how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Hahaha, love your post Beans! You are soooooo frickin funneeeee!!!! (Hmmmm I never say "frickin" in real life)....good for you trying to say "crud". "Crap" works well too. Love the bunnies and dust bunnies!!! Yeah, we were lucky that Red got on that thread, as it is not as busy a thread as our drinking thread is, and her post could have been missed for days. I do hope she gets some help and is feeling better. Her real name appears to be Isabel, so if you sweet ladies want to pray for her, that would be awesome.

    Now my dad is invited to a big wing-ding in HI, so I just got tix for them....will be good for them to be away as I will be so busy with my DD1, but darn it, they just don't take their meds while they are there. And the "beyotch ex-sis" does not seem to want to remind them. Sheesh!!! She is 2 doors down, in a small condo blgd, how hard could that be? Anyway, my dad is fercited....big honor, and he will prolly be the oldest one being honored....for former state legislators, and some big anniversary event.

    Julie, I think of you SO much, and darn it I forget to say something to you when I post. Sheeesh....I may have to get a spanking from Pants. Pretty please???? lol. Hope you can get rid of those anti'b's soon and have a REAL drink!!!! Want me to drink for ya? Twist my arm, come on, go ahead and twist it....   (((Julie)))

    Well dearios, I have a ton to do.....wanted to pop in and say hi...ALMOST Pau Hana time too.....yipppppeeeeeee skippppeeeeeee!!!!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Kat u really reached out to Isabel and Red u are so kind to help her, I do pray she will find peace in all the chit.--Sorry beans I ain't givin up nothin'.

    Love the Dust Bunnie--now I would freak out if I saw that under my bed,well I don't have a bed but under anything. I think our furbabies would scare the hell out of it. And then lick my face to wake me up out of a coma.

    Welcome Kathy, I can call u Kathy and I always call Kathy Kat cuz she's so cute, I do hope u come back--actually a lot of virtual drinking around here, we have a lounge, pool, bar and people to serve us--so don't fret about u'r dr. it's safe here.

    I just took my pain pills, u know what that means yak, yak, yak for me.I'm so mixed up with these day now, Holiday in the middle of the week and Joey's home and so is my DD. The salon is closed for these 2 weeks. I loved the haircut she gave me--I wash my hair and while it's wet I mess it all up with my fingers and let it dry and I'm done--I got more compliments on it the other day, My DD hates when I do that but It's sooooo easy and all messy. LOL I use Bare mineral make-up another easy peasy way to do things and it actually makes my skin look OK. hahaha Now if I could loose all this weight and finish up a few things, I'd look kind of normal. Maybe.

    D O R K ---she better be all right.

    Julie U are constantly on Aunti-Bees, I don't know how u wrk all the time--I finished mine the other day and I'll see my card Friday so I hope I don't follow in u'r footsteps or is it footprints. I love all u pics. U are a quiet character.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    BTW the only resolution I do make is not to make any, to much pressure, u all know I can't deal with pressure of any kind.Winking

    Kat seriously, U and u'r DD's re always  in my prayers to St. Jude, I think u know that but I like to tell u, cuz u all mean so much to me.

    U know years ago there were pen pals mostly written to prison inmates, wasn't so bad actually, but now I'm free of all that and this has filled my life so much, not many people understand me with this believe it or not., but I do.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Isn't this the truth.....

    Have you started to make any New Years Resolutions?

    Have you started to make any New Years Resolutions?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Thanks for all the prayers, Cami, and everyone else. My DD2 has been so sick, prolly from all the anxiety and worry about what she will be going through. Wish she could get well so she could be healthier before starting all of this. But I wanted to say I really do appreciate all your prayers, girls! Mahalo Nui Loa....


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    OK me again, and then I will be signing off....need to get some sleep. BUT Dorkie and I were emailing and writing about all the crap we are going through, and others are going through too. So I told her we need to use salad plates as they are smaller plates and then we won't end up with so much "on our plates", and maybe we could deal with having less of the stressful things. So she took it further, and figured we should go down to doll size plates....then we REALLY wouldn't have too much on our plates! LOL. Here are the doll plates we will start using...


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Had a totally lazy day
    yesterday, didn't even get dressed.Did
    absolutely nothing except cuddle with Sadie and read books.And drank coffee and ate home made
    bread.A totally glutinous, lazy

    Mema--Ah, the
    logistics of small children and bedtimes.Sounds like you've got a plan, though!No power at Mom's and 2 feet of snow over night last night, so some
    people who got power have lost it again, and others are looking at even more
    time in the dark, and now the temps are going to drop to sub zero.Getting scary here in that regard.

    Christmas sounds like a great holiday!

    ORLA--glad you are
    feeling better!

    Red RH--try an
    experiment, say "no" once, and sit back and watch what happens.Whatever you say "no" to may not
    get done, and that's OK.A week later
    say "no" to something and again watch what happens.I bet the second time they'll realize you
    aren't going to save them so they'll do it themselves!

    Beanie--Love the

    Cammy--I am getting
    excited for vacay, that's for sure!

    Wahine--I've heard
    of having a Christmas tree up all year, I bet it was fun!

    OH, Red, you've had
    a rough time.I'm glad the mods and
    Wahine could support you through that and I am praying for that sister.

    Wahine--Our family
    Christmas was scheduled for this past Saturday, but Mom and Dick don't have
    power yet.Mom is planning for the next
    Saturday after power comes back on, but at the rate things are going that may
    happen while I'm on my cruise!Just have
    to wait and see what happens, I guess.

    Pretty Christmas
    Tree DOTD!!!!

    Julie--that cough
    just will not leave you alone, will it?

    Wahine--It will be
    so good for you and DD1 to have DD2 come visit, hopefully the teens will come
    and be a big help, too.

    ORLA--Yeah for
    getting your drink on and feeling alive again!

    Cammy--Christmas is
    still on hold for this family, but at least we are all warm and safe!

    Welcome, K-Lo!

    Red--I am still
    praying for her.I can understand the
    feeling of panic when you see a post like that, it's very frightening,
    especially when you can't personally reach out to the person.Like you say, the next move is hers,but hopefully she will check the thread
    before she does anything, and/or she has reached out to her local emergency

    Beanie--All your
    hair is the same length now?Hooray!I bet that feels like a
    huge milestone!Good for you!

    Cute dust bunny!

    Wahine--Good for
    your Dad for a big wing-ding!Too bad
    ex-SIL isn't more helpful, is there anyone else there who could help, maybe
    with phone call reminders?Well, you can
    NOT take on responsibility for them when they are in HI, so give yourself a
    break.Do what you can and try not to
    take on more than that.

    Cammy--sounds like
    you found a great hair cut for yourself, yeah!I'm with you on the resolutions, I don’t make them anymore.And, yes,I do get what you mean about how this fills up your life.Takes it right over, at times.

    Wahine--that's my
    approach, too!Only I call it the C Food
    diet--I see food I eat it.Love the Doll
    plates, that is a GREAT idea!!!!!!

    Cookie Sugarplum's
    DOTD is the Snowstorm

    1 oz Kahlua Coffee

    1 oz Godiva
    Chocolate Liqueur

    1 oz Van Gogh Vodka

    1 oz Goldschlager

    2 oz Cream


    Pour ingredients
    over crushed ice in a shaker. Shake until frothy. Strain and serve in a wine

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning Everyone.

    NM I'm tracking u'r weather, cuz they are talking about the no power part--I'ts been a while now and I'm sorry u didn't have Christmas yet...but maybe u'll be able to have it this week-end if things go well, and it will still be the same. I love the DOTD sounds Yummy.

    Lori I was just thinking I just remembered u'r DD will leave all the Christmas stuff up for u when u go--I think that's so sweet.

    Kat I'm glad Dork's ok and there is only one problem with the plates, the smaller they are the more plates that have to be carried. I wish it did work that way, this way we can stop chit even in our heads but.......I'm sorry u'r SIL is not of much help to u for u'r parents, but right now u need to focus on u'r DD and u'r other DD coming and all praying. I don't blame u'r DD for having all this anxiety, I'm sure she wants to get it started and over with. This has to be so difficult for her and u and everyone just to see her hurting.

    I'm actually washing my clothes right now, I war the same things over and over it's all about comfort for me-I have more somewhere all boxed up in the attack but this is fine .I woke up for like a minute and I ws using my cat as  pillow, she must have been tired for whatever reason.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Julie, are you effing kidding? Sick again? OMG, you are going to spend the rest of the winter sick, if those people don't stay home! I hope it doesn't last long for you, and you are up and running soon!

    Kathy, that is still awesome that your daughter will be able to come a couple of times to be with her sister, of course she can't be there the entire time. I hope she can bring one of her daughters too. Oh wow, congrats to your dad. When are they leaving? Is your mom as excited? And how long will they be gone. I agree it came at a rather good time, just wish your XS would be more diligent. Ok, I'm confused. You said your DD2 is sick, prolly with worry. But I thought your DD that is looking at chemo and rads was your DD1. I thought the one in TX was the youngest, therefore DD2. But in the past, I thought she was the Am I making any sense? And how is your DD from TX doing after her surgery? Funny about the doll plates.

    Dofey dahling, I hope you are ok. We miss you love, come dwink wif us.

    Kathy and Red, looks like the help and reaching out from the two of you and others have helped the gal that was reaching out for help. I hope she can continue to feel good about herself and life.

    Lara, you really sound so much better. I hope you are feeling as well as you sound.

    Cami, Joey doesn't have you wrapped around his finger (well maybe) he just loves you so much and wants to be with you. And YeS, I am very excited to see my daughter. I am also tickled to death to have my son going as well and she has no idea about that. Not counting today or the day I leave, I'm at 29 days!

    Red, I just figured it was too cold to be outside playing Putt Putt, so boom chicky was all I could think of! Hope your family gathering was FuN!

    Beanie I have da same kinda pets that you do! And those darn dust bunnies, they multiply sooooo darn fast, the little stinkers. My house would warm from the sun if it were turned around, but my view is out the back! We only have the pellet stove, no other means of heat, but pellets are rather cheap, so not too bad. 60 is a little chilly, I would be ok at 65. But you say it's not that temp for very long, so not bad at all. You can also use de word chit, instead of s**t, wadda ya tink?

    I'm sure you look beautimous, and I love to just tossle mese hair. But usually the gals don't cut the top short enough, oh well. Did anyone take pictures???? Huh huh? Where did y'all go? I really want to try that bare mineral make up, the foundation stuff. I believe it's just a powder?

    NM, I kind of figured you were just having a "ME" day yesterday....good for you. Plus you have to get lots of Sadie cuddles in, to hold you over for your trip. Oh wow, still no power for  your mom and 2' of snow and COLD COLD temps....yikes.

    No New Year resolutions for this girl, never have done that. It works out pretty good! Well, back to work Monkey Day!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    OOPS....Laweeeee caught me in a faux are soooo observarant! LOL, yuppers it is DD1 who is still very sick. The one that can't afford to be sick as she needs to be so well for all that has to transpire, the feeding tube, etc. Its just so awful, I am in De-Nile right now, for a few days, while I can. Will be in the casino soon......whoooopeeeeeee!!!! Sweet of your DD to leave the tree up for you!

    NM, OMG I sure hope you still have power thru all this bad weather, and it sounds like your mom still is without power? So scary with those temps getting so low. I have not seen the national weather, but know it has to be awful. Stay warm and stay safe! Nice DOTD!

    Well, I have to get my EWWA in gear, so to speak. So glad that "Isabel" seems to be feeling better, and has been posting. There was such an outpouring of love for her on that thread, it is awesome. Thanks to Red, who was able to let the others know what was going on!

    Okey Dokey, Happy New Year's Eve Eve to you all!


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited December 2013

    Morning DahhhLinKs!

    Am sad.  Had to send the kids home yesterday.  My little Maddy was too sick to come and then Sat night dh and I are hitting the Zicam cuz both feeling onset of a cold.  AND, my f'n sciatic...jeeezzzz.  Now pain radiating to front groin and down front of my leg.  Giving birth was less painful than this.  Am hoping to get into a chiro today...ugh!

    Red and Kat - so wonderful how you both stepped up to help her.  I finally found the site, didn't kno what cdn meant.  Looks like things are a bit better for her today.  How scary, and thanks to the mods for reaching out too.

    Kat I was funcused too bout ur dd's, thanks for splaining.  Ok to b in de-nile ya kno...been utterly cwazy year for you and yours.  Hope u can relax and win BIG n da casino.  Kachink Katwinka!!! 

    JeanBeanie - I knocked sum dust bunnehs down but they keep coming back.  Peeps right abouts how dey multiply.  Yahoo for sunshine right girlfriend.  I can handle most cold if sunshines.   Speaking of crud n crap n such.  My Sommer at 4yoa still needs help wiping after a bowel movement.  Well, 1st day she stands there calling me to come.  I go, and I do, and she asks "is there CRAP?"  I jes look at her funny and she asks again.  I say Yes, but I'm getting it.  She says, 'Crap comes from poop, did u kno that Auntie Sue?'.  Kids!  I'm not doing any resolutions this year.  Never keep em anyway but I cud take some inspiration from you and clean up my potty-mouth.  Well, mayb.  So cool you two cut each others hair.  I shave dh's neck often but wud never try to cut it, unless he wanted it buzzed.  And u always bootimus in my book!

    Lowee - LOL ...I tink we all poifec jes da way we are.  Poo dat u hab to woik!  I managed to get started on Jan books for both my ds and us even with the kids here.  Will finish most by end of the week.  Am going, even if in a wheelchair, to Stateline NY Eve party tom.  It and Halloween biggest of all the bashes, well and St Pat's day.  Anyway, they always give away the year in cash, so I cud win $2014 big'uns.  WooHoo, wish me luck.

    Bernie - yeah yeah, that's it.  Thanks for reminding me why mese mom wanted decos up til Jan 6.  I could def use a 'sit around the house and do nothing' day.  Go out fer lunch and dinner and lots n lots of dwinks that is my kinda day!

    Cami - I member when my hair was growing back and I jes wash and use my fingertips wif a little gel.  It was sooo easypeasy, but now it's too long and takes sooo much more time and I never really like it when I'm done either.  Sigh....I don't kno y I keep it long either.  So u really like that Bare Minerals makeup?   U r bootiful inside and out in my book, but I too sometimes like a light foundation.  No one but me notices tho...LOL. 

    Julie - can't believe it.  More anti-b's.  Dang they gotta find one that knocks dat chit to da curb and quickliest (((Julie)))

    Have a wunnerful day ladies....lublubslubslubs!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    good afternoon all

    nm-sunshine soonHappy

    beans-woo hoo hair  all the same length

    sue-feel better soon

    still having the post gremlins so bbl

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Julie are u off work right now, or at least a couple of days, u need to just heal--u can't possibly feel OK.

    Lori bare Minerals is really not a powder, it's all tiny little minerals that u put on with a brush and it covers and gives a nice glow on u'r face. It's really a nice make-up--I also like the Laura Gellar baked make-up it's kind of the same idea but it's hard powder, but u apply with a brush--that u have to take it easy with--ll this make-up goes a very long way too.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


    this so describes you all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    AW Julie--u'r so sweet.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    Julie so sweey

    Red hoping someone hears from her

    mema hate the scatic nerve u need shots

    doll plates good one kat

    cam about to see whats on scary something I hope

    Hi goldie oh yes your daughter how exciting, where does she live again?

    Dork u will b fine for woek, now u have foobs u can find a rich ol man and not work. Anxiety is normal.PM me about the trip

    New years tomm yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa can not wait for this year to b done




  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    So sweet, Julie!!! I feel the same way, can I also "ditto" that sentiment you posted??? Boy I am such a copycat these "in de-nile copycat"! Hope you are feeling better.

    Speaking of feeling better, dang it SuzieQT....I was hoping your back was getting better with that icing you did the other day. Ya think having the kids was too hard on your back? Hope you feel mucho bettah tamarra so you do not have to go in a wheelchair! BTW, I love the name you gave me ....Kachink Katwinka... awesome! Maybe we both will win!

    Lara, you  mentioned it would be good if someone would hear from "Isabel" , and she DID post again, and is sounding much better!!! Yay!!! Sounds like you are doing much better,  I sure hope so. Yeah, this has NOT been a good year. Usually the number 13 is lucky for me, but the number 2013 sure wasn't. We all need a GOOD 2014!

    OK, starting with an IceHouse, then going downstairs in a few min for a Long Island Ice Tea, then to another casino for either wine or a Washington State Apple dwink, then on to our gourmet dinner. Yipppppeeeee Skippeeeeeee!!! Have a neat concert tomorrow night that will go past midnight, so should be fun. Hope everyone will have a fun, happy New Year! I needed this,so I can face what is going to come. Need to have all my wits about me in a few days.

    I am SO glad your vacay will be in a few days, NM! Hope the ice/snow will be gone, so there will be no delays for your flights. When you booked it, it seemed so long ago, and now it is almost here! I can't wait to hear about all the fun adventures you will have, AND to see pictures! After all, Sadie will want to see pics too, right? It was hard leaving Molly this ayem for her next big injection...sure hope she tolerates this one better. SHe is so sweet, has not whined once, or barked, since this all started. Such a sweetheart. I know Sadie will miss you so much, but she will prolly have fun where she will be boarding, too.

    OK, this gal has to get her drunk on. This IS a drinking thread, right? And we do need to practice for New Years Eve, right???

    Big Hugs,

     Kachink Katwinka (my new name, hope I really do get a lotta "kachinks"!)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    OK Kachink Katrina u enjoy u'rself and win and eat....relax

    Lara I'm glad u popped in u sound better and I hope u really feel better,

    DORK is she all right.

  • morwenna
    morwenna Member Posts: 204
    edited December 2013

    I keep seeing this thread on the "active posts" list, and everytime I find myself thinking "Oh, yes pleeeese!"

    Is there no hope for me? I'm supposed to limit alcohol as I'm on Warfarin. And anyway, I'm not supposed to mix it with my shiny new prescription of Clonazepam, which is to combat recent increased anxiety and lack of sleep re return to work, and worrying about mets, and besides all that I find most of my favourite tipples now give me heartburn (unless combined with Omeprazole), as well as likely making it tougher to get down to my target weight.

    Gawd, I could do with a proper drink right now, but I better brew some more herbal tea! :p


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Hi Morwenna, One thing here is u can have virtual drinks which I have all the time and everyone is so nice, so join in whenever u feel like it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    My job is in jeopardy my phone doesn't ring and somehow "they" said it's my fault--My SIL and DD--foolish people. But then I realized it does vibrate so I can put it in a place I'm not numb and feel the ring. bwahahaha, yep feel da ring.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    Happy New Years Eve Eve Ladies!

    Katchinka where you dwinka??  Sounds like you be away....Tunica? Still praying away for you hun (( Wahine)). 

    There is another Kathy?

    JeanbeanZ..I love the way you describe where you live its like Rustic Luxury..but Im with Lori..too cold for me...65 I can do too.  Your hair is beautimous !!  You are doing great with your resolution ..but you still have one more day before the official resolutions should begin.  Im not much of a cat person..I've had a couple out door cats but Im not a big fan..too indipendent I think for my taste...and Im elergic also, so that really kept me from the love of cats.

    NM...13 days??? Whooo....getting close...I like Lori's way of keeping time...D calls it Cyndie math..its great that your DD will leave her tree up.  My parents have done that for my sister as she always visited just after the holidays but now she is a teacher and gets the holidays off. She is in St. Johns USVI..right?  NM...what is your back up source for heat?  Do you have a generator?  I hope you and Sadie are able to stay warm and your folks too.  

    Cami...I love hair cuts that are easy..I think of all the hair dryers..curling irons , sprays , perms ...blech...Used to devote so much time to I just throw some leave in conditioner..a little gel and fluff...TADA!

    Soooo glad you are feeling better Lara...What is the newest scary movie recomendation?

    Hope you are feeling better SuZQT!!!  Like one wise woman said "ain't nobody got time for dat"!

    WELCOME Morwenna!!

    JulZ...hope you start to feel better soonliest...I cant believe you have been sick so long...somethings gotta give.

    Where is DorTy???

    Heya BBBBernie!!

    D is here one more day.. :(

    catcha on the flip side (what does that even mean?)


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited December 2013

    O no. Lost my post. Dang. Are those darn elves still around? 

    OK so I said something about it being way to hard to try to catch up. So I was just going to start over.

    Spent a lot of time over the past 2 days on the Cdn site. I thank everyone for their support. Sabel seems to be doing much better. Thanks.

    Welcome to Morweena. That's an old name - like about 8 centuries worth. I like it. Virtual drinking is good but if you need a volunteer to drink on your behalf, pick me, pick me!

    OK. I really need to read up on what's going on. 

    I need a favour. I have an important appt tomorrow and I can use all the mental 'go for its' that I can get. I need to stay true to what I want and to say no if the answers don't please me. Problem is my troubles with authority figures - like doctors. I cave every time.

    Love you all. {{{huggles}}}

  • morwenna
    morwenna Member Posts: 204
    edited December 2013

    I'm drinking anyway dammit! In fact ima gonna pour a glass of wine right this minute .... anyone else, while I'm up?? ;)

  • morwenna
    morwenna Member Posts: 204
    edited December 2013

    Morwenna is a traditional Celtish name. Cornish, or possibly Welsh. I have used it for years as my online persona, since playing a MMPRPG, Asherons Call, as part of my midlife crisis! My Morwenna was an archer, a fierce warrior, so now it seems very apt! :)

    These days it actually seems to be more common an online name, so when making new accounts I sometimes get offered names like Morwenna63578, which somehow defeats the point! :o 

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited December 2013

    I like the name Morwenna! And your is fitting.  No need to get up...we have tenders and wenches to serve.  Is wine your thing?  We have wine drinkers, beer drinkers (meese) and other stuff drinkers..

    The Christmas Tree DOTD looked so pom juice.....what is simple syrup?  

  • morwenna
    morwenna Member Posts: 204
    edited December 2013

    Wine, whisky, beer, cider, port, sherry, vodka, various combinations of the above! I'm multi-libacious! 

    (That's a word, and I'm sticking to it!) Loopy

  • morwenna
    morwenna Member Posts: 204
    edited December 2013

    RedReading, "Go for it!" ThumbsUp

    We'll all be hiding out in your pockets egging you on. Gotta love pocket-parties ..... I'll bring some snacks to go with the booze ..... try not to make too many crumbs. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Morweena is right RED stand u'r ground, then after have a few drinks and lay u'r ground. Just do it girl.

    Hi CynCyn--one more day, that's it? That went awfully fast to me.