de tings going on with mese bwest fwends and it hard to keep a smiling. But I hang here and dat keep me smiling. Isn't it amazing how well wese all jest connet? Oh, foygot to menshion, dat is some family you has dere, don't know how you Moms of many do it, I jest have one widdle goil who is 22. Wow, jest writing it blow me away cuz wuzz gonna say 21 and had to do de math. Cuz mese dwunk but dat nutting new.

    Bernie, you are back home, right? Stewped question, is it winter there in Ireland? I know it Summer in Oz and prolly in China too. I hope you have had a smile kind o day (speaking de Irish I am). How is Sinead? And when is de alien spose to come out? I sezing mese prayers for ye, been biddy in de chapel lately. praying for Kathy's DD and puppy jest so much too. I know you are hurting over dat and mese so sawry. More huggles coming atcha (mese like de word huggles too, is that a GoldieISM??? I tink it is but not shirly for certain.

    I not done writing yet but gonna hop back ober to de fountain and start filling mese both ears, eyes and nostrals and save mese mouth for kissing all over Pants, HE is my hotty in de lounge. See ya in a bit, dat is mese dont end up in de cabana sofa bed with Pants. Or Mr. Big. ~disclaimer ME NOT A HO like dat other Elizabeth, de one that ares Moler fockers seestir.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    ooops, furfwend, I bumped ya into de 8th hole.I farted, oops, tmi sorry. I git a tender to help ye off de ground and bwing you a dwink, what will it be??? . i sawry. be sure to read back cuz ye been asked sum questions, k?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Oh Dork, mese has bene here, I pooped 1 dink ahem a couple of dinks with Red in da Bed, I stay on da floor cuz I gotta get more of de fountain ==mese hurtin and goin back on antib-Fried-day--don't know Y dey just keep say pop another pill and dat problymakes me poop, but dey tink sumptin else about my poopin, cept I know bestest cuz as I sayed befor I red the reders Digest--medicallls mysteries in biggest print so I know eberting, an docs don't read dat stuf AND I watched Medical Mysteries all da time so I no bunches of stuffs dat dey donut no. Dat's y I'm so edumicated in diseases far and near and acros de big waters dat are out dere, I know cuz I saw one onced ( a big water  wif all de sand on mese ugly toes) I be on de floor agin, mese tenders is callin mese name-well someone's name I just gonna answer to any name.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    aww, Cam, I know you know what dey don't know, so we know and dey will neber ebber know. I still down here with ya butten I tink ye nessapeared for awhile. I seed ya run off with dat hot tender I did. He called honey and I tail ya, ye jumped. and after ye left, mese lumped n jumped cuz i dwankt. hey, i made a word up, cool beans. wherz beans, hiccccccup, oh mise, dat big one, sawry. I fel yer lubs Camistar. I tank you fer all of yer lub. I gonna go bed now but foyst look agen at BBBB pixsjar, berry funny. but me wonders where de heads of de chiechens went to? dey lost? or dey eaten or burned or cooked for cocks (bird cock goils, get yer mind outta de gutter). and bdw, has not heard from Kat wahiney de dwinka Katwinka todey, wuz hoping for sum good news. keep on drunking n keep on praying for all good tings for all good people for mese goils need prayer. God be good. oh mese, forgot to sez how much mese lubs de prayers of NM, she talk to God so beautilishously and so real, I tink He will listen to her cuz she not boring Him. I pray he listen and grant her prayers to be heard and acted uponly THY goodliness of all people who are goodly. dat means all of us n R peeple too. hope i clear cuz still a widdle lot dwunklyer dan before again still! hehe. cheers, sweet dweams of wishes to all mese lub lub lublies.

    ps I smell chicken parts cocking in de fire, smell good I tink. ok den, mese sleep til aye em de more word, dis I promiseth. love ♥love♥lubsnslubs ♥love (dat widdle fart hart heart that it). word - love period

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    I know Dork that elf is freaky, Ihate it I am going to set it on fire. My niecies have it they find it in the morning creepy.

    Cam they will come out with a scary movie about that elf

    there is one silent night deadly night

    I love u love u pink red I heard she is amazing in concert

    sorry to hear of your daughters, and the one. I will pray. I just turned 40 thei schit happened at 38 for me generational through mom.

    in the chapel

    no pain pill dlike 4 left moler fuckers I have so much pain into my back just dry heaved this morning on the topomax

    dork stuff some pills in a teddy bear, I guess back to the ER for some I have a new primary he wants all my records so ill so that today will not see him until god knows see lympho doc on mon 7am god thats inhumane to early


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning, Loungettes!

    Good morning, Loungettes!Supposed to be rainy, today, later on.Gotta love winter in Maine!Never know what you're gonna get.Did get the studded tires put on yesterday.

    Goldie--Love those sippy cups!Just what we need here in the Lounge, and in life!I think the day care story is getting blown up because the day care owner is anti gun.The father is taking responsibility, pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge,can get his gun and concealed carry permit back in 10 months.Some people think that's not enough, I think it's just about right.

    Chevy--good luck getting to know all of us, we keep changing ourselves as time goes by!Ding-a-Ling--LOL!!!!!

    Cammy--I can't imagine not listening to everything the doc says, but then, after no cancer, who really cares anyway!?Glad for that much good news.And you are on a lot of meds, maybe you can talk to your doc about a drug holiday.We used to put elders in the hospital and stop all their drugs, then monitor to see what they really needed and what we could get rid of.Can't do it that way anymore, insurance won't pay, which is sad 'cause lots of elders are on too many pills, and some not so elders are in the same boat.Tenders--Cammy needs some tending to!Snap to it, boys!

    Juliet--LOL!I'll never be able to look at those cookies with a straight face again!

    DorKable--the father said he must have put the gun in the pack pack when cleaning out the car, then forgot to take it out of the pack when he got in the house.He had reported the gun missing.I'm don't understand why Wahine can't get home--does only Delta allow for changes in plans, especially for medical emergencies like this? Doesn't seem right to me.Boy, you've got a lot going on this holiday season, don't you?I think you did mention the Myrtle Beach house selling,I can imagine how hard this is for your Dad.Amazing what you can pull off if you just look like you know what you are doing!

    Chevy--Good post, girly!

    ORLA--OUCH!The post gremlin got you again!We need to exterminate him.

    Cammy--it's going to be a relief when you get fired, isn't it?

    Red RH--glad you enjoyed the concert!Yes, the inflatable chapel is non-denominational, all prayers and prayors welcome and protected!And actually, I stole the rules off fb myself!

    Furry--we keep all kinds of alcamahol here in the HTL, 'cause there's no accounting for taste!

    Hmmm, DorKable, that chicken coop looks a little plain.Has anyone consulted the hens about a decorating scheme??

    I have a theory about the Elf on the Shelf.It all depends on how old your kids are.If they are young enough to believe in Santa, or be bribed with the idea of Christmas presents, the Elf is Santa's employee.If you don't have such small kids, he's an adult Elf, and he acts out the things that adults think up to do!

    DorKy--I said you could BORROWPants, not monopolize him!Git yer own tendah, girly!


    Cookie Sugarplum's DOTD is the Ding-a-Ling

    1 1/2 oz Gin

    1/4 oz Cherry Brandy

    3/4 oz Lemon Juice

    1 1/2 oz Pineapple Juice

    1 dash Grenadine

    1/2 tsp Powdered Sugar

    Shake well over ice cubes in a shaker, and strain into a collins glass half-filled with crushed ice. Garnish with a stemmed cherry, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    NM gain  winner for the DOTD maybe cuz I'm really likin the names too. NM it's going to get very cold here tonite, so I can't imagine u being warmer soon. Well winter is here and I'm not a big fan but I don't go out in it either so I can't complain to much. I certainl won't go thru them but my Primary did explain why I am on so much--a few are for my heart and BP and so on and so on--so apparently they think I need these--my body is old and falling apart but FURB made it much worse.

    Lara I can't stand the turmoil of pain u'r in and it's hard to get something to relieve u. Chit U'r so young and I feel so bad for u. I just pray u can get relief somehow.

    BTW NM I know I sound wimpy about my little job, but there are days I just want to hide and be lone and not be bothered (except for Joey LOL) and I can't and I feel bad that I can't or don't want to do this, It's not science it's just a phone that I still answer sometimes upside down, oohh and can't understand a lot of peeps because of accents and I want to yell at them, but I can't No patience left in me;

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Julie, I saw that little elf poop, so cute. In fact I think I saw it on a link where I saw the wine sippy cups. You found the cups on Amazon? Did you order some? LOL @ the Big Breaths! And some of the Elf on a Shelf pics are too funny. Do you remember the one Mrs Vino posted last year with hers, and the mess in the bathroom, then told her DD that it was HER elf, so SHE had to clean it up.

    Dort, the mornings are when I have my coffee and visit wif my breasties. IF by chance I get to post during the day, it's cuz I sneak! He he! Funny dat you momma don't like the word "hate", neither does my mom, she says it's such a "strong" word. Would tell us, can "not like" something or someone, but to "hate", well that is just not right. Please be careful with the company that was "soliciting" for business. And I understand about your dad being upset that he won't have his soul mate next to him at Christmas. How about telling him to be thankful that mom is even still here to celebrate with.

    Cami, I don't much care for our so called President, but there must be LOTS of people out there that do, or he wouldn't be here for 8 years. I do have to say, that the Obamacare is working for us, as our costs were SO high before. We will be saving LOTS of money with it, cuz they can't discriminate over mine and DH's pre-existing conditions. We will be saving thousands! Funny how you know so much about him. And all o those pills you take, it's no wonder you have so many issues, mese bets you rattle when you walk?

    ED, I no jealous, I don't drink pop! Don't have much to do with chocolate either, so there! Loopy Do you put peanuts in it? My DH does that with grape soda. LOL at Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb. We get Mother Earth magazine, and I was just reading an article on chickens, and it did say that they don't lay as many eggs in the winter, but didn't say why. I would really like to have some, but don't really have all the means to take care of them, like when we go away. And I know you like Elizabeth Dahling, but I LIKE ED! So lovely ED maybe, or LED..........LMAO! I am going to the Virgin Islands, my daughter lives on St. Johns, I have not seen her in over 3 years, and you and your DH should definately go to Florida to see your kids. Heck, if you have the time, just drive. No golfing for me either, I hit the ground more than I hit the ball and ended up with sore arms and hands! I am capable of Putt Putt though!

    Wow, interesting about losing your hearing due to a Tamoxifen Fart. Chrissy, do you take that?
    Yes, Beans started our BEANglish, and then Dork masters our drunkenease. And she LOVES farts, and also uses that word in place of heart. So instead of "my heart aches for you", it's my FART aches for you.

    To the swamp with that a$$hole cop, unless you want him in the ditch. I had a cop like that one time, I won't go into details, but he said he was letting me off with 3 tickets instead of 5! WTF?

    Cami, you bring A LOT to the lounge girl, are you kidding me? And you started us drinking on the floor, and you brought us JOEY!

    Red/Deb, praying for good results for your DD today, please let us know how it goes. I can only imagine what you must be feeling. Indeed, hearing the words that your own has RB, is worse than hearing it for yourself. (((((DEB))))) So glad you enjoyed your concert, my brothers have been to see her, I am not familiar with her music. LOLing on your Bacon Ranch and "the picnic" on the golf course! Wowsa, you have a HUGE family! And a 20 year old cat, holy cats batman! So sorry about the loss of your furbaby, I think everyone here, cept me and maybe Lara (orange) has fur babies. Love your play on the labotomy. Our nurses here are the best, I have told them that they can NEVER leave! And it was Dork sneaking into work, not Cami. Altho I could see Cami joining Dork, and the two of them sneaking around with their ski masks.

    Dofey, dose are some amazing straws girl. And as for the spelling, I like basTURD. I also like the Elf on a Shelf, especially the funny/naughty ones. You have made my day girl, your posts are just so phucking phunny, I lubs you!

    Lara, wif all those new appointments, shirley someone will give you pain pills, that IS not right!!! Have Dort send some in an

    Hello Fur! Come on in and have a dwink.

    NM, daycare/gun issue, I think we are on the same page. It was a MISTAKE, a dumb one, but none the less a MISTAKE. My mom is on a ton of pills too, I think similar number like Cami, and I keep telling her to ask the new doc (I think hers is going to retire) to ask if she could be taken off some of them. I mean she will take Lyrica, vicoden and then some valium, no wonder she sleeps so damn much.

    Finally caught up, grabbing me a ding-a-ling (the drink girls, minds outta the gutter) and will get ready for woik. I have the Tenders working on a new coop, iffen we are gonna hab chickens, we hab to hab a nice coop foy dem. Still sending prayers to Kathy, I know you must be going nuts girl (((((Kathy))))) Praying that they got all of RB from your precious DD and that Molly will pull through, love you!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Oh Goodness Girls.......we hass to start partying, right this beery minute. We has a birfday goil in de house...............CHRISSYB, it's your day, here in de good ole U S o A!


    And your own birthday Tender



    Perhaps an older hunk?




  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Man those boys are quick! I think the chickens will be happy here.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013


    I have onc appointment next week, with bone dexa and mammo. Had blood work done earlier this week, the PA just called me to tell me my tumor markers are up and onc wants me to have CAT scan too. Trying to keep calm and not worry, I also do not plan to tell any of my family, not even my DH. Waiting to hear back from PA (Bill) to see if they can get me in with my mammo and dexa.


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    ok goldie keep us posted pleeseeeeeeeeeeeeee

    I will b in the chapel

    I know cammie its awful, Dork knows she has it

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Goldie WTF, OK keep calm, u know this is just a test effin FURB--I'm sick here I don't like anything negative as all of us don't--so maybe it's just a precaution and they are taking care of u and that's good. U know prayers are coming right at you now---I'll do more later for u. But u have to wait til next week? That's awful--the wait. NM or Julie will come on with better explanation I know and maybe put u'r mind at ease a little. (((GOLDIE)))) I'm hugging u so hard I think I cracked a bone, in u'r rib. but u won't feel it--I wish I could be there with you.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    They want me to do a nuclear bone scan too, geeze louise! Just needing to get over the initial shock and figure out how to tell DH. Can't get all the tests done in the same day. So have to go back, scheduled for the day after Christmas.

    Ok, never mind about me.............we  have a party to tend to!!! And mehbe sum chickens?

    Will have to git me a Tender to rub mese chest..........hurts jes a lil. Feels like a rib maybe? Cami???

    Where's the birfday goil!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2013

    YAWN!!!! Who wokeded meez up? Oooo a P A R T A Y!!!! Nows ize awake! Tank ewe Goldie for da Happy Birfdey wishes!

    And then I read you gots to get some udder scans?! Oh no!!! Keeping my fingers crossed and sending prayers that it be nuttin and da markers are up due to body fighting inflammation or a cold. (they will rise for that).

    Oh Kat, you and your DD and dear little Molly are in my thoughts and prayers also.......hoping you get some good news soon.

    Loooove the chicken house!.........those chooks are livin better than me!.....should I be jealous? Naaaa......

    Olara I sure do hope you get that pain sorted.......(((((hugs)))))).

    Hi to the new gals joinin up in the HTL!

    And a great big hi to ebberybuddy else here!

    Tink I needs to start de day with a DOTD for yeasterday and the day before and the day before dat an de ay nefore at n.......ishinks i habs too many ays worf de dotd.......BURP!!!!!! HIC!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Chrissy I thought the udder day was u'r BD and somewhere I wrot it to u so pretend I did today. So Cheers der Chrissy plenty of drinks to go round.

    Lori I got all wrapped up with u too before--OK they have to take all these test when something is off and Chrissy said that an inflammation can make markers go up--I don't know a thing about mrkers so I don't understand it. But they have to be sure so they do so much--U know I'm praying. Isn't the nuclear the one they give u something and u hve to wait 2 hrs then get this stupid test??? Well u do have to tell u'r DH cuz this is more than a day of testing.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


    for the birthday girl

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    happy birthday chrissyimage

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Oh Julie those little elves are always filled with something.