how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    LOL, love your post Beans! But omg that was such an honest, and HARD mistake, but so glad the chains and can were still there...then the can was there again where DH left it at the store. WOW. You bin woiking a lot girlfriend, even at stuff you weren't supposed to do! Thanks for the funnies too!

    OMG Julie, that is soooooo funnnneeeeee! Icky, but funny!!! Thanx for de laff!

    Aly, Hope you are enjoying your coffee, while we get dwunk. AND I hope whatever was going on with you is going better. I still did not get to learn what it was, but sending you hugs.....(((Alyson)))

    Oh DorkaRoni, youse is sew funnniest!!! Glad you stayed home as you might have had a bad WRECK on that ice (and yes, they say wreck on the news here, too!! lol). Hope you enjoyed all yer dwinkies. ANd hope your dad is behaving in SC! Hey that could be a movie, instead of Sleepless in Seattle, it would be Behaving in South Carolina. Oh my, I can't even be funny right now, but I am trying.

    Julie, was that you that posted the Wet Willie awhile ago? WIth Willie Nelson in the bathtub? I laffed so hard at that.

    Hoping all our travelers are habbing a gud time! I plan to be in DeNile again for a few days, till I have to face things again. Right now, I am getting a long wood bench ready to paint. It has a pretty wood finish but I have it upstairs and it will look better black, in the guest room. I found a black MinWax stain, so will try that. It has storage too, and a back. We carried it downstairs and I have been sanding it, so its almost ready to try the black stain. I feel like I need to try to get so much done while I can. Once the daily tx starts it will be hard for me to find time for my stuff.

    Big Hugs to all the Loungettes of the HTL.....and TITS UP!


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Oh, forgot to mention, when my DH had my parents at their dr yest, my mom's bp was 178/99! So she prolly did not always take her meds. Now they want her to record her bp daily, as well as take her meds. Oh boy, that will be a feat, for sure. I thought of her writing it on a calendar, just for that, so am hoping she will do it, since they leave on Sunday. I have not been able to just visit with them, since they got home mid December, and with CHristmas, New Years, and my DD's cancer, I have just not had extra time. But I will spend time with them tomorrow and refill her pill boxes, etc. We did get all their meds refilled, but might have to help her pack too. 

    PANTS, can you bwing me annudder dwink please? OR are you too bizzy taking care of Dotty? No probs, I will get Hunk....

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Hello Ebberones, I is little bits dwunkest. Lubs dat brewski. 

    Gosh, to eberones who wished me wellest I wants to tank you. No, dat not rite. Don't wants to tank youse but thanks youse. Yup. Dats it.

    A berry smallest piece of mese fart is slowly bweakin, so ise decided ise gonna have mese some funs. Mese poor mama is totally losing it. Comin timarry for a bath. Hers house has only a shower.

    God girls I sound pathetic, so I'm going to sign off now. Thanks again for all your well wishes. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good evening, Loungettes!  I'm here in sunny Florida, been shopping, had a nice dinner with a glass of wine, and am starting to feel the 4:12 am wake up time this ahem!  Had just enough time in Philadelphia to get from one gate to the other, but not chance to grab any lunch.  I had taken some toaster pastry thingies for breakfast.  The first leg of the flight I couldn't get coffee, the water system was still frozen when we left Maine.  Got some coffee on the second leg, though.  Got a blister on one heel from walking around, thought these sneakers were all broken in!  Used that as an excuse to buy a pair of crocks sandals.  Got to have something like that for poolside, right?  Found lots of bling to go with my outfits, and come Godiva truffles for treat.  Hi to everyone, I did read what everyone said but can't memember everything now, but I will be saying a prayer for everyone every night.  And thanks for the the fantastic Bon Voyage Party! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    NM Balloons all over then the drinks are pouring all over the place, then the sun beating endlessly on u;r; body, and the scent of ocean salt water wafting around u.  OOOHHH I want to be there too Hve fun

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Kat be and stay in DeNile as long as u can, sometimes it's easier with what's going on and u can handle things better. Do whatever u need to.

    Beans tht is hysterical to go thru all of that with u'r DH and come home with everything. I was LOLin' out loud.

    Dork I'm glad u didn't go to  work--so slippery, well I'll take u'r word for it, it is here it's been rining and crappy stuff is happening--so be safe and to be really safe stay drunk, if u fall u'll never get hurt.

    Julie so wickedly funny--I love it.

    Hey Aly u doing all right.?

    OK I have to study for my DOTD for tomorree, this is a big responsibility.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Ye Cammie Ise doing OK with tings happening i was bit depressed but coming out of basement xcept joints are bad with RA.

     just asked DH to get dwinkies for me ise don't feellike moving.

    shouldn't bore you lot but we are watchging cricket which i loves. NZ playing West Indes.It a 20/20 game meaning it be very fast, being played just 3 streets away but didn't go cause ise so sore.

    NM hope youse having wonderful time.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning, Loungettes!  I've just finished breakfast, using the Hilton's computer center to check in.  Another beautiful day here, even with the clouds.  They say it's been raining off and on over the last few days.  I don't care, it's many, many degrees ABOVE zero!  I slept like a lamb last night, and now I'm counting down hours until the shuttle leaves for the port.  2 hours, 45 minutes.  Can't wait to explore the boat! 

    I'm thinking of all of you, I am still saying my prayers for everyone every night (well, every bedtime, whenever that may turn out to be!).  Don't worry if you don't hear from me until I get home.  I booked an excursion to go airboating in the Everglades before my flight home, so there may not be time in the airport for a check in. 

    I promised them at work that I would think of them, once, while I was on vacay.  last night I arranged for a box of citrus to be delivered to the office while I'm gone, with a note saying that was the one time! 

    I forgot to mention last night that when I sat down at one of the hotel computers the BCO site was already in the recent history!  There's a sistah here or has been here, we are EVERYWHERE!



    PS.  I miss Sadie, but I'm sure she's fine.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Just a quick check in. Not winning, just losing!!! Beans and Lara, glad you got youse stuff back. Gunner (I think that's it) Reba should be good. I saw that Willie will be here too, so that made me think of Dorky. Kat, it was me that said the port was easy, mine was, but I shouldn't assume it would be for everyone, especially when your DD has those panic attacks. Cami, so sweet of you to do the DOTD's. NM, have a BLAST girl! My battery is about toast, but I at least got to ketchup with y'all! Going over to our waitresses house today, helping her with another problem and she is fixing lunch for us. Burgers for DH and Salmon for her and I.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning everyone--I;m late this morning--- It's getting to be regular latey. Oh well/

    I know the DOTD is written small, I tried to make it bigger well if I can read it (barely) u guys can. LOL

    NM (she won't b reading this, I'm sure) but tht was funny sending out the oranges and saying that's it. hahaha Wow she's really enjoying herself and and I'm so glad.

    Lori it's always good just to hear from you so enjoy.

    And my phone is calling me now--so off to work I go HiHoHiHo-chit

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Good morning girls! 

    I hope ebery one of youse has a greatliest day. Enjoy your fayecation NM but I know you will. And you were at Philly airport? Geez, I coulda come by to say hello for a second. oh well, maybe next time. 

    Red, sorry you feeling bad. Praying for you.

    Kat, praying for you and your DD as well, always. 

    I hope you goils have a lobely saturdey. I gonna go back to bed. De weather is chit again, jest warmer chit falling from de sky. 

    Hiya Ally, hiya Lori, hiya all goils. mese lubs lubs lubs ye all! cheerS!

    ps cammy, wherez our dwinkies dis aye em, huh huh huh? Ok, I foygive ya, it's yer day off right? I am shirly one of de tenders ken wip em up for us. Make em stwong boys!! cheerS and more cheerS! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    oops, foygot to say Juliet, LMAO. ye soooo funnniest! hic! oops, mese sewet is out. oh, what is dis about mese boy willie?  I am getting berry low. WILLIE, come to me honey, bwing me more cheerS! kk, lub ye all. dere jest not enuff lub in de world. cheerS hicc burp fart oops! all dem cheers gibed mese gas oh holy gas! 

    ~fall on yer knees....and smelll ````` de farts a coming...oh night night devine. oh fart, oh fart devine~ burp~ 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Still a little busy, but LARA I've got on House of the Devil, so I hope not a lot o calls come in LOL

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    Happy Sa-turd-ay Morning Goilies!!

    Kat - My heart is breaking.  I want to make things better for you and DD but I kno I can't.  Please kno you both are in my prayers (((Kat))) Thanks for the info on the pre-check, I don't travel that often but I wonder if I played da C card if I could get it.  Hmmm...think I'll try it next time, if I remember..LOL.  I have a sofa table that I want to sand and re-stain.  It's been hauled around with us for over 20 years.  Since being here in Mesq we've used it as a TV console.  Anyway, got a new one for the TV, so now I want to re-do this one.  Never done it before so it shud be interesting LOL.  Scary about ur mom bp, dis also makes me sad cuz they add to ur already tooo full plate.  When are they leaving again?  Don't mean for that to sound rude k.  More HUGZ ((((K))))

    Cami - I can't read it!!  LOL. 

    Red - BIG HUGZ (((Red))) hate that ur mom not doing well.  Will go to chapel and say some prayers.

    NM - Whoop Whoop, so glad u made it to FL and by now u are what, embarking?  yes I tink dat right.  What a good idea about the oranges, kinda like sending them a widdle sunshine.  HAVE FUN!! 

    JeanieBeanie - u got mese cwacking up gurl!!  Can't believe u dumped and then went dumpster dipping LMAO.  You both had a run of luck that for shore.  Mebbe u git a lotto ticket fer tonite and become a gadzillionaire eh? 

    Julie - LOL  glad I don't need those teabags anymore!

    Aly - Thanks for checking in.  I can relate to the achy, creaking joints.  Gonna watch football meself later today, getting close to super bowl, woohoo!  (((Aly)))

    Dorkarooniloonieondawillie - u played hooppihoookee yest eh.  Well u entitled.  Hope u a snug as a bug asleep now and dat da devine aromas don't disturb ur slumber.  Muah!

    Lowee - chitchitchit no winning, oh well, u warmer right?  Have fun at da waitress house.  Personally I'd b gnawing a burger ober da salmon, but dat jes me.  Enjoy.

    Where Cyndielou?

    Gotta run...lubslublubslublubslublubs all ya'll...muah muah muah!!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    NM glad u made the flight bye bye cold weather

    We just saw lone survivor everyone clapped at the end true story about the navy seals going to get some of the Taliban amazing movie!

    Cam oh good that sounds scary

    Dork glad u took Friday off and saw Willie

    Kat prayers yum that soup sounds good

    My mom gave us lentil soup yum and we made the cabbage ham soup

    Soup every day

    I think there is a cabbage soup diet

    Lots if farting in this house

    Now it's like 50 and raining strange weather 


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited January 2014

    Juliet – LOL Vampire tea bags!! I’m wif Sue, glad I don’t need dat no more (but wish I still could have estrogen, waaaaaaaaaaa)


    Wahine – I have been woykin lots! Also been tinking of you and your DD so much, I just hate dat you are going thru this. I tink DeNile is a good idea for now and painting de bench. Oh geeez and your mom’s bp up…I send you big hugs and prayers minute by minute. ((((Kathy))))

    Red – I sawwy your mama is losing it but so nice she can use de tub if she only gots a shower. You no sound pathetic. ((((Red))))

    NM – Oh boy, shopping so much you got blisters and hadda get new shoes! Sounds so fun! Hope dat boat twip is a blast!! How nice to send citrus…I have a friend in Calif who got me all kinds of Calif citrus, it’s a gweat gift. Funny bout the bco recent history and so many of us everywhere! We will look in on Sadie for you – tee hee!


    Cami – Balloons all over and then more dwinks, yay!!! You are so fun and I love de Red-Headed Vamp DOTD…I see de main ingred is wodka so I’m jumpin in de pool wif a big glass of it. Tank U!!

    Alyson – how nice you R watchin cricket and DH made de dwinks.

    Goldie – Yay! Good to hear fwom U, hope you have a gweat lunch!!

    DorKie – Hope U hada good day in bed.

    SueZQT – U sed it best, I wanna make all better for Kat and her DD too. Glad U laffd at me dumbster story. Every day is sumpin like dat. Like just yest. U know I can’t eat walnuts wifout a migraine. But I tode my DH I din’t care and I made dese delishious veggie burgers full of walnuts. Couldn’t sleep, crazy hot flashes and den 5 am migraine. Anudder dum dum event. It hasn’t been too bad 2day but sheesh I love nuts and must have some kinda allergy. I like de gadzillionare lotto ticket idea!!!

    Orange – I’m making lentil soup tonite.

    Hi to everyone! Cheers!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    Hello Ladies,

    WaViNg Bon Voyage to NM...I know you will have a blast. 

    I know, I've been away ....lots going on here constantly.. I wanted to poop in and sey hey.  

    Hugs to everyone and prayers...extra prayers to Aly and Kat are both such strong women to take on what you do..

    SuZ....good luck refurbishing you coffee table/tv stand ...some day I will have time to do rewarding stuff like that..and maybe learn how to chrochet. ..I think I spelled that wrong. have you been feeling? 

    Hiya Beanius...I know that working hard...Im over working ...

    BBbbernie....Sinead is prolly ready to pop???  

    So much goings on here..the usual..boys are driving me crazy..they think I nag and nit pick and dont realize that they are slobs..etc...Reese has no balls n e more...wonder if it will change his attitude.  D's bisit over the holidays was great...she thinks we got too drunk tho...she be X husband is suing me for thousands of dollars because he is a greedy prick.  I think that sums it up. 

    Miss you girls....



  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Cyn oh dear lord. Like you need your X causing more problems. Chit!!!!! Mine is being pretty good. Your D's analysis was incorrect. You probably didn't drink enough!! That's why she remembered it wrongly. 

    Sorry bout Reece, but I feel that tons. Think mine is just permanently pissed off now and he aims it at me cuz if not for me he wouldn't feel so damn helpless. I don't have time for that.

    Hope you get a happy time coming up, with no worries and no headaches. {{{{Cyn}}}}}

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited January 2014

    Hi girls,everyone here looks so thirsty and lonely. can we fix that? image 

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited January 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited January 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited January 2014

    1 ENJOY

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited January 2014

    hot-shirtless-hunks-(12) JUST FOR YOU

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited January 2014

    Happy Birthday Sue!!  Hope you have a momentous day!!!

    Hi ya ebery buddy!!! Jest bin out ta fwends house for her Happy Birfday dindins.....was yummy BBQ......yippeeee!  Dindin dat I dina cook!

    Undie dose dwinkies look berry spacial tink Ise needs to twy mees a foo.......Pants!   set em up!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    My first good Morning---

    Cyn that just stinks, why is this happening now? Like u don't have enough going on. I hope this just goes away for u and there is no findings for u'r ex.

    Chrissy good to see u.

    Undie when u visit u leave an impression. Thanks

    Everyone is on vacay, well some of us aren't but that's why the DOTD was kind of vacayish.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    Modeled after Bakerella's Valentine box of chocolates cake, I made this cake as a favor for a friend for a party in her sister's honor when she completed her chemo treatment.
Chocolate cake covered in pink fondant (Satin Ice) with cake balls on top!  
Thanks for looking

    happy birthday sue,have a wonderful day love Julie xxx