how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    A couple were lying in bed together on the morning of their tenth wedding anniversary when the wife says, "Darling, as this is such a special occasion, I think that it is time I made a confession........ Before we were married I was a hooker for eight years."

    The husband ponders for a moment and then looks into his wife's eyes and says, "My love, you have been a perfect wife for ten years, I cannot hold your past against you, in fact maybe you could show me a few tricks of the trade and spice up our sex life a bit?"

    She said, "No I don't think you understand - my name was Brian and I played rugby for New Zealand ........"

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    Hi girls! 

    I am so happy that Red's DH got de passport straightened out and will join her dis night, I am dwinking to sailabrate. 

    I do not have a lot of time as I am expecting de police at my house. Why ye ask? Mese Dad gitting himself into more trouble at Mom's place. Last night he told a nurse that he bought a gun and was going to shoot mom's boyfriend, her non-existent boyfriend I might add. We even got Mom a room mate thinking that dad would think that the lover is gone. We all went over at night while he was in SC to make sure Mom was alone in bed. It was crazy of us to do it vs just saying we did. But we did for our own consciences. I just talked to my sister for an hour and we are trying to figure out what to do. I had also talked to my XDH1 who is in the mental health field and he said that the police can take him against his will to a mental facility. Crazy chit. 

    It is snowing here like wild, it started at about 10am and is going to last until dawn tomorrow. They were saying 8-10" then 10-12" but I am predictingi two feet. I asked my boss to leave early today as I did not want to risk getting into a fender bender as that could hurt my recovery. I left at 12:15 and it took me 90 minutes to make a 12 minute trip. Anyway, I found my dad packed to leave for SC again. OMG, I told him he is not leaving and I blocked his car in my driveway so that he can not get out. I am hiding in my cottage at the moment, have two heaters going as it is 17 degrees out. When I was inside, he was still ranting and raving when I went into my bedroom. I am going to go back inside shortly and put on some shows that I have taped that he likes, either Undercover Boss or Shark Tank. And if he starts again, I will remind him that i love him but I will not hear his nonsense over and over. There is more to the story but my fingers are cold. I had Willie come in and help me mentally, he is a very good therapist. yep, i am a bad bad goil. Did I mention that I am also having a JD with a splash of diet pepsi? Tank God for likker is all I can say about that. 

    Thanks all for commenting on my facebook. I could not believe the responses I got. Just so you al l know, that photo was from October at the time me and Zach fell in love. 

    Shit, just got a text that my office closed at 1:15. I hope I do not have to use but an hour of my personal time. oops, sort of jest talking outloud here. 

    I will be back to read and catch up but just needed to vent and ask for suggestions for my Dad. 

    Kat, praying for you and your DD. And for her children and hubby too. I am glad that her first rad treatment went well. 

    Is it 5'o'clock  oops cops are here, gotta fly. pray for us.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Ok I've been sleeping, not unusual these days, but DORK does u father actually have a gun, or wht's going on.'splain please.

    Kat how are things going for u'r family--I hope u can tell us later.

    Sue u so funny and u don't look like u need any diet, just like Kat----

    OK I go visit de lounge, maybe I can have a couple of tings going on Bwahahaha

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    OMG Dorothy, OMG....don't know what else to say but OMG... (I sent you an email). Praying it all goes well.


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    Hello chickadee's ....................... need to go to the ER if you think something is wrong...a person can tell if somthing isnt right with their bodies..wouldnt it ease your mind to know if you are wrong?  You have come way too far to ignore signs.  

    Alyson...I havent had a chance to watch the link but Plan on checking your you DD's singing later tonight. Im sure she will blow me away.  You must be very proud. 

    Wahine , how is your back? How is day #2 going?  

    Beanie..what is moving wood?  Do you mean in a literal sense? Or does it mean something else? Do I want to know? 

    Lowielou..thank you for allowing me to be the innocent one on mese birfdey...and if I didnt say it before ..thank you all for all the greetings and the cakes and the women...hehe.

    Got my ticket for spring break to Austin..I'll be going March 10-16 and D has the whole time off from work...this is a first .  Usually when I visit she has to work most of the time and Im home this will be a treat..she is having a party bbq like thing thats a combo celebration on closing on her house and to introduce me to her friends. I've met a few already.

    Anyhoo.....another damn east coast storm...but it is giving me OT ..2 hours OT today and 4 tomorrow...I wont complain..I need it.

    will try an poop in later also...Dorty...go get checked out...please.



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    party time for cynHappy

    dorty I will repeat cammi question, does he have a gun?   so scared for him if police are involved and they think he's armed.take care

    red yee ha hubby's on his way, made me check my passport to make sure it is next year it expires

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    I think he might have a gun, Cami and Julie. Scary.

    Dorkie, Let us know what happened when you get a chance. Been saying lots of prayers.

    My DD1 did ok today for her 1st rads tx...thank you so much, everyone!

    Glad your DH will FINALLY get to join you, Red. (Now.....quickly.....hide those cute guys that have been keeping you company!)...j/k

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    kat glad your dd did ok today, will cont with the prayers

    dorty praying for you and your family right now

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    I don't think he really had a gun (first I thought he did), and Dotty got the police taken care of (wink, wink....nah not like that!), but she got them to realize her dad is harmless. Whew!!! We have had so many scares lately, I will have to color my hair every 2 wks to cover all the new gray hairs coming Hoping now that our Dorkie has a good nights sleep!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited January 2014

    thank you kat for the update, so worried about them

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Thanks for telling us Kat and I hope u have a good nites sleep to--u really need it too,

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    OMG...Just pooping back in and Chit...I must have plowed everyone over....So much going on glad your DH is on his much left of your vaca?? Did the airlines make you pay a change fee? about your dad???  Just when I think you have too much to handle something else happens..(same with Kat) pull thru every time with flying colors..I admire both of you. 

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited January 2014

    I dont know how I miss so much...i dont think the thread is putting me back where i left off most times...LOVE the pics NM!! I love NCL...Always wanted to see Blue Man Group..

    Lori..getting furcited for your trip??  The resort looks great! 

  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    Just checking the bar and the tendahs made it look all pretty for us, cz we need it bad.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014


  • BernieEllen
    BernieEllen Member Posts: 2,285
    edited January 2014

    Babes, loved all the pics and holiday updates.

    Turk was a pet - was supposed to be Christmas dinner 6 years ago - couldn't do it.

    Decorating - dining room - old gold colour.

    Kat and Korageous Kristen - warm hugs to you both.

    Darling D - maybe it's time you considered moving your Dad to a safe care facility.  No one likes to think that day will come but sometimes we have to make difficult decisions.  You will not recover properly with all this stress going on in your life.

    Enjoyed the Port.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014

    Red Red Wine


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited January 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Up before the sun, temp is
    zero degrees, Sadie went back to bed, wish I could, but I've got to go back to
    work today.Actually, I'm starting to
    get curious to find out how all my patients and families are doing and get
    caught up with all the news and gossip.I guess that is a good thing, right?

    Cammy--next vacay
    I've got to remember to take a small suitcase to pack with bottled

    Kymn--hope you
    enjoyed the game!

    Wahine--got the pm
    with the diet info, gonna check it out, THANKS!

    Julie--Totally odd,
    isn't it?I'm exactly the opposite, need
    my feet covered up no matter how hot it is!

    Mema--I di d go
    snorkeling, but did not stay in the water for more than a few minutes, between
    it feeling chilly and being a bit choppy and knowing I did not have my inhaler
    with me (stupid me forgot it, totally)I started feeling nervous so I got out
    and lounged in the sun instead.For me
    the trick is to get over some good scenery and stop being focused on the
    breathing.But it's been a long time
    since I've been snorkeling, definitely need to try again in shallower water to
    get the confidence back.The shoe
    organizer was a great idea, one that I will certainly use again and again, the
    pockets are just the right size for lots of things!Sadie certainly seemed excited to see me, she
    danced and spun and dropped onto her back and wiggled and generally couldn't
    hold still. She was so funny to watch!

    Red RH--So glad your
    DH will ketchup with you!Crazy cost for
    the emergency passport and birth certificate, what a money maker that is for
    the state and country!I can imagine you
    feel like you are in a holding pattern, but now you have a landing time!Bet the massage was GREAT!


    DorKable--Oh, dear,
    your poor Dad.He truly needs help, and
    the nursing home needs to know your Momand everyone else is safe.These
    situations are so difficult.Your dad
    needs to be somewhere with people trained to deal with that kind of
    behavior.It's hard to see him going
    through all that, I know.And I hear you
    about the JD and diet!Praying for you.

    Cammy--sleep is a
    good thing, I agree!

    CynCyn--Hooray for
    Spring Break plans!And for D having
    time off !Stay warm!

    down. . . . So sad to lose a pet, don't blame you for not eating him.

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Back to Work

    1/2 oz Bacardi O

    1 oz Spiced Rum

    1/12 oz Raspberry

    1 splash Pineapple


    Shake all
    ingredients together in a cocktail shaker. Strain into a double-shot glass, and

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Alyson, my goodness! Your daughter is amazing and such a beautiful lady. Thank you for sharing, you must be so proud!

    Kat, thanks for taking the time to look for the steel cut oats. You are just so sweet. Glad to know the place your DD is going to is pleasing to the eye. How did she do with the treatment? Nevermind, I see you answered that. And what about you, how is your back?

    Cami, you are so right, it does not matter where I stay or what I do, I will be with my kids.

    NM, a window into the hall? Seems odd to me, oh well.

    Sue, Southwest has tickets (flying on a Thursday) for $78, one way. The drive up here is indeed purdy, and if you can take an extra half hour, you can go another way, through Globe and Superior and through the Salt River Canyon. Is it too much for you to drive to Phoenix? So sorry you have so much pain in your back and now your feet. FURB!

    Red, DH should be there by now. What an ordeal! Glad you made the best of it, dancing, massage, hanging out at the beach, etc. That is funny that you can't get a one way ticket and they want you to leave.

    LOL Julie and the rugby player!

    Oh dear Dorothy, the police??? This is just crazy! I hope they realize at the home, that your dad is not stable. How much snow did you get?

    Cyn, March is not that far off. So glad you two are able to see each other, every few months.

    Bernie, is the baby actually coming on that day, via c-section? Or is it just the date given as an estimate? Do we know if it's a boy or a girl?

    NM, you mention needing to have your feet covered, I have to have my entire body covered, I could not sleep if I could not cover up, no matter how hot, and usually I have my head covered too. I can see Sadie being so excited, she just loves you so much. That "Back to Work" sounds quite yummy, with the raspberry and pineapple.

    Gonna pack my suitcase today, just so I can weigh it! Taking some things for my DD, so that is adding to the weight and space. I need to take a couple of warmer things, as it looks to be a bit chilly in FL. Maybe it will warm up by the time I arrive. Cheers my lovely lounge lizards!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    NM OMG thank God u'r back--the DOTD is back to normal--whew that's over--and I knew Sdie would go crazy seeing u--what a warm feeling when u get home, I thought u were going back to work tomorrow, but OK u do miss u'r people see how u are.? U'r sweet.

    Goldie pack now and look everyday and see what else or what u really don't need and I'm sure it will be warm next week so don't forget that.

    I'm sure Res must have her DH with her now and I thought it was funny too, no one way tickets--sounds welcoming.

    Kt if u can let us know how it's going but we all understand if u can't post and I hope u'r back is up for all this.

    Dork I do agree with everyone, it's time for u'r dad to be safe from himself, u really should look for a place for him---I know it's hard, but sometimes we have no choice, his mind is going in dark places and u can't take the chance.

    Hey Julie u doing all right??? I'm still on my aunti-beez u and I are very popular with these.

    oops there goes my phone

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    Good Morning Girls!

    Lori, I may take the route that Cami and Mema do, and not mention my aches  and pains so much. Although I do have to admit I felt like I was going to die last night...had taken so many OTC pills, but had my DH get up and get me my last hydrocodone. The pain was unbelievable, glad I have my appt tomorrow.Nice countdown that Bernie posted, for you! Wouldn't that be awesome if Mema could come see you!!!!

    Dorkie, Bernie and NM are right....and it may have been mentioned before too....but can you seriously look into a facility for your dad? Even though he is young, he really needs a lot of care, and YOU need to get better. You could always bring him "home" on your days off, if you are up to it. That was sooooooooo fricken scary!

    Molly has been such a sweetie. NO whining or barking, or ANY sounds, except when she shakes her head (and her long hair falls over her funny) and I hear her tags rattle. She knew Maverick was in the kitchen yest as it was so cold, and there was just 3 ft between them (we have a card table on its side in front of her door)...and they BOTH knew the other was there. And this ayem, my DH forgot to get her out of the bathroom when he let Mav out of the garage, thru the house (he puts her there for a minute so he can get Mav out and she won't get too furcited). I finally heard her tags She really has been soooo good, and we know she can't wait to be outside running and checking everything out, again. ONE THING that is so weird, is that I got a tick off her head a few days I guess she got it when she stuck her head in the bushes for a second? Weird, since she has been inside other than for potty breaks.She gets the heartworm test on the 31st, and by then it will have been over 8wks in the laundry room.

    Love the Lounge Lizard visual!!! Dats us!

    Hoping Red's DH got there last night, safe and sound. I wonder if US citizens can even go to Cuba? Or would take a lot of applications to go? I hope that place has been just wonderful, Deb. I have no desire to go to Cuba, but the place you found sounds like a really neat place! Let us know EVERYTHING, when you get back.

    So glad you will get to share all your pics with us, NM! Where did you get your over door organizer, if I may ask? I got a heavy-duty one for my hall closet, but it would be too big and bulky to pack. Would like to find one like you have. What a GREAT idea! And all these yrs of my travels, and all the cruises I have been on, I never would have thought of that! And some hotel rooms have vanities that are toooo small to put much on, so this would be of such help.

    Aly, Slainte to you too!!!!

    I can't believe how I am used to having 2 drinks a night, but I had to cut back to just either 2 drinks or 3 sm glasses of wine PER WEEK, and I am not going bonkers. I am also surprised I am losing weight on this diet WITHOUT doing ANY exercize....would prolly be losing a lot more, or at least I would be toning up if I could do something.

    How are you doing today, Dorothy??? And everyone else??? Ya knows I lubs ya all, eben though I usually just respond to the last posts before my post!



  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    OOPS looks like I bumped Cami into the pool! ALERT! ALERT! There is a Lounge Lizard in the Pool....all Tenders jump in for the rescue....




  • MemaSue56
    MemaSue56 Member Posts: 2,061
    edited January 2014

    OMG (echo Kat). Dory - please get some mental health help for your dad. I pray so hard for you...(((Dory))).

    Red - Woohoo, but WOW at such a cost for all that. I too got a chuckle outta Cuba wanting to kno ya'll leaving...LOL. Jes enjoy to the fullest!

    Bernie - I echo Lori this time the questions about Alien. Ooo, I wish for my kitchen to be painted, that and the laundryroom. It's the only part, inside, that gets under my skin. I kno I won't be able to do it, but mayb hire someone. Or I'll jes put it outta my mind which is usually the case after a few drinks.

    Cyn - U go girl...getting ur tickets early for Austin. It will be here before you kno it. And with all the OT, u'll have it paid for by then too!

    Lori - $75 one way to VI??? hmmmm...nah, not this time. Thanks for the info on the other route. I will explore and share with dh. Other than this last prob with sciatica and then straining groin, overall I feel much better. Seems walking, standing, bending tooo much aggravates it the most. We will see. I am getting so excited too that ur trip is jes days away. Tues the 28th right? I'll b at the docs but b thinking bout u.

    Kat - Thanks for the pm on the diet. So glad DD did ok on her 1st tx. Am still praying alot for you all. Poor Molly, that is strange about the tick tho. Less than 10 days for the test...praying it is all good. LOL about da lizard in da pewl..heehee.

    NM - I can jes see Sadie dancing and spinning. My pooches do that too, even if I am only gone 30 mins. I have to take off my glasses and sit down so they both can 'kiss my face'. DH and I call it 'getting in postion' LOL. Bummer u forgot ur inhaler, but hey, I LOVE the lounging in the sun...take that any day!

    Cami n Julie - how much longer on the anti-b? Hope not too much longer, gotta get back to dwinking!!

    Muah and lubslubslubs to all and those I've misssed...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited January 2014

    OOOHHH I was pushed in da pewl by Kat and I almost drownded, I can not swim, unlike u beach people, so a tendah rushed in to save me and gave me mouth to mouth for an hr., then I needed mouth to mouth for anoter hr. Now I'm OK--2 tenders too. very good techniques.

    Sue I got such a kick out of the 2way ticket too, makes the welcome kind of null and void hahaha, but I'm sure Red is with her husband now and having a great time.

    Kat (((prayers))) still going u'r way for u'r back too.

    Did I miss Julie today? I'll check, sometimes it seems like I miss posts and Julie usually checks in, in the morning.

    OK off to LaLa Land-my sleepy time again.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited January 2014

    Kat, my countdown is less than a week. I think the countdown that Bernie posted was for the alien.

    Sue, tickets were for you to get to Phoenix, not the V.I. That would be a SMOKIN deal.

    I think Cami liked that bump in the pewl Kat!

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited January 2014

    OOPS you are did I add 16 to 22 and get 28????? LOL, my brain has been gone for a few days, hope to find it soon.

    Yeah, sounds like Cami liked the mouth-to-mouth. And the Tenders enjoyed her french kisses as you know, lizards have long tongues!!!! lol

    p.s. Anyone that missed Klondike, it has been on more times, I just did a search the other day (since I missed recording it the 1st night too) and was able to record the first and second episodes, so far. It really is good.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited January 2014

    OMG, dafuk, I cant get a break and need prayers. My dad went over to the home and the police were called. I am sitting here at work shaking like a leaf.

    update, he is en route to crisis center. I do not know what happened but too upset to leave now and drive out there.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited January 2014


    Morning all,well for many of you it is afternoon, hope you are keeping warm.

    Have scan on thyroid today.
