how about drinking?



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Oh wow, no way can I top all those beeeeeeutiful cakes and all that beer, and all those nice Birfdey wishes for our CyndieLouWhoIsAYearOlderToday. I did think of you when I woke up a few minutes ago, while lying in bed praying, I also was praying you would have a nice BIrthday, even though you have to work. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CYN!!!!





  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014




    OMG, I can't believe Julie was missing, well, jes a mess up on the plans, but still.  Kat, your pic of the faint was priceless.  Am glad your DD2 is well enuf and coming to help.  Thanks for inflating the chapel, lots of prayers going out to you and yours.  Big Congrats to your dad, he has had quite the admiral life hasn't he.

    Red - OH my bad....if you read this...add Jose Cuervo, your fav brewski on the back side.  One or two shots of that shud get your toes really curled in da sand.  But I also dwink wodka, as in dirty martini, and brandy in mese youse can tink of mese tree times...heehee.  Have a Fantabulous time!!!  Praying the news from mo doesn't cause u any worries.

    Lori - Yeah...I'll hailp u git da dude in da swamp.  He must not care about family to deny access to ur pictures...DIQ!

    Julie - glad you are ok and having a goot time in ur new blue car on ur vacay.  Glad u n Cyn will be able to hook up soon.  Love the friendship poster you posted...Ditto to u too!

  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    WTF wif da page jumping???  Drive me nuckinfutz!!

    Anyway, fergot to say Hi to Cami....Hi Gorgeous!!  Don't u go on vacay soon too??

    Bernie - Can't wait for the alien to arrive too, so u bees smiling more....I'm sad when u sad...(((B)))

    Love mese short hair goils....shudda did a selfie right after it was done, but went to bar and got dwunk dwunk dwunk and so did mese car.  Got 2 days outta it, so today gonna wash and c if I can style like my girl did...dat is always da test ain't it.  If it woiks, I'll try a selfie and post...well only if it turns out.

    Kat - Is your back feeling any better?  I hope so with all you have on your plate.  (((Kat)))

    OK...getting EWWA in gear....HUGZ n WEBK's to all me lublies I didn't mention....ya kno I


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Hi Gals--I'm glad other are seeing the jumping page, I think I remember Lori saying and now Sue--cuz it gets me all fluky.

    Sue where did u get the idea I'm going on vacation? Actually the last time I ever went on a vacay was in March--------1985---hahaha I never go anywhere unless it's (yea I know) a weekend slumber party with my sister, cousin and a couple of our GF's -Those have been mine, but I have to say we have so much fun. That's it.

    Kat how is u'r back today?

    Lara how do u feel today?

    When I first started to work for the GOVERNMENT we had an extra float day which most people took on their BD, I never did--Tues was our first day of the week (cuz we worked Sat) and Tues was a 12 hr. day so I'd use that having to add a few hrs off my own time. Just a good day to dodge. 

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Hi goilies! 

    I wrote dis post last night but don't ya know I falled asleep at mese computer again! so I hit submit now and come back and talk to ye all again, k? And whats dis about Reds not making her trip? What? 

    oh mese stars, must say that I am SO glad it was jest a bix-up with location for Julie and Cyn. Did they ever meet up? I did not see anyting about dat.

    Julie, I got a text and an email at work asking for yer telephono numbre, de goils was all freaking out tinking bad ting happened. mese was worried dat ye in de swamp, yikes. I did get de all okey message jest as I wuz leaving work for de dey.

    sooo, what a roller coaster day. I overslept oops. Got up at 6 eye em to tinkle in de turlet but still had an hour til de alarmS. managed to sleep through berry loud buzzer + berry loud music. it is insane how I sleep through all the noise. so i get to work at 9:05, jest 35 minutes late. i did not know what to do as mese boss usually works 9:30-6 pee em but he was dere. well I in a great location as I am de last person in a row and mese boss is eight cubicle offices away. he can't see me from his chair. so mese tippie toe in de office and sit down, eberybuddy else in front of mese. I asked de goil in front of me iffen anybuddy missed me and said "only me". I ask if anyone looking for me and she said nope, only her. So I sigh. Den I put mese eyes in and could see. mese bad, not only dwiving to work half blind, I pulled out with mese windows all fogged up with only a widdle peaky hole to see the road. I made a turn den was fully blinded by de sun so pulled over for a minute. uh, i did not git out of bed until 8:35 so mese timing was good but so stressful. it mese fault for staying up too late but hail, I worked til late last night and HAD to dwink. And play.

    oops, I see lunch is reset for tomorree. and I agree with Kat, both of ye have yer cell phones with numbers plugged in. and for de love of God, have dems charged lol.

    I going nuts, I saw de funniest pic eber here from dear Julie and can't find it now. It made me really laugh outloud. it was de measurment tingy for height or whateber ya call it with sagging boobies. yep, Kat, you right, dat is one purdy good ting in that wese with new ones ain't saggy no more. I jest tank mese God and Savior for clothes ebery dey when I get outta de shower. mese body is a scary ting, to sey de least. but it don't look bad in clothes, oh hail yah, Amen. oops, dat naughty cursing den saying Amen. I go in de chapel sincce Kat blew it up. Dern, sorry Kat, Pants has a blower tingy to put air in de ting. I tink he did not show you cuz he liked watching ya blow. hehehe!

    Shana-na, OMG, you find some hot pics of boys too. and ye nebber tail us where ye find dem. yep, you busted for keepen em all to ye sailf. jest like JulieT. ye bad bad goils and mese enbyous.

    Cam, you crack me up, you tink ya gonna trow us all under de bus? Ain't happening cuz mese de driver of dat bus. And if ye not nice, I put your ass tied to de tail pipe and put a note on ya that says "Traitor/TailPipe". yep, put it on yer ass den drag it around. HA, ye know I jest kidding ya. You so sweet n I know you would not do such a ting to us goils. If anything, you would take de sentence for all of us. I hope ye not outta pain pills? waz u jest writing bout Kat being with only one?

    And Kat, did you call yer doctor? Ye said you would if not better by fwiedey which is today cuz today is friedey (YEAH!!). I hopen you are feeling better. I's praying lots for you and yours. and for Cam's arse too.

    Cyn, you are easy going, sorry de two of you had to go true waiting and worrying. and sorry to Julie for not remembering de number. It happens to us dwunks now n den, often more now den then tehehe. We gonna have a smashing bday, we gonna tear HTL town upside down. wooo hooo, I luv you meese birthdey goil. It be yer day all weekend, k? hicuup, fart, oops, how ruuuude! i sawry to fart in de lounge on yer bday eve! teheheehe! geez, wuz I in a panic with you goils yesterday, cant say enuff how glad that it was a dwunken bix up! 

    Bernie, I agree that I hope baby alien ting pops out in January to put a warm place in yer fart for dis month. Feel better, k? I pray for you too.

    Suzie=QT love, glad you gitting some deserved relief with yer pain. And to tink that there are tings that work better than alcamahol and pills ~hiccup! You are a trooper goil and I pray for you often to feel goodliest. Yer trip is not for awhile right? I wish I could afford to have bought dat dere extra ticket. Hail, I always want to git teeny tiny for de ufo to drop me off at fun destinations too. it dudn't always has to be for dr bisits and de fn hospitals which mese parfer to stay away from! 

    Red, you so funny, and I wanna come to Cayo Coco. no idea where it is but I take de 70-80 with rain enny dey over cold chit. I glad you got furcited. Eberytime you find yer sailf tinking about de future and treatment and such, make a dwink. By de 6th time you tink about it, dat will be yer last and ye can tank likker for dat! WOO HOO. I jest know that you can embrace the good vs dwell on de bad whilst ye awawy and even after that. You have a great outlook and you now how to laugh even at the toughest times.I have extreme confadents that you will get through treatment easier dan others. yep. and ye gonna be happier den eber when it all ober. Any word on yer daughter? I tink "we" still waiting on test results but not sure. Keep us posted. and BON F*^KING VOYAGE!

    Hi Chrissy B. nice of you to poop in for a dwinky. de boys been asking bout ya. howz de weather? I guess when we git srping, ye get fall? speaking of fall, mese tink I gotta pee but skeered mese gonna fall. and did I tail ya Chrissy that I am in depends at night now? No chit (jest pi$$) bahahahaha!

    Lori, berry cool place to hang out and partay. I tink it would be cool to live there. I sorry you are not hearing from your baby bro, I hope he calls ya soonliest.

    Lara, thanks for saying fart lol. I hate to tell ya but you should take it from me, a goil who has had 18 breast surgeries, well oops, that includes debridements in mese foobs and mese belly too so about 15 x cutting de breast but get my point and try to slow yerself down some cuz you don't want to end up in the guineas book of records like mese with surgeries. FART on!

    Where Beans? I gonna go down de hole and look for her, be back. Nope, not in my hole. hmm. paging Beanie, cometh in and report. 

    Lucy lucy Cyn Cyn having a birthday, woo hoo partay in de lounge! I hope ye attend. 


    so wrote this book last night and was checking to maken sure I did not miss anyone and went zzzzzzzzzzzzz tinkung about it. ~hiccup!  I be back to partay for de Lucy aka what is that other new name? Lori? Help me here. Oh Sarah. SMILE hehe! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    .Oh Dork u so fundy, u gonna tie my arse u and how manee peeps, I laffed out loud.

    So...u were late for work and no one knew YYYAAAYYY it sounds like something that I would teach u. But no no wese weren't affing yesterday til we got the all clear from Julie--what a day, and I don't tink Kat went to any Dr.--she said she wud too. Hmmmm

    De Dr. office called me yesterday, cuz I hab another infection and wanted me to pee more-agin. I told dem no I can't just pee at will for u guys. take my odder pee and get de culture u want and den I herd blah, blah, blah blah so I said OK we done now but I stil got my Aunti-Beez. I'm tired peeing for eberbody, but I can pee wheneber I want-shhhh don't tel dem dough. Dey gonna be so mad at mese cum Monday - I so tired--mese hab to nap, den I com bak latah

    Lubs, lubs lubs alllllllllll of eberbody

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    ......shhhhhhhhh.....*sneaking in the HTL to see what is going on*.....hear all sorts of noises......OH now I see! The Wenches are getting things ready for a BIG BLOWOUT PARTAY tonight for our Cyndie!!!! WooHoo.....



  • StellaTwinx
    StellaTwinx Member Posts: 64
    edited January 2014

    Oh  shoot! I don't know who half of these peeps are, or the other half, for that matter. But they are all happy for you! ME TOO! Love you Cyn.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Okay, girls, I am on Cayo Coco (Cyn, it's off of Cuba)by myself!!!! My hubby brought an expired passport to the airport. Next thing I knew, he was headed home to find it and I was on a plane. The plan was that he would race home, get the right passport and race back. They would put him on the next plane out landing only 2 hrs after me. He can't find it anywhere. So he called the emergency immigration # and they can't do anything till Monday. Arrrggghhh.

    So I'm lonely and depressed. Gonna drink till they have to carry me to my room I'm thinking.

    Lubs you all. Talk when I know more. Hugs'n'kisses.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    OH NOOOOOOOOO! That is awful. OMG I wish he had thought to check it earlier (DUH, I am sure you both do too!), as some countries even require your passport to be valid at least 6 mo after you arrive there. I hope he can find it, and I hope they will still honor his plane ticket, even if its not today. I guess he checked all the normal places, like safe deposit box, nightstand, etc. One thing I do is also copy our passports and carry the copies separate so while traveling, if they are lost/stolen we have the numbers and info and it is supposed to be easier to get replaced. Too late now for your DH to do that, but I am heartbroken for you. Chit! Chit! Chit! I hope they are providing internet for you so you can keep us updated. Dang!!!!  (((((Deb)))))

    Big hugs, and Prayers that his passport turns up and he can join you! In the meanwhile, check out the bartenders.....(jest saying)


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    I want to share a site with you all, if you know anyone who is losing their hair, due to ANY disease (well, maybe not due to drinking! lol). They will send a headwrap to them, free of charge, you just pick out some patterns you think they will like. I ordered one for my DD1, and they have already shipped it. A good cause to donate too, also, but really wanted to pass it along for those that know someone who might need something for their head...

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


    ps me and cyn are meeting next sunday 26th

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    WOW, he sure is toned and has lots of muscles! The belt position looks like he has a tail, though! lol. Thanks for the eye candy, Julie!!

    I have a request, to all my fellow drunks here in the lounge. I JUST FOUND OUT that a dear friend of mine (same age) had a heart attack over a week ago, and then developed pneumonia. She lives in NH, and I had wondered why I hadn't heard from her for a few days....went to her fb page and saw that someone posted it there. THANK GOD for Facebook! God works in mysterious ways, as I have never met her daughter, and the moment I found out and posted, was the exact moment her daughter was trying to "friend me" so she could let me know what had happened. I just talked to my friend, and they now found out she has A-Fib too, so can't go to rehab yet, has to stay in the hospital. I would appreciate, so very much, any and all prayers for Shirley. We met online over 12 yrs ago (and met in person, in Tunica where Junie and I met in person), but have been very, very close for all these years.

    thanks so much,


  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited January 2014




    Hope you are having an awesome time! Thot I'd stop by to bring you a birthday cake...


    And a bunch of baloons...


    And some fwowers...


    Oh, here, dis bettah fwowah...


    And here is a birfday cake cocktail for ya too...


    Yeee Haw!!! Happy Birthday Cyn!!


    Hi to everyone, missing U all mucho!! Lubs U all!! Cheers!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Hi Beans! WOW you really arrived with a lot of fun stuff for Cyndie! Would love to try that Cake Batter Martini...sounds like something I would love. That is, IF Cyndie wants to share. Knowing her, I know she would share in a heartbeat, oops I mean fartbeat.

    THANK GOD we know NM is NOT on RCCL....they had a lot of people get sick on their least 60. Showed the ship coming back into Miami. Would hate for NM to get sick, thats for sure.

    Hope you are all doing well. We just got back from doing some odds and ends at the townhouse, while our tenant is in FL. The workers left a mess, and a couple of stains on the carpet upstairs. Got it all fixed up. Looks really good, she takes excellent care of it, and her furnishings look perfect. NOW if she will get off our backs, since it was NOT mold, and we spent over $3k fixing things that didn't need fixing. We got the stuff off the wood floors too, so it all looks spankin new.

    Hope your birthday is going well, Cyndie!!!!! Get ready for your big HTL Partay....who do you want to jump out of the cake? Can't be D, she is too far away, but how about one of the Wenches, or a Celebrity crush????? Remember what happens at the HTL stays at the HTL.

    Partay Hearty!


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited January 2014


  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited January 2014

    Ooops,that's not right....ah,here we go

  • undercoverebel
    undercoverebel Member Posts: 574
    edited January 2014

    926158m08kyscsaa .

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Purrrfect Cake, Unde!!! THe partay is going strong....wonder how many of us will pass out tonight??? The Wenches and Tenders are sooo bizzy, and Cyndie looks soooo happy!!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    Heyhey.....Thanks for all the birfdey stuff...Love all the cakes and the girls!!  

    Thats terrible about your DH Red....never heard of where you are...interesting..I thought I was a know it all...hehe....see..first thing to go..the brain.  

    I am working ....I had the day off but then I cancelled it because I had no plans and figured wth....but Im sure I could have done someting dwinking....its ok...only a couple hours and the nattys are mine..I may have a birfdey shot of Brandy too....maybe.

    Love all of you girls....even  Stella showed

    Kisses (( Everyone))


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    OOOOOOOOOOO Red I can't believe this has happened to you 2--wht an effin mess for u. So Sorrrry to reed dis on u. Poor ting.

    I'b bene pahtring for a while for CYN's Bofdate, but I tink Cyn is workin' mybe off soonlyest..when we're all on de floore bein r usual selbes cuz dat's truly us, ehehe-whoa is mese  de tenders r lookin' goot 2nite n the winces r so purddy I'se on de flore can I ask for anytingmore--an now I've got 2 tendrs wid me--sose I'be in de corner in my spot,  Look for me dere Cyn.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    image a little sumtin to snak on

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    image And cuz of de BD girl

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Oh mESe oh mISe, lookin like dere is a big partay here. so many goils on de floor tonight. well I jest gonna wait for de birthday goil to show up cuz I know she is starting her partay now. I gonna git de presents and dwinks and be back shortly. I gotta step away for a bit as I have gas and I don't wanna fart up de lounge on Cyn's birthday.

    Happy Birthday Cyn~Lucy~Sara~CyndieLouWhoJestGittingBetterwithAGE! woo hooo~


    iFFin you see me on de way out, whatebber ye do, don't pull mese finger, k?


    Gonna hit de bathroom and try to chit. Ya see, farts are only loved in hospitals and in de HTL but dese here natty farts are nastty.

    be back,k? who's still partaying?

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    It time to tell Charlie that Lucy aiin't his goil. but we wait til he give her de birthdey present and some Natty's before we tail him the fart breaking news that she has gone to de other team~. tehehehe!


    ok, gotta see what I missed earlier. Seeing that someting ungood happening to Red's DH? Say it is not true, I read it wrong. K, I pray in de chapel den read. I had to post quickliest so not to miss Cyn's calendar birthdey. Cheers goils, I be back one more time. Hoping to see another loungette dat NOT on de floor. Hmm, let's lipstick de faces of de ones crashed out tehehehe!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    Thank you all fir the most awesomely birfdey part at!! Hic.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    ooohhh Good Morning  peeps--Talk about hangovers, I woke up with lipstick all over m face--Hm I wonder who did dat Dork???

    Cyn I hope u'r birthday was wonderful

    Red Shocked I feel terrible for you. Are u OK.?

    I hope everyone is on steady feet this morning--good thing we don't have to vote tday, cuz all the names would look the same. Well kind of are the same. But still--Of course I have to go back to sleep

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    imageIt'd Sunday--we have to have a choice, here are the DOTDS of the day==choose one or two.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


    Tipsy Bartender

    Samoa Cookie Cocktail

    2 oz. (60ml) Godiva Chocolate
    2 oz. (60ml) Malibu Coconut Rum
    1 oz. (30ml) Disaronno Amaretto
    1/2 Cup Shredded, Sweetened Coconut
    3 Tbsp. Chocolate Syrup
    Samoa cookies for garnish