how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited December 2013

    hIYA girls! I been missing you all so much but uh I tink a cat got my tongue. I dealing with so much with my Dad, he making me nuts with his obessive thoughts that my Mom is having sex at night with another man. Really, as if. Mom is in such bad shape, she could not be sexually active if uhh Burt Reynolds tried to seduce her. Ok, not Burt. trying to tink of a name of a hunk from her era ~~not easy. so enny way, de shitshuasion with dad is nuggin futs. He goes back and forth to visit mom and each time he comes in the house or meets me in de middle of the night in de hall or when I wake up in de aye em, he has a new revolution on mom's lover. I let him borrow my car tonight to go to the home and stalk for her lover (whom does not exist of course). It is really sad, mese and mese sisters are ready to jest feed him an arsenic donut. don't call de cops though cuz ye all know mese kidding cuz wese all love dat man so much and feel so terrible for him. de most torturous ting is how he talks to mom. ya see, he called my sisters cell phone repeatedly one day last week and each time went to voice mail. well one of the times, he did not hang up and the conversations with the staff and with my mom were recorded. mese sister made a transcript of the conversations and it is so berry disturbing, all de ackamahol in de world ain't helping to stop de pain. de man driving me nuts. I want to move away, any takers of a well behaved 43 year old alkamaholic and her little dog too? I tink I want to head somewhere warm ((HINT, Julia, Cyndie lol). I be a good goil and vacuum de house. And I love to bleach de sink ebery day and shine de chrome ebery night. please?? southern goils, take me away!! 

    so i can't believe what I was reading, appears that another BC sister was so distraught that she talked of taking her own life? oh mese oh mise. I am so proud of ye goils...first dere was I tink Red Elizabeth who read it then came to de lounge for help? Den our own Kachinka de Dwinka stepped in and PM'd de mods for help and dey quickly responded and sez dey cant call de authorities but can offer good threads? I understand, they can not get in de middle of it with de police or ER people but so glad they responded quickliest. I can not be more pwoud of mese goils. 

    K, gonna try to write ya all but I tail ya, it won't be easy hitting ye all cuz dis place is magically delishous. oops, dat cereal or sumeting I talking about, dis place is magically magic and makes mese fart (for new goils, wese sez de word fart instead of heart strickly for entertainment, mostly cuz mese jest love de word fart, it a funny word and a funny ting). but really, mese fart misses all ye vonderfull goils but it meseown fault for shutting de door and saying FTW. mese apologeezes to all, I not say that S word that is barred from de bar ~hicHAHAHA! 

    Must welcome new loungette Morwenna. So a big welcome to ya. Sorry you are here but since you are one of us, mighten well is join in de partay. and mese don't tink eny of our doctors give de blessing to dwink cept maybe one that I recall. So do we care what our doctors say? Nope. NAtive Mainer, aka NM is one of our HTL (hot tottie lounge) nurses and she berry experiences. As is our own nurse Juliet. Well NM will tail ya her take on it and dat is QUALITY of LIFE over quantitty. And I could not agree more. And Juliet, poor thing knows we should only refraid from dwinking when on antib's dat are not contra indicative of likker on de side but I was trying to sey someting logical but logic has escaped me. but enny way, a big DorKy welcome to you. oh, you said a term above that I had never heard of and it was cute.  Lemme find it. Here it is. "most of my favourite tipples ... " Love that word! 

    I gonna go back down de hole but it cozy down dere. it was the bean tht gived me the idea of taking mese slippers down dere, taking lots of likker and mese doggie too. it ain't so bad down dere. and goils, I been reading, I really have. jest having serious issues with having any kind of fun cuz mese not feeling it.  I gots one bigA$$  hump to git ober and here it go. ok, drum roll brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ~~ dis time next week, mese will have worked mese first full day since freaking August 19. and who talked about de number 13. Kat? Yep a bad one for me. lets see, mese dog died on de 13th of august, mese admitted to de hosptial on de 13th of sepurmber and den again went on de 13th of october but offically admitted on de 14th. but all dose tins along with my botches surgery #'s 16-18 and all de pain that go with dem, maken me a hating de number turdteen. so lets jest boycot de number. we can call it sumting else, k? 

    Lara, dis de week to come to NJ for a visit. cuz after dat, I be stressing de hail out at de jog that i so love. omg, I could jest rant all night but will leave it alone so as not to make this a downer dey. It monkey day,))))) cheers my widdle fella monkies.I gonna Peee mmm ya. ! burp, hiccup,fart, which sounds like  fffzzztttt))

    it so nice to see so many of mese goils poop in de lunnge. I gonna biz a rel dwink den join annyduddie in de house for a drink...well cept Bella de dog cuz she been shaking, poor wittle tang. she prolly worried bout the turdteenth of Jan too. well I hit send and wil try to remain closer in touch. I furshamed here too. Ye all can come and visit me but after de next weekend, mese is back to work. Peace and love to all and wishing you blessings in the year 2014 which incidentally, is "De year of de Loungette". I take dat, Cheers!!! 

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


    very auspicious

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Oh Red, of course we will be right there with you....I see some Tenders getting the UFO ready for us....its full of likker, beer, wine, snacks, and will start picking us all up soonliest. Stay strong, Red, and don't agree to anything you do not feel comfortable with. I know, easier said than done, but just picture us hiding in your pockets, in the dr's pockets....etc....just don't start laffing out loud when you picture us all teeny tiny or the dr might catch on. Hope it goes well!

    Hi Morwenna, awesome name! Glad you joined us here, pull up a barstool!

    CynCynCyn, we know you will be sooooooo sad when D leaves, but I know you are having an amazing time together, so try to remember all those good times, till you get together again, ok? AND come here to vent so we can help you through it. OK?

    Red, if you lose your post but still have the same window open, have you tried to right click in the post window? Then you can click on "undo" and it will reinstate what words were there. BUT if you end up losing the window you were posting in too, then I don't know how to get it back.

    OK, all you lovers of old country music...we were playing hi-limit slots a couple of machines over from Charlie Pride. (Someone had to tell me, cuz I wouldn't have known him). One song he did that I remember, is "Kiss An Angel Good Morning". Anyway, when we were in the vip room, he came in, so we were joking around with him and of course I had to shake his hand. And OMG he said its his 57th wedding anniversary! He sure looks a lot younger than that. Everyone says he is always so nice, and I agree. The vip room had beef tenderloin, chicken skewers, amazing large chilled shrimp, lobster rolls, was SO good, that when we went out to eat, we just had appetizers, THEN we found out the host manager was picking up everyone's tab....shoot we thought it would come off our comps....should have ordered more!!! LOL. I drank beer, long island ice tea, washington state apple martini, reisling wine, and then a pina colada. AND remember the REAL "Hunk"? Well, we ran into him later tonight, and after I got to hug him (he was waiting for his girlfriend), then my DH invited them to join us here tomorrow, so we can get them into the vip room and get to visit. He is sooooo good looking, and his girlfriend is beautiful, so they make a good looking couple! And he is very nice.

    WooHoo it is now New Year's Eve....lets partay the day and night away!!! Dwink up, ebberyone!!!! 



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Oopsies, I took so long to write my post that I totally missed your post Dorkie, and also your pics, Bernie! Maybe I even accidentally bumped into both of youse, but I know your favorite Tender caught each of you! Hmmmmm......are those big smiles on your faces??? And are those big, ummmm, big....well, ya know.....on the Tenders???? Dey might be happy to see youse!!!

    Dorkie, I sure hate the situachun you be in dese bin a saint to let your dad live wid you, since he has been SO difficult!!!! Wonder what he will say after he gets back home, without seeing your mom's "boyfriend"??? I sure hope he realizes it is NOT happening, and she is NOT cheating on him. And I hope he starts acting nicer to you and your mom and your sisters! IT might be a nice break, to actually be at work. So glad you posted here again, you are berry, berry missed when you are awol, you know.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013

    kudos to red and kat

    hello morwenna, its become a very popular name at home(wales). I have never stopped drinking I have taken several vacations from it, right now on antib's so don't feel like drinkingBawlingeven though have a lot of mixed cocktail in the fridge and plenty in the wine rack. wallie's world had the cutest cocktail sets ,the bottles look like Christmas baubles

    cyn,that week went way to fast, safe travels to d

    ((((((((dorty))))))))), too much stress, of course you can come and stay!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


    how timely is this!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2013

    When we drink, we get drunk.

    When we get drunk, we fall asleep.

    When we fall asleep, we commit no sin.

    When we commit no sin, we go to heaven.

    So, let’s all get drunk, and go to heaven!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited December 2013


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited December 2013

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!A bit chilly here, -4 with a
    -14 wind chill, pretty impressive for a breeze of only 4 mph.Looking forward to not working tomorrow,
    that's for sure, but I better double check the calendar and make sure I'm not
    working before I make plans, shouldn't I?

    Cammy--Don't get
    overly excited about Maine weather, they say there may be power outages with
    every bit of weather we get in the winter. This morning the weather guesser is
    saying the storm is probably going to stay out to sea, no significant
    precipitation expected.That will
    probably change 3 or 4 times before Thursday.I tend to wear the same things all the time, too, like you say, it's all
    about comfort!Using your cat as a
    pillow, and she was letting you?I don't
    usually think of cats doing things like that!

    Goldie--Yup, I am
    banking up on Sadie cuddles, going to go into withdrawal during vaca,
    especially the day I get back.I get
    back into Maine around 11 pm,will have
    to spend the first night home without her, get to pick her up the next
    morning.On top of that, the kennel I
    used to use is closed now!I did find
    another one nearby, run by a very nice woman, just a little kennel and doggy
    day care center, very nice facility, I can have Sadie in day care with other
    dogs during the day so she'll get to play inside and outside with other dogs,
    so she'll get nice and tired and sleep well.I've got to take her for a couple hours of visit to see if she and the
    owner will get along (the owner's policy) this weekend.

    Wahine--I still have
    power, Mom doesn't yet.BUT--they heat
    with wood anyway so they are perfectly comfy in that regard.The most inconvenient part of this for them
    is not being able to flush the toilet every time they use it.So don't worry too much about them!

    Glad to hear the
    sister on the other thread is still posting and getting support.

    Mema--OUCH, no
    wonder you are sad!Sick and hurting is
    a BAD combo.

    Julie--had some
    sunshine yesterday and it was BEAUTIFUL!So much glitterliness with all the ice still on everything.There's a new bridge not too far from me that
    had to be shut down because the ice on the cables is coming off and damaging

    View image on Twitter

    Thanks, Julie!

    OPRLA--I'm with you,
    ready for a new year, orat least
    January to be here!

    Wahine--I'm sure
    Sadie will have fun, and I will miss her, but I am so looking forward to the
    vaca, too, and I need the break so much!And yes, I will take pics!

    Mornin, Cammy!

    Welcome, Morwenna!
    All the drinks here in the lounge are guaranteed to have no calories and there
    is never a hangover here!Jump in and
    join us!I see that DorKable has given the
    quality of life vs quantity of life point of view, so I won't go off on that

    Cammy--sounds like
    you have a complicated phone!

    CynCyn--I don't have
    a formal back up for heat, but the house is constructed in such a way that I
    get some very good passive solar heat.Also the house is built into a hill so the basement/garage stays at a
    pretty stable temp all the time, so not much worry about freezing pipes.I don't have a generator, probably should
    think about getting one, but then most of my power outages are in the summer
    when it's not really an issue.So Sadie
    and I are plenty warm, as are Mom and Dick.

    Red RH--You will do
    just fine at your appointment.Remember
    that the docs and nurses work FOR YOU, not the other way around!

    Wenna--MMPRPG?I get the RPG as Role Playing Game, what does
    the rest stand for?

    CynCyn--simple syrup
    is water and sugar boiled until the sugar totally dissolves.In a lot of drinks you can substitute white
    corn syrup, which is thicker but is still basically sugar and water.

    DorKable!!!!It is so hard when someone with
    dementiagets obsessed on something
    negative like spouse having an affair.I
    bet that transcript was hard to read.Would you Dad be better off in an assisted living situation?Maybe the nursing home where your Mom is has
    an assisted living area?Then he could
    at least be in the same building with your Mom.Talk to the staff taking care of your Mom, tell them you know your Dad
    is not very nice to them, ask them for suggestions on how to handle him, they
    deal with stuff like that all the time.I feel sorry for the mods when they get informed of a situation like Red
    and Wahine were involved in.The problem
    is that to report something like that you need to know the person's name,
    address, and current location, info the mods can't generally get.Not to mention that the mods can't be online
    24/7.I'm with you, 13 is now officially

    BBBBernie--New Moon
    on New Year's?Wahoo!That is a very, very good sign!

    Wahine--sounds like
    you are having a great time!Yeah for

    Aly--I'm with

    Cookie Sugarplum's
    DOTD is theHappy New Year

    1/4 oz Brandy

    4 oz Champagne

    3/4 oz Ruby Port

    3/4 oz Orange Juice


    Shake brandy, port
    and orange juice well over ice cubes in a shaker. Strain into a champagne
    flute, fill with champagne, and serve.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited December 2013


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Kat, I was pretty sure you meant DD1, but wasn't positive, as I had them mixed up before, thinking your DD in TX was the oldest. That is just awesome that you are getting away for a few days......ENJOY! Doesn't even matter if you win, (well not to me anyways, he he) just take your mind off of things. Well, of course I want you to win.............Ka Ching! Have fun at the concert. And hopefully no scares with Molly this time. Awesome that you get to hook up with Hunk. If he only knew!

    Pwoud Mary, I be pwaying you get doze big buckaroos and you are feeling better today to collect those winnings. Sawry de little peeps had to go home and Maddy alweady sick. I hope the other two kiddles stay well. And darn that sciatic of yours. I hope the chiro can help. LMAO, my youngest brother, for the longest time would not wipe his heiny after going to the bathroom, and would be in there hollering. MOM! COME WIPE MY BUTT! Or he would call me. One time my mom sent my brother Mark in, and you could hear my little brother "dit outta here Bark, you don't do it dood enuf."

    Cami, I have a "rutty" complextion, so my hope was that the bare minerals would cover it up nicely. The foundation I currently have does a pretty good job. But still want to try the BM. LOL, doesn't that look funny??? Oh you naughty girl with your vibrating phone! Hello, it's a holiday, that's why people aren't calling.

    Julie, you too are valuable and uniquely beautiuful. How are you feeling?

    Lara, you are feeling better, for real??? My daughter lives in the Virgin Islands, on St. John's. Like your comment to Dork about her new foobs and meeting a rich man so she won't hafta work. Oh I hope the two of you can meet up. How far apart are ya's?

    Hi Morwenna, welcome! At the very least, you can at least drink virtually here, or someone will volunteer to drink for you! So belly up to the bar, and order whatever you like. A nice hunk of a Tender will bring it to you. Also, with any of our buffets we have on occasion, NO CALORIES! Oh yeah, how was that glass of wine? I'll bet it was GOOD! Oh I LOVE the "multi libacious". Need to get Dork to add it to that Urban Dictionary, along with FURB.

    Awww Cyn, that time with D just went by way too fast. Does she leave today or mananna? And when do you guys get together again? In one of the drinks posted was the recipe for the "simple syrup". I'll go back and look in a few. But first I have to go see if I can find out what MMPRPG is.

    Ok, I found MMORPG. It's Massively Multiplayer Online Role- Playing.

    Red, you leaving us in supense, but "GO FOR IT GIRL, GO AND GIT IT" You can do it!

    Dork, so glad to see you you! But who might this 43 year old girl you speak of???? I so sorry about your dad, can you take him to the docs and maybe get him on some meds to calm him down? Are you gonna share what he said? Oh my, you go back to work on da next Monkey Day? You best be getting your arse to bed oily girl. And git outta dat damn hole. You need to talk to a sista?

    Loved the poem Aly!

    NM, a little chilly???? That is down right crazy cold! Uh oh, the place you were going to take Sadie, that had "challenged" people working there, has closed? Oh thanks for telling Cyn what the simple syrup is, I don't have to go look it up. But truth be told, I had already forgotten about it!

    Good Riddens to 2000 TURDteen. Yippee Skippe to a NEW MOON and NEW YEAR!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013

    Oh My GOODNESS.......was lurking elsewhere and so glad I did not have a mouthful of coffee, as it would be all over my laptop.

    Cami, ED has me LMAO at her comment telling you "you will go blind". SO FUNNY!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited December 2013

    Good Morning Lounge women. I've been on this page for 1/2 hr. I had to stop cuz guess what ))I have my D today, oh will this ever stop, It's already knocked me goof this morning. GRRRRRR

    OK nuff bout me.

    NM all I can think of for u is what 12 more days and u'r out of here, U have to be so furcited the countdown is official (I'm just back again from the bathroom)

    Oh Dork this is a very difficult time for u with u'r parents and when u'r Dad feels like something is going on it's horrible for him, but maybe it would be best if they both lived there so they could be together much more for u'r Dad's peace of mind. I have to say when we had my Dad and he'd go into his world we were very lucky, cuz it was always a race track day, or he was playing cards or out to eat with his friends and he always had a good time--altho he never left his chair, he believed it and the Dr. used to say--u'r lucky he imagines fun stuff--so I guess everyone is different, it's tough when they get so different and there is no reasoning, at least we could just listen to my dad's imaginary day and that was it., but I have to say my goofy sister would actually ask him specifics about the day like it really happened-I'd just look t her and we'd laugh. But u'rs is so different cuz u have  u'r mom and dad and both troubled in different ways and u'r doing a wonderful job. U are always there for him and that's not easy.---damn this is taking me forever, I was just in the bathroom again. I'm so glad I went thru more tests so they could still not figure this while  still having D aga....

    I;ll  BBL. 

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited December 2013






  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Oh yes Laweeeee, I'll take some of that...ummmm....I mean some of that bubbly! Nice pics, woohoo!!!!

    Cami, that darn D better get outta dodge before de new year hits. Wouldn't it be awesome if 2014 was "D" free....and you would be so much more comfy. You are such a trooper, and always have a good attitude and so funny! You're a gem, thats for sure!!

    OMG, the news showed that explosion in ND, and how everyone had to evac, but shoot everything was frozen up there. Where will everyone go? Looks so frozen in Canada too. I don't like it THAT cold. OF course, stoooooopid me didn't want to bring a jacket or coat so just brought a wrap....been freezing when we go out at night here. LOL....dats mese own fault.

    Good ideas from youse about Dorkie seeing if her dad can get into the assisted living side of the home her mom is in. Boy, would that help everyone out tremendously. ITs just so hard, and Dorkie you have him right in your house, so no escaping when he acts up like that.

    Cami, that is so neat that your dad had such vivid "travels" and activities, all in his head. I am thankful my mom is so sweet too, wish my dad would mellow out. He is so overly nice to everyone else, that they think he's a real gem. They have no idea what we have to put up with.

    Oh Aly, its so neat when you post your posts!!!! I hope that cyclone in OZ wasn't near you or anyone you know. Just saw a blip on the news, but didn't catch where in OZ it was. My cousin called the other day from Sydney and left the sweetest msg on our ans machine. OF course it took a minute to understand what she was But she was feeling so badly for me, with what my DD1 is facing, that it made me cry, too. Right now I am in de-nile for a couple of days....will have to face it again soon enough.

    Everyone here was in such a festive mood last night, hope it continues. Would hate to see people get too drunk, and fight, etc. Can't wait for the concert tonight. It was so funny that the vip room had such good food last night (free) that it was really better than the gourmet restaurant. SHould have just stayed in the vip rm. Tonight we are hoping it will be good there again, as we did not make dinner plans.

    Oh wow, it is already the New Year in Sydney!!! YAY!!! Happy New Year to all the Aussies and Kiwis!!!!

    Big New Year Hugs, actually 2014 hugs to you all!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    WooHoo Sydney is celebrating!!!!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    But its still New Years Eve for most of us!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013
  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Starting out the day with a beer, toasting all of my breasties and toasting the breasties that are now stars in the sky. Especially remembering you Junie! Cheers to ALL of you here!!!!!

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited December 2013


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    Bernie, I showed my DH the 2 pictures you just posted...he had a fit over the one about you stopping drinking.....till I read the small print to him!!!! lol

    edit: Just read the Irish sweet....

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013

    Mornin Dollinks and Happy New Year's Eve! Been so enjoyin all de posts and pics. I wanted so share a Scottish Blessing:

    May there always be work for your hands to do.
    May your purse always hold a coin or two.
    May the sun always shine upon your window pane.
    May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
    May the hand of a friend always be near to you and
    May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.

    Wishing everyone a fantastic 2014, let's ring it in!!




    Aw chit, let's party!


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited December 2013

    Happy new yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    cant wait for this year to b gone

    I had all these great pics can not post them mods let me post

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited December 2013


    Hiccup, burp, fa....remembering Junie too.

    Happy New Year!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited December 2013

    I know, Jean, those of us that got to know Junie were really blessed, but we miss her SO much! But I feel lucky to have known her, bet you do too!

    Bernie, I am going to email that pic to my DH!!!

  • tb90
    tb90 Member Posts: 289
    edited December 2013

    Juliet62:  I have to have a copy of your suicide poster for work.  It is perfect and says what I am always saying to my clients and students so effectively.  Where did you find it, if it is ok that I ask?  We are just getting ready to start New Year's Eve celebrations. Cheers to all!!