how about drinking?



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    aww, RED, love the little girls playing in their fort, berry clever of you. Is that a puppy or a kitty one of them is holding or a stuffed aminal? and thanks for your suggestion on seeing the doctor before I leave for vacation. I am really  in over my head and it is so unfair. In my earlier years, it was always bad but the pay was phenomenal back then.  The month that I settled on the home I am in, I raised my down payment by 20k which is the amount of commission I made in that month. things have changed drastically though. We are expected to do the same job x 3 and it is nearly impossible to make any commission which is why I am ready to bail out. The job has caused my vision to go from perfect to nearly blind. I have permanent damage from vessel attenuation in my eye muscles from high blood pressure. Going in, I was 40 years old, in perfect health with perfect vision and hearing which has also going fast. I hope and pray that you were rejected from working out over someting stupid, like a faulty device. I tink you gonna pass the fart test with flying colors. 

    Camille, my love, I hate so much that you have to endure so much pain. I say it often and will say it again, you are really a trooper, a warrior and a princess too. I see why Joey and also your family and everyone here jest loves you to bits. You are also much smarter than you give yourself credit for. 

    Aly, I know you made that gunpower rum dwinky for Cammi but I've asked the tenders to woop up several hundwed pitchurs of it for all of us. Come in and join the fun! 

    I am really missing our Bernie and Kathy. It is so quiet without all mese goils. And were is my Chrissy B hiding? 

    Lara, what you are watching today? And I am funcused - you have already taken a part time job. Are you tinking about adding the waitressing job too? I tink that will be too much for you, dahling. Please do take it easy. Again, I do not want you to end up having more surgery due to being stubborn (like this goil I know) and end up hurting yourself more. You have had a really crummy journey and I want you to be done so that you CAN get back to doing the things you love as far as activity. 

    Cyn, I am so furcited, I will say it ober and ober and ober and keep saying it while I am there with you making trouble. And I can't wait to meet our dear Julie!!

    I want to meet all of you. I had tentative plans to go to Chicago with Beckers to visit Camille but that was before my incision blew open and got infucked. Ya see, I do most of my traveling whilst out of work so that I do not have to stress over missing time there. I was so close to booking that flight but ended up hospitalized at the time I planned on going. 

    Cammy dear, you are still a berry high priority to visit and I will get there to hug ya in person and also hug my Joey (he is ours too ya know).  

    KK, got errands to do, have to make a bank hold up, a car wash, pick up some groceries and meet wtih my Willie man! hehe, jk about that.


    Have a GREAT Sunday girls. Sending prayers up collectively for all my breasties and sending a basket full of love to each of you as well! 




  • NorthernCanuck
    NorthernCanuck Member Posts: 15
    edited February 2014

    I read in some of the posts in this thread, that at least one oncologist doesn't think alcohol impacts BC but one of the links about what can be done to reduce risk is reduce or quit drinking.

    What is the prevailing belief here and what are you all doing, if you don't mind sharing?  I usually have a couple of glasses of wine after work but it sounds like I shouldn't.

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    NC - if you let your doc know that you enjoy some alcamaholic beverages they will adjust your program accordingly. Not to worry.

    Some of us drink virtually, some in reality, but we all enjoy the HTL!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    NC, I refuse to let cancer get in the way of quality in life which includes daily alcahahol intake. It is a personal choice. If I were you, I would add another glass to those couple of nightly glasses if it helps you get through it. ((((New goil)))). Welcome, I hope you come back and have some fun with us berry crazy chicks! 


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737
    edited February 2014

    Dorkifarta I does where that Chrissy be, she be visiting bruder in de capital of Aus. Hope she being good goil.

    Will needs dwink cause been to dentisat today. No hole though.

    Sister being bossy big sister and dis is my house. I cab go where I want.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Hello Ladies of the HTL...Welcome NC to the Hot Tatties Lounge! 

    Just two more days until Dorty will be here in all her glory!!  I am as furcited as you are ..Lori, you are right..Dorothy gets here on Wednesday and Julie will drive up on Friday and stay over night...will have to make sure wese dont pass out before Dorty avatar resembles my old girl friend Kelly..thats the first thing I thought of when I saw it.  haha ...As long as your farting to the Djembe drum beat Dork Im sure it will just add to the intensity of the make me laugh. 

    Lori, hope all the camping equipment fits and you have a marv time in Laughlin..where else are you going?  Are you camping in Laughlin? I envy your ability to go camping..havent been in years myself but loved to camp in Maine.  Maybe again some day. I never heard of Noseeums until this past August. . NM..I  know Sadie loves Mud Season. Glad you are able to get more weekends off now.  I bet she loves the time with you too.  Mmmm sheets outside ..nice. 

    Yes, thats right Cammi...Brett was on the Aprentice..I dont watch that show but I remember when he got sick and then came back.  

    Red, I  plan to make it my sole priority to assure that DorKFarta is kept in her JD...Love the fort...remember making them as kids with sheets and clothes pins.

    I second Dorothys statement are a trooper, a warrior and princess and I loves ya..and I would like to bisit you too with Dorty and Beckers! I still have 40 hours of earned PTO time and 40 hours of bought PTO.  

    I miss Kat and Bernie too ((  Hugs ))

    I miss Mema, Ms. Vino and Chrissy B too...

    julie me your schedule for Friday and what time you are planning to get here..I have some thoughts for dinner.

    Lara...go easy and dont over do it..I know I've said that before.  

    Back to work lovlies...this is my last crazy Sunday not so Funday night..Cant wait for that new schedule to kick in ...

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Ooopsie ..tummble stummble and fell right over Aly and into the arms of ........hmmmm Shirley our new wench


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    well FINALLY, we know who shirley is. mistery solbed after all dese years. welcome shirely! shirley, shorely, welcome shirley fur shirly! 

    Aly, sorry bout de denteeist and de seester too. I gots people with louisbille sluggas dat ken bash her knees iffin you need dis service. jest say de word. tanks for reporting de wherabouts of ChrissywhereaBOuTs! tehehehe, get it? mese sofa king funny, dern! 

    oye gawd Cyn, really? a goil look like mese lilfarta goil? dat skeers me! 

    mese so furcited dat mese staying up all night in de lounge cuz dis soooo much funliest times. Red, where ara ya? how BOUT Chrissy, join me from yer brudders. OR where bese Juliet? sumone ennyone, parTay with mese. mese farta bwoke disnight so no gas. oops, i pass out now. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz but mese still staying up all nte in casen ennybuddy come to partay with me! hicccuip n farts n cheerzieeeeese! ~burp! 

    i pass out now fur real, dont step on me and no shannonanigans cuz mese gots peepals. oops, peed in mese pants tinking of it, i pass out now with farts in mese pants with pants de tender. me go now, brb, hiccup burp fart, tanks whomeber ye are for pulling dat fingar! i go now for realzies zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this
    MonkeyDay ayem?

    Goldie--the noseeums
    around here are gnats of some variety, I've never bothered to figure out what
    kind, all I need to know is that they bite and leave very itchy spots, right
    where you describe!So annoying.Praying for a quiet fire season.

    ORLA--I'm sure you
    won't faint when you get the nips and tucks done.Although I am amazed at what is done in the
    office these days.

    DorFarta--Wow, some
    scary stuff on that site.And the prior
    manager from he## will be right next door.So much craziness going on.I
    hope you make the best of your week of sanity with CynCynin Florida, and come back ready to fight or
    move, whichever is going to be best for you.Yes, the new nurses will be ready to help on weekends very soon,which will make a huge difference.Which reminds me, I need to look up the
    company policy about comp days for salaried workers.It would make a huge difference if I can get
    a day off during the week if I'm going to be working regular weekends.

    Red RH--adorable

    Cammy--I hang
    laundry out year round.When it's so
    cold the laundry freezes before I finish getting hung up it may need 3 or 4
    days to dry, but it is so worth it!Actually, the dryer that came with the house died many, many years
    ago.I haven't missed it enough to go
    through the trouble of trying to get it fixed.I also have a rolling rack where I can hangwet clothes to dry inside, which helps with
    the dry air problem in winter.

    to theLounge!My take on the whole diet, exercise and
    alcohol thing is:Until medical science
    can completely understand a disease they cannot with confidence say that
    anything I do gave me the disease.Blaming the victim is just a ploy to divert attention from the fact that
    medical science cannot explain nor cure cancer.It's part of the medical mindset that uses the phrase "the patient
    failed first line chemotherapy" when the doctor's treatment doesn't
    work.Further, I've been through he##
    and back around treatment, and I am now going to live my life, and that
    includes doing things I enjoy, like having a drink from time to time, and
    eating food I like the taste of.OK,
    getting down off the soap box, now.

    CynCyn--Yup, Sadie
    loves playing fetch ALL DAY LONG on the weekends.I don’t' get much of anything else done!And, yes, she just LOVES mud season.She can make a 3 inch mud puddle into a 3
    foot one in about three tenths of a second!

    Well, finally I get
    to meet Surely!Oops, Shirley!Nice addition to the "service"

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is theFluffy Pink Slipper

    1/2 oz Cherry Brandy

    1 oz (Crushed) Ice

    1/2 oz Sugar Syrup

    1 oz Coconut Milk


    shake/whisk/blend proportions of ingredients to taste and serve in a tall
    cordial glass. The more cherry brandy you add the pinker the slipper becomes.
    Whereas, the more you whisk the 'fluffier' it becomes.

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    lil farta I say stay with cyn sell the house and stay in paradise

    I know I should not over do it

    How could I end up back in the hospital from exhaution?

    I always have this fear my implants are going to pop out I know to many scary movies

    cam pain I hate that take all meds and happy ones

    Red love the pic

    What hot chicky that girl was Cyn Im jealous all will b ppartying take pics

    I am getting red all over just from sitting at the part time job 6 hours IDK what to do



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning----

    OH did anyone see me on de flore all day and all nite---I slept like 18 hrs. WTF is going on--dos drinks really help me. LOL

    NC like was said tell u'r Dr. u like to Drink Red wine---so good---as the girls know my sister drinks her red wine every nite after work and not after work and when we go out always red wine, never stopped (she's BC, too), my dad always drank red wine his whole life from like 10--so did we if we were sick and by the time we were 18 it was there for you--now he lived to be 96. But my mom didn't drink well BC came into our family whether we drank or not so who knows really.

    Lori u'r camping again, that must be fun for u--u love nature, cuz I don't think I could camp anymore ever. LOL

    I tink we all miss Bernie and Kat a lot  I pray for them so much, I hope Kat's DD isdoing all right or better. And Bernie has been blessed with a new precious soul so that wonderful.

    Lara, Lara, Lara please take care of u'rself--we're all nagging at you but we just care.

    Dork I laugh every time u post, this is terrible, cuz I laugh at u'r post, but the pic. is so funny. U guys are going to have so much fun and then u get Julie too WOWEE--- the three of u that's a winner.

    Red how many more rads? How are u feeling?

    We'll see  if I can stay awake today, I have to listen for the phones, so I can work. LOL

    LUBS to eberybody

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014



  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    feel like I am going to have a fart attack going to work today, UHH- my head hurts already!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2014

    Lara, you are having surgery in 2 weeks? And a tummy tuck? All done in the office??? And what do you mean, you are getting all red from 6 hours of work?

    Dort, SO GLAD you got that time off, and you said exakery the right thing. You have NOT had a baycayshun. So horrible what all you have been through, I really wish you could sue someone. Being numb would be nice, I bet!

    Awwwww Red, what cutie pa tooties you have there. And so sweet of your DD to want to pray for us. I would want her to pray for our gals that are in so much pain, physcally and mentally.

    Cami, we did have all the stuff we needed to fix her faucet, nor the time to do it the last time we were there, as we found something else that was wrong, hence this visit.

    Gosh Cami, I wonder why they don't put you on something for the RA?

    Aly, tanks foy letting us know about Ms Chrissy. And YES it's YOUR house and you don't hab to take that!!!

    Cyn, not going anywhere else, just to Laughlin on Thursday. I will let you lovlies know when we head out camping. As long as our nice weather lasts, it might be in a couple of weeks. Everything fit just fine! And how AWESOME that Julie is gonna spend the night you two. LOL, glad you found Shirley!

    NM, I think I have posted before, about the bug spray that I use. All natural and actaully I love the way it smells, BugBand. A day off in the middle of the week would be nice, eh? As for the dryer, I hardly ever use mine. Your splanation to de new goil is poyfect! So I second it.


    Ha ha Cami, all dat sleep wuz fwom dat gun powder rum that Alyson brought.....LOL! And the fart attack! No camping yet, just gots all the stuff and waiting to go.

    Dofey, good luck today sweetness. I will get back to you later, Mondays are always busy for me.

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Oh my Cammi..that horn looks very uncomfortable.  

    Have fun in Laughlin and where and whenever you go camping.  Maybe I'll look up places to camp here in FL..the only thing is the poison spiders and snakes...ick.  Maybe I can rent an RV and Camp that way..there is an Idear Cammi...RV camping would be ok..right?

    Yea, are you red?  

    Good luck dear fart lilfarta Just one full day left !!!  Hang in there chica

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    idk it's weird ever since surgery if I do to much my chest lymphedemia blows up and my neck down gets all red

    I might b doing to much idk dh looked today he's like your all red again

    I'm so tired to


    Going to sleep my body is not what it used to b 

    The office no tummy tick Goldie I have like elf ears on the sides they r tucking those in and nips

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    Julie, I thought I saw a giraffe popping outta of pot hole today, dis essplains it all. I so furcited to be meeting ya girl. and I have some plans for ya which mighten make ya sorry you wanted to meet me! 

    Lara, oh Lara, I am so sorry about the "red" issues. and omg, too funny about yer ears, are they really that bad? I wanna see a before and after pic girl. Actually, I'd prefer to see this in person woman. Geez, I thought we were going to meet but now that we are both back working, I fear it won't happen ennytime soon. I gonna go n cry, bbl! 

    I A hoping you all having a dwunken good monkeydey! cheers! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    My dad is back in de hospital, another incident involving police. and further, I mighten call out sick or take a personal day tomorrow cuz I jest can't deal. I missed an important meeting this afternoon and I am in trouble for it. just too much crud right now to deal with anything other than likker. 

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Love the in the hail did it get there?  

    I fed the giraffe's at the zoo in Phoenix..they have really bad breath. 

    So just a few minutes ago DS2 said.."so your friend is coming so I am moving out of my room.  Im not going to move back into it because I'll be leaving soon anyway so when Im done cleaning it its all yours and when your friend goes home then someone else can have it..whoever".  This my friends is good news.  I may just keep it empty and nice and clean for who ever comes next or whenever someone does come to visit. So who's coming to visit?

    On a darker note..I spoke to DD earlier and she said that she had not wanted me to worry but that she had felt a small lump in her right breast and that she went to the dr and they did an ultra sound and that they believe it to be Fibroadenoma (sp) which is b9 and they said quite common at her age.  She is 18.  They are going to biopsy it on the 11th and she can choose to have it removed. 

    just pooped in ..gotta go back to work

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    ohmagosh Cyn. what a terrible thing for your daughter to face, she had to be so scared before seeing the doctor. I sure hope she does not need surgery. I am sure she will be just fine. I had a coworker who recently went through the same thing with her daughter who is about the same age as your baby girl. I said a prayer for her and for you too Mom! (((Cyn)))

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Thank you lilfarta..she surprised me with sweet to try and spare me.  I wish she would come and live with me...I would give her that room....Lol. .just so sweet all the time.

    Anyone ever watch extreme tree houses on animal planet?..I want to live in one.  So cool.

    One day till DorKie time!!!!!!!  Cammi....Will make sure all kinds of pics and vids are taken..

    I need to bake a cake

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    good morning all,

    dorty-does the hospital where your dad is know about your health issues?  at least he will be in a safe place so you relax on your vacation, what do you want to do ? anything come to mind,

    (((((((((((jodi))))))))))))))lots of prayers  and ds2, you did something right there cynHappy

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Hi ya goils!!!  Jest pooping......oops! I mean popping in to tells yawl dat ise is having da bestus fun wid mees bro and his family!  Da widdle goils hab growed so muchliness that they is hardly recognisable but deys still so cutliest!

    Dorkaroony you have the bestus fun wif our Cyn and Juliet and gib dem big hugs from me! Oh, an a Bigliest one for you too!

    Hiya to eberry buddy elses!!

    Love n hugs n TITTIES UP!!!!!!!     Chrissy

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!It's 2ferTuesday!It's 2ferTuesday!

    ORLA--too many scary
    movies, indeed!After recon I remember
    being afraid the new foobs would fall off when the drains were pulled out.Funny what our brains will come up with,

    Cammy--slept for 18
    hours?You must have been tired!We do all miss Bernie and Wahine.Praying things are getting better for them
    both and they will be back soon.


    DorFarta--Yikes, a
    fart attack at work, not good!


    will look for that.There is an all
    natural bug repellent sold around here, Bug Off, that is made locally, that I
    like the smell of and it works well, too.But I need more than one bottle, one upstairs and one in the garage, so
    I have room for more!

    CynCyn--I am so
    excited for you and DorFarta and Julie!

    ORLA--Please keep an
    eye on the redness, lymphedema and redness CAN mean an infection.

    Julie--Yikes!Now THAT is a pothole!

    DorFarta--oh, dear,
    so not fair.Talk to the docs and social
    workers at the hospital.Tell them you
    can't take him back home with you, that you may be about to lose your job because
    of the time off you need to take to deal with his issues.That will push them to place him in a
    facility that is set up to handle behavioral issues like his.Or make sure that the hospital folks know
    that you cannot take responsibility for his behavior any more.Ask if they can help your start legal
    proceedings to have him legally declared incompetent and to get a guardian
    appointed, and tell them YOU cannot be his guardian due to health issues of
    FLORIDA AS PLANNED.You need the break,
    and that may be just the thing that pushes the hospital to make a move towards
    getting him placed somewhere.If you are
    out of state, you can't take him home.If he's ready to go home and there is no one to pick him up the hospital
    has to take care of him without getting paid anything, and that motivates them
    to work very hard on appropriate placement.

    CynCyn--Hooray for
    DS2 moving out! Maybe he's growing up!Oh, dear, I am so sorry to hear about DD having fibroadenoma.It is common.A biopsy is a good thing for peace of mind.Praying, very hard.

    Julie--I am so
    excited you will get to meet CynCyn and DorFarta!

    Chrissy--so good to
    see you!Glad you are having a great


    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is theElephant Trunk

    1 oz Vodka

    1/4 oz Tequila

    1/4 oz Bourbon


    Pour the Jack
    Daniel's tennessee whiskey, tequila, and Bacardi 151 rum into a shot glass in
    that order. Ignite the 151 rum (use extreme caution), add a straw, and shoot.

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    OK, I have been thinking I am going crazy, but looking back over this post I realize I am not, after all.  I hit the space bar twice after every exclamation point when I am typing in OneNote.  The spaces are there in OneNote.  The spaces are there when I paste my note into the reply box.  After I submit the post the spaces disappear!  

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    thanks girls for the love. 

    and I am going to florida no matter what. there is no one who can stop me! woo hooo. you all have a great day. cheers!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    NM really great

    Im seeing my primary today

    Have funnnnnnnnnn lil farta

    I will come see u silly

    I want to b in your suitcaseBawling

    Hi Chrissy

    Cam im exhausted when I get home scary movies all day