how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    thank you for all the birthday wishesHappy

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Well mese has a brewski and quietly time in de tub, so here goes.

    Liked my MO just fine. She splains stuff so as I cans understands her wittout soundin condescending. Yay 

    Da first ting she say, after hi, ise ur doc was why did you only has 1 of da 4 tumors removed? Pardon? Radiologist says 4 cancer suspicious lumps but dey only biopsy 1 so dats what mese BS tooks out. Ise now berry special. Ise da subject of a medical investigation. (chest bump, hic)

    So dis da plan now. Med conference on us twuuly. Oncotype soonest, geneticly testin' next (mom had I too). ER at 75%. Udder stuff too. 25% dat ise got it in udder parts of me. Know mores when I gets me oncotype back. More knife work in da future. Probly chemo. Def on rads an da hormone terapy. Buuurrrrpp.

    Ise gettin dwunkest now, most quickliest. Tinks ise baggin off work tomorry. 

    Tanks to eberones who sats in mese pocky, twyin to be quietlyest, but mese saw da doc and da nurse lookin round twyin to figures our wat da clinkin sounds were. 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Red dyes are our glasses maken so much noise. but not me neber me I be de quiet one, I just silently fart and dey all scream, day cant take it, I can dough.

    I'm not qute getting what the Drs. are doing but as long as u do and it's good then do it===I never understand what they do with me so don't feel badlyest.

    Been bery bery busy today, I slept some dough I can no stay awake, we'll find out why soon--I get my echo next week and when she called se said Her name and that this was bout thscheduling the echo, of course I said OK, ok  ok--at first she continued talking and then she started laughing like no one every said that before--and I can't believe no one has as she told me to her.I assumed everyone does it.

    Oh we have to do the bubble thing I love it, never saw that before in my whole entire life. Joey will do it for sure. Thanks Kat for splaining and thnks NM for telling me.

    NM my neighbor was here this morning for her haircut and she's leaving on a cruise from (chot I forgot) Fl this I think Sunday on the Royal whatever and they can't wait and NM I told her u were going this week-end too, All these people going on a cruise, She can't wait to get out of this weather. they are an older couple she's a retired nurse and they are so so nice. She always hugs me and tells me if I need her just because just call her she'll come over and help me get thru something. so sweet.And they are so good to Joey they always hug him and tell my DD wht a wonderful young gentleman he is. so sweet.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good evening,
    Loungettes!I have got serious
    pre-vacation-it is.I do not want to be
    working, I want to be vacationing!I do
    not want to be packing and taking care of details, I want to be
    vacationing!Geesh, only one more work
    day left, seems like I ought to be able to wait.

    Cammy--do you have
    to answer the phone 24 hours a day?Do
    you get extra pay for after hours calls?

    Julie--I remember a
    trip to Disney when I had to buy a sweatshirt 'cause it was chilly in the
    evenings!Enjoy Epcot and enjoy

    Goldie--A bon voyage
    party?For moi?How sweet of you all!


    soap bubbles freeze is fun, but very, very chilly!

    LOL at that poor

    Beanie--nice digs
    for Julie's partay!

    Red RH--You are just
    finding out about 3 more tumors?WTF?Who screwed up on that and
    didn't tell you what you needed to know?Are all the tumors in the same breast?Are you thinking about a mastectomy or amultiple lumpectomy?Glad you
    like the MO.Is being subject of a
    medical investigation making you feel special???

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    NM - no not really. It's just if I don't giggle, I might cry. Boo erns. Not going there. I'm going to look forward to my wet vacay in 28 (80 ish) temp. They expect rain. 

    I'd rather spend my time in the Shoe organizer. 

    I'm ok just a bit shocky I think. I can't believe they identified 4 but only dealt with the big one not the 3 little ones. I'm sure I'll be fine, but I now understand my friends statement that she doesn't want them chipping away at her poor boob so she chose a mastectomy. I get it now. 

    I'm sad, kinda void right now. I'll come back when I feel a bit more human.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Oh Red now I get it, I didn't understand before---well I would think they'd test all the tumors and go from there, having a couple is normal but 4 u'd have to rethink u'r plan, them too. (((HUGS)))

    NM I don't get any extra pay, I don't even want to tell u how little I get, hahaha well it pays for most of my meds anyway. hahaha I'm a shmuck

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Oh Red, mese tinks youse needs a tender or two all to yerself tonight. Jest feel pampered, and whatever else ya wants ta feel, otay? That is quite the shocker...I did respond on another thread bout this too, but omg, why they didn't address ALL the tumors. Not fun being the subject of medical investigation. Sorta how I felt when my DD had the medical boards both here and in Birmingham discussing her case and NO ONE could decide on a plan of action. But then another tumor appeared, so now a lot of plans are in place. And I hope your DD has good results this month. I think you enjoyed hearing us having a party in the pockets, and you want more appts so we can do that again. Nah, jest kidding. How far from Toronto do you live? We sure loved the visit we had there a few yrs ago, and I have pics my DH took of my lying down on that glass floor, looking down at the street, at the top of that tower, soooooo many floors up. That was fun! I love all the ethnic neighborhoods Toronto has too...even Portuguese. A large, very diverse city, for sure.

    I can't keep my DD1's appts straight...but she had some fillings done, and TOMORROW she gets the chemo port....oh boy. Then later the feeding tube, not sure what day. So I will stay with the g'kids tomorrow, then on Thursday will somehow juggle my parents FOUR appts that day. My mom had to make her haircut/coloring appt the same day that they already had 3 dr appts. It is at a house, but I think her hair gal NEVER wants to make an appt that is convenient for US. Somehow it will work out, my DH has a dr appt that day, too. I plan to start on a new "eating plan" either on Sunday or Monday. My parents leave for HI on Sunday, so I will have 2 less people to worry about. I do need to get all their meds filled and help them pack too.

    OMG, you all know how much we love to travel, and we have so many pcs of luggage, some of which I painted our initials real big, or flowers, etc on. BUT I got 2 pcs today that I ordered and they are SOOOOO nice, I am in love with my luggage for the first time ever. So I ordered 2 more pcs, same mfg, diff pattern, today. I think I will take these first 2 though for myself...originally ordered them for my I love these, they are made by London Fog, and have nice features, are so sturdy, plus have the spinner wheels, which my DH wanted.

    Beans, have I told you how happy I am when I see a post from you???? Sooooo glad you are back here!

    Bernie, how are you doing in that storm? We got down to 4 degrees last night, and will be 14 tonight. BUT the warmer weather is on its way. Hope those storms have left Ireland by now, and things will start returning to normal. When is the alien due??? And how long will your DH be there with you???

    Cannot believe your trip is almost here, NM!!! Sooooo fricken awesome!!! And such great timing, you must have ESP!

    Hoping our Julie is having a great birthday today!!!



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Kat I don't know how u keep anything straight--there is just o much for u to do for everyone and u always come thru, Amazing--I can't take care of my own things--I think of things like let's blow bubbles in the snow and forget everyone else. U r a wonderful DD and wonderful Mom--u done good. But every so often take time for u'rself, u need to,

    Lara, Lara I'm watching Triangle on chiller--My SIL made homemade Potato soup ymmy with the ham bone thing. It's a great day for soup or any food and drink for that matter.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Cami, You do the things that are the MOST important, and that is spending time with your grandson...he is such a love, and he loves you so much, too! To blow bubbles in the snow and not worry about anyone else, is the BEST thing to do! Yummmmm....that potato soup sounds yummy! I made some butternut squash/apple soup a couple of days ago for the first time, and it was so good. I just took out my turkey soup from the freezer for are right this is definately the weather for soup!!!! No time for "me" yet. but I am getting some things organized at home, and that will make me feel better.

    Dwink up!!!!!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    I had homemade cream of mushroom soup with cheesy garlic bread for dinner. Definitely a soup night.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    oh goils, mese been reading all dis and jest wealize how and why i love ye all so. I jailous of de goils with patience to adwess ebberyboddy. It is a bit oberwelmging to mese. but I ditto ditto ditto x  all of yer words. 

    Red, listen to Kat and relax. and Kat, listen to Dork and relax. And Cam, fu*k those midnight callers if dere nutting ya ken do. no ken do waking ya up during yer booty rest. 

    Kat, reading what you has to do make mese bwain spin in soycalls and triangluars too. wow. you jest de energizer bunny but do listen to de Dr. and take time to play, not horganize chit, dat not funnliest. 

    Julie, wishing you de happiest of birfdeys eber. 


    and more cake, of course! 


    rounds of Juliet Beer for all .... 


    Hope you've had an uber awesomeliest dey! and hope ye shot off a fart for each year of YOU! tehehehee!

    So furcited for NM. And yep, tis poyfect timing, it so cold most eberywhere wese all lives. Wuz  two disgrees dis aye am with wind temp at like twenty below. and mese saw a widdle goil at a bus stop with no gloves or hat. mese wuz gonna stop and give her mese dorky hat n gloves but i no she'd bese humbarrared to wear dem and radder freeze to death. i don't git it cuz it wuz a rich part of de town where di goil was freezing her widdle non-EWWA off. I hope I do not see the non ewwa bwoken off and on de sidewalk tomorree, yikes. 

    well mese gotta git to bed but gotta eat sumting foyst. and guess what? mese had tomato soup for lunch todey, wow dwunken minds tink alike! 

    luv ye all. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Goodmorning, Loungettes!Last work day before VACAY!YEAH!

    Red RH--don't stay
    away because you are feeling down, that's when you need to be here the
    most!We all understand the ups and
    downs, we enjoys the ups and provide support for the down times.It's a strange journey.{{{{{{{{{{Red}}}}}}}}}}}}

    Cammy--well, at
    least you get enough to cover your meds, that can be a pretty penny!

    Wahine--Um, when do
    you sleep?Holy Cow, lady, you are
    BUSY!Make sure you find some time to
    rest.New eating plan, huh?Sounds like yet another challenge for the new

    Cammy--definitely a
    good soup day, that potato soup sounds yummy!

    DorKable--we don't
    expect every one to address every Loungette in every post, that's not the point
    here, so don't feel oberwelded.How
    sweet of you to worry about that little girl!Maybe she won't wear a hat so she won't get hat head?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Hot Soup

    1/2 oz Apricot

    2 oz Bourbon

    3/4 oz Lemon Juice

    3/4 oz Pineapple

    1/2 tsp Superfine


    Shake and strain
    into an old-fashioned glass three-quarters filled with broken ice.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    My First Good Morning---LAST DAY T WORK NM---YYYAAAYYY I hope it goes smoothly so when u walk out u'r all set to get started on u'r vacay.

    Well we re warmed up---it's officially -2 degrees feels like -10 so we're on a big warm up. A lot of schools still closed. We're supposed to have rain on Friday??? This is screwed up. NM u'll be out of all this crap, then we start our countdown for Lorie. YYAAYY

    OK be back later zzzzzzz

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Leave it to Cami to drink the rum for the rum cake! LOL you da quiet farting one, I de innocent one! Took me a minute to get what you were saying with your OK ok were saying it in an "echo"...ha ha ha! How cool that your friend might be on the same ship as NM, that would be awesome, and if they could meet. You need to give your friend NM's cabin number.

    Kat, yes you can start my count down, but I have been doing it for quite some time now! Talked to my DD last night, I SO can't wait. I'll check out the liquor, but if I don't bring any back, it's no biggie. And I enjoyed "The Kathy Show". Love the frozen bubbles, might have to get me some! Wowsa, you have lots going on this week, but I think with your parents going away might be a good thing. I know you worry about them, but your plate won't be quite as full. How long are they gone for this time? Praying for your DD today in getting the port, it's a pretty easy procedure. Have no clue about the tube though.

    BeanZ, beautiful pawty spot fo Julie. And next time we'll hab wodka by da pewl, k?

    Red, you posting from the tub with a brewski? Taking today off work to absorb everything might be a good idea. But really, you had 4 lumps and they only took one biopsy? I thought you had lumpectomy though? Or did you mean they only removed one lump? Do you know what your HER2 was? Negative or positive. Hang tight girl, we'll help you through this. Get yourself a note book...seriously. And go ahead and cry girl, let it out, you will feel better. And when you come to terms with things, you will be able to handle it better. When I was first diagnosed, (I wasn't a member here, so didn't have this support) I spent 2 weeks or more, just bawling. Then I slammed mese fist on the table and sayed to mese self, I WILL NOT LET THIS CANCER GET ME, I WILL FIGHT. And from that point on, I just did what I had to do and did it with as positive of an attitude as I could.

    Dofey Dahling, don't you worry about posting to all of us, I am just happy to see you purdy face. You need to get used to being back to woyk. Is your dad back? Did you talk to his doctor?

    Last day of work NM! Well at least for awhile. Wooo Hoooo! Let's see, you will be in FL tomorrow, right? So we might hear from you then? I wish Cyn or Julie could come and bisit you, but I don't know how far they are from where you will be.


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Shoot, trying to get ready to go to my DD's to watch the g'kids, and tenants son calls. This is the son of the elderly (and nice) lady that lives in our condo. Well, even though DH went over and had the water turned on inside and the heat on, the pipes FROZE. She was out of town. YIKES. So he has to go out there quick like. Hope he has time to check the townhouse on the way, as that tenant (not nice one) is out of town too, in FL. HE did make sure that water and heat was on, but you never know. I have a busy day too, so am glad he has time today to do this. Tomorrow we are juggling everyone's appts and that day is already full.

    Will try to write a bit later. Hope everyone has a good day!!! So glad it will warm up here, today. Hope it will warm up for you all, too.



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Hope all will be ok with the tenants Kat, like you need something else to deal with! What ever happened with the mold?

    DH just informed me that I need to be packed and ready to leave in the morning. Heading to Laughlin! So see ya latah!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    ((((((((((red)))))))))), sorry about the clinking

    lori-have fun

    cami-roflmao   ,joey will remember the fun times the most when he's a dad

    dorty,maybe that lady would like my new hat,will see if I can post it here, have fun ladies ,posting gremlins still,i think that's bloody windows 8 for you

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


    my new hat!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    Morning Dahhhlinks!

    Kat - you are welcome! Sounds like you overdid with the cleaning. But so sweet of you to help her. I seriously do not kno how you stay sane with all the stuff you have to do/remember/etc for you and dh let alone adding ur mom and dad and your DD's and the grandkids. SUPER WOMAN!!! OMG-that bubbles thing sooo cool...never seen or heard of it before, thanks for posting that link...WOW!

    Dorky - yeah u got ur first day under you belt. I very sad for your daddy tho. Wish there was something I cud do. ((D)) That so sad bout widdle girl wif not hat/gloves. Ya think her ma forgot or she jes doesn't like to wear em? Tomato soup...yummmm. It is dh fav.

    Lowee - DS wanted to back out I jes threw up my hands. No harm, cept $400 ea for Jen, Kev and I, but better that then waiting another month and get no refund. It wasn't turning out to be the 'family' vacay thing, so why bother. My DS was so upset that he said he was going to book a carnival cruise from San Diego to Cabo, Puerta Vallarta, etc. 7 days. He sed all I have to do is get on the boat. I told him not to do it as I have been to all those places and on several cruises and I kno DH will NOT go on that either. Soooo, DD and I are looking at vacay rental houses on the water at Lake Tahoe. DH said he would do that. So we shall see.

    Loved all the posts for Julie and NM. I want chocolate now for some reason??? Ro-oh, leaving for Laughlin tamary. A widdle suprise from dh eh? Well hab fun girlfriend!

    Bernie - OMG, sooo sad about the flooding. That's jes crazy!! Are you OK in your area? Sending prayers for all who are affected. :-)

    Red - WooHOO on getting a vacay, sounds like fun. Glad some of our girls where able to help you with some good advice. What a cute story about your cruise and you dh n da nekkid chested lady imitating Titanic. Bet his head felt like the Titanic next day eh? NOT good about the RB (rat bastardo) I really hope they put their heads together and do right by you. LOL bout doc n nurse looking for the clinkin sounds from all us widdle peeps and I'm hoping you will clink clink clink alot on ur vacay. You need it and lots of HUGZ and prayers. (((RED)))

    NM - I was wondering if your airport is open, You leave for FL tomorrow right? Ohhh I'm praying your plane will not be grounded. Good for you for getting the shoe organizer. I have 2. One for shoes in my closet, the other is in my office. Got pens/pencils/staples/glue gun/oooh tons of chit in those pockets. Sooo f'n convenient as they are the clear ones and I can find what I need right away. Love the Freezer Burn.

    Cami - Sounds like u got the phone figured out..hate dat dem peeps calling u at all crazy hours. Lubbed da pic of da doggy n 'boss'

    Julie - Happy Birthday yesterday and have fun fun fun today. I will join u in a birfday dwinky later. LMAO 'wet willy' hahahaha...Love the hat too!!!

    JeanieBeanie - I want some cake and a wodka-tini...yum. Hope you are staying warm girlfriend...muah!!

    Lara - omg...hate u got popped by da copper...and for such a minor thing...jeeez. And yes, splain about da sperm and ur eggs. U dh doesn't want children? U think he will someday? Really sweet of your gf to carry the baby. Do u have a timeline on all of this?

    My PCP gave me flexerol(sp) and naproxsin (sp) and I have my 2nd phy therapy today. Been on those meds since fri nite and I feel whole lots better already. Cept that cold I thought I ditched 10 days ago...well, shudda stayed with the zicam cuz it is back in mese head and chest...ugh.

    Lubslubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited January 2014

    Hello ladies, yesterday I sort of blurted in beczuse my DH was needing help and I wuz in de middle of writin but jest pushed de go button otherwice I don’t tink I cuddda got in a woyd at tall and I tink I crashed into a few bar stools and I cudn’t tell who I knocked over. I like to at least sey hey to ebberyone and nut be rude but din’t git a chance so I sawwy and now I’m back to say hi to ebberyones.

    Juliet – dahlink your hat is booootiful!! Hope you hada good birfdey.

    Red – Clink, clink! I sawwy u got more chit ahead, pweese keep us posted. Sheesh, so we all hose each other down wif wodka and dog beer to stay sane. De tub soundez lovely wif a nice brew. ((((Red)))) Best wishes for your DD too.

    Cami – Hope de echo goes well next week…I sawwy I musta missed wud de bubble ting is.

    NM – I bet your are so excited! Only one day and by now prolly bout done. Congratulations! Will you be posting while u r gone or will we just miss de chit outta you? Still wish we could come along…maybe if we get small…better check your suitcase and pockets – tee hee! Love de Hot Soup DOTD, poyfect!



    Hava good time and don't worry bout nufin!

    Wahine – I hope your DD’s apt tomorrow to get the chemo port goes well. You do have so much to juggle right now. How nice you ordered some beautiful new luggage for your travels. You do amaze me with how much you travel. I’m such a home body and I get more so as time goes on. I think it’s partly the Femara I just get these bouts of fatigue like I’ve never had before. I’ve been trying to get my joggin back on track. Well I got back up to 15 minutes with 35 min of walking and then the next two days I was just so tired. So now I’m just back to just walking with hopes of jogging. Thanks for always making me feel so welcome. ((((Kathy))))

    DorK – I foygot to tail u det we hab had a few widdle sales but tank U for de facelift, I mean de facebook. DH loves de woyk and I gotta figure out de sales. Sheesh! I just wanna go back to sleep. Tired. Loved de birthday goodies for Juliet! I hope u r doing okay at de woyk. Alwayz love yer posts, sweet DorKie!

    Goldie – U R waving bye bye to NM and den U R leaving too? Waaaaaaaaaaaa! Hope you have a good twip to Laughlin. Your are still on for a poolside wodka wif me wen U git back.

    MemaSue – Yay, so good to hear from you! Glad the meds are working but dang bout de cold n I hope that gets better fastliest.

    Hi to everyone! Keep yer tips up!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    Bernie-hope your ok

    kat-wishing you strength and endurance,i don't know how you do it all

    hello sue and beans and lori and adey and lara and dorty 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    imagebon voyage nm,have a fantastic time

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    NM I'll miss u and now Lori's flying off first for a few days. WTF I'll be here.

    Kat prayers for u, I too don't know how u do it.

    Julie I WUV dat hat---It looks so cute on you.

    I've been a little MIA, but I've been a little busy then I sleep, I know how to retrieve messages now, I sleep with the phone right next to my ear, but don't hear it--sshhh don't tell on me.

    Dork how r u holden up/

    Hi Beans and Sue. I'm rushing thru this, and I usually don't have some messages--ugh

    Red keep us up on everything, please.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Hello lovely ladies.

    NM have a super trip. Answering your question, yes same breast - biggy was at 10 o'clock others were 9, 9:30 and another at 10.

    Kat, I'll take 3 tenders please. Pretty sure I can wear em out soonest.

    Cami, to be honest I don't get it either. Idjits.

    Lori, yes to lumpy, ye also to only having one removed. I only knew about 1. They said they saw some cysts, but... said nothing else. i am HER2-

    Juliet, thanks for the huge hug. I needed it. Shared your wet willy with my DH. We both chuckled.

    MemaSue, dam girl, you are a marvel. You commented on every post I've made in the last 2 days. Made me feel really good tho. Thanks.

    Beanius, think we'll be having a few more pocket parties, clink clnk. Thanks for your best wishes. 

    Well, hi to anyone I missed. Sorry {{{{huggles}}}} to all.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Hi goils, mese holding up jest find cept mighten dwunk dis night. 

    NM, I hope Captain Stooopid is good to you. Maybe he let you dwive de boat, now dat bese funliest! 



    I tink I like de guy on de bottom left for NM. de captain has a purdey smile but les face it, he got no hair. tehehe, jest kidding, don't wanna offend anyone with no hair, specially here. and de stoopin or stewpid or whatever, de caption, he mighen has purdy teeth but his breath smells like dog shit. And de goil next to him, she a ho. yep, it true.

    hello to all, I would say more but mese gonna pee mese pants. I skeered cuz last night mese peeded mese bed, no chit. I'd be humbarrased if peeeple knew dat fact. ~hiccup burp. 

    love you all and prayers to you goils, ye know who ye is dat needs em most. ♥♥♥ all ye need is lub lub lub! cheers! I zzzzzzzzzzzzzz go now. oops, mese pants r wet. damnnit to hail. 

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    NM, Have the bestest time ever!!! And write to us if you get a chance, ok? Found the Captain for you....


    But this one is cuter...


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    Beautiful Babes.  Weather now calm.

    Alien has threatened to arrive twice so far - keeping us on our toes.

    As per normal - having trouble keeping up with all.

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    image unselectable="on">