how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    LOL, just had a sec to poop in.....and cwacking up about Cami saying hello into the remote and hear the phone ring while changing channels!!! I think we have ALL at least picked up a remote instead of a phone and vice versa, but I haven't clicked the buttons YET. I am sure I will do that soon enough!!! So cute. Gotta run, will check in latah.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good afternoon, Loungettes!  Been busy this ayem, took Sadie ot a visit to the kennel, she got along very well.  Picked up a little space heater so I can get the bathroom warm enough to take a shower, with the low temps the furnace is set on 67 and the living room is 59 and that's only because the son is out and the sun porch is warming up.  Got my paper work ready to print out.  Sadie definately knows that something is up, she's sticking to me like glue!  But that's ok with me. 

    Goldie--I read somewhere that it's helpful to take an over the door shoe organizer on a cruise, for the storage space.  Now I have this picture of teenie tiny Loungettes setting up housekeeping in the pockets, telporting out to the casino, pool or one of the bars, and then we all meet up and take over the boat and make that baby rock!  Hee, hee, hee, hee!

    Wahine--don't worry about the x-ray stuff, I opt out of those machines, don't mind the pat down thing if it means less exposure to uncontrolled radiation.  I can see us popping out of the cabin like one of those little cars that a whole bunch of clowns climbs out of!  The other passengers would think we're magic!  Fosamax and that class of drug CAN cause some serious issues.  You need to be able to sit up right for at least 30 minutes after taking it so it doesn't splash up into the esophagus and cause damage there.  It can cause necrosis, or death of some of the bone in the jaw, and sometimes cause a different kind of weakness in the bones than thinning, and that can lead to broken bones in odd places.  These side effects are associated with longer term use, but can occur at any time.  It's like every other treatment choice we have to make, is the potential benefit worth the possible damage it can do?  Our last "storm" was just some snow blowing around, hope it stays that way for a while. 

    ORLA--I've never seen a shart while I was on a cruise, have seen dolphins, though, once.  Would love to have a balcony of my own, that would be so cool.  Maybe I'll get lucky and be able to get an upgrade.  I'll think of you if that happens!


    Wahine-Sounds like a totally weird show to me!

    DorKable--yeah, we've gotten some serious snowfalls this winter, that's for sure.  Vacay starts Thursday (5 days), I fly to Miami on Friday (6 days) and leave on Saturday (7 days).  I am so excited! Hope you don't have too much trouble readjusting to a normal schedule.  Schedule changes can be a real pain, sometimes. 

    Cammy--I SO want to be somewhere warm!  Absolutely!  you be careful in all the slippery.  The cardio doc sounds like he needs a bit of sensitivity training! 

    Goldie--yup today was the visit day, and it went very well.  Sadie and the kennel owner get along very well.  So she'll be spending the week in a kennell with a radiant heated floor, going to doggy day care and making new friends and playing new games.  She'll be happy as a clam at high tide.  Oooh, neat snowballs! 

    Princess Glitter Sizzle's DOTD is the Watermelon Aqua Fresca Margarita1 ½ oz Cazadores Blanc
    ¾ oz agave nectar
    3 medium size pieces of fresh watermelon, muddled
    1 fresh sprig of basil, muddled
    ¾ oz fresh lime juice
    1 pinch of Cajun pepper

    In a mixing glass, muddle watermelon and basil. Add other ingredients, ice and shake 10 to 12 times. Pour into a margarita glass filled with ice.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    Babes, I hope you are all safe with the ice storm approaching.  We have gales and heeeeeeeeeavy rain.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Oh Bernie I love the stone LOL--Is that u'r storm? It looks like ours.

    NM u'll be out of this very soon and enjoying u'r self on some deck with a pretty drink and someone serving it to you, u'll probably never see u'r room anyway. And of course Sadie will be fine and just think when u come back she'll be happy as a clam just looking at you. And then u'll be happy and it'll all be worth it, then the countdown for Goldie will start.

    Dork I hope u slept t night last night so u have a semi=normal day today.

    Well Leslie set my phone up and I'm  all set to work again so I'm so happy--yea really. The cold hasn't come in yet, it should be later.


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Cami, dat so sweet of you to say that you will miss me. And I am eating up the excitement of my upcoming trip. Can't count today and count the day I leave for Phoenix, so I'm at 20 days!!! Did anyone see you answer the remote....LOL! I hope they didn't get you a smart phone! I remember when you moved to the room you are currently in, and is seemed like there was a reason for it, but I can't remember!

    Kat, glad to see you poop in.

    cute about Sadie thinking something is up. I hope it isn't scaring her. Ha ha, great place for us to hang in your room, the over the door shoe organizer! Sorry, but LMAO at your comment about not ever seeing a SHART on a cruise! I know you meant SHARK, but you DO know what a shart is, right?

    Bernie, is it winter there? Do you get snow? It's friggin 2 degrees here this morning.

    I sure don't understand why it is so quiet in here lately, doesn't make for much fun and I can't handle all of these Tenders meese self. A few of you are here and helping, but it just isn't enough. Thank goodness Cami gets hoggish! So for that, I am accidently bumping you into the pewl!

    DOTD......if there is anyone around to drink!


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!It's warming up a little bit
    here, it's all the way up to 65 degrees in the house this ayem!Picked up a little space heater so I can warm
    up the bathroomenough to make showering
    more pleasant than a polar dip.

    BBBBBBernie--YIKES!Nasty weather!Like the weather stone, too.

    Cammy--This time
    next week I will be sipping coffee while sitting on deck looking over the ocean
    going by, enjoying the WARM and sun!And
    Sadie will be in her kennel with radiant floor heating, new friends and a favorite
    toy.Yup, gonna be good!

    Goldie--Hooray for
    the count down for your vacay, too! Um,I did mean Shark, I'm thinking Shart is something that I 'm tryng to get
    away from. . . .

    Cruise ship
    cocktails, I want one of each!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    ooo Lorie each one of those drinks have a lure for me hahaha--BTW I like u'r countdown too it helps rushing things along.

    Talking about my phone, we were checking it out last night and u open this one and I did what I was told and what do I hear? U'r doing it wrong, then I get U'r responsible for charging and  taking care of this phone, I'm LOLing but I was told how to answer it and they told me wrong. This is very complicated for me. U have no idea, I just don't like change very much. Oh I think I moved in this room cuz it's really more private cuz no one needs to come back here unless they want to wash clothes the room next to me--but if their friends come over I never see them where before they used to feel the need to say hello cuz I was near the bathroom. Oh Not that I don't like them they're a lot of fun, but I really like my alone time, after all I lived that way for many years so I'm more comfortable here. And if I feel like joining in I do, for some reason they ask Les to get me cuz they think I'm fun.--they're drink.

    Besides saying I'm not a necrophiliac to my Dr. I did talk about me being over tired, really sleepy a lot. so I'll get tests for that, he doesn't think it's my heart, there's so much more to choose from, But with this crazy weather I'm not going for any tests til the weather settles down.

    Lori that is soooo cold for u wow it's hitting up and down all over the states this time mostly middle to east and hard,--It's been snowing all nite and still is our big flower pot is hidden under the snow. We let Katie out she sniffed around and Sox wanted to play but she decided to come in--first time with that much snow, but she didn't freak out.

    Sending my lubs to all.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Hi girls, Lovely dwinks Lowee!!! Yeah, it sure has been quiet here....lots of gals have not been posting, prolly everyone is so bizzy. Please pray for our Dorkie and her family, they had a really hard night last night. I won't go into details without asking first, but just want you all to keep her and her family in your prayers. Maybe she'll get to poop in here, later.

    OMG I would have a hard time getting used to a new phone too, Cami. Hope you get the "hang" of it (pun intended!). Nice that you have that end of the house to yourself, but I am not surprised they would come and get you to join them, as you are a hoot!!!

    NM, omg did you pick the right time for a cruise, or what??? We (in the deep south) will even will get down to 5 degrees tonight and be verrrrrry cold for 2-3 days.

    Yes, Lori, I did get that oval pic...thank you! Been just so busy.

    This week my DD1 gets the chemo port as well as the feeding tube (in stomach), so lots of appts this week, and then the reality of it will sink in again. Don't worry if I don't post for awhile, if I get too sad or too busy. Just please keep my daughter in your prayers, I appreciate that SO much, you don't know how grateful I am for your prayers. I am going over to her house this afternoon to try to help clean and organize, since she will have a visiting nurse too, to help with the feeding tube. And my parents leave on Sunday, so they have lots of appts we have to get them to, plus my mom's hair appt, and helping them pack, etc. Dang, it will be bizzzzzzy.

    Bernie, love the Stone predictor! Hope you don't get toooo much rain, and hope you and your DH are well now. How is the alien? Going to pop out soon??? So anxious for you!

    Hope the MIA gals will get to check in....miss you all, too many are missing to COME ON BACK!!!!!



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Cami, with all of that weather you have, I wouldn't go out either! Does your new phone vibrate Singing? Well whatever the docs find, or don't (usually in your case) I'll bet they can find another pill to give you!

    Kathy, I agree with you in dragging Cami outta her room to join the party! Glad you got the pic, it's one of my faves of you, and I thought maybe it went in to a spam box. Kathy, of course we continue to pray for your daughter, her family and of course YOU TOO. How is she handling this? Please check in, even if just a sentence or two, ok?

    Dorothy, so sorry for whatever is going on. You are always in our prayers too.

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,604
    edited January 2014

    I've come to say good-bye to the HTL....too much going on in my life

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    off to Orlando for a couple of days


    prayers for kat and dorty

    nm and lori vacation is getting closer every dayHappy


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    KaChink Katwinka wha happened to ur perrddyy selfie? Are you gonna put back up in the oval when things calm down around you? And yes, DD1 is still in my prayers, give her lots of HugZ from me too. Gonna say some more prayers for you too cuz of da osteo and I will have to look into da prunes. Never heard that about dem.  CHIT I see it now...toopid puter...sumpin spooky going on cuz I swear I did not see it when I was typing this post Loopy

    DorKy - sending lots of prayers and big HUGZ your way. (((D)))

    Cam - u cwackin me up with the new phone chit. And NOPE, u r not checking out fer long long time either. Ur card doc is a DIQ! Sounds like the other thing that affects ur leg is sciatica. Pain goes all the way ur leg. I start pt for mine tomorrow. Having all dat cold weather is not gonna help in da bone department either...that is f'n coooollddd! I'm going wif all u goils n crash NM's cabin...woohoo.

    Lori - sounds like u gittin more cold then usual too. Am so fercited for you and NM going to sunny/warm climates. My Cook Isl trip has been cancelled. Waaaa! Oh well, see what comes up down the road. I'm liking some of dos cruise ship cocktails fer shure!

    NM - Yay, things went well with Sadie at the kennel. Isn't funny tho that they kno 'sumpin' is up when ur routine changes even jes a little bit. LOL bout the over the door shoe organizer for your cruise and thots of all us in the pockets. Yea...I can see it..LOL.

    Bernie - hope u and dh feeling better. Has the rain let up much? Wind bugs me...hate wind!

    Julie - WoooHOO for Orlando, u going for fun yes?

    Karen - positive energy heading your way (((Karen)))

    Lubslubslubs all ya'll!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Yea it has been more quiet here but it'll pick up, u'll see, I'm sorry Karen isnot posting, but understand.

    Kat u and u'r family re always in my prayers and u'r DD1 a bit more actually--I pray all goes as well as it can for her. U'll be super busy this week, but if u could just keep us posted about u'r DD alittle I know we all want to know.

    Lori, I'm lucky I learned to answer the ring, let alone try vibrating it, to much of my fun parts are gone or numb so it doesn't work well with me.

    We're getting like 15" of snow and then -40 below (wind chill) so I don't like this---in a couple of days everything will look like dirty crap in mounds. I know this routine. There's not one kid outside making a snowman or playing --nothing, usually kids play around here, but much to windy now too.

    (((DORK))) I don't know what's happening but prayers are being sent.

    Julie are u feeling well enough to go??? Still on Aunti-Bees.

    Sue u always sound cheery, and really my Card cracks me up he's so used to the stupid, yes stupid things I say he's just young Oh and Lori he did give me more meds to take hahaha before any tests.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited January 2014


    Hollo Dollinks! Just chick-in in to say howdy. I be baaaaaack soooooooooooooon. Karen, hope you will be back or check in when you can. Wahine love your avatar, so nice to see yer pwetty face. Ello to Juliet, GoldieBug,Katrinka, Cami, Bernie, NM, ADorKable, SuZQT, Lara, Red, CynaBun, and ebery one!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    dork hope everything's ok yeah it's going to b hard going back to bad u can't go back part time

    Karen hope u r ok miss u in the lounge

    Kat prayers for dd1

    Hi mema

    Cam a new phone funnnnn. Yes we r hit bad here tons of cold and snow no one could get out of their houses. Gorcery stores are freaking A mad house I just got some food

    Hi Juliet, nk yup soon u will b in good weather

    Goldie lol what I said eggs yes that's it

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Hi girls, 

    First I have to say that I was laughing my ass of when I read "Now I have this picture of teenie tiny Loungettes setting up housekeeping in the pockets, telporting out to the casino, pool or one of the bars, and then we all meet up and take over the boat and make that baby rock! Hee, hee, hee, hee". If only... I think that was NM who wrote that, thanks for the much needed laugh.

    So I am so upset with myself, I did get to bed at 2am last night or so and slept until freaking 5 pee em. I still have to get my work clothes washed, get myself showered and prepare for my big day. 

    Kat, I will be praying for your daughter. And thanks for briefing the girls on my problem. I have no probelm with you sharing any of it. I will tell the girls in a nutshell what went down. Dad got thrown out of the home again for his big mouth going on and on about Mom having sex at night at the home. He was with my sister at the time. He left then called my sister and said "thanks for ruining my effing life". He then went missing for over five hours, I ended up filing a missing persons report. He finally called my sister from Richmond VA, he was en route to Myrtle Beach. He did get a hotel and spend the night then made it safely "home" mid day. He called me about an hour ago to ask for the address of the home so that he can mail mom a bday card, her bday is Jan 22. Ugh, we do not know what to do with him. My middle sister is in the Bahama's, I have to get back to work and my other sister is just refusing to fly down to drive him home as she is very busy at work and is upset with him. We just dont know what to do other than to Let go and Let God. That is it in a nutshell. 

    I woke up and skipped coffee and went right to mixing a JD and diet, I have been making them very strong. I am so sick with worry and still just so tired all the time. I just don't know how I am going to get back to the work routine.  So please girls, pray for me and my family too. 

    Thank you all for being here for me to vent. I am sorry that I am not talking to all of you but know that I am reading and smiling and weeping at the same time. 

    Cam, good luck figuring out the new phone. You are something, you always make me laugh even though you are suffering so much. I jest love you and all you girls. 

    Drink up now, join me!! Cheers and lots of love to all of you. Kathy, hang in there darling, you WILL get through this and so will oops, almost wrote your daughters know who!!! I best start with getting a load of wash in, ya think?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Dorkie, So glad you told the gals what went down last night. Dayem I was as worried as you  I think....I couldn't get to bed till after I knew he had checked in and was alright...still I was up till 3:30 am or so. Yes, you are right, you all have done SO MUCH to help your dad, but not much you can do right now, except be there for him, should he want to come back. I know he was going to be your alarm clock, so hope you can think of something else....maybe put your alarm clock across the room? OR get one of the early bird gals here to call you like they did before? I just wanted to ask for prayers, but rather that you told everyone what happened. Sheesh, it may be more of a vacay being at work!

    Julie, You are going there for your birthday?? Hope you have a GREAT time, and a wonderful birthday on Tuesday!!!!

    NM, I love the idea of the over door organizer on the ship. Never thought of that, but there is never enuf room. I am anxious to hear how you like the new singles studio cabin...and the room that will be open to you all to socialize in. Unless you get an upgrade, that is!!

    Love that festive cake, Beansie!!!

    Lara, are you feeling a lot better? Hope so!

    Sue, Thank you SO MUCH for that sweet card, I got it the other day, and that was so nice of you. I was going to email, but then been bizzy, so wanted to mention it here before I forget to.

    My back is KILLING ME....I overdid today helping my DD1 clean the front rooms. I prefer doing the floors on my hands and knees, so that was the first mistake!!! Plus I volunteered to clean the bird cage, which was awful...omg they ignored it toooooo long. Anyway, the LR/DR and the foyer look good now, and they are CLEAN.  They have a big house, so am hoping she will let me help out another day soon. She did the throwing out and organizing while I just cleaned, and cleaned, and cleaned.

    Cami, omg that is a LOT of snow!  They expect a lot of "black ice" here tonight, plus the 5 degree temps. My DD1 still does not have the heat fixed, their heat guy will order the parts tomorrow....omg it will be sooooo cold...I keep telling them they can stay here.

    Karen, Sorry you are saying "goodbye". You were a nice part of the lounge, and we learned so much about your religion too. I hope things will go well for you and you will pop in when you can and let us know you are okay!  (((((Karen)))))

    I am having a dwink with Dorkie...don't want her to have to dwink she was hogging the Tenders!!!!



  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Hello ladies. I have been uber busy lately but I has good news. First tho I need to say hi and acknowledge some very kind advice and such.

    NM - I have written down everything you said to ask my MO on Tuesday. Thanks to those who are jumping in my pockets that day. I definitely laughed out loud at a picture in mese head of all of us in a shoe organizer rocking the boat and just taking over. One more piece of gratuitous advice - don't drink anything on the ship that is the same colour as its name. Like a Blue Bird that is blue or a Yellow Thrush that is yellow. Not only are they delicious, they cause killer hangovers. lol. Glad Sadie was happy at the new kennel. I know pet care is a huge factor when considering a vacation.

    Lori - I took those scissors away from that naughty boy. Still don't know why he had em so close to all da good bits, but ise keepin him in the pool shed for now. You said I'd need lots of protein and water - in my world that translates to steak and beer. Does that work? I did  see the video but it was super cool to find out how the Tenders and Wenches came into being. Gravol is (by its RX name) just Dimehydrinate Tablets. Good for Car or air sickness. Has a drowsy side effect that works for me. Like I said, won't put me to sleep, I still wake up lots, but I get back to sleep faster when I take one before bed.

    DorK - so very sorry to hear what happened with your dad. Extra sorry that you are the only one available to help him with it. Such a huge responsibility. I am headed over to the chapel after this to say some special prayers for all of your family. Back to work tomorrow, wow. Wish I could make that easier for you. (((hugs)))

    Lara and Cami - I love SciFi. They are starting a new series by an author I've actually met - Kelly Armstrong. It's called Bitten and its a bit dark but I loved the book series, so I am sure I will enjoy the tv series too.

    MemaSue - hope that Sciatica eases up a bit but I know from experience just how much it hurts and how long it lasts. {{{huggles}}}

    Beanius  - loved the cake. Thanks for the good wishes.

    Karen - sorry your life has become complex. Never a good thing when also fighting bc. I pray things smooth out for you. Hope to hear from you again soon.

    Kat - what can I say. You have a raw deal going on right now. I will say many prayers for you DD and for you and your family. I hope the osteo is something manageable. I don't know about prunes. I would say offhand that if they don't have hormones, go for it. Eat as many as you can. Want things to go really well for you.

    Okay so what is EWWA???

    It all worked out well for me and i will be joining everyone on vacation. Not including today or departure day, i am at 12 and counting. Yay me! Sun and fun, here I come.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Red, you did not say what your good news is. I will PM you the meaning of EWWA as I have been in trouble with the mods before and I ain't need no trouble right now, got enuff of it.

    Katwinka, how very kind of you to help your daughter clean her house. I know you must be hurting so bad but nothing is going to stop you. You are one awesome mother, not to mention a great friend to all. 

    I am ready as can be to work. I found a very old alarm clock in my shed. Once I removed the cob webs and dirt, I plugged it in and tested it. For some reason, the buzzer will not sound but I can set to music and it works, even checked the snooze action. I paid some big bucks for this awesome phone charger/alarm clock but after having it for a year and reading the directions over and over, I can not for the life of me figure it out. It goes off at about noon every day and I do not even know how to turn off the damn buzzer.  I might take a pic of it and send it to you all and see if any of you have the same one. I now have three alarms, not including my cell phone.

    oops, gotta tend to the clothes in my dryer now. And hope to God that the ones I hang dry are actually dry in the morning. I still can't believe I have been out of work since Aug 21st. What a long strange ride it's been!! 

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Dork - lol about the alarm clock going off at about noon each day. We had a wicked series of power outages a week ago and my BIL texted to say ' what are the chances? Power came back on at noon, don't even have to reset my clocks'.

    My good news is that I get a vacation after all!! Thought it was toast because of rads and chemo, but there was this tiny window of time when I have nada going on. So we are headed to warmer weather. 12 days and counting!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Where ya gonna go for the warmer weather, Red? SO glad you had that window of time for a vacay!!

    Okey Dokey all your alarm clocks, and your clothes SHOULD be dry by de ayem....esp with heat on in the sound all set!!!!!

    Aw heck, I haven't been in twouble with the mods, so I will spill de beans, not as in OUR BEANS, but de pinto beans.... EWWA stands for "ever widening white arse"...who thought that up? Mema Sue???

    Toodles Noodles

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014


    Waterford Quays last night

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this rainy
    morning?What a roller coaster ride of
    weather we're in!

    Cammy--I hear you
    about alone time, I need my time with just Sadie on a regular basis to stay
    sane.Get them to write down how they
    want the phone answered and keep that near your phone, then if it's wrong you
    can show them what you were told!

    Wahine--Yup, this is
    a great time for a cruise!Temps going
    to get up to 50 today, than drop down really fast tonight and "flash
    freeze" everything.Just getting
    all the power back on for everyone, now the number is going up again as the
    branches snap up as the ice comes off.No winning around here right now!Make sure you schedule a little time for yourselfeach day, even if it's only 5 minutes.You need to take care of yourself, you
    know.Prayers continuing.

    Karen--sorry you are
    going, glad you are having a full life.Maybe you can pop in once in a while when you have a spare moment?


    Mema--did I mention
    that I have bought an over the door shoe organizer to take on my cruise?If some of you Loungettes don't mind sharing
    there is room for everyone!

    Cammy--learning a
    new phone is a challenge, isn't it?Hang
    in there, it will come!

    Beanie--Good morning
    and Happy Sunday to you, too!

    ORLA--I hear you
    about a mad house, mine is just nuts now that I have only 4 days to get
    everything done that is left to be done, and suddenly it seems like a LONG

    DorKable--Oh, my,
    what a situation you're Dad has gotten himself into!Call your Dad's doctor, tell him/her what
    just happened.The more his Doc's
    records are up to date with all the things he's doing the better the doc can
    help.Letting go and Letting God is a
    goodway to deal with all that.I'm praying that going back to work will be
    an escape for you, the way it was for me.One place where there was predictability, sanity, and order, and a
    chance to focus on something else, and feel productive.I'm praying for you and your family.

    Wahine--I'll let you
    know how the organizer trick works!It's
    plenty small enough folded up to be easy to pack.Right now I'm thinking I'll ask about
    upgrading, but unless it is really, really inexpensive I'm going to stay with
    the studio.I'd rather have the $$ to
    spend on myself, aren't I selfish?Ooh,
    your poor back, but at least you have something to show for it!I'm sure DD1 really appreciates the
    help.Be careful on that ice, there's
    lots of cancellations and closing here this ayem due to water on top of ice and
    flooding roadways and such.Gonna be
    interesting day at work.

    Red RH--I never
    heard that about drinks, I will definitely remember it!That poor boat won't ever be the same after
    we get done with it!That new series,
    Bitten, sounds like something I'll need to check out when I get back home.Love that channel!HOORAY for vacay plans!EWWA is, if I am correct, Every Widening
    Caucasian Posterior, with some substitutions for the "family" nature
    of this thread.

    DorKable--I have
    multiple alarms, too, it does help!Make
    sure you plan something fun for when you get home to celebrate your first day
    back at work, even if just a bigJD and Diet.I'm sure you will be tired for a while until
    your body readjusts, but I bet it won't take as long as you think for that to
    happen.It is a strange road, indeed.

    BBBBBernie-- my
    first glance at that I thought that was a wall of snow, a closer look and I
    realized it's water!What a wave!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Alarm Clock

    1 oz Vodka

    1 oz Jagermeister

    4 oz Red Soda


    Pour all ingredients
    into a highball glass filled with ice cubes. Stir, and serve.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Hi gals, 

    In my insomnia last night, I think I figured out how to convince my Dad that Mom is not saving sex at the home. THis is our biggest obstacle in Dad's mental health. I will tell you about it later, gotta git showered and git as bootiful as can be with these bags under mese eyes and new wrinkles on mese sad face. Yep, I got it all figured out. Don't tail but mese gulped down sexteen dwinks already. I think I mighten need anudder before hitting the office. Maybe some Bailey's in mese coffee? 

    I've decided that I do not shivagit about mese job. I jest gonna show up and stare at the ceiling. Wen ennyone speaks to me, I will tail dem to talk to mese people as I ain't talking. I have rights ya know. HA, take that sweat shop whom I have given my life to yet dey dont shivagit about mese and mese chit. well phuck dem all. dey gonna prolly fire me todey anyway when I tail dem to tawk to mese people. if they aask who dese peeps are, I tell dem to ask my people. Any other inquires by dem, I tail them that my attorney said to plead de fifth or get me a fifth of sumting good to dwink. Yep, dey might try to haul me a way in a straight jacket but I know mese waaaay smarta then them and will escape to mese car and dwink de likker in mese car twunk. yep, I gotta car bar and it is uber cool. 

    Bernie, wow. Please be safe. Wese need you here in a big way, k? love ye and love all of ye too. heading off to de office once I git my likker packed in mese lunchbag. Ask me watz for lunch and my people will tail ya tehehehe! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    oops, bumped ya NM. have a drink on me. THanks for the advise to call Dad's dr,I will do that. 

    Have a good day girls!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Sorry to hear that Karen, praying it isn't bad things. You know you can share with us for support if it is. (((((Karen)))))

    Have fun Julie, are you visiting family?

    Sue...WHAT??? Canceled? WTF happened? Dayem! I hope the PT helps your leg, and our daytime temps are not bad, been in the 50's, today getting into the 40's, no snow and sunny, I can deal that!

    Oh Cami....LOL @ the fun parts being gone. I can totally relate. Was hoping there would be a change when I went off the Arimidex, but nuh uh. Ahhhh, more meds! No wonder you have "D".

    Hiya Beanzy, what a purday cake and cocktail, but dere only 1 there. Will hab to get Pants to make us up a bunch of dem.

    Lara, you been away too, are you doing ok, how is your pain. After you freeze the eggs, do you then have someone else carry the baby, or will you keep your uterus?

    Dort, you slept for 15 hours??? And whose car did your dad take? So very scary, and I'm so sorry. Something is wrong, he is not being rational! I thought I read where he was home, but went back re-read and I don't think he is. Hoping you can make it to work ok. Can you have someone else look at those directions for the clock you can't figure out. You are missing something that someone else might see. I thought you were talking about your iPhone, but I don't think you are.

    Kat, wish I was closer, I wooda hailped ya cween. Glad she allowed it. I wish my step daughter would accept some help.

    Red, the steak and beer work for me, but at the time it did not. I NEVER got sick, well except for the dry heaves 2 times. Felt icky for a couple days, like day 3 and 4 maybe. Then not too bad after that. The "liquids" to help flush that nasty chemo chit outta your body and keep you hydrated. I alternate my sleep drugs and don't take them every night. Night time pain relievers, Vitamin V (valium 10 mg) and Melatonin 20 mg. Wow, you put dat boy in a shed? You savin him for later? LOL! I hope you hid the scissors too. Vacation for ewe? Where you going?

    I see you upped yours Kat (Melatonin), your's are time released, so are you taking 2 of the 5's?

    Bernie, what is that, Waterford Quays? Water with fog in it? OH WAIT, NM said something about a wave?

    NM, good idea to remind Kat to make some "ME" time for herself. You hear that Kathy? I think I will start to lay some clothes out for my trip, just put them in the spare room. I have this mental picture of the shoe organizer hanging on the door, clear plastic one, each of us in our own pocket, waving and hollering at one another!! I think we better put some "Monster" or "Red Bull" in that Alarm Clock cocktail for Dorty.

    Dorty, we all meet you for dwinks, I mean lunch, in de parking lot today, k? Good to see you made it up!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---

    Bernie I didn't realize that was water, I'm so used to snow now--but that looks lethal.

    NM just a few more days, u've got to be going crazy making sure u don't forget anything

    BBL my phone  stuff, it started at 6am this morning