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how about drinking?



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning, Loungettes!  How is everyone this frosty ayem?  I am so ready for vacation, emotionally.  Still need to take care of a couple of details, that's tomorrow's TO DO list.  I want WARM weather and swimming!

    Cammy--We only got a dusting of snow during the day, got more in the evening and overnight, but it's stopped now.  The roads and my driveway have been plowed and sanded, so I'm good. 

    BBBBBBernie--Thanks for the Boxing day update, I've always been curious.  I've probably been told before but forgot, got a memory like a steel sieve. . .

    ORLA--hope you get some good sleep, and some good news at the second appointment visit.  Praying for you. 

    BBBBBBernie--neat history about Wren's day!  Like the modern version, too.  See you at the Pub!

    Beanie--Gotta trust the doggies to find comfort anywhere!  And yes, we WERE going to have our family Christmas on Saturday, now that Mom and Dick don't expect to get power back until sometime next week the get-together is on hold. 

    Wahine--Happy Birthday to DD2!  Love the present, "just in case."

    DorKable--some of us may be to dwunk to post, but some of us are just too tired!  Where's my Pants???????

    Cookie Sugarplum's DOTD is the Wren's Flight

    1 1/2 oz Light Rum
     1 dash Bitters
    3 oz Grapefruit Juice

    Pour all of the ingredients into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir well

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Good morning my lovelies! We got home a little after dark last night, and just went to bed! Had fun riding and really enjoyed the 70 degree temps. It's 8 here this morning, but suppose to warm up to about 50, I'll take it! Day time temps for the next 10 days are to be between 45 and 55. I'll take that too!

    Lovely story about Joey, Cami. He is such a darling. And funny dat you got dwunk.

    KatKringle, happy birthday to your youngest. I hope you and yours are all doing well.

    Beans, sorry you were feeling s***ty, I member when you made a post, long time ago, about how everything was stooped!. Glad you are feeling better.

    Lara, glad you checked in, and sure hope that doc knows what she is talking about.

    Don't really have time to respond to everyone. Spent my morning catching up, here and on FB. Dorothy, I see your post was 4 hours ago!!! I am assuming you were still up, and not just getting up!!! I think you are part vampire.

    I have to say, I am glad Christmas is over. When you don't have family/friends to share it with, it's just kind of sad. But I love reading and seeing everyone of my friends and family's celebrations on FB and with pictures. I wasn't able to get the CT, so only did the nuclear bone scan. Will let you know when I hear something. My battery is about to die on my laptop, so I better get this sent! Oh, one more thing! Too phunny about Dort and Kat, Kat watching Dort play wif herself!

    I just love this place!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning Ladies

    Bernie Thank u so much, I've never heard of any of this, but anything that ends up in a Pub is a wonderful Holiday to celebrate,

    NM OMG all this time without power, I know u said before u guys re used to things like that, but that's awfully long and are they warm enough? And that's crummy not celebrating when u planned to

    Kat u'r baby has a BD--I hope it celebrated, u need some good Karma now.

    Dork I tink eberbody is wacked out, eeeder by drinken or just plain tired or both. Both yea

    Lara I'm thinking of u so much my little sparrow, with a tiny broken wing. I hope u get some good news soon and feel better.

    I'm supposed to go to my DD1 later with Joey and at this time I don't feel like going.. Sometimes I really don't like things expected of me to do, I really never say yes to anything, it's always I'll see-but sometimes things are pushed on me and I'm such a bitch I don't want anything to be pushed on me anymore---Some things I have to do--all Dr.s things but I think I can pick and choose the things in my everyday life. And I've gone before but I'm feeling like crap and I prefer just staying alone when I feel like this--going out never makes me feel better so ...............


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    (((((Cami))))). I hate that you are not feeling so good today (well, I should say, I hate you are feeling like crap!)...its a bummer esp when you are expected to go out. I forgot to mention that story of your Joey you wrote earlier....he is SO precious!!! Such a sweetie and has so much wisdom....much wiser than his years. My DD2 had a nice b'day, I couldn't even reach her by phone till the pm hours!

    Lori, Glad you got home safely and enjoyed the warm weather!

    Still worrying about our Lara too...hope she is feeling better today and that the 2nd opinion dr is a much better one than the 1st!

    Bernie, I know I could never even stay even with the Irish Drinking Team.....I would not only fall way behind, but fall off my barstool! Hope Calva is ok!

    Dorothy, omg can't believe it is almost time to return to work. Yeah, I think someone here suggested practicing waking up early....sounds like a good idea. 

    Hugs to ALL, NM, I hope you have power....and I hope you can get together with your mom soon to celebrate Christmas!

    Lubs, KatOnAColdTinRoof

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Calva has arthritis in her hips - any suggestions greatly appreciated.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Bernie, I think that is what one of Kathy's dogs has and they give him the glucoasamine/chondroitin/msn. Not sure of the dosage though. KAT?

    Cami, if you are not feeling up to going out, just tell your DD exactly what you just told us. Problem solved. YOU DON'T FEEL WELL!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    good news ,mo says no frb ,ct and bone scan normal, so its inflammation and scar/treatment causing the chest pain

    cammi rest

    lara-fingers and toes crossed

    Bernie my sister's dog took glucosamine for his arthritis

    bbl if post grmelins leave

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013

    Wahine - Hauoli La Hanau to your DD2! Hope you are doing okay!!!

    DorK – It wuz so fun partying wif you over de Christmas, you brought me mucho fun, tank U!!

    NM – Love de Wren’s Flight DOTD, most excellent!!

    Hello Bernie!

    Goldie – YAY you are back! Glad u had fun n it wuz warm. I member de stooopit days too, haven’t had one of doze lately but it cud happen any time. I am glad Christmas is over too. It’s so emotional and there are the BD’s my Mom’s BD is today. She has been gone for 17 years and me Dad has been gone for 4 years. My DH has had so many losses too we just sat together and talked about our loved ones. Nice but sad also. Dang bout the CT scan, pweese keep us posted on de bone scan. So glad U R BAAAAACK!

    ((((Cami)))) – hope you feel better. I totally relate to not wanting anything pushed on me no more.

    Bernie – I’m an old dog and I take glucoasamine/chondroitin/msn. I hope it will work for de puppy.

    Juliet – Hurray!! No frb!!! That is great news!!!!!!!!

    Lub and hugs to everybody!!!!!!! Okay enuf stoopit!!!!!!!!!marks…..Byes for now……..

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    HI everyone

    So they say that pain is scar tissue forming another PS that is not saying much if the pain continues go for a diep im not doing that.

    Im having major anxiety to they are stopping NYS unemployment until they vote on extended benefits IDk

    my stomach is killing me im so nervous and stressed

    ck in later

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    HOLA, Checking in .....Lara , Hoping you are feeling better soon.

    Poor Calva...isnt there a shot that they can get for that? He is so young too.  

    Hope everyone had a great stories of sweet Joey ...I was drunk too Cami...blitzed actually last night....I dont get hang overs but I did feel it this ayem.  

    Glad you had a nice time but are safe back at home now Lori.  

    Hugs to everyone ((( everyone )))

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Whoa....I can't believe we are hearing from you, Cyn! Oops, I mean "CyndieLouWhoHasHerSpecialSomeoneWithHerRightNow"! The pics looked so nice, you look so happy!

    Nice to hear from Beans and Lori, and Julie, and Lara, and NM, and Dorkie., and Cami!, and Bernie! Oops did I miss anyone??? Yes, Lori you are right, we give the Glucosamine Chondroitin to Maverick (the one for dogs), and I had been emailing Bernie this ayem, and had mentioned that to her. At that time we weren't even sure what Calva was going to be diagnosed with. IT does take a month or so to work, but omg you would never know that Mav had a problem...he runs and jumps, and acts like a puppy. Hate that Calva has that, at her young age. Oops, I think Calva is a "she"....even though I met her, now I am hoping I am right, but not sure.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Finally got most of the Christmas stuff back in the many big totes full, and 3 big tree bags for the tree, it is TOO heavy to put in one bag! Molly will have her next injection on Monday.

    How many days now, NM??? I know you will REALLY appreciate the warmer weather!!



  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    Hi ebberones. I bin working lots and lots. Took almost the whole Canon in D to catch up on posts. Shoulda taken notes cuz I forget too easy lately. 

    What Bernie said to eberones on Boxing day, I agree with and second those nice words.

    Boxing day is different in de great white north. Started in the world wars when paper and cardboard were scarce, so everyone was encouraged to bring the boxes and paper back to the stores the day after Christmas. In return the stores had little sales on stuff you might need.

    My dog, Cleo, has knee and hip problems and she is on a Hartz product called Joint Care for Dogs. Glucosamine and Vitamin C. She is 2 1/2, how old is Calva? Anyway, she seemed so much better that when we ran out about a month ago, we thought she was cured and didn't get more. Bad move. Not even a week and we saw the difference. Went out right away and got her more. Poor baby. I think she's a lifer.

    Boob is better, swelling is down some, pain is less, sleeping better but without feeling rested somehow. Too many dreams.

    Christmas was wonderful, lots of family, friends and food. It started Christmas eve and ended last night around 8. Had to work today, so I kicked em all to the curb. My DH got gift certs to the liquor store and I got some to the beer store. Wonder what that says about Nana and papa? Also got a lovely Family Tree of Life pendant from my DH. He commissioned my DD 2 to make it and each of the branches has the 5 kids birthstones on them.

    Anyway, it's after midnight and my bed is calling my name. Debbie, come to me debbie, you can listen to music all cuddled up in bed debbie. Have another drink for me tho pls, since I'm no good at doing that in bed! ((((((huggles)))))))

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Hi all, thanks for the advice.  Kat had told me about her dog.  The vet has put Calva on the gluco stuff. Korrect Kat - Calva is a She - her name is short for Calvados (French apple brandy, quite apt for a French mastiff).  I prefer it comes from the Latin name for Venus.

    Unfortunately her breed is prone to osteoarthritis (hip dysplasia).  Normally starts at her age (2) and she will need life long treatment.  I already had her on a low protein diet with a very restricted exercise regime but she is very big even for her breed.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Lovely Lara, here's wishing and praying for a good outcome for you.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013
  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    YAY JULIE, no effing RB!!!! Woot Woot! Sounds like a good reason for a Par Tay! LOL, walking away from your own farts.

    Beans, I sawry for all de sadness, for you and your DH, but that is nice that you both sat and talked about it. I had cried myself to sleep a few nights ago, thinking of my mom's mom, I called her Nan. Well she passed when my mom was in her 20's. And it had hit me, how blessed I was to still have my mom, and how awful it must have been for her, to have lost her mom at such a young age, and to go through life without her. I also lost a friend, and she too was young with children, and I was thinking the same thing for her children. So anyways, I hope talking helped and you are feeling better. Happy Birthday to you mommy.

    Oh Lara, I don't know what to say. You and Dork are just having a TERRIBLE time with things. FURB! I hope you can find relief.

    Hey Lucy, good to see you have a moment to check in. Are you working while D is there?

    Cami, I saw that Rum Chatcha, or whatever it was you said you had, at the store yesterday. So of course it made me think of you and I smiled. Did you drink it mixed with something or straight?

    Wow Kat, you wasted no time getting the Xmas stuff put away. How is  your dad? Has he gone to have that cancer removed? I guess these are new areas that keep surfacing? Saying prayers still daily, and my mom is too. I just keep thinking how scared your DD must be.

    Hi Red, good to see you back. You are having trouble with your surgery site? And glad to know that your Cleo is better, and you were able to figure out that the medicine was working.

    Bernie, I hope the new meds will help your beautuful Calva. And I love that she is named after a French apple Brandy.

    It got quiet in here again, where is everybody?
    DOTD - Chai Normandy Cocktail (in honor of Calva)


    •1 oz Chai infused Vodka (see notes)
    •1 oz Simple Syrup (see notes)
    •2 oz Calvados
    •2 oz Light Cream

    1.Add all ingredients into a cocktail shaker, cover and shake vigorously for about five seconds. Open the cocktail shaker again and add 2 ice cubes. Shake again for 20 seconds.
    2.Strain into a chilled glass and garnish with crisp, fresh apple slices. Optional: add two ice cubes to drink before serving.


    • CHAI INFUSED VODKA: place 2 Chai tea bags (we used Tazo Chai) into 1 cup of Vodka (such as Kettle One). Allow to infuse for at least 2 hours. Remove tea bags and use in desired cocktail recipe, or keep in fridge for at least 2 weeks.
    • SIMPLE SYRUP: mix 1 cup sugar and 1 cup water in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil and stir until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool. Pour into a glass jar and cover. Makes about 1½ cups and will keep in the refrigerator for a few months.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    I'm up Elizabeth Dahling, but too early to be dancing! That guy is really good, I have seen that before! Good morning girl, we miss you here.

  • Chevyboy
    Chevyboy Member Posts: 10,258
    edited December 2013

    Oh Hey !  Morning Goldie!  I love my name....Ha!  It's never too early to dance!   And party....  Maybe too early to drink.... but we don't tell! 

    I just love reading you gals!  You make the whole day fun! 

    I drank yesterday....  Vodka, Amaretto, and orange juice....  Need my vitamins...

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Ok ED, you have your vitamins in, you can lead.


    And you even have your chickens dancing? You ARE good!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    good Morning Ladies=Iam at my DD1 and I'm on a windows 8--ick too many boxes.

    So I hope today everyone is feeling good or better.

    Lori u got those chiks moving good doing their dance.Oh that rum stuff on the rocks but it would tast great in coffee

    I'm feeling a bit better but all I did was not move and take pain meds--so I was quiet and I, ME didn't eat OH Lord they were all upset cuz eating I can usually do LOL----When I get home I'll be bsck, I'm having a hard time with this thing--it's leveld different for me.

    (((Kat)))   (((Lara))) BBL  LUBS U ALL SO MUCH.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!14 days and counting!!!

    drinking songs sounds like fun!Pretty
    drink, too!

    Goldie--Glad you are
    home safe and got to seep in your own bed.Ketchup on sleep, and then come back for a drink!

    Cammy--Yes, Mom and
    Dick are fine.They heat with wood
    anyway, so no problem there.Got gas
    lights and stove top, just can't light the oven.AND they have a generator, but they only want
    to run it for a little while a few times a day to keep the freezer and fridge
    cold.They really could run it steadily
    and not be the least bit inconvenienced, but they won't.I don't pretend to understand them!If you don’t feel good, then don't go over,
    especially if you know you won't enjoy yourself or will end up feeling worse.I'm like you, if I don’t feel good, leave me
    alone!Even Sadie stays away from me
    when I'm grouchy sick.

    Wahine--I still have
    power, although thebreeze is picking up
    and with all the ice on the trees I'm wondering if I'll still have power later,
    but time will tell.I'm pretty sure that
    our family Christmaswill end up
    happeningjust about my cruise
    time.Could be interesting.

    BBBBBernie--I had a
    German Shepherd with hip problems, my vet had me give her aspirin, it worked
    really well for her.Talk to your vet
    about the right dose for Calva's size, or there may be better drugs out now.I know there are glucosamine based
    supplements that will help dogs with arthritis, too.Poor Calva!

    Julie--YEAH! Not
    that you have scar tissue and inflammation, but that it's not the Ra

    Beanie--glad you
    like the Wren drink!

    ORLA--Yikes, what a
    situation to be in.My stomach would be
    a mess, too.

    CynCyn--hugs, to
    you, too!


    Red RH--Hope you
    slept well!Are you taking pain
    meds?They can cause odd dreams.Not to mention the long term effects of
    anesthesia on dreams and mental functioning.Sounds like you had a great time!


    BBBBBernie--so glad
    Calva is on treatment, I'm sure she'll be fine once the meds have time to kick

    Chevy--I giggled all
    through the dance review!

    Goldie---Love that
    recipe, sounds very, very yummy!

    Cammy--feel better

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2013

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Having a good time with my gs and my grandniece. Sommer is 4 and she has never been here with us. 1st bedtime xmas night was a little rough, but last 2 nights she has been fine going to bed by herself. We have AndrewMichael on a blow-up matt in the front room. He is 7 and cudn't understand why he cudn't sleep with his cousin. But he is OK with his bed now. I just told him that Sommer needs to get used to sleeping here and besides, Madison arrives soon and will be sleeping w/Sommer. Sommer is happy that she will have a sleep-mate then. I'm hopin the 2 girls don't get too giggly and keep the rest of us up. I'll prolly let AM at the foot of their bed and I'll take the center and read to them til they're ready to drop, then move AM out.

    Aly - sounds like you had a very nice, peaceful Christmas. The jewelry sounds bootiful. Am glad I read further about Boxing Day cuz I was gonna heehee.

    YAY Julie off the anti-b's and can hab a dwink or 2 or 3. Am glad the tests came good but still sad for all the pain from the scar tissue and arthritis (((Julie)))

    LOL Cami got dwunk dwunk. Ain't food great for making one feel better when dwinking. I'm wif u on not wanting things pushed on me. I am getting better at saying NO, taking me many years, but now I jes hafta say it lots more. Those of us around us don't have to understand, they just have to ACCEPT the NO and be done wif it. (((Cami)))

    NM - so today u git to find out if u were good or bad? Was there power at Mom n Dick's? Hope u got lots of nice presents. OOOpps guess still no power and all on hold. bummer! WhoopWhoop to only 14 days til warmth and sunshine!!

    Bernie - That was not the explanation I expected for Boxing Day so thanks for splaining. And also about Wren Day, St Stephen's Day. So much culture and tradition. Did u chase the wren in a straw suit or motley clothes? It all sounds so exciting and visiting the care homes and the lonely wud b extra special. But of course, best part....the PUB by 4p!

    One of my previous Rotti was born, poor thing, with hip dysplasia(sp) in both hips. Her name was Haley Baby. Anyway, a friend told us about the gluc/chondroi and we started her on regular people kind that u get (generic) at Wal-mart and the like. The trick is HIGH DOSES for the first 3 weeks. For Calva's size, 1 pill 3x a day for 3 weeks, then see how she is doing, if not well, go another week. When she seems to b better, drop down to 2 a day and so on til you have her on 1 a day maintenance. It really works, but it takes time. I was ready to put Haley down at age 2 cuz I cudn't stand to hear her whine and kno she was in pain. But she ended up running and jumping and going crazy when we adopted a shepard. Made mese fart feels so good. Well I see you now have her on the meds...good deal!

    JeanBeanie - LOL at ur yokes. I am gwad u feeling better and it was jes da nutz..wren poo on ur mil fer twing to poison u. Am sad u and DH were sad about your lossses. It is good you two can talk about them and share memories. Muah!

    Cyndielou - woohoo...sounds like u are having loads of fun. Was surprised to see a post from you. Muah to you and D.

    Lara - hate that you aare having so many issues with that foob. Have they done an MRI on that foob? This just isn't fair. And on top of it ur monies...I will be saying lots of prayers for you and sending you BIG HUGZ (((((LARA))))

    WaWa - Happy late BD to your DD2. Glad you reached her and got to talk. Wow, already boxed up and put away?!? My mom always sed no til like Jan 6 or sumpin. Anyway, I like the little wall tree and my patio lites. And the kids like em too so I'll keep em up til after I take them home. Nice thing for me is that I jes take it off the wall, roll it up, and stick in same tote I have all the bows n paper in. EasyPeasy!

    Lowee - I that a new avatar, mese tinks so. How did u get it round like dat? I was looking today to see if u'd posted about ur test. Dammit u didn't get the CT, but glad u got the bone. Still praying and He's saying all will be good. I love the DOTD in honor of Calva. It sounds delish! Ur dancing makin mese LMAO!!

    Hi Red - yep, taking da dogs off when they have joint issues is not a good thing, glad she is back on it and doing better again. Glad the boob is better and less painful. Had to LOL about the gift certs u and papa got...still laughing. But that Family Tree pendant sounds absolutely beautiful. How thoughtful!!

    Hi Chevy - I agree wif Lori...toooo early to b dancing, sides mese back still acting up. Gr8 to see u again tho!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013

    Hi Sue, like the reference to Jan 6th - here that is referred to as Little Christmas.  All the decorations are taking down and it is the one day of the year that the women do nothing.  We all go out to lunch, shopping and then dinner followed by a night at the theatre.  Hubby picks us up - only when we are ready to go home.  Then cocktails.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    I feel better everything works out

    I skimmed through

    Cam watched mischief night and don't tell they were in demand really good 

    Kat all the x mas things r gone u r good

    Hi Goldie and Bernie thank u for thinking of me

    Juliet this is great news thank goodness

    NM yes u will b cruising soon

    I just got done writing a paper no booze still on anti bs so everyone drink for me

    Red glad things r looking better

    Hi mema 

    Ill pop in later 

    Oh cynnnnn hiiiiiiii

    Need to read more ketchup