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how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    ooohhh I just woke up Santa was here, he must hve been in a hurry, he just left  great big bag of presents. Wow he was in a hurry--I knows mese hurds him cuz it was very quiet then I hear some bad words about a reindeer wif some red nose hitting sometin hard and lots of reindeer picking on the one wif de red nose like crazy===I know cuz dey were callin' him red nose after eberytime dey said #$^%# %%@ ^*() ##%^ wow dey said wurds I neber heard, but I don't tink dey were nice wurds, cuz mese Ktie=Kat had her ears down when she was looken' at me--so I's knows what dat means. I tink de red nosed one hit de house by mistake or maybe cuz of dwinking a little on de way, it's bery cold outside here--well when Santa said Good Night---it wasn't his usual way, there was no HO HO HO it was more like whore, whore, whore, maybe dey were late cuz dey were tryin to keep warm--IDK but a lot goin' on here---

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Merry Christmas,
    Loungettes!Not working today, so
    staying home.Mom and her partner are
    coming over later, they haven't had electricity for a couple days, so no
    flushing the toilet or showers for them, so they are coming over here for
    showers, a working flush toilet, and ahot meal.Last ice storm I was
    the refugee, this year I'm the rescuer, what a turnabout.

    Cammy--I am very
    careful on the roads.Worked a full day
    yesterday, off today, working tomorrow and Friday, then on call Saturday night
    into Sunday morning.I will be so glad when
    my vacay gets here!More cookies?Glad you've got Joey and SIL to run

    Goldie--I've been
    thinking Kat's tenant from he## needs to be evicted, too.Or at least have the rent increased to
    compensate for all the expenseshe 's
    causes.Unless she wants to reimburse
    Kat for all that stuff, maybe?Doubt
    that will happen.Yes, Sadie has all her
    papers, now I just need to book the kennel.My family is celebrating on Saturday, if Mom and Dick have power back by
    then.If not, not sure what's going to

    BBBBernie--LOL!Poor Santa!

    Chrissy--Yeah, first
    Santa sighting!

    Beanie--So happy you
    are feeling better!Not feeling good is
    the pitts. Every time.Yes, Sadie and I
    are staying warm, thankfully!

    Christmas to you, too!

    Cammy--balls are
    always appropriate in the HTL!

    DorKable--that is a
    true classic, thanks for sharing!

    I LISTENING TO?????????????????????

    Cammy--seems Santa
    and the Reindeer have a darker side?

    Cookie Sugarplum's
    DOTD is the Merry Christmas

    1/2 bottle Vodka

    1 bottle Raspberry

    1 can Sprite

    6 cans Cranberry


    Pour all ingredients
    (chilled beforehand) into a large container or punch bowl, preferably on top of
    another similar container filled with ice. Allow to chill. Serve in punch cups
    or tall glasses

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Again Merry Christmas---Oh DOTD is a good one.

    Our Christmas Story:

    Santa was here and Joey was so happy and Santa left a note thanking him for the cookies that Joey left out. So the presents are being opened and Joey is handing them out and after a few minutes he stopped and said This is wonderful if this is all I get (a couple then) it's more than enough I'm so happy we have each other and he started to cry. So he got composed and we finished our presents and he was thrilled thanking us and Santa--cuz he knows he can hear  him--And Marty said Oh there's one more and he brought out the last one--It was an IPOD V--with Searry??? Joey opens it and the tears really came and he said I never expected this,  I know I couldn't have been that good--OMG this is unbelievable as he's crying his eyes out.--and he keeps saying TY, TY, TY-with tears running down his face. Talk about drama opening up presents. He's making us all cry.

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2013


    Wanted to wish all of you a very wonderful & merry Christmas.  I love you all and am so very grateful to be so connected to the most wonderful group of ladies.  Heading to Vegas, have a FANTASTIC day everyone!!

    LUBSLUBSLUBS all of you with all my heart!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Mele Kalikimaka everyone! This is Hawaiian Pidgin style Night Before Christmas.....

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013


    Merry Christmas Everybody!!

    Today I pray for peace on earth and good will to all. I pray for all you lovely ladies to be healthy, happy and to win tons and tons of dough at the casino and have your cups filldeth and runeth over but not runneth over like grandma by the raindeer. I am grateful ebery day for all the fun and joy you bring to mese life and I tank u bery mushliest for listening to me goofylieestness and all mese total BS and wild alien abduction stories. Dough I do know you will most easily find me in de outter spaced mosta de time. Todey I twied to log into me email det I log into ebery dey but poof cudn't 'member de PW. Toook a while but after a wodka or two (or twee or fowur) I was able to 'member but den foygot why. So mese simpliest message today is of love, peace, joy, happiness, health, no pain, good bowel movements, and plenty to dwink and de bestest holiday meal in de woyld to celebrate de birth of our baby Jesus.




    Love you al soooooooo much it makes me misty-eyed.

    Mewwy Cwistmas!! Cheews!! Keep Ur Titz Up Always!!!



  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013



  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013

    I hab been reading and lub de postesses so muchly today. I am so tankful in my cup and in me fart for you fun goilies. To GoldBug, CyndieLouWho, Stella, Cami, KatKringle, Juliet, BernieBaby, DoffeyDot, Cookie Sugarplumb, SuZQT, Chevyboy, and all the others who I habnt bumped into today but who are well lubbed like Chrissy, Mrs V, Undie, Lara, Red…and me mind is going blank, tank you for being a fart of my life and me joy! Merry Christmas!


  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    You gals just always give me a smile!  Thank you for that... you onery little muffins!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Happy Christmas Night Girlz!!!





  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2013

    Do hopes youse all has had a great day. Today is Boxing Day here and a holiday and tis day when little gets done and one has strange tings for meals liek trifle for breakfast and pudding for lunch and tyrkey sandwich for tea. 

    Wes had a great couple of days which is why Ise not here. Christmas Eve had big family dindins them on Christimouse day lunch with extended family and dis year peace rained tank goodness.

    Big hugs to all and hope you got somting you wanted. I dot some good things like black enamel and silver earings and necklace and lots of good tings.

    Big hugs to all.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    nice one bernie, working tonightBawling but have now finsihed my anti b's so i will be drinking when i finish in the morning! hope everybody had a wonderful christmas day and santa was really good to you all.    thank you for all the smiles,laughs and love xxxxxxx

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Hi eberyone--I just woke up from a drunken stupor---Oh Julie u work so odd hrs. And so hard too.cdddddddddddderdffffffff---that was from my Katie-Kat she types like me.

    My Christmas was wonderful, just to busy for me--I came home to much pain, but worth every minute so today nothing, well my job of course. We cme home in a blizzard and streets were terrible, no lanes people all over the place and off the road. Saw  more white Christmas at the wrong time. I drank Rum-Jata?? I forgot if that's the name--whoa really good, but had more of a kick than I thought--I can't even explain how sweet my family is--as I started feeling OMG I'm drunk, my niece's DH gave me some water and the other guys all DH's came over and rubbing my hands and asking what they can do for me--My sister and nieces were sitting there saying do something Auntie's sick--I was LOLing and said I'm drunk not sick--and in my drunken stupor I thought what a beautiful family this is, I never forget just don't get to see them as often as I like to---every week-end if it were up to me. But u know--Leslie and Jodie got all scared and I felt so sick, but I found the remedy FOOD, then I did feel better--it was just sweet how they are. Oh like usual too much food, but then again I wish I had some now  Anyway it was a good Christmas, now I rest.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!I believe this is called
    Boxing Day in some parts of the world, not sure what that mean really, maybe
    someone can enlighten me?

    Cammy--Awww, Joey is
    such a special little guy!He is going
    to go far in life!

    Mema--hope you had a
    great day in Vegas!

    Wahine--the Pidgin
    Night Before Christmas is hilarious!Great fun, thank for sharing.

    Christmas prayer, thanks for sharing.The buffett is wonderful looking!And the poor snow couple, love the bunny with the extension cord!

    Merry Christmas to
    you, too, Chevy!

    Beanie--and thanks
    and Merry Christmas to theEmergency Vet
    Hospital staffs all over the world who are worked on the holiday to take care
    of those of us with fur babies.

    Christmass to you too!

    Aly--I knew someone
    would talk about Boxing Day on here!Hooray for peace reigning at your family gathering!

    Julie--I've got to
    wait for Saturday to find out what Santa thinks of me this year, IF Mom and
    Dick have power at their place by then!

    Cammy--so glad you
    had a good visit with the family!I
    found the rum stuff recently, it is GOOOOODDDDD!Had a giggle at the fam thinking Aunty was
    sick when Aunty was drunk, but glad you found good food, too!

    Cookie Sugarplum is
    not looking forward to going back to work today since it's supposed to be
    snowing again, but life being what it is, she will cope.Mostly by looking forward to a drink when she
    gets home!

    Cookie Sugarplum's
    DOTD is the Boom Box

    1 part Vodka

    1 part White Wine

    1 part Coffee


    Add Vodka and White
    Wine to the coffee. The coffee must still be hot.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning NM---oh it's got to be hard going to work today. Please be careful, I'm sure u get more snow than we do. It's stopped by now here, but I think more is coming--I think that's what I heard.

    The DOTD sounds unusual today, I would never think to put wine and vodka together, but then again I'm no expert. Oh and u'r count down is really coming quickly now===Have a good day.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Boxing Day - when all the gifts (Christmas Boxes) were given to the servants and tradesmen..

    Here it's called St Stephen's Day - after the first martyr of Christianity.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Oh Bernie, I didn't know that at all--it sounds like a boxing match--How is it celebrated now, What do u do?

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    Happy holidays

    I have spoke to some of you. I had to post hiiiiiiiiiiiiiicammieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Im ok missed u cam and everyone else goldie, beanius, cyn, bernie, juliet thank u for the concern

    I ve been very depressed and sick I need to go back to sleep

    we are waiting for what? IDK I had a red rash on the implant, saw PS ahe said the red went away from the antibiotics so no hospital. It s painful and I have chills. No fever. Fver we hen I call her go to ER. She asked me is it degerent, food etc no nothing and why would a rash be there only there. I forgot I had scheduled a second opionion tomm Im going these doctors are hrough the hospital not independent PS .

    I missed and love evryone update tomm I promise

    Im just so tired need to sleep


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    I don't believe it, Lara I was just coming here to see if anyone heard from u, I was concerned and there u are. Except I'm still concerned u poor little thing--If rest helps then just do it. But I hope they find some reason for all of this and stop this pain.OK let us know more tomorrow.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Now we all dress up and see off the local hunt by playing music and dancing.  Then we visit the care homes and people living alone.  Ending up in the village pub at 4pm.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    I'll meet you at the pub at 4......

    (well I might get there a weeeee bit earlier...*hic*)

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013

    Mornin' Dollinks,


    Chevyboy – Always good to see you too, muffin.

    Wahine – Beautiful Christmas celebration, thank you!

    Bernie – You too, lub de pwetty pic and wishes!

    Alyson – Yay, you are here and tanks for reminding bout Boxing Day…oooo and doze jewels sound bootiful!

    Howdy Juliet – hope you don’t work too hard, glad de antib’s are dun and you can dwink again.

    Cami – Glad your Christmas was wonderful but sawwy bout de pain and de bad weather. Hab not heard of Rm-Jata, sound so fun.

    NM – I’m not sure wud Boxing Day is either, but, hey, let’s party! Yikes, u r waiting till Saturday? Hope you get all and eben more den you wish for! Tank U for de Boom Box, that sounds great for Boxing Day!! Love it, spaicuslly wif wodka in it, you have been so good to Puddin Sweet Buns lately wif so much wodka.

    Bernie – Tanks for clearing up de Boxing Day mystery. And de Wren Day too. Gives me an idea:


    Lara – Good to see ya! We miss u when u are gone. So sawwy you are not feeling well and I hope det you get better quick. Pweese rest up and den keep us posted.

    DorKie - you and Wahine had me ROFLMAO yest bout who saw you playin what wif youself. So funny, I member wen I metchu back wen we were babies and you played a UTube of yerself playing wif flute. It was so awesome I lubbed you from de moment on! Hope you are habing a gweat day!

    Wahine – I wud lub to see ya at de pub.

    I will be at de pub for a Boxing Day DOTD but foyst I have gotta get back to woyk!


    Oh I figured out why I got sick. MIL sended chocolate covered pissant nuts and twied to poison me. Much better today. Happy Boxing Day, Wren Day, Kwanza and Hi to Everyboydy.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Such a nice post, Beans! You always remember everyone! Can I just "ditto" what you said??? OH, and besides Boxing Day, etc., it is my DD2's baby I will wish her "Hauoli La Hanau"! She was due on Christmas Day, so I had a present under the tree for her "just in case".

    Yeah, c'mon down to Bernie's Irish Pub....LOTS a dwinkin goin on.....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    wow, hiccup ~burp oh mese. where de hail eberybuddy? no posts for twlef hours? ye all too drunk to post too? 

    Kat, I also ditto what Beanie sez to the goils about summed it all up. 

    tanks goils for spaining boxing dey. I always thought that it was the day that people in de boxing countries jest, like fight with boxing gloves. I dunno, that what it sounds like to me. I get a good edumacation here but prolly foyget next year cuz mese always dwunked. 

    I hope ye all had a Mary Christmas, I tink dat universal. I did, tank ye all. well I need a refil so gonna see who de tenders are whooopin up dis friedey morning. oh shit, friedey. de time is coming for mese to go to work. i say no more. cept I tank god mese an alcamahoic burp hicc!