how about drinking?



  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    Happy New Year girls...from myself and Donese!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014


    AN OLD ITALIAN SAYING  *&$#%&*())*&^%@!!#$%&*()(*&^%$@@$^&*))(&$# That' about what Italians would say.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Happy New Year to you all too! From me and "Hunk" aka one of the first Tenders.....

    (Yeah I know I look awful, but had to prove I was really with Hunk tonight in the VIP room)...


  • morwenna
    morwenna Member Posts: 204
    edited January 2014


    I did my training in Cardiff. I shared a house with Myfannwy, Haf, Mererid, and Sian, amongst others. It was a very Welsh house. Our landlord was a daft bastard named Mr Evans! 

    Happy times! I live in Canada now. :)

    Happy New Year girlies! Bottoms up! xxxx 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    We'll some of youse has got to 2014 now. Hope youse goils not has too much dwinkies so you could kick 2013 out the door real fast.

    Kay Ise a very long way from that storm it on other side of Aussie and ise 1200 miles across Tasman Sea. Anyway we sis get great thunder and lightening on our way back from Highland Games. Don't ins seeing a bit of leg in a kilt 

    Big hugs 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2014

    Hippy Now Yers!!!!!  Ah......I tinks I means Yippy Yew Nears!!!!........Oh dang it!!!!.......

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

    Yay!!  Got it!!!!  Ize bin cerlabating.....can youse tell?  wif a bits o luck, 2014 will bees the bestest ear I mean year yet!!!!

    Love n hugs to all mees breasties!  Chrissy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    tb it was a facebook posting, just one of those random things that was sp appropriate.

    morvenna ,i'm from newport,wjat kind of training did you do in wales,if you don't mind me asking?


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    YES a big HAPPY 2014 FOR ALL OF US!! We had a good concert, and of course it was fun being with "Hunk" earlier. We had so much good food, then the 11pm concert was sorta empty, so every seat had beads, leis, and new years hats, plus plastic champagne glass and sm bottle of bubbly. SO since it was so empty, we brought back 12 sm bottles of Cook's champagne!! Rode the elevator up with Charlie Pride, then went back down to listen to the good band, and gave them lots of money back, in the machines!!!

    Hoping we ALL have a good 2014...we deserve it...hope everyone had a good night!!

    P.S. my nightcap is some sort of banana chocolate drink....the bartender was so tired he didn't remember the name of it! But its good.

    Hugsssssssssssssssssss, Kat

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    I bene sailatatin' --ow I woke up wid a dink in my hand and mese HAD to pee cuz so much to dink in  such a shoit time. So I poopin in to make sure eberbybudy bodies are OK

    Kat u got de priz der wow u 2 r bootiful--so bootiful----U were in da elebator wid som1 famus? Did u start singin" like I wud do?

    Oh I wtcded som firworks from Aussy and boooootiful--for 15 mins or sumptin like dat.

    Is eberyone saf and habbin a Happy NY--So glad to get rid of dat lousy 2013, bad number for a new umber ah, ah oh yepster 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Ahhhh, my beautiful Katrinka. How nice to see your beautiful face! Although I already know what you look like, but others prolly don't. Looks like you are enjoying yourself, I'm so glad! Cheers to everyone and those that are no longer with us. Miss our sweet Junie so much. Oh Kathy, I love that Hunk posed with you, that is great. And you DO NOT look terrible.

    Bernie, that Irish Hat cap is adorable and beautiful Irish blessing.

    Beanie in da house.Thank you for the Scotish blessing, so sweet. LOL @ Joel!!!

    Lara, can you send me the pictures you want to post? Are you using your phone, a laptop, etc.?

    Cami, you are too funny. Love the Italian saying.

    Ha Ha Chrissie, you dwunken cutie you.

    Aly, glad you are not getting bad weather.

    Well, looks like every buddy was out sailabrating. Wese stayed home, had a bon fire, cooked some taters in that to go with our steak, shrimp cocktail, garlic bread and of course some champagne. In bed by 7!!! I am trying to be quiet, so as not to wake any of you party animals! May we all have a good year.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Oops, my bad. I foygot to tell. I got a call Monday evening from my onc's office, waited until yesterday morning to listen to the message! Nuclear Bone came back negative and onc is good with that and the insurance declining the CT, now that the bone scan was good. So, if he's happy, I guess I'm happy!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Happy 2014,
    Loungettes!How are all my breasties
    this chilly ayem?It's actually quite a
    bit warmer here than anticipated, it's 1 whole degree ABOVE zero, whoopee!8 days till my vacay starts, 10 days to
    cruise departure, I am so excited and so looking forward to this trip.Wish I could take all of you with me.

    Norwegian Epic Cruise Ship

    Julie-- I like the
    first day of a blank book though!


    Goldie-- aha,
    Massively Multiplayer Online RPG,now I
    get it!And yup, it gets a little cold
    here sometimes.I've already spent over
    $1K on heating oil this season.Sheesh.Yup, the old kennel is
    closed, butI found a great new one,
    where Sadie can be in the day care program while she's being boarded and get
    lots of play time with other doggies.The owner lives over the kennel, so is there all the time.Not a big kennel, but very popular with the
    local fur baby crowd.


    Cammy--I am very
    excited about vacay, already suffering from early signs of vacationitis!I wish the D wasn't acing up again.I mean, really, with all the money and
    advancements in medical science has at hand there should be an answer by


    I want champagne AND
    a balloon, and the guy holding them!

    Wahine--explosion in
    ND?OK, looked that up, wow, scary!So glad everyone is being allowed back
    home.Around here if there is an
    evacuation or (more commonly) an ice storm with prolonged power outage there
    are shelters set up, a joint municipal/state/Red Cross thing.I can't imagine they don't do something
    similar all across the country.It's so
    common for people with dementia to behave one with and totally differently with
    strangers or other outsiders.Caregivers
    think they are going crazy sometimes, the difference is so severe.


    Love he cards,

    BBBBernie--that's my
    kind of resolution!

    Irish blessings are
    so sweet, I pray I never encounter an Irish curse. . . .

    Scottishblessing is great, too!

    Happy New Year,

    Wenna--OK, I need
    help, which of those names are male and which are female?How happy a house was it?;)

    Aly--I've wondered
    if the Highland Games are as much fun to watch as it sounds like!

    Chrissy--you been
    celebratin GOOD!Good for you!

    Wahine--when the
    bartender is so tired he can't remember the name of a drink it has been a GOOD

    Goldie--I'm up, too,
    didn't stay up last night, will catch the highlights on the TV on repeat later
    today.There's some really good coffee
    brewing at the bar, with lots of hair of the dog to add to one's jolt of joe,
    and a buffet being set up with all sorts of goodiesfor breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner, so
    whatever meal we are at when we get here is ready!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    OK, ran into problems trying to add pics, so onward and upward. 

    Happy New Year! 

    1/4 oz Brandy


    4 oz Champagne


    3/4 oz Ruby Port


    3/4 oz Orange Juice


    Best served in a Champagne Flute.

    Sent in by: Anonymous

    Happy New Year recipe

    Rate Me...

    See Happy New Year Reviews

    Publish To Facebook


    Shake brandy, port and orange juice well over ice cubes
    in a shaker. Strain into a champagne flute, fill with champagne, and

    Seem's familiar, wonder if I used this one all ready? 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    My Deck, I am in Cabin 12510.  It's on the left of center, in the teal green, 3rd teal cabin from the top.  Didn't realize this would be so big a pic. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    woo hoo lori,congratulations Happy

    10 days until crusing, working that weekend ,otherwise would come over to visit before you went!

    kat-love the haul

    cammi,hope your having a d free day

    cyn and d had a good night( see fb pic of d)

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Holy Ship NM looks huge, it'll take u days to find places.

    Julie I hope u can rest today--I'm fine---I actually go some business calls today.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited January 2014

    Wahine – yes, I’m so glad I got to know Junie, so much fun dwinking all dem dog beers…burp! Great pic of you and Hunk and you ARE BEAUTIFUL!!

    Cyn – Happy New Year to you and Donese

    Cami – Love the Italian saying

    Goldie – LOL at de baby 2014 kicking out de old 2013. Glad U had a nice eve, sounds great. We made it to about 10:30. Amen to alls us habin a good new year. Dat is great news bout de nuclear test, soooooooooooooooooooooo freakin happy for you.

    NM – 8 days!! Wish we could go with ya. Love the DOTD Champagne Flute, very nice, tanks! Wonderful ship too!!

    Hello to Alyson, Chrissy, Juliet, Bernie, and everyone. Happy New Year!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Happy Happy New Year! (oops, gotta whisper that....SOME of us have hangovers, ummmm I mean "headaches")...shhhhhhh.....

    Oh Lori, so glad the Nuclear Bone Scan results were good!!! YAY!!!! I just had the bone density (I think you had that too almost the same day I did), but still have not gotten results from that. wth? I called and left a msg on Monday, but they never do call back quickly.

    NM, oh yeah, it was a GOOD partay in the vip room. Was crowded starting around 4pm, and last time we were in there for nightcap it must have been 3ayem or so. Usually just 1 bartender there, but there were THREE, all night, just for those of us in that little room. Food was awesome, they had lamp chops, but it was better than that, like smaller and prime, so not sure what it was called, good chilled shrimp, then asian wrapped shrimp, amazing skewers with artichokes, kalamata olives, etc on them, and lots more. SO we didn't need to buy dinner! I guess I might have had a wee too much to drink, as I sure had a headache all night after coming upstairs...finally feeling better now. Nice plan of your cabin location....will be so handy being near the stairs and the elevators. Makes it easier to find! WooHoo, almost time!!!!

    Molly's dr called us yesterday and said she was doing fine, but had a bad case of "D".....I asked her if she caught it from Cami! (Nah, just kidding). But she didn't have that with the 1st injection, so will be on more drugs. PLUS, this vet said we have to confine her for SIX more will be 10 wks total...first we weren't even informed of that till after the first injection, then we were told 8 wks total. But there are 4 vets there, and I guess they all have a different outlook on things. I love their daily pics of the dogs in "doggy day care"....they post 15 or 20 pics a day and the dogs look like they are having a ball. Molly isn't one of them though, she has to be caged cuz of the injection and heartworm regimen, then only walked on a leash. Hope Sadie enjoys playing with the dogs when she is boarded, NM!

    Beans, I love seeing you in the lounge more often!!! So many of you gals went to bed soooooo eurly last nite!!!  hmmmmm, but then you didn't wake up with hangovers, ummmm ooops I mean"headaches". I taped the NY ball drop, so will watch it when we get back home.

    Hope 2014 is so much better for all of us, than 2013 was. I know we have a hard road ahead with my DD1's tx, but am praying it will all be worth it, and it will kick that dang cancer to de curb, FOR GOOD. Thank you for all your prayers and concern!

    Love and another 2014 amount of Hugs,


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014


    The New Year will suddenly appear on the horizon

    The Boarding on Flight 2014
    Has been announced.....

    Your luggage should only contain the best souvenirs from 2013
    The bad and sad moments should be left in the garbage....

    The duration of the flight will be 12 months.

    The next stop-overs will be :
    Health, Love, Joy, Harmony, Well-being and Peace.

    The Captain offers you the following menu
    Which will be served during the flight :

    A Cocktail of Friendship
    A Supreme of Health

    A gratin of prosperity

    A Bowl of Excellent News
    A Salad of Success
    A Cake of Happiness
    All accompanied
    By burst of laughter

    Wishing You and your Family
    An enjoyable trip

    On board flight 2014  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Kat I have never seen the Flight 2014, ever for any year---that was great. I hope u'r hang--oops headache is gone and u can still relax a bit. And it sounds like a wonderful time.

    Lori YYAAAYYY good news and that's over with.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Happy New Year!!!!! Up here in the Great White North our temp are about the same as NM's so we chose to go to our niece and nephew's with 2 other great couples to ring in the new year. My DH was dd so I had to drink for both of us hic.

    NM 8 days! Woohoo!! Hey, if you want to try it, many cruises do not sell out first and second class. When you get on board and are at the pursors desk, you can ask for an upgrade. They're usually really reasonable. Loved your comment about the weather guesser. Sounds just right. I think from what you said that Sadie is going to be very happy in her new boarding kennel. :-)

    Lara, glad you're feeling better hun.

    Morweena, I like a girl who doesn't play favourites with her drinks. Love your creative use of English too, multi libacious - love it.

    Cami, you can have special pockets built into your clothing for that vibrating phone of yours. Lol. I enjoyed your tale of your dad's imaginary adventures. My dad was more like DorK's. I agree with you about Kat - she is beautiful. 

    Cincinnati, sorry to hear your girl is leaving already. Hopefully, you can get together again soon.

    DorK -sorry about your dad. I really get it as my dad was much like yours. He had Alzheimers and also got very jealous of mom. He had to sign some papers one day, then cried for 3 days cuz he thought mom divorced him. So sad. 

    It's super that you are going back to work. It's keeping me distracted from all this bc stuff, hopefully....  

    2014 - the Year of the Loungettes. Yay us!!!! Good riddance to 2000 turdteen.

    Kat, you pic really is lovely. So nice to be able to put a face to the lady who has given me so much help. Liked the poem too. What Hunk is everyone talking about? Is he one of ours?? Those New Year's cards were very sweet. Thank you. And I am totally boarding that plane for 2014. Sounds devine.

    Juliet, your pics usually make me chuckle, but that one about suicide hit home (under the circumstances) and it is so true. Thanks for posting it.

    Aly, your poem was lovely. I am so joining you on that 'let's all drink and go to heaven' one too. I also had a good giggle over the New Year resolution. And men in kilts are truly awe inspiring. I've lived them since I was an itty-bitty girl.

    BBBBernie it's not only a new moon on Jan 1 but it is also a super-moon. And another on the 30th. Cool eh? Your resolution was a good one too.

    Lori, what is that man doing with scissors near his nether region? He could get hurt. Better send him over here and mama will look after him. Teehee. Glad to hear your nuclear test went well but a bit funcused. What was that about insurance not covering the CT?

    Beanie, thanks for sharing the Scottish Blessing. It was wonderful.

    Thanks to those still saying prayers for Isobel.

    So I marched into the doctors office all ready to have it out and totally had my bubble deflated. Without rads I have a 35% chance of recurrence. Not only that but turns out me and menopause haven't really met yet. I am para menopausal. I still have a ton of hormones floating around in there, so they want chemo first, then rads, then tamoxifen for 5-10 years. Still processing it all. Sigh.

    OK so onward and upward lovlies. 2014 is going to rock!!!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    You all are so sweet about my picture. Since I am one of the "oldies" or should I say, more "seasoned" gals here, I do appreciate that!

    Red, how long are they saying you will need to do rads and chemo? I have to much to learn about that, since I didn't need either of them, but my DD will have to have rads to both sides of her face, and her neck. Nowhere is a good place, but having it there can really damage a lot of normal functions. I am so sad to hear you will have to have that regime. We will be with you every step of the way, ok? Well, if we bombard you too much, just tell us to back off! Have you seen the video that Lori made, of our beloved HTL? A few of us old-timers thought up the Hot Tatties Lounge, and added some Tattie Tenders (bartenders)....first there was Pants, then Jock. Then when Junie and I met in person at Hollywood Casino in Tunica, we were looking for a bartender we could call "Hunk". Then we spotted that gorgeous pit boss, and he took a pic with us. Actually, I asked him if he would, while my DH was watching us (I think he thought we had "lost Junie told him he would be famous all over the internet, and he was flattered! LOL. If you see the video, one of our talented gals who no longer posts here, was able to superimpose the real pic of Hunk, up on the tv that is in a scene of the lounge. I printed out a copy of that, and gave it to "Hunk". A fellow pit boss saw it and asked him how he ended up on tv, and how I ended up with a picture of that! lol. Then we added some Wenches, Skates, Candy, and Sugar, for those gals that would rather look at sexy gals than sexy guys. Something and someone for all of us! We added the ATM that dispenses free money, the casino, pool, firepit, firemen, etc. Also added more Tenders along the way. I met a cute guy in China that was from Chile, so took a pic of him and added "Chile Boy". Then I think it was Sue who added "Eric" who is related to her (hope I got that right). We added Mr. Big after he was on a flight with me, from Ireland to NYC, He was in first class, but kept walking through coach. Then I think Dorkie added "Mr. Bigger" since we weren't sure Mr. Big was really all that "big". lol. And many more.....

    I got rid of the hang....I mean....headache....but didn't drink today....finally having a Seagrams/Diet since the vip room is closed today....I'm in our room, while my DH plays in the high limits blackjack room.  I am just down a little bit, but my DH was up pretty good today. I hope Sue is having a good time and winning lots of moola!!!

    I am very worried about Dorkie. She has been toooo quietest and has sooooo much going on. DorkiePoo, please check into the HTL, ok? Paging Dorkie, paging Dorkie!!!!!

    Hugsssss, Kat

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    hello ladies

    red we will be with you all the way ,hope all the empties don't clink to much.  its so funny that everytime I've seen the fb inventor interviewed .he comes across as a liberal atheist   but there as been times when I have had a random posting that has spoke so much to me it can only be devine intervention, wonder if he knows  god is really in charge of fb.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    hiya goils hiccups, oops saw-burp-reeeee. 

    mese decided mese dont wanna go to work. instead, gonna to on faycation with NM, yep. I gonna have that UFO jest take me dere and drop me off on de chip. I hopin mese dont need to parashit a shoot cuz mese dont like heights. but chit, a goil will do what a goil gotta do. 

    so it is time fer me to rest my ailing body in mese bed, ahhhh, tis feels good when I find it. i jest keep saying ones more dwink den anudder, den annuder and befloor mese knows it bese sunshiney morning. but no sunshiney todey on mese hiney cuz it gonna freaking snow. dat it, I gotta git somewheres warm now, hate de cold. me n mese little dog too, wese gonna run away to somewhere tropical. i wonder how I git to gilligans island, a cool place for me, ya tink? Gilligan????????????????? ohhh I see de skipper and de professor and de professor got wood happening, hmm, neber found him so sexy til now. I go now. maybe have hot dreams of de professfor but he dresses nicelyest in my fantasy, dont like de same clothes on a man ebery single dey, ick. I make him a speedo tehehehe! 

    tanks goils for yer nice words, dey means alot. I bese happy cuz mese bese dwunk. it 5 aye em, time for bed. den in ten days I go cruzzing de ocean with NM, yipppppeeeeee! Hic~

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another cold morning, I
    swear Mother Nature is conspiring to make sure I really like the weather while
    I'm on vacay!

    Julie--Shoot, wish
    that worked out better, but maybe next time?

    Cammy--It's a big
    boat, exploring is half the fun!I've
    downloaded a map onto my Kindle,so I'll
    have a fighting chance of getting where I want to go.

    Beanie--wish you
    were coming, too!

    Wahine--sounds like
    a great VIP room partay, I'm hoping I get lots of VIP treatment, too!I'm sure I will.I think the cabin location is pretty good,
    too.Near the stairs and elevator, near
    the "Living Room" which is a room only people in studio cabins can
    get into, has 2 big screen TV's, a bar, couches, sounds like a nice hang out
    spot.Poor Molly, with the
    "D".Great idea with posting
    doggy day care pictures.Sadie loves
    playing with other dogs when I take her to the dog park, so I'm sure she'll be
    very happy, and very well exercised while I'm gone.

    Wahne--Love the
    avatar pic!And luv the boarding
    announcement for 2014!

    Red RH--I never
    thought about the upgrade thing, thanks for telling me!It would be kinda cool to have a cabin with a
    balcony and access to the exclusive restaurant and lounge.I'm pretty sure Sadie will be happy at the
    new kennel, too,but we'll find out when
    she goes for a visit this weekend.About
    the rads percentage, is that a 35% chance of local recurrence without any other
    treatment?Rads only affects local
    recurrence.Ask specifically what the
    recurrence rate is with chemo and hormone therapy, without rads.You'll probably find out it is lower and that
    covers your entire body, not just the breast.I, too, was not yet in menopause and discovered (too late for me) that
    the hormone therapy alone was just as good as rads and chemo and hormones.I did refuse chemo, wish I had refused
    rads.There is a site where you can put
    in your info and get the stats on various treatment scenarios, I'll look for it
    and post it here when I find it again.

    summary of the Tenders and Wenches!

    Julie-bet he doesn't know God is in charge of fb,
    but that's OK, we do!

    DorKable--have the
    UFO drop you into one of the water slides, then you'll have a nice softif wet landing!And if I get an upgrade I'll have plenty of
    room for all the Loungettes!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the First Day of Work in 2014

    1/4 oz Bourbon

    1/4 oz Rum

    1/4 oz Sloe Gin

    1 splash Grenadine


    Combine ingredients
    in an old-fashioned glass 1/4 filled with cracked ice. Stir well, and serve.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    NM how poetic, the first day of work in 2014--sounds so literaturey  Oh so soon for u and Sadie--but when u were talking about the slide I got the shivers it's cold and snowy here too. lol

    Dork it's so nice to see u in de lounge, wait when are u going back to work??? Are u ready?

    Kat wow how u splained about the Lounge it's wonderful for any newbies to visualize, cuz I was enjoying it all over again.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    well I am just trying to post funny pics

    I drank yesterday happy new year day

    mese have a headache

    NM the boat looks big u will have a blast

    Well we having a big snow storm today and tomm

    Hi cam

    Dork eeck u going back to work are u still in pain I think its to soon. Cant u work from home?

    Red thank u we will b with u every step

    Hi cyn, mema and Kat

    thats a hunk hes cute