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  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    Happy Christmas eve day! 

    I have started mese day in de chapel. Sending prayers up for Lara, asked God to please let her keep de foob and asked him to give her a mother fletching break already. So many of us goils have been hit with hard time this past year. I don't know bout ye all but I tinking that mese more stupewtitious den ever cuz de year 2013 has been my worst year ever. And a few of you have also had some major struggles. I jest don't get why de hail bad tings happen to such gwate girls. why can't dis chit happen to members of gangs, pedifiles, child murderers and so on, ye get my point. I am pissed. 

    Kathy, I jest don't know what to say. To quote one of our MIA loungettes, wese all jest gotta pray harder! That quote is from Beckers and I like it. 

    I've been a mess. Skeered of returning to work in two weeks, mese Dad dwiving me to tears, gitting sick den giving up effexor cold turkeyish. Mese puka is healing well but still sore. I feel bestest when mese sleeping and I jest can't get enuff sleep, I so tired. I skeered I can't wake up at 7aye em for work cuz I'd have to be in bed before 7pee em to have enuff sleep for my sad body. And mese thumb is about killing me and nutting make it feel goodlier. Well I did not come here to bitch. Or did I? I jest too mentally exhausted to address you all and I know that salefish. Anudder reason to not like being mese right now. cellfish ain't me or wasn't me, ya know? One more ting about mese is that I overwhelmed cuz I have to clean my house and buy cookies and the chit most people make for Christmas and mese jest struggle to get in de car, or eben git dressed or clean mese body. ugh, i jest wanna smoke a de willie and stay home. And I still hate crowds. And mese not feeling de lub for mese likker, been nauseated and not eating well. And I can't even flick mese bick for sum willie cuz mese damn right thumb is stuck and sore to work de bic and mese left thumb jest too weak go flick de effing bic. I know I know I know....dese are little tings wen looking at de pic pixture. and in comparison to many of your life struggles, I gonna shut de phuck up now and tell you all I love you. I also love the pics n funnies here too, sorry I often do not mention that. 

    Rant over. I will feel better in de morning, always do. well I lied, I feel better when I wake up but often de afternoon. I tink mese going cwaaaaaaaaaaaazy.  well tanks all who listen, I luv ya's! from de bottom of mese fart. now pull my dern finger, sumone. if mese fart now, I promise to smile and mean it! 

    I end with a picture of dat annoying elf. he makes me laugh now that eberybuddy abuzing him! tehehehe! cheers!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Happy Christmas Eve!The messy weather has finally stopped, the
    roads are getting cleared off in my area.Got a lot worse down where I grew up,gonna take a bit longer to get cleaned up there.

    Chrissy!Merry Christmas to you, too!My trip is definitely getting closer, and I
    am getting more excited!

    Goldie--I know my
    limits and I was NOT going out in that crap.Like the boss said, we can't help any one if we're dead or in the
    hospital ourselves.Sadie's paws are
    good, it was just little nicks, just enough to notice when I did her paw checks
    when she came in, not even enough to leave a blood smear on the kitchen
    floor.Roads are much better, now the
    problem is downed tree branches.

    Cammy--I am being
    careful, and rearranged my schedule so that I didn't have to drive very far
    yesterday, roads will be ok today.But I
    will still be careful!

    Wahine--Yikes, your
    poor DD1!I hope she can get through
    with a minimum of anxiety.Maybe they
    can give her a prescription for some ativan or xanax to help?I needed xanax to get through rads and I
    wasn't in any where near the same situation.Sadie is ok,she does slip and
    slide a bit on the ice, then she slows down and is ok, unless she sees me
    watching, then she tries to run and slips and slides again!Sadie does slip and slide in the house when
    she gets excited, too.I loved the Maine
    poem, it is so funny!!!

    Great truffles
    recipe!Thanks for sharing!

    Christmas to you and yours, glad alien is well, can imagine Mom's mood
    swings!Hooray for the fridge and
    freezer replacement record!

    Undy--Good to see
    you, thanks for the LARA update.My
    heart is breaking for her.


    Beanie--feel better
    fastliest, Beanie!

    Mema--here's to the
    sciatic nerve calming down NOW!

    CynCyn--I' m
    actually off tomorrow,then on call
    Saturday night.I haven't even looked at
    January yet.Sadie will use any excuse
    to get attention and lovin', and she certainly does lap it up when she gets it!

    Wahine--did the
    culture the tenant took also come back as normal mold?Well, the state expert should settle things
    finally, I should hope.Tenant needs to
    be sent packing when this is all over and done with.Your poor DH, and your poor Dad.Just too much crap going on!

    DorKable--I can
    understand being nervous about going back to work.I would be too.Relate to the being tired, too.Your body is sending energy to healing the
    puka, and not leaving enough for everything else.Makes for very, very tired times.And coming here to biotch is perfectly
    acceptable, that's what we're here for!It WILL get better, hang in there and hold on tight.Better times are coming.

    Cookie Sugarplum's
    DOTD is the Hanging Elf

    2 1/2 shots Tequila

    1/2 shot Triple Sec

    1 splash Orange

    3/4 shot Lime Juice

    3 piece (wedge) Lime


    Fill shaker with
    broken cubed ice and squeeze two fresh lime wedges into shaker. Add other
    ingredients and shake vigorously. Rim outside of glass with lime peel and salt.
    Add ice and strain. Squeeze in third lime wedge and garnish with lime slice.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    NM Good Morning--OK let me get this straight--u'r working today and certainly off tomorrow? Are u working a full day? I'm sure the roads are better but there might be some icey places so just be very very careful...Good DOTD as usual.

    Dork how dare u feel bad for complaining--that's what we all here for cuz we all care--u'r body has hit a brick/concrete wall and it doesn't help u'r healing when u have things going on mentally like crazy. I didn't say u are crazy, well a little, but  u've been having lots going on.

    I hope Lara is doing better, this is rough on her.

    Kat everytime I talk to u my heart breaks--u'r DD boy does she sound like u, she a bright souland I'm sorry she's having this horrible time.

    Lori I hope u'r DD is feeling better now--she should be--so if u talk to her mke sure she does. I guess u'r leaving or left today--Merry Christmas Lori to u and u'r DH and enjoy u'r time away and the weather too.

    Cyn 1 more day right? U r off for a while, I'm assuming cuz u've worked hard and I want u to enjoy u'r Holiday.

    My DD finished shopping yesterday and last nite, but she stopped home to drop the food off for what she's mking for each day and she has MORE COOKIES for Joey and me to do. Oh I didn't know we were making cookies and I wanted to scream--didn't feel like it but knew we had to--Thank Gdd for my SIL he was in the kitchen and did a lot--he really knows me now and sees my face for expressions so he and Joey did most of it and we were being silly decorating them--with Joey. continue 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Oh no Beanie, you can't be sick for the holidays! I hope it goes bye bye today. I love the lost elf, that is too coot.

    Sue, soytenly you will be wif family and get to see you darling lil grandkids. Hoping you get some help for that scaitic nerve, those can hurt like the dickens. Had that problem before and brought me to tears it hurt so bad.

    And Dort, you are sick again too? My gosh, I am counting my blessings, das fo sho.

    Cyn, I'm sure you and Donese will figure sumpting out....wink wink!!

    Kathy, I thought someone made those candy cane hearts. And can't blame you one bit for wanting to just run away. I think I would consider evicting that tenant, no telling what she might try to pull next time. And to have to spend all of that money for nothing. And more cancer on your dad. Glad they always catch it and can take it off. I wonder if your DD tried meditation, if that would help her. When I did my rads, the machine is rather loud, and it's like marbles going round and round inside the machine. I used to lay there, eyes closed and thought of that as angels going around me, protecting me, and I would just lay there and pray. Before ya know it, I was done. Or maybe she can take some relaxing music to listen to?

    Dorty, you have every reason to rant girl, I just wish it did some good. What is wrong wif your thumb? I didn't know you were having issues with that. And maybe you should try getting to bed earlier now, so it won't be such a struggle when you go back to work. I know this is hard for you, you night owl you. Can your dad go and stay with a sister for a bit, just to give you a break?

    NM, glad the roads are clearing up. Do you have Christmas plans? With your mom maybe? And did Sadie get all her papers for her vacation?

    Cami, enjoy your family and Joey. I hope you are feeling well and no D for de holidays! My DD is much better, thanks.

    Lara, thinking of you today and praying. I don't know when I will be able to read and ketchup, DH doesn't want to take my computer and have it left in the truck while we go riding. Someone might steal it!

    With much love, Merry Christmas to the best group of friends a goil can have. Know that I will be thinking and praying for all of you!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    This computer keeps bouncing---anyway we made snowmen and some how really not on purpose I gave one a penis and Joey was hysterically laughing and when Les came home she ate it right away--she thought I did it on purpose I really didn't -she gets so upset-- my prude DD. But I was so glad to get done, so Joey will bring some cookies to the neighbors today. OK I can't believe this but it's Christmas Eve---eeek ( pray everyone  has piece on this day and carries it thru,

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited December 2013



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Bumped ya Chrissy.  Have a Merry Christmas.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Hope Everyone has a safe, and happy Christmas!


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013

    Happy Christmas Eve Angel Baby Dollinks. With Christmas tomorrow and New Year’s Eve coming up I hab been tinkin bout resolutions and wud comes to mind is twing not to descwibe tings wif de “S” woyd. Like yesturday I felt really ---tty and I wuz in bed wif a ---tty fever all ---tty day. Today I still feel ---tty but not as ---tty as yesturday.

    Hada fever. Used my lil digital thermometer I bought before starting chemo in 2010. At first read 99.8. So dat seemed bout right for how ---tty I felt. I got in bed and every so often checked my temp. It was 100.5, den 100.8, den de thermometer became kindof a random number generator, reading 94.2, 101.98, 98.8, 102.74, etc. So I dunno wud temp, but ended up very red in the face with DH putting cool towels on me. He was so nice and bixed me brothy soup for dinner. Stayed in bed all de ---tty day and prayed to heal meself cuz I hate going to de docs. Just dwank tons of water. I am miraculously much better today wif just a tummy ache.

    I was so enjoying all the posts yesterday when I started feeling worse and worse and hadda hit de hay, so now I’m gunna go back and read dem in detail today. Scrolling thru too today I hab missed so much so gunna go read up now.

    Love the Hangin Elf DOTD!!

    Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Blessed Kwanza, Happy Holidays and Festivus for The Rest of Us to everyone!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013

    Wahine – Doze truffles sound wunnerful and LOL at de Maine poem for NM. Happy BD to your Gdau.

    Juliet – Yikes bout coughing up a lung, hope you are feeling better and dat de gremlins don’t get you. Sux to miss de woyk partee. LOL at yer funnies and def welcome de returning sun wif joy!

    Bernie – LOL at yer funnies too! Glad u gotcher fridge.

    Cyn Cyn – So glad Donese will be there wif U, hope you have a great time. Hope you don’t work too much.

    NM – Hope you will stay safe and warm and wif power. LOL at de Double Double Two Winter Solstice Cocktails yesterday and de Hanging Elf today, thank you!!

    Chrissy – Big hugs to you too, it’s always nice to see you here.

    GoldBug – Hope you have a wonderful trip. And keep us posted on the tests Thurs. I am so sorry to read your ins has declined the CT. I hope your doc will pressure them to get it approved. I loved your beautiful Christmas candle and the awesome Merry Christmas to My Female Friends. Amen to that! Love it, thanks.

    Cami – I have been sneaking to de lounge he he he. DH and I had made all dese gweat plans but turns out I hab been able to sneak in a lot lately. I love dat we here can find joy eben wif all de ---tty stuff we go thru. So it hard when I can’t bee here. I tink dese Femara pills are de same as aging pills, de more I have to take dem de faster I age. Feel near 90 now, just so achy all de time. Love de big hugs and same to you. 

    Unde – tanks for updating bout Lara.

    Lara – Hope you are doing okay.

    Wahine – So glad yesterday went well. I’m still in shock bout your DD, so much like what my bro went thru earlier this year. Face mask and all. I’m so sorry and esp if she gets panic attacks and fn migraines. That is so awful. And that tenant is so awful, you have to get a mold expert? Good grief. I sure hope your DH is okay, and your Dad now has a skin cancer? I know if you fly off in de UFO you will find me out there too. Just so much to deal with. Thanks for taking the time to share your candy cane with white chocolate recipe, and the choco truffle recipes, does look so festive. Hang in there sweet Katrinka.

    SueZQT – Glad to see U pop in and I hope de sciatic apt goes well.

    DorK – I will join U in de chapel, so much goin on wif all us, yeppers, we godda pway harder. Ya know too it’s wen eben de lil tings like flickin a bic don’t woyk dat it all comes tumbling down. I so sawyy you been puky and all. Mese too. We were gunna make a nice Christmas dinner, but I don’t feel like eating and sure won’t be habin any eggnog. And hey, consider your finger pulled. Me farts back atcha. LOL at de hangin elf.

    Well I will say Happy Holidays agin To everyone and may Santa grant your ebery wish.


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Merry Christmas Eve Everyone except Chrissy B who I will Say Merry Christmas Day to...Look who I stumbled accross.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    image I figured balls were appropriate here.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    LMAO @ Cami and CyndieLouWho!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Beans I'm sorry u don't feel goodlyest yet, especially now---I've cancelled my Eve plans too, hoping my Day plans will go well. I'm sure it will be quiet here tonite, but that's all right-we are quiet people. Yea right!!! My kids just left for the evening so I've got my furbabies for my company and dat's fine wid me. I still have tings to do and the first 1 was hab a bid drink--which now I habben anodder big drink--so some how I wrap my nails and polish mese presents tonite. Oh yea dat's rite maybe ---I check back laterest. cux I bee bery busy----

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


    merry Christmas everybody and a very happy and healthy new year

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    To all my beautiful babes, your love and support has been my inspiration and strength throughout the year.  I wish you all a safe, blessed Christmas.
      Nollag shona daoibh

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    I wanted to stop in to wish ye all de Merriest of CHrisTmas's. And Jule, what you said, yep. 

    Mese is prograsstinating with de Willie, de JD and de oh hell, I tink his name is Bants or sumting. I listening to music and making mese own music of dis beautiful classical piece dat was stolen by de tran syberian huskky orchestra but dey did not write it ya see. mese been obsessed for hours listening to this classic and learning myself to play it for ye all. cuz mese plays with mese self todey for foyst time in long time. cuz it make me feel goodliest to play with mese self. it like I exit de turdmoil n enter a galaxy like dat of de bean when she up dere, only when I play with mese self. Kat saw me play with mese self and was not humbarrased at all. dis not me but if ye will, put dis on, it one hour and fredicated to each of ye cuz it about loving bwesties on Christmas. and it about making mese selfhish self orgasmic sorta. join me and click n listen, k. give it a minute, if ye dont like, den ef ya. hehe, jk! lub you goils. and I tank ye all for de kind werds, maketh mese fart feel bettah. still praying for you all, u know who ye are. PEACE.............

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    LMAO @ Dorkie!! For the official record, I did NOT, repeat... I DID NOT see Dorkie "play with mese self" like she said!!! LOL, that cwacked me up. But of course we know you mean playing your music by yer self, and YES, you play so beautifully and I enjoyed the videos you made! I am listening to that piece right now, and the pic they used is gawgeous!

    Loving all the Merry Christmas wishes from you all! You are all the BESTEST BWEASTIES ever!!! I have enjoyed getting to know each of you, and hope you will all have a really nice Christmas!

    MELE KALIKIMAKA y'all  (had to add the y'all)!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    Kat, you HAVE seen me play with mese slef, I purdy sure of dat. I taught I shared a video with you of me playing my piano then dubbing over while playing flute? I will try to find time, errr make that find motivation to do another youtube video and do one of mese playing flute and pie-anna. For many years, I wanted a music mixer type o ting so that I could play with mese self in high quality. Back in de day, I used to use those panosonic cassette recorders, had two and would do the same thing. God put me on this earth to praise him musically but I tink god is tinking EPIC FAIL. dat prolly why mese life is all kinds o phucked up. 

    Lord have mercy....

    PEACE, chEErs and chairs! This one is for Junie which by the way, the term is "FILL ER UP"... (for Kat or Lori. whichebber..I tink it was Kat reminiscing bout Junie in her back yard, holding de handbag under de full moon and asking God to FILL ER up with money). and right after she went to heaven, I remember sitting outside in the sunshine then raining. the feeling I had was of Junie's tears from heaven. In mese mind, she was up dere crying for all who grieved her death. but she did not die, ya see, she still with us but far far far away, further than the north pole. As are all of our fallen angels including Reese, a bco girl that was local, turned out she was a friend of Chrissy's but I did not know that when I first contacted her privately. and who else? oh geez, the gal that made me and some other loungettes some beautiful jewelry? I would know her name iffin I was not so dwunk. Linda I tink but cant tink of her BCO name. She was a berry talented artist. bco name was rakulinda, yep, dat it. point....our fallen angels from here or from outside the HTL are watching over us now. I jest feel it. FUll mooth was last week but in remembrance, I say "FILL ER UP"!  


    One more for our beloved June Bug. 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    bburp. hicFART. dat wuz NOT me, it was uh, let's see who was last to post. uh, it was uhhh .... di s goil named dork, hmm. she a pig a farting on christmas. geezz LOUEEEEZE! oink oink whomeber that dork is. 

    nutting better den classical muzic, farts n chitting. 

    and by de whe, mese for de FOYST time in mese life, poychased depends bladder contwol pads. cuz meze bin pissingMEself 5 of our 4 aye ems ober de past six weeks. chit, not dis, cuz it mese doing some majic twix  (twix, not to be funcused to de serial named twix, de serial of dat rabbit~hiccup!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    oh tank gawd mese for depends pads, I have de abovv aff4mentioned youtube video on repeat and jest laufhing mese piss in mese panties which by de weay aka bdw, or bTW as weirdos call it, is wet. mese depends dat is.  wan


    na picutre of mese now? werning to all, it aint purdy. 

    so i get dem free at walmart. yep, I one of those people from walmart. but siriously, I did buy a blatter control package of tingys. and mese "pissed", pardon de pun, but mese pissed off dat I wore it for de foyst time last night. and damn it, got up at 9am to pee, went back to sleep and woke-a-up dwy, like a 10 year old virgin, nuttin. so decision trow away or put aside for tomorree night, de pad dat costa bout a buck and MURPHY's law, did not piss in mese effort to make de trip to de baffroom. 

    which bdw, always makes me tink of mese luvie, de doctor hersailf, Dr. Cammy Legal, PHD and shitta of de pannts whom mese de co dependant, if I may, pisser of de pants. so ya see, I has symphony , music to pee by and symPATHy for cam, cuz I chit in mese pants dis night. and dat cuz me had a donut for dinner. dat'll learn me to not do dat again. i heard that beans or maybe sue mighta shit on de table, yep. so i feel deres pain ~hiccup. time to rap. like a uh, better not sey cuz last time I sezzed, got my ewwa banned from here. 

    did i say i love ye goils? AllySun, CaKwissy b, ye already into de CHristMas spirit, I here with ya, cheeeeeers! and if ya has to soil yer panties, dont do it, choose DEPENDS, chEErs!!!! 


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Sherry time