how about drinking?



  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited January 2014

    aawwwww thanks for the big warm welcome back. So where are the canucks from ? Any close to me that would be great :)

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    ok lori,when you arriving?

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Kymn, Red lives in Ontario, but not sure where. There was another gal, but she hasn't been back. Are there any other canucks, girls???

    Had a bad fall this afternoon. Was going slow on the treadmill as I had just been on it about 5 min or so, and so only at 3mph. Well, suddenly it sped up and flew my legs out from under me, and I landed, HARD, flat on my back on the hard treadmill. Don't know what happened, but it must have sped up to 10mph? And now it won't even go on, but the fuse didn't blow. Weird. I couldn't move for awhile, finally was able to roll off, but in excruciating pain. DH heard it from downstairs and he said it sounded awful...probably sounded like the house was falling down, lol. It not only hurts like heck, but my arms are bruised too. I was mostly worried because of my deteriorating back and discs, so called the nurse and she said I should be ok, since I can stand, etc., but to worry if it still hurts badly by Friday. It is very hard to sit down though, and I started icing it right away, and took alleve. Julie had a funny comment on FB, about how we had a one person limit on flying organs. LOL. No, I am NOT trying to compete with our Cami!!!! Hahaha. Anyway what made me SO upset was that my DD1 has the feeding tube put in her tummy at the hospital in the morning, so of course I was going to be at her house early to watch the kids. My DH said he would do that if I am still in pain. Also, the next day I am supposed to be there too. Chit!!!! Cannot afford to be sick or be hurt, not right now. My DD2's friend saw that, and offered to help, and gave me her number, so that is a blessing as I will hang onto it. She is close to the family, but I wouldn't have even thought about asking her for help. AND we may need all the help we can get when the tx really get going, for my DD1.

    Aaaaaarrrghhhhh. Also, this new "diet" requires 40min of exercize a day, now I can't even do that. Dang it.

    Ok,nuff grumbling. Just hurts, thats all. Could have been much worse, omg.

    How is everyone else doing? Anyone watching the Bachelor? Someone have a stiff drink for me, ok?

    Hugssssssssssss, Kat

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Hi all. 

    Cyn, thanks for being so understanding about my foul up with Reece. I don't understand how your ex can come back at you this late in the day. Did he ask for help at the time? Am I to gather you were the breadwinner? Probably should PM these kinds of questions. And even then, I'm such a newbie and you don't me really well, so....

    Hi Kymn. I love your hair. Wish I had the nerve to just chop mine, but it's so thin and white blonde, so everything shows and it doesn't poof up nicely. I lived in AB too, Cold Lake when I was in the air force, then Edmonton when I got out. My DD was born there. I missed my family so we moved to Ontario to be closer to them. Glad you got yourself a job you love - sure makes a day go better!

    Cami, love the DOTD. You're really good at this. That one looks like a keeper. Too bad Kat bumped ya, but she's right, looks like you fell into a lovely tender. Lol.

    {{{{{{{{Lori}}}}}}}}} I totally get the I need to talk to him, not text or FB him. We lose that tone of voice that tells us so much about how a person really feels and what their mood really is. I hope both you and your baby bro are feeling a bit better. And, as Kat said, your mom. So hard to face that one of your kids would feel that bad and not talk to you about it. When do you leave to see your DD? 

    Kathy, how are you doing sweetie? Parents are on their adventure but the next two days will be with your DD going through all kinds of chit. Does she have favourite music? Maybe if she could listen to her favs during these procedures it would lessen her anxiety. ((((hugs))))

    NM, I miss you. Hope you're having a fabulous time!

    Julie, still chuckling over yesterday's story. And your cartoons are always a good laugh. Thanks for always being there to tickle my funny bone.

    DorK, where are you? You okay?

    Sue, is your back any better today? Do you use those lower back heating things that strap around you? I'll bet after all that faux birthday partying, your exhausted today. I can send a nice tender around to give you a massage. (omg spell check wanted to change that to mastectomy) not sending a tender for that!!!!!! 

    Bernie, Beanz haven't heard from you two in a few days. Is all well? Bernie has the alien made an appearance yet?

    Still missing folks, but you understand, I am sending you all big hugs.

    Getting furcited now. 4 days to vacay! My DH is already packed. I am a bit more of a last minute type of gal. I've washed what I want to take, but there isn't much. My weight has gone up with all the eating I've been doing. Nothing fits anymore. Booooo.

    Have a great evening everyone. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    mese here reading but too dwunk to sey much. dese are some sad times in de htl. Lori, Kat, Red and Cyn and others facing difficult times, saying extra prayers for you all. Mese feeling a bit depressed or perhaps mese means to sey not dwunk enuff. but chit, I gotzta git up for work in 6 point 20 minutes hours later dan now and gotzta sleep. tank God dere happy tings to ease de pain. me gonna focus on de happy, if me may. 

    Kymnny!!!! yippe cay aye, so nice to see you and read how well you are doing. I wuz so surplised to see you sitting next to me in yer pink n pretty bar stool. I glad ye recogniiized yers cuz you remember dat I liked yers so much dat mese duplicated it. cept it has mese initials on it instead of yers. You sound great, congrats. And I love yer hair short. 

    and Red is having a vacation and our NM is enjoying her faycation too. and mese goil Julie, de bwest fwend with de best swamp land is de owner of a new purdy blue spanking new set of wheels. wooo who, can ye take me for a ride?

    I wuz reading from work but a little skeered to comment. and mese fart wuz breaking into tiny particals of air ie breaking into pieces. 

    Chrissy high, good to see you. 

    I wondering if ye goils are wiling to sailabrate de life of Willie, ye know, Willie Nelson. It a long story but mese is grieving mr nelson';s death. and I want to poposition ye all to have a life sailabration for his life. He having a funeral soonliest and I hope I not too late. i hope ye goils can worchip his life with me. lets make it a date, whos in? 

    whale, sorry mese so fwunking dwucked up. oh, one more ting and dis for me is awesomeness. Our Cammy filled in for making de DOTD and she did so good. Let s all give our goil Dr. Cammie Legal PHD a round of aplaws. clap clap clap, lighten my bic den clapping more. woo ohooo . 

    well mese emotinions are all mixed up and need all bixed up. but hassing a hard time talkwing reality. so more rounds of prayers for those who need them, congrats to Kymn for de letter NED and more prayers for Kat to feel better so that she can help her dear dear sweel baby goil. love ye all. oops, a purp slipped out, cuze me. and goils who lured me here, tank ye for allowing me, or uhh making mese express meseslef. Lub lub lub. 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Evening all Ise certainly hasing dwink tonight. My trouble are so little compared to youse all - you make mese very sad. Ise has been looking after neighbours cat and today I found hhim sick - real sick and so have been at vets with poor ting - they tink he has been poisoned and is not going to make it. He is a lovely little cat Ise so sad.

    Great big hugs everyone


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    good morning all,love the drink cammi,

    aly,the poor cat

    red,enjoy your vacation

    dorty-work is a 4 letter word

    kat hope your feeling better today

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning ladies---Oh the DOTD is a lot more pressure than I thought. I'm doing my breast, oops best--I have to try each one before I'll put it on the board.

    Aly I can't believe u cattysitting and this is happening to the poor cat. OMG please let us know what happens.

    Kat what the hell is going on. Now u sound really hurting, oh I'm so sorry--well especially now--WTF please ask for help, u can't make u'r self worse, oh so much going on.(((HUGS))) and (((PRAYERS))) going for u.

    Lori when do u leave there has to be today or tomorrow. Muah my Darling Goldie--Enjoy u'r beautiful kids.

    Dork I hope u get enough sleep, u need that so much.

    OK I didn't even go Pee yet and with a few frinks wow that's a very important thing to do. NOW

    Much lubs to all


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Cyn Cyn.....Sarah???

    Kymn? Really, it's you? Woot woot for dancing with NED. And YES, amazing the anxiety before a check up. I think that will haunt us for the rest of all time. I can't believe it's been 3 years already, wow! Congrats on the awesome job and the new beau. I'll dwink some wodka wif ya, you hot momma you! I love your hair short, but I also liked the blonde. I liked it long too, but the short makes you look sassy, and you rock the look. Good to see you, hope you come back.

    Chrissie, always good to see your bootiful face in da lounge. Instead of standing, why not just have a Tender hold you???

    LOL at Julie, and asking if Lucy's spayshul day is fake too. It not fake Julie.

    Kat, I hope you are feeling better today and no real damage was done to your back, well no more additional damage that is. So nice for your DD's friend to offer to help, I hope others offer too, or maybe from the church? Will be thinking of her today and always praying!!!

    OMG Red, that is too funny about your spell check and wanting to send Sue a mastectomy! 4 days, well prolly 3 now, til your fun in da sun! How long will you be gone? I foygot where you are going.

    Well chit Dorky, I had to go and Google Willie, as I had not heard that he died! He din't, you had me going! Sillwy goil.

    Aly, how terrible about that poor cat. OMG and you are cat sitting. Saying prayers for the lil fur baby. I hope he/she wasn't poisened on purpose!

    Cam, glad you are trying those dwinks foyst, we wouldn't want a bad drink, ya know! You are doing a fabulous job dahling. But it shouldn't be stressful!

    Thank you all for your sweet words, prayers and concern. I have the bestest friends! My brother messaged me last night and said that he was too depressed and shouldn't be making decisions like this, so he will not be going. However, I still want to talk to him! I just hate that he is feeling this way. I will be having a blast when I go, not to worry about that! My schedule is as follows:
    January 28, leave for Phoenix and seeing Dolly Parton that evening.
    January 29, depart for the V.I. I will be there until February 5th.
    February 5, depart for Tampa to see my dad and hopefully Julie and Lucy!
    February 8, depart to Phoenix and home after a most WONDERFUL vacation!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    HI girls,

    Yes, I will join you in mourning the loss of dear Mr. Willie Nelson, Dorkie! Girls, he really DID die, but not to worry about losing de singer, as it was a Willie Nelson from mese neck of da woods. Yessireeee Bobarella....I sent the notice to Beckers, and even though it said where he lived, etc., poor Beckers thought it was the real guy we know and love. Well, we do a lot of kidding here, and ya know...."girls just wanna have fun" and that is US, foah shuah.

    Well, when I could barely get into bed, I took DH's advice and took a hydrocodone. Bless those pills! Was able to sleep, and took annudder one dis ayem, so was able to come to my DD1's house to watch the g'kids. Still in pain, and omg when I have to sneeze or cough it almost kills me, but better than without the pills. I am STILL trying to figure out what happened, but have not gone upstairs yet to see the treadmill, hurts too much to go up stairs right now. BUT I am also wondering if it happened when I was adjusting the speed and hitting the "up" button, leaning forward. I never hold the bars, but prefer hitting the "up" button vs hitting the actual speed, as it always goes a bit faster then settles into the right speed. SO maybe when I was hitting the up button, I hit the "10" speed instead? I dunno...but that surge and me leaning forward and not paying attention (since I watch tv), might have happened? But it was still running when I fell hard on it, so have skinned up arms, and that is why I tried to roll off when I could. AND maybe the weight of me lying on it where it couldn't move as it was supposed to, might have switched it off? I will read the booklet to see if that might have happened. So funcused over it all, and really upset as I am supposed to do the 40 min of exercize everyday, with this new diet. Sheesh!!!!!!!

    Cami, you are doing really good with the dwinks, dear. Sounds yummy, with the rootbeer. How are YOU feeling?

    Yeah Julie, Lori told you really is CyndieLouWho's bday coming up! How sweet if you do take her out to lunch!

    Lori, woohoo, almost time for your trip. AND you might get to see Cyn and Julie???? Awesome! I can understand your bro not wanting to actually talk on the phone when he is so down. I feel that way too, when I am just so down, I don't want to talk to anyone.  BUT he knows you want to be there for him, and that is so important. He knows you love him! How is your mom doing?

    Oh Aly, how awful. For you to have to have the sadness if the cat doesn't make it, and for her owners to be away right now. I can tell how much you care, and they are lucky that you were taking care of their beloved furbaby. Hoping things turn around and it will do okay.

    WooHoo, Red, almost time for your vacay too!!!! So awesome, I am so glad you arranged that trip, and I know you will have a good time. I do hope it won't rain though, so you can soak up some sun.

    NM, we know you are having a blast! Can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures!

    Cyn, How ya doing??? Awful that the ex wants to sue....that is just horrid. Some people are like that though, its a good thing you got away from him when you did.

    Red, my DD1 doesn't listen to music much (unlike her sister and her mom!).....she was going to try to focus on her little bear that goes with her everywhere...even in surgery. Hoping your DD gets good news tomorrow...I think her appt is the 15th, is that right?

    Love and hugs to ALL,


  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited January 2014

    Good morning girlies its going to take awhile to get back into the swing of things here and see whats been going on with all your lives. But in the mean time I will take full advantage of the free flowing vodka....Grey Goose...nice touch. Hi Lori yep its me taking in all the eye candy around here lol Been able to follow Dork and Lori through FB but missed the rest of you gals. Cheers to Tuesday

    Hugs Kymn

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    Kymn u look amazing glad to hear good news

    kat u feel? MY  G be careful u must b in so much pain

    Hi Juliet

    Oh it was not sue b day funny undie posted all those cakes

    Hi cammmmmmm I just watched the new carrie dont bother same movie as the one in the 60s

    I have a 8 page position paper I want to puke stress

    Hi dork willie oh no




  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    lori,i'm off on the 5th so if you need picking up, working 6th and 7th will see if I can swap.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Hi Girls, Can someone puleeeez dwink for mese tonight???? Geez so many offers all at Having a likkerless diet coke right now. Cannot believe how good the hydrocodone works...I hate taking pain meds, and this is actually out of date, but still works. Even took a nap when I got home, which I NEVER do. I still hurt a lot, but at least its not at the killing ya stage any more. My shoulders hurt so much too, and the bruises on my arms have hard knots in them. Funny (well not really!) how many places can hurt when we fall.

    Oh Julie, so sweet to offer to pick Lori up at the airport, and even seeing if you can swap work days. You are truly special!!!!

    Has everyone gotten their flu shot? My DD1 never gets it, but the little town next to us just reported 4 flu-related deaths already. It is so rampant, I hope you all stay safe. She got the feeding tube today, looked so tired and worn out, she has had 5 surgeries since the first of June.

    Sue, is your back better? Was the cat able to be saved, Aly? How is your pain level, Lara? Hope you get that paperwork done....yuck. And Unde, don't be a stranger!!! Nice to have Kymnie back, missing Beckers, MrsVino (Allison), and others. Is that NM I see, with my super-strong the pool on the ship....surrounded by so many good looking guys??? Yuppers, its our own NM...and she has a fancy schmancy drink in her hands. WooHoo!!!!



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    My SIL posted this on FB, I thought it was cute...

    European Fashion's photo.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Like it Kat, pleased it made you smile.

    Little puss by the name of Presto will not make it as he has very aggressive leukaemia. I am just so pleased he came when I went over yesterday morning. His folks arrived back last night and will bring him home this afternoon. They are so pleased I was there and able to give him some cuddles yesterday. Both of 'the boys' as we usually refer to them are very upset. Presto is such a sweet little cat.

    Exciting thing for today is that I have booked our trip in May.

    Not time for drinks now but will later


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    Hey Chica's 

    Just a quick poop in ..bizy bizy bizy .......Fantastic job Cami with the DOTD....

    Hi Kymn...your hair is beautiful.  I could never pull off a short doo like that.  

    Goldielox...who is Sarah?  Poifect timing for TPA on your trip...your coming in right on my weekend...whoop!! 

    Wahine....I hope you feel better soon.  Did you get yourself checked out?  

    Yes it really is my birfday coming up...really really :0) .  

    Well, work is getting to me TGIT..Im done with these boys..I seriously want to show them the door and ask them to watch that it doesnt hit them in the ass on their way out. UGH...but no...Thats what I want to do.  

    Ohhhh...poor poor puddy tat...

    Latah tatahs

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    eye eye 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014


    Aly I feel bad for the poor kitty. wow. May will be here before u know it.

    Kat I bet u didn't go to any Dr. did u? Geeze.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Well of course it does Aly. Glad the kitty's folks got home in time. You are a good kitty sitter. RIP presto. 

    Cami for a minute I missed the word vodka and actually thought you had posted an alcohol free drink. Thank god I was wrong.

    Cyn sorry bout dos Boyz yiu workin wit. Hit der ass on de way out. Bahaha.

    Wahine hope ur ass feels better. And ur back and ur arms. O my goodness girl, you did so much damage. Crying for you.

    Prayers to Kathy, Lori, Dork, Aly and Cyn tonight. A special prayer for those in need how haven't yet asked for one. Off to the chapel. Tender!!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    night night, girls!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    just coming in quickly to say hello. I am very tired so must hit de floor.

    I will first say me prayers for my goils, why of course. 

    For inquiring n loving fwends, Dad will be coming home on Friday. My nephew flew down to stay with him for a few days then drive his car home. Things are sort of better on that front. 

    My baby girl Jessica was at the ER today for pains she has had as a result of bronchitis. She saw her doctor a few weeks ago and was told that she pulled muscles around her ribs and that the pain would dissipate. It got worse and it got intollerable. I suggested that she go to the ER last night but she did go today. Turns out that she has a fractured rib from having coughing fits. Geez, Joseph n Mary, why does life have to keep throwing punches at me and at mese goils too? 

    Mese humblissed apologies for not talking to ye all. I really love reading and also pray as I go along for those suffering. And I sailabrate for those of you doing better. I enjoy de laffs and am empathetic when tings not going well. I am hopeless and helpless for the most part here but I at least hope mese words help sumbuddy here. 

    Forgive me for menshioning jest a few of you.....where is de Bean? And Kymn, are ye really back? And with wodka? Yippe, I mighten be a copy kittie and make a switch mese dern self. Hope to see you around. 

    Well wish me well gitting to bed earlier tomorree. I jest don't know where de time goes. Well I do, I spend it dwinking and time shirley flies fastliest when mese having fun. I hope to really reallly catch up and talk to all my lovelies.

    Tits up if ya got em! Cheers, why of course-are-us! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    RIP Presto. Tank God he is in kitty kat heaven and went dere knowing he was loved. (((Red)))

    Hello and g'night to de rest of you, to all of ye for dat matter! I go now. ~sigh~ I really really misss staying up all de night and sleeping til de sun is done scorching mese ewwa. Dose were de days mese fwends I taught dey'd nebber ebber end, I'd sing n dance, foreber and a day. I libed de life I choosed I tawght I'd neber lose, dose where de deys oh hell yeah dose where de days. 

    la la la la la la    la la la la la la dose where dwunked stoned deys, dose were de bery funlnliest deys. la la la la la la     la la la la la la, I go to bed or make anudder dwink!

    cheeRs n lots o lub. hope I made ye laugh. 

    oh one more ting, indeed Dr. legal lub, you doing awesomliniest making dese dotd's. God yes blue and may He yes blue Ye all goils. BaRmen... I go not, for real dis time.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    one more ting, I farted and it made me tink of ye all. tanks for luring in de Dorkamunster with farts. ye all DE BWESTED FWENDS IN DE EARTH AND IN dis gallexeeee. ok, I schwwwwwhere, dis time for realsies, i say nighty night. and good dey to mese goils over de ocean far far away but close close to mese fart. i go now. dis time REALLY for realsies. I hope to talk to you all tomorrow. forgive me, k? Last word of de night................

    F  A  R T

    "He who smelt it, dealt it"

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Evening all

    Just about to have dindins and will have little drinkie. Off for a few days - DD1 is singing tomorrow night and so we decided to go down country to hear her and see friends. DD1 is an opera singer and teaches singing at the University - Ise mighty proud of hers,


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    OMG Dorty!!! Lol....I think of you every time I fart.  Lol..glad your dad will be back safe and sound.  Love ya girl.  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Aly I didn't know that==OMG how furcited u must be--oh have a great time and feel good.

    Dork sleep tite with tits up, u don't want to smoosh them---

    Dork I'm glad u'r dad is doing ok, we were all concerned. Nitey Nite.