how about drinking?



  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2014

    Cyn, DH is concerned now with the scorpions and wants to get a tent that goes in the back of the pick up. The tent we bought is suppose to be secure enough that those critters can't get in.

    You have LE in your chest? My friend here, she gets all red and swollen on her arms, not sure about her chest tho.

    Awwww, da poor giraffee Julie!

    Oh no Dorothy, I can't believe it, about your dad. This can't keep going on. I hope you can take today off and relax, and then it's off to FL tomorrow. Where will your dad go while you are gone? Hopefully he can stay in the hospital.

    Cyn, glad your son found a place to live, what about the friend and the other son? As for your DD, how scary! I'm so sorry, but it really has to be nothing cancerous, I can't imagine yours or hers anxiety. WHY DO THEY MAKE US WAIT SO LONG???? 3 weeks to get a biopsy? I think I would just have them take it out, right then and there. Sending love and prayers your way, keep us updated. I'm glad she came to you, hopefully you are able to set her mind at ease.

    Red, wasn't your DD suppose to go for a biopsy or something?

    We watch the extreme treehouses, pretty cool.

    Chrissy, good to see you poop in, and so glad you are haveing a grand time with you bro.

    NM, if you already have something that works, why change??? Great advice for Ms Farta and her sweet daddy. I'll have 2 elephant trunks, the drink that is, not the little one in Julie's funny.

    Glad to hear you say you are going Lil Fart.

    Huggles to all my breasties...........actually 2 huggles each. And for those who are away for the time being.

    Almost bumpded you Lara, glad you are seeing your doctor. I just hope they can do something. Seems like they are always brushing you off.


  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning Ladies---I'm late this morning--busy yesterday, I hope today is quiet, with no heavy accents.

    Dork NM is right on the point, I think, otherwise u will worry so  much about u'r Dad--I'm sorry all this is happening for u it's really so sad but if they can stabilize u'r dad in one place it might be helpful

    Cyn I'm sure u'r DD is fine but prayers are coming anyway. She sounds so sweet--like her Mom.

    Lori Scorpions??? I'm sure u don't mean the birth sign--Oh that would stop me completely, u sound like it doesn't bother you.

    Chrissy I'm so glad u'r having a good time--it's wonderful to hear. Good News.

    NM u'r DOTD sounds Delightful and feel good.'

    U gals are going to have so much fun the next few days, I can't believe it's time already---everyone have a drink for me or 4 drinks. yea that's better.

    OK I'll be back--if I did forget someone u know I don't mean to----LUBS TO ALL OF MY BREAST CHALLENGED GALS

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014


  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    safe travels for tomorrow dorty, see you friday

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    That is cute Julie and it sounds great to hear u say to Dork ---see u Friday. Wow this is so furciting for all of us.

    Dork be safe and be happy and don't take any wooden Nichols (wow I haven't heard that in a long time) now that doesn't mean u can't take any wood just in Nichol form. Oh and u'll be out of this next blast we're getting again. How great for u and seeing 2 wonderful ladies.

    Lara take care of u'r self.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    can this next blast please avoid atlanta, need to fly out next wednesday

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Less than 24 hours till Dorty will be this time tomorrow night we should both be glowing pretty good.. And Julie on Fried Dey...Dorty likes Italian food so prolly go to one of the excellent Italian places here..but it makes her fart bless her heart fart..what else could we expect?

    Hello and Huggles to everyone!!  13 minutes left of work ..whoo hoo..vaca party time!!

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    Julie, we are having snow in the morning but only a dusting to an inch, maybe more near the shore and I am flying out of Atlantic City. So who is going to pass out first on friedey night? If i were you, I would pump up with some caffeine n chocolate and try to stay awake longer than mese. and hmmm, I wonder how many lamp shades Cyn has! 

    I am just mentally and physically exhausted. My Dad was being transported into a mental health facility that is over two hours away but ended up back in the ER due to his blood sugar being over 400. He is doing better now. NM, I do not have the heart to send him somewhere just yet unless it is a suitable place and that he can still get out for dining and such. IF he was taking his meds as he was supposed to, he might have been able to live independently for a longer period of time. We are looking for a good place for him but do not want to take his independence. I did take all of his sets of car keys. I know in my heart that it is time but just can't do it at this point. 

    Camille, why you being so politically correct with "no more accents"? I used to scream after getting off the phone with folks with broken English until a long time ago when my boss reminded me that we all came from somewhere else at somepoint (meaning our families). He had a good point. But it is annoying. I had a call from my Dad's phychiatrist last night at midnight, she was oriental I believe and I had a tough time understanding her. So I feel ya, dear. I hope you are feeling better girl, enough wtih the pain already. DO YOU HEAR ME, GOD?????? Give my goil a break dern it. 

    Lori, thanks for the two hugs, needed both of them and they came at a perfect time. I was reading this morning from my phone as I did not want to log in from the work computer since I opened mese mouth about tings happening there. We got an email yesterday reminding us that talking about things at teh office on social media is a big no-no. And I of course, always follow the rules. bahahahaha. I send you a private message but looks like only a fraction of it got through. I am horrible with that on the phone. I will send you more of what I was saying, sorry about that. 

    Chrissy, yippee for brudder time and de kids! I happy for you, tanks for pooping in. 

    Hi Lara and everybuddy else. I started this hours ago and wook at me, it is after midnight n Ize not done packing. or nearly done. Mese guilty, yep, dwinking!  gotta fly, as in to Florida baby!  woooooop woooop! 


  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    ps I jest love this pic of me, I soooo purdy! ~NOT~

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!How is everyone this
    ayem?Below zero temps and snow showers
    predicted.When is spring?

    DorFarta--good for

    ORLA--what do you
    say we pack ourselves in our suitcases and send ourselves to Florida?

    Goldie--How about
    2Elephant Trunk drinks and 2 of the
    other kind?I'll share with you!

    Cammy--Have fun and
    see you back soon!

    Julie--smiles can be
    VERY scary when you think about what's in the head behind the lips!

    CynCyn--sounds like
    a plan!Have fun!

    DorFarta--I can
    understand your not wanting to take away your Dad's independence.There are settings where he can have some
    independence, but someone is making sure he gets his meds and checks his blood
    sugar for him, and makes sure he has meals available. Many places provide
    transportation for shopping, doctor's appointments, and the like.People with dementia often behave better
    around caregivers who are not family members.BUT, and this is a BIG BUT (not to be confused with my big butt),
    independence requires a level of mental clarity that your Dad no longer
    has.Children and teens want independence
    that they do not have the mental clarity or level of understanding to safely
    deal with, and parents do not allow them that independence.Now you are in the reverse situation.It's hard, I know.Try to let it go while you are in Florida,

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is the Florida Cocktail

    1 1/2 tsp Triple Sec

    1 1/2 tsp

    1/2 oz Gin

    1 tsp Lemon Juice

    1 oz Orange Juice


    Shake all
    ingredients with ice, strain into a cocktail glass, and serve

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Good Morning Ladies.

    NM I'm not going anywhere, hell I haven't been out in forever. Now the super cold blast is here and then snow and more cold--can barely leave my house LOL

    Dork free u'r mind for a few days and try to relax as much as possible, renew u'rself --U need to and remember and never forget make sure u drink enough. And as an added bonus u see Julie too. Who can ask for anything more?

    I think Lori is gone now--I get so confused here who's coming and going. Well I barely go so I'm here. Joey is still sick, and he hates to come near me, but I don't give a chit--Les wasn't feeling to good yesterday and we went thru the same effin thing with the soup I made for him--he has to read the directions and question everything and he's stil in awe that I'm capable. Then he goes and asks his mom---brat.

    NM another winner for DOTD of the day, We still need hot chocolate mixed with something here too..

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    NM lets goooo

    It would b so great if we all went on a cruise

    you all are my best friends

    hugs bbl

    lila farta I need a name I will come see u let m eknow

    take picccsssssss

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2014

    Cami, I am not worried about the scorpions, as the tent is supposed to made well enough to keep those little critters out. And if you keep your shoes and stuff in the tent, or your vehicle, then there shouldn't be any problems. Oh how I hate those calls with heavy accents, especially if you are calling for help on a credit card or something. Customers I don't mind so much.

    Julie, you don't scare me, you are too sweet. And where are you flying to next week?

    Another blast for the midwest?

    Oh I wish I knew what time Lil Farta was leaving. Safe trabels goilie. I wish the best for your daddy and I hope it doesn't interfere with your time in FL. Yeah Julie, you better pump up with caffeine and chocolate for sure. That Dorty is a night owl, but I guess you are too, since you work the night shift, right?

    Thanks for sharing cocktails wif me NM!

    Lara, how's things with you? Did you find out anything?

    Cami, I didn't know Joey was sick. I hope you don't get it. Funny about the soup.

    I'm so sick of these darn allergies, they are keeping me awake almost all night, so not getting good sleep. Even when I take alergy meds, and night time allergy meds....NOTHING! And it's just getting started.


    Cami..........I found your boy!




  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    Good morning girls! Such a treat to not be at work nor going back until de 7th of March! and omg, it will be less than two weeks from Spring on that day and I am ready. It is snowing pretty hard right now but sposed to stop soonly! 

    Lori, your wish is my command. My flight is at 1:42pm flight # 341 Spirit Airlines. I am leaving for the airport at about 11am, takes about an hour to get there. 

    NM, thanks for your words, you make very valid points. It is jest so hard. 

    Cam, hope your baby boy feels better and that you do not get sick. lol on the soup. I could use some of that bdw, it is freeezing here. I gonna look like a fool gitting of de plane in my winter garments. eidder dat or lookin like a foul in summer clothes in de snow. 

    Orange, I want to go on that cruiise will mese goils! yeppeee!!

    Cyn tailed me to hire a skycap to git help at de airport cuz mese skeered of transporting so much luggage. I still aint done packing, have everything laid out though. Gotta fly! 

    Love you gals! 

  • dara_diverse
    dara_diverse Member Posts: 5,004
    edited February 2014

    one more ting, Cyn gonna take me to Rosie O's big mansion in her hood. I gonna knock on de door cuz Cyn dared me. she wanted me to knock n run but I gonna insist on a tour and some coffee time w/likker of course with Rosie. and if she no open the door, I gonna break into her pool and blow fart bubbles! cheers!

  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Hi ladies....Dorty is in Florida but not here yet...stuck in rush hour traffic .  

  • RedReading
    RedReading Member Posts: 1,262
    edited February 2014

    Dork and CynCyn - Yay - face time and with Julie too. Lucky ladies. Wish I could be there too. Have a blast.

    Cami, my DD did have an appt with a BS who looked at her and said, why are you here? She said, I'm not sure, my primary said I needed to come. He said, nothing wrong and didn't even look at her films. Go figure.

    I haven't been on much lately because you guys are all so happy and I am all so not. I don't want to blow the mood, but I'm so damn tired and I hurt everywhere. I'm sleeping 12 hours a day, working 7 straight(no lunch) and commute + rads is another 2. It sound like I've still got 5 left but I don't. Still gotta get ready for work, cook supper, help my kids and my mom and hundreds of other things each and every day.

    My friend suggested I tell work that I need Fridays off. I'm not sure it's enough but I'm seriously considering it. I'm stressed out and in pain but I don't want to give them the impression that I can't handle things. And yes, I know I need to look after me, it's just tough to put me first.

    Anyway, that's why I haven't been on for the last few days. Just wanted to let you all know I haven't stopped thinking about you.



  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    Hi Guys---

    Lori I admire u really. u'r an adventurer--it's great. And I thought today was Thirst day so no camel today.

    NM it's so cold here, wind chill way below 0. Not nice and Joey told me lots of snow is coming this week-end.

    Dorky u must be face timing by now with Cyn--WOOT WOOT----oh what a cruise be so much fun all of us.

    OK Red I have to be stern here. I do hope u own u'r own cape and wonderwoman clothing --Oh u don't I wonder why. Cuz u'r not, not now anyway. Why can't u ask for every Friday off, at least, I can't imagine working with rads--I was so tired after all the chit no way could I work--Of course I know I'm not a worker so, but still u need to relax u''r body, this is a difficult time--doesn't seem like it would be, but for everyone it is different and mostly fatigue is it's biggy--real fatigue, try to get some time just for u and only u. Oh I'm sorry did u think u weren't human, well u are--Please take care of u'rself u need to be selfish right now. Please Happy OK I'm unstern again.

    I'm checkin' back later.

  • wahine
    wahine Member Posts: 7,590
    edited February 2014

    Miss you all! Got to talk to LilFarty (is that the right name now?) and CyndieLouWho for a few min tonight....those gals are having a blast! Been very hard here, and I am exhausted. Thanks for your prayers, and I hope everyone is doing well. I am afraid Lara and Deb are having a hard time right now though, and I pray you will both be feeling better soon. Julie, you will have to keep those 2 (Cyn and Dork) in line when you see them....just kidding! My DD1 has a few more days to go....till Mar 10 I think...been a rough road. You all take care and I will pop in when I can ok? Hi to all of you girls!!!!!

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    internet playing up at home , so in work,working hard as you can see!       lovely to hear from you kat, deb and lara lots of hugs and prayers, looking forward to seeing lilfarta and cydie lou who on fri.   dorty just remember  i can tie someone up  real good, ! lots of practise in workWinking

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    U tell them Julie, u'r going to have a job cut out for u, or u can just join them.

    Kat I'm so glad u pooped in for a minute---we all miss u and pray that things will be better.

  • juliet62
    juliet62 Member Posts: 3,246
    edited February 2014

    saw ro today, now on yearly visits and mammograms ! finally after 3 years

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    image data-sz="f"> YYYAAAAYYYY Julie

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711
    edited February 2014

    image data-sz="f">

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,902
    edited February 2014

    Good morning,
    Loungettes!Another chilly ayem for
    me.Got a lot of patients declining
    rapidly, lots of families having trouble coping, lots of family dramas going on
    and guess who is stuck in the middle of it all?Sigh.One of my long time
    patients died Monday, her funeral is tomorrow.Sometimes this job is hard.

    Cammy--you're not
    going anywhere?OK, I'm obviously having
    trouble keeping up with who is doing what, need to start a score card or
    sumptin!Stay in and stay warm!Shaking my head at the thought that your
    family doesn’t think you are capable, boy are they going to be surprised

    ORLA--I'll keep my
    eye open for a bc cruise, there must be one somewhere, sometime.Wouldn’tthat be a hoot!The boat and
    staff would never be the same after we get done with them.

    are NO FUN!Mine tend to kick up during
    mud season, but at this point I'd rather have the allergies than the cold and
    snow.And I'm always up for sharing cocktails!

    Oh, My Good Lord,
    that man in the black swim suit is, is, is, I don't have words for it!

    DorFarta--You have a
    GREAT time!And get pics of the fart
    bubbles in the pool!DARE YOU!!!!!

    Red RH--You DO NOT
    need to stay awaycuz you are not
    happy.We get that here.We go up and down here in the Lounge all the
    time.Rads is not always the piece of
    cake it's often made out to be. The damage to the body is the equivalent of
    having a minor surgery every day.Some
    women can work through rads, some can't.Some need to cut back on work.Needing time off doesn't mean you can't handle things, it means you need
    to rest so your body can repair the damage being done by serious treatment for
    a serious condition.If we were male and
    being treated for prostate cancer no one would question the need for some time
    off.Now is the time to take care of
    yourself, and let work take care of itself.

    Cammy--I am a
    worker, and I could not work during rads.Not even part time.I couldn't
    work at all.The expectation that rads
    is nothing and everyone should be able to work is STOOPID and UNTRUE.

    praying for you and your DD1 and the rest of the family.I can imagine how tired you must be, please
    take care of yourself at least a little bit, ok?Poop back in when you can, the Tenders are
    keeping a list of DOTDs for you to try when you get back!

    Julie--Hooray for
    graduating to yearly!

    Princess Glitter
    Sizzle's DOTD is theAlmond Hot

    1 oz Dark Rum

    6 oz (Hot) Chocolate

    1 tbsp Orgeat Syrup

    Best served in a Pousse Cafe Glass.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited February 2014

    I can't wait to hear about the bisit to Rosie O's.........too funny!

    Deb, that is why we are here. You won't blow the mood of anything. Please....we are your support girl!!! Don't ever feel like you will a downer to us. Of course, ask for Fridays off. This is temporary, and you can go back to Fridays when you are up to it. What is causing you pain?

    Kat, good to see you poop in sweetie. Our prayers are with you all daily. I just want this done and over with, so your DD can get on with healing and LIFE!

    Wow Julie, yearly visits already? My onc had me on 6 months until I reached 5 years. And I think I want to continue with 6 months, and he said I could if I wanted to. Congrats to that!!!

    NM, sorry for yet another loss, and all the other drama going on, but I guess it goes with the job eh? Wouldn't it be nice to work hospice, but no one passed? I agree with you on taking the allergies over the cold and snow. We might get a little rain this weekend, so that should help settle some of the pollen.

    There's your hot chocolate drink Cami, leave it to NM! That should warm you up!

    I too talked with the girls last night, lots and lots of laffing!

    Leaving in a little bit.....y'all behave yourselves while I'm gone......ya right!

  • Orange73
    Orange73 Member Posts: 2,154
    edited February 2014

    Lil a farta u crack me up yes ring the doorbell and demand a tour

    The weather must b so nice there

    Cam whats new. Hows the job

    did not go in today phone interview in an hour

    NM they say cold all weekend yes look out for cruises

    Kat good to see you, I was going to IM ui was getting worried

    Red stay with the group we will help u through it

    hugs allSillyHeart


  • Cyndielou
    Cyndielou Member Posts: 1,459
    edited February 2014

    Good morning ladies!!  

    She has arrived.  We were up late chatting and got to talk to Wahine for a few minutes and Goldielox's a little chilly today.  Not sure what's on the agenda but it's not a beach day.

    Awesome to see you poop in Kat. Miss you bunches!!

    Hugs to everyone((((( everyone )))))

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438
    edited February 2014

    Yay!!!  Have fun together you two! I can just imagine the things you will all get up to when Julie   Can't wait to see pics!!!

    Awe NM, your job is a hard one but I'm sure a very rewarding one knowing you make their last days as easy as possible.

    Hi ya to eberry buddy else!!!!!!  I'm still at my brudders house havin fun wif my nieces.  It's my last day today and I will be starting the two day drive home tomorrow.....boohoo!  It seem I have rewon one heart and totally won the  Apparently the conversation before I arrived was about me as Evie was too small to remember.........she was a little shy for about an hour but then discovered my camp bed I bought with me so was laying on it with her sister while we were playing...... I heard older sister say to little sister....'see, I told you Auntie Chris was nice'.  I just cracked up laughing and the laughter hasn't stopped all week.

    Red, hang in there......rads aren't nice but you will get when you need as they do seem to knock the stuffing out of you.  Asking for Fridays off is a really good idea.

    Love n hugs n TITTIES UP!!!!!!!!    Chrissy