how about drinking?



  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Happy birthdays and  Bon voyage - gosh don't come in for dwinkies and deres pages to read.

    Ise had tings a bit sad lately as some might knows from other places. Feeling better now. I coiuld has drunk the whole bar dry over New Year.

    Dindins is ready soi had better go


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2014

    BON VOYAGE NM!!!!!!  Hope you cruise is everything you wanted and more besides!  I know you will appreciate the warmer weather and will not be looking forward to going back to it!

    Happy Birthday Julie!  I did say it on FB but I'm happy to say it

    Dork so glad you have managed to survive being back at work.......don't go overdoing it too soon ya hear?  Sorry to hear that your dad has been causing a few issues and hope that he settles down soon so as to relieve you of the added stress.

    Kathy, hope your DD is tolerating treatment and your tenants are doing the right thing by you.........I can't believe what that one was trying to do.....incredible!

    Beans, so lovely to see you here more often.......ahem, I should take a leaf out of your book and do do read though, truly I do!

    Lori have fun on your vacy as well and don't forget to take notes on all the good things that go on so you can tell us everything!

    Hi ya CYn, Orange, BBBBernie, Aly.......ummm,I think I've forgotten someones but hi ya anyways!

    Love n hugs n TITTIES UP!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Aly I'm glad u'r feeling a bit better, it's all so difficult.

    Bernie as usual LOL--and the Alien is on the way---can't wait.

    Most of the morning peeps are gone on vacay---good for them, it's so furciting. Oh Oh got to comes up with a DOTD of the day. Let's see if I can.??????????????? 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    image I've got to work on this

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Been up since six, got my
    flight checked in and boarding passes printed,reconfirmed my hotel confirmation and got the shuttle info, booked an
    Everglades airboat ride for the day I get back (ends up at the airport).Got my extra car key to my Mom, they're going
    to move the car to their place sometime tomorrow and bring it back the Sat I
    get back.I get in around 11 pm, so
    they'll drop it off in short term parking.That will keep the parking costs under $20. Got more than my fair share
    of teasing at work yesterday, it was a fun day, even if I did find some last
    minute stuff I had to hustle to take care of.All that is left today isto take
    Sadie to the kennel, clean out the car, clean up the house and pack.I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!I don't even mind having to get up at 4 am

    Cammy--When I left work yesterday all was
    good!Everything will be taken care
    of.I will be very glad to be out of the
    crappy weather and in the warm sunshine!

    Goldie--I will
    arrive in Florida about 2 pm tomorrow afternoon.Plan to spend the afternoon shopping for
    sunscreen, make up, maybe a little bling, maybe get a hair trim, maybe get my
    nails done, have a leisurely dinner somewhere.Probably hear from me off and on tomorrow, taking my Kindle which works
    much like an iPad, so will have internet access at airports, hotel, and won't
    be able to resist.Not sure about the
    internet connection on the ship, I've heard it's pricey, so I may only get on
    once to check in and print boarding passes for the flight home that last
    evening.Or I may check in once or twice
    for bragging purposes.Depends on home
    many $$$$$ they want for how long.Julie
    is working this weekend so we can't connect this time, but I plan to do this
    again in the future,so maybe then!

    Wahine--Glad DH is
    available to help with emergencies today!Hang in there and hold on, better times are coming!

    Julie--NEAT HAT!!!

    Mema--As ofthis morning all 3 airports are open.I fly from Bangor ME to Philadelphia to
    Miami, so far looks ok.Going to keep an
    eye on it, though.I got a shoe
    organizer with clear pockets, too, looks like I did good!Never thought of using one at work, but boy
    what a space saver!One of the nursing
    homes I go to uses one on the back of the nurses' station door for all the
    resident's glasses and hearing aides.They labeled the pockets with room numbers, seems to work really, really
    well!Keep an eye on that cold, after
    all this time it may be bronchitis and you may need Aunty B's.

    Beanie--I'll be
    posting tomorrow, and probably Sat ayem, but the time in between is probably
    not going to be posting time.Unless the
    internet service on the boat is a lot less expensive than I think it's going to
    be.Gonna check the shoe organizer
    pockets before I start storing things in there, to make sure I don't use the
    one's occupied by a mini-Loungette!

    LOL!! What a bon
    voyage partay!And the coffee maker has
    an automatic shut off, no problem there!

    Poor Cammy, going to
    have to run the HTL all by her lonesome, almost!I'm sure you can do it, though!

    Red RH--Not that
    anything is good about the RB, but Her2 negative is good.ER+/PR+ is good.Lots of treatment options available to

    driving the boat.That might be
    fun!I'll have to check that out.I remember watching the Love Boat when I was
    up late babysitting!I was always
    particularly fond of Gopher.Isn't he a
    Congressman now, or sumptin like that?

    2 Captains to choose

    like Alien threats to keep you on your toes!I expect to find the cabin sooner than 2 days!But then, who knows what will happen. . . .

    Aly--thanks a
    million!Hope things get unsad

    Chrissy--Thank you,
    thank you, and I am looking forward to WARM weather and real sunshine!

    DOTD!I am going to be looking forward
    to all the fun DOTDs that get posted while I'm away, will give me something to
    do when I get home, trying them all!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    happy b day julieeeeeeeSillyHeart

    NM have a blast take pics

    Nice hat Juliet u so silly

    Cam u better not stop watching scary movies throw the phone in thetoilet   lol

    Dorkie glad u made it though could u get unemployment

    I might try for disability for a bit I'm just having pain again into my back from my ribs on happy pills

    I would post funny pics but can't for some reason

    Goldie have fun

    Hi mema

    Red your a nudist?Loopy

    Ok so I go to the store come home and my wallet is gone I freak out! It freezing I'm looking in the car in the bags everywhere

    I hop in the car crying I had like 200 cash in there go back to the parking lot crying looking I call dh I'm in full ps sic they stopped nys unemployment so this money I'd gold right now

    I run in the store and someone turned it in with the money I was so happy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    oh lara, thanks heavens for good people,wish the pain wasn't back

    Bernie-lol .  looking forward to sayin greetings alien

    kat-the swamp is open if that tenant doesn't behave

    nm-the vacation has begun

    good afternoon ladies and cammi ,hope you have given up necrophilia! but at least in this weather they don't decompose as fast! stay warm my friend

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited January 2014

    Haylooo Juliet - we got a good party for NM goin on!!

    Hayloo Cami – Love your Holly Berry Martini, looks so fresh and healthy, Tank U!!

    Red – When dey first got de first lump outta me first bweast, den dey found suspecicious spots in de other one so hadda get more lumps out. It was so scary and they had forgotten to biopsy one of dem, really cwazy and I tot I would go nuts driving back n forth. I live a long way from de docs so it was just a complete cluster-fub. Keep yer tits up and hab anudder brewski! We’ll be dere for de nextest pocket party all small an giggling!

    DorKie – Yay, you sound good n dwunk. Love de party pics for NM. I’m glad u dint pee and dat noone found out about de bed. He he he he!

    Wahine – Love de Captain for NM and de eben cuter one! Hope you are doin okay.

    Bernie – good to hear from you and dat weather is better.

    Howdy to Alyson – I din’t know of a problem, so will just send ((((Alyson)))) and hope you are okay

    Chrissy – It is always wunnerful to see you at de lounge. Muah!

    NM – You sound so happy and excited. Hope you have de bestest time! Here’s a Bon Boyage DOTD for ya!


    ABSOLUT Bon Voyage

    Drink Type: Cocktail


    1 part(s) Absolut Mandarin Vodka 
    2 part(s) Ginger Ale 
    1 splash(es) Lime Juice

    Build over ice in a highball glass. Garnish with a lime wedge.

    Don't foyget your rubber ducky.


    Or dis one.



    Lara – great news u got de dough back!

    Missin Goldie, MemaSue and many others. Hi to Everyone! Hope you have a great day! Cheers!!

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good afternoon,
    Loungettes!AAArrgghh!Got the packing mostly done, waiting for a
    couple of items to dry before stuffing them in.The house looks like a tornado came through it.I'd rather take a nap than clean up, but I
    need to clean up so it's nice to come home to and do I sound totally wound up
    yet???I miss Sadie, not sure I like
    being in the house with out her, but she was happy to go to the kennel and
    play, so I know she's OK.I'm sure I've
    forgotten to pack something, but I keep remind myself that I'm not going to the
    end of the world, I can get forgotten stuff I can't do without easily
    enough.Did I tell you Ladies that I got
    TSA Precheck status?Will be able to go
    through airport security without taking off my shoes.I think it means I don't have to pull out the
    little zip lock baggie with liquids and gels, either.Or take off my coat.Not that it's all that big deal, really, I
    suppose.OK, I'm going to set the timer
    for 60 minutes and sit down with a book and some rum chata and than tackle the
    house work .

    ORLA--someone turned
    in the wallet WITH the money still in it?Wow, there really are still good people in the world!I wish you didn't have to go through that,

    Beanie--Thanks for
    the Absolut Bon Voyage, gonna have that instead of Rum Chata! Yes, 7 personal
    days!Or is it 8 since I'm going to
    Miami tomorrow?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good evening,
    Loungettes!Well, the house is picked
    up, all except the kitchen floor, taking a breather before tackling that last
    chore.Then it's long hot shower time,
    some TV, and trying to get some sleep while worrying about not waking up early
    enough to get to the airport on time.Good thing I can nap well on airplanes!

    Pants, my dear man,
    please mix me up another Absolut Bon Voyage!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    NM U sound more excited than I every heard and all flittery (a good thing) YYAAYY Don't worry or spend u'r money on posting---spend it on funner stuff and pics for us--every pic u can. I'll miss u, as well as everyone will.

    Lara I'm so glad u got u'r wallet back and from a very nice person too.

    Beans I love those ships, Tom Cruize funny, I just got it.

    Julie are u still on Aunti-Bees? Oh yes I gave up that nasty habit, oooo how disgusting I cn't believe I even said that. Julie u always seem like u work thru however u feel. wow. I never could do that---that's why I worked for the government.

    OK I'll try to do some DOTD but don't expect magic, as long as it's wet, that will have to do.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    WooHoo it is FINALLY Pau Hana time and yippppppeeeeee ki yo ki yay.....dwinkn time!!! I am on my 2nd...should have made them stronger.

    OMG, it is AWFUL being in drs offices the entire day, other than  the time I was shuttling people betwn appts....I had a few min to quicky go home and walk Molly and throw some food in mese mouth. TIRED, foah shuah. We were at my DD's dr for almost 2 hrs, and then between my DH and I we had to get everyone to 6 appts today. Then I took my dad on some errands and he also wanted to get to the likker store before getting home at 5. SHeesh, this is just the tip of the iceberg of what is to come. Whoever said getting the chemo port was a piece of cake (or sumtin like dat), well it sure wasn't for my DD.....took all day yesterday since the hospital was behind (or dr was behind?), then she had migraines all night from the worry over it, and then didn't realize she wasn't supposed to drive today, so thats why her appt had to get fit into the hectic schedule today. ANd then tomorrow I have to be there early so she can have the appt to fit the rads mask on her face and shoulders. If anyone wants to google "radiation face mask" they can see it, its awful, then they attach you to the table, and your mouth and eyes stay closed, have to just use your nostrils, during tx.

    Today was our monthly anniversary (which I forgot...geez I wonder why) DH got me a bouquet of tiny roses and some sushi and seaweed salad (my favorite). I didn't get him anything, oh well, I am lucky to be a tiny bit lucid

    Lara, like the other gals already said, I am also glad that there are some nice honest people in this world, and they turned in your money! YAY!!! So glad of that. Wish your pain would go away though.

    NM, so glad you got that precheck, I love it when we have that...makes you feel special too, and you don't have to take computers out, etc. WooHoo, you are going to have SUCH a great time!!!

    Beansie, I love that Bon Voyage cocktail, I think I will try one or two or several....

    Hope you're having a good early vacay Lori!

    And Dorkie, how was work today?
    Ally, I have no idea what has been going on, as I have not had time to get on the other threads. I am so sad though, whatever it is, and hope things will all be okay for you. You are such a sweetheart, and I wish you only the best.

    Hugsssssssssssssssssss to all yese,


  • gunnergrandma
    gunnergrandma Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2014

    Have fun in Laughlin. I go there alot  I am going in March to see Reba in concernt

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Kat prayers going to u and u'r DD--special ones---u have so much going on praying that their is some special strength for u and ANY time u get to sit and put u'r feet up please do it, u'll need every moment of rest u can for all that is going on.

    Dork how is work going for u and what about u'r Dad. Is he all right?

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    Off to England today for DH's parents 50th.

    Back Sunday.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Wonderful trip Bernie--we'll miss u.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning , Loungettes!

    Sitting I. The airport at the gate, all through security, easy leash.  Sipping my first cup of coffee,.  Typing on my Kindle, so apologies for the typos.  Time for some people watching.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    image Hey I'm trying.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning my first time--I know that could have been bigger--I have to work on these things, u ll know I'm not computer savvy--whatever I can do I taught myself very slowly.

    I hope some decent news comes in today--Kat How is the port placement, I'm sorry it was worse for u'r DD, praying so hard for her, I am so sorry all this is going on--I don't know what I'd do. Just come in whenever u can or keep someone in the loop so we know--we're all tuned into this.

    Red let us also know WTF is going on, I just don't understand u'r situation, but I'm not good at all this stuff for understanding cancer. Never was.

    It's Fried day for the working people-oops that's me too, BTW I really am not doing a good job--I sleep to much and then I don't hear the phone by my ear--I have learned to get the messages but not right on time. so we'll se---I can't stay awake more than 2 hrs at a time. WTF----at least the weather is warmer, well warmer for us, but maybe more snow--goofy January this year.

    Joey's back at school, but I loved having him home extra days even tho he was with his friends, it makes me feel good to hear and know he has so much fun with them, 2 girls and 2 boys. And the moms always want to know where the kids are (my DD too) so it's like everyone is watching over all of them and I like that.

    OK BBL

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Delayed!  Waiting g for the plane to warm up!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    NM it's ok u planned for all of this--so u'r fine.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    non you are going to have so much fun just relax

    It's snowing and freezing here

    Cam just watched the occupants and what we were off cable scary

    Hi kat hope u here soon

    Dh is at the dentist now bad tooth he just text and said a kid passed out at the dentist yikes

    My sister will faint the minute someone takes her blood

    Dork ck innnnnn

    I'm want soup I'm thinking of making ham cabbage potato soup

    Love u all, hugs

    Oh I have a 98 in this class so far 



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    Morning Dahhhlinks!

    Uhhh...where am I??? Jeaniebean knocked mese ober da udder day and I'm jes now wakin up..holy moly!

    JeanBean - I forgib u fer knockin me out...LOL. But mese cold is better so I musta needed da sleep...heehee. I tail u true, dat absolut bon voyage dwink is right up mese ally. Am hoping to go out later, might even let mese car git dwunk and cab it home. Mebbe. Jes lubslubs ur posts for NM, lol over da ducky and Tom...lmao.

    Cami - u bees a bit bizee lately. Don't worry bout nuttin K? Muah! Hey hey hey....lookie der, u posted a DOTD. And a good’n too!!! OOO wait...a nudder one...’sex in the driveway’ LOL!!!

    Red - I try to address everyone. Sometimes I get it right and other times not so much LOL. So do you have any idea what next course of action is gonna be? I’m jes amazed at what looks like total incompetence on part of your med team...but I'm praying for you girl!

    DorKy - u cwacking mese up wif da Lub Boat n capins n stuff. I member dat show from days gone by.

    Kat - I lub ur capin, da wienner dog. Looks jes like my DS's Poncho wienny dog. I am very sad to hear about ur day and DD’s time at docs. I may have sed port was piece of cake, the inserting of it anyway. I didn’t have to wait all day either...that wud have been excruciating. Once she got in, did they have any problems inserting it? All this she is going thru jes makes my heart ache. I did google the mask...all of them look horrible. (((Kat and DD)))

    BBBBernie - thank goodness the alien didn’t come during all the storming. I’m so fercited fer ya too. Have fun in England. Congrats to DH parents too!

    Aly - I lurked the other threads. Am so heart-sick about your loss. Prayers to you and yours. (((Aly)))

    ChrissyB - in lurking I saw that you had a scare but got good sooo happy for you. I pray for you all the time ya kno.

    NM - u are traveling now, or mayb in FL already. Anyway, when u sed u do shopping in FL I wondered why, den it cold at home, u’da been nuckinfutz to go out shopping in ME. Did I tail u I got a Kindle Fire HDX 7” for xmas? Still trying to figure stufff out on it, but glad to hear I can use like an iPad...woohoo. Yeah, the nursing home, what a great way to keep tabs on glasses n such. Thanks for advice on the anti-b’s. I promise I won’t wait too long, but it does seem to be better.

    Pray tell, what did u do to get TSA precheck status? Believe it or not, I’m already missing you...Sad

    Lara - can’t stand that u are in so much pain...but glad u have some happy pills. Cwack me up bout u thinkin Red a nudist...heehee. I lost my purse too, and it had buncha cash cuz next stop was da bank to deposit. Someone found it in pkglot and turned it in. Everything still in tact. I was so grateful. Good feeling to kno there are still honest peeps out there. Congrats on the 98%..u rock girl! Stay warm too!

    Gunner - Welcome to the lounge...pardon if u’ve been here b4. I am funcused alot so don’t mind me. Hope u didn’t git dunked in da pewl or thrown off yer barstool. Whacha dwinking?

    Hope eberone has a gweat Fried-dey...lubslubslubslubslubs a ton!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Hi girls,

    Glad you got thru the EZ security, ok, NM!  Sue, sometimes the airlines randomly pick you (might be by how often your travel, or it may be a secret process!) and you get the TSA precheck on your tix, then it is EZ Peasy. I get it all the time now, at gold, but a few months ago my DH got it and I didn't. BUT when that happens, we just say we are traveling together, and they usually let both go thru that line. Too bad your trip had to get cancelled. I have to cancel my March trip to Madeira too...will lose the 2 wks condo that we paid in full. 

    I actually didn't remember who had an ez time with the port, just remembered it being mentioned. With her panic attacks too, even if something goes smooth, it will prolly be harder for her. But that day it was the dr and hospital that were so behind. They had to do 2 other punctures, then the xray after to make sure it was in the right place.
    Today was SO hard. I picked up the g'kids at the Cancer Center very early, but my DD1 was already in the rads waiting room, which was full. EVERYONE looked at us, and it was either pity or empathy in their eyes, as it was obvious it was a young mother (my DD) with young kids, and grandma was taking the kids. Her DH was there too, but it was so heartbreaking leaving her there, I had tears the entire drive home, but kept it from the kids. She got the mask made, and they already picked up the kids for my g'sons appt waaay out in the country. So now I will try to get more laundry, etc done. Rads will prolly start in a wk or two.

    Lara, wish I could share this soup with you. Making that butternut squash/apple soup again today. Its ez, but takes awhile to peel and chop everything up. Then when its all tender I just put it in the blender (glass jar) and puree, and its done. Yummmmmmmmm. Hope your Dh does ok at the dentist. There have been some horror stories lately, the latest one in Hawaii.

    Hi to everyone....and safe travels to Bernie and to NM, and also to Lori. Is everyone else still here???



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Kat I'm so sorry u'r DD had all those problems with a port, And I know she has anxiety and I hope she's on some heavy duty stuff to help her thru this. How can u not cry, but I understand not in front of u'r GK's, please do some resting and keep us in the loop.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Kat, yer ship captain is way hotter than Captain Stooobidds is. May I borrow him for the weeken? Mese need to go on a fantasy cruise. Can you help a friend, lil ms trabel agent?

    mese playing hookie dis friedey. so uhh mese did not make it trhuu de first week back. mese dwunk and gonna take a nappie. yep, mighten even nap on deck cuz meze farlowed NM onto her ship. She mighten not be dere yet but mese bi-carouslee dere! mese so happy fpr mese happy bwestiess. foytha, mese so sad for sadliest bwesties. ok, mese go sleep now...sumting bout de hair of de cat cuz mese bin dwinking since i got home from mese attempt to git to work. damn ice kept me from making it. soooo mese use de ice ta make a dwank. or 7. or turdeen or ferteen of sumting~boyp!!

    i'S 2 PGS BEHIND. and mese dont tink dat mese eber ben dat far behind in at the least, reading. 

    DING DONG~ who's dere at mese fwont doorr? oh chit, it willie. mese foygot that i tailed him to bisit me at de office den foygot n failed as in a big FAT F, uh foyget what I wuz sezing. cept dat I truly love ye goils but mese hassen big issues iwth talwking to peple. I am a hermit. I live in a box. well cept when Willie mr Nailson bisits me on a hookie dey! woop wooop, life is gOOd!

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Morning all, coffee time here

    Just to say Ise sending loads of hugs to everyone.

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited January 2014

    Mornin Dollinks,


    NM – We miss U already so mese vewy happy detchu let us know de foyst part of de twip. I hope you are having a blast, oh ug, a delay, chit! Pweese write when U can and have fun!!

    Cami – Ooooooo, love de DOTD, tank you I was wondering wud we would have today and it looks fantastic!

    Wahine – So sawwy u hadda be at so many docs apts. Dat is awful and I hope you get rested up. I sawwy too your DD is having anxiety. Sending lotta prayers. Your DH was so sweet to get u monthly anniv roses and sushi and seaweed salad. ((((Kath))))

    Gunnergrandma – Welcome! I love Reba!

    Bernie – Congrats to your DH’s parents, hope you have a nice time.

    Lara – Hope your DH tooth get bixed and U stay warm.

    MemaSue – Tank U for not punchin me lites for knockin U over. I was so rude. So glad de snot nose is bettah and U got some sweep. I like wud U sed to Red…mese too also twies to addressesssesss everyoone but I ofen bixed up and funcused. So I hang me hed in shame sometimeseseses. But me fart is full of luv for everyone just de same. Hope you have a gweat dwunk cab dwive 2nite. 

    DorKy – U quack me up, lol at playin hooky and Captain Stoooobidds. Made me smile, you hav a way wif woyds foy shure. Lublublubs you goily!


    Dumb but twue: We have a community landfill cuz we’re in a rural area…it’s vewy nice and clean and we can take our twash there…so a couple weeks ago my DH loads up de twuck n tails me to dump it so I did. There was this one big tub dat was so heavy and me widdle arms and legs stwuggled someting fierce to get it outta de twuck and into de bin. I hadda back de twuck up and climb into de bed and lift wif me legs….umph…up and over de edge of de bin. I got it outta de twuck and into de bin and was so pwoud of mesef n how stwong I still am…so I get home and tail me DH and I was all pwoud and he sez…I tode you that was the tire chains for when it snows. So den I say, oh mese oh my, I'ma dum dum. He tode me and I foygot. So we dwove real fast over to de landfill and dey were still dere and his stwong arms pulled dem back outta de bin and into de twuck. Whew. Dat woulda been bout a $400 mistake. Sheesh. Den he goes to the hardware store and de twash can was in de twuck bed. He takes it out to load and den he foygets to put it back and dwives home wifout de twash can. So den he had to go back to town for a dental apt and I sed well just check and see if it is still dere and amazingly it wuz so now we have bof our tire chains and de twash can safe at home. image

    Now I’m going to gwab a lovely DOTD and hab a fun Fwied-day. Hi to everyone! Cheers!
