how about drinking?



  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    good evening all, in work ,its a full moon night might be drinking the hand sanitizer by morning

    red- so you got sent to the office!!!!!!!!!!!!     ask your cardiologist if there's an exercise program for heart patients  in your area!

    this time next week will be drinking with cyndie lou and fartydortyHappy

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014


    hehe Ise likes that.

    Hows you dorfifarta? behaving yourself - no.

    Red youse a very naughty girl has a drink instead. Mods better not come to dis place theys might have heart attack cause dat words used lots as are other words cuse I don't use them Ise a good girl Ise just wants dwink.

    Cindy youse be good and don't go near the beach theys used to do all tings at Venice Beach.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    pcp visit went well as my   labs all normal , no more labs for 6 months!. put on 6lbs though!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Mornin' eberyone.

    I was wondering why it was so quiet here---it's Sat. how did that happen"

    Oh Dork are u bringin Lilfart to Fl? Poor Cyn, Julie are u seeing them too? I didn't know. and I'm glad things are good for u'r tests. Isn't that nice to hear 6 months. It's like a vacay initself--I'm still at 3, ut I push it to 4. they don't like that. Well this time it was the weather,

    Red u got FLAGGED? Wow Blame it on BC I do. OK u'r doing OK on rads right.? Cuz likes to hear that.

    I've had some new pain this last week but I'm knowing it's got to be cuz of weather but geeze they just keep on adding up, This is deep in my hip so I walk very carefully.Then I thought maybe I had sympathy pain for ED, IDK

    Lara I like the idea of hostess better too--waitressing is so hard on u' body with lifting and walking fast to stay out of the way and moving fast. IDK that's a tough job. Well I think so.

    My DDs are taking the kids to the show this morning and after Joey is staying by my oldest DD, I have to say her husband is crazy about Joey and they think he's the funniest kid so they enjoy him so much and he loves going there so he'll have fun this week-end. Last nite we were sitting just talking about life in general and when we were done he hugs and kisses me and says, that was a very enjoyable conversation with u.--WTF we talk all the time.

    LUBS u all

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2014

    Lilfarta, I'm not commitin to nuttin, til I know what it is...........can't wait to hear about it!!! But OMG, the shite that's going on at your work, what's the deal? Not sure how long I can stand to look at your new avatar.

    Julie, pcp? What for? Ooops, nebbermind. Cheers to all things good! Bummer about the 6 lbs though, shoot. How does that happen when you are trying so hard and going to the gym? I don't get it, unless it's muscle, cuz muscle weighs more than fat. How's about that?

    Lara, I hope you find your glasses sweetie. And how funny that you and Cami both won a WHOPPING $4.00. Please be careful if you take that waitress job.

    Cyn, I don't know who else has boys leaving towels on the floor, but I said Pants and Jocks could leave towels on my floor. Wus a love bug?

    Red, when do you find out about your heart? Gosh, I hope all is ok. And you got in twouble??? You sayed chit? Hail, I've seen worse words than that on here!!!

    Oh Julie, drinking hand sanitizer....oh mese oh my!

    Aly, I tink we all beery lean.

    Oh geesh Cami, don't you go falling now. I've often heard that people don't fall and break their hips. It's the hip that break and causes the person to fall. PLEASE be careful. Been awhile since we had a Joey story, so that was good to hear.

    NM, are you getting another weekend off???

    Went to the movies yesterday, saw Pompei, was good.

    DOTD-Glitter Godiva Mudslide Martini
    2 ounces chillded Godiva Chocolate Vodka
    2 ounces chilled Bailey’s Irish Cream liquor
    1 ounce cold milk
    2 scoops vanilla ice cream
    2 Tablespoons Chocolate Syrup
    Place all ingredients into a blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into martini glasses. If desired, dust rim with edible glitter.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Lori--I love Sylvester LOL and that DOTD oh talk about 6 lbs--that's do it for sure. but there is not one thing in there that doesn't sound wonderful. Lori u are so right about that avatar is spookie to look at.

    I hope everyone is having a decent day oh and BTW Lori I've read that too--this hip breaks first and then u fall It's like who cam first the chicken or the egg?

    My cat just waked across the panel and made all this screwy, she's talking to me--it's treat time, but she's so rude.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    I took it its for breakfast fast good cash then I have a big phone interview Thursday in education what I do

    Me oh my

    That other job is far this one closer mybe ill work 2 or one ill make more money at the Marriott shorter shifts in and out 

    Hi cyn, can Juliet red Lila farty

    Where's kat?

    Kk bbl

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Good luck with the jobs Lara..dont over due it.  

    Cammi...more pain?  Do you have any arthritus (sp).  

    Yeahhh for Julie with good labs and no pcp for 6 months.

    Deb's BUSTED!!!  Tho I think we have spelled out that word before and worse.  I hope you find some excercize that is right for you. 

    How is eberyones weekend so far?  

    Big week next week...getting more essited for DorTy's bisit...yipppppy!!  

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Lara please watch u'r self working 2 jobs, try not to do to to much.

    Cyn one more week YYYAAAAYYY--Oh yes I do have RA for years and years, it is now extreme, so that's part of the whole breakdown of body too. LOL

    Joey is sleeping y my other DD's house and my SIL said remember when Joey would always call us and have to talk to everyone? hahaha He's getting older now- Marty felt bad.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Awwe...sweet Joey...they do grow up .  Im sure he will stay as sweet. 

    Cammi you are a trooper.

    Lowie....Im sure you dont mind picking those towels up.

    Where the heck is everyone?

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Cyn I know--is it Saturday nite so everyone is out cept u and me? Well u'r working tho right--I'm just unpopular.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    i'm working

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014

    Ebening all. Had whittle dwink wish lunch.

    Has had good day really


    • 5ml Smoke and Oakum’s Gunpowder Rum
    • 20ml fresh orange juice
    • 15ml Herring Cherry Liqueur (from good liquor stores)
    • 15ml Carpano Antica sweet vermouth (good liquor stores)
    1. Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker and serve without ice or garnish.
  • nnrbf101
    nnrbf101 Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2014

    Yummy, that sounds fantastic!!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Aly??????????????? Gun Powder Rum. I don't know how much an ml is how much----OK let's put it this way I know what orange juice is.

     Hi nnrb, drink sounds good, just can't figure it out.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Cammi....You are most popular...I was working but off now..still up tho...sigh..

    Yummy looking drink Alt

    See you Fried dry Jul....Dorty wants to play Truth or Dare....Oh skerd..of both the truth and Dorty's dares ..

    Welcome 101! 

    My BFF from high school met Brett Michael tonight at a thing for  diabetes...he has great eyes...Yes I'm still a lesbian....but I love his eyes.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014

    Cami just for you

    • 45ml Smoke and Oakum’s Gunpowder Rum  10 tsp rum - dats better about 1.5 ounces but not enough
    • 20ml fresh orange juice    2tbs orange juice plenty
    • 15ml Herring Cherry Liqueur (from good liquor stores)  1 tbs
    • 15ml Carpano Antica sweet vermouth (good liquor stores) 1tbs
    1. Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker and serve without ice or garnish.
    2. Dats mean drink needs more of each I say
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

     U have to know he has beautiful eyes, That's his best feature., I love blue eyes tho--I married a man big reason blue eyes, I figured I had a 50/50 chance of having a baby with blue eyes--hell the best I got was hazel, my DD2 married a man with blue eyes and Joey has brown--we tried. But at least my DD2 is happy.

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    I am here girls, I heard you all laughing all de way from my home in PA haha!

    Lori ~GASP~ I am truly offended that you do not like mese avatar. Maybe, jest maybe, LilFarta does not like yers. And maybe bcuz you look like a goil that does not apporciate a good fartsie! hehe. 

    NNBRRR, welcome to dwinknig thread 101-999. I agree the dwink looks scruptous. And that DOTD, geez, mese consumed too many caleries. I need Pants to come and work sum off me. 

    Cam, I also lvoe Joey stories, he is such a dear heart. I hope you not missing him too much. 

    Lara, congrats on yer jobs. wow, when it rains, it pours. i love pouring whiskey bdw. tehe. You take it easy goil. you dont wanna end up like mese with rejection of implants then has to git cut open wide and you know de rest. 

    Julie, I have plans for our night together with Cyn. oh hell yeah, I gonna make ye goils so dwunken and den de hair of de dog de next day. I gonna paint face of whomeber pass out first. Den take pics and share here tehehehe! I am sooo furcited. 

    Cyn, can't wait to be in de spiritual drum band doing mese ting. I hope de circle does not mind farting to de beat of de drum! haha. I am so fercuted I cant even sleep. 

    Aly, glad you had a nice day and that dwink lookin good. Jock, rounds of dem for all. And for dessert, rounds of de DOTD! 

    Red, I was flagged by monitors once and revoked. I had a good escuse, mese was so high on morphine after de DIEP tingy. I said berry berry bad tings here and got booted. I tink it is luck of the draw. mean people like to be killjoys and report posts. Iffen they can be seen as losers as offensive, then they send you to de principals office to do some spaining. Use that cancer card if needed. Blame it on de RB. FURB! and yikes, praying your fart is alright, hope you get it checked soonilest and report all good. 

    well iffin I missed any of mese goils, sawry! cept not allowed ot say sorry so will jest say ........... 

    CheerS and keep on farting, it good for ya!

    Wishing you all peace and love in all yer farts! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    btw, Cyn, love yer new avatar. not purdy as mine nor does is smell as good but bootiful pic of ya! SaeE yOU SoNOLIEST!! 

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Oh my Lord every time I look at that avatar I don't know if I should laugh or scream. OMG--one thing tho it gives me the courage to put mine up there. That's how bad it is. Oh mese oh mice.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another lovely sunny day
    starting here.Got towels out on the
    line drying, gonna do the bed linens today.So nice to open the bedroom windows yesterday and air out that room
    really well.

    Cammy--I actually
    think this time of year is more treacherous for driving that the dead of
    winter, the sun and warmer temps make people more careless just when there is
    more ice in odd places to contend with.

    DorFarta--I can
    imagine how hard that day was for you.Big deep breaths and big deep drinks, and you will feel better.

    ORLA--Still praying
    for the university job for you!

    CynCyn--we have GOT
    to evict that gremlin, somehow!Yup
    skeeters, black flies and noseeums.That
    season comes right after mud season.

    Red RH--scary to
    think you got turned down for a fitness program!Praying the cardio consult finds nothing
    terribly wrong.

    Aly--Love the
    alcohol makes you lean thought!

    Godlie--yes, I've
    got another weekend off, gonna keep to this as long as possible.The weekend nurse is going out on medical
    leave soon and we will be rotating through weekends again for a while.BUT, there are 2 new nurses in orientation,
    and are coming along nicely and that will be a big help when they are up to

    Oooh, love that
    drink!Any Godiva is good in my book!

    Aly--love drinks
    with cherry, too!Great drinks for the

    Cammy--an ml and a
    cc are the same thing,5 ml or 5 cc in a
    teaspoon, 15 in a tablespoon, 30 in an ounce, 30 in a shot glass.


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle says lets have both drinks as DOTD for the weekend!

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2014

    Cami, only in the real world would that drink put 6 pounds on you, here in The HTL....NO CALORIES what so evah! Your Katy Kat wants to post too. What do you take for your RA? My DH takes Arava and then does the Humira injections, every other week.

    Lara sending prayers that you get the best job for you and the one with the mostest money!

    Lucy, I so essited for the 3 of you. It's just SOOOO SPECIAL when we get to meet up with one another. And no, I don't mind picking up those towels, cuz if dey on da floor, they not wrapped around dey bodies, right? LOL, T or D with Dorothy. Julie is coming over on Fried Day, but doesn't Dofey come on Wednesday? Or am I nucking futz? I thought you sayed the 26th. I did not know who Brett Michaels was, had to look him up. I too love your new avamatar, so wese can see your purdy face.


    Ms Farta, how did you manage to get the time off of work?? And you like my avatar and you know it, cuz I noze youse lubs me SillyHeart.


    Cami, I was out last night, went down to my nieghbors as my little buddy was up for the weekend. And ise has blue eyes.

    Aly, gun powder rum? What's the name of that fancy schmancy drink? That was sweet of you to put the measurements in tablespoons for Cami.

    NNRBF, welcome to our lounge. Pull up a bar stool and let a Tender know what your TIPPLE is!

    Ms Dorty Farta, I muchly rather look at your purdy face, den dat skeery one. I can see you at the drum circle, can't wait!

    Cami, you should have your DD do your hair and make up, or you can prolly do your own make up, and put for your avatar. Or use on of you from when you were younger.

    NM, we get what we call no seeums too, but they are really (I think) cedar gnats. You can not feel them bite, but leave a nasty itching bump, then it will crust over and weep after a couple of days. They bite where your clothes meet your skin. Like the top of your socks, around a neckline, hair line, sleeves, etc. Glad there will be additional nurses to help when the one goes out for medical.

    Today, I need to dust my furniture and my floors, then we are gonna take a look at all of our camping stuff and see if we can fit it all in the truck with the quad. You would not believe all the stuf DH has bought. Then Thursday we leave for Laughlin, have finish up the job for that waitress, and we are seeing Crystal Gale. Still having awesome temps here, but it's gonna be a bad season for fires, with no moisture here.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    lil farta I know b careful

    I know u like the whiskey

    Brett does have the eyes lol cyn

    where the hell is everyone

    I lub your pic Im going to copy

    if someone says sweet heart say sweet fart

    Mybe I should b careful never thought of ending up in the hospital my nip surgery is on 2 weeks

    2 hours they are also tuckinhg in my sides in the office im going to faint

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    Good morning girls! 

    Lori, of course mese loves your avatar cuz it is YOU. I wuz jest hurt that you do not like mese avatar tehehehe! Your assignment was going to be to post on this website. OMG, the dirt that people are writing about mese company. I am getting real skeered that the company is going to be sold off and before that happens, all of the bidness for the unit I work for will be relocated berry soon. Here is a link for some berry interesting reading. And ya know what, it is not a case of sour grapes, these people are right. As far as the time off, I begged my boss for it and told him that I have NOT been on vacation, I was out of work fighting for my life! It took a month before he told me taht the time off was being granted. God Bless him, I feel terrible that he got the ax. He was very good at his job. 

    And get this - not all of you remember the manager from hell that I had but she is going to be my new "back up" boss. And her new cubicle is right next to mine. She will be able to see every move I make. I do not know if I will be able to handle this without telling her what I tink of her. DROP DEAD WITCH is what I want to say. Mese mom taught me not to hate so I am really struggling with this. I do not know my new manager, I was outside at my prayer pole, breathing and praying  when he came over to introduce himself, oops. So girls, check this out. This will give some insite to what is happening at de office. I might be taken this down after ye get a chance to read some dirt. this goil, lilfarta, she work for morggan stannley wealth management and through their personal  bankers. The customers are millionaires and some billionaires. And the people at MS have no clue what has been going on. We are told to lie to them and tell them that the former processor left the company. I did not sleep last night tinking about all dis chit.  I tinkin they trying to kill me and I aint gonna stand for it. Iffin it git too bad, I go on another leave cuz mese body jest not up for working ubber hours for peanuts. de comp plans have changed and tings are horrible. Morale gonna be de most awful. I am buying a week of sanity by going to see Cyn but after that, I am berry skeered. I still not feeling the best, still have a puka in mese belly and do daily wound care. it gitting much smaller though but still hurts like a fother mucker at times as do mese foobs. Like Lara, mese foobs been cut so many times. I talked with mese doctor about going to pain management to have the area of the foobs permanently numbed. Lara, that is something you might wanna look into. Numb is better than pain!  

    I tink Brett Michaels survived brain cancer, he kicked it to de curb, he still looking good. 

    NM, glad you off today and de weekend, enjoy your day. I hope the new nurses are able to pick up weekends when the other goes on leave. I'd hate to see you work ebery day wtihout having weekends off. Sadie needs you and you need your Sadie time. I jest know she keeps ya sane. Thanks for de advise to take big deeps breaths with big deep dwinks, that IS the best cure. Breath dwink breath dwink breath dwink! 

    Cyn, mese so furcited that I can't sit still. I have so much to do to prepare and should be working. But having computer issues. I have to uninstall a program then install two programs. not sure if I can do it. I was on the phone with our IT people from India last night and got so frustrated trying to understand what I am supposed to do. 

    I guess I better try to get my arse in gear to get some work done. I do not even know where to start, it is that bad. I am in over my head and they have set me up to fail. I need to start playing the lottery like Cam and Lara, dey is winners and I has a feeling that they gonna hit big and share! haha!

    Love you girls and I thank you from de bottom of mese fart for allowing me to be selfish and vent away. Prayers for Kat and for Bernie, me miss you goils so berry much. And hello to de rest of the goils here. I have a spayshall place in mese fart for each and ebery one of you kids. LUBS LUBS LUBS! 

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Dorkable, you truly need to protect yourself. If I was you, I would arrange for a doctors appt before you go on holiday that puts you on sick leave for another 6-12 months. If your insurance will cover it. Present it as SOON as you return. Before anyone can lay you off! At least then you have time with some money coming in to look for a new job. {{{huggles}}}

    This must be terrifying for you. Love you girl - stand tough! Drink lots. Lol

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014


    I am sitting on my two little granddaughters, Abby and Aly. I built them a fort. That was good for 40 mins. Now they are in the Jacuzzi swimming. That's good for another 40. Lol
  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Good Afternoon Ladies---

    I'm just waking up--yeah I know--I can't stay awake anyway

    NM I love that u hang u'r laundry out for that really fresh smell, but I thought it was still to cold. And thanks for the splainin', am I the only one that didn't know--U are ll so smart. And I love hearing u have a whole weekend off, cuz I think of Sadie oo--and u need to relax.

    Lori u'r getting ready to leave in a couple of day? Sounds like fun for camping and it also sounds like u2 are being so caring for that lady she's lucky she has you. Well and so are we for shoah. I know I was thinking about how dry that whole area is, cuz I was watching the weather--This whole season has been out of whack for everybody.

    OK His eyes are really like that so blue, and he was on the Apprentice and had a brain aneurism and came back to finish the game and won for the   Diabetis (sp) foundation. He does a lot for that-he must have it, but he gives a lot of time and he just did not want to miss that show even the Drs. advised against it. He was a sure winner. LOL

    Dork please try to go to Cyn and totally relax, I know it's hard--I don't like who u BACK UP boss is-just what u need. But if u can go back with a clear head u can make super decisions, cuz that's what u do--I mean get drunk of course but that's relaxing--just have a great time, it's so nice to be ale to go there. I'm so happy for u guys.

    Lori all I take is Pain meds--Drs. drive me crazy--they say u have extreme RA, extremes bone crap, extreme back problems--everything is extreme to them -the only thing that not extreme is my LE-I do pt for that and my back, and all I am is in pain and I'm on so many meds now. I don't say much to them (it's my fault) cuz I just go and take tests and that's it.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    My computer starts jumping--whoa my eyes, my eyes--Well I hope everyone has a Funday Sunday. And the sun is out here so it's not horrible. I skeered to say it's kind of nice. Bad Karma there.

    LUBS LUBS LUBS u all


  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Okay, haven't even read the posts because my DD made an offer. She is a nurse, an herbologist and a Master Reiki practitioner. I know it sounds weird but she is doing a distance healing tonight and wanted to know if any of my BCO friends wanted to be added to her pouch. Basically, it means would you like her to pray for you. If so, let me know via PM please. Thanks.