how about drinking?



  • ChgoDeb
    ChgoDeb Member Posts: 10
    edited February 2014

    I love this thread!  I was conflicted about still drinking following by BC diagnosis; but there's just no way I will stop.  I enjoy it too much and helps to relieve stress.  I have cut back a bit; less drinking at home, but still drinking when I go out.  I'm down to about 4 glasses a week (ugh).  I eat healthy, work out & I don't smoke, so come on, I can have 1 vice, right!  Here's to my fellow drinkers and cancer survivors!!  I have 3 more radiation treatments to go and guess how I'm going to celebrate?  Drinking of course!Loopy

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    Hi goils! So sorry I have not posted, Cyn and I having so much fun and me kept meaning to post, ya know how that goes. We went to lunch at Sharkey's which is a bar at de beach and OMG it was freeezing outside with wind gusting from the ocean. we did opt to wait for an indoor table and had a very nice time and an awesome lunch. we jest laffed at de cold that I brought here with me. I tailed her at least I did not bring snow with me. 

    welcome BCdeb, sorry you is here too. it sucks being us in a way but we have a great time here. I hope you come back and dwink with us again! 

    Kathy !!!! so nice to see you, I missed me wahine here! come in again soonlist, k?

    Cyndie, how are you? Are you dwunk yet? me tinking yes! 

    hi Chrissy! yes, can't wait to meet Julie tomorree! but me skeered of being tied up!

    yippee Julie, this time tomorree, wese be partaying! 

    Lara, we gonna meet girl, it is up to you to get to ew Jersey! or meet half way maybe? 

    NM, we drove by Rosie O's house but she would not let me in. so we drove by again and I wuz gonna hop the gate but there were freaking tourists that came by from PA, dern people. I was so ready to make dose bubbles in her pool. 

    hello anyone I missed. hope ye all having a great day! cheers! 

    **edited to add that I jest let loose mese first fart at Cyns place, so furshamed (that it took so long) bahahahahahaha!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Hey Lilfarta!!!  Livin up to her name ..literally..and no problem dropping those kids off in my you didnt realize I knew that..but my eyes may be ears may be my nose is like Tucan Sam and I always knows.  

    Tomorree is Julie and DorKie time...oh what fun we will have Julie...cant wait..think we will go to Made in Italy..or Cafe Luna....Is Italian work for you ?  

    Welcome BCDeb....pull up a stool and lets Partay!!  This is a great group of amazing women...we are happy you came in to join us.  

    NM ...DorK was telling you the truth...we rode past Rosie's house and we did almost stop...she had recycling bins outside and  Dorty had a great idea to take them and sell them on ebay then we realized we could prolly just say say they were Rosie's even if they werent...then we thought we could go thru her recycling....well, I didnt think that...thought we could sell her empty water bottles and empty milk gallons. 

    Love everyone...BBL

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    U girls are so silly, I knew u would be and tomorree will be better cuz Julie will be there and I think u should go to Café Looney cuz u's belongs there every day.

    Chissy I'm so glad u are having fun with u'r family ---Woot Woot. 

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Aww. Thanks guys. I feel much better mentally today. I think that's more important than feeling better physically. 

    I was having one hell of a pity party last night. I guess I decided to share it with you for a reason. Thanks for making me feel better.

    I have decided that I am not wonder woman. Wish I could be, but I'm not. I got out of my beloved jacuzzi tonight feeling fine. Took one step and nearly passed out. My sweet lab Cleo went and got my husband. When he came up I was lying on the floor on my towel. It was the best I could do but it still took 20 minutes before I could stand without feeling like I would pass out. My DH was so worried. 

    I need to say, as he was leading me down the stairs he sliced his thumb open on a loose bannister. I went into full panic mode. There was blood everywhere. I fixed him with smuffette bandaid tho. 

    I think the problem is yesterday was films day. But they took the pic adj me, took the pic adj me, eight times. Then okayed me for rads. It took 40 mins. Today was more of the same - more pics and adj me - only 6 times today. Then they told me more of the same tomorrow cuz they always do this when the treatment goes off spec. 

    I'm not super woman. I can't keep up with my usual lifestyle and I refuse to feel bad about that. Thanks for your support. Lubs you all.



  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    OK of I'm pissed off. My DD whom I share everything with had this to say when I told her what was happening with me

    I'm sorry you're not handling it well mama


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    red, your normal , use fmla or the canadien equivalent, rads kicks your butt tired wise, some it hits post treatment others while treatment is going on,  so REST WOMAN.

    italien sounds good, on the peanut m+m   in work, already had someone trying to hit me!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning all====

    Big day for 3 lucky women today--u lucky ducks--not only is the weather on u'r side, but the fun company u'r going to have---pics, pics pics----we all have to share this day with u.

    Red did u take that like you personally aren't handling this well or your body is not handling this  well---U know what I mean? It's kind of hard to imagine having rads make u feel so bad, I think---I mean it just sounds like x-rays, cuz I was surprised at how exhausted I was during them and even after So maybe u' r DD just meant body wise.

    NM weekend is coming hope u have off.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this
    ayem?This Loungette is looking forward
    to a sleep in tomorrow ayem, that's for sure.Had some good visits with patients and families yesterday, got some
    stuff sorted out, then heard that I've got 3 more patients being admitted to my
    caseload yesterday peeyem!Gotta love
    the world of health care!

    Goldie--Yeah, this
    all comes with the job, some weeks are a bit harder to cope with than others,
    but it will pass.One patient decided to
    discontinue Hospice services because we can't do the impossible--make her pain
    free without her taking any pain medication, among other things.Hope you get enough rain to settle the pollen
    without getting things too wet!

    ORLA--Yup, cold all
    weekend.Again.I'll start looking forbc cruises!

    CynCyn--saw the pic
    on FB this ayem.Looks like you're
    having fun, GOOD!!!!!

    Chrissy--it is
    rewarding work most of the time, but, like every job, it has it's
    challenges.Thanks for reminding me of
    the rewarding part!

    Bddeb--Welcome to
    the HTL, and you've got the right idea!Life is for living, not suffering through.Why else bother with bc treatment in the
    first place?

    DorFarta--I saw the
    pic on FB that CynCyn posted of you at Sharkeys, looks like you guys are having
    a ball!Maybe you can try for bubble in
    Rosie O's pool another day?LOL!

    CynCyn--what is this
    obsession you two have with Rosie?Glad
    you are having so much fun!

    Cammy--Good point,
    wish there was a Café Looney around here!

    Red RH--Oh, my, what
    a day!Love the mental pic of the
    smurfette bandaid.All those pics and
    adjustments would scare me silly, I'm not sure how you are standing it.Why is your treatment gone off spec?To me that sounds like something is
    wrong.Good for you for taking care of
    yourself!None of us are super women (in
    the superhero with superpowers sense) and we need to stop pretending we

    Red--YOU are not
    handling it well?I'd say DD isn't
    handling it well!

    Julie--good advice
    for Red!

    Cammy--yes, I have
    the weekend off, and looking forward to it!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Smurf Fart

    1/2 oz Blue Curacao

    1 oz Blueberry

    1 splash Cream


    In a shaker glass,
    fill with ice, add all ingredients, shake and pour into a shot glass.

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited February 2014

    I just discovered this thread and I think I'll be spending plenty of time here. I was just dx with at least stage 2 ILC,  2 weeks ago today, I've had a biopsy , finished with my metastatic workup then left on a plane for a long ago planned vacation to Key West with my husband where we swam, ate drank and golfed and attempted to push this business to the back of our brains for a week. It sort of worked. Anyway we got home Wednesday, then yesterday I had to have an ultrasound of my ovaries for something that may be suspicious. Then I came home and popped open my red wine after promising myself on vacation that I wouldn't when I got home. 

    So my reason for getting on this thread, I like my wine, usually my husband and I drink a bottle a night which is what about 2 glasses a piece. On weekends or when getting together with friends, usually more. I keep reading about how women should have no more than 1 glass/day and began asking, did I do this to myself? But I am about as stressed as I've ever been and this does not feel to me like a time when I want to come home from work and not have my wine, I'm struggling just to get thru the day. I still have no idea of my tx plan, don't know if it's in my ovaries and don't see the oncologist till next Wednesday, then the radiation doctor 1 week later.

    I run, eat healthy, maintain my weight, don't eat partially hydrogenated oils or drink soda or...on and on and on..blah.blah.blah..but I like my wine. THANK YOU ladies for not making me feel guilty about it, I have to go to work now but you've made my morning!!! I'll be back to read more of these posts later...Genny

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2014

    Lara, interview for a new job? How'd it go?

    Chrissy, sounds like an adorable time. Going home is always so hard. Sounds like the nieces are rather young?

    BCDeb, hi and welcome! Your views are pretty much the same as everyone's here. Yippee for being almost done with rads.

    OMG, you 2 silly girls. I jes grinnin ear to ear. Looks like the weather is suppose to warm up for you 2 and get REALLY cold for others. Cyn, if the boys haven't moved out yet, I'm sure they are ready by now for sure!

    LOL Cami, Cafe' Looney!! How is Joey feeling? I hope you are staying well.

    RedDeb, glad you are feeling better mentally. Physically will come in time too. Our lives are forever changed, that's for sure. And it sounds like you are realizing that. I'm not so sure we EVER get back to what we were before the rat basTURD, especially for those who get dealt with late stages and phucked up surgeries! Don't take what your DD said literally. We hear things and take them much differently than how they are intended. If it really bothers you, let her know and explain WHY. Hopefully she will understand. Certainly DH is ok?

    Julie, you sure have your troubles at work, gheesh! And of course you can't hit back! So so glad you get to go and spend the night at Cyn's.

    NM, I hope you don't get over loaded at work. Had a good chuckle over the Smurf Fart!!! No rain yet, but alergies are not as bad on me over here.

    Hi to Genny too, and welcome. And let me first say this, you DID NOT do this to yourself. NO ONE knows what causes cancer, they just like to blame the so called "bad things". I say, HAVE YOUR WINE and ENJOY IT! Depending on your treatment, you might not feel like it for awhile, but that will change after!

    Heading over to the waitresses house, her name is Basia. I feel funny calling her "the waitress". So far no rain here, I don't think it's hitting the ground, evapoating before that point, as radar shows it's raining. Then maybe all you can eat crab legs with some friends that will come up from Lake Havasu. Only down 15.00 and DH is even. Saw Crystal Gayle last night, was ok. The venue was packed with old people, and it was so funny to see the area where they put all the walkers....sort of funny!


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Welcome Jenny--I know no one WANTS to be here, but here is such a nice place to vent, talk, laugh, cry--drink the whole shmear--Once everything is in place for u and u'r treatment it it will be more settling for u knowing what's going on--This is a great bunch of gals and we have our nurses on board too--NM and Julie--I think that's all--my brain just went phooot .

    NM that's really a drink name--I thought u made that up-LOL Well enjoy u'r weekend for some reason I always am so happy when u have a full 2 days off--I think it's for Sadie actually. OK u, too But I always think what u and Julie do u really need to have those days just to renew u'rself.

    Well let's face it Julie will be renewing herself all over the place this week-end--Dork, Cyn --u take care of Julie she takes care of enough people. Julie I didn't know u were spending the nite too---oh boy--it's best I guess--Oh u'r all having such a good time I know.

    Lori u sound like u'r having a good time too. U2 do good at the casinos--I like that. And u'r right everytime u say waitress it sounds like a code name for Bwahahahaha

    Little busy today--lots of furnaces going out with this crazy weather and more is coming. The other day I HAD to get to the bathroom and the phone rang and I answered the damn thing---so I kept the person on the phone talking about the problems he's having and I know I sounded like wow does she care, but I couldn't write anything til I got to the bathroom (have pen and paper ther now) I didn't make it hahaha I wanted to just hang up, but stupid me I could have called him back for some reason I was rambling (like I'm doing now) Well now I took my pain meds so u know I ramble until they set in.

    OK LUBS LUBS LUBS u guys---

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    welcome genny, Heres a shot virtual drinking

    yes I will come any weekend I have fridays off be nice let me know what weekend

    Post pics stay away from sharks...

    Red it ok to vent vent away, I know when my mom had the RB it was hard foer me to help because I was nervous not sure what to say or do. WE R here swear do whatever

    Just rented the Counselor looks good not scary

    Goldie it went well three more rounds to go next one by skype thursday.....Ill keep you all in the loopy

    NM th ewind was so much it was pounding on the windows

    Oh tried a new nerve pill amitrycline I think thats how u say it another reaction almost stopped breathing

    just got back from ER

    Hugs bbl

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Lara I love the way u post---all this other stuff and then u say Oh BTW I just came back from the ER.---Geeze Lara it's hard for u to take meds--what happened? U must be all right now but now what? Oh poor little chickadee--Drink som warm milk - oh u can put a little something in it, a couple of cups and relax.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Ok so this is a breast cancer cruise that has been going on for 5 years now. Obviously this year is out, but maybe next year?

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited March 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Bright and sunny and COLD,
    again.Enough of this, all ready!

    Genny5775--First and
    foremost, you did not give yourself breast cancer.What you eat or do not eat does not give you
    breast cancer.There is a study
    sponsored by the American Cancer Society that shows that there is no difference
    in recurrence rates between women who eat a "normal" American diet
    and those who eat the recommended high veggie, low fat diet that is supposed to
    decrease the risk of cancer.A long as
    medical science can NOT, with surety understand why and how cancer happens they
    can NOT tell us that we did it to ourselves by drinking wine, eating meat or
    not exercising, not with any authority or believability.And then to tell us that we cannot enjoy a
    glass or two of wine in the evening after surviving treatment and while
    suffering the permanent damages of treatment is just plane blaming the victim.Blaming the victim has been discredited in
    cases of rape, now it needs to be discredited in breast cancer, and probably
    most, if not all, other cancers.OK, so
    now I will get off my soapbox.

    Goldie--I'm not
    getting overloaded at work.2 of the 3
    new patients died before midnight on Thursday.The 3rd I've had before, heand
    his wife are heavy smokers and they accused me to stealing 2 of his pain pills
    last time so I've asked to have someone else assigned to him.I did see him yesterday, nothing has changed
    there. The boss is going to visit him this weekend to see what it's like out
    there.I don't often ask not to have a
    patient, but I'm playing the asthma card this time.Someone else's turn this time!I remember seeing the walkers and scooters
    lined up in the halls on the cruise ship--very odd looking to say the

    Cammy--Yup, the
    Smurf Fart is a real drink I found!Thought it would be fun.Sadie
    has already made sure I got up at a reasonable hour and has had me outside
    playing fetch 3 times this morning.And
    she's working on game #4!I can imagine
    furnace problems are running rampant across the country.

    ORLA--um, breathing
    is a good thing, not a good thing to stop doing!Praying you are better now!I just realized I have Skype on my Kindle
    Fire, don’t know anything about it yet.Got to get educated on that one.

    Red RH--We will
    definitely need to keep an on the Thrivers Cruise for 2015!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzles DOTD is the Carribean Cruise

    1/2 oz Midori Melon

    1/2 oz Vodka

    1/2 oz Blue Curacao

    1/2 oz Peach

    1 splash 7 Up

    Pineapple Juice


    Combine all
    ingredients, shake well and serve over ice. Garnish with a lime wedge and a
    cherry (and an umbrella if handy).

  • ChgoDeb
    ChgoDeb Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2014

    Thank you!  It sure helps having support and laughs (oh and of course...BOOZE) to get us all thru this journey.  2 more rads to go....YAY!  Next up is starting tamoxefin (that really scares me..).  I've lost some weight from the rads, but will probably gain it back (and then some) on the tamox.  My RO said to increase the carbs and eat more snacks...sounds good to me... Always something, huh?  Have a great weekend all....CHEERS!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Good Morning--I'm so late this morning.

    Deb sounds great u'r finishing rads--Deb I know there is a thread on Tami--if u've already been on it well OK, but if not don't read it yet til u've been on it for a little while, My cousin had been on it and she did well with it. So everyone is different.

    NM another good DOTD--makes me wonder why patients would accuse their nurse of any wrong doing when they get such good care. I mean what's the point? HaHa I knew Sadie would have u moving--she waits for u'r days off. We're getting more stupid snow today or nite. Whenever.

    OK u sillies in Florid--no pics yet and u know we're waiting.

    Lara take care of u'rself.

    Lori should be gone by now- I hope everything is going well with them.

    Red how are You doin'?

    Hello to anyone I missed.

    LUBS to u all. Miss Bernie and Kat

  • maryland
    maryland Member Posts: 1,047
    edited March 2014

    ya know, the day I got on this board I had been on an ILC board and a couple of women were talking about seeing some article about increased risk between drinking and ILC. That was when I found this thread.

    After u ladies replied to my post I remembered that both of my grandmothers and 2 of my mom's sister had BC, all in their 50's and none of them drank . Now that I think of it, nor did any of them have genetically altered food. Genetics did this to me, that's why I've had 15 mammograms in 15 years! So thanks so much ladies for bitch slapping some sense into me! Think I'll go pour me some wine now...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Genny--I do like u'r avatar. My mom, aunts, cousin--niece and sister all BC--my sister is the only one who drinks her wine everynite- So enjoy.

    Wow is it quiet here today--those girls in Florida must be having a great time---while we still have it snowing here.

    Cyn, Dork, Julie can't u hear me---I'm waiting for pics here. Dork make sure u'r head is off the table before the flash comes. 

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014

    hello all,   back from cyndielouwho, she is a fabulous hostess,   due to work had to come back but they were cont to plan their outing when i left, picked up stella so she can go to the uk with me!   

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Julie I'm glad u'r home safely--so u've got Stella oh she love going, but u'll probably loose her there, but she always finds her way home. U must be tired from those 2==PICS

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014

    Jack Daniels Bacon Mac & Cheese

    Recipe Submitted By: The Slow Roasted Italian

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Oh finally there's more than just rum cake.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited March 2014


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    Hi everyonee

    I think ill change my avatar to a recent pic

    cam good post

    Genny heres some more wine

    Everyones away

    My cold is blahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    running low on my silly pills no nerve pills for me ever

    cyn and dork a poo are prob in the water having fun with cock-tails


  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited March 2014

    For that white elephant party...

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited March 2014

    Lara u are adorable as ever.

    Good Morning Ladies--

    I can't tell how much more snow we got yet but at least 5 inches cuz our flower pot is full again and it was empty--well then maybe more Anyway--we're still getting snow so spring is not here. But it's coming.