how about drinking?



  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    MonkeyMorning Dahhhlinks!

    Kathy - your DD in my prayers, hope today is not too hard on her. If it is a trial run today, mayb b goot for her, no surprises for when da real deal happens. I pray she doens't fret too much. (((DD)))

    cyn new sch iin feb hoping for a dayshift

    red that sux, i hope hubby der today

    Dork - u jes too phunny Turdteen and farteen...lmao.

    WaWa - lub da strike outs...den dork usin em, iz cwacking up. That is alot of woik for a new treadmill. We moved our elliptical to garage during the xmas week we had the gkids, haven't moved it back in yet. I am actually going to use it out there today. Our weather has been so nice and I been sooo lazy since b4 Turkeyday. Gotta get back in gear. Keep us posted on da diet too. I kno I'd lose more if I'd quit drinkin...but that AIN'T happening.

    Beansie - ooo bed sooo purrrdy, and I jes lubbed all da neat posts for cyns b-day, speshally da 'valleygirl' lOL I will say some prayers to da RE gods dat ur WA homes sell quickliest. Oh and mese DB in Otis, OR, said he finally got to looking at da link for ur chairs. And he agree they r zackly what wud work around der place. Hope he places an order soon.

    Shannon - where u been all dis time. Tings going oK fer u and urs?

    Aly - nice of u to poop in, I'd like to c video of ur DD singing 2.

    Lowee - I didnt c da foist one, but did dis last video....I wanna go...puhleeez take me wif u. I can't believe, well yes I can, how expensive it is. 1 week to go...wooohooo!!

    Cami - u been goot goil postin DOTDs. And finding some weely deLish ones too.

    Lara - u booked to VI...goot...I sneak in wif u den, we sueprise lori..

    NM is home...wooohooo. Wasn't mese birftday, I had me moms bday in der. I forgot about it, but after the goot wishes, I jes looked to da skies and offered em up to mese mommy, I changed it but fudged on da year...but only by 1 yr...shhh don tail nobody K?

    Kymm - good to see u girl and glad to hear things are looking up. NED is a good thing!! Hang around awhile K?

    lluslubslubslubs all ya'll
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Thanks for the thoughts and prayers for my DD1...gotta start getting ready.

    Sue, I should try my dad's elliptical while they are gone...its a nice one, but stays in their garage. He does use it and it has helped him a lot. Hope you get to use yours today. I miss our treadmill SO MUCH. Well, my DH called ProForm and someone talked to him for about an hour, we had to pull it out and turn it over so he could get to the "workings" of it. Somehow the belt came off the motor...not sure if thats what caused the malfunction or if me falling so hard on it caused the belt to come off the motor. NOT the belt you walk on but a smaller belt on the motor, under the cover. ANyway, so now it is in the middle of the room, partly torn apart, and if my DD2 brings any of her kids with her, I can't put a bed up in that room now. He ordered a part, but if it doesn't work, then we need a repair tech. I guess that would be better than the hassle of replacing it. Yeah, the diet is good, never lost 7 lbs in 1 wk before, without any exercize....this week will be harder. Its a hard 4 wk program for quick loss, to keep you motivated. Then the other program is just a slow loss. BUT you do so well with your walking, and exercizing, and you lost a lot that way. And you prolly don't have any more to lose!! I have tons to lose and I usually get very discouraged but not with this one, I already had steelcut oatmeal with cherries (crockpot), banana, juice, coffee, then 2 hard boiled eggs for the next snack, and I have another one coming up soon. What I like about it is there are a gazillion choices, or you make up your own, it does not specify exact things you have to eat. Just hard only having 3 glasses of wine a week....didn't choose the bourbon as that would be only 2 a week!!! lol.

    Are any of you girls gonna watch Klondike on Discovery channel tonight (about gold rush days)...its a mini series, so I'm not sure how many episodes it has. Here is a trailer if you want to see what its about...

    OkeyDokey, gotta run for real this time,   no I am just kidding lol...yup for real. I love how Dottie took off with the strike out feature!!! You are soooo funnneeeee, Dotteeeee!!!


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    NM - Welcome home! I wish I had your flight info, I could have probably spotted your plane in de air. Ya see, my home is in the path of the Filthadelphia airport. My Dad and I enjoyed watching the planes whilst hanging outside in the summer. There was a day when I used to "toast airplanes" meaning I would lift my glass each time I saw a plane and take a slurp of mese dwink. At times, I can see ten planes at once. I had to stop doing that as I would get waaaay to dwunk too early in de evening. I bet it was just awesome having your puppy sleep with you again. 

    Kat, i forgot to pray for your friend Shirley. Shirley I will say some prayers for her. I am always praying for you and for your Kristen. 

    Lara, good to see ya. Keep on farting girl, it will only get better. hehe! 

    I wanted to ask my facebook friends a favor. I jest posted a ballsy pic of mese puka. It is not too gross but I want my boss who is mese friend to see it. If you all can comment and say things like "this looks so much better than it did before the wound vac" or something to that affect. And ask for a pic of it now. I know I know, I am weird and have brass ones for even posting it. seems that people will be afraid to comment and I want to keep it active so the boss sees it. Am I nuts? And to anyone who is not a friend on facebook, PM me and I will friend you. I posted the pic after posting about making a setttlement of 50.00 a month to pay the freaking hospital. It kills me to pay them fockers, they should be paying me. And if any of you think I am out of line for posting such a bad pic, tell me so. It is actually one of the better pics as the pic I put up is after all of the infectious crud was cut out and the wound vac put in. 

    I am a bit concerned when I do my wound care, I am smelling infection again. yet everything looks good. Not sure if I told you all that the other day while showering, i used a wash cloth on the puka and did not realize until I was drying off that I was bleeding quite heavily. Thankfully i was still standing in the shower. I put the towel on my hair first then went to dry the wound first before contaminating the towel. When I looked down, I was standing in a puddle of blood. It was scary but once I got it packed, it was fine. There is just one small area that does not look real good and that was the area that was bleeding. I refuse to go to my PS as he actually has been charging me 120.00 for office visits. I am at a new year with my deductible so would have to pay in full. I always thought that after care was covered in the charge of the surgery for six months. Anyone? 

    I got my ewwa out of bed by noon today so that I would get to be at a decent hour tonight. i still have to do my laundry, I did my nails last night. I better get moving before Daddy-oh comes home and wants dinner. I will try to poop in latah!

    Love you girls! Enjoy your day.

    PS, NM, we waiting for you to have a memorial service for that other Willie Nelson that died. I still want to do that. I think I could even get Beckers in here for the memorial service.  

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    I tinks you lot are very silly hehe found it. Loves you gals cause you make me smile.

    Must ask DD1 about video, can't find one anywhere. Have audio links of her singing. The trouble is the things she does are for the orchestra and opera company and cannot be put up for copyright reasons. Mozart's Messiah. She sings solo at 38 mins. Whole thing is beautiful. Morag has just sent me this clip, she did this modern piece last year she is at 3.20.' 

    And for some reason this is blue and underlined!!!!

  • Beanius
    Beanius Member Posts: 1,494
    edited January 2014

    Hi Everyone! Just stopping by to say hi and tanks 4 de nice woyds bout de bed. We got it in and I'm so tired and now hafta move wood. I will be back but hafta go now. Lubs Ya'alls!! Cheers!!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    LOL @ Beans for saying she "has to move wood"....ummmmmm....isn't that a bit personal, like TMI??? I know your DH is a young stud, but really??? LOL, jest kiddin you. Glad you got the bed in, and after moving all that "wood", you will be ready to relax in the bed and have a good nights sleep!

    Aly, it was blue and underlined, as the link was that way, and you wrote right after the link. I am going to watch it now...your DD is so very talented!!! Awesome!

    Dotty, OK I commented on FB. But really??? You were bleeding heavily from the wound and it smells like infection and part of it doesn't look right??? Sounds scary to me, and like you need a trip to the ER, but hope that NM or Julie will chime in here and advise you. I just worry about infections, for sure! YOU have been through too much crap with that wound, and we sure want it to HEAL totally!!! Poor baby.

    OK Cami, this is for those beer commercials...."this buds for you", but its "this appts for you" Since now I know my DD1s schedule, I actually made an appt with my spine dr, they fit me in this week, verrrry early and on the day we need to have the g'kids all day, and run them around to classes too. But my DH will help out. Thats the day she has 3-4 hrs chemo (they said it could take that long), then a break to get some lunch, then rads. I also finally had a chance to make a hair appt for this week too. My last visit was mid November!!!! Just didn't have any clear days that I knew would be clear, ahead of time.

    Big Hugs to you all,


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    AWESOME Aly!!! I listened and viewed the 2nd that she was the "Good Time Gal" But she not only sings sooooooooo well, she is soooooooooo beautiful too!!!! That was really neat,thanks so much for sharing with us!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Aly thanks for sharing _ I loved it--so beautiful with a beautiful voice.

    Dork OMG I couldn' stand it, OH Dork it doesn't look like that now does it--if it does get back to the hospital ooooohhhhh

    WELCOME HOME NM--It went by so quickly and I'm sure u'r glad to be with Sadie---but I sound like u had a good time, now we get to see pictures--OK u rested long enuff---Take over the DOTD again LOL

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    dorty if you smell infection get your farty ass to the doc now!   do not pass go and don't stop to get your $200

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    NOW LISTEN TO NURSE JULIE, DORKIE!!!!  Like Julie said, do NOT pass gas, and do not stop to get your $200.... (well I took a little liberty changing go to gas!)...

    Puleez have it checked out, I know you are sick of going to the ER so much, but ya gotta stay healthy, and if there is an infection, that isn't good at all.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    I am not that concerned over the wound. I have smelled the infection before when all was well. My home nurse told me not to worry about it unless I run a fever or see signs of infection such as extra redness on and around the area or yellow and/or green. There is always a greenish tint to the packing material when I remove it but the nurse said that is because the body naturally has bacteria and that the packing is drawing it out. If I really felt that something was wrong, I would see the PS in NJ. The ass in philly is charging me and that is not right. I am planning on calling tomorrow to see why. I thought I had said before (but it appears that my last post did not go through), I was under the impression that the follow up visits are including in PS's payment for the surgery. I did not care about being charged when I had met my out of pocket max but with a new year and a follow up needed at some point, I am going to question it. 

    Darn, I wrote a long post and thought I hit submit. But I crashed my computer and had to reboot and I guess it did not go through, darn it. I can not even blame the gremlins. I commented on the beautiful video, Alyson, your daughter is BEAUTIFUl and her voice is spectacular. I wished that I could be the gal in the back playing the flute. She was good too. my eyes are trained to automatically here when she comes in and out. 

    I have to go and tend to my laundry. I was trying to log into work to re-read the dress code. I tink if it is snowy that we can wear jeans. I washed mese maternity jeans but wanted to make sure i am not mistaken, things change quickly at work and I was out for so long, could have missed it. 

    Bean, I sawy you has to work so hard, I wish you could just plop yer bootiful self into that bed. 

    Cammy, have you heard from Addey? About my wound, no, that is a pic from October after I got out of the hospital for the last time. It was taken before the first change of zach. Oh mese, I forgot about him, I feel bad for not missing him. But ef him lol. 

    i hope to be back to talk about something other than my damn self! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    LMAO at that one, Dorkie!!!!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    Hi Babes.  DH back to work so home alone for the next 28 days.  Contemplating doing some decoration - so far I have bought the paint.

    Countdown to Alien's date - 17 days.

    Raining and cold.

    Heater broken in car.

    Heater broken in Land Rover.

    Turkey died.

    Might try my Christmas bottle of Port this evening.

    Bit of a slip there - will try.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Practicing getting up at oh
    dark thirty since I have to go back to work tomorrow ayem.Sigh.Puttering around with Photobucket and my
    pics, Photobucket (or maybe my computer) is not being cooperative.I do have a few I can show you ready:

    Saturday evening,
    after the Blue Man Group performance--which was great fun!

    Saturday Evening Blue Man Group photo 199669.jpg

    Getting off at Nassau to go snorkeling:

    Getting off at Nassau photo 215806.jpg

    Close up of the
    chandelier in the Atrium:

    photo IMGP0725.jpg

    Most of the Atrium

    photo IMGP0723.jpg

    The Loungettes Home
    on the Cruise:

    More lighting color changes photo IMGP0698-1.jpg

    What most of a
    Single Studio Cabin looks like:

    Lighting changed colors! photo IMGP0695-1.jpg

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited January 2014

    NM I love the pics.................. You had so much fun I love your hair down nice and curly...

    The blue man guy looked scary lol


    cam that is my name its ok call me whatever, How is work?

    Kat no treadmill for u steel oats r amazing for you I did see a recipe some kind of muffin I think with the steel oats

    I love ST. John beach it is one of th etop ten when I was there I wanted to live there u can a lot of people have shops OMg Have u seen the houses right on the beach and some others around so jealous

    Hi Julietttttttttttt

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Cammy--yes, I took
    some days off before and after, go back to work tomorry.In another cold snap.Yuck.

    Wahine--still got 80
    pics to download and organize, will show you lots more! Watching TV while
    exercising is a good distraction, isn't it?Maybe someone can look at the treadmill and fix it for less hassle than
    replacing it?I think I saw that Marriot
    on St. Thomas, from the outside of course!

    Mema--Hoping you get
    your new schedule!Woops, musta misread
    about the birthday thingy.But happy
    happy to your Mom in heaven, too!And your
    secret is safe with me!

    Wahine--aha, sounds
    like the treadmill may be fixable, that will be better than replacing it!Pain to have it apart in the middle of the
    room though.

    DorKable--I hope you
    got to toast at least one of my flights!And yes, it was wonderful to snuggle up to Sadie again.And judging by her reaction she was happy to
    see me, too!She hasn't let me out of
    her sight yet. . . Got fb loading on another tab, will go look at your puka pic
    as soon as it loads.The bleeding after
    washing with a wash cloth is aGOO D
    sign of good circulation.Scary to have
    happen, but still a good thing.And you
    should not be paying for the PS part at least, not after all the screwing up he
    did.Not to be too gross, but what does
    the not looking so good part look like?Maybe send me and Julie a graphic PM description.Would be able to tell you more with that
    info.Any fever?Any new or worse pain?Any details you can give are helpful!BUT--if you suspect infection get to the ER
    ASAP.Do not mess with that part at
    all.Don't give another infection a
    chance to grab hold.And I would love
    to be part of the memorial service for the other Willie Nelson!Thanks for waiting for me!

    Aly--the blue and
    underlined usually means a hyperlink to another site or page, good job!Great links, DD is wonderful!

    Beanie--Enjoy the
    new bed!

    Wahine--the bleeding
    is a good thing, shows there is good circulation and that new granulation
    tissue is so fragile that a wash cloth will make it bleed rather heavily.Hopefully the rest is just a passing thing.Enjoy getting your hair done!

    greenish tint is common, it's just like the home nurse says.But do keep a close eye on things, there is
    more opportunity for re-infection now that you are going back to work.

    BBBBBernie--Aha, a
    new countdown for the Loungettes to enjoy!No heater in either vehicle?Yikes!Poor turkey, do you at
    least get to eat him?

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Last Day of Vacation

    1 tsp Drambuie

    1/2 oz Scotch Whisky

    1/2 oz Dry Vermouth

    1/2 oz Dry Sherry

    1 1/2 oz Sweet

    1/4 oz Lemon Juice

    3 oz Lemonade


    Pour into an
    ice-filled wine goblet, add a half-slice of lemon, and serve.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Lara, you doing ok? And where are you? NY? You are more than welcome to come and join me in the V.I. Funny that Cami didn't know who you were!

    Welcome home NM, I know that time just flew by for you. Bummer about getting home so late though and I'll bet Sadie was tickled to see you. Were you able to get an upgrade? Glad you still have a couple of days off to recoop.

    Cami, I guess some people do make that kind of money, but not this chica. I think we only get to stay there one night. The people that own the villa, that used to be their  home. They travel now, which is why they rent it out. I think there is a guest house there too, where the owners stay when they are there. Not positive though.

    Grabbing Kat's hand so she will quit smacking herself in the head! You are not a ding bat, gheesh! That is a beautiful place on St. Thomas, where you stayed. I'll be staying in my DD's apartment, no where fancy! Unless we get that one night at the villa. How did things go with your DD yesterday? Not sure how they would "mock" that? Just put her on the table, with the mask, so she can see how it's going to be? Did she get the chemo? And how is your friend Shirley doing? And Molly? That is quite the chore to get those treadmills in and out, wow! And 7 lbs in one week? My second round of chemo was like 4 hours, each cubicle for chemo treatments had it's own tv and head phones. They also had internet access, so you could play on  your computer too.

    SuziQT, you not going on your trip wif you family, you can come wif me! Dat was sweet of you to share the birfdey wishes to you mommy.

    Dort, I bremember when you wuz widdle and would toast da air planes. I posted on your FB picture before I saw this. You want someone to ask how it is now? And ask for a recent pic? Did your boss see it/comment on it? What is her name? Dear Lord, PLEASE NO INFECTION! Dort, don't give it too much time, so it doesn't get worse. How often does the nurse come? Oh that Maxine is something else, isn't she? Reminds me of someone here....he he.

    Aly, thank you for the links. I will have to listen to them a little later, when DH isn't around. We have limited bandwidth, and videos use up a lot.

    LMAO at Cami, telling NM she has rested enough, and needs to post pictures.

    Bernie, bummer about the broken heaters, can you just stay home? DH is gone, but you must be used to that, no? Glad you have your niece there with you and soon the alien. Sorry about your turkey, was it a pet? If so, then I guess eating it wouldn't be right.

    I love the Blue Man Group, and you look bootiful. I had no idea you had such long locks! How was the snorkeling, what did ya see. Oh and the atrium is beautiful. Love that you shared the shoe organizer, where all of us got to stay wif you. What is that round section on the wall to the left of the bed? I don't think it looks out, as I think you were in the middle of the boat.

    What are steel oats? Gonna have to look that up. "Last Day of Vacation"....drinking too many of those would keep you home from work another few days!!! I would love to see all of  your photos. Would you be able to send us a link in photo bucket, or if you put them on FB, we can see them there? Pretty sure you don't want to put them all on here!

    I sure hope Red's DH made it out yesterday. That is just so not fare.

    I iz getting so essited.....can't believe I am leaving next week!

    JULIE, did you get a change in your schedule?
  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    OH NM, you are soooo pretty!! I love your long hair too, simply gorgeous! And your smile, pure happiness. LOVE those pictures, can't wait to see more. Looks like you had a fantabulous time, like we knew you would. And you had nice weather too, right? Neat that you saw the place we stayed at in St. Thomas.

    For Lori, I searched for some info on steel cut oats, so you will know what they are. I had NEVER used them before, but when I found the crockpot recipes, I had to try it. Think next time I will do the stovetop method, and also try those that are made in muffin tins, like Lara mentioned (I got that recipe the other day too, looks neat).

    Steel-cut oats are whole grain groats (the
    inner portion of the oat kernel) which have been cut into pieces on a steel burr. Steel-cut
    oats are golden in color. They come in different grades depending on the size
    of the pieces: pinhead (the largest), coarse, medium and fine.Steel-cut oats take longer to cook than instant or rolled
    oats due to their minimal processing, typically 15–30 minutes (less, if
    pre-soaked). The flavor of the cooked oats is described as being nuttier than
    other types of oats, and they are also chewier.[1]
    They are high protein, whole grain oats with proven nutritrious benefits and
    cholesterol reduction. Also known as Irish oats or pinhead oats, steel cut oats
    create a chewy, full-bodied hot cereal. A picture too:


    Yeah, Lori, they put the mask on her, but also had to do more markings on it, and attached it, and showed her everything. It is SO NICE there and gorgeous, like a living room in a mansion, when you enter, and this is at the hospital. The waiting area near the rads area is large and beautiful too, with wifi, and a separate room with tv for the kids if they want it. After today (her first rads tx), the next scariest day will be Thursday, with all those hrs of chemo, then a break, then rads. So her DH will be with her, and my DH will go to their house verrry early, while I have an early dr appt, then I will go there so he can leave and get to his dr appt. OOPS, I think I may have written this last night....mese bad. AND now my DD2 won't come on Thurs, but on Sat or Sun...that will be SO much better as we would be worn out that day.

    OOOOHHHHHH Bernie, no heater in either vehice....and its cold there...I hope you can stay INSIDE a lot! Do we know if the alien is a girl alien or a boy alien? Getting closer!

    Glad Dorkie's bleeding is not to be alarmed at (I was!), and hoping it is not any infection!!!!!! So nice to have nurses here, besides how we love you both cuz you are fantastic gals, but you give so much helpful advice too!!

    Hoping Deb's DH was able to join her!!!!

    OK, gotta get some coffee, and breakfast. Its a challenge to me to just have water for an hr or so when I get up, THEN get coffee, breakfast, etc. But hey, whatever works, and this sure works. I found the website for this diet, and you all would be amazed at all the success stories, and these are REAL success stories, not paid people, as its just a group on FB that anyone can join. But I knew I wanted to do this before even knowing about the website. edit: Oops, I meant FB group page, not website!

    Hugsssssssssssss and Chugsssssssss of Beer,


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning everyone----

    NM U'R BACK I'm so happy u had such a good time--and the blue man group wow---U'r hair has such pretty curl and looong--and happy as a clam--I love u'r pics Oh I'm sorry it went so fast tho. cuz I know it did, but the best thing about coming home was Sadie--so u can still be happy. Oh the DOTD was harder than I thought, Thank u for doing this everyday

    Kat I know uve got lots of things happening this week, please let us know about progress and what Docs are saying too, besides how u'r DD is doing. (((PRAYERS))) every single day Kat for u and u'r family.

    Lori the countdown is official now--I can't believe it and so much fun to see u'r kids and who cares where u stay u'r with u'r kids.

    Dork pay attention to de nurses, dey know--don't let anything get out of hand not for a second.

    Lara u'r not doing real well are u???

    Red I hope u can tell us about u'r DH. this is a big mystery for us now--Hope he gets there

    Bernie stay warm and keep an eye out for the alien, it's coming any time now.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    My last post was jumping so I didn't finish.

    Hey Julie, are u doing all right? This Sunday with Cyn right? I'm glad u'r still meeting up.

    Hey Sue, Undie--I know I'm missing someone, but u know I lob yese all.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Goldie--yes the
    round thing was a window, of sort, with blinds inside.I meant to get a pic of the room through the
    window from the hallway, but forgot.I
    did not ask for an upgrade, decided I wanted to see what the studio was like,
    and it really is pretty neat!Tiny but
    well organized.The shower could have
    been just a tad bigger, though. . . NO, no all the pics will go on here, when I
    get the photobucketalbum done I will
    post a link to it for you guys!

    Wahine--Yes, I did
    have a mahvahlous time!Even the day
    after horseback riding when I could barely move, skipped a snorkeling trip to
    take advantage of the hot tubs!The
    weather was great, cloudy some, one rain shower that lasted about 5
    minutes.Beautiful scenery, too.How 'bout posting a link to the website? Or
    have you all ready and I missed it?Or
    the name of the fb group?

    I am indulging in
    another cup of coffee, in a very leisurely manner.Gonna miss this tomorry.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    imagelet's get stocked

  • Kymn
    Kymn Member Posts: 887
    edited January 2014

    Good Tuesday morning loungettes, hope you all made it through successfully another Monday :). Just popping on to say hi wish I could stop for a drink but sigh my boss is looking over my shoulder lol. heading out to the Canucks and Oilers hockey game tonight whooo hooooo watch for me on tv :)

    Hugs to you all


  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    WooHoo, Now that Cami has been relieved from her duties of doing the DOTD, she had time to get us re-stocked!! Lots of likker, thanks Cami!

    NM, I sent you a PM with that diet info.

    Cheers Dears!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014


  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    Kat - am hoping the replacement belt (when u get it) does the trick. I am soo proud of you, that is amazing weight loss and only 3 glasses of wine per week...I don't kno if I could do that..LOL. I kno you shared the diet info, but if you have time could you pm me the link again. I might have to try it. I have managed to keep off what I lost and a little more with the walking. I thot I had told ya'll that I'm not walking anymore. Even with new shoes and my orthotics, it was killing my back and my feet. That's when I went for the yoga and the elliptical. Then even those stopped during the holidays, so back on the regime for me. Klondike looked good to me too...but I forgot to set it to the DVR :-(. Praying things go well for DD1 today. Glad you got an appt with ur back doc and hair tech. Hope back doc can alleviate ALOT of your pain. ((Kat))

    DorKy - when I was visiting you, you got me to toasting da planes...makes me smile. I saw ur pic on FB and it looks terrible. I said there and say now, u shud sue the fockers. I will go back and ask for a pic of it now. Call your PS and ask them about their charges and shouldn't aftercare be N/C. I think it shud, I'd b in their faces for sure. Am I understanding that you STILL have nurse coming in to see u at home??? If not, then please git ur but to the ER or the PS in NJ...pleeeeaasssee!

    Aly - OMG....she is as beautiful as her voice. I have never seen an opera performance so thank you for sharing.

    Bernie - heavy sigh cuz u home alone for 28 days and da turkey died n no heat in da vehicles. I hope u not only opened, but finished dat Port. 17 days til Alien woohoo, that is sumpin to look forward to. What color paint and what room are u redecorating?

    NM - Wowwowowow, u are beautiful, love all the curly hair too. And u actually went snorkeling...I'm impressed. I can't seem to breathe correctly to have any fun with it, what's da secret? Ahh...I see the shoe organizer...looks like it did come in pretty handy. That is one pretty room too. I don't remember my cruise rooms looking like that. :-( I kno Sadie is as happy you are home as we are...we missed you. And now you are here to help our DorKy...u so good...making me feel better about her wound too. Wow...perfect DOTD...think it wud knock mese out fer sure!!

    Ohhh Lori - I wud so much love to go, but gonna pass. I've told DH I want to go to Mesa for Easter. Easter Sunday is April 20, that will b 3 yr dx and mom going to heaven. Would like to be there that day. And ya kno what, he said he might like to go if we could take our pooches and if we could go up toward u. I tell him how bootiful that drive was to git to u. He's thinking seriously about it, will have to pin him down b4 too long in order to get good flight fare tho if he renegs. Mayb Iz b seeing u again eh?

    Cami - I knos u lubs us. How have u been feeling? I tried to post a DOTD a time or two, never could figure it out, so u did GOOD girl!

    Kymn - Can't u hab a dwinky at the game tonite? OK ok ok, I'll have one fer ya, twist mese arm.

    Julie - Hail, all da covers come off when my sweats hit LOL!

    OK, enuf rambling...gotta git to work.

    Lubslubslubslubslubs all ya'll!!

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited January 2014

    Hello all. I didn't have the time to read all the posts so this is just a quick update. As far as I know, my hubby will fly in tonight after paying $475 for a round trip ticket (they don't let you fly into Cuba one way - they want to know you will be leaving) $250 for an emergency passport thought immigration and $50 for a new birth certificate with is apparently with his passport. His return flight isnt until 28 Jan so I asked how much for him to stay on the resort an extra 3 days. $218 pesos. Not bad, so i am going to try to talk him into staying.

    I miss the old fart! I feel like im in a holding pattern just waiting for him to arrive. BUT!!! I did have a wonderful massage yesterday, and I have danced every night!! Kathy, Pina Colada on the beach - DONE on your behalf. Everyone else got beer, lol. Hey, you didn't make any special request so you gets what i'm drinking at the time!!!

    Lubs you all. Talk again soon.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014
