how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    NM, as far as I'm concerned, your time starts when you leave the house, not when you get on the ship! Wooo Hooooo 1 week. And now we can all join you, cuz we have the cabin room number. I hope the weather heading your way, doesn't get in your way!

    Beans, I happy too bout de test. But I often wonder if the CT would show something that a nuclear wouldn't. I mean, the nuclear pretty much just shows for the bones, not organs. We have new insurance now, so if needed, hopefully it will be covered.

    Kat, I was so worried about my blood work, I forgot to ask about my DEXA. It must be ok, or he would have said something. I can call and ask for copies of the report, but I wouldn't know what meant what! I can also call and ask the PA about it too. For me they were watching as the Arimidex causes damage to the bones. But maybe as we get older, it's a common test to be sure our bones are holding up? LOL @ Molly catching "D" from Cami! Praying that Molly does just fine and sorry to hear she has to be confined longer than you thought. I'm on board Flight 2014. When are you heading home?

    Red, I have no idea why my insurance won't cover the CT. They say there isn't enough medical evidence that I need one. HELLO, my tumor markers were up, I had cancer!!!! Usually they want me to have X-ray first, and then if that shows anything, THEN they will cover the CT. I had chest X-ray in June. Onc said I am good for yearly check ups, but told him I wanted to stay on 6 months. How far are you from Detroit? Did you take the scissors away from dat boy? Oh crap, I am really sorry that you weren't able to escape the chemo and rads. It's not much fun, but it is doable. When do you start, which cocktail and how often. I did Adrymiacin and Cytoxin every 3 weeks, 4 treatments. Then Taxol every 3 weeks for 4 treatments too. They said I could do all three together and shorten from 8 weeks total to 6 weeks, but I was afraid it would make me too sick. So I opted for separate. Also, the month you start chemo, there should be someone (maybe you) to start a thread for girls starting chemo at the same time. That way you are all in the same time with treatments and share what is going on. Lots of tight groups like that here. I didn't join one, as I was already done with chemo when I came to BCO. I did go to my group, but they had already bonded and I was sort of an outsider. I am happy to help in any way that I can. I will say, getting plenty of water and protien is very important.

    Julie, are you starting to feel better? LOL at getting down to your original weight!

    Alright DORK, you are posting around 5 in de morning! Are you just getting up, or just going to bed??? OMG, you are just going to bed! I think you need to get your leave extended. Love NM's idea for getting you dumped out on one of the water slides.

    Lara, bummer bout de headache, YAY for drinking tho! How are you feeling? You are in NY, yes? For how long?

    Well, we have had awesome day time temps, I've actually been able to lay out and get a little sun. Hoping to get a little color before leaving for the V.I. Going to town today (I think). Might have to talk DH into going early, so I can get back and get some more sun! The sun is not real strong, so not getting a whole lot. I keep thinking it's Friday.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Oh yeah NM, I hope you get upgraded too!!! Never happened to us, even though we have cruised a lot with some of the same lines. We have booked balcony cabins before (spoils you for anything else though!), but never had access to exclusive lounge or dining area. Maybe its different on RCCL, which has been our line of choice lately. (We try to go on the ships with "older" people, then we feel I am SO fercited for you....sure coming up quickly, and with the winter weather you are having, it won't be quick enough, will it!

    Poor DorkaRoni, gotta start getting into bed earlier (and by YOURSELF, silly girl) you gotta be a woiking gal again. Don't want you to oversleep. I know you have so much on your plate, even though we switched to tiny doll plates, that it prolly helps to drink enuf till you are ready to hit the bed. Have you ever tried melatonin though? I take 10mg now, but I think Lori takes 20mg at times? Used to take 5mg, but I like the quicker effects of the 10. Hope you find some way to start practicing waking up early!!!

    Julie, I like that too....yuppers, no way jose to get down to my original weight either!!!

    Lara, hope the headache goes away soonliesst. Not fun, is it.

    Hi to EVERYONE!!! Cami, I know, it is fun to remember all the stuff we have at the HTL and I just touched on a little part of it, please add to what I wrote!!



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    Hope everyone had a FANTABULOUS, SAFE NEW YEAR. I am looking forward to a better year. I pray especially for all of you beautiful ladies, that your new year will be much more rewarding and peaceful.  I will try and kechup, snort! 

    Julie - Lovely sweet of you, can I jes Ditto what it says. LOL Opps, I see Kachink Katwinka has da same idea. O is a good idea!! And WOW...the other one about true is that!! But sometimes peeps get down and can't get up, I pray hard for them.

    Speaking of Katwinka...mese tinks dat name was gibbed to u by someone else foist. My mind funcused, but fits u especially when u in da casinos. What a cool story about your night with Charlie Pride. Soooo cool and den u gonna meet up wif Hunk and his girlie. U deserve ever minute of that kinda excitement...soak it up girl!! Boy Iz behind more den I thot. You and Hunk look mauvelous girlfriend!

    Whoa....that is cool...that flight 2014 announcement. HereHereDear!!

    Lara - shots, mayb that will work. See my pcp tomorrow then back to the pt place, gotta find some relief and soon before I go nukinfutz!

    DorkaDory - mese fart is heavy wif everything u been enduring. And ur dad and mommy sitchiation not helping either. And Monday u will b back at work...ugghh. Well we jes habs to hab a party dis weekend...are u in? And you can come to sunny Nevada and stay wif me...jes say da woid (((D)))

    Morwenna - Welcome to the sad to meet u this way, but u can still pull up a stool and enjoy a libation or 2 with us. Jes add a spot of brandy to that herbal tea and u'll b fine. I too am on warfarin, xanax, lansoprazole, and wellbutrin. But u r prolly right about the likker not being conducive to weight loss. Well phashaw...a little won't hurt and it's Mauvelous that u are multi-libacious. I like dat...will steal it too.

    RED - I missed a did you appt go?

    Bernie - GR8 Irish Blessing, thank you!

    JeanieBeanieBabe - Love da Scottish one too and LOL on da yokes...heehee! Poor Joel lmao!

    Aly - love the posts LOL. I dwink enuf...tinks I'll b going to heaven fer shur!

    NM - brrrr is right...way too cold. But hey, count down til the warmth of the sun. Dat is one BIG BOAT!! Fun Fun! That's a good policy for dat kennel and it will help your separation anx too if you kno Sadie will get along, well, she wud anyway, but the other dogs with her. She is jes too sweet to make a fuss.

    Cami - LOL....and jes where are u putting that phone so u can feel the vibration??? Not fair bout da D still plaguing u...that's jes da chits!

    Cyndielouwho - got dat right....aint got time for dis chit. Am sad D had to go home, but glad you got to spend da holidays with her. Next trip will be here afor ya kno it. Tankgoodness for Skyp!

    Lowee - LOL at ur db butt wipe story. And LOL at BM, I did a double take on dat one. WHOOP WHOOP on da bone scan coming clean...I am happy happy for you. I'd do da happy dance, but leg not cooperating dangit!! You are correct about the bone for bones, CT and PET look at organs. Maybe ask ur doc to redo blood next month, see if markers go down? I did limp out on Tues. It was a fun time, enuf alcamahol keep me from screaming. I didn't win da big $2014, but I did win a couple of drawings. I got to go pick and pop a balloon had $20 the other $50...woohoo!!

    Well, pooches have baths today and I get nails and lashes, so gotta get my EWWA in gear....lublublublublubs all of youse!!
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Dork it's this coming Monday u'r going back to work--Oh wow u have to start sleeping like u mean it, so u'r a little ready, I hope u are ready, well u know.

    Lori I don't blame u for wanting the whole package done, when it's time it seems like we all should have everything done after all we've been thru.

    LARA u sound so much better--oohhh it's time finally. YYAAAYYY

    Julie I love u'r sense of humor.I hope u'r feeling better.

    Sue u'r so busy all the time, but u seem like all is not well.

    NM what can I say the countdown is so so so close now. And Sadie will be fine.

    Kat I'm still happy u enjoyed ur'self so much and u r beautiful. Poor Molly I feel sorry for her going thru this.

    I purposely didn't do any Dr. stuff for Dec. except for my stupid procedure now tomorree the card. office called and he wants to see me. Blah I really wanted to wait a couple more weeks but. Ill get this first one over with. 

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Hi there. Mese DH made dinner!!!! Mostly. While mese dwinks da beer. Yay mese. Ise happy! Been a whiles. 

    NM - hope you get the upgrade. We found out about it after we took our room key - too late then. Have to ask before they finalize your location. Also have to wait a bit, so if your suite is already cool, well...

    Yes the 35% was for recurrent localized bc. I will ask about the chemo and hormone therapy on Tuesday when I see my MO. Thanks for the advice.

    Thanks for joining the pocket party! And I just twirled and all was clean again.

    Lori, you was there, in mese pocket too. Tanks. And for de offer to join any udder alchamaholic partay bein held der. Hey Detroit only 3 hours away. Maybe when da weather is nicer?????

    Kat, I find out on Tuesday what's up. I'll let you know for sure. I liked being introduced to the tenders and wenches. Tanks. Gots a way better pitchure now.

    Dork - when you exit da UFO, can youse send it to da great white north? I wanna come on vacay too. You needs to try to sleep more girl. Believe it or not, you know what helps me? Gravol. Don't stop me from wakin up, but I gets back to sleep quickliest. 

    MemaSue sorry you still feeling poorly. Hope that gets better soonest. My appt with my RO not so great. They talkin rads, chemo and tamoxifen for 5-10. Got some good advice on questions to ask my MO on Tues tho. Not giving up, nope, not at all.

    The weather guesser (tanks NM) says at 7 aye em it will be -35. Dang that's some cold. Gotta hate it. Asked my supv to have a week off in 2 weeks earlier tonight. Works with my doctors stuff and my usual workload. Fingers crossed.

    Have a nice evening everyone.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    O darn missed Cammy. Hey there. Sorry you gotta jump back on the bc treadmill. Nice you got a few days off the darn thing tho. Hope all goes well.

    Juliet I copied that picture you posted about weight. I want to share it with my DD. She'll laugh so hard. Saw pics of you in that pocket party I had yesterday - naughty girl. Lol

    Bye again

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Hiya girls,

    Just got home tonight after picking up Molly, with 3 more meds, and another appt in a month. Have to keep her confined 6 more weeks. She is such a sweetie though and they treat her so well there. Gonna have the g'kids in the ayem while my DD1 has another appt....already talked to the "port" person, and she liked her. BUT, I also finally found out about my bone density test...they had not gotten my results so they called once I left the msg on Monday....and got the results, so called me this afternoon on our drive home. Its not good...apparently lots of deterioration since my last one 5 yrs ago (was supposed to be every 2 yrs, but somehow it got overlooked). So I have to start on weekly Fosomax....anyone taking that? SHe said they noticed bad deterioration in my spine...wonder if thats another reason for all the pain? My mom didn't start on Fosomax till she was about 80! So now I feel old....

    Oh well, trying to dwown in some Seagrams! Sue, it wasn't the Katwinka, but you said "Kachink Katwinka" or sumtin like dat, and I liked the "kachink" in winning Glad you won some, at least. My DH won a lot, so got me even and he still was way ahead. OH, the reason we didn't get to meet "Hunk's" girlfriend, was because she got an electric bill for $18k and alerted the news, who wanted to interview her for an article, that same tis.... .

    Sure hoping for a good 2014 for us all. I used that joke Julie posted about not being able to lose weight down to our original weight, and he fell for it. LOL. OMG the Gold Strike casino buffet had the most awesome desserts today. One was a "dark chocolate box" in the shape of a trumpet with Happy New Year on it, and filled with a peanut butter whipped filling. Yum. Lots of chocolate boxes or cones, filled with stuff, and lots of edible 2014, or Happy New Year on the desserts. Lots of musical themes, they are just about 30 miles below Memphis. Was so glad that we didn't see any "wrecks" on the way home. On the way there on Monday, saw an awful one with a semi and a car, and both were bashed in, there were lots of ambulances, helicopter, and all lanes of highway in that direction were blocked off. Scary.



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes! Brrrrrrrrrrr!I want to be in the Carribean!

    Cammy--I stole that
    from from someone else, who posted it on fb and on here.It is a good one, isn't it?


    ORLA--the boat IS
    big!We're having a snow storm today,
    but not so bad as they're making it out to be.My drive doesn't need to be plowed, so no biggy.

    Goldie--I can just
    see all of us in that 100 square foot cabin--that's 10 x 10 feet, including the
    toilet and shower!Reminds me of
    stuffing telephone booths!

    it won't be fast enough for me now, especially with -14 temps BEFORE wind
    chill.Tired of the cold all ready!

    Mema--Sadie is loved
    every where she goes, and always seems to get lots of attention, which she
    loves.I’m not too worried about her,
    but I will miss my snuggly pup at bedtime!

    Cammy--good luck at
    the card appointment!(All I can think
    of is an appointment to play cards, and I know the real thing is NOT that much

    Red RH--Another bit
    of good info about upgrading for me!I'll remember that one, too.Can't hurt to ask, right?Um, you
    can keep that deep freeze artic cold right up there with you, ok ?We don't need anymore down here!

    Wahine--Hooray for
    Molly being home!Your bone density test
    got "overlooked"?Really?Twice?That could explain some of the pain, that's for sure.Hopefully the fosmax will reverse some of
    that deterioration.Wow, what a horror
    story that electric bill is!Hope that
    gets sorted out fastliest!

    Julie--THAT is
    PERFECT!!!!! Coffee and Wine is my way of dealing with life!


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Maine Anti Freeze

    1/4 oz Allen's
    Coffee Brandy

    1/4 oz vodka

    1/4 ozsoda water

    Serve in a shot

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Katrinka hittin da road, you moosta went home yesterday? Ok, you are home, Molly is home and you're falling apart! My goodness, I would certainly think that is why your back hurts so bad and treatments that worked before, don't now. I do not take the Fosomax, so I am no help to you on that. But pray that it helps you. OMG, $18K electric bill? And she is very pretty!

    Sue, I guess winning the $70 was better dan nut n honey eh? And I hope you can get help wif dat dayem noyve. The noyve of it!

    Cami, good luck with the card doc. Wouldn't it be funny if he was the one who figured out why the D???

    Red, I only make it to the big D (and that would be DETROIT, not Cami's D) once a year, last year it was in Sept. and only for about a week. Never heard of Gravol, what is dat? I also suggest that you write your questions down, so as not to foyget. I think some girls get a note book, just for that reason. Questions to ask, writing down the answers and just keeping it going. Have you not seen the HTL Video?

    As for de Dork, she gets enough sleep, it's the time that she dooze it!

    LOL Julie and Bernie.

    NM, LOL at all of us in the 10x10. We will get teeny tiny whilst in dere. But not while we are cruisin around de boat, no sirree! Anti Freeze is poyfect! You and Sadie go for her visit this weekend?

    You goilies wif all dat cold weather and snow, ICK! We have had exceptionally warm weather here for us, 60! But night time is getting down in to the teens and single digits....cwazy I say. But it is allowing me to get a little color so I don't have to be lily white for my visit to the islands. Oops, I taught it wuz Sat TURD day, cuz weese went to town yesterday, and we usually go on FwidayZ. Can't count today and count the day we leave here (the 28th) so I am at 24 dayZ....woo hoo!

    Iz ebbery one still hung ober? Still beery quiet around here.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    LOL at Julie, Bernie, and Lori! Funny chit, foah shuah!!!!

    Ok, what is the "card" dr? Cardiologist? What did I miss, Cami?? Hope everything goes purrrrrfectly well.

    NM, well I can picture us all being teeny tiny and we habs to hide in your pants pockets till we get into your room. Den we still need to be tiny or we won't all fit, but we can get outta de pocket. Jest didn't want to habs ta go thru de security x-ray, no siree, so jest gotta be in your clothes you wear onto the ship, ok? Den, I kin jest picture us being teeny tiny while in your cabin. BUT as soon as de cabin door opens into de hall, we gits all big again. Can you imagine the surprise of other passengers that might see that happening???? LOL.

    I read some chit about fosomax that it has caused even WORSE problems, people lost parts of their jaw, probs with esophagus, etc. I mean LOTS of people, and there are lots of big lawsuits. My dr said take it for 2 yrs, I think most of the probs are when they take it longer. is sumtin interesting..I searched bco to see if others were on fosomax, AND one gal linked to an article that said PRUNES eaten daily can actually do the same bone building as fosomax. So, will definately get some prunes today. Maybe thats why my parents have not broken bones (except when my dad broke a couple of ribs in NZ, but he fell hard in the cave, and onto big rocks). My mom has fallen so much, she WAS on fosomax for a few yrs though, but used to have prunes almost daily. Here is the article in case anyone is interested, and if you find out anything else, please let me know!!!

    Yeah, Lori is right, our Dorkie gets enuf sleep BUT it is not a time condusive to getting up eurly and going to work....right on, Lori! Wese gots ta help DorkaRoni to git her sleep patterns changed!!! She really has a lotta chit to deal with, and that is sooooooo hard. What a trooper!

    Love the "Maine Anti Freeze" DOTD, NM! Purrfect. We had flurries last night, but wind chills were quite low, so brought Mav inside the garage (had to put Molly into another room while he was coming thru the house so they wouldn't see each other, as she might get too furcited). But Monday and Tues, looks like the high might be about 6 degrees during the day....not normal for our area, no sirrreeeee bobarella!

    Cheers Dears! Happy 2014.....I need to get littler this year....wish I had Lori's non-sweet-tooth, but mine is quite a serious sweet tooth!



  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    I drank yesterday had to omg I need to stop the celebrations

    Kat never read the side effects esphogus fallling out oh NO My mom take sit fo rher bones. Shes fine on it

    Hi cam yes feeling better I think this will b my year

    Going to see my hot oncologist about the ovaries being removed and need all that jazz make sur enothing going on I pee a lot and am bloated cross fingers I will get the ovaries frozen DH doe snot want a baby and ya know we have had issues. I might need a big change.

    Love the pics, I am so mad I can not copy and paste I do it then boom no pic

    My parents just left for a cruise 2 weeks

    I love the balcony rooms I get drunk and look for sharks throw them food

    I love crusingggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

    Fear net silent night deadly night

    Oh Un enjoy ment was renewed thank god

    My parents leave everytime there is a storm big one here I have a jeep so I just mull over everyone lol

    k poop in latah

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    biopsy-disordered proliferative endometrium or totally b9, only got to go back if I have any problems or have any bleedingHappyhow did you get on at the card's office cammi

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Totally B-9, Julie? Thats great.... now hoping no more problems and definately NO bleeding!!!

    Lara, your parents are smart to get away right now. Hope you stay safe, and ALL you northern gals affected by this storm are safe, thats a lot of you as it covers so many states. Hoping you all keep your power and do not have to be out driving in it. 

    Cami, was that card appt today? You stay safe, girl....too cold and slippery outside.

    Dorkie, gotta practice getting into that bed earlier....MonkeyDey will be here too quickliest, foah shuah. How are your parents????

     CindyLouWhoIsSadRightNow....don't worry dear, March will be here soon.....I know it seems a LONG way off right now, but you will be keeping pretty busy with work, esp with these storms. OMG your job must be so demanding right now with all the cancelled flights, etc. Stay strong, girlfriend!!! Remember the American Psycho shows we love? Well the screenwriter is this gal and it showed her on the Millionaire Matchmaker show last night, as they fixed her up with the sister of one of the RHONJ gals sister. Funny cause she was all fancy-schmancy and wore a dress and had a fancy hat on, and the gal (Rosie) took her kayaking, and of course she was dressed in shorts, etc. I love that show, and last night she had her first totally gay mixer, for a guy (owner of men's underwear line) and for Rosie. The guy ended up liking his date, but Rosie and Guinevere didn't see each other again, but it got her back into having confidence dating again, and that was all she was hoping for. And when Patti always asks what her first rule is, "No Sex before......" the underwear guy (Christian?) said "condoms", but the answer is "monagamy"! lol. I like that show, its interesting.

    Okey Dokey, grandkids went home, now I guess that means I need to do some work, esp laundry....will try to abstain till happy hour....


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Hi girls! 

    I thought to drop in for a big n strong drink. 

    NM, I was thinking of you at 3am when I was outside cleaning about 10" of snow off of our cars. Times like this I really wish I had a garage. That was some wild storm, it came down fast and furious. I hear we are going to get hit again over the weekend. My employer actually  had a delayed opening today. The count down is on for you, huh? I am so envious but you deserve every minute of the bliss you will feel. 

    Kat, I love your new avatar. It is nice to see your face when I visit the lounge! That is one of the best selfies I have ever seen. I snap alot of selfies and delete them just as fast. I also love the flight 2014, I have to fiind that and share it. It is too good not to. 

    Lara, you are sounding good, I hope you are feeling just as good. I agree, this should be your year. I feel your pain girlfriend, I really do. I gasped when I read that you were thinking of doing a diep flap. You know what I have to say about that, DON't DO IT unless you absolutely have to. Like myself, you can't seem to catch a break with the darn reconstruction. I laugh thinking about how I really thought I would be all done within a year. I am going into my fourth year now and still not done. ugh. Hugs to ya hon. Hey, did you get walloped with snow too? I wanna go outside and make a snow angel. 

    Lori, thanks for saying I get enough sleep. I actually get too much sleep. That is my only concern with returning to work on monday is being able to get back to a normal schedule. I again went to bed at 6am and woke up at 4pm. Crazy schedule I have been on. I like to be like Chrissy B and be awake when she is HA! oh, almost forgot to say congrats on the news of your scan. But I knew it was ok, sorry you worried your pretty head over it. 

    Speaking of, I think I saw Chrissy pop her head in the door recently. Cheers Chrissy if you are reading! 

    Cammy, my employer does not allow us to work from home except for overtime. It is because our calls have to be recorded. When I do work from home, I do not make any calls. well I have had my asst, Stella make a few for me in an emergency but we'd be in trouble if we got caught. I hope you are having a nice D free day. You are so brave love, you hardly complain but it must be hell for you sweet lady. I jest love ya to bits. 

    BBBernie, love your funnies. I hope things are going well for you. Thanks for explaining all of the different holidays and meanings. I thought that boxing day had something to do with boxing, like Joe Frazier kinda boxing. The things I learn from you here, I love when you are an educator. How's things down on the floor? And how is the bump? 

    Red, I hope you listen to our NM about considering the rads and chemo. Be sure to run all these scenarios by your onc before making a firm decision. And if you have to go through it, we will certainly help you through it. I was fortunate to escape both, I would have only needed rads I had chosen a lumpectomy, that was one of the reasons I chose the BMX. I feel for you, I recall so vividly how skeered I was when at the point you are at. Thee girls here will definately help you through it by sharing suggestions for coping with the treatment. You are in my prayers and I will be thinking of you on twosdey. 

    Sue, woo hooo for winning, wish you hit the $2014 but hey, you got enough for a bottle of likker or two. I hope your ailing back is feeling better. You always in mese prayers. When is your vacation? And can you send me some Vegas sunshine and heat? It is burrrr chilly here, wind chills around zero. Days like today, I wish I had some brandy in my likker cabinet. Speaking of, I do not tink I told you guys that I had some moonshine when I went to SC. My Dad's good friend and neighbor invited me in for a tour of his likker cabinet then made me drink this stuff. whew, it was an instant buzz. And I had just woken up when I tried it. what a way to start the day, made me tink of you. 

    Juliet, love your version of the serenity prayer, lol. How are you feeling? And how many more days of anti b's for you? Thank you again for your kind PM. You are always so sweet. Hey, I jest thought that I can get some yummy likker and chocolate from the widdle choc/likker filled bottles you sent me. I've been hoarding them and not being good at sharing. Dems are mines. And thanks to you for the awesome pics. You never answer as to where you fiind dem, I don't blame you for not wanting to share lol. 

    Beanie baby, how are you doing? How is bidness, any more sales? I will share your company;s page on my fb account in the spring when people here are thinking outdoors. YOu can tell Red how we all helped you through your chemo and rads. You were so flipping funny when you talked about it.  I am trying to think of what you called the rads, you used to talk about your trip to the beach for your sunburn but you said it making it berry funny. And the salminello's, those were funny too. You were going through such a difficult time but you were a riot with your posts. We was jest little kiddies back den, eh? I am really glad to see you back posting. I am gonna try to be a good goil and get back to posting regularly. I used to wake up and first thing I would do after making coffee, was to come into the lounge. I will try to do just that on monday morning cuz I know I will need lots of likker to get my hide into my office again after nearly five months. Oh boy.....

    Ally, hello to you. I hope you are having nice summer weather and not too hot. I think it is the coolest ting that your seasons are opposite of ours here in the states. I will take some of that heat please. 

    Cyndie, glad you had such a nice visit. I know you already looking forward to the next one. When is it?

    Well I hope I did not miss anyone, mese Dad is putting pressure on me to git my ewwa in gear to go out to eat. Ugh, hate going to diners but that is his favorite food so I do what a goil has to do to be a good daughter. Love you gals and wish you the Happiest and Healthiest 2014. I lift mese big ass glass of JD and diet and say....what else is there to say but CHEERS! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Lots of stuff today----Kat how could they overlook that test? O my stars--I went from moderat to sever in 3 months, I can't imagine what u'r is like--u poor thing, I'm not on that tho I do Pt (which is chit) and just limp around LOL I do different PT for my LE--and I don't like to move. LOL

    Dorky I can't believe u start work Monday, it seemed like u had so much time off and I was so glad for u. I hope it all goes well. And u'r awake at least.

    NM it's almost time--I'm sure u can't wait to get out of that weather for a while.

    Julie and BBBernie I love u'r posts they always make me laugh.

    Lori I forgot u'r going someplace right? Oh u guys, are so much fun just reading what u do.

    Julie are u feeling better yet?

    Lara u sound good, this WILL be u'r year and I'm happy about that.

    I am exhausted, it is so cold and slippery out--it's crazy and it's supposed to get colder and slipperier too. It's a true January here. And I don't like it some places around here got 12 in. and I thing we got 8, but the streets are clear so can't complain to much, but sidewalks are lethal, I'm now in my warm snuggies and I will snuggle tonite.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    ~~~~Cheers backataha Dorkie!!!~~~  *kachink*  *hic, burp......eerrrrrrrrrrrrpppppppppppppppppp* So nice of you to poop into dis here lounge! Thanks for the nice words about my "selfie"....but really, it was funny cuz my phone is not the smart phone, but a dumb phone.  SO I held it high and couldn't see what the pic would be, and clicked, but then it didn't click so I brought it down to see, and thats when it clicked, right when I was trying to see if it took or not!! So, try that next time, lol.

    Ok, it IS 5 pee yem here....PAU HANA ~`~`~`~`~`......YIPPPPPEEEEE SKIPPPEEEEEE (who IS skippee by de way????). Hahaha, on our drive home I don't know why, but I started signing "By the Way"....sang it to "By the Light of the Silvery Moon". So it was "By the Way, By the Way, By the Waaaayyyyaaaayyyyyy", well I can't write it how it sounded but it made a nice tune using By The Way.

    Bernie wrote me the other day, and she and her Dh were sick....sure hoping they are getting better!!!! My g'dau had to go to the dr today (15 yo) as she had 104 temps, (which finally came down), but was sick for a few days. SO much chit going around!!!!!

    Stay safe girls, and try to stay well, and stay tanked up too (with likker for you, AND gas in the car!!!).



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    *kersplash*,........."oops"....didn't mean to bump ya into de pewl Cami.....but I notice that Pants was right there to catch ya!!! And remember, it is WARM here at the HTL, so we can sit by the pewl and enjoy the sun, so the water was warm too!!! Yeah, I had the bone density scan a few months after getting my bc dx, but then I don't know how it got missed....I had not been to my gyn for awhile, and he might have been the one that was ordering it. It was my PCP that caught it.....I know my last one was borderline osteopenia (sp?), but now this one is osteoporosis, and mostly in my spine, so I am anxious to see the report myself. OH, I am going to try the prunes too, darn it though, I can't ask you to try them for your bones, cuz prunes do NOT sound good for you when that "D" keeps coming back. I don't know though, they have a lot of fiber. Supposed to help the bones get stronger, maybe our nurses can give their opinion???? Big hugs to you, dear Cami!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Well I went to my CARD. I told u I hate them--more tests of course more meds to take of course--Oh well--I was waiting for 1/2 hr before he came in---He did apologize and I told him the voices in my head were getting mad, but I calmed them down. So he was lucky. I  told him what med I needed to increase and he agreed, and of course I said I'm not just another pretty face, I know about this stuff. His eyes just about crossed to try to see if there was any pretty in there-NOPE he couldn't find it. He didn't say that but I know the look. and it all went downhill from there--then finally he said OK we're done for now, u can check out--Excuse me--I told him don't use those words for a heart patient I feel like he should look at the clock and call time of death. I'm such a bitch. Now I' exhausted.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Kat I bumped into u now---I do remember my parents eating prunes every day too and they never broke anything LOL I love prunes but no not me, and they are good for u so give them a try. Why not

    Are u'r discs and vertebrae disintegrating?, I can't think of the word I want, it's what I have and I forgot anyway, I have ostioperosis ( who doesn't) severe arthritis and one more stupid thing with my back that throws it into my legs I don't remember, that's why I take pain meds sometimes it hurts right into my eyeball.haha Honest. I hope u can find relief with this crap.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    I am on a 3-way rite now so have to type with one hand. Not a fun 3 way but a fone call, sillies. Just hate how bad ur appt went Cami! (((((Cami))))). And we all know u have a pretty face AND  pretty fart (heart).  Wish there wuz sumtin better 4 ur pain.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Oh Kat I love looking at u'r face after all this time--u'r perrddyy.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Awwwww Cami you will make Maverick feel bad....didn't you like looking at HIS face??? LOL, you are so silly! BTW my "3 way" phone call was because I got a tracking number on some luggage I bought....BUT the ups tracking number showed it was delivered in June 2013!!!! So they got ups on the phone with us and apparently they reuse the numbers rather quickly, so I just need to wait till they enter MY shipment!!! weird.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning for now---I know I'm going back to sleep. My boss came over last night and I'll get a new phone today to continue  this crazy little job I have. Let the games continue.

    I hate to bring this up but our weather here is horrendous, it's going to snow and already cold as , well I was going to say hell-but I don't think that's the temperature I meant. Wind chills -40 below b Monday morning--Egads we haven't had that in a long time. I'll be honest, I don't like this weather.

    Let's al go with NM and find nice warmth from the sun and just party, very soon now.I've never been on a cruise, to afraid of the water. I'm afraid of everything, the sky, the water, the pavement for driving, gravity--everything.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    image we're getting a lot of snow, well not this much

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Kathy, now that you say that about the Fosomax, a gal I met in Tulsa was doing some online work for a lawfirm, and it was a class action suit against that Fosomax for the exact reasons you mentioned. I mean, what the hail are we suppose to do? I guess I would try the prunes too and take calcium and do the chondroitin/glucosamine/msm. How did your DD's appt. go? Oh my, 104 temp, that is too high. Glad it came down and I hope she on the mend.

    Lara, freezing your ovaries? I have heard of freezing eggs, but not the ovaries. That's tough when one wants a baby and the other does not. And I agree wif Dorkie, you are sounding  good these days. Is the pain starting to ease up for you?

    Great report Julie, it's like getting an A+.

    Dorothy, you are going to bed when you should be getting up! OMG, I hope you can get that turned around this weekend. And how is YOUR pain? And are all of your puka's healed? You had a wonderful post to all of us, but nothing on you. The storms you guys are getting are wicked. And you had some moonshine? Homemade?

    Cami, I am going away at the end of the month. We head down to Phoenix on the 28th to see Dolly Parton and then on the 29th I leave for the Virgin Islands to see my daughter and my son is meeting me there to surprise his sister, she does not know he is coming. LOL at telling the doc he shouldn' tell you that you can "check out", good call girlfriend. Ya, would more fiber help you? Or maybe something like Metamucil? Lots of cheese? And yes, Kathy is beautiful foah shoa!

    Kathy, I sent you and oval pic, did you get it?

    NM, you have Sadie to keep you warm! Is today the visiting day to the kennel?

    You girls in the midwest and east coasties.............brrrrrr, it is SOOOOOO cold. Hoping it passes quickly for you all.

    Maybe we can make use of some of that snow?


    From left: Watermelon with lime and añejo tequila; Passion fruit with lemon and bourbon; and Blackberry with honey and SOME OF DORKIES moonshine.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    It's me again, my 2nd wake up.

    OK Lorie we all want to go with u I didn't even take a vote. I'm so fircited for u--not only because u'r going, but u'll be with u'r DD and DS--that the best vacay u can have. And watch how fast it will go by, like for NM it seemed so far way now it's right in front of us. I know u'll take pics for us, so we can have our enjoyment---But I'll miss u like I always do when u don't post and NM too, in fact when someone doesn't post it always seems like something is missing to me.

     I (as u all know) watch a lot of TV and so many meds that we've taken are now having class action suits. It's kind of scary cuz most of the time u know or u have taken one of these drugs. TV has too much influence on me.

    Lara I'm watching SyFy now.

    Well today I have to learn how to use a new cell phone, yea learn--I remember the days u could just pick up a phone and say hello and not disconnect people cuz u'r jaw moved a certain way. Oh the good old days. When it even looked like a phone, I have picked up the remote and said hello only to still hear a phone ringing, while I've changed the channel.

    Lori looking at those beautiful drinks made me shiver, My room is an add on to the house and it is colder that the rest, I really don't mind cuz I dress for it, my kids want me to move back closer in the house No my SIL brought a heater in here, probably will start a fire so I don't use it much.