how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    WOW, I didn't realize that was a wave either! Dang, that is some storm, has it passed now, or is it still storming? It was so neat in the Waterford factory, seeing the molds for the Football Championship Trophy for the SEC, all made of beautiful glass there. And the trophies for music awards, the magnificent glass carriages, big sets of things, etc. I have a pic of my dad hiding a piece of Waterford they let us pass around...he was kidding and acting like he was putting it under his jacket....of course he didn't, but the pic turned out cute. I can't believe that peaceful quay would end up with a wave that humongous!!!!!!

    NM, getting soooooooo close!!!!

    Lowee, the only reason my DD1 accepted my help, is because she knows at some point the home heath care nurse has to come over and she wanted things neat and clean. NOW to get her to let me help with the rest of the house. But OMG even taking lots of alleve, my back is still verrrrrry verrrrrry sore. Yes, I now take 2 of the 5mg time release melatonin. If I have too much on my mind and can't sleep because my mind keeps racing, then I will take .25 of xanax. Maybe 1-2 x a month. Real druggie, aren't I?

    Good luck at work today, DorkaRoni, and all you other "working gals"! Bitterly cold here today, trying to stay IN.

    Stay safe with all the snow, ice, and storms, and stay warm!!!!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    A friend posted this on FB....was the historic blizzard of Jan 1978....we lived in Michigan City, IN, and also got lake effect snow from Lake Michigan. My DD2  was almost a month old when it hit. The men on our street would hike to the nearest store for emerg supplies (I needed formula, etc). Was soooo cold, and driving afterwards, was like driving through snow tunnels everywhere as the sides of the streets were piled so high with snow. I wonder if this winter will surpass this one from 78? I lived there about 4 yrs, but was SO GLAD to move down south before the next winter hit, after this one!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    nm don't look at the temps for fl tomorrow,but its forecast 80f for the weekend

    (((((((((dorty))))))))) lots of prayers

    kat -prayers ongoing for your dd

    having a fun trip in Orlando,bbl

    have a good evening ladies

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    The blizzard of 72 yup remember that one just joking oh 78

    Im on my happy pills

    Ok so dork on the floor LMAO about work  screw them with my sales background and you we can start a company outta the house. I think  some people can do it out of the house no? You get the big commissions I want to do that.... I still need to visit

    ok so today I drive to the doc going home and boom a state trooper

    Im like why are u pulling me over?

    Brake light out and then he sees my inspection just expired

    well I got a ticket for no brake light and I could get it replaced today then no ticket or finr so I run around get the light can not get an inspection because my mirror was taped because a kid hit the mirror, but it is on with a whole glass just not connected so can not get inspection sticker

    My mom lives in the city and the kids vandalize your car

    Oh red that sounds like a good sci fyi

    My best friend said she would carry the baby goldie

    I love u all im missing peeps

    cam where r u?




  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Glad you're having fun in the SUN while we are freezing our EWWA's off, Julie!!! LOL....remember start celebrating tonight at 12:01, ok???

    Lara, sheesh you sure had a time today. SO glad we don't have to get car inspections here. I remember all the long lines in HI when I lived there....not fun. Awesome that your best friend would carry your baby! I used to want to do that, if my kids could not have kids, but am glad they were able to have kids, as when you get older if does not sound like a fun idea, even if I could do it! OF course I can't anymore, but am also glad those days are over......  (That sounded very funcusing, hope u understood what I tried to write!).

    DorkaRoni, waiting with baited breath (baited with JD, for you, of course!) to hear how your 1st day went!!! And hoping your dad is doing ok!!!!

    I am STILL going through closets, etc...dayem....started just with the big one in the bathroom that has all the wrapping stuff, etc., but now have taken apart 2 full closets upstairs...I have things everywhere. Why oh why when I have ONE day do I think I can do a week's worth of chit??? Now I HAVE to get it all done!!!! lol

    I need a dwink too...Pants! Jock! Hunk!! Front and center....well I see your fronts, but now make us some dwinkies, ok????/

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited January 2014


    Hey dere! How bouta beer? By de pool? I be dere...been a biddy day. lOve N hUgs

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    NM - here's a visual of what those coloured drinks can do. We get on the ship and first full day we are 'at sea'. This ship was run by Brits so it was all Canadians and Brits. 

    My DH decides his mission is to try one of everything on the drink menu during the cruise. I stuck to beer, although us Canucks had totally drank them out of ALL beer on the ship by 3pm. So they started giving us free rum. Anyway, I digress. 

    My DH is making his way through the menu and had covered a fair bit of it by then, including a bunch of those whose name was their colour, when I head back to the cabin for something.

    Did I tell you Brits love being topless? So when I return, he's gone and after a bit I go searching. O yes, folks were saying, we saw him. He went thataway.

    Ever see the Titanic? OK so I get to the bow of the ship and there is my DH with a half naked woman in front of him, both standing on the prow, arms stretched out just like that scene in Titanic. 

    I did an ahem. They were in a totally illegal part of the ship. And she was topless. He gave me a goofy grin and said come on up here honey, it's fabulous. Umm no.

    He later missed the captains dinner cuz he had his head in the sink. I couldn't pull him up on the bed, so he slept on the floor. Blames it all on those coloured drinks.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Red I love tht story, all the colored drinks.LOL

    Kat  always do to much, I think it's just in u'r personality to be busy, I can't imagine feeling like tht--chit I do a couple of things and I'm done, I've always been like that tho. I'm always sending prayers u'r way.

    Lara OMG u go out get a ticket, can't get an inspection see just stay in. U must be feeling somewhat beter, but happy pills do help,

    U know it's colder here than in Syberia--it's awful we thru a cup of hot water in the air and it just missted away in the air. Of course we sent Joey out to do it. hahaha

    I was busy all morning with work--and I can not stay awake I've been drinking coffee and I sleep, it's a weird feeling. I can't wait to get this fixed, all I want to do is sleep and I do with the phone in my hand. so I'm not on here as much, that's why. Lara I can't stay awake for a whole scary movie.

    Julie are u feeling OK there, u must be enjoying u'rself, I hope so.

    Waiting for Dork to tell us how her day went.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Hiya girls! I did it, I really did it, mese made it through mese first monkey dey at de office. I am happy to say that my day went very well. I was given a shocker when I walked in to the area and did not recognize a single face. Turns out that again, every processor for Morgan Stanley was laid off early October. The only other person still on the team was a gal who was on maternity leave and also returning today. Things are so slow there, I do hope that I am not laid off but I would not be surprised. 

    Lori, it was nice seeing you and the girls at lunch, sorry I did not have enough ML's to go around. One can only fit so much likker into a compact car trunk. 

    Well girls and gals, I AM very tired and nearly ready to go to bed. I did not fall asleep until about 2am last night so I am very tired. I am typing with just one eye open. And that makes me want to talk like a pirate arrrrrr! 

    Good night goils and good morning to de goils over de ocean who are jest starting their day. Stay warm girls, it gonna be a cold one tomorrow with highs in the single digits, oouch! I am taking brandy to work again. It sure was yummy and warmed mese belly. Cheers! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    OK Dork----u done good, like I knew u wood.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Yay, Dork had a good day at work! Good for you. Now I'm dying to know what you thought of in the wee dark hours to stop your dad's jealousy.

    Cammy, sounds like you had a bit of a rough day. Too sleepy huh? Try and get a good night's sleep tonight. ((cammy))

    Kat, I don't know if I should say where I'm going or not. Anyway, I'm headed for Cayo Coco, in Cuba. 4* resort for $488 including flight, accommodations, food and all you can drink. Hard to say no. They're going to get some rain while we're there, but I think just being away from anything bc will are me feel lighter. 

    You are fortunate, my DD always says no when I offer to help with housework. She has Fibro, a degenerative spine and a few other things. She is also the one with the appt with the BS on the 15th. She is stubborn tho, just like when she was little - no mommy, I can do it!

    Beanius, love that sign. I believe I'll make it my motto in future.

    Bernie, how close were u when that picture was snapped? Holy cow, that wave was huge!

    Lori, I love sci-fi. Even the scary ones. There are some real classics. I am not a fan of horror normally and slasher movies get turned off if they come on. I leave those to my DH. Sorry to hear about the ticket. Doesn't seem fair, does it?

    Julie, hope you're having a great time. I miss your cartoon jokes.

    Well I was at work at 630 aye em and didn't get home till 6 pee em. Hate it when I see no sunlight during the day. Heading for an early bed. Have a lovely evening - oh and by the way, we are looking at -41 tonight. Brrrrr

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    Hope all are safe with the ice storm.  Massive flooding here, not right here but on the coast.


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Hi Bernie leave it to u, I'm say OMG over and over, then I start LOLing. Really u'r getting hit hard be safe/

    Well I hope Dork has a quiet day today, no more surprises. I can't imagine going back to work and see all different faces. Geeze

    Julie how are u doing, it's so cold here lst nite Joey and I snuggled under my nice fur throw it so warm.

    NM it's almost time.

    My phone rang almost midnight and it was business, furnce stuff so I was sleeping, I did hear it tho, took the info and that was it. Normally I would have stayed up but my present sleeping all the time let me go right back to sleep. I know, I never stop complaining.

    OK prayer time.---you all know who u are. I hope the help.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is every one this
    ayem?We had a great warm up yesterday,
    lots of rain, lots of fog, lost about half the snow we had.Now it's freezing again, sigh.I so want it to be Friday!

    DorKable--Have a
    great first day back at work!Hope your
    peeps are all fired up and ready to play hard ball if needed!

    Goldie--I'm hoping I
    remember to get a pic of all you ladies in your shoe pockets one night as we
    all grab a few minutes of sleep!

    Cammy-I AM going
    crazy, Thursday is going to be a very busy day, which will make it go
    faster.So much to do!

    Wahine--Xanax is a
    wonderful relaxer, isn't it?I don't
    take it very often any more, but when I need it I really need it!I wonder if that blizzard was the same one as
    I remember in '78.I was in college, it
    was the first time in decades that classes were cancelled.Nowadays classes are cancelled there at the
    drop of a single snowflake!I remember
    drifts up to the 3rd floor of the dorm, some of the guys got out onto the roof
    and jumped off into the drift.It's a
    wonder no one got hurt.

    Julie--too late,
    I've ben following the temps in Miami and St. Maarten for a week!

    ORLA--Yikes, they
    are so picky about the inspection process, it's crazy.And I'm not sure it does anything except
    raise money for the state. . .

    Wahine--that may
    have been funcused but I understood it!


    Red RH--OH, my, your
    DH had a time and a half, didn't he?I'm
    surprised you didn't disown him, or divorce him!All those drinks and he knows which ones made
    him sick?Impressive!

    Cammy--have you had
    Joey blow soap bubbles to freeze in the cold?That's the other big trick with really cold weather.

    DorKable--Hooray for
    staying awake all day!Hooray for
    getting through your first day!Yikes
    about the layoffs.Sleep well!

    Red RH--not seeing
    sunlight is the pits, isn't it?At least
    Maine is warmer than where you are!

    some wet shopping!All that water
    damage, so sad.Weather diagnosed with
    bipolar disorder???So THAT"S what
    's going on!

    always help!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Freezer Burn

    1 oz (Pre-Chilled)

    1 oz Cinnamon


    Chill the Smirnoff
    bottle on ice or in a refrigerator beforehand. Keep Hot Damn! at room

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    NM we re all at the countdown with u, I'm so happy for u.

    I can't believe we are so much colder than Maine, it's really Siberia here so cold-OK we have to look for bubbles rings, Joey will do anything that's crazy so he'll do it.

    OK my phone calls started at 5:30ayem this morning, that's how bad the weather is for so many people and their furnaces. And I told u one at midnight last night--I'm so tired all the time I'm having  hard time keeping awake too. I'm used to lazy, but this is different .

    OK everyone is vacaying, but Dork u have to check in today too, this is a long week after such a long time.

    OK BBL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    good morning all, got my thermals on! off to epcot,had my first drink yesterday will cont to todayHappy stay warm people

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Kat again, I'm glad she let you help. And if you go back to do more, you need to pace yourself. Do like NM has suggested and do something for X amount of minutes and X amount for rest. And that's not 4 hours work with 5 minute break. Wish I would have had some Xanax last night, had one of those nights where you just can't sleep, night sweats.

    Lara, really sorry about your car and not being able to sweet talk that cop.....a$$hole. Wow, that is amazing that your friend will carry the baby. How old is she, and will you go to a sperm bank, since your DH doesn't want children, or use his anyways. How interesting!

    Beans, I all foy saving water and will join you by da pewl foy a beer.

    Red, loved your cruise story and your DH getting so drunk (and sick) and pulling off the "Titanic" move. How funny. I hope you weren't mad at him. Have fun on your trip to Cuba and make sure DH stays away from the colored drinks!!!

    Cami, my brother and his partner were doing that with the water and another friend of theirs was doing it with bubbles. And you are answering the phone at midnight??? NO WAY, I wouldln't do it. Let it go to voice mail. Your cousin isn't going to get up at midnight and go fix it, right?

    Wow Dork, why so many lay offs? Do you really think you will get it too? I hope not, unless that is what you want.

    Bernie, that's a lot of rain, but glad it's not near you!

    NM, I think we are all getting so essited for you. I think we have a BIRTHDAY party today for Julie, then start a BON VOYAGE party you!







  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Happy, Happy Birfdey to our Julie!!!!! Have a wunnnnnerful Dey and milk it for all you can!!




    (Love all the birthday cake and goodies from Lori, and the rum cake from Cami, but shoot, Cami drank the rum first!!! LOL)

    Hugssssssssssssssssss, Kat

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Bernie, OMG that storm and flooding is awful. All those quaint historic areas, too. I hate that. Reminds me a little of when we were in Prague the beginning of this past June and they had historic flooding, they had not had anything like it in decades. BUT they just had the flooding, which was hard enough to deal with, and the bldgs submerged, but Ireland has the storms too. YIKES. Keep us posted, ok?

    Dorkie, WOW, who would have thought there would be a good reason we could find for your medical surgical probs....the fact that you STILL have a job, and the others were fired. How scary. Just you and the gal who was pg, are left, from those that were there when you left on medical leave???? Awful. So glad you still have a job!!!!

    Funny, Bernie, that the weather is dx with bipolar disorder!!!! Did I tell you how my stepdau says that? And she has worked at the hospital for years. She calls it "bi-lo-polar". I had to keep a straight face when we saw her at Christmas and she said her former friend was diagnosed with bi-lo-polar disease. But that she is better now that she is on the "bi-lo-polar" meds. LOL. Not a funny thing to have at all, but to hear her call it that! But she also says "ALT-heimers" instead of alzheimers. Auwe!

    WooHoo NM, soooooo close now!

    Lori, then we get to start your countdown, can't believe you will get to go to that beautiful island, be with your beautiful "bootie" daughter, and your precious son~!!!! I know you will take lots of pics, and I can't wait to see them. Don't forget to leave room to bring likker back....can bring more of the local type rum & wodka I think, but that Kmart has it sooo cheap. I am sure your DD knows other places, just that the Kmart was walkable from where we stayed (once we took the boat to "town"), and near the cruise dock too.

    Cami, Are you getting "overtime pay"? Those are late hours!!!! My DD1 is getting a whole new unit today...theirs went out several days ago, in this coldest of temps (down betwn 0-5, with wind chills -10), and the heat guy kept coming over thinking he fixed it, I hate they had to huddle in a room with space heaters. But they were lucky to have power and have some heat with the space heaters. They could have come here, but with what they are dealing with, I think my DD was better staying at home where she had her comfort things.

    Oh yeah NM, my SIL posted about those bubbles too....seems awesome....but so cold to go outside to do that! Hope Cami will get to do that with Joey.

    Didn't address everyone....but hoping you are all doing well and staying relatively warm and totally safe!!!!! Happy Birfdey Julie!!!!



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Me again....forgot to mention. My DD2's DH is working in Shanghai China this week, so he missed seeing FSU win the SEC Championship over Auburn. She kept him updated though! Anyway, thank god they live out in the boonies, as she told him she would let him paint their shed in FSU colors if they won!!! And this is a 2 story new barn style shed! But it is way back behind their house, at the back of their property, so won't be TOO visible!!! Can you tell he is a big FSU (FLorida State) fan, whereas she is a big BAMA fan. I kidded that he should let them paint their house in BAMA colors! (Its mostly brick, but pretty new, and yeah, that WOULD look bad to do that!!!).

    The FSU colors are maroon, gold, and black. 


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    OK, the HTL is not the "kathy show"....but I keep thinking of things to post! Mese apologizes....but prolly when the chit hits the fan I won't be posting as much. ANYWAY, this is for Cami and Joey. Not sure if you saw the bubbles that NM was mentioning, but there is something about it here...

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    ME again, but just saw this on a FB thread and had to share....

    Tuesday chat pic. Stay warm peeps.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited January 2014

    Red – How fun your DH tried one of ebery dwink on de cruise and LOL dat de Canucks dwank all de beer so fast. Sounds so fun!

    DoffieDot – so glad U made it tru de day and it went well, dats gweat news! How weird det all de faces were new…sure hope u r not laid off. Rest well and def stay warm.

    Bernie – Wow, dats some massive storm. Hope you are okay. LOL at weather bipolar disorder.

    NM – crazy weather! Love de Freezer Burn DOTD, tank U!

    Juliet – Happy Birthday!! Wishing you a lovely place to celebrate!


    Lots of good food and dwinks!


    A pwetty birfday cake!


    Goldie – It wuz fun habin a beer wif you, tanks foy takin de time outta yer bizzy day.

    Wahine – wow your DD2’s DH is in China, too bad he missed FSU but so nice she kept him updated. LOL bout painting their house BAMA colors. Hope you are doing okay. Sending love and prayers to you and your fam.