how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Ha ha, love those jiggle butts, Kat!

    Oh Sue, it wasn't that my brother wouldn't let us in. They hadn't paid their bill, and the company put a padlock on it, so NO ONE could get in, until they paid up. I hope you can get your hair the way the sylist did it. I really like you in the short hair.

    Cami, we know you have the never ending "D", but now the other infections??? SO NOT FARE!

    There's our BBBB, back with her funny humor!

    Dofey, mese tinks you need a night time job!!! LOL at tieing our sweet Cami to da tail pipe of da bus.

    OMG Red........are you phucking kidding me??? That is like the worst nightmare, I am just in shock! WOW! I don't even know what to say, that just sucks the big wazoo!

    Kat, with the link you posted for the scarves, I'm to assume your DD will lose her hair? Chit, that was part of the worst thing in having chemo, at least for me. And it just seems to take forever to grow back. Adding Shirley to my prayers for you. How did you meet online? Wow, that was a lot of money you had to put in the condo for no reason. I hope she stays off  your back too, especially since it hoyts so bad.

    Whoa Julie! That is some BIG belt buckle. I wonder why it hass to be SO BIG????

    Awwww Beanie, what awesomeness you had for our CyndieLouWhoHadaBirfday! Where has you been?

    I'll have bof DOTD's Cami....thank you dahlink!

    Got to talk to my DD this morning. I told her if she didn't call me, I wasn't gonna come.....ha ha, ya right! I saw at the villa where she works, they have an inifinity pool! Can't wait! oh wow, I see we have a nudder DOTD.....they are all so sweet! Glad we have no calories here! And a Tipsy Bartender!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Hmmm....after all those birfdey dwinks, and waking up on de floor pillows wif lipstick smeared all over mese face, I will have to pass on dose dwinkies. SO sweet Cami that you found TWO DOTD's for us....awesome! And Julie, that dessert dwink looks awesome too!!! Yummmmmm. What a good partay! Love Dorkie's Joke about Charlie Brown and Lucy too.

    Lori, It sucks that they wouldn't let anyone in the storage unit even just for a box of pictures, but I guess thats the only way to get money thats owed. A LOT of people just abandon their stuff in storage units when they owe money, then it needs to be cleaned out, disposed of, so someone else can rent it. My stepdau started working part time (in addition to her full time hospital job) at a storage unit place....they pay her to clean out the units, and sometimes she can keep stuff if she wants it. Only cuz her lazy-ass husband STILL does not have a job. Well, we aren't totally sure about hair loss for my DD1, as I think she is having a lower-dose chemo, so maybe it won't all fall out. Makes her less anxious though, to be prepared. After all, not only was my mom a Girl Scout leader, but I was also, and DD2 was one too. And DD1 still is a GS leader, although taking a bit of time off right now. Gotta be prepared, lol. Glad your DD called you!!! Like you wouldn't show up, ah SO glad you get to go there, and you will have such a blast! Will your son arrive when you do?

    image style="cursor: pointer;">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    image unselectable="on">

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    LOL @ that funny, Bernie! Guess my DD1 will not have to work the booth sales,etc for her troop this year. Its such a big job for the Girl Scout leaders!!!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited January 2014

    Howdy Juliet, Red, CynCyn, Wahine, Bernie, Cami, GoldieBug, MemaSue, Bernie, DorKie, Chrissy, Lara, Unde, STELLA, LnmOP, and everyone at de HTL I wanna say I hada wunnerful tyme at de potty for Cyn yesturday. I did pull Dorkie’s finger when I accidentally hadda grab it as I wuz fallin off de bar stool. I hope dat noise dint mean I bwoke de finger my fwiend. And datz when I saw all de jiggle butts and ladies jumpin outta cakes and I almost fell over dis cute kitten wif a cupcake…so den I grabbed a wodka-soda-ice-n-lime to steady meselfs, and took a deep breath and I tot I taw little Lu and Lucy and a lotta ML so I’m back to grab a couple of DOTDs and tell you wud I been up to…diz mese life…


    Love the Tiki Screwdriver and the Stormy Seas, tank U Cami, and Juliet yum de Samoa Cookie Cocktail looks delectable.

    I have been praying for everyone and miss U when I can’t be here. I lie awake and worry bout Kat’s DD n Dad and Goldie’s bro and hope NM is habin fun. I worry bout everyone and hope you are all okay and not in pain. Dis RB chit sux and I wish none of us hadda deal wif any of it. Also hope no one is working too hard. Night B4 last was horrible 4 mese, hot flashes and couldn’t sleep and achy as chit but now I’m down to 1 year, 11 months and 12 days of Femara. Last night wuz a lil better and tonight is FUKITOL NITE.


     Yay!  And diz wif a Pinkatini chaser. I shud be okay n hope you all will join mese by de pool in de sun!


    Also  I am furcited to say det mese fart work has been payin off a lil bit. I’m also furcited det me DH is making us a bootiful  bedroom set. It’s amazing and I will post a pic when it’s dun. Udder den dat de weather has been soooooooooooooooo awesome and nice and sunny.

    Luv U all, Dollinks!! I am gwabbin DOTD's and off to de chapel for lotta prayers. Muah Muah Muah Cheers Ma Dears!!


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    good afternoon ladies

    if mrs vino drops off the girl scout cookies ,i'll have a cocktail before work

    beans-lets drop the hot flashes off in the swamp

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Oh Julie I love coconut, yummy drink.

    Lori I looked at the video of where u'r DD works--OHOHOH so much pleasure just looking at it, I can't imagine living in it. Beautiful

    Geeze all the drinks and all look good. Can't decide on one, maybe I'll try each one, yea that sounds like a good idea.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Hi girls, I slept until 4:30pm. I am on my way out to dinner with my Dad.

    I sure hope that Red's DH is able to get to her on Monday, yikes. I got skeered for a minute thinking that monkeydey is a holiday but I do not think they sailabrate MLK day in Canada, whew! Sending up prayers for her.

    I will report back after dinner. Have a good night girls (morning for those outta de country). Until then, cheers! 

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited January 2014

    Sheesh, Juliet, did I miss Mrs V??? waaaaaaaaaaaa!   Oh def, lets kick the hot flashes to de curb.

    Cami - I will join U 4 1 of each.

    Okay, it isn't put together yet, but here are the headboard and footboards...I think tomorrow is clean house and put new bed 2gether day. I'm so essited cuz we sode our bed set a long time ago wif a house sale and havnt hada nice set for so long and dis spaiciul cuz mese DH made it. mission style. we had looked at $20K of Stickley last year so glad we din't go that route. I'm so happy to get dis and he says he will make me a dresser nextest. We went wif de liter finish since our bedroom is kinda dark log walls. Also, we finally listed our WA homes wif nice peeple so hope dey may sell dis year. We got skeert to rent dems.


    Hope everyone is habin a goodliest Sun-Day! Cheers!

    Hi aDorKable, I almost bumped ya! Hav a nice din wif Dad...later...bean

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited January 2014

    Wud up wif Red? Hope okay

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Hi Beansie,

    OMG he does such beeeeuteeful woik! That is gorgeous. I have always liked Mission Style pieces too.....will look awesome in your rooom! Just so amazing that he can make such beautiful pieces of furniture. And I can only imagine how happy your DH is, doing exactacrackly what he loves to do. Thanks for sharing!!!! Nice to see you poop in here too, sure miss ya when you are MIA.  OH, Red left on vacay on Sat,  I think its an island near Cuba. Anyway, they got to the aiport, and her DH had an expired passport with him! So he went home and planned to catch the next flight there, but nada, he couldn't find it at home. The number to call, of course, couldn't help on a weekend. SO poor Deb is on her vacay all by herself. Chit! Chit! Chit! Hoping he can get there before the vacay is over. She doesn't have free wifi, well I don't thinkshe does, so she just popped on to let us know, yesterday. Isn't that awful!!!!!

    Hi to all yese udder lovely goils!!!!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    Wow..what a party girls....Who ended up with lipstick on their faces???  Twasnt I...I am innocent..oh no thats Goldielox..she is the innocent one...I will just be NOT GUILTY...hows about that.

    Red...oh..I hope your hubby gets to you on Monkey Dey....that so sucks.  What have you been doing?  Just answer that when you get back.

    Julie...that coconut drink loos sooooo good...the cookie too..I am a little luke warm with coconut really ..but in a drink I like ...LOTS.

    Good Luck Wahine with DD .  I hope her hair is spared ...good for her to be prepared...its just important that if she can avoid stress then whatever it takes.  What happened with your tenant?? Did I miss something?

    Beanius Dahlink....the furniture is just gorgemous....LOVE it!!  You both has some great talent there.  

    DorK.glad you got some needed rest and enjoy your long weekend...Hope your dinner is good.  How is your dad? 

    Thanks for all your DOTD's Cami...the both look lish.  

    Found out mid Feb is about the time our new shift bid's come out.  I so hope that I can secure a day shift this time..feels like I've had the chitty night shift forever.  

    Latah ladies

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    *sneaking back in, still trying to wipe off the lipstick from mese face dat Dorkie put there....*  LOL

    Cyn, the tenant is the same one that complained of "mold" of which there was none. But OMG we did sooooo much....well hired so much done, even that "mold expert" was so $$$, but to settle her down, it was worth it. It was so funny because she had all her furninture in the middle of the living are, covered in huge plastic sheets. Well, that was smart really, because there was some painting done way up near the cathedral ceiling, etc. Everything really looks good, so we're glad she is really taking care of things. Too bad you had to work yesterday, but I bet those Natty's when you finished your shift were sooooooo good! Long time to wait for the new shift bid, but sure hope you get what you want this time!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Beans wowy wow beautiful work, u'll be so so so happy to have a bootiful bed to sleep on.

    RREEDD OMG how are u doing? This is a horrible story for a vacay--hope he gets there very soon.

    Kat (((HUGS))) for tomorrow--let us know whenever u can how u'r DD is doing, plus U'R BACK

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    LOL, I discovered a new toy here....I mean when you give up drinking for awhile, ya gotta find something silly to do, right? Here goes....

    ~~~~~~~~~~   ************   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   """"""""""""""""""""""    //////////////    <<<<<<<<<<   >>>>>>>>>>   ++++++++

    Hahaha, that was fun. Stoooopid, but fun.

    Nighty Night Girls....Sweet Dreams.....Don't let the bed bugs bite.....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    uh, Kat, how did you do that? Sounds so fun! ha.

    i swear I will ketchup with you all soon. mese dwunk at de moment and still recovering from a bad mix of drugs and likker. 


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    LMAO Dorkie....tonight I discovered the T symbol abover the box we post in. Well, its to strike over a word. SO I just had fun with it, with symbols... I like the < and > the best, cause they look like this   <<<<<<<<<<<<    >>>>>>>>>. Can you imagine how much more fun that is if you are drunk??? Hey dearie, you try it and let me I am really missin my booze, but I can do it, I can do it, I know I can do it....

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    I AM TOTALLY SOBER, I have not had a dwink in turdeen years. 

    Haha, that is a lie.  Neat that the T symbol is a cross out, you taught me sumting fun too. and YES YOU CAN. (notice I did not use the cross out)

    sorry for not talking to the other goils, I am biddy doing mese finger nails and too dwunk to really respond to all. I been reading you all. Remind me when I am sober to put my phone in mode where I can talk into it, I ken den comment into my phone as I read then playback and easily respond. sounds much easier than taking freaking notes or using split screens which I have no idea how to do. who knows, I might go back and re-read a few pages tonight and try this. I can copy the test from my cell and jest paste it. the only ting is that I ken not easily talk like a dwunk and dat no fun, well at least for me. Karen would like it if she were here. I was just thinking about her and praying for her too. and where is Addey? I was thinking about her as well today and wondering if she is on the mend. 

    You girls might be in for trouble if I remember this method of kamoonicaking with ya'll! 

    I could go for a goil scout cookie. dey go well with JD.

    one more ting, I had a JD Cider shot tonight while out to dinner with Dad, it was yummy. I only got it as it was their fundayfundey special. and I have been sober and drug free too for twelve years and farteen deys.  DID YOU SEE THAT LARA? I said farteen days. and let's not forget the turdteen minutes too. I am smelling a whole new vocab for numbers. oh boy. cheers!

    I HATE YOU GIRLS, you all suck, including CydieLou. KAT, I tink you have created a monster in me! hahahaha. love you all, well most of you that is the truth, so help me God. 

    where are my goils across the globe? ye all should be waking up and joining me soon. 

    Dork, sober and out. 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014


    I swear, it is true.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    What a crazy lady she is...I guess peace of mind is worth it.  Im so glad my Sunday is done and over with...I hate late..and tonight I was as tad off...idk what it was but i was strange all night..transposing numbers/letters..every noise in the background was irritating and making me loose consentration.  

    Hope you can get the lipstick off. 

    xo nite ox

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    So many pages. Ise here was away for a few days. DD1 was singing in Wanganui so we went down to see friends. Fars too many dwinkies Ise afraid good though.

    Howse you do that symbol thingy toos clever for me.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning from me---Aly glad to see u--was it wonderful? and now they're confusing me, let's see ----------- Oh Oh way to confusing for me, It's to early and my mindit's all     ucked up anywa Cyn hope u'r day is better today

    Kat prayers for u today----

    BBBernie I hope u'r day goes well and it's getting about time that little alien to come.

    RED I hope u see u'r DH today--I still say what a story.

    Lori is still home nd Lara where are u? NM should be home now--it went by way to fast.

    OK DOTD coming up.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    image Well it sounds interesting, ????

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Kat, on those storage units, some places will auction the stuff off as well, to get at least some money out of it. And I had no idea how expensive they are, I think his is almost 200 a month.

    Cute funny about the GS cookies Bernie.

    Beanie Baby, glad to see yer purdy face and tanka ewe for  da Pinkatini. The new bedroom set sounds awesome, can’t wait to see it. What all is DH making? Is it log? Our weather here has been awesome as well… the 60’s. But in the teens at night. And those damned hot flashes, I am off the Arimidex for almost 3 months now, and not much has changed with those damned things. Oh I see the bed, how bootiful! Your DH is so so talented. Did you go with a king size? Are you gonna stay in this house? Good luck with the sales of the other homes.

    Julie, I’m with you on dumping the hot flashes into the swamp.

    Cami, where my DD works, the owners rent it out a week at a time, with rates starting at $5900 a week in the slow seasons, and up to $14,900 for the week of  Christmas/New Year, which is already booked for 2014. She cleans the place after the people leave. They are also looking at her to doing the walk throughs, before and after the tenants.

    Dort, I don’t know how you keep the hours you keep! LOL @ you and da Katrinka pwayin wif the “strike throughs”. I hope you and dad had a nice dinner, but sawry you was not feeling goot.

    Not guilty Lucy? Since it twas your par tay, you can be da innocent one, I will let you.  Oh I hope you can get a day time job.

    Aly, is there any You Tube videos of your  DD? Glad to know you had a wonderful time.

    Cami, you sure find some sweet drinks, but it moosta be cuz you are so sweet!

    Anxious to hear from NM, I wonder if she has to go back to work today?

    And Red, you poor sweet dear, we are all hoping your DH makes it there today. That is just WRONG! And of all times for it to happen. (((((DEB)))))

    I leave one week from tomorrow! WOW, I can’t believe it! And YES, mine will go by fast too! Julie, were you able to get one of your days switched?

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Here's a video of the resort. It's just a series of pictures, but they are a little better than the ones on the website.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    Hi can I have been (fart) ( burp) drking those expresso martinis every morning then I am asleep esp. with my crzy pills

    Im jumping in missed pages

    JUliet was found ok that is good  I thought stella kidnapped her

    Goldie very nice resort I booked my trip see you soon (stalker) jking

    Hi kay pull over a chair u tp cyn

    Im ordering a round

    Red have fun on vaca I need to go away mybe cabo

    I will BB



  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!I got home very late
    Saturday, or very early Sunday, depending on your point of view.The flight from Philadelphia was delayed, so
    instead of getting home around 11 pm it was more like midnight.Then I had to wait at a bit for Mom and Dick
    tobring my car.They were going to leave it in the short term
    parking area, but Mom decided that a dollar an hour was highway robbery, so
    they tracked the flight online, but it didn't update from "delayed"
    until it changed to "arrived", and they live about a 30 minute drive
    away.So I finally got home around 1:30
    am.Got up at 7:30 and went to get
    Sadie, then slept all day yesterday,I
    was sooooo tired!I actually went back
    to bed with Sadie after I got her home, then slept in the recliner all
    afternoon, could not stay awake.Very
    stiff and achy today from not moving yesterday, but that's ok.So now I'm here to start getting caught up
    and will get some pics posted very soon.I've got lots!

    Cammy--I am going to
    copy down all the DOTDs and try them one at a time, looks like you did a great
    job!Thanks for covering for me!

    DorK--with the delay
    getting out of Bangor I had just enough time to get from one gate to the other
    in Philadelphia, wouldn't have been able to visit anyway!Wish I thought about that on the way back,
    was there for around 4 hours with the delay.Next time maybe I won't be so tired and will remember to check in with
    the local sistahs!

    Beanie--Aha, now I
    know why Sadie didn't want to play with the other doggies, she had all of you
    Loungettes giving her attention!

    CynCyn--exhubby is
    suing you?Whatever for?Jacka$$.



    Goldie--Holy cow,
    what a scare with your baby brother!Sounds like he needs a partner-ectomy!

    CynCyn--Love the
    names of the folders you've got going, and sounds like you've got everything
    under control, a very good thing!

    Julie--wine, coffee
    and an opaque mug--PERFECT!!!!

    Goldie--sounds like
    you know your brother pretty well, hope he has called you by now.

    Kymn!Good to see you again!HOORAY for NED!The Pink Leopard bar stool is still in it's
    place waiting for you, I will admit I borrowed it once or twice. . .

    Julie--Nice new
    present, where the Dodge Journey gonna take you?

    Wahine--OUCH!Did you beat the treadmill into submission

    Red RH--Just caught
    up to the 4 days till your vacay, hope you are having as much fun as I did!

    DorKy--did Willie
    die while I was on vacay?Have I missed
    the sailabration of his life?

    Aly--poor neighbor
    kitty, I'll be looking for the rest of the story on him, praying he gets

    Wahine--great vacay
    intinerary!OK, you caught me, too,
    with the Willie Nelson obit!

    DorKable--where did
    you Dad go that nephew flew down to stay with him?Sounds like I missed something serious!
    Hoping DD is feeling better by now.Breaking a rib coughing is not fun.

    Red RH--I did have a
    great time.The ship board tenders are
    NOT as nice as ours, though!

    like the alien is coming in for a landing soon!

    DorKable--thanks for
    posting my update.Could not figure out
    why I couldn't post directly, but at $8.99 for 15 minutes I wasn't going to
    fight with it very much!

    Red RH--by now you
    must be having a grand time, hope you don't have time to think of us or of the
    rat ba$tard!

    Holy Cow, did I miss
    a scary day!Glad it was just a
    misunderstanding and Julie is OK!

    Red--if you are
    still drinking, how about a Sea Breeze for me?


    It was funny,on the ship they had a Bucket of Beer thingy,
    with an actual blue bucket with ice and 5 or 6 beers.The most common brand I saw being carried
    around was Miller Light.Made me

    Red RH--Wowsa, what
    a travel trial!Guess I better get my
    passport reactivated before my next trip!

    Wahine--good idea
    about copies of the passports.The
    cruise ship people kept suggesting taking a photocopy of the passport and not
    the real thing when going ashore.Looked
    like most people took their actual passport, though.

    Good morning, Lord,
    it's me again.I'm saying a prayer for
    Wahine's friend Shirley.Please be good
    to her and her family, and make sure she gets better really, really fast, if You
    haven't all ready taken care of this little item.

    Wahine--I saw that
    report or RCCL and the virus on the news in the Miami airport.Or maybe it was the Philadelphia
    airport.Glad it wasn't on my boat, and
    I am very healthy, all week and still!

    Cammy and
    Julie--GREAT DRINKS!!!!!!!

    Beanie--Loooks like
    a great new bed is coming!Bet it's
    beautiful put together!

    Wahine--I don't go
    back to work until Wednesday, so got a couple of days to recover!

    OK, I've gotten
    ketchuped, that took a while.Gonna go
    pick up the mail and some groceries, and will get to work on the pics and be
    back in a while!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Lara I've called u Lara so long now I forgot u were Orange and wondered who is that. Mese o my

    Lori I looked at the video it is so amazing the view, the rooms the AMOUNT--Holy chit people do make that kind of money. Oh time is almost there for u.

    NM are u back, I hope u took another day off, it's hard to go back to work, u need a day to unwind.

    Kat my (((PRAYERS))) are with u big time today as always.

    I hope Red can let us know what's going on.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning Girls!

    Oh Cami, you can do it, the strike-over thing is ez-peasy. All you do is click on the T  symbol above this box when you are typing, it is next to the Italic and the B for bold. I love the way Dorkie had such fun with it! I was on another thread, and a gal said she thought it appeared when they did that big changeover in Oct or so. I only noticed it last night! Try it and have fun with it!

    NM, So glad you are home safe and sound and had a wunnnnerful time. When you get caught up, tell us more about your adventures, and pictures too, ok? So glad you didn't get sick, so many people on every ship and every airplane, its a blessing when you say well. 

    Treadmill still won't work. Dang thing. And we both love using it. I had not been on it for a month or so, and that was the first day of my new diet, which wants you to exercize most days, duh. Shoot! Its such a nice, fancy one too. I don't even mind if we had to pay for a new one, BUT that means hiring someone to take this apart, take the door off the BR, and get it downstairs and out. AND hiring someone to bring the new one up, which will mean it needs to be taken apart too and then reassembled. PLUS I would have to move a heavy antique hutch and base which is near the door. AArrrggghhhhhhhh. Yeah, today is a nice day and I could walk outside TODAY, but it has been cold lately and will be cold again starting tomorrow. I like the treadmill cuz I installed a flat screen in the corner above it, so can watch all my recorded shows, or regular tv.

    Lori those were such gawgeous pictures!!! And I am a dingbat *slapping mese own head*....we were just on St. John's once or twice on a cruise. The place we stayed at twice is Marriotts Frenchmans Cove on St. Thomas! I kept thinking it was the same island your DD moved to. Oops. I will try to see if I can copy a picture. It was a lovely place, private beach, nice pools, huge, and there was a small boat that would take us across the water, to the "town" area.



    Hoping everyone has a good day. I will be busy with my DD and g'kids all afternoon, but today is more of a "trial run" day I think, with them going thru the process with her. I sure hope Red's DH was able to join her!!

    Big Hugs to you ALL,
