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how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    OK, I all are toooo, jest kiddin. Emeril says rum goes good with hot apple cider, so rum it is.

    yeah, Lara, how are you doing???????????????

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Hey hey.......i think a brandy  would be better Kat 

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Def brandy and a cinnamon stick

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    D was bragging about her margaritas and mentioned wodka..i told her ....ummm you ean dakilla  right???? IDK wtf she has been making but it hasnt been a margarita

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    good morning bernieHappy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning Bernie, Julie---I felt my mouth move, Oh it's a smile. Hard to tell without coffee. I have to wake up yet.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    NM, I think you should take that Pisang off the bucket list and put something more fun, or put it in the bottom of the bucket. That dream was definately a crazy one. Hoping to hear how your weather ended up and that you can make it to and from work ok. Cookie Sugar-Socks here.

    (((((Lara))))) this is just horrible news and I'm so sorry. Hoping you don't have to go to the hospital or lose the boob. I'm sure Dork can relate. Praying for you sweetheart.

    (((((Kathy))))) You have every reason to be sad girl. I hope you can put it aside and try to enjoy your Christmas with your family. That's alot for dinner, but I assume it's just the immediate family. Still glad to see you pop in and read and post a bit. Just read your post about the weather and your DD's late arrival. Hopeing they make/made it safely. Today is your big dinner? And how was your Washington Apple cocktail? Oops, no good I see. And lol on us being slow for a drink with cider. Did he say spiced rum?

    Bernie, I'll celebrate with you. Longer days start NOW. Yippee on the cheap wine, cheap as in MOOLA!

    Oh Beanzy, 60 INSIDE? How come so chilly? Are you saving de twees? I tink you did see Bernie, but just for a sec. Mese tinks I saw her on de fwoor over in the de corner, wif a bottle o wine.

    Cami, the Master Diagnostician.....I love it! I don't think e-coli is contagious either, but certainly one of our edumacated nurses will chime in. Has this caused you pain for the last 6 years??? Damn, I wish they could help you, that's terrible. (((((Cami)))))

    Cyn, 82 degrees is a good reason for Pina Colada! DD has UTI and kidney infection. Talked to her yesterday and she sounds like her old self. Anti B's and tramadol. Hope your car made it home ok! You ARE a softie. I hope that new bid is for the beginning of Feb. and not the end.

    Oh Cami, you are too funny. You felt your mouth move.

    I guess there is bad weather all over the place. Michigan is getting ice storm and so is Casino Girl in OK. They are pretty, but can cause so much damage and power outages.

    DOTD- The Ice Storm


    1/2 oz 151 proof rum
    2 oz strawberry schnapps
    1/2  banana
    5  strawberries
    2 cups crushed ice
    3 scoops vanilla ice cream

    Take all the ingredients and place them in a blender. Pour into two 16 oz. glasses and relax.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    OH, I'll take THAT dwink, Lori. Think I can get a Tender or two to come over to my house and make those for us??? Yeah, Emeril said spiced Rum, and we brought some back last time from Bermuda think. Nice post! Yes, my DD and family got here ok, but took them 13 hours of driving!!! They saw an overturned semi, downed power lines, and lots of accidents...they were driving through areas with tornado warnings, and interstate was flooded. She brought tons of presents, so now our pretty tree looks more like its Christmas. Since we have to give money in envelopes this year (no time or inclination to shop), for the FIRST time ever, our tree was not overflowing with presents, but now it is. Plus she brought a lot of food too.

    NM, Hope you can get to work, and elsewhere, safely!!! Be careful.

    Cyn, well whatever D was making, I bet it tasted good and had a good kick to it! LOL....maybe you can think of a good drink name for that.

    Bernie, funny pics!

    Hugssssssssssssssss to all, I need to get my EWWA (and the A is for "arse", not "ass"....I am learing from Bernie!). Got a lot to do before everyone gets here....will be early....


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good yucky, icy
    morning, Loungettes!2 inches of sleet
    on the deck, police, ambulance and fire on the scanner reporting unpassable
    roads, transformer's sparking and burning, telephone poles catching fire.Cars off the road everywhere.I am NOT going out today, at least not this
    morning.One patient is in a facility
    and is fine, another who lives 57 miles away said yesterday they did not want a
    visit today, and the third, lives near me and is my primary pt, will be ok
    until tomorrow.I'll check in with all
    of them by phone at least twice,and
    deal with any emergencies as they come up.By phone.

    Julie--Surgeon, Gyn,
    if he's working on me I think it would be weird for him to be singing Christmas

    ORLA--NO! NO! NO! No
    bad infection!Antibiotics MUST
    work!So Not Fair!

    Wahine--Prayers for
    a peaceful, if not happy Christmas celebration!

    BBBBernie--glad you
    are home safe, and well provisioned!

    Sweet-Buns--Nice name, there!I'll join
    you at the pool, keep a dwinky cool for me!

    Cammy--I thought I
    was off all weekend, too, then the schedule got changed.Either that or I just blanked it out.

    E-coli 101:

    E Coli is a family of bacteria that is
    normally found in the guts, or intestinal tracts of humans and animals.E coli is responsible for some of the process
    of breaking down the food we eat into things that can pass through the
    intestine wall into the blood stream and be put to use for energy, repair,
    etc.E coli is only one of many bacteria
    in the intestines that help with digestion.E coli can become a problem if it gets somewhere away from the other
    bacteria that keep it in check, like if it gets into food.The most common way E Coli gets into food is
    when someone goes to the bathroom, especially number 2, and does not wash their
    hands before handling food.E. coli can
    get into water supplies, most often from animals. Contaminated water that is
    used to clean food can contaminate the food with E. coli.Most of the time when we are exposed to E.
    Coli contaminated food the acid in our stomachs kills it off, and the competing
    bacteria in our intestines either kills it off or keeps it under control.BUT (there's always a butt, right?)there are, literally, thousands of strains of
    E coli, and some are a bit more resistant to competition than others,These can multiply out of control in the
    intestines and cause nausea, vomiting, and lots of diarrhea.When someone has a lot of diarrhea it is easy
    for the poop and with the E coli to get onto surfaces in the bathroom--the
    toilet seat, toilet handle, sink, faucets, door knob, towels, etc by
    microscopic aerosolization--when you flush the flush the water swirls kick up
    microscopic water droplets with e. coli in them into the air and over the next
    several hours they settle down on the surfaces.If you close the toilet lid before you flush the droplets hang in the
    air in the bowl and fly out on the current made by opening the lid later.Easy for the next person using the potty to
    collect some E coli germs.If the
    particular strain is new to that person's system, it can grow out of control.If a person eats food with a lot of E coli
    bacteria their system might not be able to wipe it out before it causes
    troubles.So E coli is not contagious
    like a cold, but it can be rather easily spread about when hygiene isn't up to

    CynCyn--you are
    correct, E coli is a bacteria, not a virus.H. Pylori is a bacteria, too.That's why antibiotics are used when someone has an ulcer, to kill off
    the H. pylori.Any bacteria or virus can
    be "caught" or transmitted if the circumstances are right, and we are
    exposed to both all the time.A healthy
    immune system is very, very important!And I am not going out today, managing everything by phone.The plow truck just went by, even he's going
    really, really slowly.Hope your boys
    get your car home safe!

    Wahine--I'll take
    ice storms over tornadoes, any day!At
    least ice storms aren't totally unpredictable.Praying DD2 and fam arrive safely.The apple drink sounds GREAT!!!I
    was going to say brandy in the apple cider, that's popular around here.Rum would be good, too! And doesn't vodka go
    in ANYTHING?


    Goldie--What I plan
    to put in the bucket list is traveling the world to find some Pisang whatever
    stuff!Sleet here, up to about 2.5
    inches, listening to the scanner, roads impassable everywhere, every ambulance
    call out needs a plow/sand truck to get it where it's going and back.Supposed to go on through tomorrow.I still have power, expect to lose it
    sometime today, given the breeze is picking up.I'm all set here, so don't worry if I disappear for a day or 2!

    Love the Ice Storm

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Julie and Bernie u both follow each other like u have it all planned---so funny.

    NM I hate to hear that much of an ice storm but so glad u'r staying in, hell u can't go out. I'm glad u'r all supplied and have Sadie to keep u comfy. Thanks for the explanation wow I sound like a pig, bt I'm not I'm always cleaning everything with Lysol or Clorox. Oh well I don't think I even have it--he had to come up with something or other so that was on the list----6 and 1/2 yrs and he comes up with E-coli hahaha, Remember last year another Dr, said Giardia (sp) That's worse like I never wash anything. Geeze these Drs.are driving me crazy. But TY NM

    Oh Kat u'r busy now but so happy u'r DD came in OK, that was a worry cuz there are bad roads everywhere--we're getting regular snow now, never got ice--we were lucky. So now u'r home has some feeling to it and that's good for u'r family. (((HUGS)))

    Lara I hope u feel better today???

    Lori that DOTD sounds like a dessert, a milkshake that any of us would really enjoy. I bet u could put any likker in there it wouldn't make a difference,ice cream goes with everything.

    Oh cookies are starting now--not in my room for sure, So I have to at least be polite and say hi after all she does call me Mom.

    Lara I'm watching Bunnyman, for the rest of u it's about a killer who wears a bunny outfit and is after all these kids. Lara gets me.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good afternoon,
    Loungettes! Amazingly enough I still
    have power.Had to work with the State
    Police and a Sherriff's  Dept to get an ambulance attendant out to a patient's home
    60 miles away, to verify a death so the funeral home people would go make the
    pick up.  Still sleeting here, listening
    to the scanner, cars off the road everywhere, fire departments are limiting the
    number of vehicles the send out on each call due to the high volume of calls
    and the slippery roads, some trucks are not able to get up some of the
    hills.  I'm beginning to worry about when
    this is going to stop!

    Cammy--YW.  But E coli is so commonly found that all the
    cleaning in the world won't totally prevent an infection.  Giardia is a parasite, has nothing to do with
    washing hands, it's a water treatment issue!  Unless you have traveled to some very 3rd world countries recently.  Time to drop a brick on the docs and go see a
    psychic healer or something!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    NM u made me laugh cuz I was in the hospital like a week one time and the infectious dr. had to meet me to see where I had been, it was so funny cuz the another Dr. told me she hadn't heard about that since med school hahaha so they reran tests and that's what I had. They were very sad to learn I never go anyplace too. So they tested again, it was funny but that's what I had hahaha

    OK now serious--how could it still be sleeting? OMG that's debilitating the whole area, did one of u'r patients die? or are u just trying to help someone out- it can't keep on like this, what are the weather people saying.? U keep safe. can Sadie get outside?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    Hi girls, just did some reading here but not yet caught up.  I am heading out now to start my Christmas shopping, I think I am a bit overwhelmed. I still have to shop, clean and figure out what to serve on Christmas morning. Can I get a tender or a wench to help?

    Saw this one on facebook, it made me laugh. 


    I need a stiff drink right now but have to wait. I am just making a run now to buy gift cards, I plan on going out around 11pm tonight. I hate crowds.

    I love you gals! cheErs!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013

    Hiya Loungettes, I hav wead but gotta run so just time to say:


    Finally de days will start getting longer again. Goldie, Puddin sweet buns will tail you all bout degrees, tanks for de dwink. Good to see ya DorKie and LOL!


    Hi to NM and Wahine and ebberybuddy

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Everyone is going crazy WTF===Oh yea I forgot Christmas comes only once a yr--we tend to forget about the date.

    Cute Dork--and be careful out at 11PM--

    Beans u'r runnin g too.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Oh wow NM, so glad you are home and safe. So scary up there! I haven't watched the news yet, so am glad you are updating us. And I hope you do NOT lose power! We would miss you too much, plus it could get awfully cold!!!

    Bernie and Julie, soooo funny! You too, Dorkie! And Dorkie you please be so very careful out shopping tonight, ok?

    Cami, So funny about the cookies, and how you have to be polite to her cause she calls you Mom! I love your sense of humor. 

    Well, we had a LONG but very nice day. Everyone started arriving around noon, and I think stayed till 6:30 or so. Except my parents left earlier. I was busy every second, but everyone said they had a good time. The rum in the spiced cider was good, as was the wine (me and 1 SIL), and the Guinness (DH and another SIL). SO many sweets, and they were hits....yeah! Esp the chocolate truffles I made, omg they were so easy and so very yummy. After the tiers of sweets, we had a chocolate fountain for my g'dau who turned 9 today. We got some really nice gifts, and some funny the knitted sock monkey wine cover!! LOL...goes with the cute knitted sock monkey house socks from one of the HTL loungettes! My DD1 did break down a bit, but the others didn't know....she and I got to talk, then her sister joined us, so it was good to get some of what she will be facing, talked out between us.

    Sorta nice to have most of Christmas done to relax and watch everyone else scurry around. LOL. 

    I am glad today went well, I was SO down yesterday and last night, and it was nice to enjoy things for a few hours.

    Beans, I am SO glad you are finding time to post....had missed you so much!

    And Lara, how are you doing???? DId you have to go to the ER? Please let us know, when you can, how you are, ok?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    hopefully the post gremlins won't get me tonight

    cammi-hi,did you get a cookie?  some people have picked up giardia at water parks!best defense against any virus or bacteria is good handwashing with soap and water.if you use bleach/Lysol to clean, your good,so put her comment under the things people say!

    dorty be safe

    kat glad you had a good night

    lara-how are you doing?

    nm -stay warm

    our manager is having a fit,seems half the floor is on tammiflu or got a snotty nose(been coughing up a lung since fri night,had to miss our floor party. and there was home made lasagna) so staffing for the holidays is looking like a nightmare

    have a good night people

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Julie, do you have to work over Christmas? Tis the season to be snotty...hope you are feeling better soon..and Dorty, you too. 

    Kathy so glad your gathering went well..sounds like it was quite a do you make your truffles?  Im trying to figure something out to bring to my parents on Christmas and am hitting brick walls with it. are you????  

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


    my fb friends are on a roll tonight

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Oh Cyn, they are E-Z! You just need oreos, cream cheese, and chocolate for coating. Oh and a food processor to make fine crumbs of the oreos....maybe a blender would work too? Anyway, the inside is so creamy and smooth. Was a BIG dad thought I bought them. Also made a QUICK peanut butter fudge that was firm enough to cut, but still pliable, so thought they could be made into balls and coated with chocolate easily too....they just had 2 ingredients. IF you want recipes, let me know and I will email them to you.

    OK, changing this poem to fit NM's weather  (it was supposed to say Wisconsin)....

    A Maine Poem

    Its winter in Maine

    And the gentle breezes blow.

    Seventy miles an hour,

    At thirty-five below.

    Oh how I love Maine,.

    When the snow's up to your butt.

    You take a breath of winter air

    And your nose gets frozen shut.

    Yes, the weather here is wonderful

    So I guess I'll hang around.

    I could never leave Maine

    'Cause I'm frozen to the ground!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Funny stuff, Julie!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013
